- r Mai. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-4213 Resigns Seat When Sewer By-Iaw Passed At Special Meeting Tro the. People of Newcastl: * It is with regret that I must resign my position on the. village counci I. 1 cannot b. a party to such underhandedness that happened et a special meeting on Sept. 29th, 1969, when thé rest of the council railroad.d the By.Laws through that will cost us over a million dollars. 1 wil'l fot work with people who say they are willing to allow à vote of the people on sewers at a regular meeting and thon betray the taxpayer at a special meeting. 1 romain Respectfully, ________ __________Fred Couch. Must Be A Compromise Solution Many citizens of Newcastle are pfobably unaware of a situation in the village that is causing at least one grouîf considerable concern. Our information is that the Lions Clùb members who have done such mnàgnificent work on their manx' fine projects at the Arena, the Community Hall and elsewhene are prepared to pro- ceed with further renovations at the hall, by levelling the slanting rear por-. tiôn of the auditorium floor. This would enable them to set tables up there dur- ing their monthly dances with dancing taking place on the portion that is al- reâdy flat. This, of course, would be a major undertaking but one that norm- ally would deserve support frorn the genenal public. .But, we ]earn from worried execu- tie members of the Great Pine Ridge Festival of the Arts that such an instal- lation, if constructed on a permanent basis, wouid quite effectively create a major problem for their customers dur- ablo to see the stage and the action there, their view would be blocked. To date, the two conflicting groups have been unable to arrive at a solu- tion to this problemn that would achieve what each has in mind. In the meantime, the Festival folks are fearful that they may be out of business next year if the Lions, who we understand already have obtained approval, go ahead with their plans. This would indeed be regrettable because a great deal of time, effort, money and work bas been put into the festival by pub]ic-spirited citizens over the past two years and it would be a shame to see it abandoned or moved. Sunely, there must ho roomn for compro- mise so that both groups can continue to operate their endeavors to achieve the greatest potential. Our suggestion would ho for both groups, plus possibly the Recreation Department, the Counicil and the Hall Boardi tri Pt toaether. nhtnhi theseri Commnunity Bowling Monday Ladiew 200 and Over Alta Langstaft Ina Brown ___ Angela Chard_____ Marilyn Kent_____ Ruth Couch ------ Joyce Stephen 2 Doreen Neal --- Min nie Taylor2 Boa Reed -------------- Men - 200 and Over Gond Simpson ---------- Jiro Bruton ------ _ 2 Ross Nicholson __ 2__ Hon Good - ---- - Cla ronce Hivers __ 2__ Bill Farrow2 Bob Lewis2 Gord Cowling 2 Bill Williams 2____ Earl Taylor 2___ George Kimball 2____ Wayne Flintoiff Newtonville Ladies 150 and Over Wyllene Rahme ----- -2 ýMargaret Maybee 1 1 Llz W illems -------- Gwen Hughes 1 Judy Brown ------ 1 jMary Smith 1 . - M aria Turk - --- --- ---- Thurday Mlxed 175 and Over Fao Lewis ----11 - 2 George McNair ----------_-2 Wes Forget - ----- - ----- I Mabel Lewis,1 Fannah Fârrow l Jeanne Myles - ---- i Art Farrow-I HRoma ShonttI Eleanor Perrin1 Frlday Mlxed 200 and Over iMernil Henry -2 Albert Peance 2ý Bon Hoogkamnp - -2 Hon Good ----2 ýMyrtie Peance --- 2 Gond Gray ----2 Don Huber ----- 2 Georgze Kupery ---- 2 Dennis Halsev - ----- 2 George Zwier -21 Stan -Alun -21 !Ross Nicholson ing the summer rnonths. At present, the ces of a competent adviser such as an olanting portion, customary to most architect experienced in this field, and OBITTTARV théatres, enables playgoers to view the make long range plans for the graduai . entire stage without interference from overa]] improvemnent of the hall's facili- DAVID M. JACKSON hetads in front of themn. If the levellîng ties. Who knows, such a person might project were to proceed as suggested, have somne ideas that would make i Following a sickness of s s thnee woeks, the deathl occur- they feel quite certain that their audi- possible to corne up with betten resu1t red 1lhursday, Sept. 25, 1969, encees would not purchase tickets for for ail concerned. It should certainly be et the Oshawa Genoral Hiospi- that section because they would be un- worth a try. _____tai, of David Morley Jackson - -- _______ ____of 92 Allbent St., Oshawa. He tbur James and family. was in bis 72nd year. IMn. and Mrs. Milliard Born July l6Vh, 1898, et I Blake, Mr. and Mn., Robent' DealonoOnt., the deceased Slaloe and family, Sarnia, wasae son «f tli laie George Tlew ca st/e visited Morris Funeral Chapel and Elizabeth Jackson. Ho enSundey to show their ne- w8s educated in Desenontoi seto their cousin, the late and wae married in Christ Ï~c~ oca! anc ~Mr. Stephen Jeffery. Mrs. Cliurch, Belleville, Dec. 23, S oc al nd .-(Pjorso al illiard BlIake also called ai 1922. the Mannwood Nursing Home Mn. Jackson came te Osh- ton see lier aunt, Mrs. R. R. awa froro Belleville In 1924. (Intended for asat week) 1Iheld In the Lions Boom of the Stevens. Fimploye~d for mary years as Newcastle - ty Hall on Monday to catl Mn -ad Csonratu livn n OOtobr athuAlme-ay, Sept. 2th Mn. a spray painter by Cliff Milis wbo will lie celebrating thein bers are lnvited to attend withl n ns a VnCmpMtos aLim site a rk-n 25h edin anieran ola spécial invitation of weîcml agiesMse ayLn sacomsonie et 25thwedingannverary n 'e nw mmbes. and Lise Van Camp, mother Fittings Limited the pat two Tuesday, Septemben 3tb. t i OWmmbns Mrs. Roy Van Camp, Base years. Too late for iast week'sý Next week is fire prevontion Lie went to visit relatives A memnber of St. George's hospital news we leerned week. Make eveny day o fevery in U.S.A. They visited cousins Anglican Cbunch, he wes a somewhat later that Jîm Troyi week, ire prevontion day in iMn. and Mrs. Lee Lodge on memrber of Belleville Lodge, hai; had an eppendix opona-lyournhome and place of wonk. Monday. Mn. and Mrs. S. Van AF and AM, No. 123, and an tion and Is In Memoriel Hos-; Camp and deughters spent affiliete memben of Lebanon pital Ho bas a good roommate. %veral deys at- Virginia Lodge, AF and AM, No. 139, Ted Walton, as anyone Wiîî MAPLE GROVE Beach. Mrs. Roy Van Camp Oshiawa. During the Finst tell you when visiting Ted W ld arh qevd sa thatlie s th rie wh chers Tis ommuity a5 1 visited ber cousin, Mns. B.1 ol a osne sa thia heis he ne ho heesl hiscomuniy wsbock-l Chanles Bodnen. Poo,lqllc corporal with the 249th Bat- theedxngsomeone rtheen hImlOed idigt Friday morning wben Maryland, U.S.A. Tbey aIj.talbon of Swift Cui-nent, Sa&k. neeingsomnn techer hm it wue learned that Mn. Ste- netunned homie sfely lastI Mn. Jackson is sunvived by lJi. plien Jeffeny lied suddenly Satundoy. bis wife, the flormer Mac On Monday ex-en ing, a meet- passed away n Me-mrial Hos- I Mn. and Mrs. Bon Brooks Kethrr; ton (autn)sofMEn Ing was called by Mrs. Jean pital, Bowmranville. Sympathy and faroi'iy .pent thie weekend Kitb ergusn (Joan) 0f En Lowry. Chairman nf the Scout of this community is extend- et thein cottage at -Harcourt 'nask(Ruth)ndfMnshawa.oanad Mothers' Auxiliary. It wmx cd t.o hijq heneaved wife endlfPark. two sons, Bruce and Ronaldi niant depressing to see only, Pon in thein sudden los, and .Mr. and Mr%. Mel Deinscro, of Oshawa. Also surviving are four others present besido ber- 1to all otiien relatives and: Scarbonougli, hon brother Mr. a brother. Harold, of Orhawa, self, one wax a new member, fienda. 1 and Mrs. Elmo Ashiton, Utica. and seven grandchildnen. Mrs. Mlaine Werheidi. who wall Communion next Sunday ai Michigan. were Tuesday laqt The deceesed rested at the welcmedby thmse preilent. No we uprget ihterMItl-Adro uea gecr's report was avi -the church service. swser Mppr aud Mts. C.t P.tHei come sh~awafrsrviceFnl labis. The treasuren'x repntý Reception service lest Sundey ISwallou,. On Sundey Mn. and St. George's Chuncli Satîînday, hoWever, was sent in. A ne- whon tbe following were ne-IMna. Mel Densem, n. .end Se pt. 27th. lthe Ven. Anch- quest lid been recelved by ceived Into chuuch memben-lIMms. Hon Ferguson and faml- deacon F. G. O'ngly conductied Mii. Lowry froni the Grnup 1slip hy profession of faith: iliv, Scarborôugh, wfire supper the service, whirh wa., fol- Commilttee that a futben*S30.Brenda Jean Barr, Artun J. guest with the former's sis- lowed by cremation. Lebann Ibe donated to the Cuis snd Dol Jeffery S Doyle, Ste- ter, Mr. and Mrq. C. P. Swel- Loige eld a service et the Scouts for the pîîrchase of, phen G. Goodmnurphy, Kat.hy low. funeral home nt 7:15 p.n, en scarves. A motion was maeotn 1 Elizabeth Jam-es. Trudy Anne Mrs. E. W. Foley, Bowman- Friday. follow the nequest. The ques- Russelîl, Linda Ann Snowden, vile, was a supper guest with -______ tion of a bake sale arose withiDonne Ruth Wood; by trans- hen son Mn. and Mns. Ted, the posibility of a bazeer asý fer fnom Cestennial United Foley, and Mrs. Lou Hockin,l U KE O a means to ro oney te bave i Church. Oshiawa, Mxi. Don Base Lino. B R E O reedy for other such calîs forlFoley'. Mr. and Mrs. Evenette help. Mns. Lorraine Messpnger, Hanna. We welcome tbem ali Mrs. Allen Snowden, bier, Mrs. .1. Sinclair li spending1ý agneed te lie chairmnan of con- to the cfiunch. ;ster Mr. and Mca. Reg. Tay-l a tew, days In Niagara Fells,! vening the bake sale. Mothersi îî omnt ~l oOhwvitethim- Ontauio. of ubsandScots illbe Ths cmmuitywasshok-thon Mnrs. E. H. Wilkins, Port Mn. Howard Davey and: ofle Cu nd ousits inhlpin.beed on Sunday when It became Hope, on Sunday.: Steve,,, Bowmanville, spent wtth thim. ALanntai this time, j owhit w Mre novd Min an U.C.W. Meetinir Saturday with Mrs. B. Davev. Mrs. Lowry submnitted ber nos- . i eeinovd na On Thunsdey everning. Sept.! Mr. A. R. Hubbard, Bow- ignation frmn Chairman. an- jaccident at Maple Grave cor- nouncng tat Ms. D n e ro on No. 2 hwy, wben their 25th, sevenal ladies of the mranville. formerly of Burke- Whuley. V Me-Cheirm n wud a asbtbyaeue rle ommunlty and visitonero* rro tn, la much Improved In Me- were boel taken ta Oshiawa Oshawgl and Bowmanville ge- imortel Hospital, Bowmnanville.i nowhave te lie called upon General Hsiaas n hrdi h hrhhl o isJn unui eàý unelthe nexH:ellectothrang Hsiai lo o the U.C.i etinghur i l forPark, Jue aTupperbulecirj parmeMy.ntIn Bred ythersôdr, MM..and Mrs. Don Holnoyd Théfirt HckN Mthes ut gladtiot report they are iyteBrde opened thi and aly meeting of the season wîll be bath home aàin and doirig as 1meeting witb a poeni on fmly ________ _______B et Memroies. 'Me roll cal wZ<rs5 uby Harding. Oshe,-ý "Ibscnriepected C saswrd n te . :Mn. Wm. MeDonald, Notice Theexdwst candwertd fondIfbesMin' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Villge o Necaste ~ season wlll be held on Satur- approved. The ladies egreed Peîgan ige ofarecase -tha helday evoning, Oct. 4. et 8 p.m. to enter Jo UiPHeelsngn ClubMary. Oshawa'i regular Octol~ meceting ofJ1în the C. E. Hall. EverYlonc banquet on Oct. 24tb and the woeecngusscfM . Counicil will ho heldi on T ues-iweicome. Stewards wIll me-et Rotery Rural-Urban Niglit on, BMn. yand Mca. Douglas Tey-1 Cay, October 14 In the C0o,,ejl1Suday evenng. Nov. 5th. or of BowmanvIlle eccom- Chamben et 8 p.m. Slgned,j Mr. and Mn,. A. Ayne, Os-b- The thleme of the worshi nied Mn. and Mna. Lesie; Reeve D). J. Cunningham. ,_lawa, spent Sunday wlth their service wa hrn wt a rteBbagonFI n ---.--4 daugter Mr andMrs Ar-0thrs.Hymn 148 wes sung.~ Saturday. Audrey Hurnie, Jean Stevens, Mr. and Mn,. Kani Steward, Joyce McColI and Win Brown Niegara Falls. Ont.. were Sat- Participated in the service. urday visitons of Mn. Chester N A TIO N A L FIRE rticleon Hoskins and Mrn. rs N A lrO N A L FIR 1"Cduetof eachrs" f te Jack Sinclair and family. 18OO's was rend by Joyce Me- Becent visitons frro Mont-, the group witAi a solic, wrI'e Tabb were thie Salalys family, PREVENTON W EEK Littlo Hed School House" ad Mr. and Mn,. V. Pniauska., Edna Luird aecompmnied her Oshawa. and a neiglibon, Mn. IBn and Mrs, Z. Pniauhkas, Mr. OCTOBER Sth t. OCTOBERi lth Mr«. Bet COlwdll 0 Bôw: and Mn, AI Swaln of Haydon. PREVNTI)N 1DAY e.AamtIta n attenided à corn rouet at théj M eevery day FIXE EE NTONDA f ler visit to lier son Ted homne of Mr. and Mrs. AI and his tamly Ln Brazil was Swaln. More t-ban 30 peoplei Newcastle Fire Chief, Fred Glanville thoroughly enjoyed by every- att.ended. Ine. Lunch and a social vulit Lest Sunday Mr. and Mrs caudd the *vbcang. JFred Tabb attendsd a Liltu Celebrates Firsi Birthday J OBITUARIES The Canadan Wat'usinn, Bowmnanille, Ot. 1, 1969 MS. W]ILLIAM RIDINGHYN Infiighealth for several HYO years, Mrs. William Riding, Mr. end Mrs. Raymnond Pat-IMnq. Cecil Degeer, Ajax, on who formerly lived on King erson. Oshawa, called on Mr.jSunday. Street East, Oshawa, died Sun- and Mms. Roy Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton day, Sept. 21, 1969, at His- fRmily On SundaY. end Ronald and Mr. Ruefl dale Manor, Oshawa. She was Mr. and Mrs. WhitmeeiOrmiston visited Mrs. S. R. ii her 86th year.. Newcastle, visited Mr. and! Caldwell at lier home at Port A daughter of the late Sam- Mvrs. D. J. Cameroqi on Sun-' Hope. uel and Martha Cole, Mrs. Rid-;day-. Mr. and Mms Wayne Piggott lng was born Oct. 15, 1883 at Miss, Lynn Thompson. Carle- land Andy were supper guesto Bowrnanville and received lier: ton Place, Mn. Don Lockart,1 Of Mr. and Mrs. James Pig- education bore. Marriod at Ainionte, called on Mrs. A'!gott, Tyrone. on Sunday. Bowmanvjlle ln 1902, sho had Thompson. Mr. and Mrn. Arthur Tre- lived in Oshawa for 60 vears. Mr. Tenry Thompson. Tor-'iwin. William and Paul visit. She was a member of Centre onto, spent the weekend witli ed Mr. and Mrs. Russell An. Street United Church and was his grandiniotlier, Mrs. A.'ý derson, Port Hope, o Sunay. active in the various women'sî Thompscm, and were Sunday' Mrs. A. Thompson visited organizations of the church. dinnen guests of Mn. and Mrs. her brother Mr. B. McDonald. Predeceased Feb. 9, 1963, by, Jerry Abbott, Burketon. also) her daughter Mr. andl lier husband, Mrs. Riding is Mr. and Mrs. John Jones 1 Mrs. F. A. Osmnond and Ginny survlved by a son, Rev. Dr. ýTom and Sandy. and Miss' and Tracy, Bownrville. Fred Riding, pastor ot Gran-Cos egrvitdMran Mrs. D. Cameron came ville Avenue Presbyterf an -hme r m r e Ial opital Church, Chicago.1 married Mr. Gerrit J. rte-nFlia ut' tlihv Also surviving are a sister, mink wio surives.i treatments on ber eye. Mrs. S. J. Drinkie (Minnie) of!i hedeeasid rsde Mis. aeB}cbrn fsa Oshawa; two grandchildren, at RHR. 2, Newcastle for five1 Patent ln Mémorial -Hospital, Barbara and Paul Rîding 01 years end before moving there having had an appendlx op. Oshawa and a great-grandchild, lived for 13 vears at R.R. exation on1 Monday. Tracey Lynn Riding. She was ýNorth, Orono. She also resid- ~" '~"""~' "~"predeceased by three brothers, ed in Indonesia for fou eas ~. Samuel, John and William, Mrs. Hartemdnk beoeme a The fun ral ser'ice ~regÎste1red nurse In Ho an aTthe fMclserewsn Fu n 1938and waa head of aOA H STAD I at he cInosh-Anersn Fn- edCross teamn from 1945-49 oral Homne, Oshawa, at 3:15 in Indonesia. She was oni the -*p.m., Thursday, Sept. 25. In- staff of Mémiorial Hopital, termènt was in Oshawa Union Bowmanville, from 1959-63. Cemetery. The service Was, 'Me deoeased was a member conducted by Rev. Dr. G. J-i of Mjaranatha Christian Ho- Minielly, assisted by Rev. W» form'ed Church, Bowmanville. OC C. Smth, iSurviving besides ber bus- ' band and parents, are two Husky littie Kenneth John Munneke, shown ini.MRS. GERRIT HARTEMINK children, Robert John and SYlvia Pauline. Also surviv- the above photo, celebrated bis first birthday in Aug-i Th.e death of Mrs. Gerrit ing are two brothers end ust. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Munneke of Hartemink, aged 52 years,lthree sisters. Orono, and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Munneke occurred at ber home, R.R. 2, The funeral service was - Newcas.tle. on Tuesday, Sep,- held on Fniday. September of Orono and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Aiken of Millbrook., tember 23, 1969, following an 2flth, from the Morris Funenal ilinests of seven years. Chapel, Bowrnanville. and was H R E anian pienie at the farm of V.il Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stephen-1 Dauglhtr of Mr. and Mrs. conducted by Rev. J. Nutma. and Z. Pniauska. !son, Port Perry. . van Groen of the Nether- Interment was i~n Bow'man- ' O PA T D Sunday visitors with Mr. Otir bal] team, Verna Varety lands, the former Fedinan- ville Cemetery. P.IoE and Mrs. A. C. Stephenson Store, defeated Scugog Islandldina Catharina van Groen Palibearers were Messrs. A_ ORONO 983-5206 Gatchel, Oshawa: Mr. and plaved at 'Port Perry Fair where she received her edu- J. Maairtense, W. van Die, anciiESSO HM ETSRII Mrs. Gordon Cornie. Oshawa; Grou'nds. ýcation. On April 25, 1947 she R. BouwmeesterJ Ontarlo Grown Mclntosh, Crusp and h.U of Fkotou, Pmcled wWier A&P's Own Label, Foncy Quifty APPLES .e:ot oq65ý COllhsnia, Criop, Green, Large %Mead, No.1 Gvod. LETTUCE 2.m39e JANE PARKER R.g. Prie 90- AVE We PUMPK1N PIE" 0i»49<e JAN PARKER, DAN..V DATEO, U JC D g.Pr io loaf 27"-c> E BREAD w~ 2~43i 1 A&P Quafity Haked Foods