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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jul 1969, p. 1

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.Arts Festival Fiblôat guzai For the second consecutive year, the Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts float f rom Newcastle was judged the best in the annual Dominion Day parade in Oshawa on Tuesday. Not only did the unusual float take top honors but two members of the festival who acted as outriders won first and second prizes in the horsemanship category. The float depicted three of the seven deadly sins f rom the play "Dr. Faustus", portrayed by Cindy Wis- ener, Andrea Ewert and Karen Lee. Incidentally, this play will premiere at the festival on July 3lst. The large crowds lining the streets were most generous in applauding the Newcastle float, especial- ly when it emitted great clouds of wfspy f oq. The tractor and f arm wagon f orming the base were loaned by the Pine Ridge School, Bowmanville. t. b ~i~bin tudtmr VOLUME 115 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE' ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JULY 2, 1969 150 Per Copy NUMBER 27 Lions Governor CIalims We Face Creeping SA7 District Governor Art Chambers in his address at the dinner meeting of the Bow- manville Lions Club Iast week reminded the members that as Lions they preach the Golden Rule, and he asked themn to accept the challenge as Cana- dians and Lions to cure "this creeping sickness in our coun- try today." - Traff ic Heavy Five Collisions But No Injuriesil After the flood of fatal accidents ln this area during the past four montbs. it was quite a change to have the Ontario Provincial Police at Newcastle report that whiie traffic on the holiday week- end was extremely beavy, no one was kiiled or injured lni a vehicle collision. There were five collisions lnvolving motorists tbrough- ont the area, with property damage only. Lu nacyy The District Governor dec- sloth has become a virtue, and y lared that soon Canadians wlll patriotismn is a sin. "God isý be "able to associate ourselves over 30 years old. To be youngi, with our neighbors to the southiis the only religion, as if it, and cal] ourselves the violent were a hard won virtue," he states of America. As evidenc- declared. cd recently one bullet is might- "This is the 20th etr id ieeofBreo onbhlofheG atP eRdgFsivlfte ier than a million votes," he not Disneyland. Weil Cti etr- id iee fBreo nbhi fteGetPn ig etvlo h said. ýting to look more like the cave- Ars, accepts the Michael Starr trophy from parade judge Clayton Lee, while the "It is not democracy, it is man era every day. Canadiansi head judge of the Dominion Day parade in Oshawa, Lloyd Embury looks on lunacy. A country that shrinks and Lions particularly have a 1 with approval. It was awarded ta the festival for entering the best float. from punishing its criminals, podium and should speak out..Poo!li obiPr ud disciplining its children, lock- "I like people with curtains Pho-to___ ___ courtesy Sli orPr HopeGud ing up its mad, is like an ani- on their windows not with a mal that disregards its senses. 'pad'. The next guy that cails T o N w M m es Id ce It isa lamb defending the money 'bread' should b paid7_ __New___ _______ __________ lion's right to caf it. off in whole 'wheat. As a Can-î "We quarantine the good, adian, a father, and a Lion, 1I the reliable, the honcst. We arn slck of being told I shouldie l h e b r e e i e ýkeep a 24-hour watch on theUy to undcrstand evil. Should8 1 fh e bgeR tis trustworthy, but get a habeas a canary understand a cat? i corpus to let anarchy loose. "Our Bill of Rights was__ The speaker commented (TURN TO PAGE TWO) i u l# J U i' l ~ (onservution Areaf Neur Enniskillen Open This Weekend In this area, Conservation Week from July 5-12 Will be observed; at the Enniskillen Conservation Area that ,wiH- 'be officially opeuiéd for the, occasion. See the advertisement on page 10 for directions. - Among the many features on Saturday and Sunday, will be fire fighting demonstrations, dog retriever trials, a bee-keeping display and a f ishing derby, as well as tours of the entire area. Citizens are encouraged to make up a picnic party and enjoy the facilities that are available. There is no admission charge and refreshments will be available. M ." -'j %IIfjI I ..Wuq The following morning cnly the foundation remained Town Police have recetved, several complaints fromn par- Four persons escaped injury Saturday nighthwhen managed to escape the f ire which apparently startedi ents concerning attempts be- their twa-storey home on Cave Road, West Beachwa n the front veranda. Another family living in the ing made during the past destroyed by f ire. home was on vacation at the time. wheek by mtrit t ur Bowmanville firefighters received the cali at 9:55 Firefighters report that the h~ome went up in chr auofghteitosther p.m. and stayed with the fire until 3:00 a.m. The house flames sa quickly that there was littie which could il and 13 years old. Two men was a total lass. Na estimate of damage has been made have been done ta save the contents. were apprehended in this con- Theexat aus ofth fie s udetrmned T ere ction but later released. yet.Theexat case f te fie i uneterine. TereParents are urged ta warn Frank Piper, his two daughters and- grandchild was insurance on the house and contents. their daughters. BITS >eDPIECES SANTA -- Before the cool weather leaves, it might be appropriate ta advise citizens that the annual Santa Claus Parade will be held this year on Nov. 22nd, starting at 10:30 a.m. The theme will be "Cartoon Capers"' and anyone planning ta enter a float should contact Mrs. Helen Rudeil at 987-4261. Nothing, like getting started early, said the parade committee man' Bob Lawton just before starting his holidays. Serves himn right if this cold weather stay's with LIs until he returns. FIRE - Last Wednesday eveîuing what could have been a serlous fire broke out at John Brownlee's1 rented premises, King St. East, because somebody (not Mr. Brownlee) had used a 30 amp fuse where there sbould only have been a 15 amnp. Fortunately, firemen were on tbe job and littie damage, other than ,by smoke, resulted. The moral is, check those fuses inow, it's easier than bothering the insurance com- panies later, or funeral directors. DEPARTS-- Town Constable Richard Kouhi, his wife the former Beyt, Wright and their recently born child, left this week for Part Arthur when he will be on the police force and fia doubt, in his spare time will be out hunting for another deer to have mounted over the fireplace. It is understood that a replacement has been hired here who has trouble getting f hrough doorways because af his 6'5"~ frame. His name or present residence bas flot beeii announced. QUIET - The wacky assorbment of holidays that resulted from the Dominion Day, Canada's lO2nd birthday, being on Tuesday, made life vcry difficuit for our advertising staff this wcek. Some merchants -Were open Tuesday and closed Monday, others took both days and most were relaxing and net too en- thusiastic whcn they were on the job! But, after ý nv fruitless and frequent calis, this edition came 2% bc t the sua I time, with some of the regular Wisers among the missing. Incidentally, please remember that The Statesman office staff wiII take their holidn'y thîs Friday instead of Tuesday. We're mm «.imm dup iliumamy et them. Retiring President Lights Up to Relax BOi Thiesburger, one of the most active presidents Rotary in Bowmanville has had in many years, retired from office Thursday. He made an unusual fare- well speech, closing by pullîng this huge cigar f rom his pocket and commenting that he would now be able ta light up, sit back, relax and enjoy the meetings. His succem~r Tom Cowan wi.d hLm weIll_ WW ffl%0&1qWl Last Wednesday moraing the theft of 500' of !/" cap- per pipe and 165 T conne, tors was reported by Brook- dale-Kingsway Nurseries. Ap.- proximate value was $400. Several Q)ld Age Pension cheques with forged signa- tures were passed at one ofj the local supermarkets. These have been forwarded Vo the RCMP. Dr. A. L. Sylvester's mcdi- cal bag was stolen from bis car on June 26th at the bos- pital. It was recovered later on highway 401 near Oshawa. There were two attempted break-mns on June 27th at Higgon Electric, Temperance St. and Walker Stores, King TURN TO PAGE TWO) GIRL BITTEN BV DOG On Sunday afternoon, six- year-old Brenda Legres, 413 Bloor Si. E., Oshawa, was visiting her brother-in-law Ronald Fisher at West Beach, Bowmanville. During the afternoon whiie she was playing with Fisher's dog that was tied up, the dog bit off the iower part of one of ber ears. The youngster was rusbed to Memorial Hospital and then transferred to East General Hospital, Toronto. No report of ber condition bas been received. ONE OF THOSE DAYS The Peterborough Exam- iner's staff on Monday must have been getting ready for Tuesday's holi- day. Either that or the tremlins were having a filId day sucb as we al encounter now and then in the newipaper business. On Page 3 of Monday's edition a headline proclalm that "Britons May Go to Doils I theFail." Doli. uhould have read <'Poilis". Then on Page 5 there was a blaak space lned ofta picture cf the guest speaker and three students at Wark- worth School Graduation Exerciaes, and we can pie- ture the ucrambling that was Coing -on, trying bto ind the qgraving that ahould have iseen there. But we're net braCtfng. because last week we bail a letter t. the Great Plue Rldre Festival signet! by Maymond Mamey Inutnad ef Raymond. 1Wpl ENIILJFY %.moulI 1teIi. iII Succeeded by Tom Cowan JTwo new members, Art Hooper and Perey Clapper, were mnducted by President Bill Thiesburger at the Bow- manville Rotary Club lunch- con meeting held in the Flying: Dutchman Motor Inn on Thurs- day. President Thiesburger was assisted in the ceremony1 by an Induction Team compos-j ed of four past presidents,' Rex1 Wadters, Bob Stevens, AI With-1 erspoon and Dr. G. Edwin, Mann.1 President Thiesburger, who had completed his year in the club's highest office told the club that it was rather a sad day, but also a happy anc because this year had come to an end. "I have enjoyed my presidential year. It was a privilege to serve as president, and I will remember It wlth jay and pride," he said. President Thiesburger recal- Firsi Sweep led that bis two objectives during the year had been Fin- ance and Feilowship. "I amn sure .ail will agree that we attained some success in con- nection wlth both," he declar- ed, and there wasapplause. "There was the language barrier. We have had to strug- gle with French, Spanish, Por- Lugese ahd German, and a wee bit of Scottish. Then too there was my personal struggle with the English language. "My wish for Rotary is that it will continue to go forward and neyer go backward. My thanks to the whole- club for the support given me in my year. I hand the gavel over to our new President Tom Cowan with my best wishes. Now I can light up a huge cigar and sit back camnfartably to watch" President Thiesburger said as (TURN~ TO PAGE TWO) FOUR TIRES SLASHED On Monday night, Milton Corson of Frank St. had four tires on bis car siashed whli t was parked West ot the dance bail at West Beach. Damage was cuti- mated at $160. MANY CONFERENCES Last week, several town officiaIs w e re attending conferences of varions types. Chief of Police Ber- nard Kitney took in the Chiefs of Police Conference at Windsor, His Worshlp Mayor Ivan Hobbs was pre- sent at the Mayors and Reeves Conference In Etc. bicoke and Clerk-Controiler Robert L. Byron attended the Clerks' Conference ai Hone.v 1Harbor. Ticket Wins Him $52,000 Truck driver Edward J. Blake of Nash Road, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, bou8h$ his f îrst sweepstake ticket a couple of months ago and on Saturçiay ît, Cam through with flying colors ta win him a second, place $52,000 in the Irish $-we stakes. His horse was Ribafilio, and the first two initiais .on te tickoet wr J., the same as his. Full ticket number was EJA97180., At leait two other'Bo*. manville ticket holders were excited when the news caine tha*tl Bowmanvill*. man with the nom de plume "Lucky" could bè' a ýWine -Don Bw manville Ambulance almost had the correct numbv r4 *0 '1 s0ky', Sa did Ed Foran, but the numbers didn't quite coi*itmné is shown above with his wife, the former t=gae Lynn 6 and Bannie 4. He has no specifi lc lns tr N" j utll he gets it. '1 4, Winsg Tp Trophyr, Fire Destroys West Beach Home e 1 1 1 From Pnlirc-à Rlnffor

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