* - h. anadan tateman, Eomanlfll Set. 17, 1009~ ru- r~ru-Cs- Iwo mIm ragnI i oGOLP' i Trhé Bowminfvillé CCutry Club Iîoiérlti àa sttw 961_1 imRbmtilp utitil thée edé d thé sémenô, wflieh *111 allôw' ifiyolié tô play lot thé pricé 6i thé firat yéar ftitItiftIfé 01 ___ fiIty brickg, 'Thére tg stili plenity 6! goôdé ôlfii# wéafher lait, déné for &ibýe 6ft*#ltig oiin e thé éenýli or cutiOU club, M o n s dr bâth. hété id Éii céllénf ÔppÔttlufity té>i OI üf lree 61 charge.9 The initiation tce di 200.00 16aid ovér four yêarg bas t6 L e lié pold àanyWà'y, iô why Êêt p"y nnw, instéad 61 waiting until I i j r L e w - '-w Chartran'"s Men' s Wear Win Softbail Championship 518 yu. ' ~Msité Arinnàê r t, dur t t t t f eountry cousin from Orono f t f f ~ Ihad the big triple of the nigbt LA!DIÉ9 g90"#ALL! and the young dêàwsn. An- Anèther big ladies softball «ttraction 19 iiatéd f&r the1 naert had £sWft 61 309-295- ]M~Ià Païk whenCoboug meès Cou t 'Iiufsday fitht 23 for 834. à ti tib1e boost- 14é*ôria Pai, wen Cbour mets Curtie, dAnnaert's È#irifé ta 257 dît '1:* .and Is now tied with Larry CobÔôui, currently lead thé béaqt 61 seven Duthavi l dièe Piper for first place. MÉI1, t*6 gainém tô one, WiUt t hé 1dutth énéÔiUitt )ivfrf Lârry PIPOr had à nIte 793 bMfe*dTédeyin Cobourg. And two gâmés cifil1. tn ~eéIxplaye Tueey èeies. rep ncin g DPavé Ayn- + t t f Ilds. haà 175 (21§461r); lu ss Sofme 50 fteletur uOt héÈrt VatLeses 'nMurphy 756 (284), Walt Hate- Som 50fonheler tunedeu tothé8rs pactce esily 749 (273), Russ "Wigger" of the Bawmanvlll High Sehool senior lkedmfen, *ith nèârly tOke 12§ (295), Ab Sâmn n 25 Mf hopefuis ouit for thé junior squid. Thé juniors open up (297,, Claren<ëé Oke 7.22 (2V),l né#ulàr league play on Thursday afterno6n, while thé sénior! St TrA'win 721 (32§), Teéd *b ii currently invoilvcëd ln hxhibitionplygB lec 720 andekthé t t t t f Hp Palmer 7lý (253), Russ SUNDY BO LING"Duitch" Hailman 715 (264), SUNAY OW ING Maurice Richards 705 (309), The Young Aduit fwing Léàafué gts underway this Don Oke 704 <276). Sunday night et 4-évén &c'lark at 1Libértý ËEwl. It la open to: Doug Mc1Xnight had a 30)2 Ë* laié An éri, ihe Énnld r ismalabétween the!single gamè, John Càrtér 296, afl of là and 14. Butch Mine 295, Art. Rowe dfe ô!18 nd 4.286, Ai Osborne 293, Ron, If yau wouid liké ta patci*ité in thé leagué. contact "Fats" Etcher 265, George 1blety Eow! manageér Ai Osi«rnéor }lérold Bennett. "Snuib" Pfpér 261 ànd Luke Annaert 260. t t t rFrank',- Variety won high: &.ECTRONS OUT single 1257 whlle Jury & Bowrnanvillé Electroni ran lytto' à hard-hitting club and Loveil took high triple 3570.1 'tough pitcher, #q theàv bowed out Wi thé playofi picture. Ray Van Meer had à 10w I turn 126 gaine. Frank Blutit hadý bétore another large ur-out at thé Rotary FwÊk, Saturday43fothe mè tOternoory. 1 The bykgtro'g Fôd tËam' Danny Loclbôa turned in a strong four hit pertormance ihas a pèrféitt reord ta daté té completely muffle the Harry Locke "V bate, while Thorold1 with SIX Winiq end ne 1osý.e's For the seconid consecutive vear, Chartran's Men's and Are In top spot 1n the Wear took the Intermediate Town Softball chamnpion- wére collectini 15 safeties to wihi 10-5. and capture the best tèarl standing. Jury & Lovel s po ona ihdeetn h li hee 6! three OntArjô serOfii-nal series, two games ta one. land Frank's Varlety have aý hpoModyngt e'aigteElsSore The hard-hitting visitors blastéd three home run,ý l the1 record of five wins and onîy four gamnes out of six. Score in the final was 6-2. Team 4hltoinnings, afe hé BIetrshid std a three run one Iôss. imembers, front row, lef t to right, Alian Farrow, Ron ~tia twaalte té cr6n Q sge nd Week - 1.4t Sehedule__ Ïéventh Inning raily to narrow the ga>, ta -. ,odboa didn't A,'eraieq 'b.ur his o%*n cauge ithér when he côlletéd à homer, double aric.A'naer - 27A WU5è. ndsne.Larry Piper --------6 257, It was no disgrace ta lose ta thé stroùg Thorold crew.i'Al Oc-borne 6i 249' On Friday, Sept. l2th, OnieA. Donoghue ----- 823 'ho Electrong ênjoyed a fine season, includlng an exciting Rusg Haliman ----- 6 248 Etciher took ail honors for the ,L. Piper -----------------658 ,riiné game seré against Port Hope that wént rlght down toi Si Trewln - 6 240 ladies with a nice high triple 0. Etcher -- -----------«7, thé*ir, ad aothr payff victory ôven' cteemore. Brian Martyn __ 6 2.18 of -43 and high single of 342.'E. Brock .-- ---------------- 704 téwradnohrpaoRin tchtr -------- 6 23 7 She now holds tlhe hieh aver- M. Wilcox --------------- 654 Judging by thé large crowds whô wétcéhed the playoff S, Rugs Hately -------- 6 217 age ci 233.V.Poî- 2 you would have ta gay that the eécneutive and playeri have Art Bowé - --5-Mr-y Echr t--h---B-Rihad ---------_720 ýdône a trernendous job in revivinig intermtediéte basebaîl in Hap P1err------ 6 234: triple for the men with 8'76 F. Bradley 6 t6wn. Last year thé Eletfrns reached thé Ontrlo finale, and q Olte - A- 2.14 and holds the top average of '150 Cames and __Ovet65 thig year it was the gerni-finalà Not 15Wd orr W sport that hadý John 2«13- 292. Ab Donoghue took the L ie 5 io 1dcde Carter ------- 2.32 high single witih 348. H. Riernod - ---- 259 béen dead and buried jrà éae.4ýb Sarian ---- 6 231 HMaRytynd.-Bagne----,-W---c-- Z6 The Electrons aré a yotlng bail teain, and lèt'à hope they Doug MeKnilght 6 2 27 C Eteher, Prout, and M. Et- Geo. Piper ---------- ---273 receive the support they demerve, beCause we would like u lrec ke Annae ---- 6 225 he each took 5 points from'GE ils----------------281 tàIntermediate basball arounà for a long tMme té corne. LBeuceîds L. Pipr.2Geo PPpR.RMitchell- 25 t t t t t Harold Mchelson Ai 223 er, Brock, M. Richards, and V. Prout - .--2,52 DonOke B. Richards. A.Wa---------- 27E DUC WES LED CH MSTed iBagnelli---- 6 222i 300 Cames and Over 'T. Milison - ---- 251 Sturday alternoôn was champiônship dày at the BÔw- Don Êagnel - 6 222' Ah Donoghue - --- :48 Team Standings rianville Country Club, and Bruce Welsh, one of threé Welsh's George Piper --------- 6 221 M. Etèh e r--------- 323-314.Tnm liivolvèd in fnatl play, walked off with a pair oi titis to lad Dick Perfect -- - --- - 6 20. Etcher - 342 Martyn - Pins 6238 SWalt Hately 6 21. B. R hrs ------------- 320 M. Ece - - - ------- 6228 E th &.Maurice Richard.s6- 219650 ripesM. Etcher ------_6278 V Bruce shot a 71 ta capture thé junior handicap évent ovèr Jack Ébnd _6 M.---t 65he r ipé .Ece - Il 211 . Eth,,876 Wilcox - 5--- 089 Bob Preaton, by g two and ane margin. ThCÈy wèËré *11 evên Bob Williamns --------- 6 218. 5879_ iftér 15 hales, wheh. Weloh, who recorded j4 oit thé secQnd, Jim Bruton ---- 6 ýl4I ErniC Perfect -_- - 6 111 tôbkl thé next two.1 Frank Môhun -- --3 211 Bruce came right back with a 74 ta défeat "Ëutch" Sté- Doug Carter . -__ à 210) phén Sevén and ive ln thé junior championïship match. Randy Beauprie - é 09 Unclé Lcw Welsh and cousin Bob Welsh eàch géve 't a Bob Kewtnt ---- 6 206',2uqL iBlonbrLsto - - 6 26! great battie, before ging down ta deféut. Alter ail, four'EloW £ IV£- i 20 Welsh champions right have givén gôlfers by any other. Murray Tighc ------~ 202ý Ëame a dcide inéricit'ycompex.Ron McLean ------ à 212 riaea dcied nfrioit coplx.Dr. H. B. Rundié - -- 201! Phil Trudelle took the men's club championship on thé Bob Smith . 6-2-0--1---- 042 trèngth o! a two and one win over Bob, In a teàl hard-fought Frank Eccles 6 3 êncounter. Bob held a anc up léad after nine. then lnst th@ J TeaM Sigt 3nd20 xiéxt two ta, go one do*n. they. ticd thé next five, belote ~ 'tiudélle Won tihé 17th. Phil shat a 79 and Bob An 81. Dykstra's PNIC _ull out gaonc up victory ôver Lew Welsh aftér béIng twô ýrry & Loveli e 1 6994 5: dô*n Éft the cnd ni téti haleS. JOhn sank ii fine sêven-ôot rietynkS 1 6l44 t;PNIS on thé l7th ta go anê up, and then with Lew havlng an easy Ken's ' ,àr putt, lie droppéd another gooid putt o'n the 18th ta salvage Mën'g Wear- 4 2 6502 41 à par and win thc match. They ecd shot 84's, with the doctor Sélby GrèntI HëRting 3 à939 *1à pasting a comneback 39 on the second nine. 1. G.A. - 3 3 6214 3 BI K Thé senior championship waq a see-saw afiair, going into Néls OsborneéU I K ,ân é*tri hale hefore Jacki Gay finally w6n o'vér Ëôb Leyeén. lnsurancç - 2 4 Ë556 2 ?frailing by one halé, Bob puilled ut à Win On thé l8th té GMutton ....& 4547Ô1 2 ,éidIt iotao vértimé. Pepsi Clé 2 4 6402 Vivian Cowan lost only anê halé as she took, the ladies W. Frànk chamlonhip n té, stenth c Ër éigt ad seen in ûé I eal Estate 2 4 0278 1 TrewinBeaver heen .Lumber - 4 é170 2ý Vivian was aisa ln the ladies handicap final, but this tiin'ne Lndéft she was behlnd Al the way, As Chris M'reh posted a four ' Iardwaré n s 6205 0 !ai. .s, I. 4~ t, and three decision. Bill Brown was sporting a big cat ta protect a lràctured' hand, neeesstating a postponernent ôt the "B" 'divlsitil, men'Ë elayoft bdttvèe hlrn and Êob Mrjèrrison. Durlng thé season, George and- H4elen.: White won the 1husband and *if6 tournament, with Harvey and Lorraine Cook*eomlng ini second. bave Preston and son Dave juhint werê thé !éthër andý ion champis. *ith Jack md Laurie Gay endlng 1hi the runner- l>positidn. Pab'ÀfS -(ah FOR SERVICE 623-5500 623-3311 New'ville- Starkville Bowling Leâgue Thursday, Sept. Il Averages Joyre Stacey12 Marlène Stâcey---------- 185 Perncelinderson 185 udrôhy Sârk179~ tJôrls ' jh1741 i l Iîsôfii 173 PéfinY ~IEêt1701 mlàié Plckard --------- 170 grÉ't Parrow ~.16A1 llainé Marchâtit 188 Ollhé Henderôf 108 tàeurs Mlles -- 1651 bdtilda McCàrron 19'4 Idarie Gobl - 1MI lalres Wglkey --- 160 Aàtlê Woodg .154 lttlédy Martélil 1sl it rle Trio, - 15___ ùâlé IPoran -150O Mrthe Fàrrôw 1171 121 M. Stacey - -254 B. Henderson 253 JStacey 181-213-9ng M rb18 -------- 22à O. ~naroîi211 g. areltint ______i102 ra FI'ft ________ 04 D. bmr k 1_____ 021 D. MeCMn On 200 AgrizUs --__ Wuinuts _____ Pecfls _________ _ 2' M Hayes, Ranidy Donoghue, batboy Billyr Ellis, Murray O'Brien, Billy Maclean, Ron Etcher;, back row, Coachl Cecil Mutton. Glen Rabb, Dave -Pafuse, Garth Lintori,ý Ted Brown, Terry Baker, Keith Anderson, Wray Ran- deil, ManagerAlan Cale. Bagneli ---- ------- 5q Praut ---- 6--- Reynolds -----6C M. Richards - - --- 3 L. Piper -- ---- 5 1,B. Richards ------ 51 -1Brock - - -- ------ 5( 4 G. Piper --- - 5( !0 AveraitéS 13 M . 'Etcher -------- ilL Piper - --------- ,V. Prout ----------- 0O. Etdher-------- ~D. Bagneli -- ---- E. Brock .-------- A. Donoghue - - B. M artin ---- --- , H. Brock --------- 'F. IBradleyv ------- 71H. Reyniolds ------ 1M. Wiicox------- M. A. Richard* ---- L. Srnale ;B. Richards --- --- l0' T. Bagneli ------- 10:Geo. Piper ------ O ýS. Stainton - 91 Maurice Richards i33 i814 5674 5662 8W. Thertell 6 2011 7 J. Ërunt ------ 6 202 '7 R. Mitchell - -------- 6 199 7, D. Bradley - .... 6 199 4 Mat't Harrison 6 199 4 Foundry Bowling 292 255, Screwballs 3, Allcycats 0;ý' 249'ýSorcheads 3, Hesdpins 0. 233 1 High Triplé - Men 229 J. McKnight -------- 724, 22k B. Smith - -- ------ - - 677' 220S. Cowle ------666 2190 High Single -Mien 214,J. McKnight --- - 314' 2l3îýBruce Smith - ---- 261 213 M. Adamns - 251 2131 flikh Triple - Women 212:S. Allaway --- . --536; 210 B. Partner ----- --512 207 ýD. Bridger- 510 2061 Higli Single- Women 2051S. Alloway - 210-207 204 D. Bridger 103 203iC. Knapp ______2n7 -------- -- a FIREBIRDS TEMPESI À b go/n cord/fi /lIy SEPTI 18 REFRESHMENTS wil b. servod COME AND BItING ltoUIt FRIENDE -19-20 ladies!1y 166 KINO ST. E. Tom Cowan, Prés. ftoter Swmn Stcw Picaton, gilet mgr. Ray Lathangue 4PORTOPICS JUNIOR'"C" PRACTICE4 ftuwranvllle Junior "C' Whiz 1ids opened tIheit rt1i camp on Monday of this week, with the niext practice Session slated for Thursdày night from iïnght tô 10 o'clock nt thé Memorial Arena. It is an open practice, with any players wishing to tr* out from the local area. cornprising flowffiaflvilé, Ô O And Newcastle districts, being welcorne. 1The teamn will aIeo b. practising on Monday, also trois 8:00 ta 10:00 p.m. t tf t f MID(GET - JUVÉNILE H1OCKEYV Any Ëowmanv1le bo.yq oaimidget and juvOnIè Aie, igh- ing tô try out tôr thé O.M.H.A. téAfms, àr a9aked tô turn dut lot thé fitst practicè ésisn, next Wadrié.dAy night (Aept. 24th> froin seven to nine pot at the Memorial Aten*. *. t t t i. TOWN HOCKEY LEAGUË The Bowmanville Town Hockey tkàgtié is lonkinI £6?r playerg for the coming sea"o". Double-header action wil i d aàgàin go at thé Arenà fit. sevên nd 8:.10 each Thursdày night. Aniyone interested is fisked tô téléphone league iresdent Keifi Vditch (623-2371) or Warren Townsley (823-5215), ai È«ufià# possible. f t t f t PRAC'tICE SATIJRDAY The Little N.H.i2'erts will hé holding thpir first 15ractiM session this Saturday morning àt the Memdrifi Areili, wlit l three teamâ will be ln éction. AIl youngstêrs wighfftg tà try out Xwill be welcoine. Bantams practice at iline o*ciock, with thé Pee Waes going at 10 and the Atoms, Il aRn. Also 'an Saturda 'y, the Con.gumerqi' Gas Paperwteightg wiiI hold théir first practice session of the year àt 3:00 pfi.. t the Merniorial Arena. tf t t t t COMMERCIAL HOCKEY Anybody interestéd in playing CommerciAl Léaxùe hôékéî' MUST contact immediately Don Crossey, Pop Martin, Buck Cowle, AI! Hallarf or Pete Stacey. 50t Admittion THE NEXT KINSMEN W SUPER CAR in the PETERB09OUGH MEMORIAL CENTrRI SATURDAY, SEPT. 20 $7,800 IN PRIZES Including Two Big gnôwbàllt SNOWIIALI If won ln 52 nos Brand New $600 SMALL SNOWBALL 'l won Ini qz no&. HOLIDAY MUSTANG Fastback or $2,000.00 Many Fiee and Valuiable fleor prie * Speciai Gaines 12 Réltt for $150.00 tiaeh (laines Pluis 4 Bit Eariy Bird (Share the Weàlth garnis> at 7:10 EN - )IANS i ^LI U IIIUItblu IIyIIi Y '.JMI iri Cowan anc1 Staff S. i Vile you, 10 vit 0 ur S/iwroott Thursday m Friday *m Saturday (AMTIRNOON and EVENING 'TII 10 P.M.) (AIL DAY 'TII 6 P.W COWAIN. rA jý f ýJ V 11 1 1 CmflA C - t',IIIC I' LTI) Buses nt the Dabr mý 't.4i unilp 11*pào f