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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1969, p. 6

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6 The Canadian Statesman, Bow=mvile. Aug. 13, 190 Rotarian Describes Tour 0f Many Exotic Countries Wilfred McMechan ln his address at the luncheon meet- ing of the Bowmanville Rotary Club held at the Flying man Motor Inn on Thursday lave an interestlng account. You might be driving toward disaster! Unless your auto insurance efiens the coverage yen need in l the amounis you need *.. and with thc reliable agency service you deserve, you're taking a long gamble wheae-ver yau drive. If yau wani ta, drive in confidence knowing you have sound auto mfotctic Et « mtoi" with STUAIt B. JAMES GENERAL INSURANCE et King St. E. Dowmanvillcý Office 823-5881 Residence 623-5493ý gillustrated, by excellent mo- tion pictures which ho had taken. o! the tri p le and hm wlfe eajoycd Ia May ta Eng- land, Spain, Casa alnoa, tle Canary Islands and thc Azor- as. Ha was inteoduced, by Im- mediate Pasi President BiU Thiesburger. Me. McMeehan tald bis fel-' low Rotarlana that lie and ls wlfe suddenly decided ta go an the extcndcd tour wlen they learned on May 26tli thet two friends af thaîrs, Mr. and Mes. A. McArtliur, Toron- to, lied planned an enjoying ht. The McMechans flcw an a BOAC 'plane to London on May 4th and then spent four days ln England before join- ing the cruise slip at Soutl-, amptan. On Friday avening, May 9th, they boarded the cruise ship Orsova. a large white luxuey vassal af 29,000 tans, whlcl has a speed of 22 knots. la 723 feet in length and is 94 feet wide. This slip carrdes 642 firsi class passengars, 811 taurist class anas, and lias a crew of 634. AIl the craw are British with tle exception a! wa! tees and bath attendants wlo are from Goa, Mr. Mc- Meclan said. "AUl services &board tis pîcasura steamer were excel- lent. Firsi run motion pîctures were shown, gourmet food and tle hast wines were served. There were dancing lessons, swimming, cards, tennis, crick- ai, quaIts, ship-to-sliorc tels- plones and elevatars. TIare was aven a completely equip- ped modern hoapital witl doctars and nurses in attend- ance. "On Monday, May 121h we aenived ai Cadiz, Spain, which la heuf way between Portugal and Gibraltar. This was whare Franco landed in 1936 ai the start af the Spanlali Revolution," Mr. McMechan seld. Ha teld the club ilat the city now lias a large gar- cison o! troopa tram Spanial Morrocco. There la mucli ROYAL THEATRE BOWMANVILLE PHONE 623-5589 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AUGUST 14, 15, 16 WaIt Disney's "TIhe Parent Trop" with Hayley Milis, Maureen O'Hara, Brian Keith SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, detbl àllà"Ù3x» AUGUST 17, 18, 19, 20 'LiIey of the Dool!? .poverty ln thc locality a- 1thougli thc ancient cliy ls- iqulte picturesque, and la located only about 35 milesý from a thriving sherry acea. Frain Cadiz the S.S. Orsova saiied for Casa Blanca which las a population ai 100,000, only 10 per cent Europeen, alhlugb FrenchlIis tle bus- Iness lenguage o! the city. Me. McMecîan sald. Thera ha atteaded a meeting a! the Casa Blanca Rotary Club which had a man frorn Austria as the guesi speaker. The colored motion pictures o! Casa Blanca showcd the beautiful residential sections o! the city, tIc luxurlous hotels, anc ai which lias the largeat sea water awimmlng pool ln the world, and the Aeab quarters of tle metrop- ais. The site a! tle farnous 1943 Casa Blanca Conference attended by Churchill was also picturad. Nexi the ship's arrivai ai Los Palmes, Capital a! Grandj Canary, was shawn. 'Here ini 1936 Franco, wvho was tIen Captain-Geacral a! thc Cen- ary Islands gatheeed tle of- ficers of tihe garrison on June 1711 for tle national nialng whlch started the Spanish Civil War," Me. McMechan told thc club. Thc films de- picted th. luali semi-tropical vegetation o! île place, Its dis- tinctive architecture, and tIc 12,152 fi. mountain, Pico de Telde. Views af Funchal ln Ma- deira, anothar city w1th a 100,000 population, were In- teresting. Madeira lias been owned by Portugal since 1418. The people o! this Ishand are poor but industrious and they have become famous for tîcir beeuti!ully designcd and ex- pertly executad embroideey and wickaewoek. Before rciurning ta England OBITUARY NORMAN W. GRIFFIN 1 TIc deatl occurred August 2nd, 1969, ai île Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital following a very shoci sicknesa, o! Norman William Griffîn af Courtice. A son af the laie William and Agnes GrIfn, the deceas- ed was boru Nov. 16, 1881 in Darlingtan Townshlp and was rn'erried Feb. 18, 1906 ln Osha- wa. A resident af île Couetice district for neerly 50 years, le had previously farmed a Vegreville, Alberta, for '8 years. Ha supported and waa a regular attendant a! Court- ice United Churdli. Predeceased by lis wife, the former EIla Beatelca White, March 28, 1964, Mr. Geifin la survived by iwoý sisters, Mes. Mary Gibbs of Barlcad, Alberta, and Mes. Stella Tlampson o! New West- minster, British Columbia. The memorial service was held ai 3:15 p.m., Augusi 511 at île Armnstrong Funeral Homne. Rev. W. Sommervhle conducted tle service. Inter- ment was ln Oshawa Union Cemnetery. How much home are YOD missing through outdated wiring? When this house was buit it was liard to imagine ail the wonderful ways in which electricity would be serving us today. That's why the wiring in Sa many older homes just isn't adequate for Sa, if you're planning ta mod- ernize yaur home, think f irst of the wiring. Have a qualified elec- trical contractor check it. You'il be surprised at haw easily and inexpensively it can b. updated. today's needs. The Hydro Finance Plan makes There are many signs. Fuses kt easy ta get started right away. blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- Justsskyour Hydro. ances performing sluggishly. Cluttered extension cords. Not a. *naugh outiets. sa Thse Nam* off thse Came la Eleftdeda LMgU the cruise ship visited Cor-' a eterberough Tlaireon T74 runa, Spain. This la the place e a nd Saturday, winning O fU R from which the Spanis.. Ar- 1 leight firsts, six secondsi- mada salled out ta meet dis- Icluding champions and aLlier BE ADFRR ast.rous defeat by the English Mr.end Mrs. Richard Ar- mon friom "If you do not love son, Kathy Gunlter, Alice Ann: prizes on swlne. fleet, Mr. McMechan Thointed ibleeviceofo out. People In Corruna ae cher, Cobo~urg, were guesta God, It will be imposses o arnaghan, Wendy Lee, Mi- Sorry to report Miss E. Temmra evc o prosperous and the nation Sunday, Aug. 3rd, and Mr. lave your nelghbor." chelle Robinson and DebbeiKnapp Is a patient ln port Bernard Perry, 360 Lakeshore pictures showed the well dres and Mns. Lloyd Wilson, Scar- Gardon Malcolm la attend- Swain are spendmng two wee sPey Hosptal.Wewhhr<dOaahseoywa ed crowds, attractive boule- boi'ough, were week«id guesta ing camp at Quin-Mo-Lac this at Girl Guide camp at Doe a p yrcovey found ln Oshawa Harbor re- vards, lovely views of the Aug. Mtt and 1Mil of Mrs. week as oam of the Counsel- Lake. Mr. Lance Plain. Orono,1 cently, was held at il a.m., harbor, and of the împosîng Ruth Wilson and Mi-s. Me- lors. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Pais- visited recently with Mrs. R.!ITusa.Jl 1 99a h and intricately designed of- Quade. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaugh- e n hl.e pn the Davey. ficll bildngs aswel as Mmi. F. Ha.milton has re- lin and Debble aqcoempanied weekend at the Turner cot- Mr. and Mrs. C. CooeAmtrn.unr' oe the well stocked shoppingiurned from a loveiiy trip and by Mr. and Mes. H.aroldi tage, Coe HIi. Orono, oalled on Mrs. c.Oshactea theevie.C Wite- districts. two weeks' visit with lier Wright of Oshawa spent Fri-, Van Camp Plcnic Bryan. mnu t es ernvOsca.aInior. Forbes Heyland, a past daughte'r Ruthi, Mr. and Mm. day to Sunday on a trip h Shpci fted- Mr. and Mrs. E. Fitzgerald Cemetery. resident, moved a vote of Doug. Willianison and girls. arouad Manitoulin adoie scendants of the laie Me. andi spent the weekend In Ajax. 'anks to Mr. McMechan. He at Sooke, B.C. Thley toured pointe of Northern Ontario. . Arthur Van Camp wasii Miss Beili Walker and' Born May 12. 1913, at Pain- said the club is fortunate ln Victoria and Edmoenton. Mr on Kiknoki, held August lOth at Caesaeea Miss Cindy McKeen, Hamp- terfact, England. the deceased Mr. ohn KnikenockTiPark. Fifty of the faniilyaai- tan, vlsited with Mr. and Ml-s, came ta Canada 40 years ago. having several world travellers Me. and Mrs. P. Pondul and Buelingten, spent the wee- i nded. HGaehel. 0 earsn a n ad been for who are also such good pho- farniiy cnjoyed a three wecks end with Dennis McLeughlin. Pie o neHln . and Ms.E.Bonad shafrsenyar.H tagraphers that they are able trip U.S.A. and visit-1 Jh Wlespn ul <V a Crap, t secrer, Hcondui-2m0ta pet h safor sadlor.e i to provide graphie accounts ed hisbrothJer Joe and MrsPioneer Camp, Port Sydney. i d a shrtbusns e rio. faily, Torontsettewsafre alr af their tours for the enjoy'- iorril, and famlAly iiCm-Atu n weekend with Mr. T. Trick ment of iheir fellow Rotarians. ton, 'i CofomPa Graham Duff and Bial Au a nd Conniie Van adMs rn anca. M.Peyi uvvdb President tom Cowan also M os.An eles Blob ronia Wolfe enjoyed a trip aroundCamp, the sports caniinittee, adMr. AGant Arue an Mr.dagher, r s. Edwaed Gar expressed his personal ap- rMtrnd hmest obBonPo<rt Carling area for several:distributed the following spe- MLy le Smgeanirthuher rs dwr Gr preciation ta Mr. McMechan nigt r omanenayable six deys. cial prizes: Oldest gra ndmo- yeSih Oshawa, called alczyk (Beenda) af Whitby; for his fine presentation. weekhtroliday eon l six~~~Mse v rwHrilteMs .W a ap on friends here Sunday. two sons, H.arold of Oshiawa vlstedreaties a nglndtan, and Vera Forder, T or'yungest granddaugliter, Tra- Mr. and Mes. D. Archibald'and Lawrence Of Whitby; a anid Hull and taured Scotland nwh are spending a cey Riding; oldesi grand-, an fayset theholiday iser in esandehsevenn j mjontih in Oshawa, visited Mr. father, Harry Van Camp;' itei otge at Stroud. gadhlen HÂMPTONDandnaand Janice Pargater, land Mrs. Walter Wright and. youngest grandson, Jay Van Ing her vacation with Me. and GICh T (Intended for last week> otPrrn aeaoid girls, Thursday. Camp; most recent grand- Mrs. Fred Tabb. Ce ash oa Pot Pey rehldyin e o.aiknsnymte, r. rdRiig Sunday visitars with Me. wt their grandparents, Me. . and M fTrs. . Wlkiîison moahe'em frhs rd dince, Mr. and Mes. G. Lav endar, and Mes. Lionel Hickey and and Mes. Meevyn Graham. adArno aa ald~mnfo atetdsacadfml aedsoeo o I '~ins fail weeMe ad es See t rpot m. Jh1 Mes. R. Ford on Saturday and Rev. Fred Riding; longes.tir tr and l have purcas- o.i o ldAifin faiywr r n r. or orpr r.Jh took lher to Mr. and Mes. R. inarried couple, Me. and Nfrq. t- Istoe ndbav pucgb Michael Hickey and Michael Rahm very 111 in Port Pererj rs oei ilw ecyVnCm;lreifan ed a home in Zion. Me. and: ofOtw n e.McalIHospital. Ford J'.hm nWl -Pre a ap ags -Mes. Hambly have taken avec S8 T A T E S M A N ofceO!tsawa . M ichi&pytsyM.1o e- dale where a family gaiher- ily, the Richard Van Camps;1 the stoe.C L AS 1FIE D 5 Wednesday visitors with Mr. guson was able to comne home ing was held Sunday. couple with the biggest re- Mr. Brian Ashtan Is spend- Poe6230 and Mes. A. W. Prescoit were feom hospital on Saturday. Mr. Bob Smith, Toronto. sprnsibility (this summer), Ing a few days with Mr. and Poe8330 Me. and Mes. John Careigan' Mr. and Mes. Gerald Kelly spent the weekend with Mr. Mr. and Mes. Merrili Van Mes. eleTylradfmly. il andDoulasof shwa. andgirs atededtheWalerand Mrs. Chas. Smith and Camp; August birthday near -__ Taload __m On Monday Me. and Mrs. picnic ai L.indsay last Sunday.Oie.ette1tDre.Vn Perey Dcwell visited with Me. Miss Dorothy Hillman, Tor- Me. and Mes. Will Forder Camup; the couple ihat enter- iP end Mes. Oem Cruickaliank an'to, is visitinig Me. and Mes. aitended a family pionic ai1 tain the Van Camp farnilies or s s . and Me. and Mrs. Jusse Joncs John Venning. Keene on Sunday. most frequently. Me. and Mes.: r m s s . ln Peterboroughi. Me. and Mes. Elmer Archer Mes. J. A. McArthur and Stephen Saywell; mosi help-' The Dewell family attended and Jim, Whitby, visited Mr. Miss Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Mu man at the picnic, Jacki pro mtiises!I the Oldtimers Soccer Reunion and MeS. Wilbeet Archer on' Ardsis McArthur spent the Van Camp; guessing theý held an Saturday ai Solina. Sry. weekend in Montreal and ai- wei.ght of a watermelon, Rev.! We can't make promises about the stock Misa Valerie Maiapeize has Rev. and Mns. C. H. Fergu- tended the wedding o! Mr. F. Riding.maktbu ecnpoi hgl retuened home afier spending son, Don Milîs, isls Anne Douglas McDonald and IvIss' The childeen ail einjoyed mre.btw anpoiehgl a wekas n ssitat Cm-Bazinet and Me. Paul Rahm, Nora Manson on Saturday. races and other events in . professional advice on whai to do. Because mandkas anCmA elsta er ono eeStra vn- Mr. and Mes. Norman Dy-. cludîng a bail game and pea-' of our experienced and aggressive trading manan aiCap AelideTorndwrSurday ven- sf ari eîetom audy. u ceml.operation, we often have an edge on the HMibran . Fing and SundaysguesiHiai.morning from a month's markei. Why flot give us a call!? and Me. Joesph Stare visited Mr. and Mes. Roy Taylor camping trip through Europe. m7'm~ on Feiday aiteenoon with speni several days lest week Miss Ida Dempsey is spend- .fRKTOLUrN Our aim is 10 make your money make money. Mes. Dee Paterson, Toronto, with Mr. and Mes. Anson ing this month ai Stratford. Me. and Mes. H. McDonald, _____ and Mr. and Mes. George Ha1- Taylor ai the latter's summar Me. and Mrs. Ron Drink-.Carol and friand, Bowrnan- royd and family, West Hill. home on Lake Muakaka. Mr. water and family aee visiiing ville; Jania and Mary Peeling, Saturday aiternoon visitar and Mes. Garnet Murray, Meis. W. W. Van Camp and Oshawa, with Mes. T. Bailey.1B R L Y & C A F R with Me. and Mes. Fred Hol- Katherina and Caralyn, Ma- the Blake Gunte'rs. .. Mes. Fred Tabb entertained B R L Y & C A F R rayd and family waS Miss ailla, visited Mr. and Mes. Rev. and Mrs. Fred Rîdîng, a lady friand from Monteeal UJMITED Debbie Brant, Oshawa. Last Roy Taylor, Sunday. Chicago, are spending this 1 lasi week who she had lived BsnssEalshd10 Monday evenlng visitar was Mes. Murray Byers was hos- monili holidaying with thel with in Montreal for 17 years. juiesEtbihd10 Me. Gordon Bayd, Toronta. tess for an informal coffee a1am n Rdn cl- Mr. and Mes. Tabb had six On Monday Me. and Mes. panty Saîurday afienoon in tives. !familles from Oshawa and j 37 King Street East, Oshawa Fred Holeoyd and Mes. Doris honer of her daughter Janice Me. and Mes. Harold Ceaw-' Trnaa iieao u- Telephone: 723-3423 Holroyd visited with Me. and who la ta be married nexit ord, Janice and Ken, Me. and day. Mes. Amas Brookharn, Halli- Saturday. Over 70 ladies en- Mes. Stan Rahrn have been MeVI. Stanley Taylor attend- BRANCH MANAGER-Mr. Douglas B. Armstrong day Manor, Oshawa. Mes. joyed thc aftiernioon and ad- spending some lime ai Beaver ed Peteeborougli Fair on Wed- Doris Holroyd was a supper niîred thc lovely gifts. Trailer Camp near Omernea nesday. __________________________ guesi with Me. and Mes. Fred* npaao eue . ai oelSsnTom-jM.Lsi alrahibited Holroyd 'and family. Inplon edns ay, etheW- aiDorlSsnT mp1M.LleTyorx Please Note! Apologies te mna onstteied apcnic Me. and Mes. Kael White on e'Intueha apiie the mix-up of naines frorn ai Cartwright Park, Caesarea. their house-warming which The weatlier was ideal. Sev- read Me. and Mes. Carl Smith eaI appeapriate eeadings ware Instead. given, contesta held, and Swirnrnng lassons are wall bingo playad, and o! course under way ai Cedar Park an abundant picnic lunch. Ail, under the direction af Mes, bath me-n and women, report Shirley Reynolds, head In a very pleasant aiternoon. structress, and Miss Delibie In the United Church Sun- Reynolds, Red Cross programi day nmoening Rev. P. Remeril assistant who will be helping was in charge and has sermon during the last two weeka ai on Prayer was thoughi-pro-9 the swim program. Also as- voking and helpful. Miss Le- sisting are Miss Ginger Balson, anna Dorrell sang "Haw Great Mr. Steve Reynolds, Miss Lee Thou Art." Skinner and Miss Jane Reyn- In St. John's, Rev. R. C. alds. Rose gave an impressive se- Il la truc that no "fl "fish- erman can lie mucli more skil- Loreaine, Taranto; Me. and fui, mare amoolli or efficient Mrs. Harvey Peeden, Cali- than has tackle permits. They fornia, were dinnar guests say the correct tackle makes wit'n Me. and Mes. Orme Falls aIl the difference in the lest week. world, and a balanced flyrod Miss Beulali Hellowell, Me. outfit la any cambination o! Jim Hallowell, Me. Leslie Ç rod and hune whicli, tagether, Henry, Me. and Mes. Llew make casting easy and effort- Hallowell and Miss -Norma lesa. A friend o! mine wha Hallowell wera Suuday aven- la an avid fishernan lias been ing dinuar guestsataiMe. Brian ~j heard saying "Fly casting is Caswell's. pure poetey" - s0 how coma Me. and Mes. Harold Little 8upphed by IN[ OS4AwA wmOttsAti tUmiTI S lits son caught a bigger fish and Laurie, Carnpbellford, suplydepot for progremsve andepend.flul wih a 11mb pale, aid uine and with Mr. and Mes. Orme Falls a plain old hook with no fancy and Me. and Mes. Llew Hallo- "flues", on thele vacation. well attended thc recent Pe- Please nota, no naines men- dan plcnic and enjoycd a vîsît KRAFT CANADIAN (4- OFF) tioned for is father's benefit. wltli their cousins. Since the 'planes ln aur -TALRT commission an Monday, plus B sies irIorI oadPsfnet e the Civie holiday te those o!f>iic sor lebodbi my apologies. Unti] nexi c o n a c week, "Remember even If we THOMAS 3. MeGOWAN CRSI' HCL were to+Ake-usom m- CaraedAeont4 anis. Me. and Mes. Lawrence Far- row and family enjoyed a holi- day ai Leke Simcoe. Me. Gerahd Hallowell, a! Tarante who las returned from holidays ln England was a weekend guest wtI lis par- ents. Mr. and Mes. Sid Hallo- well. Me. and Mes. Howard Far- row werc recent guests witI Me. and Mes. George Knox and family. Saline. Mis. Brentea Farrow las ratured !eorn a lovely trip with lier sîster ta New West- minster and Vancouver, B.C. Mes. R. Lowary. Taranto, la a guesi with 1er siater, Mes. A. Dobson for a few days. Me. Leslie Henry, Moosmin, Saskatcliewan, la spending a holiday with lis cousins and Miss Norma Hallowelll. Me. and Mes. Harvey Pae- dan, California, have beau spending a loliday lare with friends and wtlIs brother, Mr. Lorne Paeden. Mr. Gardon Robinson las beea able to raturn te lis home after hlm stay ai Uthelias- Pîtal. -Me. and Mns. John Stark have returned from their de- Uightful telip ta the West Coast. Me. and Mes. Orme Falls and Mns. Lew Hallowell et- tended the funeral o! their relative Mes. Will Taylor at Roueneath United ChurcI, on Fflday of lait week. Mr. and Mes. George Yule and sons, Oshawa, ivere Sun- day guests at Mr. Ewart Rab- hIsona. Mr. and Mms. Stu aIls11 and 15 Elgin St, cor. of nursey St Phone 623-5509 Office Hours: By appointment D e ntal1 Da. W. M. RUDELLI D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmanvllle Office Hours : 9 amr. ta 6 p.m. dafly Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 DL C. F. CATrRAN, D.D.S. Bowmanville Professional Bldg. 222 King St. E. -~ Suite 204 Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 pan. dafiy Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-5459 DR. STANLEY GERTZ 67 King St. E.. Bowmanvllle Office Hours: 9 a.M. ta 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday 9 arn. ta 4 p.rn. Friday Closed Saturday and Sunday Phone 623-7662 Insurance DONALD A. MacGREGOR Lite, Auto, RHo hnurae 52 Ring st. W., Bowmaavlb Phone 623-5HZ Optometry KIEA. BILLETT. O.. Optometrist 143 King St. E. - Bowimanville Office Haurs: By appointmnent Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. 9 a.m. to 35pp.. Wed. and Sat. - 9 - là lIburaday senUm IGA Coffee LOÈ ROYAL 11E OUEST li 6 9V2m *sg I * V 5 SUNNY i59 l$*, MON, 5 a Bowmanvillle (41 BOWMANVILLE Foodl'inerl A-' * U

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