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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 1

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* ~ Garage- Burns Early This - Morning VUUE 1 ~r4b4ltattnnî V~J.LaU±Y1L 1i~~ T.. ÂA..J. r..~. ~ .~ ~ AI- - --- - - a ~I* rer uopy £N U M BER 40 io. iYid[IK rire rrevention vveek AilCitizens lnvi*ted to 'Visit Fire, Police Depts. Hat Show Attracts Large Crowd About 3:00 a.m. Wednesday, Bowmanville firemen were called ta the home £f Wm. Malley, 147 Scugog St. North (a cross from Rehobath Church) where the garage wes burning furiausly when they arrived. Most of the contents were damaged or destroyed, including Mr. Malley's automobile. Origin of the blaze bas flot been established, but the building was a, complete loss. Firemen remain- ed on the scene for several haurs ta make certain every sperk was extinguished. Canadian Club Be gins New Season With Guest Speaker Hon. Paul Hellyer MAY CLOSE CUSTOMS OFFICE The Federal Customs <f- fiee lu flowmanville mar yet be elosed, according te Information acquired this morning at The Statesman. It wil be recalled that earlier this year officiais front Toronto arri'ved lu town without advance warn- lut and were ready to close out the office. Durham's MP Russell Honey was noti- fied and had the move halted. Later, a committee from here went to Ottawa to dis- cuss the situation, but re- celved littie assurance that any change would be made in the department's plan- ning. A further committee meeting will be arranged in the near future to dis- cuss the latest development te determine If there la any- thing they can do te pre- vent the ciosure. Be auty Coi faits t 5hi B &P Demg Members. of Bowman fessional Women's Club ai filled the Centennial Hall day venig wee a ii~nnningd Liin 0 people. - Tickets had been sold in advance and a( the door for a Beauty Demonstration by a counsellor from Toronto. Lunch hadl been prepareci by B & P memnbers and everything was in readiness for a fine show, starting nt 8:00 p.m. OnIy one item was -missing, the Beauty Coun. sellor . . . and she neyer did show up, so about mine o'clock, after the customers bail been served lunch to fMI in the time, their money was refunded and they Ieft. *Not this weekend but next,[ on Thursday, Friday and Sat-,1 urday. Oct. 9 to llth, Bow- 'Str manville's Fire and Police De- TimUuU to tr partments are combInIngý forces in an ali-out effort to Ara n Ail residents of the Town of ng Sa t Bomavilèan teTown Pa rade Floats ship of Darllngton are invited to visit the building on Church Street where bath departments A meeting of the Santa are housed to see the fecilities Claus Parade Committee wazs thet are aveilable and meet the held Iast week and once again personnel of the two depart- service clubs, orgenizationu, ments. and individuals are urged to Special films for aduits and I support the parade by entering children will be presented andla float in order to meke the literature will be available. 1 parade the best yet. The cam-1 Visitors will also be shown, mittee will supply up ta $25 through the building and iightj in materials such as foil, strap- refreshments will be served.1 ping, and ten-test, as well as This is an opportunity for technical advice where needed. citizens of the two communi- Suggestions and any informa- ties to gain an Insight into theI tion can be obtained from workings of the departmentsj Helen Rudeli, Newcastle by and familiarize themselves calling 987-4261 or Ede Cale, with the equipment that pro- Bowmanville 623-2405. tects homes and businesses in Don MacGregor 623-5962 will case of fire,.- be handling the horse entries and advises that ail horses must be registered priar ta parade date and anly parade custom can be considered due Ito the limited spece aveilable. lo w u for The day for the parade has been set for Nov. 22 et 10:30 0, and the theme will be "Cartoon Qo s r t o Capers". Sa, came on, let's get together and stert on your float iville's Business & Pro- naw. Eid their customners who -____ I on Queen Street Tues- BOYS The, 1969-70 season of the ed as Minister of National Two" which dealt with. the available on what went Çanadian Club of West Dur- Defence and Minister of Trans- country, its future, and a details will be publishecl hem opened on Manday even- port as wel] as being one of stock taking of the things we ing, Sept. 29th in Trinity the candidates for the leader- as Canadiens should be con- STRIE TIL ING Sunday, School Auditorium, ship of the Liberal party, Mr. sidering. Mr, Hellyer went Bowman'ville at 8:15 p.m. Hellyer came very well queli- back to thê centennial year to The strike that began Folowig h~ l~Ing~j ~> I~ t~~vde heCl~~'th relate our -suwcesses and, , BAgut l5th at Sm¶dotl Bey- ~ Tegenb_ e a a t ost inf:aiv Iý d-evolution of a definîte Cana- orages Ltd. In Oahawa I. .1111 Dudley, Pros. Wm. AllUn intro- thought - provoking evening. dian feeling of pride as Cana- en, with taiksalaso continu- duced guest speaker the Hon. Fallowing the Juiie 25th, 1968 dians. He stated it wes a year Ing. Paul Hellyer. P.C.. M.P. With general election Mr. Hellyer of confidence for Canadiens Latest word la that the a background of 20 years ln wgs appointed chairmen of the who were filled wlth great ex- building an d equipmeni politics during which ho serv- federal task farce on housing pectations for tihe country an7d bas been put up for sale. and urban development. were wondering what part' Bfowever, this morniug, The title of Mr. Hellyer's Canada would play in the fut- officiai. were stili hopeful R atepayers locution wes "Centennial Plus <(TUR N TO PAGE TW) reached. Public Meeting 'oronlos uurrum (11111 Ntay Ti inctmxL Ilw^ i l3%iIO l 111.11 AI a RN -- Citizens Interested ln the welfare ef Bowmanville Includ- Wtt! lYeet mn New N ome Ing present members of caun- cil aor anyone else, who might Changes of time and place floor of the Education Centre, banquet for Nov. 28th ln hot bL' wlling ta Jet their nantes for the Durham County Club 155 College St. This 1* a large of the Past Presidents of1 stand for cauncil et the elec-DuhmCntClbao tion this December, are invit- of Toronto were announced modern building on the south- Durhani Cont Cub asoC ~c ta a ,ub1ic meeting at Me- this week by the new Presi- east corner at MeCaul St. tre which is Most fitting as1 marial eark Clubhouse, next dent Miss Aleen Aked. The The speaker will be Richard James L. Hughes, the fouai Tuesday,' Oct. 7th. at 8 p.m. Otober meeting will be held Bowles, lecturer et the Callege and first President of the Ci Sponsors of the meeting Friday evening, Oct. l7th et of Education, wha la the grand- for 32 years, wes also ane hope ta elect officers and set 8:15 p.m. (the third Frîday son of the late Chancellor R. Toronto's eerly educationi up cammittees ta stimulate and flot the fourth of the P. Bowles and son of Wilfred bis name being inscribed fpterest la the municipal elec- month). The place in the Con- Bowles, Nestleton. the rotunda of the Educeti Lion. ___ ference Room -on the sxth Plans are being made for a Centre. Sta cked Cehlm-kr'riay afternoon, Bowînanville firemnen were flames creeping int others cars in the pile. No damage emlled to, the scene of a fire at Domn's Auto Wreckers ws estimnated, but for a while dense clouds cf smoke oea the Base U'ne west -1C Courtice Anparentlh gasoline poured eut, attracting motorists to the scene. 14 one oi the w.Lecked vehicles had ignited with the irniïng, no information was t wirojng. No doubt the d at a inter date. r GROW GRAPEFRUIT Several years ago Pine Ridge School staff membors J. M. Paterson aud Wm. Booys who were vlsltiug Florida wlth their wlves, brought back several grape- fruit. The boys zet the school planted tho seeda and tht. year thoîr troc began te pro- duce fruit. They now have 32 luscious-Iooklng and taut- Ing grapefruit on the tree., vossibly eue of the few grapefruit trocs that ever produced fruit ln tht. are,, BITS - PIECES - CLARKE VOTE - Clarke Township Council held' special meetings on Sept. 17, 25 and 27. At the third meeting, by-law 1644 was given three readings and passed to have a vote of the people on whether or not they wiII approve dmning lounge and lounge licences where liquor rnay be served. If the Liquor Licence Board agrees, the vote will be held on Dec. lst, at the same time as municipal elections. COLOR TOUR - This Sunday, starting at 2:00 p.m. Bowmanville Kinsmen will have three busloads cf Senior Citizens who wiIl be taken on a tour of the fali colors in the area. Members cf the mr Senior Citizens group have been notified and the any te senior citizens who would like to go ta should phone either 623-3060 or 623-5066, as soon 'en- as possible. Dr. t t t idr OPENING - On Tuesday, the Ontario Legisiature lub , o resumed sitting, with the opposition groups hammer- sts, ing the government over its handling of Medicare. in They didn't get far, with their efforts being blocked ion on every occasion by speaker's rulings or government - superiority in voting power. However, it is believed by many that some changes will be made to make Medicare mare palatable for the voters, the question is when and what they will be. t t t i. t CAR WASH - Those energetic members cf Bowmanville's lst Scout Troop wiIl be out to raise funds this Saturday with a car wash start- ing at 9:00 o'clock et Slaght & Cook's Gulf station, King St. West. t t j. t NO KEY - One of the Editor's visitors this we must be having difficulty driving his or her car, because one ignition key was .left on Y. Ed's desk. Owner may have same by claimning it. RESIGNS- It would appear that the Village cf Newcastle may have e hot election this Dcc- ember over sewers. Foliowing a special meeting cf council on Monday, Councillor Fred Couch submitted his resignation, after protesting pass- inz cf a by-law approving sewers, without sub- mittîng the decision ta the village electors. SKYROCKETING - Somebody in the country must have more money than most of us will ever see, because in recent weeks a number of farms in the district have been sold for prices that the owners just couldn't afford ta turn down. One of them ia reported ta have gone for a quarter of a million dollars . . . and that ain't hay, brother! t FOOTBALL - Tomorrow afternoon (Thursday) Bowmanville High Scbool's Junior football squad will take on Henry St. Whithy, with the game getting underway as soon as scbool is out. BUSY - The fail social seasan is building Up steam as Bowmanville's multiplicity of organizations put their pragrams into action. Tuesday night was a typical example, with at least three events drawing large audiences. The B & P Women's Club held an ill-fated Beauty Demonstration at the Centennial Hall on Queen Street, the Nurses Association Hat Show was packed at Trinity Sunday Schoolroom and St. Paul's UCW drew a good crowd for a panel ediscussion. Later, there were a couple of unscheduled efires that kept firemen and The Statesman photo- 0 grapher up most of the night. A good night's sleep isF becoming a rarity.L Bowmanville Nursesg Association held a most successful Hat Show on Tues-' day evening in Trinity Sunday School auditorium. Joan Wilson of Silhouette Hats, Toronto, suppljed the cammentary while models were Betty Brough, Olive Cobban, Dorothy Tuerk, Wilda Johnson and Betty Elliott. Af ter showing the hats, the models placed them on tables and the audience had the enjoyable experience of trying ailof them on and buying them, if they desired. Rotarians Urged f0 Take' Stock of Their1 Pro jects By.Vîsitî*ng, Dist. Governor- by 'A. E. RIbei' In his pleasant introduction of Stewart D. Munroe, Gov- T'F ernor cf Rotary District 707,R t r l b s A n a and thus a representative of Rotary International, Club President Tom Cowan gave the.T a eog e S re concernlng t is distinguished, guest speaker. With reference ta, Mr. Munroe's Rotary experBe gins on T u d y ience lt was stated that h joined the. Rotary Club of Tor- o nailê otrCl'semathdo. o~toI 149;sered s Cair fourth serles f Travel and Thursdays performance W Ul lm'an of District 707 Canference Adventure programs wll open be presented by Dennis Coop- Committee in 1964; was ap- Thursday evening (tomorrow) er and îs entitled "Montana pointed Speclal Representative et te Town Hall, sterting at Adventure". A suninary fol- of the rullng District Governor 800o'lokshrp Toe hol9 s te, organize the Rotary Club of ha ve not already obtained "Montana - Land of the Toronto East ln 1965; officiated tickets for the six presenta- Big Sky"l will take vtewers te Cable TV Broadcasts Western Show The many spectators on hand, for'the Cable TV Country and Western show on the Bank of Montreal parking lot Fri day evening were most interested in this portable van with the television camer a that recorded the event on tape. In the* foreground are a La-w ot the Cable TV s ina .who served refreshmut. Cars Catch on Fire at Base Line Wreckers 1 16 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, VMNESDAY. OCTOBEIZ 1- 1269 1 Kà 1P... Èl"--- il« WTlr"glcblmlrb Aà%

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