: New Officers Insta1Ied at Bethany,:- Miss B r e nd a future. Christopher Kioepfer, Debhi on them to convey their con- Carron gave the valedictory The gradualing c1as nemn- Knapp, Candace M alIcol m, ('lTTTAgiatulatians. Mrs. Gilbert is address at the closing pro-, bers are Gordon Adams, Jos- Mat aclJnie e I NA 1.UL1 fairlY good just now but must gram for Grade VIII pupils eph Arsenauit, Cheryl Baker,MaiMaomJnfe Mc be kept quite quiet. of Grandview School on Wed- Piiip Beer, Jean Black, Gi, Dale McQuaid, Nancy Eld'ad Sunday School picnic day night. She reviewedi the, Frank Boweo, Robert Burn, Morrison, PercY Neil, Paul will be hield on Sunday, Jl highlights of the year, recali- Debbie Camieron, B r end c a O'Neill, Paula Ouellet, Adele 13. at Cartwright Park at 12:3ï) BETHANY ing many humorous incidents, Carron, RickY Cars on, Dor'o- Page. Ruth Palmer. Dorothy p.m. Everynne weicome. A number of pupils fron and thankedi the principal, th Cochrane, John Curtin, Phillips, Clifford Plumbtree, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpn D)ai. .Graidviexv School, Manvers and teaching staff for their Vickv Curtis, Alan Fallis, Pamela Reid, Marlene Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Koqssat,., township ,entered i the com- guidance throuighout t he Murray Finney, James Fisher, Sharon Staples, Terry Ste- Shelley and Kevin, Don Mils, petitions at Millbrook Agri- Ierm.. In conclusion, address- Joyce Fisher, Nancy Fisk, phenson, Debbi Stinson, Kar- attended a famiiy gathering at cultural Fair on Saturday. ing her feilow graduates, s'ne Tom Gaebel. Son.îa Geissel- en Stinson. Jeanette Vivien, the home of Mrs. Edith Davis Connie Leslie piaced first ilrged them to continue with marno, Ronald Gillespie, Bar- Larry Weatheriit, Grant Wes- in honour of Mr. FE. Davis. in the Spelling Match, witl their education, "Don't, let op-,hara Gilmour, Fay Hogel, ton, Ano White, Paul Whit- Oshawa, who was celebrating pat Gallagher second. John portunity pass y-ou hv. In thisDoris Hughes, Linda Johnson, ney, Gregory Wood, Marilyn is 901h birthclay. Porter won first prize in th. space age we need al the Nanc ' Judson, Deborah Kerr. Young.man. ________ Solina School held their senior Safety Pnems sectior, knowledge we cari obtain. annulLal Field Dav on Jure 25 with Max Buxton second. Dont be a drop-out. Thîis, aur A 5~ with a good attendance. After Debbie GuImmer piaced third final year at Grandview i "'s v nn r heing rained out last year, in the decorated soap contest. only the end of a beginning." ME c W nn r eeryone ivas rehievcd tasece Jennifer McGili won tirst A melodramna 'Muirdieral. ,,,l1weather. in the Gradie VIII Writing Mrs. loigs was a verx L L Top) placing in heTaboi competition, Nancy Fisk third. pleasing performance, o fth Ja J iPiV o fleSt E vents for Grades 1. 2 anid 3 IJ the Grade VII group, Jennifer Mcc;iil as Jane PC? - were Pauline Taylor and Cath-Elan Cohne onscn erson, a nurse; Marlene Smith erine Baker for the gis, and ain ohaewnscn as Doctor Hendierson, a ps\ - Thi'îe nbers of the Duirliam $1. Teacher - Mr.N. Manley; Ronald David and Russell Gar- prize, Joseph îne C a r c h idc chiatrist; Arno White, Emmna.Sftr Counicil were aaînifi. Judy Clark, No. 1, Bow-idon for the boys. - third, Bannie Spier fourth. the housrkepper; Barbara Gil- pleaised with the keen interest manville, $1.; Il. Lois Whit-i Tabloid Ex ents for Grades' In Grade VI, Marlene Ryiey rniur. Mrs. Loriig, a iwcalthvs.,howi) hy teachiers and pupils ney, No. 3, Port Hope, $1. 4. 5 and 6, Calette Taylor and i piaced second, and Dianna neutrotic: Marilyni Youngman in hieu- varions safety conpeti- Tea cher - Mr. N .Maniev 12. Robin Lynde were top girls, ~ffh nGaeVCt Celia Porter, Mr. Loring's tions. We recceivedi 401 posters, ,Barryý Lamont, 50 Simnpson and Kenny Drew and Darreli ein, Hyland was first, Cath- cousin, Chri.s Kloepfer actâ;214 p3oemsi and 77 safety slo- Ave., Bowmianville, $1. Teach-!Knox were top boys.ern Brso scnd as stage manager. with Philio ans. ýer - Mr. H. BerrY; 13. Jolia-, Severai Hlgh School :4îîl- In the Satety Poster sec- bee an Irry WeaberitMrs. Doo Rickard judged than Staples, No. 1, Orono, $1.î dents helped run off the Field (1don, Ano White won thirc assi5ting., the posters while Mrs. Wes Teacher - Mrs. F. Lunn; 14.: Day e~vent.s. Winners were- prize. Karen Youngman plac- Ail rad VII puils angYeilo\xvlees was in charge of Wayne Brooking, No. 3, Port Grades 1, 2 and 3 girls, TracNs ed third in the Safety Slogan al Gra eof IIongs, iected hylthe .îudging of the poems and Hope, $1. Teacher - Mrs. C. James and Susain Best (tied).ýgrOiIJP In the Safety Contest Ih vcepinipl eligtnthe slogans. 'Raby: 15. Alan Nastiîk, No. 4. j Grades 1, 2 and 3 boys, Ban-' Terry Stephenson won first Ca icricp alWeanlincom n ~ Section A - Grades 1 and 2 !Port Hope, $1. Teacher - Mrs.l aId David, first and Eddie prize. John Porter second Caplig ndReomanid v C.RaySmithson, second. i prize, and Debbie Gummer Jennifer McCill. Their seîec-' Safety Poster *Ciay. G Grades 4. 5 and 6 girlýs, Robin , third. f:ions included "Lonesome Val-, I. Margaret Wilson, 2 Onîtario, Section D - Grades7 and 8 Lynde. first; Brencla Bowler, -_____ .,rVîeý..".Do Lord Remembe-r St.. Bowmanville $4.00 Teacherý Safety Poster secod. Me", "Georgia Girl", "4Battle&Marjorie Somnerx'ille; 2. Con- I. Anne Moffatt, 53 King St., Grades 4, 5 and 6 boys, Dar-' IUE Hymn of the Rcpub1ic", "Zumýnie Pembertan, 292 Ridout St., Part Hope. $4. Teacher - Mrs. reli Knox, first; Bruce Snlaw- r MRS. JOHN T. CHESHIRE Gali". "Gond Oid SummerPort Hope $3.00 Teacher - Mrs. P. White; 2. Robert Dinner, No. den and Teryv Traviss, tied FIoiga iîeso p Timie", "East Side, West Side" iG. Watkins; 3. Gregory Plum- 3, Port Hope. $3. Teacher - E. for second place. Folwit nl e e mohath *"Wheni the Saints Go March-nîcr, Perci'ai St.. Port H-ope'B. McClelland; 3. Terry Horn- The president of the Home 'death of Mrs. John T. Chesh.ý ine In", "The Crawdad Song".i$2.>O Teacher - Bea Jones; 4.,er, 53 Hope St., Part Hope. $2. and School Club presented Ieocre bNwateo "Songs of Silence". Gregory Sones, 23 Moore Dr.,ýTeacher - Mrs. D. White; 4. trophies to the first place boy Sun day, uene wcsl Ann bite Marene 'thPort H-ope $1.00 Teaclher - Mrs.!Matthew Cla.yton, 112 Bruton1 and girl in both Junior and ainbr8r2,19.Sh m F,.pDrinik\?alter; 5, Maî'garet St., Port Hope, $1. Teacher -irSenior Divisions. Becau-e of, sI ie 3dyear. Jennifer MrGîlI, Barbara Gil-,Tozer, Percival St., Port Hope:Mýrs. Brothweil: 5. Henry Van-I the tie for the Jtunior Girls,1 Daughter of the late Dunicani mour. Patîla Oulette andSI1 Teacher - Bea Jones, 6.tDoîp. No. 1, Port Hope, $1. another trophy lias since beený Campbell, the former Annieý NancyFisksang FourStron.ejy, 9 Victoria St., Port Hope ,Teacher - A. L. Gemnmili; 6. purcbased and presented to'Allis3on Campbell wasbrni W'inds', with guiîtar acrom- tl. 'reacher - Mrs. F. Drink- Wesley Best, No. 1. Port Hope, the other vinner. Glasgow, Scotland, where she panient y Ravmon Arsn-xaîîcr- 7. S. Jackson, BOW- $1. Teacher - A. L. Gernmili; Pauline Taylor read a tare- 'eie hredctn.O ault, Mrq. Ruth Skuce, pianist.'inanville $1,. 'eacher - Miss L. î. Catherine MacKintosh, 35 well address ta Mrs. Kelly, March 25, 1914, she marrie Art A\vardis werc pres(ntedSrnth: 8. Timr Lunin, Ontario.,Pai'kvway, Cres., Bowman-'ille,j who is leaving aur scliooî, and Mr. John T. Cheshire who pre- by Frank Nester ta Rnbert St., 116, Bowmanville 1. Teach-1 $1. Teacher - M. A. Slute: 8.1 Ronald David presented' berý deceased bier, Burns. Brenda Caraon, Nancy er - J. Flintoff; 9. Patty Patter. Larrie McBridc, No. 3, Parti witli a suitable gift. The deceased had resided In Fisk and Frank Bn-w'en. 102 Duike St.. Bowmanviiie $1. Hope, S1. Teacher - Mrs. Mc-' Mrs. Rosevear who wili be Bethany for about six years For Creative W r il i nl g, Teacher - .1. Flintoif; 10. Lisha ýCleliand; 9. Keith Dey, Na. 1: with uis again next yeaî', was:ýand before moving there lived awards werc prcscntcd jy , elltiai, No. 4, Bnwm-anvilePort Hope, $1. Teacheî' - Mrs.1 presented with a corsage and bn Manvers Township. A bouse- Weliington, Capelinig ta Bar7- $1. Teacher - Maroreom McClelland; 10. _Mcrrv Bridges,' appreclation was heartlly ex- iwife, bier interests centred bara Gilmouîr, Brerîda Carron, erVillf9: Il. Tony Harr'ison, Per-i:35 Southway Dr, Bowman-, pressd for bier miany efforts ýaround lier home. She wasa Nancy Fisk and Sonja Geisell- ciVal St. Port Hope $1. Teacher' ville, $1. Teacher - M. A. Slute; on behiaîf of Solina pîipiis. 'member ot Bethany United mnan. - Bea Jones: 12. Kelly Collinis,:Il. David Oudshoorn, 71 Park-' OnTuesdyahpyeulnCur. Frank Bowen won tlue Citi- 76 Toronto Road, Port Hope$. a Cres., Bowmanviile. $1 wxas hcld at honme of Mrs. E- Mrs. Cheshire ls survived by zenlship Cup,whh is ivenrTeacher - Mi's. G. Watkins; 13. Teacher - M. A. SiLite, 12. Mar- erett Hoat', Bowmanville, 0f El-!a niece. Mrs. Everett Shuitis of annually for outst a ri d i ni g Join 1Hay'es, Percivai St., Port lene Jamieqon, No. 2, Camp- dad Sunday School Youîng Hlamilton, and a nepbew, Mr. qualitier of leadership and Hope, $1. T1eacher - Bea Joncs:, bellcroft, $1. Teachier - Mr.! People's Class of 1914-1915 era .Joe Colquhoun of Toronto. participation. This was pre14i. Robbie Hetiani, Percival St., Schell;. lvi 1Idgo, o Manv of the original membeî's The( funeral service was heit sented hv Arthur Rowan 'Poî't Hope $ 1. Teaclier - Bea 1, Part Hope, $1 . Teacher - A. 0 f th'iS ciass wholdteistoTedyJn24foith Manvprs tomnship repre-enta- Joncs: 1,5. Cathy Baldeock, Per- [L. Gemmili; 14. Meindie Camp- 'ptcniic 55 years ago. at Birk's Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- tive on the Couinty Boar-d of cîval St.. Port Hope $1. Teach- ýbell, 43 Elgin St., Port Hope, l Beach, near Maple Grave, ai,- manv\ille, and was conducted Educration ar el - Bea Joncs. $i. Teachier - Miss Eby; 1,5 tencd. together wit.h othiers .hy Rev. William Piercy. Inter- The Manx'ers Cup %vas woni Section B - Grades 3 and 4 Eric Moore, No ., Port Hope who joinied the grouip a uitIlei ment xvas in Fallis Cemetery, jointI.y hy Rîida Carron anel Safety Poste$.Tacer - B. E. McClelland. atter. hosp fr on ia ta avesTwsip ubn Jennifer MGIi who %v;l1i 1, Barbara TIoinlînsnn, 56î, Section E - Safety Poem atne n"edv wet'e Couînty. each have replichs to keep, Quven St.. Bomanvilie $1. Open to ail Students ~gnKte LnmiM Among the Invely Moral trib- llZn TaYlor, Mrs. T-larold uteswre hoc ro h This Ctp wxas presentedf hy 'renchi'r - Mrs. Avery; 2. Susan In Ail Grades , ace i.ad r.EeetMner Neihor an tetb Geoge eas, as chîrmuilifitn, 1 Lviia t. Pot- Karen Rnwlison. 113 Sher-: Crx'derman, Mr. and Mrs ,anx' United Church. of the Manvrs Towniship Hope $3. Teacher - M. Bres- bouîit.ne St.. Port Hope $4. Gordon Leak, r. qnd Ms alerr ee Msr Sc-bool Area Roard. This cîip ford: '3, Russell Gordon, No. l- Tearbepr - Mrs. Brothw.1eIl 2. Cla'-ence Vice. To.WrMra oa is awardied for oîtstanding Hampton $2. Teacier - M. Rulth Crapo icn asy Mrs. Randyv Fraser left t0- Douglas Logan, Ernest Cavano, record in suis Kelly ; .1 Dan Kalisz, No. 3, Bowmnanville, $3. 3. Nancy Ans- day to spend the next two Fan Wahrl n al Scholarship awards x-vent tn Pori Hope, SI. Teachier - Mrs. li, 9 Hoe S., ortHop.' oîîhand te Mavidoo Barbara Gilmouir, Brle nd a Chestiunt: 5. Shielley Watson, $2. Teacher - Mrs. White: 4. Camp for Crippled ('blîdren at Coper. Cari-on, Mýlarlene Smith, Marti 1414 Brutan St.. Part Hope $1 Fwjaine Kellogg, No. 1, Port. Perth.__ Malcolnm, Anti White, Sonia Teacher - M. Beresford:; 6.41op.$1. Teacher - Mr. N., Mr. and Mrs. Ross Crvdei'- MEtS. W1. .J. HAMILTON1 Geisellmnaii, Iorothv Coch- Tlrac ' Hope. 27 Perciva' t.Maly 5. Cindy Breward, No, mnan and famniiy wcre Sullday l'lie death of Mrs. Wm. J.! rane, Jennifeî' McGill. Terr'. Part Hope $i. Teacher-M. Port Hope. $1. Teachen - supper guests with Mr. uîîd1 Hamilton. -,,ged 68 years, ou'- Stephenson anîd Jeanette Viv- Beresford: 7. Greg ll.ayward, :Mrs. C. Rab; 6. Belli Anne Mrs. Jackson Wray. Oshawa. mcurd at Memorial Hospital, jan. No. 1. Port Hope $1. Teacher -,Mendes, 41 Freeman Dr.. Port Mr. and Mî's. Er'nest Hoe-ka-, Bowt)nanville. on Saturday, Mr. Joliti C n rb erîla nd, Mi's. Chesît: il;. BettY' Ann Hope, $1. Teacher - Mrs. White- dayr and Jean visitled on Sun- .lune 21st, 1969, following an, school principal. cliaired the Larsen, No. 3, Port Hope ~7 Hilda Offinga. Howar'd Jor- day wvith Mr. and Mrs. Keith Ilînesm of two years.1 pî'ogram., thanked thle staff. 'leachen - Mrs. Chestntt 9dan Schoi. Port Hope. $I. Hobden'at Lindsay Daîîghter of the late Mr. and also the parents for- their Karen Gillis. Milibraok. #'I Teachier - Mr. Dowler: 8. Deb- Mi. Donald Yello'vlees. Otta-' and Mrs. R. Burgess, the ('0-operatioti and wishied the l'vacher - Miss Burlîami: In.oJah Lee, Hampton, $1. Tpach- wa. was a recent visqitor wit.h'formier Irene Margaret Burg- pupils cveny rticess in lie Edward liendrrson. No. 1, Port er - Mr. G. Gleibs; 9. Mary Mr.- and Mrs. E. Hockadav. ess wam hoon I London, Eng- Hlope. $1. TeélchIer -Ms Armstrong, 112 Ward St., Port; Mm. and Mms. Johtn Koox, ]and, and recelved her educa- .Chsstnîît: Il. BrImn .CTivîp $1. Teachpr - Mrq. B.j and granchlldren HIeather, tion in England. In 1929 she Sr3nith. No 1. Port Hope, $1, Brthwell; 10, Ronald Hend-j Stexen, Alliqon arîd Micheile marnied Mr. William J. Hamn- Hollywood Tra<her -Mrs. leti:12rkx No. 4. Bowmanvlle. $IlDow'f. Mr. and Mrs. George ,ilton, h uvvs Prdutin.l Tearber- rs.M KlyBrbra Curtis, No,3, PortiMr.ç. Hamry Knox and familyin Bowmanville for 40 years, Pro ucton1.. Gr-ee Lewis. No. 3. Port, hope. $1. Tencher - Mr. Fair" attended the Elicot famIlI' comIng here from London, Hope, $1. Tracher - Miss D. 12. Bet Hayward, No. 1. PortiPtellic at Cecil Phiilips farm Enigland, A housewlfe ber Fo pe ig Permt:; 14. flicky' van Meer.,Hope, $1. Teacher - Mrs. Mc- iat Brougbam on Sunday. chief Interests centred around Shaw'e Schooi. No. 4, Bownîian- Cielland; 13. Mary Ann Tax Mrs. Katie Langmaid was a lier home and famiiy. She 1 1 Tavil-Misl.ehav $1. Teacher - Miss, dl ner guest with Mrs. Allan waq a member of St. John's Reors ro hse~ioGornili: 15.f 'RandyDre,.', No. B Smith, 14. Rosemarv Kil !Fosten, Kendal. reuently. Angllcgn Churcli. attpndoàd, Indicate that thel Hampton. $1. Teacher - Mrs.ileen. No. 4, Bowmanx'iîie, $ 1Mr. and Mrs. Walter Par-' SurvIvlng, besides bier bus- te-openlng ceremonies at the M 'i.Teaclier - Mrs. T. Giîbank5' n nder attended Saleni Ceme-lband William J. Hamilton, are renovated Mark# Theatre in Scinf-Gae n ua oisn o ' t Decoration Day on Sun- a son, William Lloyd Hamil- maad ee ollYwd oud hof Secio ety- raos5er d niuanRinse n,1NT'c4eB- Mrs!dey and were suppen guests'ton, and one grandson, David, madeHolywod poudof Sfet Potermarvill. $. Tnchr M@. with Mr. and Mrs. WilI Par-'ahl of Bowmanville. the neuwmilirsI. Laiirie Tvler, Millbnook. $4.,T. Gilbank. rne.Tetnrlsriewshî There was an bn guard Teachen - Miss J. Burnham; 2.: Section F - Safetjy Slogan Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Larmner. from the Morris Funeral Chap- or Cadets f rom the Ontario Robert Payn. Hampton, $3.. Open ta Ail Students Bîackstock, were Sundav ev- el, Bowmanvlle. on Monday. «elment. plus their 30-piece Teacher - G. Gleibs; 3. Debbie' in Ali Grades enîng visîtors wibh Mr. 'Elgin June 23rd and waq canducted band. searchllghts delvlng Bergsma. Lambert St.. Bow- 1 . Darlene Laphamn, Hampton Taylor.b e.Rbr ao fNw Intothe ---li-s-- ..lpm .i.9- $2TTeaher - M.H... chr- -M-._G.Glb2. M W . itoBro- ate. Rotermet a now- s, THSWEKSBST ET US FRESH CANADIAN LOIN PORK SALE I *~ Il I - FREE PARKING Ail Merchandise Is Guaranteed To Give 100%1, Satisfaction Prices Effective Until Closing, Saturdayv, July 5, '69, ln Bowmanville WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES Open Thurs. and Fri. Nights 'tii 9 p.m. DOMINION ST019ES LIMITE» King St. and Simpson Ave. (Highway No. 2, East) iChris. and Susanne, &Il of' - Bowmanville Lions Club Bow manville. Mr. and Mrn. Jack Oven- den and Tim, Ham pton; Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Bon Eromre and Kelly, Bowmanvillie, Mr. and: IMrs. Ross Cook, Shely and Jackle, Chatham. Mrs. Rae Pascoe, Beverley,! Bran, Garr, attended the1 Dye Fmly Pene t obourg on Sunday and as they return- ed home they called on Mr. and Mrs. Bob Eakins and family at Port Hope. Attention. ail old-timers who. have piayed football in the Dariington League! An oId-; timers football reunion will be held In Solina on Saturday, A¶igust 2. so be sure to circle this date on your calendar of up-comlng events. More par- ticulars later. We'il keep you înformed on final plans. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bray and grandchlldren were ne-I cent evening guest.s with Mr, and Mrs. Walter Parrinder. At the Graduation and! ~ Awards Nlght last Wednesday! at Hobbs School, pupils from Solina made a good 8howlng! ln the nominations for awards. Susan Vice won a trophy for VicePre. Bb Lwton bak rw, irecor on il-the Grade 7 Academlc Achieve- VicePre. Bb Laton bak ro, Drecor Dn G1-ýment Award. Paul Watson ne- hooly, Lion Tamer 'Moe' Richards, Director Don Allin,qceived a trophy for the "Out-! Treasurer Bruce Lush, Director Cuthbert McDonald, standing Boy in Music". Shir-! Secretary Howard Wight, Tail Twister Jîm Frank and ley Westlake was one of the~ Direcor Sin Blck. four girls that won a Citizn Mr. Ruseil Vice is In Oshawa: General Hospital and aIl his iSafety Night in the Orono'neighbors and friends wtshý,. Town Hall on Friday, Sptem- hîmi a speedy recovery. u O I S br26h a 8:0 pm. il m- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gllbe-t: dents will receive further in- observed their Golden Wed- formation previons to the ding Annlversary verv quietiv event. A program on safetv at their hnme on Saturdav, wdll be presented that willbe 'Phey received many cardsj. ne sd a y ýofinterest to the students and gifts and best wishes from -ýý their parents. jtheir many friends and rela-i' _________________ tives. Several friends called At its meeting on June 23rd, the recently elected efficers of Bowmanville Lions Club were installed by1 District Governor Art Chambers of Willowda]e. They are, front row, left to right, 2nd Vice Pres. Jack Mun- day, Past Pres. Bud Moses, President Jack Dunn, Gov-1 ernor Chambers, 1 st Vice Pres. Doug Kemp and 3rd-: Grandview's Gri Honored on Wedi