Mms Bruce Till»n, Editor Phne 9U-4213 Celebrate Golden Anniversary [The Canadian Statenman, Bowmianvllle, Sept 17, 1969 Ilonqor Locufl Couple ENNISKILLENI WomesItiue T Mother'u Fellowahlp, attend tht e rmneoLCSOKW.LRMTNW w uh her huisbends as gues, "A]addln and l Magi BaksoccWome' ai h epebrmeigo ejydan old-fashioned ev- Lamp," performed by the Stu- tute invited Nertco nt h apo oe' 1U ening o entertaininent Satur- dent Lab Group, Toronto, for tute to their nonthl O n 2 5 th nniversu y day night. Everynewas plck- the Kindergarten ta Grade 9 3rd. weneyeve ~ ueia editeam Newcatls-Mr. and Mrs. lovely in a black chiffon and wagon and taken to th U i nee Public School and * eson Baktedd ad 8M.CanakPsdn a Ken Whtney, who will ho 25 sheath dresa accented with a home cf Mr. and Mmi. Allan Education Centre. Theze pu- rm Balsok on fI i.carm h etn yearsmarrid onSeptember silver brocaded coat. The dec- Scott where a corn and wiener pila werc predominantly In. rsdn Ms .B i 3th, were Invited out for a orations of white and pink roast provlded the fooa. Ulah dian. PresIQ nsttus nd, fMiwesb quiet dinner for four on Sat- streamers were strung across Chambers, Doreen Lamb and Mr. anid Mns. Gea. îrwin etne erywloet eetn h od.Pae urdny evening, and to liter the cciling wfth pomn-poms and Bey Bail provided the music on Wednesday visiited Mr. all nd ree, aheinaeabif[l nsn n Catwlo attend a dance elsewhere. Un- bells throughout the room. for a sing-song, and the per- Ernest Irwin, Mi,.. Mabel aftng m Cent sionorn forc u getmr eso h known to the couple this was Wedding pictures werc fram- fect wetther plus a large bon- Bowen and Mr. and Mri. fithfu membrtinoane esito omnofntiu. ameans of getting them to cd above the couple as they lire were the finiahlng touch- Ewell, Bobcaygeon. faion umrs. Chs mtit ieTerilcl a nwrdb Lei I.O.O.F. Hall in Orono, were seatcdi their place ofesa. The hayrlde home agin Mr. N. E. Wright acoom- on the Cu.nonia esg o ligtennec o where members of their fam- honor at the head table. This ended a Most enjoy-able even- panied Mrs. Norma BradfordM.JhnRm.Tom-Cada.Tocure ae fly and friends had gathered too was covened in pink and ing. to Coiborne and visited Mns.utssiec asoevd.bigmdaalbeta e- earlier ta surpries them. white pom-poms, with an arti- Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Hobbs Joc Bradford on Sunday. , esicrey anw ras ue'besTh rsonFdaNv Stepping Into the dimly lt ficial bridai bouquet center- enjoyed a holiday In Northern Miss Susan Werry spent Uctheoteeercle.Ma.7 hc il eo nttt hall, the bride was suddenly ing the table In front of the Ontario, taklng the James weekend with Miss Laura rt Ma w ee nesie o rcdre n i of In tears while ber groom stood anniversary cake. Bay Excursion ta Moosonee. Lave et "Tne Love Cottage," " **.oo . . - speecîcaswhen the ight A poem was witten There they were privlleged to Peterborough. ' 4ctd o th motoueonurtreFtiwf were suddenly turncd oncmetd n brightly again, and the room especially for the occasion Mr. anid Mrs. Don Lamib, .. Perfection là; net xetd .hl e. ac 1 90 becamne ful of faces wel, and thiss presented and Y L E T NBalieboro, were Sunday call- but - cmli as eme nwrdwt n lnte ak h their farnily. Ann (Mrs. Gar- Thanks were eppreclatively letngrssfbl e r t. and Mrs. FS. LDaper ~'a verse from anad holhirfrUcSuhGu net Smith), Orono; Linda extended by bath Mr. and Mns. Y etn il ofbl eam MS.tudayMn. Ftrd Draper M . p. (Mrs. Ken Sutherland. New- Whitney, ta their family and hatnehbto aetilee audyvstn f~~ etgadeaMrs.G onNe-TeMto- hirnne castle') and Jane and Craier. a their friends for the best week with a Bowmanvillc Gregg Tobiýns,, Port Hope, andtitngaeaedng"W-m esmoettcric - corsage was pnesented to their wisbes expressed to them and team Knapp's Towing Service,' Suynay guesats ftPeiter h'd", and Mrs. B esi.M. hmsno eteo rnother with a carnation for the many lovely gifts:.besting their visitons in a c ose Byns laatPit~V:* also of Nestieton,redAutgvavryntrsigppr p4rried to the jacket of their wh!ch they received. game 4-2. On Saturda.v even-' Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, , Betha's Diet." o eieet nti ae father. Following this, dancing was ling the Junior girls lost their Judy and Laurie had Sunday ...~.. Mrs. McKee introue h h tese h motneo Thcy were escorted Into the enjoyed fon the remnainder of exhibition game to Cartwright supper with Mr. and Mrs. guest speaker, Mr.H.RMorhvigaobyprealyn room. Mn.. Whtney looking the evenîng. [12-9 or thereabouts. Harry Mencer, Orono. Y~~:j cnoft, Area Supenintnetfrulmtdrnnighbyt Terry Malcolmi bad the mis- Mn.F Toms attcnded Western Arca cf Nnhme-kepoeitrctdi ae fortune this week to be involv- Betiesda Dbecoration oni Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Joseph Richardson land and Durham ony'le.W thkMr.Topn ed In a car accident on the day and was supper guest of Board of Educationwogvro e otiuint u hili east of Port Penny which Mr. and Mrs. L. Slemon and On Saturday, Sept. 6th at bornIn England and by coin- Dorothy (Mns. Frank Barrell) an intenesting andifr-poram.M.KchBllt a .e ~ ~ ~ ttal demolishcd hus ycîîow, Haydon. the home of their son George cidence came to Canada in the of Bowmanville. Another son tive address on "CagsnofBw nvletnfvoe fl w a teCamaro. Terny was on his way Mn.. Lamne Gniffin, Black- and bis wife, north of Hamp- same yean, 1908, although pre- Kcnncth of Cobourg was un- Education." At t] ls fu ihseem cetoso back ta Guelph College when stock, spent Sunday aîternoon ton, Mn. and Mrs. Alfred viously they were not acquaint- able obprsn.isadesalwr caocre I rn f ialhM. n r.R.Gifn Many congnatulatony cards, oppartunity ta as] usin itnn oJa lyadhp tergolden wedding anniver-1 Membens of the family wholtelegrams and gifts were nec- which he very ablyasee.toschnbcka apa rS oiialÏ and iaI neithe Ternv on the Oc c aroog- ee rdyev.- 6h, 1919 in Toonto. ison George, son Leslie of Ton- ficnds. The honorcd couple preciation f thoseprsntaormeigb lcigth pantcu oarfrug the Fîdyoy.ThyhenemrnedSet.wee reen iclde hen'ivd no rlaivs nd Mn. aieyvace teop-agin Ms.Chntthn loe Necsl-Tehceysa ndduhpaKtein h nt thr eiother ar w r nd cllrs. atrveo y ocGis.Bath Mn. Richardson and hi. onto, daughters Inene (Mn.. D, live at R.R. 1, Bowmanville, Mn. Moorcroft ma ilnommesi rpaigteM Newcstl-Th hokeysea an daghtr Ktheinewbo njued eniusl. M. ad M.. arvy LonsIwîte Ada Flora Sean. e "Stephenson) of Cobourg andlon a sniall arm.......assistcd on thieprgm.phBndconnuns. son ià just araund the corner make their home part of the On Saturday evening Mr, Toronto, were Sunday visitons.wr and It's hard ta believe when yean round In Wales, and in and Mrs. Bill OIan (nec Marg- of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pol- we are stili able ta cnjoy thc Bermuda. Somehow, part of luerite Wilson) were bonored lard. Mn,. Gertie Lyons ne- beaut1ful wcathen that we the news Item wasn't printed with a presentation in the turned home wlth thcmn for a have had ail during Septem- and read somewhat like a lost chunch hall. The early part of holiday. ber. But, tenders are being story. The Hamilin, visited thie evening was passed play- Mn. and Mrs. F. Pethick called for the concession booth with the Stuants for 10 days ing Court Whist with the high and Bull, Sca.nborough, wr and a manager ta operate the and did much travelling and wInners bclng Mn,. Floyd Sunday 'visitors with S. Rl. (unudw's NeFit lifDua Se, Arena. As well. there have sight-sceing during the time Stinson and Brian Wilson. Pethick's Rm.b....F..Ad. T ou AP been meetings dealing with tbey were In this area. Terry Malcolmi as MC Invit- M.nid Mn.. K. Hcnsljey, A...O.. ..S CUT1 hockey, such as the one hcld Our fnIends and ncighbors ed Marguerite and Bill ta Rochieter, N.Y., Mn. and Mmr. recently wth the Newcastle in Memnonial Hospital this seat, on the platform and Dave H. Stan Tyrone, Miss cYORCOC Ail-Star Hockey Association. week are: Lloyd Aldrcad., Staples read a humoraus pae- Linida Addic, Sarnia, Mn. and .....RfOUNCe As was the practice ast ycar, Mm.. Ruby Andress, Mns. tic addncss which was enjoyed Mn.. David Stainton and RU D R tAC when ml-stan games, five cf Margaret Farrow. Harry Sin- by ail (even the victims). They childrnn Cobourg, Mn. and then,. were held on FrIday clair. Mrs. Dora Smith, Walter were then pnesented with a Mn.. Keith Cyemnad-*" STEAK IV J evenings, tht, will also be the Smith, Ted Walton and Mn,. bridge set - paddcd table and girl, Zon, Mis GilSain-d..., procedune this season. They Toi Van Tasseli. car taghecmu i rl, Mn isc-u aigSan- ';<4. are also oaling for help from cr ailintretedparie. Mn- Congratulations ta Mng and other gifts from Individ- borough Hospitalwrewek '..R. p R a t ager an coche ar nededStanley Powell who celebnated ual.. Both Bill and Manguerite edvstn tM.adMs ta ei wth yk an Aamher binthday last weck. ably expresscd their appreci- L. Stantan' anid Mns. . HJIU PO to ems ndt Tykmayd hojutM is maSmsn ta-ation. Mn. Robent Sisson pro- Stainton PC"Ui whansandu'e oing ra s a fondt , bsbe istn lvided tae-tapping music fannSI LN waycfputin i alon cldMn.. M. Gartshore. round dancing till lunch was M.adM. emnTi-...... OS winer m yurbep oud elbrtig heocason0fservcd. Wedding cake was lIMr yn and Neil, Ff Io eMne be niost appreciatcd. If you lber seventh binthday, Ms asdb clwd. tLpor tof eMr.Sanday si-R mre lnterested. please contact Carol Sclby etnained 10 cmith-e espni e r an- owns fMn an Mn.R either Sam Breneton on Rick littie girl friends by having a anin tc evnîg ee'Ro&n Rickard. birihday panty FrIday mter- Janet, Ted Spcnccley, Linda Mns..S. Kinsman, Misses and Ralph Pfoh, Terry Mal- Susan and Patty and Master ~W LP SEKO ORCOC Stmnted our f al cieanig noon.colmn, Linda Gray and David Phulip Down, Coui-tice, were "',V ,I RO T yet, on maybe just sarting Mns. Alice Quinney was i1aple. unaydinen ulu c M - out the summer and falnecent visitar with fiends In Thene appeaus te be no res- and Mn.. J.Knsa an cltes it ht heei.Bocvhi.pîte from presentations for girls.oa usualiy the odd article or' two Guests who visited with Mr. same time to corne as anothen r . ndMn. apt Poh1 that now ià; of no funthen use Percy Hane at bis home on lassie from "down south" sYlvn àweercetvs-.... '-yeun home. Staning lt Sunday after the il a.m. scrv- currently disphaying a chunk tors of Mn.anid Mns. R. M 01 ear aiter yean In the attie, ice at the Newcastle United aI "girls best fniend"l on the Rwn Caenent or garage là iust a Church for the dedication cf thIrd left which suggests e'own nuisance. Why not, then, con- the lvl stained ls window ftr mlanto and con- A-. I rwnadMs op R@iiid tact one of the local Lions In memory of bis late wife, solidation cf educatianal forces Ge.A ctt were Friday inembers who would be only Clara Bell, wene bis daughter- lnvolving a certain male mcm- atennoon visitons ai MissSU rR taa hippy ta hean from YOu in-law. Mn.. Mar Hare and ber cf our communîty. Wîtii Doris Mlison, Oshawa. end would arrange ta cli Mrs. Fred Eaton, bath of St the advent of fnosty evenings; Mn.anid Mn.. Ross Row- .2~ and collect youn Items. Thein Thomas, his brother and bisoncudwlspuladMs.ERwldSa- annuel auctian sale will be wîtnadMr ni aehi. contagio ol e si anMr.ERwanSc. hcid an Saturday. Octaber of Brightan. n n . over te ather misty cycd iuv- borough, wene witb Mrs. E. 4th. . They are cailing door- George Walton, Flonida; Rev. eniies. Who knows. Shouid the Page. to-door one an two nights per T. Smith, Mn. Jack Wmde. Mr. pattern of 25 years ago be ne- Our deepest sympathy ta ta offen their help In a amylng ad Mn.. William Brlffett. m,, Which compel. us te provide thie passlng cf lber brother-m.. out youn now wortblesi Items cf the village. Mr. Brlffctt de- a timetable cf preseatations fer 1mw, Uic late Arthur PagIorS A GOOO KT.. whlch may just ho someone stgned and made the wiadow, past and present resideats of Toronto. else'î dremm. DON'T thnow "Mary and Matha" whlch Is our community who wlll ho The beglnning ai Uic au- it awmy. give the Lions a located on the south side cf ceiebrating thein silver wed- tum.n schedulc ai services chance te show what sales- the church at the east end. ding anniversanies and to ex- w~i t te chunch service at mien they are. Cpi. and Mn.. Ross Embiey, tend te thcm the. best wisbes 9:45 .m. anid Sundmy sehool Nb ,aTw e l I fnMn.tand Mn.s onial e ongactin fol .Eiay eO 0-a I ..wslag ted gueste r.Dnl. jyn herhldyvlsltlng2 On Saturdmy evening Sept.rcd on Sunday morning. Mmny______________ ______________ - ur er r.1 HMlnwth enreages i O2tb ia Biackstock for Mn. and aise attended thc annual Dec- tuntwec n. I Hmiiath iend dreaivesgen Mns. Walter Wright (nec Aud- oration Service at Betliesde MAPLE LEAF BRAND MARY MILES CANADA GRADE "s FROZRNSJE-IGTQAT *Cub leaders regret ta n- rey Stinson). Cemetery on Suaiday mter- Comm nity fonm mny new boys that tliey On Friday evening, -Septeni- oon wherc a local boy, Rev. now have their quota and will ber 26th in Yelverton Church Milton Sanderson of Toronto, BEEF -SM OU (ED BO IIJN G B E flnet be taking In any more Hall, Mn. antd Mrs. Jack Wl- was theaie lsekr Bowln boys until vacancy arises ion (nee Lamna Evans). th pealsekr wng througb aider Cubs gotng up On Saturday, September 2t h C.G.I.T. Happy Gang BOLOGNA WIENERS FOWL L E 200da L&Bsd-So aa ver Inta Scouts. Having airead I Nesticton COF Hall, Mn. was piemsed ta repart that the YTEPC V UMPAK ISRAE -5 O7L nWna ade egistencd 36 boys and wltb and Mn,. Victor Malcolmi (nec gross receipts from thein Mu- VTEPCEAUMPAKVCRA D-5TO7LSKI!SUE j Ina Brown______ 244,anly two leaders, nothlng cisc Winclda Kerr). sical Night wenc $68.00. The Ikuth Couch ____242 c 1-An-e oc tf. ime c- On St nday, Oc. 4tb 1Group cxtend àa speoiiAVhanks% Pon Geood n hi ead haveal-228 b Mn mnd Mn .Jsu ay heor sh be ik' ? WuIQ A PLE PIE FULL 8.INCH 24-ez pie Betty Laton _____ 30 nayprhsdacati n eeh nda udyt nw bavlng ta re-purchase inr etc., by their immediate cIheWesod afntID LFO Aint PereH___ 4l ofhirtm ndhv i-dna the great teachers. One by Snyders, French Style Reg. Price 2 tins 46o~ - BAVE 1 a JkHomes- . 224 due ta the ncw look In the famtily. our nanies were cmled. NWPC"1-oztn Mernil Henry---- 210 new rgni.ta tey Mn.anid Mns. Murray Mal-. ope dltsholo- If jl should try and neinibunse caini and girls, Mn.anid Mrs. i u echnlei G R E BEANS 5NEW ACK" AND COOICING Events themn for the threc main Bert McMullen enjoyed a pi*ch. d niaiteaI us, Javgratozfi NwateLosSpe articles whtcb make up the nic on Sunday at their sunmer Umraget ALL PRICES SHOWN 14TI DGAATH Necate ioaSetmber uniform. A bottle drIve was pnopcrty et Wilbenforce. ine. THROUGH SATURDAV ETMURJin Dance, Newcastle Commnitty dlscusscd, but wltb ane coni- A large crowd was prescat We were intnoduced te aur Hall, Saturday, Sept. 27th. piny on strike It was feit a on Sundmy aiternoon to sec a tecli&i, Mn. Taylor, Mn. MILD &MILLOW CUSTOM GROUND Dancing 9 - 12. Prizes and place ta store the botties wum close game hotween Bailiebono Viebeter, and Our sebool. It -b gsS SA24 Bar Privileges. 37-3 tac blggest problem. No px- anid Bethany witb the. former was golng to ho an exciting me ln ecmd.The winning 8-6 Ia a chosely con- year! l)~II. etCah ody meeti-ng adjounned. tested ganie. Bria Wilson and We were ail placed on Cet Cash Today The first meeting of the Ian Page (bath Midgets) pitch- hOuses. There are ten. We I H Mothers' Auxlliany af the cd good bail for Bethany but carna patt for beiping teach- / For OId Appliaucels Newcastle Cubs and Scouts to ne avail against the bard crs and many other reasOns. will ho held I the Lions roamn hitting Ballieboro team. Beth- There is a Grade 8 boyanid .BA Moaday eveajng at eieht p.m. ta Uic wail havlng lest the finît We may have stepped out A T a 8 M A N AUi mehrs are urged ta tare. ganies eut of a four of ai summner. but have stepped " " '« 'e N D s ttend with a specl l Invit - seve a ser es. et av M idgets at a w iat huld ho a S AV- 8' & tin ta m thers o t boys onlv beat B lliebono Midgets on deful acho l year. Vhat do, ?boneus -,la" just sIgning up. Evcryane Io Tuetday fon finit ga=saf their you think? _____________________________________ 1wIOlCDMe.- an"a-1.- S"azi d~r. P M74.