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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 10

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1 *'19T~Ç'! -~ ~ r 10 The Canadlan Statesmnan. Bonwnanville, Oct. 1. 19609I HW n R b oing In res1de in Port,]Rore. ' ~oc11ane rses OflSvisited with Mrs. W.. Mereer àtrla 1vieC Officiis FieSCUSS Mrs Charbie oSch oMi1 sissauga aisa vislted with heri Dariington TwuiCu-$.Oprtno 20 e mother, Mrs. Irene Mercer. cil met In te uiia od There was a large fI=ck o Building onSetrerIh tfyCo Regional Refuse Disposai Study wI K eendon fernsoontatmCa weeth ariillmmr rsn rvnslo er the Regionai Refuse Study at Ible for that portion of the presentative sait that the M s in ite w gh m the meeting of Bowman-viiîe undertakIng, he concluded. fi2 ecmmndl6atai pr from Toronto fer the week-I ed herewIth, b ad aais:Euaint1isua17 a. Town Council held In the. Councillor Robert Dykstra1 ticipating municipalitics pay end and Miss Barbara Corse 1 5 $2eno iv t h Bad Council Chamber recentIv., asked in reference to the. the opcrating costs lncluding 1' fo Biibro setth 283.9 eerl 21.6 3 with three members of Danl- acquisition of disposai ites overhead. Darlington Town- . and Baker that tht Bulidin"9; Ge weekend with ber. Diane is! Roadz $30. 2e54;RasPy Mfdb onilr er Ington Township Municipal what size la rccommended for; ship Deputy Reeve Gibbs -tkn nAitn us'~Ls:I-1 2513 63 Council. Deputy Reeve Rich- each one. "We recommendi wondered If the provincial Course at AithDeatre o 5L.6s0: War,5365.- 15eco l utoid t ard Gibbs, Councillor Bruce' 190 acres of land be purchas- igovernment might prefer that iCourHe ait nToto.hepatm etota2,39507;atedte uldn Wset Ttnk and Councillor Thomasicd for cach site, and consId1er1 the Regional Refuse Dispasal goaar i ount o.e Ifferntota ovdbyCo295,os4Cnfrnc44.orw. Baker, also the Township: a smaller area wouid flot be Plan watfor Implementation hoespials. lorone Bfeen ae n ept ev o coMo1,iiad 7 99 Clêrk W. E. Rundle; P. D.' practical for disposai," Mr.î until after Regional Govern- Art Low lre-GBbsatreslton6--4aoen, eut ev Sexsmith, Toronto, a repre- Sexsmith replied. meti stb1hd BtM..y a r'be nescinded ad ta .Gbsm anilrWry sentattive of James F. Mac- In answer to f u r t h e r Sexsmith said in bis opinion ceve a very lesat sur-Gonveld be Lanen, Limitcd, the firrn which, questions Mr. Sexsmith said this would not be so. prise Saturday evening when Ille ifomd halhaln.Laebc No ao lad been engaged to do the that there are variaus waysi Waste land In Darlington . about twelve couples camne In' ewi ealwdt urdcsLd.b nomdt @tudyý, was also present. Ailby wvhich a site could be pur-' Township wvas mentioned by to celebrate their fortiethl three loads eacbwe tPe-i sntttCucl:itn rnembers of municipal counicîls'ý chased and developed. "We Couinciiior Tink, who suggest- wedding anniversary w i t h tnand a n iasoe ta a egrig tt rci In tht area had neceived'suggest control by the City ed that lit couid be used in them. Joyce had fixed up taantwllbcare aaaniga capies of tht report. of Oshawa with a formulai the plan. Mr. Sexsmnith mony tret with 40 dollar - ___________ Mn. Sexsmlth announced providIng for each munici- agneed that some sites therebil drapped in red and tied! thàt first he would briefly'pality ta share in the re- could be uscd. Ht added that on lit. SomTe cousins fromý oumrmarize tht study and its spansibilities and benefits," hle tht cost of hauling garbage Toronto were also down fiorý recommendations. Ht point- explained. lis 30 cents for the first three tewkndbt er u- ed aut that as tht nesuits of Mr. Sexsmith also suggested1 miles, and Si a ton for a furtb- a wa re there was ta be a celle- aie Enela d ndhr Ms utJeigaetr the study are applicable for a that when a land f111 disposal tir distance. bration. Wc ail wish t, add: sor CS, g, a considerable period in the program bhas been completedi Darlington Township Coun- our congratulations and for'bohrNi ur fBfe and wt eea og future, lit badl been necessary the site could possibly be used ciiior Baker questianed Mr. Imn oehpyyasta, ville were gujtiîhM ihbe w utnacm to ca-relate predicted popula- by tht Central Lake Ontario! Sexsmith regarding tht length -. - Art and Mary. and Mrs. FrankWîcdrn aietadLdaan-In tion Increases, the present per Conservation Authority or itjof time atter a site's limit forM.nd r.Ale atr tht week.aiidfvrtsM capita refuse localities In the couid be sold for the use af disposai Is reached before It hv envstn hi ea Mr. and Mrs. DAnilCai'naidoncodctd forl regian, industnial and cain- a golf course or for ather mouid be sold for recreation or tives in Virginia theis rlasi lic. Ondli pnMh weicnet wihwswnb rnercial usens. and the ex- recreational use for tht area.l other purpases. Tht Mac- .we rto n ihhsmteMslMs ar ye.Ms ah penience In other areas in past His Worshîp, Mayor IvaniLaren representative stated .Gli ChalliceienMro eda drs years In this field. Habbs, sid be questîaned1 that such a site could be con- Mr. and Mrs. Roy' Foster Fnidens ilbepaedtofodwih. It was also explained by same of the answers providedvented immediatedly. . flew out ta Edmonton Sundav nwtaM Mn. SexsmnIth that the second n______of______ofhe____ atendano w tipshart Mir.WlimPi- Mn mieiaou gft portion of tht study inciuded onbeaî 0 mmbe f hen vgtioattnd wa Gaod lip' Hs rlre hm rm eepesne a h rd two imortntaspct. irof James F. MacLanen. .RasCneto n ilb tod i ipoataets.Id Te are onîy suggesting LON G SAULT back Friday or Saturdav. Cvc-optl etraog.eet it iaMlia x ineetht neofdisans saitha ol what coutld be dont with such Kendal teamn and thi'-ir sup- at the GeorgianClee a- oecmuiyfins poluin otri 2 d-a site, but agreement would Mn akJhsn saa1Porters arived back fronmre,. -ho pluincnrl Ad-have ta be wonked ont be- 1was a Sunday guest ai is par-' ri, w thoe fr gtaren-eht cmmîitein crrg Oi thei gane t CortnghtatI end witîh ber prns n n ragmnswr r.Hr terminatInn af which such tween tht partîcîpatîng mu- 1 ents, Mr. and Mns. B. Johnson. 11 -- l 'clock Sunday evening'MsCalStbiCpinM.Lyd Spce m Th wo ulype s t ef s s po aI nicipalities," e declared. M . and M rs. Bruce Baker and g v agood che r. Qutea] nm be r m h r. M s nca D v d o , M s su- Councillon Leslie ome n aea aa te Kendal hâd won, tht game ait attended thte) iesn er~KtaenMotn r.Rs which have both proved sc asked Mn. Sexsmith ta pre- Sunday visitons af Mn. andi Courtright by a q ta 4 score. vices at Yeletn UieiNasMs la er n cessfui, sanitary land fuI and dict baw long a site could belMns. G. Baker. Gr mt n Incineration at a central re - used for rfuedipsl Miss G Smith an d Mn. F.1Gr mt n Mike Mc-1 Church onSudytoha MsRbetye. point. were ~. refse îsposal1 c"-.¶~' were among tht'Gregor pitched for Kendali tht guest spekeRe.Go-eILnhwsevdad gy r Sexsmith, h added reacbed 'for sanitary land f111. many guests attending theiRchrsno that bath prevent water and Mr. Sexsmith stated that tht Harmer family bouse warming La r ws ftop b2iter with'Ca ommlnt .Dni hI ai oluio.Htfnte t~minimum would be two years. panty ai tht home ai Mn. and 'he abs~ei Cour-nmhuOWd plained that sanitary land fil"Aside from that tht Ontario I Mrs. L. Harmer, R.R, 1, Bow- 'he t-i cei. Curght nWedneýa vnn i ie eetbieadgom lm a permanent method but it Department af Energy and>'manvilie, Saturday evening. got 4 runs from S9 bits. We, the UnitedChrb Sda we onedyttBthn niust be planned not ta ex- Resources bave a draft afi1MMss Janet Clifford, Oshawa, iwish ta congratulate aur lads. Sehiool Hall. ttBtay omni nStra ib ceed tht limit ahove wbich It negulations regardlng sanitary!spent tht weekend with Mn. Tht Kendal teamn got tht toss. community hed' would affect pollution. land f111", he remarked. and Mrs. John Baker and boys at 3 Prow.r fo Miss fiat lvLu,- James F. MacLaren, Limit- Mr. Sexsmith then said that! Mr. and Mrs. Barry Baker,î ..audyatron nsne ibaro iie ed, during tht study investi- such a sanitary land fui pro-IBuirlington; Mr. and Ms. * Guests with Mn. and Mrs.ý gated a great numben ai sites gram would necessitate a setiKeith Gable and bov'sCour .. : -. ..... .ý Eddie Couroux and Marie this O JU R n obnto al n I floer stnd. Enl WOBITr ta obtain decision as t-o which af aperating equipment, and tice. were Sunday lunch guests past weekend were Mn. and t-ra th adesaicn campison e betweeAn stingolecilvhce o at o- Mr. and Mrs. W.hnaey. Ivan Cochrane, well-known Cartwright. Township harseman, had a remark- Mr'. Ronnie Moore, Keith A. G.LNTNgautosan godwhe ompld be bet A stinglaing esae ha h r- Thoînpson, Mn. and Mis. 'hav: Tht death 0 la ado n c.Wateitpne Mrg. Htdsated tha.thtnpro able year in competition at tht Canadian National Exhibition when his hre Moe n r n r.Lnoae horsssandMooreandtMn. sntesMr.jeLinton, aged21lyearssScugo-corsageuaiarassvonitht bride alitors an combinain seiesbje cptaolInvaes cnsidery-!wer.SndayeveA.nilng ueiscame through with a total of 13 ribbon s. These two pictures show trotter Ivan's 1Perey Tbompson oi Northý Street, accuredsdelrt Ttccjgwsset wvas made ta incineratar re- or Hobbs mentioned t-bat. Miss Grace Smith and Mn. Sang at top who was Junior Champion and Grand Champion in the roadster Bay. Minden, Ont., Dre na n adgm5addnigu sutîts, Mn, Sexsmith pointed financing couîd possIbly be ýF. G. Smith were Sunday sup- class. Lower picture is of BilIy Castie who won top honors in the roadster stake Sunday, Septemeg1 99 ui upidb n n ou.dant thnaugh 20 yean de-: per guests of Mr. and Mrs. ta road wSonn lf Mn.d and Mrs.o bkJameske t-le and Lloydrs, Davidsohn, withof "'t became apparent that bentures. Ht added that bt oh C , J., Hampton, ai waon clofn rase t ikstkMr.s hr hne teatsG ont site santar an efl th tht m nctd a ca-relation celebraiing Cat-herine Grace's' have also competed at area fairs when they piled up an impressive number of.,iws ono bave daio ha a eatfirst bint-hday. wifls, while providing appreciated perfo rmances for thethtousands ofspectators.wabonnMa17198n sardacs MRa MAY E OasURE 'obarg nd eceved bis Thtcomit-e- n--ar---o e o m mt e n d a i o t-s b a t a q i l e a s i P î a nT hsea e u i c p l id e__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _o c_ _ _e d u c a t i o n a tB w a n i ew r eMd tw a-ersie b aq irdt-es could be ready ta stant Ttdahocurned Sunday, Central PublicecoladPot ragmns.a end ready for ue ait-en the befane at-bers anc ready t-o be- W SE VL Ek Sept-. 21, 1969, ai t-be Oshawa' Hope SecondariSbo.IM wadRwa n n ollution limit-a h first site gin to seIL1 ES EY II General Hospital, ai Mrs. Mary Tht deceasedadbsprEal anBer.ndM. as heen reached. This is iMr. Sexmsit-b agneed and! Whai Is se rare as a day In KN LýII WeaUwniloft, Ralph Pneu-mved the essence ai tht study's ne-1 Corners. She was in ber 88tb rmCoor tults alt-bough ai course thent added t-bat there sbould be June? Penhaps ont In Sep- 'yea r.fomCbug1yasag.A M adMr. halc ar are anymar de-ais". same incentive ta get tht pro- I tember. for these days In 1969'1Mr,. ami Mns. Tom Davis., 6:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. on, Quinn amni Mrs. Moore or Par- A mechanical a lcnca o eiigi r.ia aemamr. exsm t aid ihat a trtd."Teida f !are lavely, altbought t-he Leanne and Launie vstdTuesdays. Last week the'y oudw;e laAhee daughier ai the laie M.draft-sman, he sa epoe tht iud ba ben mde n aregional refuse disposaliis not' absence af nain makes salI last weekend with ber par- Cubs wba were Il had theirý'aindM.IselDrcrttfDuapaCndWhty the tud ha ben mde n a a simple prablem ai acquiring cuitivation difficuli. On Thurs- tnt-s, Mn. and Mrs. Bill Jack-: coming up ceremony' and 'ThtyaenicsofTs Doh-1deceased was born, Sept. 6, In t-ht Enginern Dpa- i-egional'basis t-be anly possible;i and deveîopIng a site for use day t-be 25th, wiid geese were bon. camn eliat-ht Scouts. Mn. Bob son.i 1882, in Peterboraugh. She was ment. Mn. Linto a c-N E A IT salut-ion wouîd necessarily bel five ytars fram now. It might fiying saut-h and t-be next day~Ms .W twr accom-' Nichoîls and Garny Tieli A number of litile folksllmnaried there Oct-. 5, 1905. beofS. nde'Pesy egianaI. He said t-bat-t-ht isC .Sewr e fS.A 0>;osts qt-bat-t-bey must qbcl y" es.t-be dozen warning us t-bat- t-hein trip t-o Guelpb.' They' Ms. John Cat-hcart- and Mns.1 Sunday morning. Rev. Snel-!dttC since 1947, Mrs. 1SuvvnbsdsI pr eonsidered Councillor Keit-h Shackel- colder weat-hen -was on ttenti - e tb adn Don Caihoart are in charge ai grave read ina s tg O'Raurke was a member ai St. ltnts, are twaothrGn- cosdrdfrom pick-up and tan iquine abou-et-beuse a w'ayîand cait. nd ibet sigter1 > nclude t-hast af transporta- tnIqieabuthusofwv Carpet Ca. and aisa tht Uni-th Cubs. On Saturday t-he1adase Ho hui u Gert-nude'q Roma CaoicGalnd and Lynn.. a tion to tht disposai site, plus eqimn a ifrntrga- Ont of t-be neigbbons swvriya ulp.Sm cus t-ook thein lunch and, Chunch speak oui cancernnjgCucbad -b ato i _a'm- B th1os ideoRt I sanltany refili disposai sites. aNu menousfGulph SnbeautlScutsful floralte Ithli W th asof aspsei t-bi -heMn. Sexsmît-h st-at-tcft-at ont,.,an unusual squirrtl t-b th-er t-be Eiizabetbvilie ladies also 1went- back ta Clarence The- j thbe issues ai aur Chuncb?' jen's League. toke r tt-st-c -otb1et He nals uggsestion t-at t -e ont set of quip mnent would d . A great- busy tail ai a accompanied them. T ey adi tell's to cean a site for thein' M iss Peggy F se a g as a A hli sh t-n e - toin s t tdec eae a day. Asn a s hldseatedd h nwhicb RtNT bqno s g est responsibt e b eq ied fr -e n- regny squirreî was seen fisi as- e ja a l tm .camp. They ind Scouting solo "W bat- a F iend we aveOntaria Scool fant-e Deaf aifield, among w bi b w r h s central regianor he eregian1 but when t-ht nesi ai t-e an ci. ce fntra letion a refuosbe Cunllo Tbutanigin mI ae n ersgot-hewan'- h by aeinied venv interesiing. On Ociobtr in Jesus" witli Mrs. Keit-b Belleville; andf she and ber froin Dunlop 0 andiL JOHNF. Twnsip akedIf t-be land red squirner t oel n 1tht Cubs and Scouts 1 -eCbsadSotsatWo paigttmrai utsa wredt-tin St eafE nginerin DeanLoenalDu-4N JORN____________ ipoaFit.oldb1patches. Thet tail looked t-oidown at t-be scbool. Thet2thhavi f an'ApperDa' and on' onst-o mtesmrieiinS.Pee' b;Loa 43UitdRbbr ____;foradisposaisite___ forbt big for t-ht animai. Scuts refrm l -O14Wonkens, Dm bougbt- or expropria ted. Mayor igt. "aerDiv banough. -~ H Hobssaii e blivedt-at Among t-ht 21 students grad- years and meet on Monday ig -eihPaeoDie'ereand Dougla Waken oe 1 . I t-be fîbst t- Ilbing ta d w auldbuat-ing. recent-ly from Humbe" fnom 7 p.m. t-o 9 pi..The MissCat-herine S t-etwa rti b ttbe Rev. T. Snelgrove in' Pedeceasec by ber husband,i Mat-ors ai Canad tc. ne- PO tahe sncb angodo evalaie College In Tarant-o was Ron- Cubs are aged irom 8 ta 1î,visiied wit-h Mns. Edna Dob-'Kendal chunch, Sat-unday af-, Wiiliamn A. O'Rounke in 1953, mediat-t Mens abal to hve sch at-er lu tadhrouh The Manoure sadmeta heshofon so Tuesday when Mrs. ternoon, Septerber 27,1969.:Mr- O'Rotinke is survîveci by League, H. W.Kap T wI: pt a o epie hap not-b ii- a Ah by T h t _ai t-bnpoao- eorsnRlsi- As i as cold and verv windy wo daughters, M rs. P. J. R b- Service Ladies' Ba Te m ania D NL ltymyntb tahpyS~traInIng for computer planning PRIZE WINNERS AT Dt.!RIAM CENTRAL FAIR - ORONO a numrr ai pictures ltts (Kay) ai Hampton andthTOSCu threwutaken terco insidestd n ya. onswe, r.1J. Znak (Helen) ai Niag- jTht funeral srîewshl ontri nsrayear.epopiaio,"thanyoDOMESTIC SCIENCElt- oe pnicturshehre .'aaaFaits, Ont.: a son, Williamon WednedyrettbriK GeealIsuace btexporato..-h ao' grariuatec wit-h honons and bis, o oepcue-wr l,ýVli ALL CLASSES 0F 'Tht Generai Matons mncm- parents, Mn. and Mrs. Wmn.! Mrs Rg. 2 taken ai t-ht hall5 ind 2Orona'A. O 'Raunke, Jr., ai Halifax,124th fnom t-hte arsuea PERSONAL and I trator for Industnial dispo'saI Asbby ai Part Bitain attend-! Mrs. Wm. Lake, Newcastle 6 1ist 3 2nd 2 3nd,'eeto a hl'(gt rncidenadIýChp] om wRsmetioedby oueilorMr. J Brlo, ron 4Ist 32n .13r 1Mn.H. Siapleton as Master gneat--grandchildnen. candcte boRf.Jaes5t.10 i oia ahrig fCeremony ida ilelceash.deeae Contact Shackelion, ancf he asked ~Ingr.Csocal gtrn wh. d;Mrs. . CBalwc, Oronn 4 Ist 1 2nd n i iejb h ecsdrpsted ai tht1byterian Chur. Itret 'r:~Mnh Men.InChs Bitan for bn' jMns. I. Challier, Orona Doî 22d IZI Bw 623-1111 or 623-3950 plan is t-a Inrlude waste from w-k a ae - t-esn r.1 ansOao5Ii I2dapitre ai thbe wedding ck.wfon Requiem Hîgh Mass t.eny. BOWMAVILLE 'mn a a îaîîity not s a' eceniiywbtaer Mrs, eghton Mrs. . Haisn.Orono 52 ti 1 2nd 3rAf-wadmnnitbgus iSiGeide C rcai0 Plbanr wre Mss 1 4 F R A N K S T R E E T , G .M . " W e ite l h s h o u ld b b e e t a i g t -ia g h r . W B o r1ra o2 i i4 n a m t(, - o t- ht G f eo g ue e r r an S . eT ue's , e p . 3Rt v I trr a k e , D n a k ~ E T M s a f c l t , n t a ; r c n s . v N . e rG i b s th o b a s ' M r s . E . B a t si n , O r o n o 2 I s t 5 2 n d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ru.. . . A «aiAt'be'2-ieCares.oWtheTuefredMMrc.rB.nTurner p, rîiv3;AnHowi your Mn. R. Forgan wha bias been IMns. V. Gimbleti, Oshawa 2 2nd 3 Ird CALL COLLECT D i for- sevenal weeks reinrned t-a Mrs. J. L. Cryderman, Bowmanviile 4 15~t 2 2nd veyiil ot oeHsia r.M atsot ecsl i n r 1 tht home ai Mn, and Mrs. T. Mrs. B. Kinsman, Port. Hope 4 lst i 2nd 4 3rd I668-3341 D I Wilson ln Pont- Brit-ain on Sat~- Mns, C. V. Wilson,1 Orona 2 2nd 1 3rd Iurday. Ht wili recuperat. MrsF. Wm. Mahaffty, Blarkstock 1 lst - FOIMEITEDLVR hene tuntil ableto t-aravel. when I Mrs. M. Gibson, NewcastIle-1 2nd - 'lthT Is et new TrexacoChoefm ____________________________________________ m wScatlanid. Mrs. N. Stlby. Newcastiç' 2 1st FO- -IT EIEYIh nf n.Fra iin-Ms .Thntn ida n r Forced Warm Air Fur-mdes .~Im..I. "I-lIIMIIIIMrjjn. G. Graham, Rexdalt, 1Ilst 3 2nd 1 3rd Ai aefulygarn LIT DA IE ~ IIIC rs. P. Hannah, Hampton 1 Isi i 2nd 1 3rd nc.~ ~aalbso A UE A D C R M r - IA llsoPotHp 2nd - It is designed toen DATE OCTOBER 14 OCTOBER 15 OCTOBER 16 OCTOBER 17 OCTOBER 21 OCTOBER 22 OCTOBER 23 OCTOBER 24 PLACE Enniskillen - Ashton's Garage Township Garage (Hampton) Blackstock Recreation Centre Bethany Township Hall Pontypool Orange Hall Millbrook - OId Fire Hall Bowmanville - OId Fire Hall Janetville Fire Hall Orono Hydre Garage Port Hope Town Hall (Basement) Canton - Col. Giles Fi»e Hall Newcastle Conimunity Contre Newtonville Cômmuuaty Hall TIME 9:30 2:00 9:31) 2:00 9:30 2:00 1:00 9:30 2:00 1:00 9:30 9:30 2:00 amin. to 12: 00 noon p.m. te 5:00 pi.. a.m. to 12:00> noon p.-M, te 5:00 a.m. te 12:00 noon p.m. te 5:00 p.m. p.n. te 8:00 p.m. a.m. to 12:00 noon Pm10. te 5:00 p.m. p.m. te 5: 00 p.m. am-a te 12:00 noon arn, te 12:00 neesi P.n, te 5:.00 p.m. Ail doge and cats2Ruented at above clinies will be vaccinated free et charge by the ianaira D.partinent of Agriculture. Mrs. W. B. Hoar, Orono 1I Isi Mrs. W. Lake, Newcastle i Ist M rs. F. Zegers, Orona Miss C. Zegers, Orono Miss Janet Bnock. Oshawa 3Isi M iss Kaibenine Foneman. Oshawa 2 lsi Miss Linda Luke, Oshawa 2 1sI Miss A. Allun. Onono 1 Isit Miss C . Caldwell, Oron 1Isi Mns. F. Hammn, Orono Mrs. S. Turner, BawmRinville 2 Ist Mrs. R. Whiiiingion, Osbawa - Miss f. Brown, Oshawa 2 Isi Miss C. Vagel, Orona 1 Isi Miss G. Tennant, Onono 2 Ist Miss M. Mort-an. Kendal Miss f. Evans. Onona Mrs. K. Gimblett, Leskard 1Iist WOMEN'S GROUPS lst - Newcaste U.C.W. 2nd - St. George's Anglican Chureh, Newcastle H-ampton Ladies Graup Blackstock W.. 3rd .- Centennial Unitetc Chnncb, Oshawa Blackstock U.C.W. th- Lakovzew Miandcrait Guild, Oshawa i Ird I1 Ird 1 3rd 1 3rd 1 3rd 1I rd 1 3rd 4 .1rd 1 3rd i 3rd I3rci 1 3rd sure the complete om- long, easy ternu pay- bustiori of ever drop of ment plans. oul. So you get maximuM If you need one, Iet's heat at minimum cost. M1.1 talk about it. Especially since oil oasis We'il aee thetyou afly you less than Cther fuels in the lirst have the home comfort you dêsre. place. Day and Night. Our teamok k..psthe heat on. WILSON & VOWLES 17 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvîlle, Ont. Phone 623-7591 A. L. WEARN Enniskillen, Ontario Phone 263-2291 WM. SKELDING Newtonville, Ontario Phone 786-2502 HOM COIFORT .0 lricup&nl a - immulica %0161nlW#2

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