2 The Canadien tatesinan, Bow-manville. July 2, 1989 ment of Lands anid Frsa t Retiring Music ueacner nonorea at Pine Ridlge School divisionssitesenn Book Review septie tanm mary Day am~ist the owners ithsp Itank layout, and 14isec He da Ur n Germany Beyond the Watt necessary. a Germany Beyond the Wall app*Ar, gtvpn a littie tîn and ranks qrxth ln Europe and lthý J. D. Fin1aysort,hefPbfote engrje,"cu (Little, Brown and Co.,Tor tilck,The West lkrs o fc n the wor1d in Industriel pro' lic Health onFiisespAprxinael onto) by Jean Edw~ard Smith that East Germita isan ar duction. The GDR's co-opera. an In-Service TrainigCusro uhmCut oe i.u the most important book iclal nation in the 1t a ztiv e farms are reputedly the for* ~. Public Health necosttdd.Teouehdbe about East Germany (the Ger- of decrline Pro n o Sih. most prosperous of their kind aet Ryenson PoIytechncll-sosrdb h oeEo MnDemocratic Republir or professor of PoltialScinc n the world. Education hasi sttte, Toronto fromMy2uoisBac fteOtai GDR)*to appear In the past In and an aesnciatechairinof breen e'tended admirabîx, saysl to .30. Tlhis wag acureoDpamnt o Agilue years. the llepartmtttofPoltal the author. Relations between . te adorlc mniaadFod nerh upr The Free world ha!: rrp.;ta cni omv at thr (ifCh îrch andi State have neyer to nwi- 4p ed the GDR as an erratir m".. Toronto, sa >iit h ud-bectn more amicable.~.~ inspectors participaednmitDoen1am. tery from the beginning Thîs mig of tlie Wall maritkc(d tnot reato ece hscn Messrs. Glenn Torea1 r.Mra acilai book answers manv of thr thfe end of thr GDfl, but a botd clusion -- the growing amfu-Jae MKuie Uieriyr fte elrtn rop pertinent questions, Tt bAs ai- new begîninig He says It lias rn<'e of the GDR has been mis- tj suents, began sume m wsoarmnfrlîeSm dea tre lS cdmr%- qidrc- în \-niboili7 theeeri t detodorignored by the , & pioyment with the pbi ar a1rgrm h n ready sirUeS. cntaersi arcor ne 10 no Rsthc rm uds to orb ealth inspection stafi hi rdcd isFacsLm les. lit should have a s zb,1âi.ni ake thrir nation a siiccc'.sý Smith also includes a series wor wiil be in watrp«u a fTootSprio tUal impact on informed pii- Profrs.sor Snth bclieves that of vignettes of representative ~~ ~. to uvysimn ol0 ltigfrteHm lic opinion. tbis- hasic .change in attitude citizens in the GDR ' .. prto n aneane cnme ranch i. The Free World haý,t lors êtithas hMd tar-rraclîing conse- He has written a stimulat- ope- atr san niofbahsLap n, h adcdu- that Walter Ulbricht and hi% qiienc-es lut almost every% phase ing and scholarly appraisal of i ad smeamp inseto.c henchmen are houind to dis- of East Germait life. The GDR the GPR. It i worth reading t' broteMlour B3-A.,M.D.,D.P]raypeetd a st M edical O ffice. ft e l a e s a e . M s Central Riegion Hydro Workers --be oc Police Set Remarkable Safety Record wr oe' ntttsfo Nearly a million manhours, Manby T.S.,Kip ling Aee% B lotti ad eh" ie -lmtnMllro of work without a iost-timei Etobtcoke Leaside T.S.. it East, Ftting recognitionxa i u oinBiibr nh accident is the remarkablelYork; Scarborough T.S. Ken-'en 1-o the operators for their <FR0 M PAGE 0N>cnGuo Wmn n e safety record that 115 Ontario1 nedv Road and Lawrence in achie'.ement when thev were S t.E. Apparentiy ,thwul-vrnUitdCrh Wo Hydro operators and associat- Sca'rborough, Cherrywood T.S. presented with a framed cer- be thieves were fîhee e.Ec ru rsne ed staff members ln Central Fairport Road. P 1 c k e r i n g tificate from the Ontario Last week, duri ng asenyat Fine RdeSehool, pritndn H. M. Hooe expressed the feelings, off. fs o hwo h rse Reglon have establisheci. Township; Oshawa-Wilson T. Hydro Commission signed by Mrs. W. E. C. Workman was presented with several of the staff and students. Two of the boys are shownl Several bicycles haeb1 re eor ftermeig T're operators handie the S., Wilson Road North. Oshia- rChairman George E. Gather- endrgth pat ekAladoud1atihug electrlc power distribution in' wa; John T.S.. Central Toron- cole and Central Region M an- ýgifiLs to show the regret feit that she was retiring and here presenting her with a bouquet of flowers and a wth nly oine bigrcvr hswsabsccus 10 of the larger manned sta-: ta: Oakville T.S.. lit the town ager Frank J. Dobson. 1he appreciation of her efforts on behaif of the boys. painting. i__________oe ed.n tions of the Reglon's 35 trans- of Oakville. and Armitage T.S., The presentation o!f h ed.__ __ F cigmn e tcnqe former stations and work ln Newmarket-Aurora area. frarned certificate asmade I m . .had bee leaned Seera arun hedokinai ins The aut.standing safety re- b", Reglon Manager Dobson et ~~isb isbiih (, by police from Lotus adn ebr a enfr1h of weather conditions. cord of the Ontario Hvdro seven of the major trausform- ug10'ou n ao Je27h Thy eefis.imadadoeqit Thy r i n ccptinoperators dates back to August er stations, lu addition, each . creating a disturbac ycmeual ok tha e ba n an occutionba-1961« By October 1968 the operator was presented withî .v.~ fightiiig.Athecoeftheftr ards and requires great care. operators had piled up -1 mil- a matching silver peu and' .fAbd a eotdi anoMsMlomepesd vigilance and sk!Il 1to perform lion manhours of work %vith-. pencil set, bearing the Hydro *1- i dtch on May 25th,buw-eaprctin e be Hm their dutis saely.out any lost-time accidents. At Symbol. Th oertosireî e t present tbev have nearlv Mr Dobsoni congratulated . a Peterborough n, n iimnindtpc nfo, these major stations: Ricbvlew 900.000 manbours that are, the operators and told 1hem .-,cbarged hlm withdukn-îohgcas, nd o-i T.S.. near Tarant-o Internation- accident free and are aiming th at the Commission was proud i - ness. Because he rfuedtfunhigaalbefosty a] Airport ln Etobicoke;, Cooks- for a million manhours and of their excellent safety' re-! inabalbnh ville T.S. in MIssissauga; A. W. higher goals. ___ ord. i .he. I. . --ao Ileufth Units Merg e TA DÀM. *Ép&,n C U*»ol'hà (FR0M PAGE ONEI li c 4 o -le neyer conceived as a shielci for I1 u el IV U ~ I V L aur flag and end up burning' Ottawa. You do away with the, death penalty for everyone but>A r1 0 0 0 es n honest citizens. "The point of the couintry is The Haliburton, Kauartha, Flaxman, Bowmauville. has fear. The rebellion Is agaiust: Pine Ridge District Health1 been appointed Director of good. Men of God are becom- Unit Is now officiaily in opera-! Public Healtb Nursing and Mr. Ing men of the mob. Canadians tion. The Board of Health re- J. D. Finlayson, Cobourg, soon will not be able ta walk ceiveci the Order in Couincil Director of Public Heaitb In- in their own parks, get into forming the new Health Unitispection Services. AIl]1tbe fi'eir own buses. retroactive 1o March 1. 1969.1 senior staff members will be 'Get off your knees Canada.f This is a nucleus district - working out af 1tbe Cobourg Peonple cry 1-is but it is ignor- Health Unit comprising Vic-';office. ed..!Threaten ta fight back. The torxa, Northumberland ai-d The formation Of 1-be DIS- lion bares bis teeth and 1-be Durham Counities and the Pro- trict Health Unit makes avail- jackal slinks away. A cowering visional County of Haliburton able from the Ontario Depart- animal invites attack.1 with a total population of ment of Health. additional "A young vigorous couutry1 130.000 persons and covering! futndF for its operation. A Is immobilized by bumper an ares of 4,197 sa uLare miles.; grant of 75<o of thbe operating stickers and slogans. Neurotici The Board of Health lias' costs, rather 1han 50% relieves, triCO in Port H-ope Court. 1le Iwas committed to the Ontario Psychiatric Hospital in King- MY~usic R esuis ston.. The foliowing piano anid Cowan Pontiac-Buick, King theory pupils of Mr. Arthur St. East reported that somne- Colison, Mus.Bac., L.R.S.M., one had broken a windshieid succes sfulypas ou one of the cars on their U1YPasd their ex--. aminations held in Bowman- lot after 6 p.m. on Saturday. ville recently. It had been hit by a stone orPio other similar object. Piano - Catherine MacKin- A complaint was received tosh, Gr. VIII, Honoure; Jen- of broken beer botties litter.' nifer Munro, Gr. VII, Hon- ing King St.", and noise. Police ours; Lori Darling, Gr. Vir, have been instructed to keepý Honours; Jane Reynolds, Gr,, several of thbe parking lots in. VI, Honours; John Trimbleý tawn clear of groups wbo' Gr. IV, Honours. congregate.1 Theory and Harmony Brenton Fogg, Pkwy Cres. - Harmony - Douglas E. Dew.t reported that someone had el], Gr. IV , l'as; Arlene M. broken into bis home over thbe Munro, Gr. Ill, Pasa. weekend. Notbing was stolen' Theory - Catherine E., Mac- and no damage was reporteci. Kintosh, Gr. If, First Ciasi: Garth Linton, Scugog St.' Honours; Catherine A. Porter#, reported that someone had' Gr. Ir, First Class Hanours*t stolen bis portable radio ojtý Jennifer E. Muni-o, Gr. 111 of his car wbile parked nearf Honours. the Royal Theatre on July lst. ----- students with feet ou their! eightmem-beërs -a-s f-ol-ows: M. UIi t the IlnanI(Jiiiesponsi-i desks. Desks they could not1 J. Starr, Chairman. Lieut, biiity 'from the municipalities: rnake. Pulling down univrersi-IGovernors Representative, o! and, also makes, possible, ex-' ______Z____________________________________ tIs 1-ey would nt know how ýWodville; Mrs. G. Edwards, teision of existing programs Me isMr atii dad, ta~~~~ reuld iet Gvrnrs ereeta eveomnsfnw The CNR siding into the Goodyear Tire & Rubber mines there. The beli is of the recently developedî u fw y agtro r.Mlo d "Hwmn odmnhviie oor;M.R hip he therwise iNiGII ards o Howie nego o me n ps hae , stieve C bourg; M.gRe oîn p pr. o t am os w ible.p ant has been used extcnsively in recent weeks ta type, with steel cables reinforcing the rubber. This 1 ae M. d a ,fo m ry o There will be a comnbined hni eea alaso ag ovyrblig that photo ýhows two flat cars ready to rall with some of' In 1968, motorists rvle omnile n r alr weapans from thbe terrible!f S. Smith, Reeve, Emiiy' Twp.; staff of approximately 65. 0f- is being_ shipped ta British Columbia for use in the the cratedbelting. hands of aur barbarians, dem-'ý Mr. G.' Aguew, Reeve, Mon-, fices are located In Cobourg, ------ --.- - -- - nce of Ontario___ and respect for aur institutions, mouth Twp.; Mr. L. Gibson,, IBrighProvince o! Outaria. in luuMrs L G. Baiden of Toronmo healers of the United States Reeve, Murray Twp.; Mr. R.'Nrhmbrad Port Hope, on thbe proper course. 'M il o J. ElliHealth Ciic tem e 1osate ,06pee o itrModve-eig un 0- cannot repais John Kennedy, Foster, Reeve, Clarke Twp. -Bwi nilesu ilboo n 1 01 NEhN eieile isusin 50Iioe ie !on igwy.169 ri1beCaplofTint o i rteRbr.1Durham; Lindsay in Victoria "In closing may I say 1-at, elvle Dsusosare to ult n ipeof obtsy1b 300 nte brb i<bn Inclsig isrit ovrnr asben ppined Meical Haliburton County. 1-y I assume. I trust that 1 ~ ~ e A~ and are led by Dr. E. B. Co un, Highways ln Ontario u o o h a.deih evc Chambers urged the Lions 1oi Officer of Healtb snd Dr. A.! Tiere wili be a melding of with the heip of others may I î~ v a c en Director, Departmeut of Y~~a mgn -emjrdan a e.J .Ptesn procrastinate. He, also extend-' Medical Officer of Health. I1-'gramme b'.-t1-e Board 0f Rotary," President Cowan II*.L Ieeive.aghsfwtleomnitedý fHgwysa lt ed bis best wisbes totah-e Bow- is regretted 1-at Dr. Bailey Is Health with 1-be objective Of the Club. tidc cin ieçsBeevl.Ths ilcmpeeoHgbas ti' akBrg-tO.,a 1 - f rnanville Lions Club for the1 leaving shor1ly 1o returu with' providing a Cpublic beThe b RexofWaiterstha past presf- coming year. bis family 1o England. Miss E.1 service, second ta n o ne, dent moved a vote o!tainsi iceteinetino 1b outesnh rs ! temrLays . tnansd r y ko k1-bie h netino h Counties have been receivrg Ls year's bill forceiu Toooacsmte !tb thoghout 1-be ares. 1-o retiriug Presideut Thieshur- United Counties Council for - - sitnefo h tfso pOtro ihastpe ro,'a etmn i I - ____ - ger fr bis achevemeuts ur- Nortbmberlaud ud Durbamthe Mental Health Clin ic, 5970,000. D.H.O.manenc-Ammbro1beCss! ores i P~~~~~~ge res hiebrer'ns ach-N1-oh1-berndandties amad -..5 -eDprmu !PyharIqatro ilo a-or (i) I î~~~~~~~~ng 1968-69. "We have sbaredmany have given their services t.he Onarm H os p hiatyures speatmloehn oe~Sbo o usn Hs Prsien autouge'sa the bride wiile a Wrd PtebooghCigrHopialduatistak O îs a d 9 i c st o'ia.ly ievemeuts," Mr. Walters said.iens. The first Warden in 1,850, PeterboroughCivtcrosp i t1bsts.PtS o ikCiieTr GLAS -Frm te aperane o te min tret ~~He also extended best wisbes was Henry S. Reid.- - PtrougOtai. Lîtte rinig is an expenieaii GLS -Fo teaperne fte anstetta Incoming President Cowan, M r. Milton J. Elliott, Bow- Axidiometry potentially dangeroushbtw hsSpebr h ro these days, some of the tire manufacturers or dealers suu ad stated 1-at he deserves the manville, wbo wss Warden lInern et eecnuc-i ioaaut1b a ~ bsaBCmn erefo must be encouraging thoughtlcss people 1-o break pop ý>7CMPAE NE support of ail club members1 1929, is 1-be oldest survivor o! ced lu Bowniauviile, Cobourg,, persous discoverediîs-ya'Aai nvriy ofil, bote nteras usa onn twsa in thbe Rotary Year. 1-is distinguisbed group. Otb-h- Port Hope, Coîborne, Hast -wbenî 1-ey were finedvyngNsuisibiseorer b n o u l y e s s , n t h r a s m T e n s d a o gl a s i t o a s a h e 1 P r s e t C î î m E l r î c k r ecfe î v e d I W . .r t l i n g clde : 1 3 , S s d1s u su91 o38 ,f r l 1 - e î g ! C a r eeJ .c u t i g w t unhly es, wthframets f las al oerthE Pesien Co'.u S-s <i Perfect Attendance Pin, W .Rcad 98 .F. 5--Clarke, H-amilton. Darlington, Outarlo's highwavs. 1b imo rc-aebu place, just waiting to penetrate tires and cause piune- congratxîiated bus predecessoriand Secretary Hub Hooper, 'George; 1945, C. R. Carvetb; ;e. Murray sud Manvers Town-,Hi 0pOnaishig-Truo Gi h fic n nte ieOeYerPretAtedneàwavs dean 1-bis holida esn M.ud r.Bien il tures or blowouts We just can't understand the kiudî -eofc u nte leOeYs efc ed ace, , N. Green; 1951, G. A.- - k<k. ships. 1( comlerhph aigvndTerueted ut eemtaycrsduing il veAt.92 Truo inz hbis vear as presideut. He Brsn lrdAu u i~954, Reg. MrCauu; 1955, A. -j- on th road 1-by hav 1-obe sik -~ theti prcsented a Past Pre!si. Elrick were celebrated bv theirlBeer; 1956, D. R. Maybee; 1957,:- scboois an i-d ugh scboolsisnu___________________________ -lenf's Pin to Immediate Past fellow Rotarians L. A. Hooton; 1958. T. R. Botb-f1 bo counties, while same re- Presirlent Tbxesburger. __________ well; 1959, G. B. Rickard;i. ... - ..... tests remain 1-o be doue. Tests "1 hae no set uy 1beme 960.E. R Nelsn; 161, Sew- - -.~.-. -s~-were carried oui th-b e- DE O T E P E D R Honor Retiring Teachers 1Gav aller nythmevtor0 E.R.Ness;u161 Se. frthi er utIa o-pln art Gray who became Warden ~~ addsboswt aifc cerned with ast vyears te1-berne vfollowiug 1-be deatb o! Bruce try-euls - - of participation. Wbat is Rot- Asbton, 1-be elected Warden. aInmbro!tst a arYof It I teen experence of hd Ar 1962, G. S. Pbilp; 1963, H.Ei. 685, of wbiclb 114 were re-H SK N S & SE L me fdfern atsdfe- Walkey; 1964. D. McMaster; ~ --'! tests. Resuits indicated 5 uew cit opinions-,sud different nat- '95 .Bscad 96 . - - ~ i defects, 29 defecîs stili pr- Chartere conat iuîîalities growing in feilow- iÀ aMil; 1967, M. Van Camp -1 1~ sent. aud 4 retests were found - sbip. 11- Is men discoverig'JU V Oj 98 .W.Ewrssd16,1-o be normal., OFFICES INMAO CAAANCTE anot esud * iie owr R ose.Milton J llotEnvironmental Sanitation OHW HP -one aohradfiudiug tem Amateur sud professionsiWt hepeet f]jn s. evseietCwusae. artists ofail ages in 1-be Oshjmb la d & D an- socîetv, there i s iucreased PARTNERS. ODNW IHCARA 'PeietCvnsae.activity lu sumrmer cottage BIURTRWAE ,C, "IJ have said I do not have! displayth-eir work aith1-e Rob- UntsdvPHONE 728 7527thehi a1-erne. but I do have a cou-n 1 cLub uaanrdfo o It ~ ~ r ever-increasing eost o!f m.This coxîceruis flw H si.Oc eattain 1-bat y1 1oAuut 7 municipality does not bave a .- -__ ____ evcythuîgcIs wil fli uta The galery is holding The ___ TIrlnna rtFi in Report for May 1969 nionth sud onc case movedsudvso contribya, l',oint efToitscet awr-which anyone in 1-be district, Communicable Disease away. The number o! ero tbl frsudii arent 111R fellow-,hip tlat ahsorbsfcnsbni ni!thi ok German measles was 1-beon 1-be case register ait 1-e sial frsbivd r both iuriy sd - .ta be buug lun1tbe gallery. AI- menpeain îeaewt d o! May totais 386. tona frequently acquired for unto i.i1-iv. This is nlot t besp-tougb the limit le oue original'f247 cases. out af a total o! 307 Tbe programme of Heafcotg.eseorpeanetous- NOT I CE erica, sksapig~ "work each. n esneudsae eore hr eetest îng un Grades Two, Nine îg hs res1n te ýfr1cil, acklapingvarîety, sumi oneprsonrndsassrpre.Teewr!mlil h rbesi but deepy siuîcee fello sub several oksIf 1-bey 22 cases o! mumps, 20 ch'i sd Twelvre was campîrtedî utpy1b rbesl e arlng frQm commitment t are in different categories; for, keupox. 9 scasiet fever, aud!for thbe sebool year with the, gatr -opivatee ofra e u ýsmlebtsinfiatgolexample, a painting sud a a few cases o! red meassitestiug of 644 studeuts. Ofaeupl.Tre !1b -sculpture. The show will not thee nv nesudn - tour municipalities from respect for each other, b uidsdn rzswî salmouellosis, sud wboopingt ) pstv sdwî witbin the United su (ueaniwo o sud from common effort. ejre'adn rie ilcougb. Centralvean wl rceveuonorhubelndanuDr Fehowsip or xaplebe.be lve., Seven rabid animais were fute ueriin am have nat passed the g1ins aith1-e meeting of Rotary' To enter a work. register a1- reported - 3 taxes, 3 bovine,, Immunizationabv metadbyw is carried forward by common ~. rgistration will belp Cavan, Clarke, Hope aud clinies, 17 children eompleted, being held witb 1-be respec- rs work toward a common goal, thbe gallery grcatly.. i Manvers Townships lu Dur-It1-e initial series a! Quint 1-jvc counicils by 1-be Subdivî- whii is wby a Ratarian asked AIl works must be broughtlham County sud Hamilton i vaccine, 8 completed 1-be ser-!sion Section o!f1-he Depart 2 IGS.W. O M N IL 1-o assume a respousibllty do, ta 1tbe gallery framed and and Murray Townships lu1 les o! Quad, sud 65 had se- fmeut2!3PannigGsdSD ,SO willingly. 11- is because he ready 1o be bung. AIl scuulP- Nortbumnberland. Two per-linlorcing Quad: there werÇ velopment 1-o encourage 1-be knows from experience that ît 1uses must bave sultable bs'sons are receiving sabirs vac- '144 reiforcing Triad. Prim- tuassing o!f1-be neessary by- wili srsuit, the objective quite if required. Any works not ciue as preverutîve treetmeut. ary vaccinations totalled 83, îaws. S M E O R ,aside., in the flnrst kind of fel- ready to be hung wiIl not be Vaccine is available now trom suad se-vaccinations 187. 'The Public Health Insper- S ME 'lowsbip of worklug together. exhlblted. h1-e Ontario Department of. Nursing tors Ares No. 6 meeting. held " Gentlemen,.1-be committee TWO Previousiart fairs havetelhtruhteMdcl ihsolim nzaonnMy7In heUtdEfciv tha isgong o gt y u. eenhel b th ol At GliOffices a! Health sud not;completcd. more time WasiCounties Building, William divided attention i Fellow- llery of Oshawa. This oneC willtram 1the Health Unit Offices. available 1-is month for the SreCbug a ted ndcniun oSp.3t,16 IReceintiy, four retiring Darlington Publie SchooLsbip. I feed if we accomplish b'eVOf btter. TStressal-motatapcto - e tby ur40 nspe ttram n cntn teahîr wee hnord a tw ocasins y te DrýthIs, the club canruot helh but1 During 1-be montb o! May nurses' work - family visit-'IEastern Ontario. Various a M NDYs-H RD Y r.- :0pm tebeers ere onoed a twomasons y-th Da- o move forward 1-o have a GW CASH TODAY there were three cbest clinie ing. Duriug May 976 famillesipects of subdivision contraI, Tecb wb eer&aion.theyande urhfroi l f o righ ,sy "eig Rarla o -i » PLANE eld, ane at Bowmanville, were visited: there were 276 were con sidered with repr FIA . * 9am -70 . 1 ' O L PLACS one at Port Hope and anc at visits ta give uursigcr. et1 ve f1b ilowen. MM '~rnceCole and Mua Alice Arnold. Mss. 'eC esn~qalf el ROG obourg. Sixty-eigbt persans Opportuuity bas uow beenIecioo!txDpatet! Nora Hornlc,the fourth retiree was absent ýwhen'thisa Kuowledgeable Rotarim,'> bqt 1 STA'SAN received a cet x-ray at provideci for the Brighton i Planning auri Developmeui,, SATURDAY - - - -COE with the .experienr~e o;, Mx these ciinics. Five cases mnov- nurses to dîscus hiidren' The Ontario Wates Resources Bord cof Dfrecsyau u ~b. flhse 04N3 medito oux area during thia w4t.h behiaviour mnd lea.rning' Commiô&o2, lad the Depart.- Lio ns Club