Kinsmen Do Good Deed by Moving Members of Bowmanville's Kinsmen Club have been extrenr busy on seira occasions during the past few weeks, helping the icr citizens move into their new accommodation on Nelson St. '1 picture was taken Thursday evening, when the last of the new1 ants meved in, during the intermittent rains. The Kinsmen h been closely associated with Senior Citizens of this commun taking them on Christmas lighting tours, faîl color tours of cSocial & Lie.orsonialI Phone 623-3303j Mrs. T. A. Garten and daugh- H. Lang cf Regina, Sask, vis- ter Mavis spent Sundav wIth Itcd with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clare G atan and famiy, Pet-II. Gil an the weekend. erboraugh. Mrs. Lamne Allin, Prince St., Mr. and Mns. Dan Smith and'neturned recently from a three- Mn. andi Mrs. John Cook spent weeks' holiday in England, the weekend at Mn. and Mrs.! Scotland and Wales visiting Lamne Crago's cottage in Hast- relatives and friends. She aise inigs. attended the wedding et her Mr. and Mrs. Ward Hoffman, cousin's daughter, Dr. Naomi daughters Sally and Lesley,! Susan Byles, daugbter et Cern- and son Ward were weckend modare and Mrs. B. Byles, ta guests of Mrs. George W.i Dr. David Yates et Cambridge, James. Ward Is spending thiis England. weck with bis grandmather. 1 Dr. and Mrs. Angus Blair Mr. and Mrs. Francis Thomp- and daughter Catherine attend- scn have returned frein a visit'ed the National Youth Orches- wlth their cousins, Mr. and1 tra et Canada concert at the Mns. Elwood Leavy, at their'Stratford Festival Theatre an summer home in the Aileghen-: Sunday, August 2nd. Catherine1 les near Wiiiiamspont, Penn-1 remained at FIve Qakes Cen- sylvania. tre, Paris, Ont., for the week Mr. and Mns. J. Newman, with ber friend, Caileen Dear- Silven St., bave returned home ham ot Alliston, wbo is return- tram a v'ery enjayable weksin with Catherine ta Bow-ý holiday with their daughtcr, manville this weekend. son-in-law and grandchiidren, Councillor and Mrs. Keitb1 Mr. and Mrs. George Lawin- Shackeiton and sans Barry and ger, Leslie and Raymond, Lon- Mark, Higb St., and Mrs. don, nt. Sackeiton's mother, Mrs. Hil- Mr. and Mrs. Gardon C. Mar- ton Tink, R.R. 2, Bowmanville, tin have returned froni a con- spent a couple et days at ducted tour threugh the Cana- week in Niagara Falls, N.Y. dian West, the Yukon Terri- and aise visited Fantasy la- tory and Alaska, by way of land and the Aquarium. Wbile the Alaska Highway, Victoria ber parents and brothers were and Vancouver, stopping off ta away, Miss Terri Shackeiton vîsit relatives in Winnipeg. was guest et Mr. and Mrs. Percy Dewell and tamily, Mr. and Mns. Clarence Saper Hampton. and Mn. and Mrs. Chas. Dow-M ney have just returned fram Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr an enjoyable two weeks' trip returned home last week tram ta the East coast, visîting en- a mest pleasant twa-week hall- route witb Mrs. Nora Feather- day at Part Arthur. During stone-Haugh, Halifax, NS. and 1 their stay there tbey visîted Mr. Beb White, Dlgby Neck, their son and daughter-in-law, NS. 'Mr. and Mrs. David Kerr et Congatuatins ae eten-1 on,; William, and also another Congatuatins re xted- onDonald, who is attending ed te Michael Gillespie, son efth*te Teachers' Summer Course Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Gilespie, at Lakehead University in Part, Hendry Apartments, who won Arthur. Enroute te Port Arthur' the Stubhing's MemonIial tbey called on friends at El- Award In the Junior VocaistîltLkadothhme competition, July l2th., at the ward jeurney they visited Salvatien Amy Music Camp, finaa hpeu Roblin Lake. finsa hpeu Mn. and Mns. Bill Steven, Mn. and Mrs.. Barry Steven, Wlllowdale, Mn. and Mrs. Rici Martin, Kingston, Mn. and Mrs. Irving Gi and tamiy. Bow- manville, and M. and Mrs. F. REHOBOTH Christian Reformed Curch Zcuog Street Mlinuster: Rev. A. Vandenflerg, B.A., B.D., M.TII. Phone 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 ar.. 7:00 p.rn Back to God Hour Dia! 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.rn. "Everyons Welcome"' TRINITY UN Minister - Rev. Geoi Organist - Mr. Will A.C.C.O. United Services w! during August in Ti There was local intcrest in the World Skeet Shooting LChampionships held recently at k Rochester, N.Y.' Tbree perfect 9.l00's were turned in by Cana- dians Harry Wilisie, Montreal,ý Mrs. Margaret Burdett cf Angus and E. Caminsky et Toronto, but they lest eut in the shootoff. Mns. Burdctt won', the wemen's crown with hem1, perfect 100. She and ber bus-, band, Douglas Burdett, aisel won the new wold's champ-J ionship busband-and-wite 20-1 gouge skeet bonors when Deug', Breke 98 while, wtt c Margareti broke 99. Mn. and Mrs. Burdett anc son and daugher-in-law et, Mn. and Mrs. J. C. Bundett,ý Scugog Street. *On Sunday a Varcoe Familyý neunion was beld at the home ot Mn. and Mrs. S. J. Black, Qucen Street. Attending wene the tollowing and their tamil- ies: Mn. and Mrs. Calvin Van- coeeet Owasse. Mich., Mn. and Mns. Wm. Bail, Mrs. Les~ Vin-i cent, Mn. and Mrs. Warren Vincent, al et Ayr, Mn. ad Mrs. Fred Bal et Gaît,Mn iand Mrs. George Bal et Dun- i tdas, Mn. and Mrs. Marlen Vin-J cet f Seatorth, Mrs. -Wm.i IED CHUR(H 'rge K. Ward, B.A., B.D. liam M. Findlay, B.A., )., A.T.C.M. ith st. Paul's Church linity Church at 10 amn. SUNDAY, AUGUST lTth, 1969 10:00 a.rn. "THE DESIRE TO BE LIKEDU Rev. G. I. Ward Nursery during mornlng servie Sunday School wlfl open in September . The littie girl ir Carol and Colin Kn 28th. Deanna Janelli 1Bowmanville and M Town 's Sr. Citizens into New Homes nely countryside and generally doing their utmost te look after them in sen- many ways. Taking on the moving job was just another way cf This quietly being of considerable assistance to these elderly members ten- of our community. It was hard work for these young men, done dur- iave ing the evening after already putting in a day's labor at their regular ity, occupations and we feel certain their efforts met with great appreci- the, atian on the part of those citizens who benefitted from their kindness. Recently Celipbrated First Birthday n the above photo i s Deanna Janelle Knight, daughter cf rlight, Third St., who celebrated her first birthday on June le is the granddaughter of-Mr. and Mrs. Edwin K. Smith cf Ur. and Mrs. Wm. Knight cf Oshawa. Photo by Aster Studio Recreation Director it [ians Club Mietina ofte BowPO NTYPOOLms IThle Canadlan Statesman, Eowmanvifle, Au. 1, N97 trmPieRdge Schol. Games are played ln Memorial Park We congratulate Wor. Sister a on Friday evenings. This league Yvonne Fallas, Wor. Mistress. R d C o s S i m n Re ut for the two Men's Town t e memiers of Piie of Rsit fCndinJNO Leagues. Pantypool L.OB.A. 1314 on IRe~Swimmlf Cn test Red1 MO 46by n il n the suces c their annual recently at Cream of hareldny JccaKr e Penny Sale. Many donations pool for Bowmanvile Bacrley categOry of 10 ta 14 years. It and the sale of many tickets tien Department Sumxner Swim Sand emvd CMoa idTrn. was conducted at the Lions assured a financial s1Jcc5ss. A pormm.ste, Didaene Ok, rdet Club Tennis Courts on Satur- large crowd were present and iCag aetBrsn esc day mernings for six weeks. were treated ta cake and cof- SENIOR iNig obeMrry Cook essDa The clinic wound up with a tee at the conclusion. Mark Elliott, Ronald StrikeNmgn ura okDr tournament involvlng ail the Fallis Cemetery Decoration Phillp Carlton. ene Rowe, Jodee Hoskin, Jo participants. Mr. Lars Carlson was well attended, Sunday. ]INTERMEDIATE Louise Nimigon, Gerald Hey- cf the Bowmanville Tennis Pontypool wili hold theirs onfl Donna Haynes, Stevan Phillips, dens, William Evers, Kathy Club was in charge ot the Sunday, August 17, 2:30 p.m. Cah'ge tur ihSpencer, Jeann îhEia cllnic," Mr. Fanning said. ChyTghSur Wit, pnTgeEza Mr. Fanning aise spoke of' Denny Willls Is home fromi Donald B r a d 1 e y, Robbie beth Ried. th Payrond Pogamhospital and ls recuperatîng Brough, Caroline Howard, Car- BEGINNER the Plygreuns Pra rtrm a recent car accident.I olyn Heydens, Lee Ann Hoc- 3Ohc sad ocondutd at Lord The capable catcher of the!I km, Dennis Bamber. Rick Stacey, John Vandergaast, Elgi nd PakthcLon Ce n t re, mens sottball team will be, Carl Vesna, Gerloif Vander- ElginParkthe Lons ente ut et action for some time.1 commence right away. Pee gaast, Sidney Nutma, Lee Mer- Vincent Massey School, Mcm- i'esadMdesaeas ieUaCag in et criai Park, Central School, Sorry to say - It happened! tr n e e nd Md the reulnoeri-o,DIe Trtei , Denest Saper Park, and Ontario Street Our ladies bowed out to ingt n hershd Lel vngstoeB areT ry lLiving. School. He tald the Liens that Bethany three straight ln a favorable position. ivnstone, myBerr, iing the daily playground heurs arc semni-finals. The win n e rs With a large crowd present Vandergaast, Carl VanBelle, from nine o'clock in the marn- (Bethany) are waiting for the favorable prices prevailed at Michael Vesna, Paul Wiggana, Ing te four o'clock in the af- winner cf the Yelverton - the Leonard Trick Sale, Sat- Mark Tennant, Lesica Anie ternoon. He aise mentioned the Millbrook series, tied naw at urday. The Tricks have soid Daîrynipie, Robert Davey, Don highlights of this prograni, the anc cadi. their property here and Pur- Farrow, Stevan Frank, Doug Pirates Day, Cycle RRaUy, Inabillty ta bunch their hits chased a new home in Lind- Gould, Kimi Phillips, Anne Theatre Day, Soap Box Derby and with the first baseman say. Auger, Marie Brooks, Tlm and the Mardi Gras Parade. Jimimy Richardson an hall- Visitors ta sec Mrs. Lily Buttonshaw, Pama Cattrar, Swimmlng Classes arc aise days and Denny Wiliis en Richardson recentiy Included Debbie Dewcll, Rod Dewell, exceedingly popular this sum- crutches eur locals lest ta the Mr. end Mrs. Leonard Kellett, Kathy Dunn, Patsy Beatty, mer, the speaker declared. smart Bailieboro team 5-2, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. Sharon Gardon, Bryan Morri. The Swimming Classes started Sunday. With the exceptien Howard McMullen, Port Perry. son, James Pocock, RusscU on July 7th at Pine Ridge of games Wednesday, August Severai locals are now em- Greenham, Roy Smith, David Sehool, the Cream et Barley 13 and sanie possible postpon- pioyed at tobacco, with tree Chatheni, Angela Budel, Donna and the Flying Dutchman cd games tic playotfs wlllprunlng near completion. Munday. Motor Inn, he said. "The Teens' Prograni start- ed on Monday, June 23rd in __________________________ the Mill Hause, Saper Park. A number et teens have been busy painting the walis, along with other improvements ta this old and usetul building. Mr. Deug McFeeters, a recrea- ' tien student at Vanstaga Col- lege, Kitchener, is the super- viser in charge," Mr. Fanning stated. Mr. Fanning aise reviewed PIE FETV NI A U D Y U .2 the Day Camp Pragrani. ThisaRCSEFC IEU TI A U D Y U .2 started on July 7th and the ___________ first two weeks were for the Boys Day Camp. The Girls Camp is beld duding the third MICRIN GLYZERONA ARRID and tourth week, be added. He aisoecxpiained that there is a Oral Antiseptic Skin Creamn Extra Dry possibility et holding another nipr iat Boys Day Camp during the 6 fiftb week. ____ d When speaking et the Park Sugg. N Sugg. ' uSg. A maintenance carried eut by the Est J 7c Iist 7 c lst 4 Recreatian Department Mr. 79ec 3 959ec 1 1.981 4 Fanning -speke highiy et G. A. tien concerning this work. "He la doing a fine job for the parka," Mr. Fanning declared. Ascorbic Acid Dr. Chase Nervo .1 d'The parks maintained bY their department are CentralI - Grond, LrdElgnMer- ow ercanning, etl 3 oou Sugg. list 2.75 2 17 anial Park, Ontario Street and Vincent Massey. This wark in- cludes grass cuttlng, marking K E N X 0 ? sh aN fi 1 and dragging of bail diamands,34 cleaning eut washrooms and Sugg. list 2 for 73e - 1 box3 4 Aerosol Mst, Sugg.lut3.90 wading pools at Lard Elgin _________________ g and Memorial Parks, aise checking, repairing and paint- C R F E A P N e ae ra ing apparatus at the variaus piaygrounds. Sugg. list Sugg. list Sugg. llst 29 - 2 4 preciation ta the Liens Club 55e 44c 1.7 1.59 for donating new equipment ta the Lions Centre Playground. Q E LD He aise said that the ball dia- v ra y1 9 Litehve enwelusdDecongestant Tablets- "At times ail five diamands Lt Sugg. list 5.97 have een oing five days a wcek. Memonial Park and Lard k aIu.I R V D Fr arhe Elgin Park are quite demand- iI VYIT Liii istSug. d Ing because et the heavy sched- 51C sug lst 'o cI uic et games at each," Mn. Antibiotic Ointment - 5-- 1577 1ug.0s Fanning concluded. - ~7c12 Sam Black moved a vote cf thnste Mr. Fanning for bis Informative address. Presidenti D a iy D e C t' aeS a t A g s 2 Jack Dunn aise expressed hisILAFmlyD epC s'S eSars ug t2 personal appreclation te the tewn's able Directer of Rec- reatin. 1 _--fD 0 0 ,C Animal Control Report The report et Animal Cen- tral Officer George Perras for July was submitted te Town Council last week sbowed that seven cemplaints had been received during the montb. There werc cight doga and six cats braugbt ln, and eigbt degs and eigbt cats were picked up. One dog was re- turned ta Its ewncr. Fitteen dags were disposed cf and sc were 14 cats. Sixteen dogs were Impounded and twe werc hcld for abservation. Thrce surmanses werc la- sued and 1,088 miles werc traveled ln July, tihe repart statcd. The reccipta were: licences $42, boarding $49.50 and other $112.50. OBITUARY HARRY T. JAMES r W ~ U- -- -W UUE ~ An East Wbitby Twsi fariner for rnany years, Ha1 T. James, of 1574 SimceSt N., Oshawa, died Aug. lst at ,On row h ofMesDepts A tiviiesthe Oshawa Genenal Hospital. At the dinner meeting et motion by Fred Menrison, sec-IFanning told the Lions. 89tb yean, had been sîck for the Bowmanville Liens Club ondcd by Bob Williams, a past He discussed the senies et six months. held at the Lions Community president. ýsuccesstul speciai events held Born Manch 3, 1881 at Col- Centre last week, T. A. Fan- Mn. Fanning told the club during the curent year. Th ese umbus, Mn. James was a son ning, Dinector et RecreatIon fer that Fail and Wmnter Recrea- includcd the Country and et thc late John and Alicel the tawn, who was the gucst tien Activities for Children, in- Western Jamboree, Miner Hec- James. Educatcd at Conlin's speaker, said that participation clude: Basketball, Boys Gym key Day, the Figure Skating School in East Whitby Town- in recreation activities bas Classes (twa), Figure Skating, Carnival, the Baton, Tap and ship, he tarmed for 50 yeara isen steadiiy during the last Ginls Gym, Hockey 602, Swim- Ballet Christmas and Spring soutb east et Columnbus, prier four yeans. He aise discussed ming, Oil Painting (two class- Revues, and the Hockey Coach- te netring te Oshawa In 1949. the iecreation pragrani for the es), 'Leann te Skate Class, es and Reterces Cllnic. He xvas a member et the year wasUnited Church and ton manyý current er Mr. Fanning a Baton, Tap, Ballet, Ski-Ciinic1 Speaking et the Recreation years served as a trustee of1 introduced by Robent L. Byrn-n and Golf. Department's Spring and Sum- ConlIn's School. -. Tebas presiegan Included mn the Recreation mer Activities, Mn. Fanning He is survived by bis wife,' White,a atpeiean Departmcnt's Foul and Winter neferned te the success et the the fermer Olive Niddery, Ralph HUis wene celebnated by Prognam for aduits are: Senior Basebali Atoni Series and the whom he marricd at Enfield,j their tellew Lions. Maurice Citizens, Interior Decerating, Basebali Pee Wee Senies. He Ont., In Januany, 1908; a Preston vas a guest at the din- Furniture Finishing, Drama said that the Atoin Series was daughter, Mrs. Alce Delve et ner meeting. Walter Rundie, Wonkshop, Swimming, Model beld in Memonial Park with Toronto and thnec sans, Gea- a past president, was the lead- Train Club, Baskctbail, Photo- 112 playens taking part. The rge, John and Norman of er et the rousing singseng. gnaphy and Golf, Mr. Fanning Pee Wee Senies took place in Oshawa. Accounts amounting te $637.83 said. the Vincent Massey School Aise surviving are two ais- were passed for paymcnt on a He pointed eut that Baton Grounds wîth 53 participants. ters. Mrs. Lucy Mease and and Tap, Furniture Finishi ng, Bath senies were well attend- Mrs Almia Hayes et Oshawa; Heal, Mr. and Mns. Cliff Heal, O11 Painting and Interior Dec- cd. 10 grandchildren and 12 great- Mn. and Mrs. Bey Callan, ail erating classes are held at the "The Girls Softball League grandchiidren. He was pre- et Peterborough, Mn. and Mmm. Lions Centre, and the meetings consisted et six teanis and 90 deceased by four brathers, Herb Moreton et Pickering, et the Senior Citizens Club negistered. Games wcre play- Edward and Archie et Osh- Mr. and Mns. Fred Nornis, Mrs. are aise hcld there. Weight cd on Monday through Thurs- awa, Albert and Howard of Deibent Varcoe of Roseneath, Lifting and the Boys Gym day each week at Central Detroit and a grandson, Rab- Mn. and Mns. George MoorelClasses wiil be held in the Schooi grounds. The Champ- ent Delve, cf Tarante. of Baltimore, Mrs. JamesiScout Hall, the speaker ex-i ionship Teumnament involvlng The tunenal service was Black of Campbelltord. Mr. teams was held in the mld- heid at the Mlntosh-Ander- and Mrs. Andrew Comfotantfet New activities for 1969-70 dle cf July. son Funerai Home, Oshawa, at Stoney Creek, Mrs. Harold will be a Millneny Ciass, Pho-î "The Beys Miner Softbail 3:30, Aug. 4th. Interment Aikertor. of Hamilton and N1m. tography Lectires, a Boys, League stanted with six play- was in Oshawa Union Cerne- and N. Tcry Black et Bow-jiHockey League and possh1y acera. There are now 45 players tery. Rev. Dr. H. A. Mellcw manville. 'class In purie m&kinS, Mr.Iregistered. The league coaista conducted the service GILLETTE Foamy Shave Sugg. list 1.25 ON LY 99c VITALIS HAIR TONIC Sugg. Iist 1.33 ON LY 99c 1% *-~ ~ ALLEREST Antihistamine Tablets Sugg. list.ONLY 99C 1.39 BAN Aerosol Spray Deodoront Sugg. list 1.39 ONLY 99C FAMILY SIZE MACLEANS TOOTHPASTE Sugg. list ONLY 99c 1.25 BANDMAID Brand Sheer Strips Sugg. listONL9. 1.49 ONL99 77c SPECIALSI GILLETTE Super Speed with 2 blades 1.29 value 99e ONLY 77c 1POND's HALO COLD CREAMI SHAMPOO 1 Sugg. list 89e ONLY 77c SHICK Super Stainless Injecter Blades Sugg. list M9e 1 Sugg. lust 1.0 ONLY 77c ONLY 77c 66c SPECIALS Nivea Cream1 Sugg. llst 85e ON LY66c Facelle Royale, 2 ply BATH ROOM TISSUE OnIy 4 ROLLS 66c Pondà'SMedicated SLotion Sugg. list 89e ONLY 66c VASELINE Petroleum Jelly 79c for special 73cONLY 66c Bayer Aspirin 9u9Cls ONLY 66c WILLJAMS Lectic Shave Sugg. ll.t Doc ONLY 66e VISITING THE C.N.E. ? Seo the inter.sting displey on Drug Abuse at the I.D.A. booth; north west corner of the Botter Living Centre PRESCRIPTIONS LD.A. IEDMIES ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST: W. PHONE 823-119 I~I . ý 1 . . .ýl ..l. 1