- -. -. .-- .-. --..- -- -...' f------------ * ~~~R.1t. rtglltent Mm. john The eialidaIUalmn omawlm u'9IS 1" ~don Lovett, Carrylng Place; EI P o i c aC o r Mrs. Maurice Bulman, Hilton: WTLI,~fIr Mrs. A. G. Austen, Wooler; i E JEUPhasePd MrBernard Webb, R.R. Tren- a n C n tu to iHeId in Bowmanville F o;Rv odnWieon Mr. Bruce Wallace, Mr. ForeltE âmne Sth, 1969. ýBateman, Burk's Falls, $10 costs, or 15 days, fol]owed Dennis. al of Campbeliford;oc. r and costs, or two days. Con- ý conviction for one and the Ms odnMCloh .i o Dr a OnModa Jdg Gorestable T. Holdaway observed iother was dropped. A.A. H. ampbellford. Rundmaun, Brockville, presid- the eastboundc car cross at a Strîke. Township Solicitor,' The Management CommIttee a l te y.St uingtstConTAt- locatiîon designed Orly for acted 'for the prosecution. lschosen from the Executive'C Korey Kactu . Lgal Aid V.service vehicles and proceed Charles Warren, building! oeiec nd atesoig ent r. C oeleP re sid etSy enTeday bcueo h Raymond Stiles, R.R.2 cession 8 Dariington in De- E. Richard Lovekin; lst Vice- o! Durham Coilege of Applied îndIcated ththidd' thinant osc. eebigue holiday. Janetvilie. had a charge of cember and found Mr. Gibson1 President. Mr. Don Retallick; At n ehooyi s hskn o orecudcp 4husady Rihad trng Pntpolcareless driving dismissed and'insuiatimg the 20x42 summeri 2nd Vice-President. Mrs. Cath- jawa, announcedi Thursday that with the sociapobe n Atrsetheolegeor. represented by Mel Çunning- days,-find$0and csto r 19 co tg The iwnetoinfrn erne Galger; Honorary Treas-Iproposais Vo proceed with the homes today iemi iiin ute# hamn. Lindsay, pleaded netdasfraingVpoueedte wnrhi was an' urer, Mr. W. C. C. Silver.,hs one of the coilege's $5; The students h on oehoogapidat l uit ofdiiga naeproof of insurance. agricutural zone and the 1969 Christmnas Seal Campaign; 1mliphastutonserai"s r etlk hily on drîvîng 7an d CnstafeeW. Helmer. Opp ar ô!Ofthe building too smal r hmsW ak;Md-ia utbe prvc. laeh d drlvtng while bis license was was despatoihed to an accident for a permanent residence. cal Advlsory, Dr. Charlotte haDr.ust been ap povn ed. aate, h Dritd tteadtengtetnind on County Road 14 east of On the occasion o! bis second Horner. MOH; Case Finding, D.W1lywsspalg t aetmD.Wle ae-in Cnrsaspensi -on. a Highwav 35 at 7:30 ar..Jan-,and third visits he fourid it Mrs. Michael Herniak; Re- ineis Cluborbanque tehon or-cmha hiscreer gruae TeeefothcussI, Coisabe . oi aw ~uary 10. 11e found two vehi- was evidently being used as habilitation and Social Service,ingrs.Tern PotHptec-fm hscmuit coilege Willeyen saidiwwere oly $150, OPP, told the court he check- dles in the ditch, one in the such and laid the charges. Mrs. J. Richardson; Parcels es h olg peietsi ouder oemny hnya lsa 2 tdn en ed the 1957 Chev in Bethany nrhadoei h ot.MisMr akn rnpr ntribute to the teachers, that 1a three 3'earunvstyga-Tebos oee6wré* November 24th because it hadTh ote dreJhn o- tation, Cpi. Ralph Tremills, Ithey hadi a most profound cf- 'uate pnie eamte.Tecl The therdrier, ohn or-fect &revoeu- legofhpeopoerenddeùce and stu no tail lights. He found three dan, Lindsay. was not present LJJN Health Education, Mrs. Chias, ntelf ! epea I te cpU h o th tie eeblteti W D I GAndrews, Punblilc ity; Mrs. mae a great contribution to tion on the uniertycmudnsomtd.Teewsn o! hetirs erebad, heand the officer couid oqîîyma no ignier w s n the reare give evidence from the marksý PRIME - TERKILDSEN Mrs. Alwine Franke. scey Ihp oeo h1ewre,"h rdae r titcporm fasinl igt o tererlef t in the snow showing theý older conservative teachersinot going ta e n osa okngt h uue l and no brake lights. course followed by the twol The mr t e fMiss ke ter adsiLteal.s-le cmene ta'o e marriage o îss Lis- * I ki c~~~~hanging education scene." he. Dr. WilIcy ntdta nte eegigt o"ra. Conviction on the first xvehicles. Stiies couid not pro- beth Terkiidsen, daughter o!f ~~ \I .cc si.Mrh 97 h oig a hns EaIe charge brought a fine of $25 duce proof of insurance. Mr. and Mrs. Knud H. Terk- Loca NDrsha m Cllee, e anoh, 1967he, rtyer 1- -- a!d oas o fvedys Te Shirley Branham pleaded ildsen o! Erîn, and Mr. WaltonI was growing siowly, but grow- operation, he site a ULT second was dismissed because guilîv of îeaving the scenieof L. Prime, son o! Mr. and Mrs,trrî.t on igwl.1ewspee o23suet novdI ot OuET N another officer who served an accident March î9th andiMelbourne Prime oft Hampton,I Iir~aduate fr m not el. e t 1 a bee gedto, tnab e s r.W puupa the certficate o! suspension was fined $35 and costs, orlwas soiemnized in the Danîsh a10011 per cent co-operation1pre-engineer buidnh ad Was neot in court. seven days. Constable IM.!Lutheran Church, Willowdaie, i.. n v a Hlfrm tecmuly I'm notlAt thîs pointteenom t George Marshman. P o r tJovnts evidence xvas that:on Saturday afternoon, May 24,, P. an educationaist,"headitwas 430. We hv îc u Hope, was fined $30 and costs. mrs. Branharn was westbound 1969, at four o'ciock. For the! td "but It bias been my on an additionwhcwllod AFB or seven days, for driving a on Suniset Boulevard in New- ceremony, the guest pes Specl to the Bowmanville hbbI. O. TD truck in excess of 80 mile~s castie wbn er cal- skidded were rnarked with white nib- Canadian Statesman -Practical Application 'T 'P TT I an hour on Higbway 401Ma out of control in the mnud and bon and bouquets o! gladiolili Patricia Harford and Maj-ý Dr. Willey told o! a timei R SUL 5U l5th. Constable Bi r e n n an. b it a parked vehicle. She pro- and shastas adorned the altar.i reen Martin of Bowmanvlliewý%hen hie was with Algomaý Co ngult a esroRN Whithy Detachment. was on ceeded on without stopping.' Very Rev. Poul Overgaard G.D. Stewart, .C were among recent successfuli1Steel, and the Company was; bi,; way to work wheîî the Later investication revealed Thomsen officiated and theý graduates at the 1969 exercis-jhaving troubles with produc-i truck, one o! three. Passed paint on the front bumper of wedding music was piayed by, The Honorable Allan Gross- Fi-om 1964 to 1965 lie was Sup- es, Oshawa Generai Hospitali1tion and quality. Atter theyl hlm at a higbh rate of speed. bier car rnatched that on the Mrs. E. Christensen. During'man, Minister of Correctionalerintendient O! Glendale School,;Bothi achieved high marks in'started bhaving classes ta studyl tfodEohr 11e cloked a etvee IN ew-- parkýed vebicle. the service the guests sang Services, today announced theiSimcoe; from 1969 ta 1967 bie.tercoe ilRdooiateepoliswt h m tonville and Holt Road. Jall'is Alexandcr Buod a ibotb in Danlsh and English. iappointment of Mr. G. D.'was Superintendent o! the! Technology, and won highiployees the producto niN uioi Making a U-turn on Hjgb plea1ddnont guilty o! careîess Given in marriage by ber Stewart, M.C., as Superinten- Onitanio Training Cenire, inipraise for their efforts fromquality got better because the' way 401 May 291h cost Ernezt dim pi 9b o h father the bride wore a formaljdent o! Pine Ridge School,1 Brampton, since th ivigApl2*honteIs date beýthe Director o the School, Dr. workers began te understand' MULTIPLE LIINGSlVC IIE Rtb concession of Darlington. white gown of daisy,-patterned Bo)wmnanville. Mr. Stewart wiliihas been Superintendent o! the K. G. Heison. ibetter what they were dig B ETHANYConstable R. Wbtly pp, pa esi vrognaiuce Mr. H. M. HooperïOntaria Reformatory, Mill-! Sharon Fisher o! Hampton 1He also noted bow ie had O h w itrc o 3 arrivcd atilbe scene- at 2:20:Aîline style with long sheeIMBE., wbo wiill become Sup-Ibok rdae fo h eolwit he erc R eal Dn E.s.thlb a mn. and found an Austin in.sleeves, and highlighted by aýerintendent of the Mimicol Mr. Stewvart js manî'ied with 'Nursitig, ivith the adto!lped u. o a mtal r eagyt B cd Pêrn~hty6835 M.and Mis. LIovd'd te es dichfaing1othchapel train. Her bridai veil Reformnatory In Toronto. tw os gd2 n 9wshoî1or o! winning the E. A.1course at MeMaster Univer- Causland, of Kingston. wr kdadguemrssoe a shoulder-length and she M.Seatswlluiamme !teBad0Loveill prize for Efficiency inisity, Hamilton. Whcn the weekend guests wîtb Mr. and 'ilbad slid sideu-ays across carrîed a bouquet of yellow!ýor dealing with the problems [Managers o! St. Paul's Pi.esbylMedical Nursing. cotirse started. 615 people MrF. Harry Pre.ston. tera.Dmg oterorsscnrdwt ht:Prast Mn.andMrs Eal Age he oad Daage10 he oofross cntrd wth whtepresented bx' boys needing terian Church, Simcoe, and a PrasV arn similar lhon-showed Up at the lecture bil'ii M,.and r.Er rie dcaed onits wboees nd he issBiaTride, itrseilhl i dcto n ebe !Smo o ors In coming years are Marg-,whicb would seat only 200 pea- f I t~ left on Monday for a tript lnded o t hesi h s ri bad rolld and orcid. the rooms ttin.Hehosa cer-C.j He vas a nember of the, aret Thompson o! Bowman. ple. The sanie course bias nowi V IMV I Vancouver, B.C. s oti xb Te cusdo the bride, was maid of'foîoîn ville and Sharon Peel o! Kirk- been going for 16 years at the MnfndMs. Crritd lkdd t Te tc-hied bOnor ad iIîflcate i orcin alwn xctv fteOtroCr Mr n Ms. s . rr on F hrda mt wblere beandnitthhed be Mss Suan tP rmwasri~a three-year course at McMast- rections Association from 1965 wood, who worked in the lab- university, be said, and lbas - *N tawa, visited witb Mr. and:MtssBowmanvirimepolice depant- oratory o! the Bowmanvilic neyer had less than 100 stu-' Mr. and Mrs. Aiban Sisson 'Was the driver.1He told thelgowns werc o! nylon overextrdnadoesu tea hing,jn- Mr oer, wo ba be deSchool o! Nursing. Both Miss Referring ta Durham Coi-' IPtt on a trip Vo the kq'st officer bie bad met another organza with short sîceves and!cuigadovsa ehdSpnnedn !Pn ig Thompson and Miss Peel are lege, Dr. Wiiley empbasizcdý Coast on Sunday. VCý(Ca îetp~abha wide lace border accentediauxtlîary education, and guid- School since 1965, Is appointed taktngpart Mn. anti Mrs. lames L idtce a Ui ithe to n-oth e levs nlhnuie T ance. 'Superintendent of the Mimico tkn pr n the "two-plus- that tbey were going n MAPLE LA Mra ndGuiph vsiJaes w itb M n ed to the rleftand and oathe brdesad 10plne h icaertthDepart- Reformatory in Toronto whlchlone program begun at Osb- lit "like a business." but were and rs. altr Nels o Ui nigt agin.maid o! honor was in yeliowîment o!Crrecitionaterves a ppltono bot3 awa last year. Unden this plan, going te put on an educationj U î O L anuesy a lted nesy. th ighwaoanc asedo!hexcess green iotb wore short as a correctionai officer short-term aduit maie offend-iw years o! study and relat- course. "I'm ail for change, Mrs. Albert Morrow moved !g, ssilven siippers and mta lhiemat-'r.Fl ns n hc i ab e la aro! înternsbîp dîînîng1changes. Everyone lbas to be' XR O RC ta ber nw he t id a' decidcd Judge Runci. ioes hirbos done a teachers training[ed In the near future Oy theedwdduysfooedbheaibtwewnthrih te ler ew omeat Lndsý, inghai-bow adrne wihý whicb the student nurse is paid!invoivcd," lie said. ¶ on Tuesday. Her residence and ar'e farniliar witb it. $50 veiling. Their bouquets wereiecushe tBameto Taischooîp[anneinst ofwihM r.x n he pa monthly salary. Also new' Our Phiiosophy here bai been purcbased by at otor1 as"o! yellow shastas witb whteacetBapo riigplnigo bc r OPthis yean bias been the sehemel "Our pbiiosophy is ta talk Vo WELL TIMDSUE AU Mr. and Mrs. Arthur- Me-c- Macsrjo1 arro. R.R.ntre, laVer becomin g bead' er's wide expenlence will belfhvn suet attend ece-Ithe community." be said. "We~ E RN Mahan o! Lotus. aevle laddntgitMn. Flemming Terkildsen, ece tGep efraoy'tueu. __ ____-tures In the Social Sciences at!have aiready found that theý Mrs. William Rowan spent to a charge o! careîess drv-brother o! the bride, was best! nearby Durham College. community bas stopped us th atweek wtJar.ntili peddro ofmanand the ushers were Mnr. r D s ri tDirector o! Nursing Educa- !rom making mistakes. We, Chuck StaBR A FT Stanley Fallis at Bailieboro Drg on laid May 6tb. i' Wendell Prime, Mn. RandallU Vh e i t ic i lian, Miss Giadys Hill1, reports were thinking o! stanting A O Mns. Launa Spiers, Torontoasdmie fo ck! Prime, brothers o! the groom,, that the new prograni basigandening and landscaping o Mr. an d iside orlko evi- and Mr. Edmund Oee. F proyed verxr satisfactory. Fron, course. We called together al wa ue witb r. n e , heoffîcer ntbeing 'n uae ta Mrs. Walter Neais during theien out en The reception was heid In ý o epresent D r a an all-time'-bigb registration o! the greenhouse people in the weekend. Hrl rw 37Bradtbe church. where the brîde'si 58 students in September 1968, area for a meeting. Tbey ask- Inth Snir ofhai ea Hn IdDrw,39 Brnrdmother necelved in a blue lacA t ce 54 are stili taking part, an un- ed us instcad ta put on a right In he enir Sftbll ea-Street, Obw.pieaded guiltyl t G e p o f r n ewo gu. etan tokth wn ! arîes î'vig pnl ensemble with corsage of whîte ý ~II usualiy low drapant rate even course for the peoplewo overCavn o Weneslavý anatonsand small bine flow- for the Oshawa Genenal. Fur- were already workîng forý aveniCavanconredesayon3-bwy2. Constabi e es. The groom's mother assist- (Tntended for iast week) 'ence. Dr. Margaret S. Mc-Ithier enhancing the hospital'sýthem. HolawithvetiaMountw edtPleasanadtcos apinkl he itic il aeCready, former Dean o! Mlac-lexcellent repuitation !s the tact' "The economies o! the y-N.iFA C w'a aso wn fr he et -Car s1 bl ml es !ensemble. Hen corsage was o! been selected to represent donald Institute will com-1 that almost tbree-quarters o!fe: r nipotn atn env team, score 12-2. Bomn'll t1:1 ..Hwhite carnations and tiny plnk: Durham County at the annual'1 ment on the therne Wednes- the 37 nurses graduated this maintaîns Dr. Willey. "We have1 On Saturday an auction, esticlat 250amagetVo thel flowers. 'Girls' Conference for 4-H1 day morning. Other guestyean plan te remain on staff. a responsibility to make ouni sale o! the household effects ol iie v oadJme Before ieaving on their bon-', Homnemaking Clubs. Jenniferl speakers will be Dr. Ethel' Already applicants have society a competitive ane," be o! helae rs Enm Cvao on eingtv onaStreet, ateymoon in the Muskoka andlBest, R.R. i Hampton, Lynn Chapman o! Toronto, and Dr.'belitriwdfo h e-si."If we don't kcep this wa weil attended, witi 10.BobvbcesbdbeGravenhurst anea, the bride~ Skinner, R.R. 1 Tyrone, and 1 Elizabeth Waterston. Depart-1 tember Class and appointments country competitive, wc won't $1i2tn0a0.! ito esBondhwben Drlew assbeddonned for travelling a lime Canal Werry, R.R. 2 Nestle- 1met f Elish 'n.ieri are being made fan funther have ail these scilfnilis we - auctionee-4 Hen resid.eiico a a iso,,oi.cotol green ensemble, complement-1 ton, wili attend the Conifer-ot Guelph. interviews.- like. Tt Is important te note rr been purchased hi, Mr. and ccîr\esand lefî manrs lnteed by white accessonies and[ence at the University o! Activities planned for the that skilis are requined at bigh- Mrs. Thomas McCullough and bis carndroed thars owing 'the white orcbid from ber bri- !Guelph fron, June 24-27, 1969.1 three-day Conference iockîde en and bigber levels." RS RE William McCuilough o! Lif- " and rolled heo ighayest bouquet. They are resîdingi There are 200 delegates re-1j a tour of Macdonald Institue, PO T P O Unlcss you have 1carned ta FREi fod in. ri rlid ve crangteretat 164 Morgan Ave., Kitchen- presenting every county anPaCacrsSypoimdicu- do, something excellentiy," said fadLie ight side up. The fine was era. ersSmosudics1iern ied at u ail. ! ouhear wa scesfîl Sppr$75 and cnsts. or 201 days. The bride was employed for "A Girl and Hei- World" is1 a fiower arranging demon-Alvin Olan home again afVensamething you may forget it, ARRIVEN WR asuces veiit on~ A similar charge againsttbree years with the Caniadian the teeo h 99Cne-srto y te uiest eea ek nCivic os attending froro distant points. tbe Crown because bis macci- . - Hoondtin ecsi- teyod Haur o!hePo(nypoo l am d -o h re eil ain 1 'Geogetown. Bath the bridelof. Va. 11r coditin I Duigth vnig iidît had occîirred as a adgoo eeemlydatksA.ua eUlc r heîs o xgn nçcsinEaples Cited PIE ]an Beer of Bethany present- ()fcnntroî.g ti the samne branch In George- awthmest ily i he aidsaoaon Dr. Willey necailed how onc TOASTM SEIIT M A C f, ' Re. William Pienvy wit b, Elaine Marie Fitzgerald Itown for Il montbs, and the L E I L to Mns. ily Rpihrdent n epon high scbool student bad ti-frwl it- ,groom is presently with the a dA s hsia.Se xet ospent w pyassedn Grader tI~~!aewl f !an' dcc- R.I. 2, Bethan\', hea>d aWleiyOt rnc o h ori Dand R eaitn idn. ay hoiaSepatets nteolwo Ms nGad l~OIta fric clark. Mrs. Herb Conpin. hrg ýeleleOt b.om hotyacn nd ade 1,hd t p'~set'~Mr. îenv it a hage o! careless ImpeniaiBank O! r The 16Qi annual meeting o! pand the name tVo mclude other ib oesoty eti rd 1,bdsodr a ii5,U I ~ ~ ~ ~Mn d My 6b ismssd for lack o!fomere the Northumberland - Dna respiratonv diseases. The nciw~ etn alsudrfirst in bis class at Durhami rr l Mrs an e'. dcnce, the afficer net being, Special guests at the cere-1 Tubercuiosis and Heaith As- name is the Northumberland-1mno'urey nFn!Caîîege o! Applied Arts and IU > Mr.Piecar e nio%,i. t in Count. manv' were the bnide's grand- oiatian beid Mayv 27th at Durhamn Tubenculosîs and Res ýdy but was able ta comeiScience. Another aider ma n Ozhna aand oni S'ndav moriî . - Ca home h aedy rd 0euainhad ri. in epccedbsfnw lIlegal possession o! liquorh etesm a ih rd 0euainaren~ts, Mn. and Mrs. PeteriCobourg will be the last- piratony Disease Association. scoed ag50k a an iepeihd hiAvenue. Osh__ A wa-ff, $5 anCi d-fon emkVose nua eeig-oedV c-th xeuiv oucl vrer ni the Qenrd ning10 bbc top fiv4- students.-t j e al.Bwavhi 2-5l vs iîd$2 n oss rpleuity ta serve the more tnan Offering was received by Bowmanville; Mrs. LI o y d1in__g-1968.b- he al1-so -receivedl eto h rvnilCm ~ BV ~ Jr FrdBeaurage. Bowmativille fixe dzys. 300 people who turned Ont Shawn Houston aîîd Laurie Snowden, R.R. Bowmanville; special honours as Chapterl man d. SAVE1-a. Y Frd 623-3711 rxo(1ia gs ee laid frti nulc'n.M.Tsnvk.Ms rn ed ..Baw- Qucen losing the most weigh. Our boys' teani lest a close' % Lpg Oujiwa Aea Ofic: agînsiRobet L Giboui.T~-Hector Danke who celebratcd,1 Mn. Tufford expnessed ap- manville; Mrs. K. E. Courtice, in 1964. This; inciuded anianc Vo Bailieborn on Sundayl ____________*BV 8 Og Paare& Rd.ff'ic e rica rnst obertOfficbcso ! b - is golden wedding only daysî preciation for the help o! those' R.R. Bowmauiville; Mrs. Clin- awand given for 60 lbs. aven1 evening, 8-7. at Bailieboro. North 401 PrkRdmiberla onirvPostficf, a aningo fî>beftore, was coorman as wlîa bad xorked witl i hm ton Farrow. Newtonville: Mrs. ioss a! weigb.Avn ne-Te aehm n on E ! ODNBE Frn sua,. Besides the regulars during bis years as supenin- W. M. Rudeli, Newcastle; Mn. ested in lasing this unneces-IgmstL ekwt eh Manaer-Oshaw 576-0330.' Townshîip building by-law.1 who helped. Mns. C. Dickinson, tendent. Thiere will be nia E. Richard Lavekin, Newcastle; sry weight isboul otaV'amsti we t1eb MEAT BALSI G A Y5 - The mininmum finie o! $50 aind Mrs. Harold Haie, Miss Stella Sunday Schooi during the Mrs. A. L. Blanchard, Harnp-j the leader, Kay Youngman. i any.o SnAVyaEdFl-wt Pttea1-s Bennett and Miss Connie Gars- sommer montbs but will re- on; Mrs. A. H. Peeling, R.R.1 Real Estate is stiil booming1 day. s eerl n w 5BAVETi 1 lne gave their assistance. open ln September when an-i R.R. Blackstock Mrs. William! oal.M.Load Tîk rnn sgeea n e 5 u n e n RE ALUIIIII EMMURE Friends were glad ta greet rangements are made by the Hampton: Mrs. Glenn Lanmer, ba sold bis home iWs e odlt ihcr n i M IUI~FL VU~L Mrs. James Hil1l from Cali- board o! the new chUrcb. Ferguson. R.R. Bîackstock; bas The bou se et! buses standing by. Initiai TOASTM TRDNTE 'fornia wbo Is ln Canada visit- Mn. E. S. Lewis was the Mrs. Earl Argue, Pontypool,,dor The orme er nk M sae rea bt eathe onth W ITE SIE A ~ D M UA~tIing ber mothen, Mrs. L. Top-, adjudicator for examninations Mrs. Frank Harkness, R.R. Ida; basth foeaMen stm ant a!te ahon.theyn~ CUSTOM YYUK pin o! Toronto who accorn-i held at the home a! Mrs. Car- Mrs. Gordon Ruth, R.R. Ida; Cflioughbaaieen sold tr ftesao.Hyni panied ber bere as xvcil as ber1 roll Nichais on Saturday after- Mrî. Gladys Gamsby, Orono; Rcv. W. Piercy preaohed bis lis almonst nil with most farm- B *aunt Mrs. M opin and'iooi Jn 24th. These e Ms Herb Murray, Orono; Mns. farewell service on Sunday.1 ens scared ta stant due te the * PLO GHIN * DICING * SPR YING sistcr-in-law Mrs. Kelth Top-' for piano fron, the Western M. Thompson, South Mon- T' iry adbe rsn-l1 wet weatber. q.I s.i I iJanet Toppin and Mar- Cosreoyo ui n ga;M.Gog en rs d witb a modern grand!athe< Wc negleCeteV report Uie Loavem " U TV TN R I O IG garet Hill1. Music by loca those taking the cxams were envilie: Mrs. L. R. Gibson, Idock an Saturday by bcithj passing o! Veima Neais, dau -_____________ ___________ *CORN PLANTING * BALING * MOWING !talent xvas provided bY tap for Grade 8 Nancy Walker, for Miilbrook: Rev. J. R. Garland,1 congregations at a churchi1 ghtcr of the laVe kHowand sufl recorder, prepared by Mrs. i Grade 5 Andv Clarke, Cheryl Miilbrook; Mrs. Harold Noble, supper in Bethany Saturdayi Bowins. Deceased was barri BI(1 *RAKING* COMBINING 'CarraI NichoIs. 'Eymni Junie Kimbali, Cor- Baltimore; Mrs. Gardon .hn eeig. He thanked ail those' on the Bowins homestead aven GR I n O N DYIGYoung people are ivell1 nelia Reugger, Susan Seul- win. Baltimore, Mrs. Cliitord for their assistance and ca-150 ycars ago. Fniends frornI Ilc E GRAN ad ORNDRYNGsetticd fon the summer. James1 tharpe and Alain Wilson for Willamson, Cambonne: Mns. J. operation duning bic; six years: here attended tbe funerai ln Ausorted FLaur COR PCKNGandSH LLNGEyden wbo graduated fromý Gracie 3, Vickie Harris. This Albert Cox. Harwood; Mn. here. He paid a special tri-I Osbawa. CORN PCKINGand SH LLINGGrade 12 with bonours, Is 1 as a new expenience ln the Jack Sullivan, Hastinigs; Mrs.j bute ta Mn. Curtis MeKav'y, We are glad ta sce Mrs. BLa ~~~~~working as student hepo oeadvr laan. HnyGsBwly rs A 'caretaker, Mrs. Yvonnie Failis John Allen. able Vo walk o f 14ftOUL. Marilyn Nichols is w~~~~~~~~elokiatfomeTorodtovfr-,te wcen. SiHarys, oBnne; sT .Iit.adMs kc n r cyo e et Bryant :he raiiroad at NewcastIe:l Gloria Nichais was home J. Cainan, Gra!Von: Mrs. B) and Mn. Les Fairhunst, organ-ý around our village atten sur- D YSA S teService Centre on 401;' The Murray and Howard Gresham, Coîbarne; Mrs. Kcithl Fallis. He stated that be had'ý Bell Telephone are iaying, SoilJames Nichais is on bis fath- Payne familles wvere In Part Rednen, Coîbonne; Mrs. A. C.rcivd ep fomam t ils !unrgud wire (HOMi FQAIY oâr's !arm but will be going, Hope.. Sunday. Vo share In a J. Trusam Roseneath: Mn.i everyone in thie congregation. 1 preparing for their take-over BU.Vo.t Guelpbh I the Fali. familv gathering for Mrs. B, C. Thonîpson. Q.C., Bright- î He forecasts a bnight future bhere on Decr th froni the FOO001R E 263-2301 2' 4. Miss Minka O! fers arrived 'Carlton Pa 'vne's birthday heid 1 on; Mns. Ken Young. R.R. jfor thc congregation and'Municipal Telephone Assoi- ____________________________________£rom Holiand last Wedncsday 1 a& ber home on Brown Street..i Brighton; Mrs. Blair li-eeney, j hoped tlhey would welconi the î tioa.,