£ -. ..~-..-... J -~.............................( .. -. ..- 1I The Newcastle Detachxnent of the Ontario Provinciai r Police during the weeks of August 3lst to September 11th, inveqtigated 30) accidents ini which 4 persans were in- jured and 13 persoas harged. There were 100 Général Occurrences investigated dur- ing the past 12 days, iricluding1ý many of the calis being maTi- cinus damage ta property.ý One of these occurrences was where youths would take lum-ý ber tram a building site and' throw it into the creek near-1 by. Police are most anxious to apprehend the persans or peracels involved. Charges willi be laid. This type oi! an oc currence is getting ta be a very serlous matter in timne spent by the police investigat-' ing. and alsa a considerable los of money ta owners. The Criminal Code provides for:d this type of offence a penalty, of 14 years imprisonmeTlt. Drivint Tip Now that our girls and boys are bock at schoal, it's par- ticularly important for &Il drivera ta watch for children along routes toanmd fromn school. Morning - Noon - and Afternoon. Many children are at schoal for the first time and getting to and train achocl cen be a hazardous. business for thern. T14.ey'll sL&ttie' down soon, but right now., during the first weeks, al carefree child mnight forget. to watch out for you .Re- mnember: Sc,col*.qIn, so Watch Out. Always drive with Ex- tra Care. * In the Editor's Mail September 9, 1989 * Dear Sir: Smashed windshieldm and other damage ta cars haa been reported recently fram aresa hevily used by gra- x'el trucks. I spite of police surveillance many trucks are loaded and/or driven in such a wav that gravei flies off. threatening dam- age to otber vehicles. and geriaus -injury ta cyclists and pedestrians. Evs'n if a truck is loaded * carefully, and apparently legally, there cari be na guarantpe against certain materials flying loase, un- le." the load is totally en- closed. A sudden bump can send pebbles flying high from the floor or sides of a dump truck. A gust of wind can pick a sheet of métal tram a truck load of scrap, and gend it knifing throvgèi the air. «."- A Member of Parliament tefla us he proposes ta ask the Ontario Department of Transport ta bring in new régulations requiring loads of loase mnaterial such as gravel and sand to b. oov- ed:and secured by tarps. Safety League ta support thihkmove. Mandatory covers would put the truck operators ta somne expense and trouble. But it seemas certain that it would reduce t'he danger and expense ta other road users; and it would help to free police effort for othet' areas of traffic enfarce- ment. We would very mnuch appreciate hearing fromnany of your readers who have views about thé introduc- bion of auch a regulation. It wauld be particularly helpful ta have detail& of any réent cases of personal Injury or extensive damage arieing from gra vl or other matrial flying off loaded trucks. YOUÏS truly, Fred H. Ellis, Oshawa Man lnjured Early This Morning A young mani waa aeverely1 injured lni a hlghway accident early tht. rnornlng, Wednes- doy, Gary Milba, g 2.385 DIvision Street, lesw, ot contrai of bis car on No. 21 HIghway at Courtice at 2:251 man. Tlhe vehicle left thé travelled portion of the road,~ etruck a Department of Mlgh- wayxsign. and then crashed short distance !urther frGmý the. road. Mr. Millar. who sustained htad, neck and back Injuries was taken to Oshawa General H{ospital by an Ontario Ho,- Pital Services Commission Ain- bance. He waa given ornerg- ency treatment immedlately on arrivai there. and was then admitted as a patient. ]Dam- ae to hi$ car waa extenive. Constable G. Kozak. O??. was thé- investlgting otticer. members ofthéiiiNewcastle Detachiment o! the OPP In- vestigated elght minor acl- dent4t between Fr.ldiy evfli and Monday morning. Sunday st 1:10 &-n. tuS? Was à two-car coullson on iIng Street at Liberty. Thé drivera of the cars Iavolved were Allen Crowells. R.1t. 2, Newcaftle, and Isabel L. Jone/'112fluke St. Totaml ~'m~ to the te'ô cars aMountd t*> about $400. Clonstable Traci Davis lavtt- Dominion customers deserve more quality, service and value. That's the promise our shoppers have been proving for the past fifty years. We're flot going to celebrate the past. No! Starting today, Dominion's going to have "A Jubilation" to re-dedicate our promise for the next fifty -and they're the years that count! 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