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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jul 1969, p. 8

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SPORTopucsý By Frank Mohun 623-7234s WASAGA SO-LONG 'TIL '7<) As the sun siowly slnks bflow the ho,'iyon and iti shim- mertng reflection disappears from Nottawasaga BaY. the old scribe reallzes that two weeks have gone by much faster than we woiuld have liked. Visitors who have dropped ln to see us from flot too many mies distant, have descrihed the lousy. rainv weatheri thiey have had - whlch makes us realize how very fortunatel we have been. In aimost 14 compiete days at Wasaga Beach, the sun shone approximateiy 9517eof the time. A week ago Saturday, was a really strange day, as the overcast would have y'ou looking for a heavy sweater, and last for a couple of hours. Just when you had given it up for a bad day, the sun would corne mlraculously out of hiding - and it would stayv out for another two houri. This procedure was nepeated' throughout the day. But mnostly, it was sunny ail the time. and it the clouds did take oven, it wasn't uintil supper-time. It did rain two afternoons the first w'veek, starting around three o'clock. and about seven a.m. last Thursday, just enough to make us post- pone a golf game. Considpring the poor weather we have had throughout; most nt May and June, we apprnached oun vacation with ar great deal nt apprehension. We wene iuck%, - and hope the - rest of the summer continues to be as S1ne for aIl other holidayers. If we do have any' complaint-s. besides the tact that oui vocation was too short. it would be that it was too darned cold at nlght. Low temperatunes of 40 - 451 the first week, arcompaoied by sonletime 25 miles an hour winds off the bavP didn't help the situation - and thii happened to be the first cottage we have ever rented that didn't. have a heating Ail Ready for Pin ch - Hitting Chore I Darlington Soccer--I STATISTICS Solina- Zion Tyrone Hampton - Bowmanvili, Courtice Salem --------- UP TO THE ALL-STAR GAME STANDING 6 w 1. T ;F GA Pts. LEAJ)lN(GSCORE Reyliolds, H-ampton Hamîlton. Tyrone- MactLeanl, zin Baker, Solina Broome. Solina LEADING (;'OAI,. ERS G A6 systern. It was, however, the blggest and best cottage to date. J. 1{undue. - în end we have alreadv booked it again for next summer. ýe N.Frank, Zion II iffon Als i th cmplaint department, the water could have ~' 3 I been warmer for swimming. We tried it every day, but only .4 . A. Johnson, Tyrone10 110< took tbe plunge on hait a dozen occasions, almost ail during R aeTrn -- Tyrinlwek one Totals il1 t 1.3 1.< -As we said in last week's coIumfo - fline weather cectalnly v rBStc.Hmtn ' 823 hclpiq a cottage holiday, while cold and rain cao ruin it. But e-e . Rogers. Hampton - 24 20 here at Wasaga, there are plentv of attractions, which, wemto -T t'a' 14 12 2.23 aise mentioned last week. that can 611 in the time. Troul .~ ~ ~ '~-, ,, .HmtnTtl I- now that we have trled them aIl1, next year the tempera- i .~ 'by John Hamilton 'Barrx- Stock picking up the ture had better be a continuons 80'. sun shining ail the time,'-dfae owasleh h -O . with the water nice and warm for swinimlng. Although %e wae ds-- - O oda June 3 theon wmniledd Jnlv 9ndtic score of 3-I. Rick SkorevkoBomnx1edeatdC rtc oitili haven't taken i the scenic caves, pottery-making and, r' :wstebgmnfrZo s2I Waly Seto and Daitoný chair-iift at Coiiingwood, or the Martyr's Shrine at Midland).. Mt he scored ail three goals for D -'kstna scored the Bowman-! t ~ 'r 'r. 'r -Zuon. George Faver scored the ville goals with Rick Ellis, GOLFllon Bomanvll e Courtice's goal. This G O F a a g G l a d o n t y C l b f e r a p e t y aÈ ' Z ', a l m . H m p ovn in p u t B o w m a n v i l e I n t o a 1 Th asg Gl adConryClu ffr apet vfir n aem amtn-o tie for fltth place with Cour-'- deai for vacationers In this area - ton expensive for my' el cose one as they shut out tice. goiingso an I a layevry ay bt w dd gt ot î -Salem 1-0, Bob Traviss fired Ini Ham-pton. the Tyrone golingso an Ite la evry ay- bt e dd et utthe lone goal of the ganie with Tî'ojans blew a 3i-1 ed n T three buck green ee (per person that is) includes - -- t u u , fo r ht bi vrhad to settle for a 4-4 tie. John: forruforhi ai Ie amilton scored two goals for the opportunity te use their swimming pool, atter your round . .c.'rT- h pnn orinns a Tyron e 1vith JiM Younigman of golf. And let me tell you - It was indeed a pleasure. 5. . uewsnce o h a-adFakNisnsoigsn It is a well-kept course with plenty of trees and sur- ' et clbs rming wule oa.BbTavsLy rusadthree hits in thu-ce Allni JhnPiean tv prsnyeag- fnot a single water hazard. If you cari bit! frames of relief. Baker and Reynids each scox'ed single the bail1 straight there isn't too, much problem scorlng weIllj Randy Donoghue spanked the goals for Hampton. on the par 34 second nine. Men's Wear clouters with! Satîîrdav. July Sth was the , three hits apiece. 'Boumer" date of the annual Ail-Star Only 2535 yards, there are three par threes, 195, and two: cone o he B',gm hc a lydti measurjng 220. While it isn't that easy te hit the greens. aq!~ ~ -k* n while Donoghue picked np a year in T.vrone. This yeai the long as you enn stay ont ot trouble gettlng on in two shots paur. Garth Linton (two for AIl-Stars deteated Solina ~1 Isn't ton great a probiem.' Once agaîn, as long as you stay 'theîadWyRndl(woJnHmitnBo Murcr mitright, four par fours averaging 270 yards are tairîy easy. fr îeFweene i ne s.arpenalty'sinote)alsfrthRck The ira nie i som 70 yads onge, Iciuingtwo On Sunday afternoon, this young mnan spent much or the afternoon swinging i'for the winneia o Faks. aFoird igegal o h Tfi blé 595 asome50 ad. in loncuinth. ajo ha ardabat during the Little Rritain-Bp)wmanville hardball gamne at Soper Creek Park. ;Ray Wallace and JQeKnamp Ail-Stars. Ron Broomie scored par os n rs J-l~~~~~~~1 e obx uously was al set to filiVu at anv timne as a pinch-hitter but wasn't calle ah hd a pi t bs as.te ln ol tn S u a wt @4 the Wasafa Clyub kIs osqîMm - wien àeem ta be aroundt h lt o~u1 eas i uifr i ltcnom wt euain.with Larusso assisting with it aiso coming on a penalty in àbutntanrp. 1'he Electrons cou]d have used him too. Unforturuateix', he scampered away before __________________ Thebrp are five dogr-lpgs whtch mnake it Most interesling. T7he Statesman photographer could obtaun hus name, but it was too culte a picture ___________________________ end et wp sald shoot strAigzht Pand you'l score weli. off larget L is - id yni'ire rclly In troujbli>. This duffer had 51 - 42 fortoms 03 and 45 - 44 for RQ, and we hit them tairly straight but flot torr- far................... ANDYt t tN ~ Electrons Dump Port Hope 7m4 .. ANDuOH uEsTI <,crw dqî(riinPswtu c u Ca r" alyvpso groîup from .lamaira. playing ;another gun,- mier mt one ot the local niRht spot. Jim Fnost. CKLE's SiundaiyI x fi g G r e oV dilsc-jiorkey.. and- onse of his many girl-tniendq, came up for the big ovent as be harf doncim ast ypar. I b Jim ('Iarke -rwi s<'oring triple, uompletingl Son BiH taiked old Dad int.o attendlng tbhe .ock car thcs owavle ,ce E e zti rrinjZ in the gamne. whieh turnied out Inl'e pnet.î"vyinteresting, whbîîc the femaplp!e! Icider] another litnk Ir), r g ht,. Rasef)s:, imemnberx ot anur (:mill*yvgotl- o n f heir scod nnuaýl hanse- their win ch8in las.çt Wp.dris- back ridung ex)pedition. WF tank in morepa ist han we day evening. dnumpirng Port. usullyseciiialmst n ptir îpar an o!cansp ,0 irk iHope Fly'ers 7-. Tl, wa.- the a vlrsei e o rthrn efnip to eiî d way, ws-. here d,;the ortb virtor ' in eight meet- r layer of W eek hadto av tw o ther-frps o he id-ay whrethfYinge thig year against the didn't miss a ride -no matter haw wIld. homesters and ran nowman- viîle's current victony string c' ~ T TIn tthnregames. ROLLER-SKATIN<;- Remmbe lai, ~e wh'n o wnt 1, one to my oîr Ga r'v Akeyý. with r elief ~ RemmbF lst eprwhn w wet uf ncet- fr ou 'istpce ram Ralpb Kennedy.,~ hand-- or je Tt- feet. Pt roller-skating? Do Yau nememnbpr gainedt the win as the hek how we didn't knnw bow to ,stop or ttîrn" ed the Pont Hope club on five Weil thîqis u-mer we trled ttwhe heis a couple of tlmeS hbitsý. A ke.% wo'ked the open-ý enmphin stll rn*tsto. Go onto heîng rive innings, aiiowing ail] -and know smtig--we t cn o tafthe Flycîrs;' rms on foiir left turn prptty weil thougb, and hy the time wp had eom- bits. HP fanned six and walk- mur exhibition for the P-an, the sports edlttor was cb'en' cd two in tacking uip hîs sec-1 to manage a v'en caneftil whlrl ta the right. Mavbe next Ood triumph against toun1 i year we'il icarn how to stop.oses Vednesday' tile wilb a bAnd iniîry in the third., picked tup two bits and: bhiked bis B.A. to a 131. peak.ý He wa.s the only member of the EZertrn'on agarnmr -more' tihan one safeiy. Black. %withi bis triple. haggpr' two HBI's.j giving hlm five un the hast two1 outings. Signal flasher Piperi leads the clubinb lie RBI de- partment, with 10. He. acded another in this conte.qt with bs third inning singe. Mc- Feeters, Parks. Kennprdy and Akey wu-apped up the vin- ners' eigbt, hit asýsauit. Fom Port Hope, Bill Smith man- agied two of their five base knocks. D-arkne.-'i haltcd th game atter -Ight Miul innings. Prior bo the victory in thicti gamne, B3owmnanville, and Port Hope hâd each won tbrep Kenîiedy threw crne hit. - Jaes with a séason oppning t T ,,htitout bal] over the finalti MARINE MUSEUM three trames, The T.V. troop The newly onpened imarirf nL)mSPIIM gnd ithe a<romppn '- held a .-4 lead when Akpv,-- ing electrnnri theatre arp houlsed bl impnsing lookinR stnuc-1retired. The Electrons scored o m nKý tures on heaîîtifuliy Iand-scaped NAnry Island, v'ery close to:a single run in the top of the 4 h e en B a !third, with Larry Piper's sin- Ul Wasaga's centre nt r gie plating Terrv Black who ~v fye 2 t To say the least the architecture and ln-cpn r opened the inning with aW y e 2 t t.ue best part of the whole bit. The museum doesn't offer too waik, Guy Park's triple open- rnuch and the theatre offers even less. 0f course these are ed the door for a four, ruu qnly the observations of a poor sports editor - but don't say olýb onavleii h er altn'h rr n a t topo he Mii ownhrt ies Thinsweek the Keuis Meii's d__ i iwe didn't warn you. Perhaps in another year or two there: fThe Hilfounerth. htWarPae of he WkFr i, qiight be a little more to see. We found it interesting- but the scoresheet in the bottom I..'. ero teWekFan s12 t Chère wast't Peuough to look at. ofthe trame. connecting for Tawv ard ha-hen capUm Clarby ___________- - apair of runs, to trail 5-2. A er aItn yJmCak pa i r or bit hatters. along with In a wppk un w-ýhi<-Ih I!r ElliîgSho*s mainta ined theuuý Bill Smiths two out double.ý Locke lertrons (laimed XiP r<- nn oîun l~ dlid the job. Dave Remma, toripq . n twn of thrir> th -fronpnir osto who ww; tourhed for eighégarnis. Carleton camp up with Wdpdvevp.ning. handring1 'hts. retirped Bowmativilie 1-9- tevasottnin -WvpsUholstprv a 124 th top of the fitth.Rifomn. ikn.Te at enun& abs ah aes went to work shaving Rocei\'ing the i-ail for mound ,saw Chairtran',s Men's Wear' ihe Electrons' lead to a singleidutY last TTîP.sdaX' evening, iay a 12-6 licking on Frank's itn. as thev struck for twolCarieton -e.spndcd with a Variety. Both of these clubç P a s a Iruns in their hiait of the fifth.l spec.tacLllalr one hit master- t are presently locked ia tie Kennedy, wbo took on1piece again.qt the Oshawafor second spot, with Whvt&-s the mound in the sixth, wag Legionaire Juniors. His per-'in pursuit.- 1 (lupped for only one bit. aýformance, aided bv his mates'Ith pnggaeHr- *vnh inning single býý,sturdy detensive play, resuit- T h pn ggm.Hr E atcher Wayne llogg. ed in a 7-0u victory. old Michelson allowed nineý f D VLosing hurler Bemrna wa-. Terrv,, sporting a reý_ýpct sateties while his mates bg F O R S E V IC E tugher in the last hait of the able 271 average. helped ' 1 ged a dozen. in picking up garne, allowing Bowmanville own cause in the clame with to' the hurling verdict,. ihl just two hits over the las-tu pair of safeties. Mis dazzling! o n aryFre a tou rames. A' hif i'rl effort becomes even opening trame doubles as El- tourinl Atter t ngte ure mrng v we ouaelis moved ahead 3-2. Blairne touthe proueeded orte aware te infrequent arech Adams (2 RBI's) had a pair ,tenx l nnta h e.ig t thelscal i pnth-lothits for the winners, alongi iDuring this streak, Bemma do. Generally he can be found Àlith Bruce Adams and Mich- clairned six strikeouts as the somewhere on the intield ter- elson. For Whyte's. Ken Cry- 6 ~2 3 m5 ~ U 5 0 0 ke crew -clung to their 5-4 ritory, turning in a reliable sdean (con a bl woasig hi edge. Afteîr the first two bat- job and often overlooked. lsreak>colice dywo auj ters whitted in the eeh., Mis steady, unspectacularl lprin e.e ad eu Steve Burns drew a- walk. play was certainly noticed by pie Kenndy, ontinuig to raise ail who witnessed his one hiti In the evening's other f te ol<I average, tAhen follow- twirli4ng however, last Tues-;fair, Terry Baker and navJe 20 d with a run scoring two day eveniqig. ýRafuse held Fraik's hefty hit-i _________________________________________the__ en'se9s season *s iolowed b okn 'w it'àspr ie-Ms aubePaetossed' SPORT P .. . ~RACK TO WORK We'd likp to thank the people for, the cooperation l keeping the sports page golnig during otîr absence. particuiarly Jim Clarke. -Tum" Cox end Lars Carlson who dld uuch as excellent job. Now it's back to work for yours truly for a couple of hectic weeks. By then we'il be ail tlred out againt - en wS have decided Io go on another holiday. -r r -r T KAWARTHA TENNIS TOURNAMENT TO BE HELD IN BOWMANVILLE As the Kawartha League play draws tn a finish next week. the tennis players can ready themnselves for the pla '-V off s, by taking part in the Kawartha Singles ChaRnpionships. The Men's and Ladies' Singles Championships will b. heid on the courts at the Lions Centre (possibly also the court at the Flving Dutchman Motor Inn) on Saturday, July 19th. A large entry is anticipated, so the finals wili probabiy be held on Sundav. The entrants will be led hy the detending men's champ. ion Don Mackey t romn Peterborough. Me xviii have strong opposition mailv f rom Oshawa Tennig Club, with entrants from LindsaY, Port Hope, WhitbY and Bowmanvilie as weil. i There iR an outside chance that Dale Power. the detending Junior Champion ot Caniada may participatc, Thi.% would of course add interest as well as quaiity to the Tournament. +t t t. t t FATHER AND SON While Sports Editor Frank Mohun was.- appare'nt]l'v enjov,- ing the weather at Wasaga Beach, thlere were big doungs At Rowmanv'illp Countrv Cliub on July 6tl wheni the first nt sev'. eral "Father and Son" golf encounters took place. It was In have been a 'Parent and child" affair. but no mothe,'s or daughters showved uip. lit ail there %vere 10l) sets of fathers and sons In the batie, with Roil'y and Wi-i' iie ('ombps finish- Ing up on top with a teamn score oft.14. Bill and Mîke. Ormç> in second spot, with 31.,2 and Jiack and Laurie aatW4 EXHIBITION SOFTBALL, Bowmn~ilesAl-Star soft hnl \c~n vill he in ation this Sunda 'v afternoon at 1:hree o*c'lock ai Memi-ni.Pirk whenr they plaY host tb thp highi --tottd iWhit-nv lntfrmedlattq. This is the flrst exhibition game for the lorals, a team made up Of the top plaYers in hoth the senior andj intrmediate men's towiî leagiîes. Sharing the mouid ciîties for Bowx man\-llr are expri.ticri in be Reg. White, formerlN, the top pitcher with (aie Lllmh-, Thev xvili encouinter tough opposition fromWihv e mnound star Ray Peters who struck out 26 batters in 14 inninýv just a week ago. TheBomnlî Ail-,Star-s W111 comPete in thç' Carling Tournament In 0Oshawý,a on Augzust, 2.3rd. On account of the Kinsmen Carnivai thiý- Fridm ip. Mpymoriai Park softbaill jiamond wiil nol he in use this Thursday night for the Men's Softhall gamc's. Meri diffr and so do their 7jeî~uac nps * Hax P vour insuran Pro2~' * lu ted to fit vour needs. A. H. (BERT) JCHNSTON REPRESENTATIVE Phone 623-3675 15 Concession St. F. LONDON LIFE INSURANCE CO. ELECTROHOME COLOR TV CAN PUT YOU ON THE MOON FOR LESS THAN $600. And what a trip. Yoiî can take it from the Pasy chair in your own living room Withoîjt the hother of fiddlinçq with controks. Elpctrobame takes carp of everything wbh colar that's lifelike, consistent and reliable. Take the Corsair model for exampie. With a hand-wired chassis, exclusive Dynamic Focus and INSTAVU for instant picture and sound. It's your tirket tb the mooni. For iess ther, $600. and first at that. Why flot corne in and take a look at it? IELE OTROHOME ... an extra degree of excellence 7jI Berwick 25» Çolor TV Corsair 19~ HARRY LOCKE TV .Phone 623-2312 BOWMANVI LL () 1/" c) é>11 KING ST. W. r) ý . . - 1 1 - ý -1 - .- - 1

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