The Canadilan Statesrnn omnile u.1,16 NSL TNKenora they marveiledathSAE Mr. and Mr-s. Harley De- the Gardiner Dam and to see an Ontario Scholar and has n Hotlida roms.R veau, Toronto, who were en- Diefenbaker Iake. At Big won a SchoWrsip to Victoria home the rsEvetCan route to their cottage, called Valley, Alberta, they saw Mr.i College, University of Tûr-1 night guests of Mrwn r.SnaBraaClfri n Mrs. Bruce Tillson, Edhtor Phone 987-4213 during the week on Mr. Kit- Davison's boyhood home and,|onto. LreEan MtPrt rhr 1chener Burton. talked with risidents who' Dennis and David Malcoln then home via Waw n r n r.Lsi kwn hNA tdS ~~~Mr. and Mrs. Roy Corner, knew his father and grand!are vacationing with their North Bay.Osa ,weeTsdygst e e e hope, that those who attend- Willowdale, were Friday visi- father. Times have changed grandmother, Mrs. S. Brooks, o Mr. and Mrs. D.Bobun 9Wmi Wled regularly had fun. tors with Mr. and Mrs. Grant1 and progressed, the housle is Bowmanvlle. Mr.c and MrsDn Rbre S w min w a d N g tCongratulations to Missà Thompson at their cottage at, gone, the Shell Oil Company NnyadSsnhv e Mr. and Mrs. WDonaWelshicat- Candy Storks who recently, Viewlake. Mrs. Thompson ac. now have a well on the for-!M.adMr.Wlac rc, turned from twowek'v acptne h uhradWlet /T H dB ~~~~~~~won a sailboat through a companied Mr. and Mrs. Jim mer Davison proety n Lindsay, were Sunday eve- tin in the ProvinceofQewdinatLsdePsbtr i YSoueO e she had entered at Johnstn,onPeterborough, ta te-e is also an open pit coal in dinner gu sts with M . e. Th y viited er aan C uc re nty 1All boys who have been tended the Davis - Watson' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Glas-ifery, Ryarnd Liaypman , n her brorML ary M.adMs aeelBak iwith Ist Newcastle "A" and, wedding. !bergen sent the weekend at Noth teB a arentholid ay'g e n he un r ra lcbr n Newcastle-This week clos- and get himneslf wet. Throughithem are the best any of ourl nd the IPbor wishing to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davi- her aunt's cottage at Round and rs. Brsdarnd t r se yedavsti.u e abrane es another year of Red Cross the understanding of the In-ichildren can be taught, and o eundSudyfo ae relatives.S SwImmi1ng Instruction and structor who slowly wins theilesson that any of the adults end camp at Camr) Samace. most enjoyable motor vaca-i Reeve Lawrence Malcolm M d r K Mr. and Mrs. B-ruceHaipo nay LieSvng at Waltona Pool. child's confidence, he doe endlmight be well advised to stms haedb theirrt tion to the Western Provinces Mrs. Malcolm and family at- Lamb. Okvilles. h en were Wednsdaydiner and Mr.andMrsoW.Cra en Each year these lessons are, up In the water and soon, watch. tpaentcoseandthsged$3by0their (July 26-Aug. 10). They visit- tended the Warden's Picnic atiturig from e owee -,super guMcesof ,Mr.adMs iyd oia ata sponsored by the Newcastle1 along with the other girls; As this ils being read on aets an3in50 M sm lon i ed Reverend Lloyd Fernie and! Orono Park on Saturday. Mr. vacaton at Dorset, wereSat- Wheylie McKheon.ooRa.actag nSa aena Recreation Committee and, and boys of the same class, he Thursday afternoon, plans are or Mrs. De Jong no later thani Mrs. Fernie in North Battlei Roy Foster, reeve of Clarke ra iioswt'r n hy hruhyejydteNrad each year there Is a large ait- rsei o obn n iaie or toniht'sA'wads Sturay, ugusa23r.'Aford, Saskatchewan. (Mr. Fer-ý Township, is Warden Of the Mrs. Cecil Wilson.dieu h oeyHwly r n r.W ri t tendance In each class be- ukn nanlu fteand Performance. The pro- list of Items needed to be nie was a former studentlUnited Counties of Durham! Mr. and Mrs. George Bow- Vlemthe a ftin aenoontne h uea fM.Hl giningat heTadole rihtwater quite reassured. d 'hegramme gets under way at taken to camp will also beiminister in the Presbyterianiand Northumberland for 1969 ýers returned Saturday from ateacinsaeadfresèo!ees orel fHrp through to senior classes.1 As to the bother child, tethe poolside at 6 p.m. As You available to each boy. church here). They also visit- Congratulations to Mr. and very pleasant two weeks' va mre t tSegrv ehetnnhipsenwa nTr Great interest is shown in er ht dephof thsign or watch with pride to see the r. .Bruhed relatives at Calgary and ,Mrs. Bruce Brokenshire (nee eation (July 26-Aug. 9) with eeig no atFia9atraln tese classes by par enho i ae asid n h nennswimmer of your ar o iiigwt hi Swift Current. It was an Annie Pearce) who were mar- their cabin trailer to North-; Sunday Servicelles by the poolsde each morninglfacts of the water are ex- babyor mermal kemawa daughter and family. Mr. and uiuCxeinc odieo itaed inFthelalvati o nrm y weser ntovia U.S.A.In the Presbyterian hrh Ms .CagadMs essons ae r dtehor pned t swim alone, always remihnds e thesanstructr rm Manchester, Englna ndMs osAhondSturday AFenelon9tFallMrs. with M. aond gues tceyl 0pkeon e prwtl1IsCar ii child Is lever thrown Intol the to take along an adult to and to the Newcastle Recrea-|TIstiseMrs.aBrough'a s t i.adMsecondms y. t!Brenshf awire hbeenarsi-Rheynoldsarni e Crossngtance ofa good educain fthhoefMradMs.Wl pool and left on his own, watch while he and another tien Committee who make this vsttiaaaana is r ndMs hmsP tts et of rartwright oshilesBlun)ey ter ridg e a o p aeducation i eev e rnTwo ody frightened and unable to do1 child swim, and never tei o ssible.visit for Mr. Brough. i enjoyed a motor trip, stop- a eteo o nme fmlslng hyetrdtedcal p e ui for himself. Each year appli- swim away from the shore tooalpsse Mr. and Mrs. Sam Brereton ping at Upper Canada Village,! years. The bride and groom United States and enjoyed the ed, r sac l peues r.JonTit cations are received by the fair without knowledge of The Recreation Committee "and girls have returned to the Ontario Hydro Power Dam,i are having six weeks' vaca- lovely drive along the shores otver ob sle Houdbodowr rdaVvrih Recreation Committee from what lies around him. As he are: Messrs. Earl Foster, Jack village following a lovely holi- Cornwall, and spent threeý tion to Alaska. of Lake Huron. Passing over ovre . Mrhaso.lsera-get f r n r.E highly recommended persons1progresses from Tadpole agelPruner and Martin Coolahan, day at the Old Mill Resort, days with their uncle and' Recent guests with the the Mackinac Bridge they ou ettasl,'Tutgwi.Mran Ms.Fe who qualify for this not toolon through Learn to Swim,lMrs. Evelyn Northrup and north of Minden. aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert !Lawrenice- Malcolm f amily continued along the south of Jess hti1l ihMs.Tit hty eeSna deal in only a few weeks. A!his lessons progress,nhe nowý ming Instructors this year are and family have also return- Mr. and Mrs. Don Cameron ry and Glen. Newcastle, andices where they entered Can-, There was no churcinte Svrafomhscmun youngster who has in the past adds swimming to floating nd Miss Karen Westleyo sa ed to the village following a attended the luncheon on Sat-' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vandeni ada. At Dryden they visited United Church here u lt aeatne h ra known only the bathtub wat-igoes from jumping into the wa, assisted by Miss Anne visit with relatives, Mr. and urday at the Flying Dutch- Bosch. Cobourg. with their son Constable Jerry numnber of Nestleton fl n'ieRdeFsia tNw er may show signs of being water to graceful dives. The Eilbeck of, the village. ,To all Mrs. K. Stuart in New Bruns-i mani, for the visitors at the Mr. and Mrs. George Johns[Bowers, and saw the new air- Lakeshore residents jiebate terrified to hop into the pool life-saving lessons provided to of them, 'Thank You' . wick. Gladiolus Society show. accompanied Mr. and Mrs. port at Dryden. Accompanied Cadmus in their servn .Rv - - ~~Mrs. Don Stuart has return- Mr. Charlie Garrard wonWm. Johns and Ian, Mar-1 by their son they went toierend Philip Romeri pk r n Ms o es n (Un 6 @ ~~~~~~~~~ed from a holiday in Bermuda. the Jack Baker Cup for the ham, to Marmora on SundaylKenora and enjoyed the boat on "The ImportanceofPa-atiFxbr;M.nd rs M an r.Semnbest spike in the Legion Class and were dinner and supperi trip through the thousand is-i er - Lord, Teach us t ry"LryWlh on r n Mr1 and Mrs.w Sherman at the National Gladiolus'guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert lands of the Lake of thelPrayer should be done nsl-Ms o es n r er f 0 1h 4SR d S rond Lae naraBancroa Show on Saturda.Nickle. On their return theyWod.ACneIsad"u-te-pryrm tbeh-Gitswe Snyspp g ~~~~and are now back In the vil- i Miss Barbara Ashton spent'called on Mr. and Mrs. Robert kie the Muskie" was an add-lest - revealing andrenig htoclbaeMs SG 09500fV1 lage. a few days with Linda andGawley and also visited withled attraction. This is a ce- our wrongdoing. Mis ao er @ de ts S ut o 4 1 ran Ms.WilamRed ýJanet Sharp, Enniskillen. ýMr. and Fred Stuckey. ment sculpture weighing 5,000IWerry presided at theognles' itdy Mran MsiWlla Reid Mr. and Mrs. Henry Smith, Frankford, who were guests pounds. The Anglican Sum- Reverend Romeril wil ei-Msr.DnRcad n te ,Teand family have returned to Gravenhurst, and Mrs. Del-lwith the Gawleysq., ! mer Camp, owned and operat-ler his farewell sermo etGr cai noe oo Nconlastlee-Tngwhe August ngplinth a uete r.wodriweachcouncil repeshaento bTe oairhome after severn eek b rt MyLes, Orono, vsiitedý Congratulations to M issled by the ,Anglican Church, Sunday et Nestleton rpt oteladOtw Council Chambers on Monday two houses and one driveway paid, but if others were given area. . Martin on Monday. Bonnie Jean Malcolm who is was also visited. Back at'Blackstock.foseradysatwek evening. with Councillor Joan wide enough for both. Re-lan extended time It was felt After a long illness which: Frith absent, and Mrs. Jean peating his question. Council- ,by the Newcastle Council kept Mr. Charlie Woo In Me- McCullough as Acting Clerk j or Hoar was answered by the! that for a matter of a few morial Hospital, it was nice In the absence of Glenholmie!Reeve who felt that thisidays, they too should be grant- to see him strolling outside Hughes who is still In hospital,; would be somnething for Toron-: ed this in preference to bor- the back of his home this past Minutes of the last regular to to think about, rowing to pay the amount. weekend. We trust his health' and special meetings were Receiving permission to' Before an extension can be will improve rapidly. approved. The special meet.. write Toronto Mr. Dyriw then made for having water ex.. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wal- Ing held July 24th with the asked why he had'been re-: tended South of the 401, a ton and family visited with Reeve, Douglas Cunningham fused a building permit to new well must be drilled. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hockini and Counicillors Frank Hoar,! build just off Robert Street Messenger was on hand at an and fiamily in Port Perry on Alfred Gray and Fred Couch: at the entrance Into the sub- earlier meeting with members Sunday. was to meet with members ofi division. Whereby all the of the O.W.R.C. and again at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Phinney the O.W.R.C. at which time members accused himn of mak- this council meeting to ex-' and sons, formerly of New- P.U.C. Manager Tom Mes- ing that property a dump. plain to counicillors who were castle, now of Oshawa, were senger was also present. An- "Where else did you want me! absent earlier what the ce- weekend guests at the home other meeting will be set up: to toss my stuiff, there was no pacity of water Is being pump- of Mr. and Mrs. William Reid at a later date when Counicil other polace; I used it as fill", ed daily. Giving figures back and family. have further information on, replied Mr. Dyriw. He lost: to 1967 and 1968, he explained Mrs. Robert Shearer and drilling a new well, the argument however and'that water is being pumnped son David accompanied Mr. l Mr. M. Conneel. an Insur- was told that only when hie now up to 120,000 gallons peri Shearer to Brampton on Sat- ance salesman was present to cleaned it up and got an okay day, urday where he was taking discuss insurance with the! from the building Inspector At a meeting on August 8th, part with other members of members of counicil. It was would the members of counicil; P.U.C. members Stan Graham the Oshawa Ulster Flute Band decided at this meeting to; talk to him again about it- and John Rickard moved to in a parade held there. double the insurance on the An additional grant has1 grant the counicil permission Schoolmates and neighbors! local volunteer firemen. been received for extended to run tests for a new well. of little Penny Barker will be CHEESE, CANADIAN, 4e OFF DEAL Nick Dyriw was also -present work and machines beingpu Athsmein arso- saddened to learn of her to ask permission for separat- into the local arena. P tionwas pasedetonghave Reeve death last week In Toronto, Ing a piece of land· to build Th1otubeln n Cunningham get In touch with Pien hadbn ickor along two homes east of the Lodge Durham County Board of Mr. Faulkner, an independent tmhvn acradko-16-0Z PKG Nursing Home. One of the Education sent in a letter ex- wldrle an as hI ng it, she proved a tower of KATSI E 3 questions brought forth by paining that they were now opn onproperty that the srnt hog otso ouneillor Hoar was: "What requiring the levy up to July counicil have choesn, municipal pain. The sympathy of the LIQUID BLEACH, 13e OFF DEAL SAVEL AN EXTRA 4o AT A&PI ut access to the land -be- 131st of the taxes collected to d ad aoieS village Is extended to Mr. and hind your property, how may that date. At a recent meet- oneo •Ms.Dn ake n h ls It be entered?" ing whereby somte towns col- h il er rsne f their nly daughter. Leav- Aparnlynt ndrtad. ec axs motly, some1 and authorized to be paid. ing their Newcastle home at12 OIC ANE Corn Flakes1-so is rsis9e -_-quarterly and others once ini The Fire Dept. report for the early part of this year, E X7 Notice the year lit was felt that all July was submitted by Coun- they now reside at Perth Road, KSE RN towns should be paying at the cillor Hoar, who read that near Renfrew. KSE RN Reg. Price pkg 30-- SAVE 17* Th ewcastle Memnorial'same time and not some carry- there had been no fires dur-1 The Village Clerk. Mr. Glen- Libar wll e floelfoming others. This was theling the mnonth. The men held'holme Hughes, remnains a1-. $ August 16 to September 2nd, feeling at a recent meeting of two practices and four men patient at Sunnybrook Hospi- PG 1969. 33-1 the board with members of attended a Mutual Ald meet- tal, Toronto, having under- Sf a gne31 0 Ing. gone surgery recently. Our The meeting adjourned, sincere best wishes for a ToMATO OR VEGETABLE FEAUEP9E speedy recovery are extended THE VILLAGE OF NEWCASTLE to im. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Megit 1- DOG LICENSES CewcaS e O4n49 Mcgit of Wesle'ville, spent a 1968 Dog Licenses expired on June 30, 1969. PerSOn als week's vacation in Northern Owners of dogs are required to purchase 1969 toNewcastle- ogratulations Co>ngratulationsbote rlebaS p r R ght ea s - ou e t Dog tags forthwith. They may be obtained brated his birthday on Tues-j ed his birthday on Sunday. day, August 5th. Mr. and1 Visitors who spent Sunda from the Village Office or from the Animal Mrs. Fred Harvie, Newcastle, with him and his wife -were Contrl Oficeror fom th Bowanvile hsteda birthday party in Mr. and Mrs. John De Jong N få . Chis honor and among the and family oflBowmanville,-BONELES -BOTToM CU playground as the- mostj sue.. ence Ferguson, Mr. Milton Icessful one of the month, and Payne and Mrs. M. 1. Gart- bge te da Fiay ws n Memoril HospitalAth-s: Bakery Buys! -- r s r d c there was a good turnout of lina, Thomas Bolderstone. Mrs., yg o g I an Sor nesof t e ar oveFr, ack Nesbtt, Mrs. Jans Parker Reg. Prie 65o - SAVE "10 M and these were: Chief Hiya.. Doria Smith, Gordon Stade, Washington Free Ston, Hiya (Joey Forget), Little Mrs. Linda Whyte and Eriec h bar-4· Pi No. 1 Grade Sister (Jana Graham), White Wicks. Our professional counsel can quickly put your Feather ( Wendy Johnsoni, FULL. 8-INCH, 24-OZ SIZEPR N ..Prairie Flower (Irene Brere-ý H Y O P U SL affans mi good order. ton), Sam (Lisa Troy),HA D NP U SlgSie o. rd There is no obligation to investigate this prompt White Horse (Sandra Webb), confidential service with us. WwWw Ssn B rma),1 .lidy B A N A N ASsior S 3on),S lver ( alerie Forgh ) Mr.aste rs . r Emnd B and Little Fawn (C in dy atroM.ndrsE.R Durs, Donny b r ri f 'k omil; CnMaJ. Ab Jan* Parker, Sliced, Daly Dated Reg. Prime loaf 29e - SAVE eOntroGron \hST E c l t s o h o o si n g b o it a n d S te v e B rk e t o n R A S N B E D2o4e rou e - . I \!STýRL1 o TR STS7awartied first prize to Irene Thomnpson, Toronto; Mr. Lloyd Brereton, second prize to Dale Thompson and friend, Tor- Allison arnd third, fourth, fifth onto. Mrs. Thompson, along O I N and sixth places were held with them, visited relatives in A&P BRAND PREPRICEIM TOROTO 372BaySumby Sandra Wright, Cindy Bowmanville. TORONTO - 372DunlySee Wright, Lisa Troy and Susan Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jones, 4 ýý BARRIE - 3 Dnlo StetBoorman. Sincere thanks to Scarborough, were Sunday JAR •en bag ORIfL.A - 73 Misiussa teet, Eas Mr. Fred Yates for donating visitor of Mr. and Mrs. J. ALLnPRtEStSHON IN TH0 AD EPECT19 and hiding the watermelon, Jones and famnily. ALPIE ïa m å or Co"0 3f m w eradenÎ which, soon after It was found, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Werlry, THROUGHO TRAYIUUT s 90 had disappeared again; it was Lynne, Bonmie and Jean, Mal. BIBIIIIsgreatly appreciated. So tht ton, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ash- wraps up playground for the ton, Rtonald and Ray, were anmmer, and w4 gink and Sindu dm rgueste ci t .