s... lB The Canadlaxi Statemyan, Bowmanvllle, Sept. 17, 1969 J LO G S ULT n r:-bui &nMrs Mr.U and Mwis. Ivan Rowîey, .Recent guests wjhMs a si Jcs> n I Ttenham; Misa Jean Rowley Pascoe have beenM.adwr eetspe us and girl fiends, Oshawa; Mr-. Mrs. Allan KeetcWib;wt r n r.M .Fe~ O rono Fair Pri ze List I nd family. Schornberg; Mr Erin, Prince Rupe,BCM.MAr : nd Mrs.BGraJntsonehose MrndMs. Eohnan mn REGISTERE» lted Special for bestpoy G.Glaspell, R.R.2. Oshawa; JntvleareSnd M-. Dejroli.is.Dn annn QUARTER 1BORSE SHOW under saddle owned and iId H.Skinner, Bowmanvllle; L. da Jnest illof Mr n Mr.BSundy ser get wt ih hBire' rohrm 256 Entries !den by boy or girl 14 yrs. or Lloyd Ayre, Bowmanvifls. daBert hson r.RePso wr r.lvadsstri-aM.a English Pleasure-Westen- under and resident of Unitedl erfIG FOURMr Re aso brokFain Sutbuv onCounties of Northumberlandl GUERNSEY SHOW Visitors of the Smiths dur- Donald Colwill n an r.LeleClaut flecticut, U.S.A.;Trail Horse- and Durham.Mrs. F.hO. Smth, BoMan: tnCaleon la, adMsMJhisnsCokvllweSn Peter Froese, Vîrgil, Ont.:Je. English Saddle Class Grand Champion Bull - 1il n i.adMs ihr Western Pleasure - L.ewis Gordyn Brent, R.R. 5. Bow. Hugh Baird, Sunderland, Re- Dy.F .Sih ew.-«tn e ohaai IHolmes, Delphi Falls. N Y J r. manville, Trophy and $10),serve Champion Bull-J. B. dilleasdpperan guestichrdlth thehawa ]Reinn -Larry Rose, Mans- donated by King Koin Lan-Bailey, Uxbridge; G riaarn d iss. rc mi.,ad Mi-.e sashowve-o r id ee- rdRytees P~ al fied hio; Si- Western Plea- derette, ,Bowmanville, 2nd Champion Female-J. B. Bai- MF. G SmitheaSnd M r sup- ing or Ms eterRono uceadautadc sure-John Cratty, Maiion, prize by Gordyn Brent. horse ley. Uxbrldge, Resrve Chanm- Per GuSth of r. aundMs. ig orwa sniss adMr. aH Ohio; Western Rldng-Lewis blanket and $5.00, donat.ed by ion Female - Hugh Baird, prget fM.adMs saa Holmes, Delphi Falls, N.Y.; Sr. Ted's Tack Shop, Stirling, 9underland. LRyd.R. I. wmnvlleer.andersuna upriterwedn us opn Reinlng-Paul Ogwald. Water- Ont. Breeder's Herd-R. Lai-mer, M.iads . BaerAnn ges f rseoreAnsbsetSu eces'Cle 100, Ont.; Bar-el Race-John:l Western Saddle Class-pat Nestieton. rhand rrsp . aentSunayEbeeze o rs. Trno M- Gpng1 ok &bhewaga, Oshawa, Ont. Mile, R.R. 1, Enniskillen. Besi, Udder-R. Larmer, Ruth a-tnd Grset ancroft. ean Mrs.Rbr.hr n o-RylTut Youth Aetlvlty DIviÏion Ont. $5,00 and Trophy don-1 Nestieton. mn Shomashp i alter - ted by Hooper's Jewellery &'j Get of Sire-M. Baird,, Sun- 1970 DM£GECALLENGER R/T TWO-DOOR HAR6DTP Mrs. N. Collocutt, Bow . n- adNny xtowr r.Ca-i htOi Diane Meyei-s. Jamestown, Gif t Shop, Bowmanville; 2nd' yeei N.Y.; E n gl1ish Pleasure- Donna Willlamson, Pappin's,; Ringwood Farina Trophy- Restaurant, flutch Oven Res- killvîsitorfte SKoac.aml and Mrs. Frednteens Blaine Sinellie, Guelph, Ont.; Hockey Ranch, Pickering, 1forDam nd Daughter-F. tavansMterG. arsnthe. Ivft ft faamrsy. RePso tedda MsAlnSodnac Trait Morse-John Froese, Vii-- £4.010 and G.W,G. jeans and Sutcliffe, Cobour-g; Lindley M. T yn.t Mrs-M. Tamb- SO IAibrhda Pasc orhrmtepaneibhesserM.a Ot;Western Pleasure, jacket donated by Tms&Fai-ins rophy-R. Lai-mer, ln1i f rn;GenRee b*~ ~ w i-s.J.dayrt tehmeo foiRg Tyo, saa a e elie GelhOn.;Sons. Newcastle; 3rd Linda Netieton. Dýairy, 1ISi psons-o rs;rs rsG. .Tyrlirtund i GaPoe ti bThhei- ndMs.A-tBevr Oh vsteitNewmtersrs . Western Morsemanship.Dîane Luke, 25 Oshawa Blvd. N.. Premier Breedei--R. Lairm- W. p. îrwîn, rn;Kramp ho me onC.ue.day revleintefMr Eel GPoeatiybotheor SncreSyOpaIyN romr.e1andH.Wilin, ortHrte Meyers. Jamestown, N.Y. Alil-Oshawa, $010mrhnie ieNseo.Furniture Co., Lambert's Bar- lme, fom esayre-eeks iteo t thendldistrc t, p osedSinaCersmunty isexr tes i-andMswJh Bok round Youth - Diane Meyers certIficate donated by George's Premier Exhibitor-M. Baird, ber Shop.tfo he-eesvstteKna Ruriner-up - Patty Lambert,; Men's Wear. Bowmanvllle. ueld. Grand Champion Cake- ihbrdahtradon-aay Funeral was frorn the ed to relatives of Ni-s. Ernest adfmlDtot lie Cleveland, Ohio. Open Parade Morse Cass- Cblldren's Clase&-JenniÎei-Mi-s. J. Bar-low, Orono; 1mw, Dr-. and Mi-s, Cornelius Barlîow Funeral Morne <iLrewopse wyîs A L R V ihhsbohr i.adM ýDavid Brent. R.R. 5, Bow- iBaird, Kenton Bai-d, Paul RsreCapooaeiMatneadfmlyauSet usa fe-on nemnt Tueday. Don Brooksand famiAR EyC LIGRT HORSES i manvîlle. Trophy case donat.- Lai-mer, Robert Baird. eev ChminCk-Mats ndflY. SsTudy tron Iemn usa. Rdebv Contry Dons Furni 4-H Club Class-DvdLi Mrs. F. Payne, Mampton. i Gei-many, aiso visited in Mol- Orono Cemetery, Mi-. and Mrs. Alex Wilson, Look to C'oming vnsfr M.adN-.C a- n Award Speelal CturerBai-n. ec s. mer, Jon La-er. La- Grand Champion Pie-Mrs. i isid. Mr. and Ni-s. O. M.J Fagan Toronto, were recent callers on fuither particularsaottefml wr ussa Amnerican Saddlebred MorsesI.CalcOo. Mare and Foal - Warren!I SHORTHORNS ONTARIO-DURHAM Reserve Champion Pie- grass of Lindsay. Mi-. and Ni-s. Ni-s. F. O. Cooper last Thurs- Mr-. and Mrs. Harold Pascoe Dont forgetteUCW. alntenoStudyTh Ghclt ae e ea esle Alun ad . an !dayr..and Maga im in udye tnd e a rrise lvebr ed-me.tigohusa y vnngoo sabohe8!M.C Snelgrove, Peterborough; Jan-' Grand Champion Bull-A. Grand Ch~ampion Bull-T. Cooat aeMt ea r stWin, islteod Mtr. aynd Mr.nd Ni-. Jni t de on dingrMr.andversyDelain M-S.E. Hallth, t8pmenteBi.O udyM- n etLcy eebruh .Elmhirst & Sons, R.R. il_ Stenger & Son, Ennisklllenltioned-Mrs. Wm. Lake, New- Ms m oro audysetSna tte ruh o i.adMe.Da c .E al hnM-.Br r .Pnoe.M.ad et a Lacey 96Pet b ro igh. dia River. Reserve Cham- (Vetei-naiian's Trophy). 1 castle; Nis. W. B. Hoar, Orono; vening. arn Museum, where is broth- Laughlin, Oshawa, in Wood- Colwell will speak ad s w Ni. Gere Pn ry ad oa tLao! 1 69-Wb n lrook . i on BlngJh, kad eeve C a pon B l- Mrs. 1. arris, Orono. M . and Mrs. Ross Taylor 'erMr. Mac Middleton o! Clare- view Park Club ouse. sides. Eveiyone w c m.f mi vm be. w r ii Filly or Colt, 1 yr.-Blayne Newcastle. . Carl Bradley, Hampton. Banana Layer Cake, te be'and childi-en o! Scarborough m-ont, was showing one of the Mi.ndNs.RsCye- Wllaoeitrsed n:oswthteomesduh. Flint, Bowmanville: B. Snel- Grn hminFmal- Grand Champion Femnale-, ; auctioned-Mrs. F. PaynesetSaudy ihMr. and many steam engines. man had as their supper guests Cubs please contatM-Je erMi.nd rsC.B-. grvLnaEmn serveOrono Ni-s..V.timblet & dyoguesnsiwre Ni-. ad Mrs.!famlly were Sunday dinner ounman, Tro nto; r. Aand deTeywllasopcku orrSnayvsMosrih Oshawa. 1sreChampion Female-Ros- (Purina Tropby). 1OoI Ch.V Gmle as. Reesoi- o! Mrkam. guests o! Ni-.ntoand.Ni-s.deWm. Ni-s. Art M ai-e or G elding -G ii- lyn Flett. Oakwood. Reserve Cham pion Fem ale__ ro-no. YCunsan and Betty, papers and boies o Saturotheir cousin Ni-s. Louis. fin, Bowmanville; Linda Ed- Best group o! four animais 1 W. F. Batty & Son. Decorted BMrhdayCake fr MrJGocdonMoi-to andei-t.Roinson mondson, Gary Rutherford, bred and owned by exhIbItorý Premider Breeder-R. Sien- Adult-Mrs. G. Rainey, Orono; Douglas Mai-ris returned home Ni-. M. W. Downs has i-WrTyOne sM-hawa;Nis Jasn id adSept 7 Hv apr hipaloclrdo(M- n Fenelon Falls; W ro--John Rickard. Newcastle. 1gei - &Son, Enniskillen. Ni-s. J. Walker, Orono. o auda mcamigtheron oGe rma îa. e omavle Ala-thtmrin.IN-s InLidacopne ing.W.Bok ANGUS Premier Exhibtor-R. Sien- White Layer Cake-Ni-s. J. trip to the East Coast. Mh oot eea osptl RundlBwavleAi tth mrig Wakr rn.Congratulations te Miss Ni.Kent Poer ! tended Decoration Day aith Seinwil eeonM-.adNs.waow Stallon-B. Flint. B3. Snel- Grand Champion Bull-Mal-. ger & Son. Enniskillen. Walker, OronerofTheSesin. gi-ove, 3 & 4 W. Bi-ooking. 1coîni Bailey, Uxbridge. i Special donated by A. H. Amateur Class - Two layer Loi-na Ann Gillbank, daughter Milton was a recent guest of Bethesda Cemetery. . Monday evenin.g,Set nd M-adNisDveCye. Rilolmn tabes peial Reerv Chmpon ul-G.,iSurc osBs xii cake-Miss Christena SeIby, of Mr. and Ni-s. Ernest Gil- Mi-. and N-.CasMal rMi. and Ni-s. Clarence Vice, at the C. E. Hallat81p.. aRihodMIse, 11 o m n S a l s S e I b a n k oeR. R. ro n a nha mcpio n Bsue dltle fi ien s i M i . a& M rs. R us eil V ic . T e a n u a S u d a y S c h ol h e e ekadsith bis palnts Palomino Cias B. Beatty. Richmond Mil. oE Bailey-Wes Yellowlees, Newcastle; Ni-s. Naude Craw- bnof i-s . Clr nn ho ba d Oro dte ino. isti. and Ni- Rus.erll V ic niewas hld Sundya i.adN-.Hwr Cye- Mare and Foal-B. Snel-1 Grand Champion Femae- 1 nniskillen. Best Exhibit of ford, Oshawa.ofMsClrneAl w h OnovitdM.adMs Hodpeica eda gi-ove, Janet Lacey. I Dr. R. K. Hollows, Lindsay. Oats-Wes Yellowlees, Ennis- Young Adults - Cake Mix- recently graduated as a nurse Ni-s. Florence Madgett MadilI, Jebson, Beaverton, on Sunday. Camp Samac, SirceS.N, rn Folo 99B.Se v.Reserve Champion Female killen. Miss Christena Selby, New- from the Wellesley Hospital, Kenwood Avenue, Toronto, Ni-s. W. A. Abernethy, Man- with a fairly goodatedce FilyorCot-ina d-MlclmBare.ixbide Special - donated by E. F. R. casile; Miss Carol Caldwell, Toronto. Miss Gilbank is i-e- widow o! the laie Ni-. Wm tUla, visited for several days Races were pi-ovîddfo h Fmondracu.L Gr d. aloumCampy UioFml-OhreRRgwate-Orono; Miss J. Brock, Oshawa. maining on the nur-sing staff Madili and mother ofNi-. Ben last week with Mi-. and Ni-s. chîldien, with pres ad Mar o Gedig-ind E- alclmBaley Ubrdge ýBeTmbn, Orono. e-at 6 Spiffe-en ollci n fro ixh Nis. M. J. Tamblyn and Friday. September l2th. Fun- The September meeting Of ed by somne o! theodeons mondson, G. Griffin, R. Good- HEREFORDS iTabasket o Apples-at q.er enutble oi- Chsrsmas ifis - s. Wesley Cawkex' o! Bow- 1eral was In Toronto on Mon- Eldad UCW was held on Fii A delicious picnicpe r a fellow, Oshawa, Janet Lacey, Grand Champion Bull-Nil- Pies a, Newca aler -n isJ able r.hronomasi-s. manville were Sunday dinner iday afternoon. day evening Ini the Sunday enjoyed by ihosepesn. 63-33 CaroieOre, shaa. ton Cornish & Sons, Indian Foe- I. Challice, Orono: Ni-s. AI usso hi trN-. Mi-. and Ni-s. Wm. Robinson school room with the boys o! This com.muniy xes rlend ue son awaerbrogh;Bnd-ian iv rn srve ConsfrNoIPinsbNwE- McCormick's Special Cake--- Miss Doreen Winterof wîth Ni-. and Ni-s. Kennetb After the usuai opening, i'-ni- s.LeleCiautwon Saddle Cass--B. Snelgrove, nIOn Bul-Milton Coi-nish &Ihibitor-Ai-lene Allun, Orono.Ni-s. R. Sutton, Orono; Ni-s Toronto spent the weekend Syer at Cavan and visited oth.. cludmng minutes and treasurer's Sunday ceiebi-aed - IT G. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~J G-fnDnaWlasoion, nda Rie;Gan JVaNsipeal-By Barlow. Orono. 1wit.h ber parentsMi-. and Ni-s. er relatives and friends. report. the President, Ni-s. quietly their 51iwedn Piceuln; . uteror, ey-i hapin emle- ilonor Girl with Most Points In Fi-y - Cadbury Chocolate CiMWntrrobMil is. Chas. Wood visited Murray Vicewiedte annivei-sary. PeriAnsngG.Rtefrd e-jChamniSons, Idan R-ivertnio eto-iiDnaCake-Ni-s. F. Payne, HaMp- Nis.Thornton Wilsoni-e- Mi-. and Ni-s. Neil C. Wood boys and asked them to bear MisSan ard pet. i ~ ~ ~ Challice. Orono; tied foi- 2nd, ton; Ni-s. J. Barlow, Or(n tre oeairtrewek n aiyi eebruh lhu o hr uiescouple o! days lasi ekwt Retintered Appalonsa Class 1 Reserve Champion F Ct Mll ad Dvi Lx-Nis. N. Selby, Newcastle. 1 in Nemorial Hospital. Bow- and attended the wedding o! period. The rail cail was an- Ni-s. L. C. Snowen Te Mare and Foal-Turophy do- -;tNiltilenndCornish & aythir augterGa riatd by Wm. Scudmore te.! Rilto r; Grp-&iSonCoi-nCtn o! lo and vd u Five Rases Fleur Special-- avle ndi1tyn wt hi auhe alMarilyn swered by the boys with a!also attended the fnrlo J-Ma- Fams; -NarFai ivs. rh & os, Init r-tn Rve owmarniln At.PrsWhite Biead-Nrs. C. Billings, ber daughter and son-in-law, and John Norman Locking- bighlight o! iheir summer. jN- retLimr oia Fol ! 96-Topydoat ID.LaclyConih rohvISpecial - for Mosi Artistic Dis- Orono; Ni-s. R. Sutton, Orono Ni.and mNy i s Fre otahdton In Trinity United Churcb, A brie! worship period fol- r.E R.F play or arrangemh ô 1Bet Hrdent-Nis, C. Layer Cake-Ni-s R. Sutton adfml Smo. Peterborough. Mi-. and Ni-s. iowed, conducied by Ni-sW.jNisE.RFeeaS ' cdbyN-s avdHanb eBe M-ilton Cornish p & rI rngr Oroio' Ni-s. N. Selby, New- Miss Linda Greenwood baslLockington ai-e iesidlng In His. Ni-s. Bruce Taylor took i pentici-, Baldwin: J - M a r! Durhami Co-operative 511' ilîsi.on Isre. AenyH ampton; Ni-s. R. Sut ton, for ber second year. tending University there. cailed on her son Lawrence, LS tonvi JonlleitNe - frniorChminey. e il - o r Exhibitor i-ge- Orono. Congratulations te Ni-s. Ni-s. Nilton J. Tamblyn si-- who bas just returned frorn ITr Vxes Rstit MosoPint ll SowtIJ-M. chnidr Secal Lawrence Marris who was the rived home on Monday. Sept. bis fourth year ai Camp Quin- Dui-hamorCot C op te JohnCmme meriahy-M. niCorn- Murs. t o inHmt now-J. AppSenPie-Mr.N rawford l lucky winner o! the mattress 8th after an enjoyable four No-Lac, te tell about a typicali-pu Durham ounty o-op t John ommerc TroNi-s. aord box.C.iven, awayon.eAple tnpMrto therawhome andbdaysptri gcampawaife.kstriphtthee aid Of dy in cmp Wicked Whtheldi Cocks. Norwood; L. H. Jarvis, Ish for Besi Herd. Nela-e Dalinon Sec OshawfCo;Bter ak-ts-ai the Orono F'air b F. F. ber son Glenn and family ai !snstoe n ktLw P3owmanville; Robbie Robei-ts,!I A. L. Hooey Specal-John l tPie oaedbrs. isM. Crawford. jKramp Ltd. o! Bowmanville. Santa Ana, California. Ni-. rence kept the boys and theiurfoi6:0pn. Orono. k Rickard for Reserve Chami- t r iings te Ni- s. re Special for Most Entries In M. 'and Ni-s. W. R. Young Glenn Tamblyn with bis mothei-s highly entertained. Geldlng-N. Hougton, iok .n errd .1_Ms rd.lo rdeotr.ad r.duge Dnendon ak erlng; Pat Mimne, Ennskillen 1 Ken Asbby Special forBest Payne. Mamilton; 2nd P iD mestic Science - Ni-s. Nej o! Wodeofth erboraouNis. auhtr ane and s o Mai-k He aiso dispiayed the crafts Pdntdb llsSc tre aowNilWodo Ptrbrug ccmane ismthrwhich tbey had learned te Registered Pony o! America Sborthorn Female-John Rie- downaib3EllstSMroeZ.spt-BalOon. were recent visiters o!fNi-s. Ni-s. N. J. Tamblyn. drove the make. After a rolicking day -Trophy by Westvlew Stock kard; Best Shortborn Bull- owavle tersn r N i-.Z Pt. PONY RACE Chai-les Wood. scenic bighway north through in camp. the boys joîned wbole i j t -MrFrs.L.H .J lmîs.uisn Orono.Sho Blair Vaneyke. Tyrone; Joan Ni-s. Norman S. McNally o! California, Oi-egon and Wash- beartedly toto games that Ms 'a-ris. t - aiGa-m~ L . A . . Wl hit. S nPpec a uln' S elly h p Gerrow. Leskard; Kathy New- Cobrne is staying w th er ngton States te British Co. ro m Mare-Trphy donte j G. S. Wmnhie &fon Specrlgil donated to Young Adult wiih cli, Leskard: Lois Gerrow, daughter and son-in-law Mi-. lumbia, Wbile In Vancouver Taylor and Ni-s. Lloyd Bom JMar e-Ti-phy nated br1y shormanh l r by rirl Dost Number o! Points te Miss Leskard; Don Wood, Kendal; and Nis. K. C. Hutton and tey attended the Provincial ad prepared for them. A deli- uyi J- ai E u pi en e - M i- 1 y -s r n d r- sBP i o w n , O h aw a .clou s lu n cN.T.D.UyNsiv e Farms; M. Carpentier. A. Bill Slater; 2nd prize, Wendy rw. saa Carolyn Flynn. Orono; Maur- sons. Mr. NcNally bas i- B.C. Fai- and In Victoria vîsît-cosluhcncdeavi- Saunders, Markham; J-Mai- Cornish.s.BueWd Rlckaby's Special - foi- Nost een Flynn, Orono: Lorelei turned te St. Josepb's Hospital, cd Mi-. and Mis.B-ueWa-lîvely UCW meeting. . D'ai-ms. Fat Cal! Show - sponsoreci Points by New Exhibitor te Bernes, Leskard; Richard Re- Peter-borough for trcatment. delI, formeriy o! Orono, and Solina Communiiy had a IMfqub'i , Stallion-Trophy donaied by by., Canadien Tii-e Associate Ni-s. B. Kinsman, Port Hope. bcrtsp Orono. Mr-. and Ni-s. Jim. Middle- Mi-. and Ni-s. Meniey Litle- vcry suecess!ul Auction Sale L. H. Jai-vis, to J-Mer Farms; Store. ,Bowmanville. naul Simpsons-Sears Special - ton visited Mr. and Ni-s. Wm. wood and son eit Monriey, on Saturday aftei-noon, the - Otrofor Ms ontewNederf PTSO J-Mai- Fai-ns. John Cocks, Deperiment o! Agriculture dMoiPnt nNecraiETSO Jordan ai Ajax lest Thursday California. On their retuurn pi-occeds going towards a neAwtN . Peter' Robinson. iand Food, DurhamanCo ndf Domcstic Science te Ni-s. (lst PrI-ze Winners) Congratulations ta Mr-. and they motorcd through Fresno church orgen. The ladies haci CntF.Payne, Hamipton. Largest Cat-Bifly Clar-ke, MNis. Wm. Irwin on their an BaesiednteSn a table laden with home bak- ~ ~u Rae b elnn 's nsChro- onorr lub o, o.Cron, me' Groups - for Apron Orono. 4th Weddng Aniversary on Joquin Valley, Cal. Tempera- ng andi the OGIT and Ex-g~i~Go dn te J-Mer Fanms; Doug 1onranci Champion; John RikrBzeer. conslsting o! dlsplay Smallest Cat-Shelly Brown, Sunday, September l4th. tucws10o uui2t;poeshc ersmnt Color ~ u'FISi J-Mar Farmns, John Cocks. Newcastle, Meserve Champ a!;ofeigbt api-ns-lst Newcastlc Ncwtanviile. I NMr. and Ni-s. Raiph Vu-tue, elso visiteci Disneyland andi booib. Tvro boys conducieci a REAVY MORSES IBill Gilbarik, Orono: Dn ilonU.C.W.; tieci for 2nd, St. Unusual Pet-Tii Staple- dlend i-suWm. ohrane yl aypacso neet O rwo neecrccnoe ard, Bowmaville, Jaes Ric- Gorge's Anlican CAuguste 3lsî, Ni-s. GlenninTaCch-anecweethisupriset Mas.wonnnbyaMurs.d thAduitzeEntsronainmert BetFu iis ic-ai-c, Bowmariville; JaeRtcMa- Newcastle - Hampton Ladies' Guinea Pig-Ian Noffat,j Sunday dinner guests o!fNi-. lyn andi her ibrce-year-old Vernon Slaunwhite. In the STRS RDA eer on r ooHa n H h r, B w a vle er a-G i-u - Blackstck W .; rdiOrono. land Nis. ary M ercer afer daughter returneci te er evening the young people hadiD iy f o i 63 O'Keefe Tropby - Me b e rOrono; David Gîîbank, Orano; Cniennial Unitedi Cburch, 1Lergest Rabbit-WendY Wil- 1t'hcy had attended the Dec- home et Sante Ana afieur a dance in the ball, the pr- a.adSn rm13 Down. Brooklin. Sid Cornisb, Tyrone; Gcrry Ohawa, Lakeview Hendcraft1 kins, Orono. ;'aration Service et Bethsd spcnding thi-ce wccks with her ceeds of a11 these projects go- LIGHT MORSES Corirsh, Tyrone; Jeck Wilson,. Guilci, Oshawa.- jSmnallest DgJfeyD Cemnetery. Rev. Milton San- motheu- andi sister In Montrcal, ing towards the organ fund. Ponies--Blalr Vaecyke, Ty- Janetville, James Coombes, Dmgi cece JnOno derson a! Toronto waste ee. The commtee bave also i-c-__________________________ i-anc.lle wntpydoad y O l îWes o.ci, Kenos ,W. F. Mr- Largest Dog-Joe Vci-wey, guest, speaker.th1 ub. r nen ts Wedar, Fans, d Knze Oon; .Kay v-Lindsay. Congratulations te M.Fe vile foi es Werp ow eryBo, oghncet roo1N-.J. Rickand, Dog wiih Shortesi, Tail- .Trul who was 92 onSatur-ý vil frbetuiier eryBrs buhtteet'Oon;Mr.J.pny1champion ai 351/4 . Newcastle; Ni-s. M. R. Wad- Jeffery De Jong, Orono. day September l3th, sadl a d dr121'2 ans SEPdcli. Qi-anoa;Vnstone's Floure o wt oneiT1l N-AMnBs., oiet iaddle a1une 1 h') 1 IzGngorMerc-iADowinning piesT-Pypretfi. n IisM-rerF i e1 fond Bi-uton. Orono; JoyceBESR OATNOU ......................................»~~Werry, Nelody McKenzie, * ~ .....Debby Gardon. Joanne Mercer, REG.$22.00 Peter Den Becker, Gord Blak- ai-, Newcastle! Bobby Bubtibg, i-n; Jobriathan Staples. DnyLueyk. Ricky Annaert,0 95Jane Fai-bes, Bobby Dunlop, HOGOT H EK0 SALE ~~~~~~ 79COMPLETNanyE valNor-man Wag- ITDT~~ EK ERSMNS ACNEC SAEoner, John Werry, Elaine Fogg, 13SUTESSPT$1 A SMALL DEPOSIT WILL LAY. AWAY ANY ITEM aiMenz, Paul Simples, Gary Taylor. FOR CHRISTMAS GIVING I Grade 4 ami Under Ist Steve Clarke, Orono; L 2nd Tinimy Staeleten.; David Jono.Lana ucyk, Laurle FurntureDiscunt arn pen undas 61 6oeinns-111 ,'Kimn Richards. Diana Furntur Dicout Brn penSunays'ti 6 .m.Shetier, Ron Taisma, Gary untril, Jake Reli, Bruce Mc- Ij FURNITURE DISCOUNT BARN G Amtrng oby Mls, Hwy. 115-35 at Newcastle Cut-Off Phone 987-4715 Tm sarie arnAkTuyins, 29KNGS..LITE OM VL! Debble Milburn. Patty Hooey. i