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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1969, p. 13

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L)ave Rafuse throttled EIIM Siloez' scoring attack wittlià gllttering one hitter on Môn- ay evening of last wf5k SM tCbartran's Men's Wear 9«#Mrt &l their best of deeen lfltt iflediate finals àt t*o #81Ma apiece. While thé redhéâd w8j ténquering the âSidfflehn it- t4ts. the winners ft¶*ndgfd iMO 9àfeties as they hud# upi a J-1 Viétory. Harry Willoughby sufffd the defeat. despite a steady chucklng job with thé Shod Mven hurting théir chàtices wjth four errors. An infield error on Murtày Ô'Brien's ground bail ln thé frtinning Ôpened the doom Idr the winnerg' initial run ni the pla.yôff Êtruggle. 1151uod And Wray Randeil followed Witb base hits, but wère wipéd dut at home on infield 9tound- fts later. The Men's Wear's centrefieid ftboter, Garth Lin tOn, loited à drive to right field that wàs dropped ln the fourth Énd hi ý2lPped ail the way ardund, rhaking it 2-0. Catcher Bruce Adams snapped Rafuse's nô hiit string with a clean single, ln the iast of the fourth but lâIled to score. Ellis bit the scoreboard with their only run ih the fiftb. Pinch bitter Har- old Michelson dumped a drive to left field that couldn't bé hàndled' and scored on Wi- la ghby's sacriËcé tly that foliowed. Raf use aliowed only one base runner on a walk, oYert the- final two innings. Chârt- rans clicked for their lasi run 1In the seventh, witb first sack- er .Keith Anderson sÈdcing on O'Brien's double. Around the Bases - Rafuse,I razor sharp on the winners' Mound, has now aiiowed only orte run and three bits over thé past two gaines. He fà*nned 0 as the Men's Wear étOw hâve now scrambledt back Itôni S2-0 deficit to tie the seriès. hyhave outhit the Shoemen Pe-13, after four games. i In iast Mondays grabber befÔtr another e*-tellit flek ii 'Sfbal fàà, the, wihnnéri' fIveý hits wère shâréd by lIm fiafdé& ,Anderson âsI dAI yir- ào.Cirtraris, ttéfinpting f6 Charniôn,Été yldy lhsptèdândéxcittî bai, %*rh thir defn«ivé PIuY od- NIEDALIF?? FORD M1 King S. W., Oha.wa 576-1800 masè.us, G.Iexies, **IUSO. ef - Wf4kIy - Miotblv. RItenonable *dfé,. *RENT-A.CAR lit 8itfif IT.Osi, -- ----- Higb Single iG. 1'uili* t ohf High *iWhite ----- ef 11wAre is gUifl nuonîlf Banihifls. Inniôr 1ftI IDO 1Singles C. Cdeo---- .lmmior INn. êJ. Stephffl---------- 1,G. CDdombe --------- e S. Vàn Dniel -- -------- ô , Rigb Triffle- J. St4phft Senidr Mftéd Leal .GanHijli Singles W.- Mourtjoy ----. B. Holnoyd.- - --- eN. Goodwin- t, Higli 'triPles S. Cain -- LW. Mountjoy ---- ~N. Goodwin Llberty Bel C. 'W ray -------- Gameés Over t01 1C. W ray ------------ J. Chapple --- ------ M. LUe--- ---.- - ------ - - 'NImAtîsdhuga W. GbbnbéA - Eum ----- luin- A. W bfnW- . 4.JÔppilé E. Clrke M. Laep- --- - --- M. McDonald L. Renaurd S. Duetta --------- E. Brunt-- R. Morris E. Combes J. Spelimts J. Lurton------ F. Luxton. K. Blanchard ----------. R. Bafligate ----------- B. Biahop (hristmas la ÀMEXICO< SAVE THE AEST GIF1T THIS CHRISTMAS FOR YOUÉSELF! Waken on Chriatmas morufsg te brillant éoIour, aparklint sunihine and the super muffl of Mexite. Take lu a bull flght.- . sec a pI&At lu %Speuls ... *1.11 the Petftâ1ligi thefidlm tuMârkètà. Depart Toronto December 20th, rélurn January rd. Spend six nighta ln Mexico City. motoreeaeh te Acapulco, stopplng for lunch ln Taxe., thén upSul the remaana elghtfltlkhts et rétt Ut Piiaê $60t108Ikkbâtinit Up 089 ln AcBpuled. Dob't w. thihak et evérithlfi* . . . se5(Ittai dinnel *a our df5551! PROM TÔRoNvTO $430. Ineluding Air Part For InfornatIon ad Ééarationa phone ul34183 Jury &Lovd Travel Agucy1 'Q KING ST. E. BÔWMANVILLE1 ing 1 2162 ph lngef Ladies' Major Bowli Igipteibet 11h iMelon Reynolds -_-.0 pu. PIna 1îft beCr took h4i aureyDais -3 2811 wllhV$8and imdhgh tri; t =i -the 3 259704 opl Aea Onie Etcher 2 2»5,?Avr Marg Kin 2 2lOnllk»ér flhle Wli -2 228U»~ @kl Olve Patfield 2 240~ Dvs _ Maliel Lewis 1 2M7 MarlynCoa___ Helii Depew I 20S 5M Mwtemne Forreter 1 2371 ln Eruce --- Earb Buttonshaw.. 267Cae tuey Linda Crossey (0 Z571i Hïï.ewi Betty Rogers- Dav Ra us 1 Over 229 an Dave Rafuse Onie Etcher 313, a Th rotties iMriln 4Cole5253, Merridy IHately 230, Shoemen Crew ,Bromell 229. Judy Gre by Jlm Clarke 222. 22,K 205, 2011 197' 195! Many Close 1inshes I-eafureGofCapnsi àbel U Zulkow'akl Labreu fID.Erown . "n 228, m Osdc iu. - rot inWhteLàdift - P. JefferY ~ 248:g theF'uél gaine the. Stur- t Wenidl Meni - L. Zulkowski __275w1 beo emé ü btl I111gb Triple aghfibIét'5 by an 19 to 10. score. twhi :mLadies P.- fé 8------ Thé toý hïttere -for Surcs~i, $2 wre Amnéitte Rypstra one hitt1Amine 28Julie Pearon,, Shelley Frg> iJayne Un"NESTLETON o r icee utn Mr. and Mrs. Win. Johns1 Mr. and Mng. Malcolm Emr- and family, Markharn. were erson werè récent wêékënd Sunday dinner guests with ber'0 f visitors with thêlr mon and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Georgeý daughtér-in-law, Mr. Étid Mro. Johnis. Evenlng visltorg werê! -- 1 rank Emerson àmd lanuily, Rev. 1-frry Atknigon anmd ' Péterbtough.Mrs Atkinson, Toronto, Mr. - 12Mr. ârid Mr§. Adêlbonrt lgé- ani Mrs. Cyril Nunn, lirent- tock âtténided thé furiérâl ôf Wood, 'Essex, Englend, and -their brother-ln-law Mn Rut Mrg. Olive Brigham, Hul f~ land . t rick, St Élimvale d n zgIand. Ai ~'day.Mir. and Mri. John Buchan j Miss Brenda Vintue. nurse- Carolyn and Douglas, Lindsay,~ .206 ln-training at lKingston, visit- wee t J Pcllrou itt ed turdey c Ianlerowth bernd rd hiI5e 'ér grefldfather, Mn. Eliliraut Miss Ruth Proutt. Mains, on Sunday and attend- Ms vnPot pn au ed lnied burh bne.Herday and Sunday wlth bpr son, grandfather returned with hen Mr. and Mrs. John Proutt and l: M4 to visit her parents the Sud Susan, Oshawa. 206 Vntues~ flwmanvîîe.Mrs. J. F. Fisher, Waterloo, ¶ Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Maîrg, and Mrs. Hill, Kitchener, are Cooksvllle, vislted bis father, visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 231.210 ~~Saturday.CansBrgs I ~~Miss Gail Malcolm, a stu- Ms Chales r g sIPteb ---- 160dent at the hospital, Kingston, ough, is enjoying a visit wlth spent the weekend with bOt her daugbter and gon-ln-sw, parents, Mr. and Mns. Law- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Davison. rencé Malcolm and family. Mrg. Cecil Wilson is curnent- Miss DenIse Malcolm is àt- ly visiting Mn. and Mrs. Hen- letending Peterborough TLàaeh- man Rodman, Karen, Wilson 329' In almost ail categories'there wýere exciting and ladIeés champion; Chris March, ladies handicap winnet; ers' Collège, Miss Bonnie Mal- end Blair et their farin home,, 254-250]cose contests during the championship golf playoffs Bob Welsh, runner-up mens championship Helen colm, Miss Karen Caimpbell et Little BritAin. 256-250 p;Vu 271 n Sturav t Bwmavill Contr Clb. hoà Trewin, rulner-up ladies championship; Bruce Welsh, toiCoegUiesyof O Sud M.ndM. Or 271 n Sturav a BomanilleCoutryClub ShwToronto, and Mn. Tomn Law- Bruce H-easllp attended tbe Wear above are somne of these wlio p-Rrticipated, from lef t junior champion and junior handicap winner, James rOnce, University of Waterloo. Bruce famnily picnlc at the maute 769'to right, Dr. John Rundie, winner of A Division; Bob "Butch" Stephen, runner-up junioxf championship; Mn. and Mts. Normian Serh- home of Mn. and Mns. Alvin leading aLeyer nru o éirtte e esrunr betPi ruelmn hmin els wene Saturdey evenîng Bruce and Miss Manjonie pleyiOffi II~6 yn, unnr-up fr snio tiie;LewWelhruner-absntPhi iruele, en' chmpin.dinner guests witb Mn. and Bruce, Port Penny. in bonor of George 60up A Divî.ýion; Jack Gay, Sr. winner; Vivian Cowan, ___ __ Mns. Jas. Emérton and family, their aunt, Mns. Wesley Bruce. T..c I Blackstock. Miss Maggle Wood, Membens of the "Bruce Clan" PrOdUIE I,,,. Iusul ineturouýýe ad asinle Prorta ed ononto, spent the weëkend were present froin Wbitewood, PlayrOff Phoo y o Yo r Fa cy 'ac le !f 1ns aw te Mn'sWearnesday's match, Coyle was witb the Norman Samèlîs. Sask., Acton, Toronto, Oshawa, ipicked leoppusogthrJhirbet stalled at a one for 12 mark, Mn. and Mns. Malcolmn Em- Onillia, Lindsay, Port Penny, Saturda ttaof pu tthert nthebe th otfth llsbunch erson were hogts to their famn- Janetvllle, Blackstock, Yelver- 11n9 wit atom ofa the fithto an the a- aving an equally rwmgh turne ily for Saturday evening din- ton and Nestleton. It at he ish Hedin ino Mn-nen in honoun of severel bintb- Mr. and Mrs. Larny jamie- garne 1 victory. day evenlng's sixth and what days. Guests were the Edgar son, Oshawa, wbo were en- ed swi Ganth Linton led off the may have been the final game Emersons, Tononto; the Frenk froute to their cottage et Bob- Sainsbu 1arne with ChartrAns' fourth in the series, Chartrans bold a Emnersons, Peterborough; the caygeon wene Sunday ca1lerg lnl fle hit f te gmé.Rany Dno-33-19 edge in bltting. The sev- Don Stutts, Bowmanville; the with the Bruce Heaslips. ga gbue followed suit, with an- eth game ln the séries (if nec- Mervyn Birds, Bnookln, the Sunday Services FIés other base knock. Michelson essary), would be played ta- In thePreshyeniAn burcb ltb. ' 250-204 IBruce WithenlysChuch 1bthw ' ---- 240got the next batter to whiff, nigbt (Wednesday), Sept. l7th Mn. and Mrs. Clarke WiI- Sunday lnorning, Mn. Morley sorbed but Rafusé drove a shot to beginnimg et seven '23_______________ liams vlsited Sunday âftennoon Mitchell chose "Love" for the Wbibe centnefield, scoring both nun-, with Mr. and Mns. George thème of bis message. This is led tbe n-s--d-iin 2ôt4nsth D!Finnie, Port Hope, and were bs hl r emn-1 Fl otn stherdsermies.. F eveningnu #4....lRlnthe seres- afse i*O iIlg Mr dinner guests. 2. Hope, 3. Love - the great- pete«itl: Ibo Mr and Mns. Grant Thomp- est of which is Love. Mns. H. plate.1 hAvlng a great series on the son were Thursday dinner Visser sang "One Love to Pont1 fllound &gain this playoff termi SeIteniber 2nd guests with bis sisten, Mrs. Tbee" with Mrs. XR. Davison at four m inÀ~ ade bis third bit in the sqer- lligh Sinirle ýRussel Francis, Beaventon, and the ongan. set and tes (3 for 11), a decisive onè.! Ladies - D. Ogden .---- 259 ovr-lgt guests with ber In the United Churcb Rev. off outr Pneviously tooe the gamne win- Men - F. Stubbert 2421 mothe:r Mm-s. W. H. Johnston Victor Pansons lntnoduced the shcwin1 àning clout, Dave had rapped lllgh Triple and sister, Mrs. Jas. Naylor, student minister who deliver-. club.1 into a pair of double plays. Ladies P Jefferv ------ 603 Peffenlaw.- éd a splendid sermtin bâting tivo all P'irst baseman Randeil had a Men - D. McKnight 664 Mn. and Mns. Bent Bowerg bis sermon on "The Prodlgal of the #ait oi hits leaving bim with, September 91h and John, Ôghawa, etlnoyéd sÊon." This was a temperence the Elf - a aughty .438 average for the' Top Ten lSunday éning dininel- wltb message. Miss Gail n'aleolmn fd eî -five gainés played ln the finals. F. Stubbert-__---- - 242 bis parents, Mn. eni Mrg. favored wlth a solo 41I Heard btry ot l'or Ellis J. C. Coyle headedIB. Walilis----------1 203 George Bowens. the Volce of Jesus Say" wlth Men's Otheir plate punch with a hem-1 D. MR.Knigmt ---_214-207-207 1Mns. James Payne and Ste- hen niothen accompanying. Week jÏ The Canadian Statesman, Eownmvile, Sept. 1?. 969 3 ecreation 1DReviews N~rt oftball Tftrsmest 1w*ia home r= andifis In the qm.Ing round of h.mSheehnx mebit Jbr the piayoft the Patis Cab deieated RaMbk"r Derry-Ann Nlmrd the Philies by an il to a ne bit, Bomnl.Naol lire eonre. hIe hiter for Pabs 1lits fincuding a hoeui run, Cab were Jeanett .Wray wlth Ois Jouea eans t I.nd twn bhits, Suai. Marsh~allwith OrmesVaderlocm b#. à hom rin and à tripleJo n l th.e ccÎý final, Paleet wMI hrft hUa. Suun t urlnx àdead ffalmCab DuMân itwo bita and Jo-Ane!rmqt&,14'to Aàmtte 215, fMIn5 t" W Uoht, and Jnm a43 7p flItI lb a 216 Marb isl one. Por thé if-fkk y om Dale 8on b r .223 Bu, Donna If.ynes wM tvmitwa, Jun if 'per. Of u 248 bita, shelly y m*1tbtwo, ever. Sbdnlsy T7ry amndfos 20Cynflua Mxhe two, Shar Suah '"0 h it *se, while 42001 on Pp oVirginla 1iaffl. i nda 'Miltsesd bei thte. 4~4[~t ne bit, Wendy {arvey bibýtsnludlngtwo bomnsma 'j Bill Slaght Sr,. proudly displays a f ine catch of f ish he caught on the wepkend at Campbellford. They incluide five pickerel and one bass, the large- one on thé left weighing seven pounds. Bill caught the beau- ties on an ordinary hook, using dew wonms, so throw Ôut that fancy tackle and go to work. I wonk f rom bis mates, allowed iCharranssix hits last Wednesday night C h rt answheChartrans nicked pltch- 'Closi ng i n On The game aante dw to the wire" struggle with (h~ rN,% ue-iv' Rafuses timely base bit in the Cha 'K~/ionsh1/ fifth with two men on board 1 P 1 accointing for both of the wln- hy JIm Clarke riens' runis and the victory. The wili Michelson, oh the losers' Thé defending IntermediRte hili, came rip with a giant hunk IMei's Softball Champions, iof pltehing wlth the sentes Charftran's Mens Wear, are'deadlocked two gamès apiece. closing In on the 1969 crown,: Last seasons Senior Men's Last Wednesday evenlng theyi MVP winner and batting king postêd e tinglng 2-1 decision Jlm Coy]e wailoped a third over lËlis Shoes leavlng them'inning borner off Rafuse, as witb a tbnee gaine to two lead Ellis took a 1-0 lead. Char#- in tbe best of seven final. If rans put doubles by Wray Ran- the Chantrans gang notched a, del and Murray O'Brien to- wl.n on Mrinday past (Sept. igethen in the fountb Inning lSth). they will have sewed up with one out, but Michelson tbis year's charnplonshmp., showed plenty of poise, retiring The Shocinen, atter 2-4 and the next fwo ieni. 7-9 61ening ganetriumpbsAlEluie' leâdoif battét li thé hivé mnana gêd nly two runsAfth, Michelson slngled for the tmd fine bits over the last'losens' fourth safety of the thblé gae5 rhartnan;' mourid came but wvas left on third ittagiclan, Dave IlafutF, cor tin- base as Rafuse took the next ulng to receive top deiensive tuirec men on -easy ild tap- the loehng P*à ca0b, %«U t",> Imta, DeisPiper lits, iManey hlubbard mes iaàn Prfectousmti, Jo- ODilliî 6ne but, An4 Mariialltwo. Player the \vWeeýwàk George Salnobtiry , final 100 Kèn'à Mtta Player of1 the Wêek goes to thé filftctog' b itter thtoughout the. s, soeond bàaémaa eSelnabury. One o't*e club's ioat oOftlMent crs dunlng« thdfr 13 fenooin-tens, George up hia l8th bâse hit in ly'o 10-5 defeat, finbhei itb a M1. averqe., VRa; the temth Stneight in. which. the left h4td. linget had bit saiMl. ury starteil bis stree Elecottong' fourth nIt- gainst the Port 10pe ,away back on August vhen Bowmanville ib- a 10-3 J.icking le the Electrons trayel. ýplayoff frail, Ge4tg. aed to perforp cthn. [y at second ara at Lte Heelbed five bits in jhe Hope series, not*eci nore In 'the- Craeemtre drounded out his play. ýut wiU aàflbttr fow. 13 tg agé1ist thé Tho ci His cônsiteMtly effcq ýarounid1519y was !stêndbut teotunesi of Jectrons' I1090 playffo wtainly warronts saps9 >r seàsofi neÂng Kçn'à Wean Player of 4thO 5iward. CARTIDG à -11 Ri FLES L SCOPE ýCý mm:s 1 GUNS c i 111. . 4 ý. : , , à her

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