1 *dential developoient at this' ia q ie, but that if lie cares to ... . .LlfK i En loy G allery -Tour subniit a complete drainage' Bowmanville's Zoo has been a môst popular spot this year for young sehool ýUnitl'ie 'Wo! NatShap~"wee Te allrv ia ben panpete arit y couîicil wilh om a wide area. Each day, buses Nwere lined up in the parking area while able after the various comments of about in the mornings mainlv~ for be wiiling to consider the Mat-thsudnspcie ad ste tetme nmi.Owe KehCo elrprs chairmen 35 C.rade four students from stîîden'.tous eevWte, eutebsso that report.' that this bas been one oif the biggest months of June for \'isitors thev have had lin ai Ici the Dr. Powerq Public School the director of the glev Depui v Beeve Gibbs. seconîd- in their history. Over 16,000 sehool pupils ha\'e corne to flic zoo Miere they caniaand Recru in Port Hope as thev toured said. "WVe hope to set aside ed bY Couincilior Werrv '.mav- put in a full day of varving ciiismihu tcsigalto oe . h i rr th t-Robert McLaughhin Gailerv mornin * cxt Ycar malilv for cd tîîat coulîciî conleur witîî-gaciiie îhot'ocsug o o oey hsLife I C en Tiipsdav rnorning. June 24. tours (l this type, and wý.ith tlîe recommeîidatioui of the 91rop is the recent]y formed Hampton Kiniciergarten class, coroplete with tcacher ume Tsepup eeaogicesditrs rn ohEeuieCmîiteo the and severai mothers to supervise the activities. Apparentlv, thev had a bail and the elderl teverai classes. mostly from students anîd teachers. we hope O.Iliawa Area Planniing and enij<yed themselves.meLod the Oshawa area. who have to have more tours."' Deveiopilent Study as set, Out:Sera touîrad the gallery in past Chiîdi'eî seeni to î'csponid to In a letter from this commit-I % v~ ords foi WeAks. the relaxed atmosplîere of the tee dated June 18. 1969. This ~***~Let It .Be Mrs. KRy Gray, the teacher, galiery. Il Is a popular place niotion was carrlEd.I. V ** Mrs. W had this In say about 41-re gai- to visit ai lunch time and On a motion by CouncilIIor -N -TN VI- pro2ramm lery: "T'm very Impressed after school for nearbY stu- Tink, secoîîded by' vCouncilior'a unit. Men with the gallery." dents. Baker, council agreed that'! Miss Mal"'iynr Etcher of Port f J. Woottorn, father of Mrs. Johni end and "Paw" Snelgrove hiographie ________________________________________ ._Peter McCormick be notifier]î Hope. was a supper guesu, re- Bird. and the inran't -son 0f'the other. to much amu1se-1 cd and ii Itîîat lits services are no longericentlY, with Miss Dorothy I CaiPjl\vn and Phllip Gilmer ment- Bey. Sneigrove made asking 0 . . Irequireti at the Preston Road EllIott. il fstill-born). alîttle speech, wishing ourý"GuP!1s XW ua u n t n Lf* f~I dump aft.er June 30th. Mr.an Ms Stan Page and; Mrs. Art Bouncît w'îth oidest member, Mrs. Bour-'for ai] to D a ln t nCouncilorWrrseoid1 fanýiIy have moveti into the'daugntcr Margot and sons, Couicilo WerYseonddholise on Main Street, form- Christopher and Derek of Port genie "Bon Voyage" on lier trip Presiden Daiigtn u icpa Cunil~ 5.4831.by Councillor Baker, moved, by yet toEnglabers saxs' Darlngtn MnicpalCounil;lis $574830.thar. Arthur Hamlitoîî be ei-1 erly occupiedd by the Caine Credit. spent the weekend here È et ta Englanti, ver' at Its meeting in the Town-: Councillor Bakeêriniovedti tl gaged as Supervisor of Town- famil'. with lier nothcr, Mrs. W. C. H. ntLrn, was wished the stamps. -Fi shlp Hall. Hampton, decided th!otubradDra bpDms i uist o- Tî ...~Epesoio-Rohb. With Mrs. R. Farrow, sanme on bis holiday with rela- latter hav' thttewe iJ l 5 the ot ibrad-uh i hf uplisdte ocr- TeGFO Epeso- tiveS at Sand Lake. thcîîOf on r .thly )th ha proc le 5o-1e,1,ni e euetti mence on Julv lIst, and thisOpiniion" Poil lîcld ini Com-!au Friday weiýe Mr. and Mrs. t efonrnd vm o the sal sarva1tion eek b ariiîîgon fa coUnil arus thedvlsa- was carrieti. înunity Hall, hast Tuesday, saw, JirniFarrow and family of, ýas wished a bappy summer. 'ok m Township. Reeve Carl Dowîî bilitY of ameiîding the to\xn- The îîext meetinîg of Darling-: 91 persons turn out t oe omnii îddrn h'Sho ~reidd atiai)meber 0' sip ByLas t prnit esi tii owshi Cun ilwil bel Results were 28 for the G.F.0., weekend visitons were Mm. andi iploen ecuncil were present. dentiai developinent on Wald- blio rda.Jl t. alt ags.Rturi nd 4 siced rs. Carenc M eFaloMr.andiT iit 1 Wville Augu On a motion by Couuîcii)oi'roui Street, Hampton. This 7:30 p.m. 'This wac declded blot.ReunlgOfi e was. lFaen 0fofMouiialM n-ti nIhe ne bvCoulliiio, a motion bv' Counicilior Werry,1 Mrs. J. Eliiott and Deputy 1e-Ml'lariFaro 0fDons Clarence Tink. secondeti ba ;was seconde ey Dputy .eeve;turîîling Officer was Mns. F.: "ew' Mr. anîdMrs, Ken Brig W) eS Cotincillor Thomas Baker, ac-was sec nd aeti cnedb eut ev;Enjoys Singing iDunn eSal cons o Mysmutigta Cucilu iikuioe iitGibbs. Gilmer. nail of Newcastle. inra rouitsforMayamontn'gtolCouicilo Tik nove thï,On Wednesday, Grades 1 anîd Mr. Arnîold Wade was Ilui $9908 eepsefo a-lthe Ceutral Lake Ontario Con- :12 fuoni the local school, with Peterborough for the Senior-; o Mrs. Sun mlent. This tata) Includeti: A DTJUTandTt' I. salaries $5.195.08, W e i f a rl e fied tiait the towvnship xiii pay ST 1IJXVLLE j.j aid several of their motîcrs. day andi Suuidayandoe $3.501 .88, gerîeral $47047 77,i Its sliare of the evy for the' who pravideti transpoutation, Mr. anti Mrs. Paul DeSmit Mr.K.Snrfodprod- teoM roads $18,547.78, and roads pay Lynbrook aquisition f ra0ni <litentietifou lasi. week) euîo.veti an outing t a-doe aHuitn Stud dfrtWe metingof Tpreiit atour of currnt ~evuîn. Cuuîii r Ms. J. Bothwell, Bowman- mavle o.FoIlowiîîg the ta bring Joanne anti Paulý UCW on Jiine Igth bY having!were servli !DTT1lT Baker secondeti this -notion ville, was a visitar with lier! tour games and lunch finisiiet home, as they have obtained ail join In singtng a newlby Rev. G. .flIT.UJ'Rl . andtiIl, was carrieti. parent.sMm. and Mus. Russelli' the cla '. ihîir Etitrance Certificates. Chinerse Hymn, "Song of Praise .sigteti by1 Couîicilior Tliik, secouitictibv Savcrv. Local - people tri Menioriai While theme, Mrs. DeSmi tb od. WILLIAM RAJ>MORE i Couricilior Alaîî J. Wcrry,' Hospital, Bowiauviihe, iast 'islýted bier niother. Mrs. M.1o 'M rs. W Miss B. Hallowell, Mr. Jack1 week inClUdeti Mrs. Phil Gil- M. GElit a , -ý.TWrdfo niovea u.nau a letter aîîd resoîi- Logr criticaiiv III In hos--msG.Etoan Mr.TWrsfr GODFREY rtion from the City of Belleville Walkem anîd MIssgNorma Hal- mcr-, Mrs. Bill Kim-baîl, Mrs. pitai. P'olow ing a lengthy sickness I reg.ardiiug elemieutary educa- iowell. Toronto, were dinner, Miller auîd Mn. Wilfneti Paetienî, Mn . anid Mrs. M. Vogl a thedethocuredJuuîe22tion be reccivet auîd- fileti. eueFts at Mr. Llew Hai)oweli's! whiie Damia Farrow xvas ati- a family gatheuin 19 9 tthe tb O shurr ad GenieialThis a s carriec. S n a.nitt a O h Hospital.! dy afternoon of about 60 199 ai. adMr.JiiSathabeTopis lasOshawaeaivsan rins H!ospital, of William Radm-ore,>Couuîcillour Tiîk, secondeti b , vdMs Jn SakRbi apiîswsas i eatvsat nets iGodfrey ni 44 Beatty St., Ajax. Counicillor Baker, moved that, speit Suntiay lit Castieton. Memoîili Hospital, having Mr anti Mis. Jack Eliioti c X~e was In hîs 68th year. a resoiution passeti on Junic Several attendeti the gratin- untiergane a tonsiliectomny 01 anti DarothY tirove ta Watei- A o ttelt n îd6th, 1969 be rescinded anîd thatl ation exercises at Keniai Fni-I Mondav. loo udv weetr A sail f the lte Mr. noo OonÈSurntiaattwhereonthe Mrs. William Godfrey, the dec-' the following changes be matie! dgy evcnig when Barbara i Onthrtay M.Wilsfteî oau vtî latter Is taking a sumrmer eased was borni Juiy 9, 1902, In the tawnship's Insurancel Morrow, Gardon Robinson anîd brhiyo n lsFro course at unlversîty. in Brantford, Ont., snd hati covenage. 1. Councillorsac-Lsi awi eeI h a eertt ttehm f With Mm. anti Mrs. C. R. livp ii Aja fo 25 eam. A dent insurance be increasedti t gratiuatiiig ciass, the latter ire- luhs tiaugbter anti lier husbanti. Fa rrow ant i Gen. vstn ivin Ajaefo Chambers.FotA $100 per week froni $51> per. eliviuig the awamti anti givîngý Mr. anti Mrs. LloydtiCIvstie. wcne Miss Linda Cal) for the eml fCabr od Mr. auidiMrs. Bay Tampkins uprgct nSniy n ae ,ofweek. 2. Automobile iabilit-, the vaiedictory. weekenti; Mr. anti Mms. Brucre Limlted, he was a memberyai anti family. Mn. Phii G'ilmner Totit anti son of Starkviile, the Jehovah's Witnesses at to Inchutie $5.000 paynicnt foi Miss Donnar BatueHm- nifmiywn rsnaog A~~~~ax.~~~ fatal accident, anti $35 per ton, spent thc weekend with iihM.Fro.ciesM.at n.Nra J-Te~~~ isNrivdb is wife ' week for iniury paiymcnt. 3. Mrs. Victor Farrow.ACorWispatyuîciLeafCm a. thp, former J]ean Fombes: two Fime protection be Increaseti Atteuîding the Falls - Frece- i the auspices ai Mrs. W. Bough- Mr-. anti Mrs. W. Bouigiien' ciaghers Ms. esie atonfrom $65.250 to $811.000 on thland weddiuîg at St. John'sl en's U C.W Unit, was heiti at adM . ad r. G.Stpe (1oel f r~iePtanda MrsTCommuhipltyfceuildiani ound rNorwav Anglican C lhuh,!the home of Mrs. Reiti Woodi were amonîg those att.ending This yea s cai William or garage fToront6,,0Saturtiay afte o Thurscday evening. ihShioAnniversary, Sunday Os9h.wa; a son., ila !grg rn 301 a$000 werc Mn. anti Mns. Orme Falls, 1 four' tables tui play. Winuiers afternoouî. Courtice; two sisters, Mms. A. This motionu was carrieti. Mr. Harvey Falls, Mm. anti Mrs.! wcrc Mrs. BillWatie, Mrs. V.: Mn. adri T. ma You ah'eady know whei-e most prie ietch (Emily) oi Oshawa ant i Deputy Reeve Richard Gibbs ' Brian Casweii, Mm. anti Mrs. Boturgerie. Lucky cup. Mis. C. Hetesn aîifmlýh yudntrlyepc h rn- Mrs. William Gaustien (Nelile) 1 moveti that the Durhîam Cent-! Llew Halaweli with Mn. an d 1 Herct anlcsay en asnti nd Siti Brwatih et oud otalot more than lasL ye of Toronto and 13 grantichilti- rai Agricuiturai Society be li-i Mrs, Maurice Haliowell aof Mus. M. Jouies. famiuix are holiaying In the, cî nti ersueu rn h ren. formeti tlîat caunicil tiocs tot; Morrisli. OnuiTnrsdav afternoouî Bncrftarea.casi h y r'lneufomC ) The iremaulal ser-vice was make a practice of tieclarn i 'M.GrliIaiwlI o'u-teSna choal hlte Ms ou akyi aiî inuch less, thati lasC year's roodels. F heiti nt two p.m., Juine 25th. ai.pubic balitisys. This was sec-' taO. spent the weckenît with lliî;igratiuatiuîg class of the local a .;Limrmer course nt Queen's 2-door Impala, equipped with powei the Armstrong F'uneral Homne, aondeti by Councillor Werr" parenits. Mm. anti Mrs dHa1 school anti teachers xverc ceu- University., Kingston. ' TroHdaiai rnmsin O ,ch a n . I n e r m e t w a s i ni a d c a r i e d .l o w el a n d al s o i ttttle cheMic h a e li edte rta in e ti toi n - Massu p p e r.e y aP rain - M rs.e l C .v rW aa dke ya 'w as raan iup - Oshawa Union Cemetemy. T. Oui a motionî by Comiucillou Gray, Debble anti Cindy Hate-1 cipai Mrs. Hasluk was pue-1 per gucst. SundaJ', wlth Mms. weicvesadhedrsrans Down nf the Jehovah's Witnes- Baker, secontietiby Conuiior hy, YOshawa, were weekend' senird with a gifi. as she 1" Arnolti Watie. Iiolor than iasC year, is yours for $1 ses conducted the service. Tink, t was ticcideti that Han- guests. f etirtng. Miss Pat, Va'-ria k Mr. aund Mrs. Franuk Gilunei' than lasi. yeat-'s figure. And compara -- - -- leaviuig to teacl ini Toronto, were Suuuîtay evening callers1 anîd Miss Dale Tuîlach bas e- wîî.îîMn. anti Mrs. P. . aie waiitiîg for you on many NôN tlu'cd from teachlng. for the Etchier, Port Hope. > Chevelle and Camaro models. In present. ai. icast. Newtorîviile U.C W. lield 1ihe, 'r - 1"~*~*« ~ ,There w ene txvnhuiu Stina metig f hesumewo s, ou can.buy many r fLakeview Cemetery the. latter tii lie Sunday School hall.ý of this yeat"s carsatisL ha pat f hewckth lte F Weieta-veîug fe the last year's'prices. Which is u.uual wehcome from Presitient i l - Mn-~~~~Tr. J. Casweii. the opening htptigyufrti i ...Iîvmuî was "What a Fi-tendi Wei about, From the top, Chevy 1-la',e In Jesus" foilowetib Nova, Ceel aiu the Lords Prayer.byneeeMaiu For Pin e R*idgeù A poem "The Frientily Cig- Cmr n maa Ai. a.~ xWeil, afteu' wlîieli acting sec- :A~-rts Fesival r etaruy Mrs. J. Ellioti. gave theý ilîtnlteS Of preVioLuS meeting' Newcastle- Registr'ationîs for andiTi "asureu' Mus. D. Vinkie O F tire 1969 seasoîî of the Gucat ueported oui finiances. Mus. F. Pi te Ridige Festival of the Gilici'ï hacl just. receivedtihue Arts vere lielt irou Sunday,. '-Travellingî Basket" anud ait- I June 15 at the Newcastle Con-- ounucet its total ta date. 1967 CHEV. 2-DR. * 1964 OLDSMOBILE F85 4-DR.Apoimtl 7ioug, hearo front those remembereti people iegistened withî more b','the Suilshluîc Cornmittee. 6 eyi., iltandard transmission, radion 9 (.YI..aistomatke radin. relinighed In expectedti tacame withiuu the 'The past supper was tilscuss- Local. one owner car prired to eeii dark bille nith matchinir interior. A next week, foiiowiuîg the entieti. with a fe\wsiiggested popiar modtl, Ioeallyv ownd. of school examînations. <'hanîges for he ftutre hiti Lie. 31319. The \'oung people wcue wcl- on the whole. thlngs had beeln 196 C EV LLE4-R.cometi to the Festival b ',' the ver', satisfactor',. ant i al thoise V-9, autormatie. Locali, owned famlly 1964 CHEV. BISCAYNE 4-DR. production staff. the newv chair- responsihle for ts surcesc car. Immaculate. Lie. 1,31211. 9 cyl.. atitomatir. radio. w'hie %%&I tip* mari of the Board of Directors.' were thanked bý1 the Presi- and wheel dises. Finished Ini glramiun .Judge R. B. Baxten of Port tient. 1965CHE. BSCA NE -DR whtf~Hope anti a ntimber of the it was deciticti to purchase 191C E ,11C Y E4D . wiwilh red interinr trini. Exeellent Boarti members. atiditional stacking chairs ata I V-A. aiutomatie. tinted windqhield. radio, transportation for summer vacation fJ. R. McAllster, the director. coming church sale. pnovidilng wheel dises. Local, one owner car drii'ing. Lie. L14697. r'-sdte da thttetyduîtgavrhep-e reflnished In dark grp.en with 111 theatre was a joit effort be- af new ones. matchint trim. Lie. L335144. 1965 CH EV. 1/2-.TON itweenn ailthepeple invoive, Mm. S.J./Lacastr csta T ..' I12 IeCainadim iStatesman, ieowmanvM@l, 3! .16 Over $ 52,000 Collected By District Marchers ïThome who 8011 rempmher'they Individually may not be!Eva Novak. Dinn De Jager. Ukef r e feet and thers who'recognlze.d publicly In the:Ann Wiggans. Sherri Lynde,! spon'ored walkers, wili bepress, their efforts were cer-',Marlon Elis. Marge Camnber,]. toese learn that theirtainly appreciated. Marie Nesbitt. Vivion Adair,! oenIned eort4 in this area Those whose namles av Joan Graham. Karen Colvin,i have already raised over $52,- been received for walking thellom Welsh, Bob Fraser. 000. fuit 30) miles Include: Bowmanvilie Schools The executive will meet Ro1un nde tee shortly to make a distributionTmBrLna pceMk Rick Knight, Nellie Ootjers,i to $51.000, holding the balanceý Berkett, Terry Baker, Ba rry Julia Rekker, Karen Davis, and any contributions still to Endicott, Clara Novak, Randy Cathy Poste, Patricia King, conein until lâter. It k s aso Dawson, Kathy Jones, Glenn I Truciv MacDonald, Lynn Sta- "eedtht ecipsfor don_ eeA' nAdes Terry Leslie Cox, Ken Tabb, ationg will soon be malled W Swain. Camneron Creighton,, cey. rwi va WuLta ths wohverquseJim Barlow, Gord Luke. Karen Judy Tei v odta thie. ohaerquqe Boyd. Brian Head, Doug Blggs, Shelley Hobbs. Paul Todd, Whjle thisIlist Is by no Denise Scott, Shelley Scott'arînHordPtThte, * manscomlee, t des n-Patty Keys, Marv Petrvsan iLee Adams, Ann Visser, Aileen clue an y c o f et thôs iro Faye Lahay, Rob Massey,. Paul"Wails, Bill Hockett, Aiice Chit-I *Bowmanville High School and Hart. Ron Simnpson, Dan Hane- tik- on ig ayTge Sout Cortie Pbli Scoowich, Nancy Head, John Vooys, Býrenda Harris. Mary Parker, ~uut Cortîc PulicSchot Hathe Kees.Kathy MeMurter, Kim Rodg- who finirhed the full 30 mil,,'et ees. ers, Janice MacNeii, Mark The name nf Reg. Stubbert. 66 Courtice Schooll Rowve. Barry Virtue, Chris, King St. W.. is not included Jackie Ferrill, Ann Iluis, Blomme. Kim Rogers, ChrWs although he raised over $60 but Gai) Bebee. Janett Millson. Stut, Sue Allen, Bill Eeuwes, didn't complete the march. Catherine Crago. Elizabeth David Lee, Brenda Bamber,l Probabiy there are many others Ewstratin. Mr. J. Caldwell,. Hermine Kerekes, Charlesi from thîs sr@-a who had a Rick Scott, Valerie Simmon, Ewert, Kathy Lovekin, Carol t!ii11a._eperence and thoughPail Holder, Vickie Reynolds, Lovekin. 'j5 L Jold Potter be Informed tha t is not suitable for further resi- Hampton Kindergarten Tours Zoo ievc Mr. En burtton ci ireadthe tton on areaove. Miany bu duce. A' buttonco 4 -, spred ber bridie bu ard ofab) shtos o bî: dMrs. H. m U MLU LA lIM4C ,n-nJ-- ; fR CXPS.3é- DI.S MOTORS LIMITED' BROWMANVILLE - PHONE 62.1.255# bsdon P*almn 23.FvrýI nt eda Chinese gong v r be W a h ufter the author had Psalm. Mrs. Turner . uaog Pslman aGreets Coffee >Par 5, . hitead Mi:Held by Trinity UC 1es sang the beautifulý Brilliant June sunshine out- brought together, lat id Hath Not Promis- of-doors and very attractive arranged by Mrs. h Mrs. R. Campbell,,floral arrangemnents Indoors and Mrs. G. K. War added t0 the pleasure of the lcs1hdbf ijott introdured Mrs. many guesis who attended the of the Pice a e bore who showed bier >Coffee Party given by Unit hy the laie Miss Et' I1lection. Mrs. Osborne Seven of the Trinîtx- United and bier pupils. Oiý ,under of the Pinneerý Church Women at, the homne friends 'contrlhuted Club of which there of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Strike.: collection: there Mr r.50 members. She'Mrq. Strike convened this. amples nf the work raIl the materials of anniiai eve.nt. and members Mrs. Mable Barker, ittonq are made and 0f the Unit assisted ln ý'ariou.qBacker. Mrs. John1 ny cards arranged ln CaPacitif'5. Mrs. G. K. Ward Miss Rhea Sowardi. such as borseshoes. andMrs. G. F. Jamnieson re- Miss Maude Squires uttons, glass, enamel, ceived the guests. The capable late Miss Vers fDippel iused to wear many ý-baby- -sitters were Mrs. Harry iy,, admired were t Cooke and Mrs. R. L. Stevn.bsespitdb .n their clothlng. many Aanedb so valued that robbers After enjoying refreszhment,s;. Mrs. B. J. Hazlewv znives to remove them. guests had ah opportunitv to, embers -0f Unit, S itons were made hv, examnine at, their leisure the7 vcry grateful toa al n 1680 tii). ln the next dîsi.ayl of Canadian band- their' valuable and. macinrywasinropainted china which had been cases, unique pieces ýt one time there was factory in Port Hope. r. . on buttons may be ln-> ~ nstories or nurserv ! rhere are pin shanks. ittonq for harness, and 1ers. She aiso had a.~' itton hooksq for uqé on . gloves. 4 1Hardy expressed the ofal] to Mrs. O.sbo)rne. Stimersford thanked cee for a very enjov N rnoon and conducted ness. Several portfolio .... o ireported, Mrs. C. AI- îgth, for Stew7ardrhip ~~ .iiting. The book. "The .. C)we" wili be in the ler talk rnight be M N 11........ up ln the words of -y man miho said "Use. 'r Take My Life and ýe." REGENCY EMBOSSED VINYL FLO( Ward reported on al îe presented by lier mbers handed in auto-1 Thisi n iu rc read at the meeting. So vividiv reai tlîat you'l wani. ta feel it ... a hand! other members 10t brick patcrn, deeply embossed and sealed under a. lho." She rend three ofocivn. mi, asked that me.m-' Antique Brick wiII ]end lis cha-m and warmnth ta ve old ny* lons andI roorm,.from dormer Io basement. Its new construc Fifteen pounde of the wAith a heart of springy Quiet-CoTm vinyl foam. ve alreadv been sent nity. The money from Antique Brick a bujit-in cushion, nmakig it w'ar of these assists witb sof ter and quicter... mucli more comfortable underý ong the leper. f LJ - for United Church *-r- *PLL 1I ML wI be heid ln Ble BEAUTIFUL LI Yu,,t 22-24. ext regular meeting PATTERNS TC ýpt. If6 as a Pot Ltick (d a Chinese theme. Fo imersford read a poem Fo ishes for the summer d with the Mizpah. anse, where we had the new kilchen and, 'ed a delicious lunch' S. and Mrs. Ward, as- Unit Three. Q IGS.w Vllcox thanked the ,thpir hospitality. 'ty ibelied anid C. Wight rd. Manv ,n palnted Lhel Morrî§ .uit-oi-towtýn t Lnthe re fine ex. d conc b, Miss U'la Leishman. the Inte ýand tbe hI. Great- the florAl the lats mooti. Thîe Seven are 1who lent ln manyP -of china. ORS isome layer Dany ction, gîves -mrner 'foot, il r' MRAN BEl) E', DAY! 6ii 1$3.39 Sq. Yd. Up Hardware LIMITED BOWMA1-VLLE k ,hevrolet setter Values irs at less than Iast year's prices. POO"A- -MMIL- CXPS.36Î?D I rmJ YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALI 1 1