Hamo'ton Guides -Honc Sincere sympthy o! thiti Virginia. Willowdale. enjoyed . CO-mmunity Le, exteî,ded to Mr. the weekend wîth Mr. and Wm. SteeIe.* Nestieton. and Mrs. George Donnecal. daughter Margaret (Mca. Rcm Mi-. and Mns. Archie Mo!-. Addison*) and !amily, Austra-'fatt. Welland, were Sunday lia, rin the eath rif a loving callens with Mis. Ruth Proutt. Wvife. and mothen and grand- Birthda.y Party mnothen. Mrs. Steele entered Debbie Prossen wam a happy into reat on Satucday. June, littie girl on Saturday when 28- At Mrs. Adamrs' Nursing she entertained many fiends Home. Port Peccv. Funecai at her eighth birthday pacty. was Monday. ,Iune .10, frorn Guests were Chriç and Craigý Mc-Dermott - Panabaker Fun- Hudson. Steven and Kimi Bul- eral Home with Révecend lock, Daclene Vince. Annel Hiarold Stobbact. Jarietvillfe Kristenson. Shacron McClucg. eonducting the service. Ini- Debbie Sutton, St ep ha n ie terment wax in Nestletn Rohrec. Katie Schmidt and United Church Cemeterx'. Donna Prosser. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne McKe-e A pleaaqît tume wag spent wene guest-, On Saturday at playing games and the tradi- tht' Tripp-Bucleigh wedding tional bicthday cake conclud- In Brooklin United Churc ed a memorable occasion for and attended the' reception in the' littie folk. Congratulations the Churcc Hall. Debhie! Mn. Lloyd Henry, Npwc-aa- Fortieti, Annlversary tip. Mc. and Mca. ii McKee, Mc. and Mca. Cecil Wilson Pontypool, wece Sunday Call- wece. guestq at a dinnen pacty ec- with the' Lorne MrKees. on Sunday, in honno- of their Congratuilations tr Mc. and !rirtieth wedding annivecsary, Mrs. Steven Shaw <net' Leona at the'homne O! Mc. and Mca. Rohner) who wece macried[Normnan Lyin. U x brci dg e. Saturdav. June 21. Wepkend Guesta; were Mr. and Mca., guests with Mc. and Mca. Ivan Clifford Hetz, Fainview, Penn- Rohrer were Mc. Oland sylvania. Mc. and isc. Ken- Bohren. Mn. and Mca. Louis~ neth Lamh, Oakville. Mr. and, Fpltz and daughter, fcom Mca. Lorne Lamb, Enniskil- Mitchell. Mc. and Mcaq. Mau- ]en, Mc. and Mca. Herman, nice Dely, Port Rucwell. Mc. Rodmanî. Karen and Wilson, and Mca. S. Jenkins, Port Little Britain. Mc. and Mca.ý Peccy. Wilson (net' Edni Lamb) weceL Recent visitorsb with Mr. marcit'd June 29, 1()90ai tht' and Mrs. Clarke Williams, farm home of the' bides par- wene Mn. Errest Nicholson, enta nt Enniskillen, Ocono, Mr. and Mms. Milbucn The' cornmunity e xte n d Middleton. Lindsay, Glennhast wishes foc many mr FallisBowmanville Mn. Ron- Yeacs rOf good health and, aId Williams, Oshawa. c apiea and Mca. Clarence Ginn. Cad- Anglican (lardan Party mua, Mc. and Mca. Milton Ste- A most enjoyable atternon phpnson, Mc. and Mca. Gor- was spent on Satucday aftt4 don Gilîson. and Scott Wil-1noon at the home o! Mr-. and, liams. Negtleton. Mc. and Mca. George DonneraI when Mrsq. Williams are spending a they wece hosts te the' Angli- f#,wm days in Bowmanvîlle with cani Garden Party. tht' Doug Pallia family. Ht'vecend R. C. Rosýe offi- Mr-. and Mca. Grant Thrimp- cially opened the' bazaac. Mca. soni spent Fiday tri Wednes%-!Chacleas Smith and Mca. James> day with hec mother, Mca. W. Lawrence poured tea and I.Llohnston, Pt'ffeclaw, while'young ladies assisted with tht' her sîster Mrca. Jas. Naylor fondl. A buffet, lunch rit tinyý waa, visiting in North Bay. sandwiches and tancy pastriesq Mr. Eli Mairs returoed wasý very taqtefu!ly arcanged home oin Tut'sday atter a ten- on indivîdual plates. day visit with his daughtec Tht' ladies in charge o! tht' md on-n-awMc.an Mc. Bake Table", "Penny Sale" Geocge Sellera and familîv and "Miscellant'ouq" we ce Coiingwnood. He was accon« kept busy. Thece was an as~- panied by Mc. aond Mca aortment of colla, pies. tarts,. Ge-orge. Windsor, Stouffville. cookit's, etc. (ail home baked) Mcr. and Mca. lot' McClung and tht' net proceeds were eniectained neighbours and vecy gcatifying. Lucky tickets f)the.r friends tri a barbecue wene dcawn by Mr. Rose with ps'-ty on Saturday f1etnîng. tht' children a&sistfrtg. . Mr. V. Voyer,* Louise and Gut'st enjoyed the' flowec ','. Andrf and thcee frienda, Ste gardens (river 70 vaieties),ý Hyacinthe. Queber, enjriyed a tht' spacious lawns. and the' recent visit with the' Law-,vegetable' gai-den (tri satisfy. rence Malcolm family.i the' inrier mant tucked in be- Mr. and Mca. Archie Mo!- hind tht' flowecs. !at. Wllad, ect Sudav Tht' bright umbrellas, tht' luncheon guests with Mca. R i tea, tables. assortedi colouced W. Jckso andMc. lanlawr chairs, tht' gaily colour- Jac-kson. Other recent visitrca ed dresses rit tht' ladies (andý were the' Misses Cathecine- the bciliantly' atticed men)> Ann LeE>. Congratulations,1 aond agre odnOk ade truly hamn pic- girls: Hope tri set' you ail ati wood. Mr. and Mca. Cli!focd ture in such a heautittîl set- next yeac's picoirc. Jackson and Michele. Don ting.: Mens initiation i- tri be TVil, Mca. Allan Gordon and Those who wre ro it able hcld Jul ' vSth ai Nestleton. Roy, Oshawa. Mc. aond Mca t attend missed a vecy pes Country and Western D)ance Hriwacd Jackson, Heaboco, ant afternoton and the' appcP- on Jul ' 1l 9th at COF. Hall, .4Mc. aond Mca. Gt'cald Jackson ciation rt a"l is extended tri Nestletoni. with Dan Nichols .4 *~ nd girls. Port Peccy. ,~ tht' Donnerais. and tht' Country Kiogs. Marilyn Jackson. Beaverton. Foresters' News Tht' dance Saturcday night and Mr. aond Mca. Harley Tht' annual Focestt'.s' pic- hY tht' Countcy Teens was ai Jackson and fami1y, Netît'-,nic on Sunday at Waltona ýfuu-tillt'd eveniog. Sue Bolan ton. Larcy -Jackson is spend-,Pack was a huge succees. Tht' Idid a beautifui job rot singing Ing part O! hia vacation wiib patio set was won hy Jack and playing, as did Jim bis graridmouiher and his un- Thornbucy o! Woodville. Sel- Mooney, Rirk Bolan and, ce Alan. 1 er of tht' winning ticket waaý Wayne Kilpatcick. Thanks Mn. and Mca. Phllip Lanig-! Presidenit Sister Marg Lee'. kids.i feld, Heather. lanice and'Winners of tht' lawn cliainsi Specyou aIl at tht' CO0F.! Checyl. Hamilton, Mr. and foc sellîng tht' mosi tickets Hall on July 19. Mra. Bill Fortune, Lynda and wece Sisteca Sandy Day aond Stnday Serv'kes ~~M R STRAVELCADE 0F VALUE~ WINi 2 WEEKS FOR TWO IN BARBADOS ALL EXPENSES PAlb NO PURCHASE NECESSARY ENTER NOW!! ENTER OFTEN!! I-nx. Plastie TUMBLERS Goy flAls Desi1rnq. ONLY 17e ONLY 9c SUMMER TRAVELCADE SUPER SAVING SPECIAL A.S.A. Tablets 5 gr. - 100's - ONLY 9c 1parkIing Agummer Foanilnt Çelone MSTSBATH OIL Polone MSTSAssorted FraIrra ncès Reg. 1.50 Special 1.29 2.00 Value Spec. 1.49 CONTACCRM.SLZ CAPS ULES RMSET R fer RayFp'r or Convenfentpoil) Park Suminer Coldoi 1.44 Special 1.19 ONLY 53c BLACK LABEL .IOHNSON119 HAIR SPRAY BABY OIL for Men 1.75 Value Spec. 1.25 89c Size.Only 77c NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM LIITED TIME OFFER 6 OZ. JAR ONLY 1.25 SHOP and SAVE NOW DURING THE SUMMER TRAVELCADJE of VALUES Open Until 9 P.M. Daily This Week 97 King St. East 623-2546 Rowmanvifle Graduates Ini the' Preshytecian Church Sunday morning, Ht'vt'end Fred Swann chose "Put on tht' Whole Armour o! God" as tht' topir for bis; message.ý We, muîst struggle against tht' powersrif evil by tht' shield of faith and tht' swrcd o! tht' spir-,t - God's word. Mca. H. Visser favoured with a solo with Mrs. R. Davidarin arrom- panving. Miss Bernice Mappin in tht' United Chîirch 'Rev-1 daughter oft Mc. and Mca. Johno eýrendI Philip Rrimecil chose R. Mappin. R.R. 1. Nestleton, "BReyond tht' Beach rifTrou- gcaoddat-ilhter rif Mc. and hIe' as tht' therne forc is Mrs. David Johns, R.R. 1, messa;ge-. 'Things seen a re Nestietrir, has gcaduai-ed fcorn temporal - tht' uniseen is Eter-' Peterbrough Teachers' Col- na].- Mc. P. Haines presided lege. She la a former giadu- ai tht' organ with Mcs. L. att' ri Cartwright Central Malcolmind rr Miss Gail Mal- Public and Port Percy High colm a-..ssting in the' choir. Schools. She will be te.achec Ai tht' close o! o tht' sprvicep at, R. H. Cocnish Public School, Mc. Lawrence Malcolm.i. n, Port Peccy, this fali. tht' appreciatirin to ric. lo- <Mr;. Keit.h Caswt'll>, Port me-riAondpcescntedl him with' Hope, grandichildî-en Garfield., a gi!t, As ;a tangible rerniiclr Jennifer. Rridney. Lance andi rit hi5z a3ssociatiring ai Neaýtie-Shelley PaYot': Sandra, Pa- ton. Mr. iomeril expresseriti nia. Mairgo. Nancy, Jfulie And] bisç thanks andi bis pleasurir,in .effrev Payot': Lee'. Lynri aon serving in Cartwright Toiwn- Rohb Caswell: ont' sistec. Mirz shi P, Bernice Snell, lorontri; one' brother Leland, Newtonville, and is pcedeceased b ' sister O IT A JE rene Mrs. Chýo. Dinner)an CARLTON L. G. PAYNF Mc. Payne wilI be sadly The dath f Mr Carion :lcaqed fot onîy by bis famlly LewÀ,is George Payne' occucced 'ynigbur hsedy lii ~ ~ ~ ~ re PotHp1opîa nSt wece bightened by bis cheery rdaortJune H7th. 1969,atervisils. Interment was in Port an illccess of about three weeks. Hp no eeey Born In 1895 In Clarke. Townîship. son rit tht' late 1 IVAN PROUTT WiliamPayt'andti hs wife,j Elizabeth Brlghtwell. He t' a- 'lhpdeatà oni]\,an Pi-outt tended. Port Granhy School occurced suddenly at the Corn- and In 1917 maccled Eva mninty Hospital, Port Percy, Meadov-s. He, facmed In the' on Thursday, May 29. 1969. th ýI-icnttv rit bis hrthplace until hic R3rd year. He, wass born reticementtri Pont Hope. but ai Nestleton. May~ 31. 19(16, continued tri assist bis sons on son rit tht' late Mn. and Mca, tht' tarm. John Prout. A member rif Wesleyville Ht' married Lula Torrance Unitedi Chucch, he was an jrif 1 Indsay. Der. lst. 1932 andi artive supporter o! commun- thbey Ilveti on tht' tarm until tty affaira until he left tht' he reticed about three years tari Foc arme time betoce ago. hîs dfeatti he caced fon bis wlte Ht' la surviveti by bis wlfe, at home tollowing an illness ont' daughtec aoc] two sons, and] their home was tht' happy Mrs. John Buchan (Beth) of gatheclng place foc bis chll-' Llndsay, Donald of Ne.tleton cen. grandchlldcen and] former aond John rif Oshawa, also rime neighboucs. slster Ruth Pcouftt ri Nestie- Funecal service was tfram ton and three gcandchtldren. the' Rosa Funcral Chapel on: Mc. Pcoutt rested at the Monday. Junc Pth. conducted lMcDermott - Panabaker Fun- bv' bis ininister, the' Rev. ecai Home. Port Peccy. Tht' Hugli McKervill. Palîbeaceca funecal service was held Mon- wece Harold Be-t. Kenneth day. June 2 at 2 p.m., con- Dinner, Clarence Nîchols, Arn-: ducted by Rev. Philip Romenil. oIc] Thocndyke. Ceccl Payne; The many floral trlbutes aond Edwin Ruthven. Flower fcom sympat.hetic fnienda wece beareca iwece Sidney Lockhart, deeply appceclated by tht' Roy Nichola. Dawson Beebe, i!amily. Interment was in James and Phillp Nichols and Nestîcton United Cemetery. Garfield Payne. The paliheacers wece friends Besides his wlfe be la suc-i of tht' family, Chale Ton- vlved by two sns. Munray 'rance. Marvin Hill. Milbucn and Howard on the' home, Hutchison. Lloyd Hunter, Vic- îarms, one daughter Ruthf tor and Harvey Malcolm. NESTLETON Comm ittet'. nht'Comm itteR presented ber with a travel S E I L O F R t aOrnt' o tht' hghl.igba o! t evenîng came when L.ori 'rur- Futmonth's interest l ner ahowed hec alides that F l § she had taken lyhen ahe -,ent tri Europe wvith Guides frorn ofl deposits made other areag of Ontario, FOl- nwing the' showing rif thet'J l 5 (n ivd aso l) î s ented Lori with a token gift ofappreciation on behaîf of teBrownie.q and Guides. KENDAL M.r. and Mca. John Cathcart and famlly have moved Into the fine new house whlch they have ecected on the Wes Catih- c art fanm. Satucday evenlng neighbourç and membena of the' Cathcact familles held a jmost enjoyable "House-wa cm- lng, Party" ln tht' new home. Connie Robertson Mc. and Mca. Hartweil ,eidest daughter of Mc. and Lowecy. Mca. A. H. Dobson >Mca. Alex Robertsoin, RHR. 2, and Miss Marlon MrKelvey 1,BownIýnville, gcaduated ccc- had dînner wlth Misa C. W. ently fcom Queen's Unive'rsity,' Stewart on Annlnversary Sun- g !Kngston, with a Bachelor rit, day. -!Arts and Science degret'. She Mr. Leonard Hov ha;;ce ,imajoced in French and plans turned froni Oshawa Hospital ti wock for her OCE teaching where he had an opecation on icert1flcate. i hils a=rmW4stire glad to say *Non..chequjng Premium Savings Account It pays ta bank at TORONTO DOMINION the bankwhere people make the difference IL Gi. LAWTON, Manager 39 Tetnperance Strecet, Bowmanville, Ontarto Disposable RAZOR A week of Shav'es >red ~ Prese tation ls rrueS !mrproved [The Caiiadiain Statenmaii, Eewmanvflle. Ju!y 2, 1989 )red W th Prsentaions nd Majie, end Mr. and Msi Carl Langstaff attended the. weddIng of their nephew. E L1 Z AB E TH VI1LL E Garry Moore and Miss Shar- onCameron in Toronto en' On Sunday the last sers ices!Countv, Board of Education Saturday. before realignment were heldi was guest speaker of the even- Mrs. G. E. Lofthousp ar.d at Elizabethville. Rev. J. A ingAlex Carruthers.MPP. also iMios Catherine Stewart atRamîîit gave us an excellentispoke. tended a reunlon of their Stew_; message. The choir was madei R Bebee was chairman of art relatives nt Rlpley tast up of past members and somne the' evening events and the week. of the present choir. music was supplied by Marg. *Miss C. W. Stewart vlsited Our Boy Scouts spent the;iaret Henry and Misses Evelyn with Mr%. Dobson, Sunda-,'weekend in a camp neen? Peter.! Beatty, Mary Ruth Cawker and at.tended the Anniversaryhrfih and Marlene Beatty. Service aqt Shlloh. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. HK. During the ceremonies Mrs. Guestis w1th Mrs. McTRg- ýThîckson celebrated their 4Oth ýJ. Gardiner was presented gart were Mrs. Skinner o! ýwediga.lesr when ai th a gift as she Is leavlng New Toronto for the -week and'o! th e girls were home for a eat the conclusion of the school Mr. and Mrs. Ash. David and picnic dinner after church. Mr.i year. Laurie for the weekend fromiand Mrs. W. Lewko were alsoi r n r.Rse ht Etohicoke. present. After dinner the girlshae eMr. nd rnsel Whte Wewud iet eppspresentFd the couple with a hv eundhm fe We wouldof k.wt lxprngs pairrfspending a holiday in Mani- our thanks toeal those ladie- Atoalo!ns. ra, igtoa whn donated articles and bak"Atoaofnegrd ih lng for the sale et. h hp graduating pupils of the Northý Mr. and Mrs'. Don Whitbred ping Centre, Oshawa. TheHp Central School were pre-,and girls spent the weekend proceeds were approxîmately sented with bars for the high- :with Mr'. and Mrs. L. Muid- $70. lest standing In each subjectrew when the traiter they Take note, folks. 1e'.T during test Friday night's cere- were going on holiday with SnegrveIs oia o e .Tmonies. The prpsenitation o! broke down near here. An- Snegroe I Lyingte e o'ýte brs asmade by Ianlother trailer was brnught and hI hlias orth onh fWatkins. principal of the they expert tei continue on July and there wIII be nolschool and Mrs. K. McMurray. .their trip today. service in Kendal UnitedThVadctrao!tsyer Mr.amM readgl, Church. Durlng the mmnth of, gra dictra fti eýs r.SmMoeadgrs August service here will start!gaiating class was Jane Toronto. are spending a few ntrn 'lcA;Newt.on. 1 'Muldrew. days with Thicksons. vlatnde o'lok.hasebt a The nine students were Jane, vill andShll, ha e t ad Muldrew, MaryPadiMr a month's service other years, Mry et nine. It la Kendal's turn AlIce White, Daniel McMillan,, thisyea. wre fweroui Gary Sheppard, Dehbie Ing- were ewer rani Diane Beatty, Alan Wood- There ,ot ' ward -and Daniel McMurray. 62 .3 0 chuchSuna~' Re Sn]-.Other graduation students groe oo hî txtfroi hewere John Fisher, David Toms,fe 6th chapter o! Galatians andIeeSlt RyodFw spoke on whalte odo with ou r 1er, Donald Henderson, R burdens. He adx-ised us tr) help) bear each others hurd- Carin. Deana Zealand, Valerie Two resntatonstoo plae lst wek uriDe Salvo,. Deane Mercen, Two resetatons ook lac las wee duing a ens. Ne churc'h next Sîîodaiy.lNancy odarPulWle meeting of Hampton Guides in the Christian Education 1 We could not complaîn abou'iDai Woodanrevin an usaite Thursday belnz trio cold s anilLneinadSs ,Centre of Hampton United Church. An Alil Round' irteno trsrc h' 'Anderson. Cord was presented to Diane Hindrnan arnd a Religion go-, G. A. McLeod, Superinten- and Life Emblem to Sa]ly-Ann Mainprize. The photos~ Mrg. Marv' Luxon pa,,,d dntorfnsruciondan fDhm aboe sowtheprsenatonsInMemorl]Hospa. aboveshowthe resenatios. Tp pîturefro : ]ef! mnville on Sunday rnorn- to right, Capt. Mrs. Herman Vandebeit, District Corn-1 lng, lJune 22 wlth b'îrial serv-: Onii oroato Lieut. Moana Adcnck and Lieut. June White. In thel Tued ay. June 24. Mary Merr- 1011uln lower photo, the Rev. A. E. Cresswell, is presenting: a Luxorlien ts or i spen the emblem to Sally-AnnMainprize.__i and will be vecy badly mlssed I o ce tn as she waq a statinch suip- porter nit the' Kendal United u Church and the' U.C.W. She wae achrtr emerofth' ppiIcations for Fourteen InterestiInnghPGogr-'mClubSenior Citizens Apartmnents work. Our sympathy Is ex-: teded to the' famlly. Pre en ed t up er, ongatuliations te Mr.qnrl (NOW UNDER CONSTRUCTION) Prsjtd u UP Ms. Keith Swarhrirk whoBWM N LL eS wae the' former Marlene Pelle-: R saeeare to n me Aor CGuides,RÀro wiloj Bowni anville. S ,rdv I On un 1~jhattht Mni Henîg,('aetls GudeCr Guests durlng Chr. wpekenod I* Y ARE A RESIDENT 0F OnJue 6t e te er-,HenigCaet]s Gid C.wit.h Mr. aod Mrs. Truman b orial Park the lst and 3rd'Grace wa.s sung and Mrs. Garbujti.wpre Ms. and Mrs.' BOWMANVILLE Guide and Brriwnjp MothersStout proprised the Toast tri Jack Garbuti.. Mr. and Mrs. * YOU ARE SIXTY YEARS 0F AGE he]dl their potluck supper. the Queen. 'Gordon Tearbout. and Mr. andi OR OVER Mrs. L. Carlson, president of Ftillowing tht' meal, Mca. J. Mca. Don Nelsien. TheY had *YU RSN NO ED E O the Mothec's Committee, gave Meachin welcomed the gupst.sj'been guestF at. the' wedding. *VU RSN NO EDE O the' welcome and intcoduced morthers and their daughtecs.ý Little Miss Kim Stceh spent PERMIT YOU TO 1'AY CURRENT the' head table, Miss L. Tur- The' table decorations crin-' a few dalys ;;t Kendal with MARKET RENTS nec, Ranger, and Mrs. R. Tur- sistirig o! baskets o!flowers, hec grandparents, Mn. and Pes bana plcto on tteofc nec, Brown Owl, Blackstock;' were made hy the Bcownies Mrs. Ralph Geach. Pes bana plcto oi iteofc Mrs. Jý Meachin, District and Guides. These were drawni Guests in Port Hope. Swn- of the Clerk, Town of Bownanvîlle Commissioner: Mrs M. Stout, for a.nd the' lucky winnecs dey with Mc. and Mrs. BrIan or write to: District Guider; Mrs, B.1were Mis. J. Brownlee, Mns.l Foster wece Mr. and Mrs. Payne', Socretacy of the' Mo-iG. Evers, Mrs. R. Melansoni George Mecce c. Bruce Mecc-er Mrs. M. Seveik, the'sContitfe:Mr, . v-ýndMr. . Toly f heand Bonnie Bal, Dori-tl.vý 1008 Byron Street South, Comite':Mr. . c-an Ma.G.Trll o te Mercer and Doug W-ilkpc. htyOnai Dona'ld, Guide ('aptain: Mcs.1 Brownie Mothers, and Mrs. S. ogadBl qdIeeMr- W. Luxton. Tawny' Owl Ird Cragri, Mcs. B. Passant.,Mra ug Mr. andnd I Mrtn Mecc- 1WMitb0yOntarNjT iPark; Mcs. C. Henning, BrownJones- and Mca. W. Whitehead,! er,Mcan McMctiFrt- fMPORTANT Owl 3cd Pack; and Miss B.! Guide Mothprs. er and Glen and Rob Fostpr The number of applications received wilI alan At the' conclusion of the:an S ty ka erg. ndd determine whether more apartments ahould b. cdaw the' tables wp.re clearèd races At. Bell Clt7. Sa turdayj built. Any Senior Citizen who may be interested G raduates land the Brownies formerd theirievenlng mnd et Cedan Cincle,] la urged to file an application. presented tei the' Ird Pack byl---- Mcs-. G. Dilling and her dau-j ghter Sharni. It was in mem- or y of "Poppa" Kilgan-non who celehrated his hirthiday on Fehruacy 22nd. the' sane day as Lord and Lady Baden 1Perfect, attendance prizes' The Difference.. Lý'. 1wpee cceived hy Robin Lux- toPtiCarlson and Rhonda :> Melanson. Unfortunately the bags did net arrive in tim to be given out but the, . ....B rownies will receive tiien eta. their picnir latpr on this sunien. The winning six forý the yeac was the' Gnomes. fol- Iowed by tht' Sprites, Elves and Lepcerh auinr. ïï . ,orseshe fomaide on,