t,,.. s - -a--'. -.---,.-- -~-~ -~-~,--~--~. ,~ , ______________________________77 2'I'he Canadian Stateanian, Bewmanville, Oct. 1, 1959 Rotary Dist. Governor Visits Here Bowmanvilîe Rotas-y Club's Pi-esident Tom Cowan, lef t, is shown above with District Governor, Stewart D. Muns-oe of Toronto who paid his officiai visit ta the local club on Thursday. Mr. Munroe is a partnes- in the fine papes- fis-m of -Wilson Mun-oe. The cls-fui plaid jacket he is wearing is the Munroe Ta-tan. Durham MPP Expresses ta have a choIcte s@ erve their owu pleasure, go they may. ~D i Nestleton Hon ors buiîd their own worîd. MyrLlnsOfca ecm 1 % 1 In ~~~~~~conclusion, Mi-. Hellyer a orEi-s fiil ec m M aIC0 M i ssure hisaudience thatai 'Mr. & Mrs.,V. MaIomthese pi-oblems were solae but flot with a l9th century On 25th /nnivesar ,constitution. We are living in a cmpleteiy different wos-ld now and need a new look et Satus-day, September 27th, dresa which depicted theis-gvrmnle ad h gh was a gala evening in Nestle- life's events ý ~ centus-rwes not cancernedý tan .O.. Hal wen M- sd Llyd ain dte. Mr.anwith such prablenis as pollu- t o n .O . . H ll w e n r . n d L o y d C a i , M r N o m a n t io n , h o u s in g a n d u r b e n iz a tio n Ms-s. Victor Malcolmi wcre Mais-s and Mi-. Raipli Sadles-rn, ocnierto a ie honas-edon he acasofo presenled a dryci- fi-om the' theni wheu cseating aur con- thei- twenty-!sfth wedding cominunity and fiieuds, a sun- stitution. efesw edt snnics-ss-y.bus-st dlock and matahing revise il aud mold It taoOui- Pink sud whitestreamers aandle holders fs-on the Ker nes nemdeb ttd wedding beils and Happy An-Imlis hesus and dau-J constitution bas ta be changed nivei-sai-y in large lettesaet ghters ai-c giving 'living-s-om unless we live in a statîc the back o! the stage added furnilture, and thei-e wes-e also worîd. ta the festie tmsper msftny individuel gifts. Bath A question and answei- per-, The abl wa atracivewit Miansd Ms-s. Malcolmi cx-' iod cancludcd'the foi-nai parti a white clotb, cents-ed with Ps-ssd theis- appi-eciation. io! the meeting. Afterwards,r- thc tlu-ee-tiei-ed wedding cake, Guests were pi-esent fi-rn fresbmcnts were ses-ved. flanked by silver dandies aud Saskatchewan, Tweed, Kings- I edged with pdnk and white. ton, Belleville, Trenton, Sul- Brenda (Ms-s. Alwyn Haines) phide, Hamilton, Lindsay,! ONE MANS and Dennise Malcolmi, daugh- Pickvering, -Taranto, Bowman-! tes-s o! the horsoured couple, ville Peter-borough, Part Per- HO B seceived tbe guests. The gucat i-y, Oshawa, and fi-om ail the HO B book, wbich wss in cihar-ge of villages and hamlets in the' Even lu this day of hustie sons, Mai-k and Vernon Mal- surs-ounding arsi-. 'n utl aiaksuo colin, was signed by oves- two The bride sud groom Pass-1hiniself at least anc hobby lu hundred friends, relatives and cd the wcdding Cake and a. wbîch bie gains eujayment sud neighbors. Corsages and bau- deiicious.- lunch was ses-vedi satisfaction. The hobby may tonnies-es wcs-c presenled ta by the committee. irsange froni caîîectîng an- Ms-. and Ms-s. Malcolm sud ta On F'riday evenfing Ms-. andtqe asots atcpto thes- aout~Ms-. and Ms-s. Ms-s. 1MhlcOlm were entes-tain- lu gs-oup activîties, discussion Rae Malcolni, Janetville, sud cd at the home o! Ms-. and gs-oups, assisting w1th muni- Mr. and Ms-s. George Kerr-, Mi-s. Lloyd Hunter, Port Per-. cIpal projects and even ta Yelveston. D a ve Masters' s-y when tihe Malcolmi familv1 watching televisian. 0f cous-se thi-ce-piece orchestra !rom ps-esented them witlh a (ses-- many as-e mos-e sewarding Bethany provided excellent vice for twelve) set of dishes. than others but tbey areJ music for dancing. The loveiy Winnie sud Vie, as tbey as-c Items which take cas-e of man's1 wedding cake was made by known locally, have been. leisure tume.i their daugbter Brenda (Ms-s. and stilll are, active in coin- Robes-t Hancock of Os-anaý On Satus-day aftes-naon, His Wos-ship Mayas- Ivan Hobbs, right, tookpr i Haines) and daughtes--in-îeav nunity affairs. He is theibas a hobby which, oves- the yopati Joan (Ms-s. Wayne Malcolm' township les-k, president of past few yeaî-s, bas gs-awnn I an officiai opening ces-emony at the i-en avated Cable TV office, King St. West, and was beautifully iced by the Agricultus-al Society, andJ magnitude and in întes-est. In whenhe welcomed Cable TV President Wm. Leask back ta Bowmanville. The Mis. Russel Kerr-. Sunday school superintendent. speaking witb Msr. Hancack' eintire ceremnony was televised for sebroadcast on one of the local channels. About 11:30 Ms-. Howar-d She is the gracious and gen- and is wife, It becames quite___ ___ Malcolm, the genial master es-ous hostess. Tihe comniunity evident that s great deal of o! cesemonies, gave the couple congratulates them sud ex- enthusiasm goes Inta bis seats o! bonous- on decoi-ated tends ta tbemn many more hobby of callecting antiques ItiMnfc eeoigidnight Fire at Foundry Building chas-ssuds-ad poticad ycs-s0f eath nd ap iness omewhîat ot a business Seves-al bags containing metal castings were ablaze at Bowmanviîîe Foun- ofbuying and selling. Mr-. Hancock s-efers ta thse dry about 12 o'clock last night. The he at was so intense that the spiinkler S peciafist o S e khsia value of antique cal- systemn in that area was ts-igges-ed and it automnaticaîîy sounded the fis-e siren. lcctîng not only of the local Firemnen soon had the blaze undes- conts-aî, with only minas- damnage résulting. - --- -w aa ~ itres u lo fteetieBges owere 1n u h aerta adDue nt h Ini +i VVOI10S ivoa%% iP rf1 Onrs erHiis-ties0 ~ ottles, dtln Dr. R. F. Beckett, a prom l- ts, ad te D isa poi time t 0 ver ews in awel-wored th -an k-yu" entGynecolgis fro Os h s and ndsize motion, expressed the appreci- awa, will speak on "Diseases fis collectionh atonofte udenefo tePertaining to Women" on lac wr ds atin o th adiece or heMonday, October 6th. 8:00 p.m.. lcal drug stor speaker's inspiring message. In in Trinity Cburch Hall. 1foera4te by That Masse y Es fate SoId seodoing. hie drew attention to Dr. Beckett is a Wflmen's on tisî bouliei Disapoitmen th Bater-C r i he fct hatover the years1 specialist and is well qualified He aiso has a bo Diapolten ta Bttron the Batterwood estate wasiconcerned In the negotiations there had been a succession of ot speak on this subject. There in Orono by C. B wood Estate, the 300 acre, not disclosed but some time with Mr. Carruthers and Mr. highly qualified Governors ln i"'11 be a question and answer operated a stori home in Port Hope of the 1atp1ago Mr. Hart Massey, in a let- Honey had heard no word Of this Rotary District (707). Ail womnen welcome, but Arsnother item Rt. Hon. Vincent Massey, hasiter te town counicil, stated thatite sale or impending sale AohrIe been sold ita private handsi the selling price had been set1 from Hart Massey, who was There bad been a mixture of young mothers urged to corne. Mr. Hancock ha: was expressed this week by at $400,000. Mr. Marten saidI responsible for disposing of his personalities but ail had made This is ln accord witb t he massî anà he bas mar Alex Carruthers, MPP for Dur- hie had too great a respect for Ifather's praperty. The recom- good contributions, bie stated, education programn urging ail! 1ptiar- hami. Mr. Carruthers said that Mr. Massey to use the building mendations made by the His- and expressed his conviction women to have a pap sfiS] *Be even lias or lie and Russell Honey. MP foi for any large commercial pur-1toric Sites Board were that the that "Governor Stew" will alsa and breast examination- he cannot define Northumberland - Durham, pose. possino7tevc-ea make a distinct and good con- one else been ab] have been negotiating with! Port Hope town couincil, the office did not in itseîf neces -ibtowntn rdnthi omtselise.ed o both levels of government in Chamber of Commerce and ýsarily entitie the individual to thowDnstrindertinoti aon taWbee d ya an effort to create a national ther arganizations bad appeal- national commemoration. teDsrc oenr ln historie site at Batterwood in ed to the federal government Mr. Marten intends to move wlh speron a tas nd rnemory of former governa-t purchase the property and Into the estate and bis long prespee' gîf t i mmntos H àl y i general, the late Vincent ovrt; it into a îtrtr annsfrBttrod off the spake'i sitas in bu FUSn Mnassey. monument in memory of Mr. clude such thlngs as summer ofiia apctyaRarpr1n The estate was sold to L. Massey. camps for boys and girls, and ative of Rotai-y International. (PROM PAGE ONE) ]Robert Marten, a real estate The governmnent departments1 peraps a school for girls. During the business portion ure. Throughout the country Investor fromn Newmarket Who of this luncheon meeting 10 there was an enthusiasmn born, has bouglit more than 50 .theless important to apply visiting Rotai-lans and guests and wîth this spirit how could iraerie snc moin t P rt ~these sound business principles were presented and received we fail? He then stated an propertwo erseaogo.te P-rtaRaaiy e en iedra the welcome of the Club fi-rn exampie in Expo '67 wbîch, Tro TIc ke attention ta the fact that ofl Rotarians included Past Presi- ceeded in becoming the best February 23rd next Ratai-y wIll dent Fay Brooks of the Osh- world fair ever. It was a team ROTAR as Resie PAE ONE)R celebrate Its 65th birthday, aiidlawa Rotai-y Club who lis cur- effort that made it possible, ROTA Y a Pr(sient f te Rtar addd tat n mny pace retlytheZone Representative a Canadian effort, and it con- Club of Toronto for the year throughout the worid 65 is a of the District Governor in this trasted with other sucb vorld TR V L UE July 1967 teJuly198 At the mgenme for a man in area. Director Chairman Mer- events in that it piayed down recet Rtary In ill row ofInternational the commercial aspect and em- Convention ln Honolulu i because fi; means this is the Sevc aea none hszd man's spirit. Munrae' election ta the office age for metrement. Man pea- ment cancerning the forthcom- Thus, Mr. Hellyer said, we FTRST 0F SERTES of Gavernos-, Rotai-y District pie when they retire are de- nTiaeadAvntrSe-ne-dou-scdcnuy 707 for the year 1969-70 was lighted; this la what they have les of Travelogues to be held with a feeling of confidence. confis-ned. been waiting for, they become in the Town Hall during the Howeves-, now, there lis a feel- T HURS. OCT. 2 President oa fusther in- involved in variaus worthwhile ensuing season, comniencing ing among us that we maynt offliciai guest was bai-n In Ham- said, lay down their working vited the cooperation of ail feels there is nathing unusual TOWN HALL 8 P.M. ilton, gi-ew up and abtained tools - tbey have nothing ta Rotarians ta ensure that this about this because throughout his schooling in Port Cs-ed.tt, do. they vegetate, and they are project would be a financial bistory there have aiways been Ontario. During Warld War Il gane in pei-haps a year or two. success. problems, and oui- reai pi-oh- Ms-. Muni-oe sei-ved in theue Presidenit Tom Cowan an-' lmnd aveo h eHetene Royal Canadian Navy and tue The speaker continud ex-In ounced that Vice President acd ed mta eorte on m Royal Navy fi-arn 1942 ta 1946. panding this theme, b y stating McTvis bd ben p- tbe e obl e n bo e HeadhswfRtran is opinion that Rotary is not teMTvi, ha g;ia - hs rbesadhw EHeeand hvie o tnsan tw ready ta lay down its was-k-1painte On - ta - Conference shouid overcome theni.o daughtehaveMi-. Monrandis a ing tools, and that It wa u Chafi-man for the District Con- First, bie discussed the prab- patersin theeim iloRtarians to see that It d oes feeclab hl erayem of national unity, ta live Mun-o CmpnyLiitd nent. Rotaryr, be said, is too 26h 7had2t et in peace and harmony. We in Rotai-y represents the busi- great ta vegetàte, and e The President also announc- must respect differîng points niess classification - Fine Papes-, ust not let that happen". The led that the Rotai-y Club of of view, and stop exaggerating Distiibuting. His hobbies - ski- speaker fuither stated that 'Bowmanville bad stood third aur differences. Instead, we ing, hunting, fishlng, golf and Rotai-y International has alin the District Attendance shouid emphasize oui- common bridge. Planning Committee which la contest, with an attendance of interests which ai-e more ps-e- At the autset af is adds-ess, canstantly at work evaluating 90.12%7 during the month of valent. Most af oui- dîfferences Govs-arMui-c emndd iswhat Is psesently being donc August. are the same as thase in ail Rotas-y aunco emateh ea and ooaklng ahead taward new waaso noucdtt other countries and oui- inte'r- Rterynadince tratonaya horizons. He went on tosug- R Pbîî* Wîcedther est should be in facing them, President annaunced a theme gest that there shou d be a spoarya n yîs e ta tedemansti-ate ta others aur for îs ear.Twoyeas; ao pannig cmmitee n eeryhospital. and the President ex- cooperation of interests. Club cbarged wlth similar- ses- Thepolmo ra n Luther Hodges announced the pniite.Itsoi eîwpressed, on behaîf of the Club hepoem fura ad following challenge for bis fel- pthe piterfI hud eiwbswse ormance ely eg -na ext opic. AIlaveM law Rotaimns: "Make your teClub's promnein the best ses fr br s ee& reral developent as Mi-. MM Roery enibeshjp Moreprojects it usidertakes, a:ndeoe the wold there is an irresis- volvement". Lest year, Presi. possibilities of new ways ln ta urbanize, sae the citemis; dentTogsak, o Japn. x- hic It memersmaysere. ira v l nt uiqu teCanada. He said ps-essed bis therne lu anc word:Attesm i.th pakrw rena better situation D ENNIS COOPER Patcpt.Jae owy otnei ol ewlf hnfrea l NwYk the rullng International Presi- ecdiRatai-ian te a lcan leart dent (yar 169-0) Wor!itybecause we cN e Yrk peetinpro det ya1997)hspe ersonai seviewing b skn!fi-rn their mistakes and have, preent i peson scibe a roessb i-e bnself schquestions las:ROM1,' ' a chance t emd tesitua-1 Rotarians around tyewbicb Amn 1 satisfied with my efforts agea etenPate dsta ienbfoe -e edyit %M N A A can revitalize their ses-iec-r ~ a- es-vic?2 i oagrseat Western stat itain- inbf fc.-ah h rt-JHN5RV AAILinARotagishsdrbyitewe2.ng mountdincal stage and become tolarge., V P R forts - the plan: "Review and th bs job possible when 1 This Is not a ps-oblem ot theR aee" wre n the last Club pi--iags , i-twiemnt future, he continued, but a reai' TheDisric Go . t?3. a m atendnceassee Montana were the Spanisb thing fth resent. Already, TheDitrctGoernos- went Jec?3 m tendnc e xplai-ers, who gave it their ~ srkn a si UGLS on to point out that in business gadapanoldb?4.Dd I s word foi- mountain -poltn. g uDVENTURE and professionai lifeit was really have ta miss that last Mnaa Travelling mostiy by ou i cte.Soehnghs .95 Seas n T cke - 6.O or take inventasy of< ne litte m ore effort could I have c n e y u w i ii h s g- a sit ba k and w tch life corrode J eA psTicet $600er a etnadI a ta uda. dms-ud oerat.ians evr er swl made up et enothes- Rotai-y saa udd- u i-ud for oui- generation and that o! Sigl dmsio 1.5as revlewving the ycarus opera- Club? ed - by a couple o! native future generetians. It LIs a. e tiens et the annuel sharehoid- Such a review, it was sug- onsD ongiandDnnas.Co prpiohi whicb deais with ouri o li__ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _era' meeting, and It was flanc- gested, would enebie Rotarians 1 quaiity of life. If met ig60 ot La rdedcat thnislve to Though many of Montana's is not done ta salve the urbeni-p "SrieAbove Self", thus a-bettes- known attractions are zation trend, hie stated,' even-, 1> 2 & 3 YEAR a revitelization of ivislted, mast of the trip wili tuelly people wlll not bave ai 1, & 3 EA Rotas-y. etbi-ough tbe vast and beau- choice o! living quaies-s but22 tiful as-cas still treversed only rathes- wili be confined tai "/ 70G I 'sThe world today, the District by rivess Much of Montana theij- bigh iise apartment in a 8 1/ 0/0G le elsGaves-nos- continued, la cbang- remeins a îittîc-known land of prîsonlike existence. Il would _____________________________________ ng more rapldly than ever seemIngî nfinite unpeopled be a disester for the future before in ls hlstoi-y, and dîstaes pcaua unCndis.Te eiio w chane brngsnew roblmstain ranges, and rushing white- meke now, hie emphasized, will and new opportunitles. Rotas-y wates- rives-s - a land stili affect the qualities a! lîfe for 4, 5 YEARS 81/4% *ta remain strong and vibrant populated by a hast o! wild the future. inuat ever grow by the addi- creatus-s; Elk, Moase, Deer, Inflation lsaiasoefnot a unique tio otnew - lar-wo rizzl, oyti Lynx and Canadien pi-ableni, but rather mebr ihnwIdeas e 1àAntelope.we wo-dde Ms.Hiy- prmiches. This speaker con- .wswrdie r ele fludem hlm well-planned ad Visita will aise be made ta stated that is a type of sobbery Cental O tar. Trst sà. by exhortlng bis feflow back-counts-y caw toin l ogg- that creates bs a! confidence Rotailana a& foilowu3: ,I"u Ing camps, ghost towns and fidncehcnaoheresuis, ebas ! o- . & Savi-gs Corp. membershlp iln Rotary, giv by a man who lves ln -and ed of ourarices commission the sanie oppor tunîy some- loves Iis Iovely land of the which bas ta sec Ifif i op mond te t.T uiyf e .» n l8 :W nte xei-siin oinan.receie ooerat~si spokeCorner of a" d flope a rtiaveais Until 'Tence of ses-vice ta others Thé second ps-gag i-an he o! the educational problern 21Kin Sret e Bw nvn througb Rotas-y, - by fOilw ses-les will be on Nov.27th, ststing that we must pi-avideý ,omwx, '.L ng the accepted classification etrg Rudi whZi;hlorthe suet a chance "e8 pro i lwil presnan "Advontui- le -1her -wnthing".ta. urni1 f 1 A I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a s-ca b ut~~~~~-a also o! t e e t re B a l a n n p t e w a e - t a an n , r f +1,,S 1 . t i n the hune oa! Delieved sameane inadves-tently flicked a bus-ning cigarette butt onta the bags back ta the ta as he fis'e. yas-e lu every -o-cause t Im aginable. In A n y h r t es M . H n he as omecock, even ta aid garbage! sp e u s e d a t th e d u m s t i s b a n , e c H e e lu Os-ana ms, tioba-sec.H A. Gamsby edcpas botties iii dî , DELOITTE, PLENDER, 4.The label e podbtlswiedgig s stili Intact. arund an old unused gasbageý ottle dispenedpies. Hîcc ntaoeHASKINS & SELLS Bas-ianf lu inthe callecting o! antiques e stae.e for many join lu the pi-actice Charee conat if stre st [oheur Individual enjayment' s ee Iam - na Times. OFFICES N MAJOR CANADIAN CITES ny ln bis col- 1 OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA GET CASH TODAY PARTNERS : GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.IA. me Item which FOR OLD APPLIANCES BR .WTRCA %nos- bas sny- THROUGH BR .WTRCA e ta telll bu STATESMAN IPOE 7872 !ind antiques? V hn 6330 j' / T #202 IIII~~JNY LINO TUN PACK 'XUST AIS PEPSDENT PEPPERMINT PAllIES JZER SUPER SIZE 7 oz* YOUR CHOICE PNIHS .99 99_So_. 77 M__L_ PR PATTERRIsp7 e8 e NICE 'N EASY BA NOLL AGAROL HAIE COLOR 0"16 oz. SUG. LIST Jh ISUGI% U. 2.25 7 eU.4599 ING STREET EAST TEMPERANCE STREET DWMANVILLE REXALL DRUGS 613-3361 RY LOVELL ýOWMANVILLE