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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1969, p. 15

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BELL LUNES by K. R. Witherden your telephone manager If namea make news then anc of the ncwsiest items of the year ig on iLs way tea ai-a residents. It's your new telephone diectary. You'll notice a signifi- cent change lni telephone terminology in youx' neW directory. The word "Information" is bcing rcplaced by the phrase "Directory Assistance". The new words bave been adopted by many telephone companies tbroughout the continent because thcy more accurate- ly describe the service provided ta customnens - furnîsbing numbera not listcd in the current directory and assisting in the location or listings a customer is unable ta find by himself. "Information" is a fairly broad term and many times bas led to callers asking the Operaton questions wbich have nothing te do with telephone service. But that's just anc o! the changes ln the new directoi-y. Therc arc aiso many new and changed listings which will be of intex-cît te you. I find iL is always a gond idea ta double check my pensonal list of frequently called numnbers against the new directory list- ings. We have a bandy new Personal Directory ta belp you make and kecp à list of those numbers you cali most frequently. ILmia lista Area Codes and contains a foun-year calendan. Just cli oui- Business Office and weIlI send you onc free of charge. Ita a handy littie I.ý' book ta bave aound. a 250-hp 'Turbo-Fire" 350 cubic inch V8, the biggest stan- YELVERTON dard VS in Chevrolct's bistory. Optional choices range fi-rn a (Intended for last week) 300-hp "Turbo-Fire" 350 cubic Aroud 50 forn hieandInch V8 ta a 390-bp "Turbo- neigbbourIng c o0rm m u n i tics (even Quebec and U.S.A.) ai- NE T TO tened heOpen House this week at the new borne of Mr-. For teps eea ek and rs. umra Malolmto'oacca barvesting bas been in and girls et the Junction of 7A and 35 Higbways. An oppor- full swing. Although there was tunity was afforded those same bail darnage in the carly present ta scrutinize the summer, the grawers i-eport a unicxue architecture o! tbeir splendid drap with ideal wea- modern domicile. ther for curing. Most o! the drap will be harvestcd by the Many Yelveutonians attend- wcekcnd.- ed the final game o! the seml- Bulig s orn.Th final% between Pontypo and Bidn sboig h Betbany on Wednesday even- ranch-type home, east of the Ing. Withbobth pitchers and village, seems ta Se cornpleted, ~ one 0f the catchers originating finisbing touches are being .-. . -- In' this community, Interest added in the Gobka bouse, the was qulte keen. The fans weî-e Neil Lee borne bas been brick- rewarded by seeing an excit- cd and the Alwyn Haines ing closely contested baIl gaine dweiling la ready for the with the resuits In the balac shingles. lintil the last bail Was thrown., Participants frorn this com-, niunity Vaughan McGill andi 1I1.1L Terry Malcolmn (B et h an y ST R VI teamn), Dale Stinson (Ponty- Ms ac alwl a pool). returncd to her studies a U.C.W. News Waterloo this weck. The Scpt.ember meeting of Mrs. B. Caswell entertained 1. U.C W. was bcld at thie homne at a birthday party, Wednes-, of Mn.. Jim Gray and Mrs. day, last week for Jeffery's! Milton Gi-ay an Thursday !oujrth birthday. attenoo, Sptemer th lth Mi-. and Mrs. C. HaIt, Toi-- President In the chair. ionto, were recent visitai-s witb Mi-s. Lawrence Staples was ber mother, Mrs. F. Stone. 1--~~ In charge of devotional assist- Mi-. and Mrs. E. Shier, Toi-- F ed by Mrs. Flovd Stinson. onta, were evening dinner ,Minutes of roreed(ing meeting guests at Mr'. LIew HalIowell's :>:* wcre rend by Mi-s. Normani Tucsday last week. Wilon.A dnaton ! 300.0 IMi-. Carl Todd and Ann at- - ' wasmad tacbuch reaurytended the trousseau tea for .-y ia bolster lit depletcd re- sources. A donation was alsoissLnaCi ie yhrt - mother, Mi-,. Wm. Caîl, New- madeta afostx- ctld. castle. Mi-s. Todd poured tea, IL ws anouced hatthin the evening and Ann wasý annual church Riinivei-sary in charge o! the guest book. will be held on Sunday. Sept.- 28. il a.m., with a former, Also attending the trouxsseau minister Mr. George Richard-Itea were Mi-s. Bruce Todd, son as guest speaker. ýMi-. Sid Hallowpll and Nancy. Plans were laid and coM-ý Mi-. and Mrs. Brian Caswellî mittees, formed to deal witb and Beverly were Saturday Thanksgivine- turkey suppex- in dinner guestc;ai tMr. Keith Octaber. (Watch future Com- Caswcll's, Part Hope. Ing Events for panticulars. Mi-. and Mrs. Orme Falîs 4. The next meeting will berie Saturday evening visit- 1 E hedon Oct. 2nd at home o! Oi-s with Mr-. and Mrs. He-b (OUr big 0 Mrs. Clrence age, a ri. Jirn Star-k was In Cas-~ Prograrn opened with atîcton last week. readinit "A Living Faith"l byJ Shilob UCW met at the home Te eete r nt Mn.. Ted Spenceley: reading ýo! Mrs. Moi-row Wednesday, TeSvnie r nt "A Farmer's Wife's Bi-thdav" Ievening last weck. Mrs. Carl right now. by Isabelle. A contest by Mi-5 Todd was in charge and theSWh lt e vrte Qi-arn Moore and a clotbesline coniest by Mi-s. Floyd StInson. meeting was opcned with ali S h o etoe hr rcpeat«ng the Mary Stewart,1 on wheels. Hosteau for the delicious Colleet. reading a Psalr n! oeaogadsct lunch were Mn.. Bei-t Gibsonlunison' and singing a bymni M v ln adseth and Mi-.. Ruth Wilson. lIed by Mn,. Llew Hallowell. whole new field of onle. Mr-. Clane Robinson aCccom- Mn.. Brennan gave the ti-cas-: (At lat hr sa pes panied Mr. Ken Lemay on anl urer's report and Mrs. Rossils .ra k~I~/ excursion down In Montreal Todd was in charge of ber1 region recently just seeing the secretarial portion. The ladies, sigbts. 'enjoyed a pleasant meeting! Master Marti Malcolm en- whicb lncluded some business' joyed a day with Mr. and Mm-. discussions but no definite. Moxue Whitneyyand bayaiet a plans. A!ter the Mizpah bene, Rotarien picnlc at Kleinburg diction Mm.. Morrow servedý on Saturday, foliowed by a lunch and Mna. Todd express-i O Master Jay Malcolm of Don! the ladier ai-e invited ita meet COURTICE - PHONE 728-6206 Millea pent the weekend witb eta the home of Misa Ona bis cousins at Yelverton. a(.ardiner. Our new one: Monte Carlo ne: Caprice he move at your Chevy dealers re for the most mo'ving experience ic new Monte Carlo, Chevrolet's nal luxury Ar even us guys who Our tough one: ChevelUe S55396 work for a living can swing) Take in the new Caprice. If you're a big-car man, this one's right upyýo&drveway. And dig the new Chevelle SS 396. You'll se what makes the tough one even tougher to resst Your Chevrolet dealer has the lot. Putting you first, kecps us first. lu on The Move SEE VOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED CHEVROLET DEALER NICHOLS MOTORS' LIMITED BOWMANVILLE - PHONE 0348N ,..~.. I.. - - e ~4,'~ ~~amm~~mm~ aa~~asw ~~ ton buckles for an passenger, The Ctnadlan q;tateeian oravleSp.1? 1 1V HMMK O n A LI positions, and shoulder belts' f'Rotarian Gives A ddress ~th frO:senforiton.HÂ.YDON Chevelle for 1970 bas been Mr.Intdd for lrBuktoonSEd O n Col or fui Tour of M exico Itotally restyled. The car feat-MranMr.ETws.M.adMs.LydAhI Mexico, a couintry of con- uage, and recalled that some-ttremeridously popular reuo s a new frlotend dgilesin, a laleckburdn .and Ms n Rnl tene r~ trasts with modemn cities, but times in transtating for bis I on the Pacifie Coast with its iduelaldapnng rilWihw Bacun and fronty On air on Frday adasocl. aloo anaznly constructed friendsa he would not only be-I luxury hotels, beaches. swim- !drhxenson lapndonwth fe- Suda.ns. JohnBOosmoOono eximples of centuries oldi corne confused himself, butl ming pools, provision for golf, designed side body panels. The Wiseman, Bowrnanv'.e a-adAdyvstdM.m Aztec architecture, quaint vil- would alsa confuse the friend!tennis, deep sea fishlng, and itotal effect is a f resher, sport-,ed an Mrs. Alice Ttopo o mlh ad Eei liges and towns, luxuriouilly Mexicans. sailing, w as deighteully ier appearance. Mr. end Mrs. B. Mc3ad tufllo udy pleasure resorts, beautituli He told of the Mexicans' ghown by the alides. Surpris- Available'in a choice of sev- i fiwmanvllle. visited hssse isSey stnl ~ beaches, two mounitain ranges,j love of color, artistic design, ingly, although smre of the ýv~ ~ en models in two different ser- Mrs. A. Thompson. tni~Tahr'Claea lkd its population. which bas:and music, and said that this great hotela and restaurants !ies - Malibu and 300 Deluxe,ý Mrs. Mildred Andesnc eebruh interesting customs and var- i demonstrated in mrany are truly expenaive, luxurious j<; Chevelle also offers a unique! vlsitlng friends In Tornc r n r.LodAho~ fed traditions, were described living cari be enjoyed at a InwCw nuto odwt Douglas Blackburn I tr-'oadadRywr ud~ In a graptile oomrnentary lest comparatively reamable cent.alag a1maî ar Iing bis second year atgiu-tagets0 r n da I Ivan y Viebarpdnt Llardaatandi irailet ~I1irscay y Vie PeuientVews of the attractive door as an option for imfproved L ui-ai College, Kemnptile Stewart McTavish. His talk hoeuse that Mr. McTavisb performance on the SS models. Mrs. D. Cameron is aptetEnailn at tbe Rotary Club'. luncheon rne hels im eadin Memorlal Hospitai o-IM- n r.~s ste meeting at the Flying Dutch- . rente the s ine heaulcoNova manville. Her friend hoeadamlMreBct rd Imnn otor Inn was efuectivelyhi wiewr inAauc Attractive new grille styîing, she wili soon be hometusi iale r n ~8 ~lutae yclrdaie -sbowed the well appointedne talitadsdeake Mr-. end Mrs. Roy Ptro et cil aem r~ 11lsrae y clrd ldtliving room, bedrooms, bal.- alihtadsdr a ndfmlrale nM-.adejyd incetVeat hie had taken when visitingi cois treatment, newly styled ind faClyaud atron.Mpe'ak Cesr. the country. cAi thans wllfu nish podwl.- I TheCheroCtlfru19e iPannewlux Vice Presidentis McTavl- Th Cherobt lne-up fr17 sheadlined by anentirely nwpersonal lx-interiors, a new, more durable.-_ Vice PresdentMcTaishing, plus two servants, a gar- ury car, the two-door Monte Carlo spor t coupe. Chevrolet fuli-size models - the exhaust systemn and a new hid-! Mid hat exio isa facint-I ener an a by terunden radio antenna built into; aid hatMexco i a ascnat dner an a o oiu er- Caprice, Impala Custom Coupe, Impala, B3el Air and Biscayne, have been i-e- the windsbield glass (with tac-. Ing land. He referred to the rands and work. ,s anrdy- 1 work donc there by William mnan, coot only. $25 per day designed with many new engineering and safety featui-es. The Chevelle and Nova Itory-installed radios) higblightnriviesL t c s Van Belle, a brother of Ro- pemopl.rodels and Chevrolet station wagons, aiso have undergone many improvemnents. t!he Nova model uine-up, wblcb' tarian Han-y Van Belle, wbo ineludes a coupe and a four- i W lied served witb tbe Overseas' The Alides shown lied been The Monte Carlo, seen above, features s ingle front headlights and a short rear door Sedan. Other innovations!-V h , i ? Student Council in a gavetknbyM.MTaihon ek ýavallable as options Include::Byn tcsi o nyfrtewaty niet ad gi-culurl slfthree trips to Mexico. He' New unitized stereo tape sys-ý heppoetfe pol nXpsowed aOfC hevroletenSeries lght Delay" system that turn s 1terr; variable-ratio power You loci canr eei rmou xeine Mexioan interior, and wh.o nished perfectly, tbey had 1 7 0 h v o e ere lgt off automatically ap-isteerîng; windsbield washerý anid aggressietrdnopatn lhed addresaed the club bere etdonapvious visit forý * proximately two minutes after:f1uld monitor lîght; and an SS, specializinginhhpefracstk. let ea."WllamVn ele$8 a dey per couple, and thiis ,ýthea switch I undof n oackage (available witb the I now tudyng a th Uni IIU I Iother new option is a finger-1 v<ýrsity of the Amnericas in. The lavely harbar at Aca- 'tip windshield wiper controlý Chevrolet Wagonsi Our aim is to mk u oem Mexico City," he said. pulco witb it.s fighing boat.- The 1970 model Chevrolets Jet" 454 cubic inch V8. AIl V8 device which will stop the wip-I Chevrolet's 119-incb wheel-1y' emny The apectacular scenery of land yachts was pictui-ed, as wl nude an entirely new engines foi- the new model ers automatically after dlean- base and I 16-inch wbeelbase' parts of Mexico was depicted! SeatMTvs were Borne exoiting scenes of personal luxury car, the Monte year feature transmission -con-:'n. h idhed lcrcl wgn etr rn-n tl uy panormlc views of cou!n- y, bu deep sea fishing including the Caria, General Motors of Can- trolled spark advance. 'lly-operated power door locks îng innovations, with new, tryside, sea coats, mnountains,lwy,1u is particularly ap- catohing of tbr-ee eailfish ada announced today, Chevi-olet Caprice bas newiand a power trunk lid opener grilles, new boods, new front B R L Y & R V F R mnd bills, aiso of sornie towns 1 parent in tihe outdoai- market, wbich- weigfhed between 110 The Monte Carlo will be color-keyed wheel covers thisalso will be available. Ifender design, and new bump- LMIE and citiez. Other slides show-i whioh is promninently featur- and 115 pounds eaôb. available as a two-dooi- sport Lyear, and Impala features new! Safety features include: Side ers. Distinctive side body trini ed facets o! Mexican life.Icd everywhere. His slides Scenes at Peurto Vallarta coupe, offeiing a choice of n-boy idemoldng t wardiguard door beams; cargo-guard is provided to distinguish dit- Bsns sahhd10 in smll own wbre bewee peseted Mi. MTavsbgines ranging fi-rn a 250 horse- off nicks and dents. Power îuggage compartment; passen- ferent wagon series. In addi- planeyo peia-ntresaidiituedafacthin are r pstedthis .locatibspower, "Turbo-Fi-e" 350 cubic front disc brakes are standard ger-guard door locks with for- tion, the 1970 Kingswood Estate 37 KintretEsOhw Taxncotraciownstelivr wling arinety of bee deveîoptins a to ristinch V-8, tea a360 horsepower, equipment on ail Caprice mod-wadmutd lk bton;WgnostdiicivwheTlph e:7332 City , hc ouriaste sle wbe1Wi-C ong diey ofg* be eeoin satuit454 cubic inch V8. Al engines cI, for 1970, as well as on the exr-one okbttn;Wgnbat isiciewellT Ctwihtuit e hnwrondspa.Marketing is area during tht lest two-yeai-s. fauetasnsincnrle maaCsonCue eegy-absorbing steering col- covers and wood-grained vinyl enroute tn the Pacifiecocast not a chai-e, in tact it is great- AeicnMhvabituraik adance finorôioed Incalaus nthCe.dei-îýumn; energy-absorbing paddedlbody side panels and tailgate BRANCH MANGRM.Duas.Amson was vividly presented by a uy enjayed by botb buyers bouses there, amaveg tnspaust ne o mrve nldd ntewderneýinstrument panel and >front- panels, and the Concours Es-ý numer o! the oo]ored slides. and sellers, lie nointed out. I muce h biedtars n tEliza- t emission controi. o! optional extras availablei seat back tops; lane-change tate Wagon also features wood- 'Me dazzling white buildings Mi-. McTavish iefeired tO beth Taylor and Richard Bur- The Monte Carlo is the most' this year on ail 10 full-size feature in direction signal con- grained vinyl body aide panels en the biy streets there ai-e the individual stal baiders bon. Steamers from Las An- dramatically new of 29 Cbev-IChevrolets is a new "Head- trol; seat beits with pushbut- and taiîgate panels. examles f th traitioal nd teir eres as L'Il" t geles enraute te Acapulco an-.r"let models for 1970. It com- ý-Certain litems il-lstra-tedor described are optional at extra cost. 'building styles of tbe region, the entertainment provided' cher In the stream there be- bines the longest Chevrolet,-.* . qe'-- - ,wbidh features archways and by diffei-ent sections of a cause as yet Peurto Vallarta hood ever with a shortenedI baloonies. Mi-. McTavisb spoke mar-ket. Agricutural produce does net bave a dock. rear deck, and features singlel ot the importance of the sil- o! ail kinds, exotic fruits and Efi-on t hadlights, unique in itsj Ver Industry to the econarny, vegetables in addition te thel Other slides ghowed a near- field. and mentioned the metibods of varieties available bei-e, tro- by fishing village witb round Overali length of the Monte transporting and guarding pical fish, artifacts, leatber- tbatdhed houses, and a bit Carla wIll be 205.8 inches. this precious netxal. He also work, clothing, native ciafts, nearer to the town, another , referred in the akili of the and masses o! wonderful small place, a t-sort with only Standard equiprnent on the ilvererniths. flowcrs ai-e amonig the inter- anc hotel, El Lapa, suru-ound-MotCaowilncuefI Thte people o! Mexico werc esting displays. But thbe pic- cd by palm trees, which prOwbeel caver,; a black-accented - well depicted In Mr. McTav- turc o! a meat vendor's stail vides conifartable accommo- lower body, tender and i-car --U I ï1sh's aceount and throughbis was startling ta North Ameni- dta o ny$ c-todc ollg oe rn p~ograpy. Moatcf Uiccan eyes. Long strips of meat people including meals.diebke;aul-olusn- .. u E-,-- - ' eountry's 43,000,000 popula- wlecsal ugae bt u caibdsnbdad A hidden antenna, embedded --.~- . - -& tion are ither mestiza, the appeared ta Se a clothea uine, showed pictures o! many dif- in the w4nidshield glass, will E UmW ruame given to those of miiixed uncovered wbry hycudfetpae !inet, both be standard with ail factory- I'- ~ ' Spaniah and Indian anccstry e hdcby prospective modern and bistoi-ic, and O! Instailed radios on the Monte I ' - or Indien. Altbougti there wai buyers, and witb na pi-otec- celebrations, parades, and a Carlo. The Mante Carla, in M s"- 300 years of Spanisb i-uic, thc tion wbatevcr from anything carnival. A h Wednesday common wihaI17Cevo ... .,'.,' -;z 4:?. anclent straina of Mayas, Az-inheirI ceremanies wcre pictui-ed as lets, will pi-avide fibre-glass- --, -.- "- tecs, and Toltecs are stili Restaurants o! several kinds JwCi-e groups of obildi-en gaily belted tires as standard equip- ~4 ~' âtrang in the lives and ap- were described and illustu-ated costumed fo hoeTedy et pearances o! many Mexicans. by the speaker. There were ' . number of slides soigo James Speers maved a vrote Big Chevrolet -.. . :x'- . -, -- Despite this ancient Indian soigo thanks to Vice President Fo 90Chvoe'fu-- . f ........ *f bei-itage the Spanish spoken happy and enter t a i ninForTvsh fibsexe19t70z aic, CImpalesfllAr- .. . . In Mexico is pure Castillian youngsters, but also in sad .esnêtonwic hd en- a icyenImplayelwAi Mr-. McTavish stated. He gave contrast anather pictured two abî< i clwRtnast r-nd syling wdith ayncw ,-.. an ausin accunt ! wht sall hild-en eingtau hbare the knowledge and in- grille dcsign, new hood and, -. he modestly termed bis limit-ito beg.I tercsting visits be had enj]OY- tender design, a new ane-picce r~< ,'-i-4l.-.- cd blitytaspak helag- caulo, hswnkyan Eed in Mexico. President TOM fi-ont bumper and distinctivcly -' -A. Cowan also expnessed bis per- "framed'" beadllghts. - sona aprecitio ta ice Engines include a standard IPreident MeTavish. 155-bn "Turbo Tbrift" Six anid

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