The Canadian Sttem, Bcwmnvile, Aug. 13, 1969 Births la Memoriam Cards of Thanica Articles for- Sale - Articles for Sale Auction Sales _ _Tender_ _ Notices okW me cONWAY--GU.Y and Rose- HAWLEy-In lovîng niemory We would llke to thank the POTATOES, new, No. 1. Joe1 RESTORED rubber-mounted ONTARIO Dr. Mann's offie illb AE1 tntukfrgn 11I7are leased toannlfOUflce of a dar husband Mebourne, People of Tyrone Community Bouma. 623-2847. 32-21 horse buggy. Phone 623-2095. WEEKLY coe eko u the arriva? of their chosen who passed away August 141 for the presentation of the 1I31 T7'Cqr,'D EPARTMENT 0F coe eko uutlt.ea atg n eiey -mon. Stephen Maurice, slxth 1964. lovely coffee and end table. TAPE ecodr,1"x 4,-e-w .IE3- Phone 623-751.50- i.mcldo r n r.M like new. Phonew mis Kth623-5950Hame. RED CURRANTS, real ripe., at Durham Count.v Sales Arena, PUBLIC WORKS During July andAuutD--_ _ -- _______ lM eat____ el wa WATER for sale and dlvrd - 62--1 Seiling Horses, Cattie, Swine J received until 2 P.M. Local' 2 - 4 p.m. on Ttsa n rcas n ml oas G.AVS-E n aln o g ay; 1 wish ID thank friends and Cail Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. TWO cil space heaters in Calves, Sheet.C!li ie 2 - 4 p.m. on Thursda.__2693- 'Cne Mconad) hpply a- aone now ho I iss elgbor fo cars ad fow-38-tf 24" electrie stove. Telephone! Reid, Auctioncer and Pro- Thursday, Augnst 21, 1081 Anyone wishing a ol- - flUflce the arrivai of their son, him crs whlle ln hospital. Thanks 263-2697. 33-1*! prietor. 23-tf For Cleaning and PeintnwihheLds'MjrLaejAJR ndMorRpr Steven Edward, 8 Ibo. 143% In a home that ln onei m to Dr Wilkinson. nurses and ALLIS-Chalmers tractar, W-C, -____ElSve Tn on contLa s'M a e.(o)Wr. Wd n aie 025. on ugus 1, 969at M- to oneomestaff of Toronto Western Hos- i n gond running condition. STRAW, oat and whcat straw A-1 evated Wood Departmenk on 'uconat 63-84 eor wr asecaCe(Tlhn oarial onAs il, 1pecia e-thaksI ays. m o s a.Phone 263-2395. 33-1 from combine. Tlpoe Selling. aurlday, August SeelTowver, Dpa Tmet3f1-3o 235 Inra optl pca hns ae s y sul ia.i -Tel-ep--h-o----n63209.33- 3, uritre ands and Forests. ree August 22nd.3- 2-35 to Dr. K. Siemon and the staff compantion. Roy Ferguson. 33-. TWO 4-ft. glass showcases and 2321. --hueodapînes uao usrOoo nal.-____ __ on Maternlty. 33-1* A life linked with my own; o nc smal glass showcae FOUR used- Uniroyal -8 .55-14 bile, tractor, of Mr. Richard! Tender Documents may be' GSo ldoris ihadCi UTMfriga es McROBIE-loydand yndaAnd day by day I miss him1 We want to thank the Kins- Phone 623-5189 after 6. 33-1 tires, excellent condition, $20. Manina. anc mile East of obtained from Regionai Office.Soecoe o oiasal ae.Poe7310 o léRRunde)ar od aLna- Asmore, meealne.mcifor their kindncss and' 623-394.- 331* August 17 for',, twoe orthks. ail fieofldbliork. spraying,1 corm- aePodtan As1walk through lf lot.1courtesy in movln una RSHeeubss a orh 63304.3.1 ooe Cee,12mleNrtDcarmnto PbicW pnugTusay epeme tn, ain adbalg.*26t nOuince the afe arrivai of -Lovingly remembered by'Senior Citizens' apartens.east Corner, Highway 2 and SUDBKE sric, nfrigar, FrigimatiewaherntSuit, 794, Kinsto SOtret, . LneChristopher, born Aug- ieLya 311IThis was greatly appreciated. jSolina Road. Phone 576-2139.Sand ued aERr eGraham's eatomatc rycr, MatTelSuiepho, ne gs4-855.ThOntartrBele aneBert and Jean Mundy. Garage, 416-263-2233. E43-tf Afternoon Bowling League CONSTRUCTI8955 Ust 9, 1969, weighing 9 lbs. rne uiesmnsds, h oeto n e 73/4ozs., a baby brother for HAWLEY-I eor !a33-1 REFRIGERATOR for sale, iïCUIC anebsies-ans _kThowsoay de'tr n îoesneBwlmmesiue-Bik-Bln tn -I enr fagood working condition, s$50 13 FT. Frigidaire re- bedroom suite, Findlav rck not necessarlly accepted. dawenoonwat2 m. n-dFrpae ______ 33-1or bestatoffer. Phoneia'f igeratorerlikesnew. Todd. 33-1 dear fathertaOdegpaefsthurore wîsh ofexpr'PhonurBethanv frigr r lk e Phone istove, barbecue, dehumidifier. . . ILIAD, oe neeed nbolg Mebourne, who left us A'ugust incr takMadaprc 1-H 13. 331-1 Garden Hill 797-2437. 33-1*!'64 Pontiac, 60.000 miles; '60, De.puty MLInis ter. la estehn 6359 Irhn 6325 -STAINTON-DavId and Birte 14,1964. tion to aur friends, neighbors OECse P...combine M- - Ford '2-ton. 250 In'teraioa32-2i623-5178. 3- ahR. ..3 omnil r i eNislaenraeeand pMASSEYaPonyultractoreswitetractor and trailer. Manv -.-- 9-t (ne NelezOar hPpytaBaunulmd relatives for the beautiful ready for wark. The price Is plough, cultivator, dise and, more items ton numerous ta 1 W ne ete arigcasst Dannunce the r r i ha e yl nderfl thilnge a y, gfs crs a d fo cs r-right. Matt. Marchant, dial snow plough. 728-9778. 3-I ist. Chrles Reid, auctin- ', __ _ commence n Selt m e - eanasbrthrMchel Tcylat tl helogstda.ceived on the occasion of our'263-2767. - - 33 1*EGT qaevletbac eer. 33-2 -____-__ _ - David, 8 Ibs. 6½% ozs., born They neyer wear squaereshWedig nnvesay IJON eee TOl'at b b CUCUMBER pickers. 01rn0 and 4 from 8 - 10p..LarBAARS Diustct 1969 at Coospiand A d a ne er et lost. Earl and Mona Duval.- digger and potato bagger and able. Phone 62.3-2752. 33-1: Action sale of catte, hay,, 983-5169. . . cases, golf bags. etc. xed l m&r e t n Dsr ict Gra d enral M rHo apdtal. An an y er b v n331 1cutter, îlfor $300. Tel- - - -n----- tractor, m achinery and huse- iPRESS operators required for d clases for dying l ah r Mirs. L. C. Stainton and Mr. And ta some you nay be 349-2596 Grafton. _ 33-2BUIGoseinfuitr hold funniture. alsa many' odokn ln.Apvec Please contactMr.Jn'35esoSt Bomvil end Mrs. X. B. Nielsen of forgotten, 1 wish to express sîncere_ _ -- or appliances, call Elmer, aniusiYihsadfri uvl odPoutSunKeast.. Orono 983-580bfoe34 Enlkfe.3- oohesapr !tepsappreciation and thanks ta DRAPES, weathcr-bar beige, Hampton: business 263-2294. e.nthqe prop ' anI BO'W1'MANVILLE rodct, Sut il._33-1_________apartofthe_____ two widths 144" x 84"; two 2 ture.tepoerty of Mr. How-'Plant, Orono, Ontario. 11-1 A.ugust .15 3- --______ But to us who loved you, and al those who sent expres- widths 50" x 84", with hooks,__2 _t ard Farrow, will be sold at hisj R C ' Forthcomin ost yo sions of sympathy and for$20Phe63-47 331 GUN, .22 Magnumiii e-xcel- farm. Lot 13, Con. 4, Clarke, MALE band saw operator re-BOC * g ~~Your memory wllî aîways their kindnesses at the - ---- - lent condition: asking $45. 31/2 miles north o! Newton- quired for woodworking plant. BA ERS OAU O B Y îarag ast. of my recent bereavement in, HAGSTRAM II guitar with Newtonvillc 786-2434 after, vilîle and 1 mile west, at Apply' Curvply Wood Pro-~ BARBE TPhS 2371 The fortheoming inaiage membered by daughter Judy, Mary Douglas. 'Paisley guitar strap, $125. EOD - - 31 trvlecre nStr utSuhPat rn e prne4t 1 EODplayers, one manual, day, August 23rd at 1l a.m. ' Ont. 3- 21Te pr bs announced cf Virginia Bannie, son-in-law Ken and Bobette Beauty Salon. Phone~ 623-3666 or 623-2494. onaurat; erledîeI sharp. Funniture sold first. Friend nd customr aeePI Maule Bamson, oniy uduautr andchildren M1 k le a n d 33-11 ___ __ . -- -- one---tric ra, bstofer. Appd ly Also at this sale will be solId WAITRESS required, Royal j of Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. , onna. 33-, DRIED tried onalo1 rambst ane r.telpoe wostndr-bred Fillies. one Lunch. Highway 115, 12 - 8, »ie oC cornan o! Han10pton, to Stepr 33lepy ' Phonestanarme Basno apot tp-1would like En thank 1silage. Poe BDaraneie63:31 nyie. 3- ,2ars oanc y a nid b Mead taton supplie PhasoneN BokPU PN en Andrew Hogg, son of Mr.' friends, neighbars and rela- pickup or delivery, ag623wv40 eytîand on 2 e1 aid by Gra e '-,Bîllv shi 5 dayw. Tronsporw- iervyn Bî and Mrs. Leon Hogg. Grims- SMITH-ln loving mcmnory of .odl.Sbrýev (siq74] ~~ by. The marriage wlll take our dear father George M. tives for gifts, flowers. cards. Farms. Newcastle, 987-4474. 1IDAYOal-ok -v_ jc t-.- .JLJL. O PKN mSmt h asdand fruit while a patient, 11-tfligood condition; also quart Ibid. Terms cash. L. Clysdale. - - pflte brids 3patenthamp- 28th, 1956. _ fruit. jars, couch and kitchen I auctioneer. 33-2*!LTCENSED "Class A" me-! RED CROSS WORKOM PooNwovie7625 ofltce bAugusarntHaeome Smthwh p9sedawa Jlin Memnorial Hospital; as-R--GR -,-- ar- I aint afw teratils 'el331Please God forgIve a silent thanks ta Drs. John Rundie and Zero Zone, very gond con- chaLrer lcsoc.msins epeeree in tran TMPACESET '*on. 33-1 ILee, nurse% and staff of the .En amr lcsok ae raet msin rfrbe pl nOpen Cl oie 4 f__ _ e r t, ' 1d d a ist lo fr kn n s a d dition. reasonable. Telephone A 33-Ie * prt o prsn ta Cowan Pontiac-Fr. 1. 30-3:30 - 6:3 -:3 mJA N A D M.r. and Mis. Frank Smit Afrvnthihau dd aarIfis.lorfo'knONsEan 83546.rnoa6e06p..8NEN 60ILtcu M MnuenCrsgoe,121 a- eik,16 in S.E. Bw-Swes eee t cmpoe edTDE SRVC wlsh to announce the forth- hee.cre. 33-11,1 er Ave., Bay Ridges (turn Off manville. 33-tf Dsse eifCohn Wely ibnk 3~*-combine, power take-off; one! 401 an Liverpool Rd. S. ta' - -- Rlif eomlng niarriage o! their There are others, yes, we '___NEW 40 ft. heavy duty TVi No. 422 7 f t. Cockshutt com-.l Haller Ave.) on Saturday, FEMALE ta or stay Further Informaio aCîl'" y o r o bers dug t e Bannie ut know. c rs eloe We wish ta thank al our!tower and antenna installd,! bie with m tor; one 7 ft. August 16. 1969 at 1,nig'ts (Monday ta Fiday. 623-2639 J U U U sony, ofoMr. artBnd But ho ms our, oefriends, relatives and nîih i$48.95. Antenna only, unstali- Masebd dr 100 u. od orborf Rd, arsan.d,$7.0.Pon h3206 hrmsitwah32--'n2' Fype onh Ms Rela bora for loweOsshards andcd, $1<.fakPhonem23-2006 ney oats. 200 bus. falwheat chine, sewing machine, telle- be expericnced ln the run- PN IG ADCPN Ont.Mariag tatak pîc~ o ar fthe inheaen verbal sympathy duning the - --- fo29tlIsàaac Hardy, Phone HamptonI vision, deluxe barbecue (new).' ning af a snack bar. Please Fyn ucm t _ 7t at St. Johns Anglican hr, above,baoforsnAgsStCRSTA tee sl.26-2. 33-1' electnic heater. telephone table. send applications ta Box G1U2L5 October 25, 1969 at 3ii-ch, Tel hini how much we miss (stillbirth). Special thanks ID 14.000 Scotch Pire, 5-10 ft., Weil'j USED TractôsAlis-Chalrm-i dressers, carpet sweepcr, Mcl-'Newcastle. G SPAY PANTN 33.1* hlm ~~~~~~~Dr. Anfossi. nurses and staff1 pruned, gond colon; accessible o rs D17, gas. $2,495; Interna-i mac dishes, beds complote, OEmn3 a4 er fADBrs-Bue aaeEc _______And iehim alarlv.of First Floor, Memonial Hos- 1by good road; Kendal areaNEtmanr.d0ttaj40 i ir Mlr. and Mrs. Harold Me- -Lovingly remembered and pital, Bowmanville. IPhone 983-5557. Orona.31.50anal"3"ihloadevW,1 la anroceco grd labiyce, pa-'bsoetxfBomn Gulf i Alan Clcha lae oa-sdymse ytefamill. Nancy and Bili Williams,2FOTabncusrfuy$5; Massey-Hari rielw his ville, by major ail company, Culloc axa lease to an sadl missd by te N2 FtOOT $1.50; Alis-Oalmrs Pony Carnlng- ta be trahneras an ail humlr Now twolocations. pup GNEA CA ETR ~cucetu fothom nnar- j3~*I ec~,n equipped; 75 Evunrude out- with mower, $675: Case ,S, ware. Termis cash, no reserve. sev t v wrk I No waiting. WehrrRear nrage cf their youngest daugh- I wîsh to express sîncere'board mnotor and trailer. Ask- '$525; 40 ft. Trough Elevatar. jHundreds of other gonod, cii.8 Mer Marilyn E. McCulloch. t eing $1.500; good condition. ' electric PTO, $350.) articles. Auctioneer Myles and benefits. Write Advertis- 623-2651 Mr.. Hugli Denison, son of Mr.A Lasting Tribute 1hns anussonsngciPhono 623-7402 or 623-5710. ýUsed Caonmbines: Allis-!King 723-0501 or 725-5751.,,3, c/o TheCaaan8-f P ne6394 Xugh Denison and the late For Permanence and Dlgnity fl or D rs eficKnie nd33-eChamers66, PTO. $69.5;, îSaman, O. Bx 3903Bw-l' _________________ Mr.. Denison. Chatham,. On- Iwe auggeut Rdl forthir ffiiet srv-____ ___eumnv.leN33oLst4CKEMA ice, also relatives, frlends and 'COMBINE, pull type. 6 f 0' oksut.7ft ut a.42,- tarie. The niariage ta take M utnihoswovstdm n asyCipr adcn PTO. $649. J-Mar Equipment A C INSL DENTAL Aissistant. T b i s, Mon lae epeer 19,Lawn 1sent cars wovsdmy an dition 600Cie K on len- C., 134 King St. E., ton arca; rowardSAL paeSpebr13, 99 ,tcrsduring mystay iCa St. E..00. BownK ' n-lej position Is chiefly for a chair- LACK Labrador aeog E C V TN at 3 'clock, Trlnity United Mernorial Park lhospital and for those who 'Newtonville Pot Office or ville. Phone 623-5689. Open FLYING i side assistant. Training - ll 33-1LOADHamptToENCHIN Church, Bowmanvifle. 33-1 BrneI4m rasbrought my wife Cynthia ta ýPhono 786-2235, Newtonville. ý'til 9 o'clock Friday evenings. UTHM N h provided for the successu Phone 263-220q. GaeTpSi n 30-4 _______33-1 appicant. Some knowlcdge BLACK wallet contaiuga-F1 elee -0 Engagement For courteous advice, pîcase see me. o- --- - --f typung and accaunting pro- 1pnoximately $15 and mot ~Hn AE EVC Oliver G. Knapp. 33-1 UDwasher parts, maotars-, STEREO MOTOR INN cedures are desirable. Apply 1 ant papcrs on Tuesda o- -Mr. and Mrs. A. Bothwell vimit the Park Office -!'Simplicity, Thon and Moffat et ~ ~ ~ ~ 2323 1omaviewlht n would like ta take this i placs ainly de- T P L Y R in writing only tD Dr. C. F. 'Ing ln area of CamainTr eaoal ae _____________________ mv1. onday, 18r T PEPL YE Cattran, 222 King St. East and south aide KlinStet6275-BO M VLL ofBoc t ngaemenwsht o! __n-__________ opportunity ta express m Ssd in oMfrntue.Padys £ug. 18 Bowmanville. 33-Ï Bowmanville. Rewad C boneteeggmn fthanks toalal my familiy. ________ -ofbourg 372-2553d 33 -their daughter Linda Both Cmn E et rfyns.drlaie frteMarket, Hampton, 263-2241. Modela 840 and 880 1 7:30 p.m. ARbîeghD72-2553Xtrtis .helctII UNR UN %vieil ta Mr. Bian Grig Hor -___________anrlaivs orthe______alfo HmeCrBot._tc!____lig D alr___ ' ýAton, son cf Mr. and Mns. 1ivl lwr n it ur EODTOE V4-!Iea o oo a.Baec' Antique and wanfed at once in Bowman- froni car on WaverlyRa, LAE 'heodore Roi-ton of Windsor, UTour Pioneer Village. îng my recent stay ini Me ýEODTOE Vtwes1 As odsl cof vilorualreofBha.lteWdsayvnngAg- PU IN RE IS Ont.The eddng wll eks undy. Agua l7t, l mvigmrial Hospital. secaliand rotons (tnade-uns), 40, 50, ~pcelu Fbrar. 3-1* Bowmanvillle 1 p.m. For i-ln ak-taStGPund Ç oan 6 fotstucurs;a i I8-RAK TEEOTAESEsat Pecs oê opotult.Wrteno. stflh.Chlds et I fun PONpetPO formation î 8l 23-5496. 3- Rev. Somerville. nurses and exelntcniio.IlwaI Wstr n Pplr He8vlly carved oak lables. RAWLEIGHpesePooMaClnyt cal 33-1staff and Dr. Ewert. 'TV Supply Limltcd, 723-8131.1 desks and chairs. iadyv's and 1362-0469 or 922-5459clet 2315 -De aths B IN G Diann o S llow a __50t gentemnan's & odd chairs, waîî Dept. (6, T. w~here 1) -140-405'3 - al A d e s 'PETERS. Hilton T.-At TRURS»AY NIGHT, 9 o'clock I wish ta take this appor- D & R SPORTSmnd grandfather dlocks, game -05RCEIUS' N -he ao -.,rdale Hospital, Toi-cnta, on f>.~f.i and dining tables M nra 0,Q e unoganbx Fr.Iday, August 8, 1969. Hilton Sponsored by the Junior 'tunlty ta thank my relatives 67 King St. W.. Bowmanvilic1 85 King St. W. Bowmanviile I Marbie Top Credenza M3tr3-27,Qu. n e gnrati ox.It ed -. ____ 0t ZPetons (formenly of Hampton) Chamber of Commerce ansd fricnds for thc many lovely Phn 2333 Se-el e Srie---- -- whereabouts by Augut1pe..L.NLh fJJ'f Min hi. 73rd ysar. Beloved hua- JUBILEE PAVMION 33-I Trenching n vsis hoe62 ýJ_ .badof Erma Salten. dear O nA -tf - uigm eetiles ULLN F__ Doiîiton, CnIeport China I NEED a representative for ta locate it. Ccade ETCTN ,aher of Kelh. Oshawa. and Ecr adPry e specialthnst h otr Canadian and Coiored Glass my firm in this anca. This Farmsý, Orono. Phono 8-70ISALTO lltalph cf Toronto. brother off ailPr lb os, î. nuatednc ndtir-f-r-S-R-G-OO S --- fo al Brass, Copper and many other opening may be wortb un taD ovenings. 3- Mary Petens. Rested at the 1nurrlng staff.ubWe would like 113-tf 1968 VOLKSWAGEN, radio,î items cf intereçt $8,000.00 yeanly for the rlght; .RR6 OMNIL 4N~orthcutt Elllott F u n l e nety South, Tuesday, August ta express aur ippreciiti>n SV S$1 on mechanicîl condition.'!AES persan. Full or part-time. I W'ork WRne OSNA AL j!!me. Fnerl srvce aa19th 8 p.m. Door pnize. Ad- for the many acts of kidnpssi AVE$ $o KelvInitýror ni>îOronia983-5653. 31* 0 J AhER TOWNI. Age 21 ta 70. Cin youma I6370 ~hla 13 'cokMadymission 50c. Proceeds Crîppîed shawn ta our family at nome.lA PPlhînces -- Deluxe Electric MK---4.11Ph R. Kingston short auto trips? We hopeý Adanac i E PO SE 1a*fternon. Interment Hamp- Children's School andà Clinic.1 Mrs. Glenn Pickeli. 3-*1ange with rotissenie, reg. '8TIMHSifr do emtry 3- 3-, $309.96. anly .239.95 with III, excellent condition, $1,8,50 i Pone 613-389-1473 you will stant saoan and sta' ________The family of the lite 'tnade; 30" Electric Range. Phone Newcastle 987-4349. 3.3-1 Nwh us alogtme.Coanactr Clearnng Servc . - - -- Woodview Commnunlty Centre Mrs ay ae etîv'reg. $249.95. only $199.95 with 3- o!DvlpotMngr WINDOW CLEANNTORCEEREL 47morTaH osiai- oe At ilMe- STER BI G would like their friends, re a-, tade; Dish Washe, reg. 62 PONTIAC con vertible, 283,lTuesday, A ugust B6Poxe 722 . Knso. 30F OOS-4LL R C AIS -Foc Etmt ma1 Hoptal, Bowma1. nv69,llce M O NnleBIN G O 'oknW 399.95. only $277.77 at J-M ar autonatic, bucket seats, top 2 h n n m e .3 -4 623 525 Fonc SmiaAuth f10R . N1069, ay tiir knd expressions of sm'1Equpment C., 134 King St. ibody and motor in good e- 1 UI'T9'TTEINS - -M LE 28-006 - 'JI±J 'BowmanvWelll n her 65th 7:45 P.M. pathy arc deeply appreciatediE., Bowmanviile. Open 'tll'palr. Call 983-5519. 33-1 AE 31 adgaeul knwledged. 19 a'ciock Fniday cvenlngs -- ITTTF__ 5 igS.E-1omnii ïjyeai-. wife cf the late Arthur An peilthnstote____ QUOTA PERMANENT POSITIONS ,;Smith, dean mother of Wl- RED'BARN and ratefuily acknen y .. ,,, I mnont end Ray Shane of Bow- O SHnA WA nurses and staff of Civic Has- 1 -33-1 J & mnle.Rested at the North- Nestleton Cemetery Decor- iaPeterborough, atedig, .xcine USED M C INRCARrMnSosiee C SO -Icutt ElotFnrlHm.doctors, the Rov. K. D. Adams fieF ~~Kt~7T~J7T ' FURNITURE HEATING SPECIALIST Elot uneral sriew He. itatian Day Sei-vices. Sun a' d the Comstock Fnenar....ffie urriLure Go. 1: NEWTOVIÂJAndrsoaSmthCALL O n a ntlain ~ueaa srvc wa ed tAugust 24. 1969 at 2:30 p.m. Home. 33-1l'eti-Lae- uca"7623 Complets Farm Auction cf *A dro Sm h 3:30 'clock Tuesday atter- Sekr e.W .Sih etl-Lae-Prhs'7623 -non. Ineren Bwmn-Spake. ev W C Sit, --Plans PEAK-ABOO HOLSTEINS Co. Ltd. Minnie Wybena 1 imii ear BAOshawa. Special musicý This Is a gratefui an-- ot'<IRO -vleCemetery. 3-byteEcsor.T'. 63$9 I50 Head - Registered - R.O..LbrtS.N.Bomvii kn1egett h is 8-75.ITestedi - Classified - 5 trnesN wcsl Orono 983-528 Bowmanvl.llg, Mn. M cM- mnenClub of Bowmanvllle for, NEWCASTLE - ONTARIO Licence L3584 top producion herd ln Durham Newcastle6-t riowers Coy, Dinecton. Evenyone Is their kindness. The moving. 12-tf Alil Makes of Gond Uscd Cars1 Counti-. Herd average 305 .---___ welcome. 33-2'we itdprd trned intoafein naa148 .57 1114) D AILY DELIVRY TO IDSIAWA -BOWMANVY ORONO -NEWCASI WARuby-In lovlng ci-y cfoui- daughter rlti who passed away it1,.1967. ~hsmonth cames back sad regret. Irecalla a day we u nover forget, Druf1 aslesp wltduout S Bu eurmemnles et Wnover die. miss uyou moi-a than euen@kncws, U As ach day pass f OifptuiSu grcwu. t'he tsars we shed wlU 1 ]B ut ouraching hearts eý elways stay. coeknows te*grier ~ béaiMa~y moets lbuhsunknovu, lu oIft us monic à If ware proud tao'o fa.brothws August 2..Parade 12:30. wili be opencd by Henry Shanon o! CFRB Horse Show, Guern- sey, Hostein, Hereford and Shorthoi-n; Cake Decoratingj Demonstration, Antique Dis- 1 F-inancial i MORTGAGE- MO0N.EY 1LL i play BalIoUn rîy-a-tnon, niany If yen have Invested money iu' ILLE ather attr-actions. Dance 9 a homo It ia probabli- the best 22L-tf n. 33-1 collateral i-ou have. For ex-' ample, bi- using this equiti- at, DeNure I Scaboard Finance mont home. ýownes ea obtan a ower g e Motor Coach Tours; j te1et rate than In possible and ' on a personal boan. And at Aug- LABODIUR DAY Seabêard iou can borrow up WEEKEND TOURS t* 80% cf the value cf i-oui- with propert y, orn e cases eveu MAN AND RIS WORLI> moi-e. Se un for cashI odai-. wlll AUG. 30 - SEPT. I1 Manager : lcod- STOWE. VERMONT James Slack AUG. 29 - SEPT. 11 i t.Es YOu Thanksgiving Tours, P. O. Box 177 any- B Day Thankaulvlnt Tour Lo BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO Willlmaburg, Oct, iltIgl1Phone: Oui- Lake PlacnS, Oct, Il te Oct. Il 623-.3326 w1eNew York Cit - e111.3 IS A WU Otoft11 Ooob l F I N A N C E we " afrmU» COMPANY- PhoneOF CAAA LIMED 62MI8233-1 JURY & LOVELL __ Found »A V R VLA E C TWO bicycles. Owners upay a -. T R A VumaG N Cv L ae a n , y p o ng r p e aMd l~e u-t. 3, n 83-1 ndpaying fr advt. 263-2679. vvUbUison ov owie HEATING SPECIALISTS Owned and Operated by PHIL VOWLES 623-7591 COUNTY BROADLOOM WHITBY 1742 BROCK STREET SOUTH 0F 401 WE HAVE The finest carpets ln Canada Lowest pricea anywhere Pro-inspertion cf i-aur eripet Pi-e-cutting Guaranteed Installation 60 Days free cf Intereat, 23 i-cira carpet experience ýWE HAVE NOT Fi-ce bailoons Sub-standard materials $124 svIl cover i-oui- home Ghmiks Visit oar warehouue and showroom or obtain an mothuate ln i-oui- home wlthout obligation. Call 668-8895 stockens, soldcipnvateîy cveryi M vany otner articles. ' have two i-cars' previousi Thursday. (anytimo by ap- Seiling at the preperty of acceptable experience. pontment). Ivan Johnson, PERCY M. HOSKIN Startint Salai-y $77.50 per wk. South Monaghan, Bailieboro Ful Ontario Civil service 939-6855, 15 miles north of Lot 11-12 Fl Part Hope on Highway 28, 2 ~ ' Benefita. miles eat. iï.tfhIColc. 3, IHope .Lwp. Write or 'phono for applica- Nonthern Feeder Sales ex-- % Mile North of Intersectiontonfr to ;pected offering : South River. Righways 106 and 2 at WEL- 1 PMN RIDGE SCIHOOL Fri., Aug. 22nd, 500, sale time COME. Take Interchange 80' Box 70 1:00 p.m.; Warton, Thurs., off Highway 401 BOWMANVLLE, ONT. Sept. 4th. 3.500, sale time Irurniture sella at 12:30 - Phono 623-2582 10:00) arn. Wiarton, Thurs., Machinervi p.m., Cattie 2 p.m. 33-1 Sept. IRth, 3.500; sale tume Teis Cash. No Reserve 10.00 a.m. Thessalon, Wed.1 Sept. 24th, 1,000; sale time ROBT. FLETT on Pedigrees H l 10:00 a.m. Manitoulin, Thuns- LLOYD WILSON. Uxbridge,. day. Sept. 25th, 3,000, sale Sales Manager and Auctionoci- time 9:30 a.m. La Sari-e, P.Q. 33-2 THE ONTARIO DI (sale ai. Dupuy), Wed., Oct. Ist, 900; sale tume 1:30 p.M. W and AGRICULTU New Liskcard, Thurs., Oct. 2nd.__ 400, sale tîme 1:30 p.m. WOULD like ride ta cuchre ln South River, Fnl., Oct. 3rd, Tynone on Friday niglits. Mrs. B VM 1.300, sale trne 10:00 a.m. fNorman Taylor, 623-5156. .p li ton Wiarton, Thurs., Oct. 9th, 33.1* Invites a piain 1.500; sale tue 10):00 a nm South River, Fi-i., Oct. 24th, Dead or Crippled SENIOR CLERK S 400; sale tume 1:00 p.m. For funther Information write S. Farin Stock Applicants must have tri MacDonald, Advertising Man- PCED PO TL aconignS .fmiarw ager, Box 130, Huntsville, On- PCE PPOPL conii n efmla i tario. 33.1 Telephone Cofleet 263-2721 ment. Preference will b.ivel Personal Margwil Fur Fa-rn i tht.. i-ars experience. HYGI NIC Sup flss(Ru borcene N o. 204-C-60 Appllcatlon s t b. mad' gbods) mailed postpald in om a dB ad~ o~a uFm Y Plain sealcd envelope RwlthandBoardTheOntario__ tNL of onice liat. Six samples 25c. GIRL requires room sud board,' h 24 samples $1.00. Mail Onder vicinity of Honeyweli plant 14F nl St et B Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Co.. as soon as possible. Please' 1 rn Sreîo BOm $1. HamiltOn. Oât, 1-U2Rcal ron.983-57657 $2.2 1 D'.J Dt.L'E~'.J i lfland ELECTRIC ToIo adDIGGING and INSTALLING Gravel - Fillý SEPTIC BEDS Fence Bottoms Cleaned BARNYARDS EXCAVATIONS, ETC. CALL 983-5090 Orono __________33-4 Vanted EPARTMENT 0F IRE & FOOD MNILLE for the position of 3TENOGRAPHER ALL TYPES EXCAVATING Sand and Gravel aise ]BAIRNYARD MANURE' for sale, delivered. Phone Payne Construction NE WTONVILLE ___786-2512 B Y AM PLUMBING & HEATING SALES 5& SERVICE (Formerly Baimo&iBym) 24-ROUR Oul Burner Service SEPTIC TANKS A»I TILE BEDS - PEONZ HAMPTON 263-2238 TYRONE 213-2650 15-tf aining lu t-ping, .horthand, WISO Ith the uie cf dlctatint eQUIP WISO en te aplicants wîth M lbaiL1 OIL BURNER Sales and Service 1 tu WWi tttiig qualiies. FINACE INISTALLATIO;# AUGUST 22nd to 1 FURNACES CLEANUM fAgriculture & Food! AND SPACE BATE«T wmanville, Ontario 986-5521 :12 'i DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.. 7r-x-.