4 The Canadian Statenuan, Eowman%4%,e Aug. 13, 1M4 23-Ton Beit Assembled in Bowmanville - Workiren at the. Bownianville Plant of Goodyear Tire and Rubber Ltd. had quit. a job en their iiands when the Kaiser Resources coal mine at Crow's Nest PasohI British Columbia sent in an or der for a steel cable conveyor beit three mniles long. But they came through on ti me, as workers recently trimmed the cable ends on the last of the 16 roUi that will be spliced together to make the conveyor beit, Each one of the rolls weighed in at 23 tons, so that handling prov- ed a man-sized job for the plant. ENFIELD *Miss Gladys Brett, St. Cath- - rmnes, has been visting at, Mr, Tom Beèckirns. Mr. and Mrs.. Lloyd Smith and famlly visited at Mr. Paul Espy'80 Seagrave. Mr. and Mrs. Len Coates "rd Kenny, Sunderland, were *Wjstars at the Pascoe home. SMr. and Mrs. Godfrey Bow- mnan and Roland and Mr. and Mnr. Wilfrid Bowman and Brie visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olliffe at Stauffvflle. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Coch- pne, Mr. Ralph Cochrane and Uss Pat Britton, Oshawa, at- $ended a, birthday party for Gxrant Cochrane on his first birthday at Mr. Ken Coch- tsne'& 1 Mrs. George Lavender and Lillian attended a family re- union at Mrs. Lavender's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baneck of Camrose, Alta., and remained for two weeks visit- ing among relatives. Mr. and Ms-s. Fred Samis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Don Griffin of Oshawa on a three week motar trip to the West Coast. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Donald Samis at Port Albernl, on Vancouver Island Ms-. and Mrs. Stanley laddie, Holland, Mlch. Miss Marion Stinson cf Toronto has been holidaying at Mn. Norman Stinson's. Also vlsiting Mr. Stinson wene Mr. i Clifford McGill, Toronto. Mr. j and Mrs. John Yule and Mr. LaNorman, Oshawa, and bent,* MP in Ottawa and MPP Clifford Pilkey at Queen's Park who are the duly elected rep- resentatives for thie area. Soc- ial functions and informative programmes of the New Demo- cratic Party in , this region will also be Included in Mr. Clarke's schedule. Mr. Clarke is presently serv-i ing his second two year elected term as Editor of the Osha- worker. the official organ ofý Local 222 U.A.W.1 During the seven week' strike in 1968, at General; Motors, Mr. Clarke was res-1 ponsible in relating the prog-, ress cf the negotiations to the- picketers and the general pub- lic. Recently he completed an Editor's and Public Relations course at Port Elgin, Ontario, under the auspices of the Cana- dian Labour r (neres.a --Mr. Cecil Hubbard, Port Penry. NEEDALIFT? 1 ndcOBITUARYtd r.an tage at Beaver Lake. MCALJ EA Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gatîthier MCALi EA je 1 Toronto. were visitors at Mr: The death occurred unex- ' Leslie Cochrane's. pectedly, Aug. 4, 1969, at thel iMr. Harvey Pascoe, 1Kedroni Oshawa Generai Hospital, of, and Mrs. Hugh Beaton. Osha-!Michael John Regan of 2101 RENT ~ I Mn and Mrs.Floyd 'Llo dea ove.,Oshawa. h~~ga RE Twa, visited Mr. and Mrs. God- Kedl v.,Ohaa Afrey Bowman. 1 A son of Mr. and Mrs. Johni CE ARr hrewe vacation at orono. A resident of Oshawa* FROM.. The deceased attended the LIt shawa Catholie High col last year. Previously he at- MacDONALD P Appoints tended Bowmanville High School where he was a mem- brof the school band. H1e FORDNew R Diecto was a member of St. Gregory's ils King st. W.. Oshawa h e eocai at Roman Catholic Church, and 576-1800 today announced the assign- was a former member of a Musomu, uSoies ~Ics,. ment of Lloyd Clarke to the Bowmanville Boy Scout Troop. Pily - Waekly - Monthly. office of Public Relations Dir- IBesides his parents, he is sur- ReOsoneble Rtesu. ector for their regional offcevied by two sisters, Mrs. located at 3%½ Simcoe St. S.,1David Welsh (Maureen) and Oshawa. IMiss Margaret Regan and a RENTUCCAR The Director's duties willIbrother, Patrick, all of Osh- consist of such objectives aslawa. ykeeping the public informed of1 Mr. Regan rested at the the activities of Edward Broad- Armstr-ong Funeral Home, Osh- __________________________________- -awa, for Requiem High Mass Evwy fathr's cdughter la a Vlrgln at 10 a.m., Aug. 7th, ln St. was in Resurrection Ceme- tery. Prayers were recited at Gneorys Curc. ter:30 the funeral homeat73 p.m., - 'r Wednesday. ____________TECHNICOLOR AUG. 13 t. AUG. 19 We.kdays cont. 6:36 _______________ Suuday ront. 1:30 Saturdy matine. 1:30 q, TH LONG DVL" Plus "GENTLE GL4AW O.P.P. REPORT The report of Police Chief Bernard R. Kitney for June.j wIhich was pnesented nt the meeting of Town Council held last week. showed that the value of stalen property was $944.55, and the value of pmpert~y recovered amount- ed to $445. accientaer 18 motor vehicie acdnsduring the month here and nine people wers Wnured. Six charges were laid, under the.Crlnal Code and live under the Liquor Cou- trol Act. Tuer.were28 cagsunder tà. Blghwy Tago bw»& for mater viol- ttpns numbered 83, and 3M0 complaînts were Invesutip. There wse 1,810.5 man hoers utiilzd. . s-l Jal1gàaUoa WUý8W for enother police farce end! e U~figures, suggesting they d1d! 23 summonses were served for * i ffnoi portray a true picture of E IA E H IL ý ohrforces. Six C unreuuuu wnEIZBEHVIL were found Insecure, and 14!C u te s 1aIU T r s4wnteÉutin hrc evcs eeh» unoccupied bouse checks werel Neilsen's presentation sug- at Canton. Church eiders weÎi% mae.Ter er hreoc- a i gested further that one ad- Installed during the services. currences of shopbreaking and e C W IT F ministrator, four fuli-time Christen1ng services were also onets of ouebeainwad 4 kJerII and two office held foir littie Michael Wilfred, In regard to personnel it taf esne o diita-snoMrad s.Wl was reported that there were County welfare administra- ton many times In recent days Hé predicted a further trihn die hîs tsk. Cost ofsc spoke on "Searching t h e seve das o abenc beau1 tion was shot down in flames1 which apjeared to be favor- I rease of 12 per cent. for thepoion oud eaprxHavs.aotrgod e- of holidays. Th1oa vr at the Northumberland -Dur 'able. Once the suggestions 1969-70 period. Imately $50,0O, which would mon. time accumulated hor a ham Counties Council seso were accepted, however, Law-! The representative stated1be covered partlally by a 50, About thlrty gathered at 864.5 and total court over-1 in Cobourg last week. The1 son pointed out. the provincial1 there are now 14 counties In iPer cent subsidy fromn the Mr. and Mrs. Mac Walkers on tirne accumuiated h o u r s i councillors voted 31 to 9 in1 government came Up wlth an Ontario administering wel- poica oeneî Friday evenlng when the 4-1- amounted ta 152.5. There1 favor of maintaining the pres- entirel>' new set of figures not fare on a county basis. Hel Clubimebial, pas and pres were 6,146 miles travelled by etidvda uiia e-alw suggeted tevsordarde. ad- It w"expiained the hiringenpsned MsSarr the two police cruisers. fare system. ;, agste soe favorable.ad- lf local welfare administriat- et, re lt acupinsaucar Building Inspector R. Heth- The suggestion of a switch, The Makve ion masern efae o ors a t the present time I5 shower. Misses Evelyn Beatty. rev nroduced the county basis Is thereby th o usdie.Etmtd c-t BraaadNnyWl erington In his report for to the county systemn of ad- motion that the municipali- I same throughou t each of these fOs~iie.£slae csBraaadNny Wle June, wbich was received by: ministering welfare- was pro- ties within the United Coun- counties. of carrying out welfare serv- conducted the gamnes and Town Council last week. stat- posed by the municipal wel-'ties maintain the present me- During 1968. the representa- tces on a couTities basis was lunch was served. ed that the total cost of con- fare administration depart- thod of admInistering their1 tive said, total cost of weî-sugte abaprxaey On Wednesday evening the struction during the month ment represented by A. S. own welfare systemn at the i fare which Included ordinary $1000 Uie hu joenmta ws$186,960. Nnte ul-Nesn diitaiespr !lcllvl relief In addition ta nursing Reeve W. 1. (Whip) Thom- Mr. and Mrs. G. Morris' home. Ing permits and 16 plumbing visor. In his presentatýion ta th: home, supplementary aid and as of Cobourg was in favor A very good crowd attended. permits were Issued. Receipts Reeve D. C. Lawson of counties council throuh th special assistance was approx- of the counties welfare sys- Mrs. Ken Trew preslded. for building permits amount- Percy Township led the group special advisory committee, Imately $490,000. Subsidies temn. He said the counties Actually the meeting turned ed to $359.50 and $217 was In opposition to the county the provincial representative received on this cost amount- council would be going ta the out to be a menu meeting ta received for piumbing permits. system. He suggested the set out a set of figures and ed ta approximately $.380,000, provincial government for plan the menu for Miss Shar- Inspector Hetherington made councillors take a long look reasons for the suggested leaving a net cost ta the other requests in the near on Trew's wedding. 33 building Inspections during at the subject before "going switch. The proposai suggest- municipalities of approxim- future. He also pointed out Mr, and Mrs. W. Muldrew. June, and completed 16 in- for it". ed the cost of welfare had ately $110.000. -the government now looks on Oshawa, were with Mr. and vestigations. There we-e 18ý Lawson stated the govern- doubled In the counties dur- Some of the counties coun-1the county in a favorable Mrs. L. Muldrew for the Inquiries. ment has proposed figures1 Iing the period of 1965 ta 1968. cillors objected ta these light.-Examiner. weekend. ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION PIPE WiII Parade from Legion Hall, Wesi on King Street, ta Silver Street, North to Chu Temperance Street'. North to Lowe, East ta Beech Avenue to BAND ýrch Street Ep -4 to Lions Centre wiI be special features of BOWMANVILLE LIONS CENTRE LIONS GROUNDS BEECH AVENUE, BOWMANVILLE £T~MANY DIFFERENT BINGO AND NOVEL BOOTHS91e REFRESHMENTS RIDES FOR THE KIDDIES a (IN THE BIG DRAW 0 ELCULDIO CASE 0F RAIN - SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd) for lst Prize .ww. 1969 23"" Electrohome Console 2nd Prize A r Prize. 1969 19»" Electrohome Portable 1969 Portable Store. Ho.F1 Tickets ---$ 1.OO each -AUL PROCEEDS FOR BOWMANVILLE LIONS COMMUNITY WORK - a i t.. f 4' j' loi