Wed in Islington United Eastdaaie ollegiete and Vo- cational Institute, Oshawa PEERS - QUANTRILL -, ' Orono United Church. pret- Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. E. Griffin, shown in the tily decorated with bouquets above photo, were married in Islington United Church of white and yellow 'munis at 5o'cock n Sturdy ateroonAugst 2, 169.and white candies in candel- at 5o'cock n Sturdy aternonAugut. 3, 169.abra was the attractive set- The bride is the former Miss Hilary Anseli, daughter, ting for the marriage on Sat- of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Anseil of Etobicoke. and~ urday afternooi, August 16ji the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grîf fin 1969, at 3 o'clock of Miss Marilyn Laurene Quantrili of Osawa.and Mr. Charles William GRIFFIN - ANSELL in marriage bler father, Peers Jr. The bride is thic dau.ghte'r of Mr. and Mrs. Arrangements of W hittcwas attired in a fuil length Evan M. Quantriil of Orono, munis anid gladioli formed an gown of white organza with and the groom is thc son of attractive sctting i Islington Swîss embroidered fine laceIMr. and Mrs. Charles W. United Cliurch for the mar- overlay. A lace ruffle edged Peers Sr. of Calgary, Alberta. riage on Saturday afternoon, the high neckline and alsol The officiating clergyman August 23, 1969, at 5 o'clock flic cuffs of the long fitted' was Rev. Basil LoDg. Mrs. R. of Miss Hilary Ansel. daugh- siceves. The back of the gowniMorton *playcd the wedding ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomasiformed a long flowing train music and aiso accompanied~ R. Anseil of Etobicoke, andiwhich fell from the shoulders,ithe soloist, Mr. Glenn Allin. Mr. Robert J. E. Griffîn, son and ber floor-length tul1cý Given i marriage by ber'j of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Grif- veil was beld by a floral had- father, the bride wore a fui].-! fin of Oshawa. Rev. A. Myleslpiece.. She carried a bouquet length gown of white peau del was thc offî clergyman. of pînk orrhids and pink charme trinined at the cm- 'Me bride, who was gven1bweetheart roses, pire waistline wlth rose ap- plique. The long, lily-pointedE * sîceves were enhanced by c cut-lace open rose applique, p P and the full-length train was, accen'ted by open rose ap- QUACKS STEAL TIME plique at the lower corners. Her sheulder-length veil wasn FROM Y UR LIV caught to a wedding ringe headpiece which was high- 0 V Mdicl qaeeryis tîî ainuti illon lighted ýby rose applique as I dollar business andI t ls growlng ail the time. onwte gon.aye Booe criedIV Every day they steal, not only money but More awhite a Parangeent Bofwhitedu * Importantly, preclous treatmnent time froni the I wihisaangsepnisofwihi mlsgulded ufferer. Most frequently hs traiing ivy. quacks prey upon people with Arthritis, Rheu- Mis. Wm, S. Moffat was matlsmn, skin disorders, obesity and cancer. matron of honor and Mrs. __ AIways consuit wlth licensed prof essionala Francis Quantrili and Mrs.c personnel. When In doubt check with your local Wm. Brunt were thec bridés- inelicl oeltyor pubie leaith authorities. * naids. Miss Patricia Quantnil Bewae o theproisedquik-cue o medcal wasflower girl. Ail wore'o gadget unless your physician approves. formal length gowns of mauve I peau de soie wîth white lace t 'YOU OR VOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US trimn and mauve velvet ribbon' when you need a dellvery. We wilI deliverI at the empire waistline. Each promptly without extra charge. A great many wore a white shasta daisyh people rely on us for extra health needs. hedrf(at hirbuut * We weicome requests for deflvery service and * eadresof ndwhte itbouqiues Chargex aceounts. wîih a tiouch of yellow. ) Mr. Wm. Goffin was best e 5sV man ani the ushers wcre Mr. Allan Quantrilndenr. arRo- b A bert Peers. The ring bearer j jSRPTO HA M C 1 was Mr. Stephen Moffat. Areception was held et thie E3 Odd Fellows Hall, Orono. The bride's mother receivcd wear- 67 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE ing a turquoise corded silk a EPHONE 623-2546 dress and matehing lace coat, t and Uic grooni's mother, who chose a pale turquoise shan-c tung dress with matching bat,'1 as-ited to receive. To coon-n THE CANADIAN CLUB 0F WEST DURHAM ANNOUNCES THE OPENING 0F ITS 1969-70 SEASON MEETINGS TO BE HELÙ7 IN TRINITY CHURCH HALL, BOWMANVILLE, AT 8:15 P.M. FIRST SPEAKER THE HON. PAUL HELLYER SEPTEMBER 29, 1969 OTHER SPEAKERS Oct. 29- R. A. J. Phillips - "Ottawa, A Capital For Canadiens" Nov. 21 - Norman K. Rebin - "The Concept cf Neutrality As a Basis for Canadian Foreign Policy" Jan. 20 - Christian De Leet - "The Nightniarc of Pollution In Canada" Feb. 23 - Shaun Heron - "Canada - The New Mood" March Meeting - To Be Announced Club membership is open te ail interested. The Sept. 29th meeting is open te present and new members only. Join now and be eligible for al six meetings& Tickets may be sccured from any mem ber of the Executive, or at the door. Executive Members: Mm. W. Teeple Mnrs. LGibon Mr. G. EliiotI Mr. Willam AUn Mns. C. AflM.ILSevn Riekand r. LOsborne M.E tvn Mm0.MbadMmA.. Horstimas Mr. D. CflI /MrJa.Aberaethy Miss ML AllibiMr. IL. Eatt Single Membership 85; Double M.%enbersbip $9., Student Membership $1. Setting Was Orono United Church Mr. and Mrs. Charles William Peers Jr. are shc, they cut the wedding cake at the reception following day afternoon, August 16, 1969, at 3 o'clock in Orono is the former Miss Marilyn Leurene Quantrili, daught M. Quantnili of Orono, and the groom is the son of Peers Sr., Calgary, Alta. Reports fromlu Women's Institutes BOWMANVTLLE W. 1 tion. We recd certain food tMiss Pat Graham of Killy-1 man, North.crn Ireland. a cou-, sin of Uic bride, was maid cf; honor, end tihe bridcsnmids' were Mrs. Peter Bryant, Pleasant Point, and Miss Laura Griffin. Oshawa. both sisters of Uie groom. Ite jun- ior bridesmaids were Miss Dorothy Grahami of Killy- mon, Northerxi Ireland, cousin of Uic bride, and Miss Allilson Rahm of Ajax. cousin of Uic groom. Miss Bernice RectI of Lindsay was flower girl. AU, but the flower girl, wcrc full- lehigth dresses of pink peau de soie with overlay cf pink Chantilly lace and empres waistIine. The flower girl wore a frock of white peau de soie andI white Chantilly lace with pink trim. The at- tendants wore snall pink flowers in their coiffeures and carried bouquets of pink and red carnations centred with e pink orchid. Mr. George Bradley of Sud- bury was best mani and ush- ering were Mr. Peter Bryant of Pleasant Point, brother-in- law of the groom, and Mr. Stephen Ansel cf Etobicoke, brother cf the bride. The reception was held et' the Holiday Inn, Etobicoke, wherc Uic bride's mother re- ceived wearing a formai length gown cf yellow Chan- tilly lace. She was assisted in receiving by Uic groom'Is mother who wore a gown of green Chantilly lace, aise in formai length. Both worcl white orchid corsages. Before lcaving for their honcymoon et Honey Harbour, Ont.. Uic bride donned for travelling a white brocaded coat and dress with navy ac- cessories and corsage of pink carnations. Mr. and Mrs. Griffin are residing at 201 Kluane St., R.R. 4, Oshawa. The bride is a heirdresser andI received her education li England. The groom attended Enniskillcn Public School and values - vitains, minerais con The first bail meeting of the and proteins. If we work socý Bowmanville W. 1. was held around the Droteins. vitanin Sept. 4th at the Salvation and minerais, we should have Army Young People's Hall1 a well-balanced diet. Other ,vith a fairly gond attendance. tliings she menioned were President Mrs. C. W. Dow- thie carbohydrates, daily water'. ney welcomed Uic members requirement, sleep for good our and visitons and thie meeting health, clainlmness, oral hy Cor opened wiUi O Canada, Uic giene, exeroise, the best being den [nstitute Ode and the Mary to walk. She also mentioned cha Stewart Collet.L As Mrs. I. Womnan toi Womein week com- ing. Mfunday, Uic secretary-treas- ing up in October. Four reai urer was on holidaYs, Mrs. M. thinag to good health. are por Wisemian took lier place. mental, physical, emon alcail Mrs. M. Flintoff was the andI spiritual. A vote of thank-s "« convenor of Uic prograni on was given to Mrs. Ward by P1ei Eealth. Mrs. Dr. A. Blair was Mrs. W. Ma]ley. chairman for thc program. Minutes of thlalst mneetingl Bas She took the motto, "Go)od were read and approved and of Health andI good food are two a financial. statement read by hea of lifc's greatest blessings." Mrs. Wisemasi. Correspon- Ahi MArs, Blair said being a den- dence was read. The roll cail hun tist's wife, sihe was faniiij .vith. Uic teeth and tihat the, mouth is the gaiteway to riealth. Fresh fruit la better to clean the teeth immediate- 1y after eating. She told sev- f eral intercsting stories li con-M M blessisig whesi we have goodý ;eeth, gond tecth lead to gond riealth. How can we expect good hcalth if we are flot us- ing good food te build healthy~ ~ .. l "~ bodies. She quotcd a motte lin a dentist's office, "Without :eeth, there cen be uno chew- !ng, Wthout chewlig there can be no nounishmcnt, With-! out nourishmexit there caxi be' no health, Without health, vlhat is life?" There wes conumunity sing-......... ing led by Mrs. E. Twist, ac- companîe by Mrs. O. Bragg - School Days, The Old. Oaken Bucket, and Take Time te Smile. Mrs. Blair introduced Uic guest speaker. Mrs. G. K. Vard. S$he spoke on "Health". Health is defined as a state cf well bcing for your bodies and minds. Anything Uiat af- fects one, affects the other. Our bodies are truly wonder- ful medhanisms whioh God has created. lI order te have .ealthy bodies, there arc a few rules te, follow, Uic great- est weakness is in fonds andI 'itamins. We necd a baIancedý diet. Ail our body functiois require food in order tô funie- plement their dresses, each more a white cymbidiumno- :hid corsage. The happy couple's wedding! rip was te their new home in 'crt McMurray, Alberta, viaî Calgary, Alberta. For travel- ng Uic bride wore a mauve coat andI drw ensemble .e- .ented by a gardenie andI ste- lianotis corsage. A sehool teacher, the bride. ittended Orono and Bowman-i Ordo'S.Comptoir ville High Sobools and is a One of dm» days grduate of Pcterborougii rcachers' College. The groomWouIdn't be nic Isa mechanie and receivedenEu M hi his education li Nova Seti. a saeMc Several parties were held In honor of thc bride. Former1 felow teachers of Dr. Phil-1 lPs School in Oshawa held a Ceria item iIlu.,traied or descrtbed are op miceilaneous shower. A simd- lr shower was heltI by the the Suindy School at Kirby;R O RM Orono friends and neigh-R O bosattended a diower held in thec Christian EducationCOtJRTICE - PHONE 728-6206 Centrc of Ornn United W cc i B ar fe fu hý0 hE fe es vi di re h ce at vi gr i h fe la th ar bc in motto "Consider the turtle; The Canadian Statesmari, Bowmanville, Sept. 17, 1969 ae aticsohn, ncck aeu!" y ener on Saturday. niose we meet. If we resct Mr.Joc ayo, agtw b secretary was istruct- out for Uie crumbs of happi- vocal solos "The Leinon Tree" to writea lettai' to the iiess, we will reccive a loaf ot and "Thbe RSd S ong." Municipal Council requesting contentment." Mm. Best tiien welcorned clean-up of road ailowance Mrs. K. Hopkins gave a Uic uabndawho ercaurandI e lot fonmerly owned by demonstration on IC op pe r ghe tu, antI into wruc te UcCPR., now ovengrown Tooling," trecing Uic procesa guest speaker, Mr. Lloyd with weeds and long grasses, from Uic starting wtth a plece Jolison whoteehes t B which becomes a fine hazard. of copper t the flxilshing and manvifle High School. Mr. Lundh was served by Uic mounting of e design. Johnson spent the lest two Hiistorical Research Group. Mrs. H. Cryderman, presl. years teaching a boys' sebool The Octobei- meeting will dent. thanked Mrs. Hopklars li Ugenda. He gave us a very feature Mms. David Thomson, and Mrs. Morton for thie even- tntcnesting talk and showed B.A., L.L.B., cf Lindsay, Who. ing's prograni. The meeting many pictures of thie country- wlll spek on Wils and Suc- closed with Uic rcpcatlng 01 side. Mr. Bruce Tink thank- cession Duties. thie Collect in unison. cd the speaker. Mrs. Hopkýns and her group Laterd aelunchofedeelidclf-uf clus undila eoer dhll PLE GROVE W. 1. sevdalnhfjeiefut ciou luch n th loer allsalad andI cookies wth te served by Uic East Group. The Womnen's Institute met and ooffee. :>wn thE Uni der Mr. was rang dele tior Mrs dele cIosý Quel lunces a totally new lau Suprome. nt&. Anotlwr ln@? pttonal at exra oeil. Youngmobile to the rescue! Oldsmobtie's tuxurious new Cutlass Suprême witl whtsk you away from routine for as tittle as ht taNces ta own a routine car. To power your getaway* an sxtrbordtnary 4-barret, 350-cublc-lnch Rooket V8. To ii h LfC .. . iali on>1 .t. O at 8 p.m. with 19 members and two visitons present. The roil caU I«Siliy tings I have donc in the kitchen" was ans- wered by ail. Mrs. C. Jcffery gave Uic GootI Neighbors re- port fon thie peet three mon Vhs. It was decided net to par- ticipate li Uic 4-H projeet, "The Third Mca].". Mrs. K. Hopkins andI Mr. W. Brown volunteened to look af.ter the eetering for Uic Teachers on Sept. lafli. The group lead- ers are te be a committce to look after the arrangements for our I'Lucky Luncheon" on Oct. 16th. It was decided to renew oui' subseniption f0 the Association of Consumers. Mis. K. Hopkins, convenor of Home Economics, was in charge of thc following pro- grani. The motte "Gather the crumbs of happincss and they will make you a loaf of contentment" was commented on by Mrs. S. Morton. She said, "Happiness is expressing joy and gledness. The happy heartisl content with simple things. We have te be right' with our Maker. Look for ]BETHANY W. L ,The Bethany Women's In- stitute held ther first meeting cf the f ail season at Uic home of the President, Mis. Addi- '""' ~.son Scott, in chrge of the *..Wi*th Mis. Ross Neaiz as con- ".venor Mrs Neals commented on thc motto "A beckwerd glaxioe may encourage f or war d stnides." Mrs. James Fraser, Mrs. Vinicent Jackson, Mis. Earl Westherilt, Mis. Earl Mc- Quaid, Mis. Harold Thompson, Mrs. Glenn Preston, Mis. Thomas - Jennings and' Mrs. Ross Neals took part in relat- - mng the history of The T. Eaton Company. "Timothy Eaton came to Canada in 1856 andI in 1869 - 100 years ega - opened his first store in Tor- o nto." A Family Trce was shown, listing ali the descend- ants. Early catalogues were on displey, the first one is- sued in 1884 contained 32 pages, now Uic giant bock is mailed to over eleven million have been opencd ail acros. Canada. Photostatjc copies of .j ' their first weekly sale bis and sheets cf newspaper ad- "vertising wcrc also displayed, obtained from Uic archives cf <Eaton's Coilege St. store. Two o' f their slogans, "The Cus- tomer Is A.lways Right" and '.CrGods setislactory or money .,,. uned" have made them fanieus in shiopping by mail iin the above photo as or et their stores. "The story heir marniage on Satur- of the T. Eaten Cc. Is a chap- lited Church. The bride fer in Canadian Histor." of Mr. and Mrs. Evan Mis. Addisoni Scott read a andMrs Chrle W.poem, "How Do You Rate and rs. henls W.Yoursclf as a W. 1. Member?" Photo by Astor Studio The roll cai was answered by "A favorite seying of your ianswered, Name a com- Graxidmother". )n household poison. Ar. Mis. Vincent Jackson gave gements wcre matIe for e Uic financia report minutes legete to the Area Conven- cf previotis meeting, and dtIaît n in Toronto on Nov. 5-6-7. wiUi correspondence which s. E. Twist is ta be the included thainks from thec Gai- legate, with Mis. A. Blair den Plough Lodge at Cobourg Salternate. The meeting for gifts; frein Mrs. R. Ruth, sed with GotI Save Uic district presidexit; froni Col- ten. Lunch was senved by Oniial Coach Lines ne new bus Sgroup in charge. Social service through. Rethany te venirr, Mis. H. Coucli. A Toronto e ac h Wedncsday; ial trne was enjoyed by all frSm Uie Dept. of Highweys onerning signs et Highways 7A, 115 andI 35; from, Mise SOLINA W. 1. Norma S mith expressing thenks for her gift when she Mle September meeting cf reeîved ber Provincial hon- rBra'nch was hcld in tUic ors in 4-H club work, aiso nniunity Hall with Presi- thlaiiks te ail the leaders for it Viola Ashuton lin the her training ir. Ater Uic usual open- Announcement was made oui' Secretery Rita Fraser thiat Miss Karen Murdock will id Uic minutes financiai ne- be the new District Super- rt andI correspondence. Rail vison of 4-H club work; Mrs. 1was very well enswcred, Glenn Preston andI Mrs. Wal- 'at I do, when 1 do as I ter Fallis wiIl be Uic local ýase."leaders of ftic bail course "The irs. Pet Best, leader of the Third Mca!". st Group, then took charge A bus trip wil take mem- the prograni under Uic bers toi The Story Bock Park iding of "Citizenship." Mrs. et London, The Mill End îa Laxigmaid made à few Store at Hespelen and Uic îorous remarks on Uic Mennonîte Market et K.itch- RHEUMATIC PAIN? Rumacaps capsules give proven relief 1 Rumnacaps are speciully formu. lated ta give you fast relief-the vcry f irst day-from nagglnq rheumnatic pains and aches. AIs proven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica, headache end neuritic pains. Ask for nevf Rumnacaps-a distinctive blut and white capsule of soothinq comfo rt-at your local drugglt'a. Rumnacaps are capoul« cf soothing comfort? IUmacaos* Escape Machine: distingulsh it: trtm new styling and an etegantly formai new roofltne. Olds Cutlass Supreme. Just one of the 29 Escape Machilnes from Oldanmobiie. 0ldvmoble: Escapekfm theordhwy. EIJ - - -- - - .-.m . .... W wag Le " - NICHOLS MOTORS LIMlTED BOWMaNlVILLE- PHONE 6-2556 the best, net Uic worst, in ýl ' 1-