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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Oct 1969, p. 5

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.'--- - LINTON - MARRIS lshort cap qleeve« and ring The marriage o! Miss Bannie lars. Their headdmessesi Sharon Harris, daugbter a! Mm. minI green bows witb mu and Mrs. Gordon Harris o! R.R. ing flowers and tbey ce: 2, Port Perry, and Mm. Gerth baskets filed wlth white Jamnes Linton, son o! Mm. eudbronze disies spinkled Mmm. Gordon Linton, Bowman- rdeep aud pastel pink ca ville, was solemnized in Port'lion,. PerrY United Church ou Satur- Mr. Tery Baker was day aiterrnoon, August 23, 1969 man and thc ushers werc et 3:30 'clock. Bryan Reader and Mr. A Beautiful arrangement, o! Linton. yellow and white gladioli form-'l A reception was held ai ed bbc attractive setting forchurch hall. The bride', me thc ccremony which was per-lreceived in an orange ices fommned by Rev. Alec Rice.'ottoman dress with mate] Mrs. Gloria Fonder played the lace coat, white accessi wedding music and thc soloist and corsage o! white ce: was Mr. James Rider, uncie o! lions. The groam's mother the bride. sisted ta receive and wor Given lu mariage by lier!beige crepe dress with tather and mother, the bri-jdiyokendi sîeves, green ec wore a formel gown o! white sories and corsage o! ycl aitk lagoda febioued with a 'carnations. wedding ring ueckliue, oullin-' Following the meception, ed witb deisies. and short cauple left on their wedc aleeves. The empire bodice en-'trip, a tour o! the Thous hanced bbc A-Eue skirt, with, Islands and tlie Ganaur a matching border o! daisies:d,tricî Mm. and Mms. Lii nt the hemlue complemeuting are residlng at 41 John Sti a buit-in train. Hem illusion 'Part Pemry. Veil was helci by a crawu of dalsies and she camried a bou- quet o! white and bronze BL'SHFIELD - BYERS daisies.Arrangements,;of pink Mns. Bmyen Reader was mat-[ dieui and whiite 'mumas, non o! honor and bbc brides-1 caudelabras made an atti maids were Misa Wendy Harris ý tive setting in Blacha' sister o! the bride, and Miss ' United Churcli when I Pet Hutchinsous. They were, Janice Aileen Bycra daugl attired alike In floor-lcngth! adMsMuryB empire gawns o! mînt green lof Mr-adMr.MmyB chiffon aven silk crepe- with o lcsaksdM.L - Roy Bushfield, son o! Mr. rMrs George Bush field, L R H U VI T ~C rOnt., were united in marri et 33 o'clock an Satur, PA I N? afternoon, August 16, 1961 Rev Ph.îlip Romemil o Rumacps casules ciated. Mise Cheryl Met giveprovn reief! played tbe wedding mu give rove relef and tbc soloists were IV. Rumacaps are specîally formu- arbare Gard aud Mm. Jr lated ta give you fast relief-the Bushfield. very first day-from naggiogI The bride, wha was gi) rheumnatic pains and aches. Alsoi in marriage by lier fatfi proven effective for relieving lum- ware a formel empire wais baga, sciatica, headache and gowmu o! white crepe w neuritic pains. Ask for new e tand-up olled coller2 Rumacaps-a distinctive bluer cuffeci, thm-e-quarter leni and white capsule of soathing aleeves. A cathedrel-Iený comfort-at vour local druggist's. train. attached te bbc col Rumaepsare apsles ini back, was timmed w Rumaapaarecapule .-blue and white lace. A prel of saothing camfartl floral headpiece held 1 -, ~ ------floomlth veil, and bride. who made hem gai caried a cascade bouquet pinik rases. white carnabic 41~UkIàIIIand stephanotîs. Full iength, em.pire-sty! gownq o! pastel piuk, hlI turquoise and mauve genti JK rnic print wibh muffles ett V-neck and hemline wE 1 un anas* ants, Miss Joyce Bothwmlg' esy b rde', aer FABRIC SALE. SEPTEMBER 25 - OCTOBER 4 Plaid & Plain Wools 1/3 OFF BONDED WOOLS 3,o49 CRIMPLENE 5,095 SPECIAL Méf If,. bcousin of th@ law w iibth@ l" mis.3udl j xc an e o and Mins Donna Bushfield, sister of the groom. 'M~eyý wore pink and white floralý headdresses and carried white: baskets filled witfl pink and Mr. Allen Burke was best' man and the ushers were Mr. Jamnea Byers, brother of the, bride, Mr. James Camneron,i and Mr. John Bushfield, bro-! ther of the grom. The reception was held in, the Obhristian Education Room! gcol- of thec hcfh. 'Me bride's' were mother rectved wearing aî atch blu shatungdres andcoat' atche with matching hat and cor- and sage of pink and white roses.1 wth She wax aSSisted by thei Wlgroom's inother who wore a! ra-tuôjois brocade dress andý coat, hat to match, and cor-' best, sage of pink roses.1 Mr.! Thecocuple honeymooned Ini Mlan the New England States andi at. Cape Cod. For travelling'! tthe the bride wore a brown and; ther white cent and dress with; satin brown acescries and corsagel -hing o0f Yellow and rust flowers.l ,ries1 Mr. and Mrs. Bushfield are~ ira-] residing in London, Ont. The ras-'bride is a Home Econornjst re a and in a graduate of he Uni- lace!versity of Guelphi, and the ces-' groom, who iS also a graduatel llowof the University of Guelph, is a high school teacher in teLondon. ding" Several showers honorçd Y and, the bride. The maid of honor ,que was hostess for a party at-I ntontendd bycollege classmates reThe staff and faculty of Mac- donald Institute attended at showe.r given by the bride's, 9 neighbors of the groomn's fam-' gl-by Mrs. M. Cameron. Thle! ,and brd aids held a shower tCatthoole by former high ;toci ecoolclassTates. "hter~ es NE WTON VILLE and .yn, VIsitors, during last week- iage, end with Mr. and Mrs. C.H day 1 Lane were Mr. and Mrs. Chas. jq Clarke o! Angus. S A number from here attend-! M n Vr~Tc~1 WHILE IT LASTS! W. invite you te corne in and ses our newly renoveted premises. WE CARRY FULL LINE 0F GROCERIES - FRUIT and VEGETABLES Bittner, Schneider's, Lucas Arthur COL!) MEATS - FRESH BAKERY PRODUCTS - GLEN RAE JUG MILK - CHEESES - ETC. ICE CREAM- COLD DRINKS UNE 0F SMALL HOME HARDWARE Greeting Cards « Wrapping Toys and Giftwere -Bows W. seil Oshawa Times Iorth m End Markcet Mr. and Mrs. B. Fultoni, Prop. iè, LBERTY ST. N. BOWMANVILLE OPEN SUNDAYS ws in Blackstock United Church Mr». Arnold WWImswu the i The Cana dlan Statemnan, E3owmanville, oct. 1. 196P luékY vwmoeer of this (birth-; ne ohercoke, a layerL by Mrs..R. Davison tor herý1%i sway College very attractive when Mrs. Dvfm ide t S e k Wright decorated it with a, siortbrend horse5s with choco- latie tala and manes. Mrs. Wright alffo gave a re-lA St Jo ns . .W cipe for icing which neyer A general meeting of the1 Coluinbia. becomes bard and which will Anglican Church Women (A.. Dr. Paul explainied thaï thé keep for weeks in a covered, C W. o! St. John's Churchistudents are warm and friend. container in the refrigerator.' was held on Thursday even-' lv, and that he believes in Mrs. McLaughlin thankedý Mrs.Wrigxt or hm exelln September 25th. training young people throug~h and nteeatng dmontra-, pening prayers were led Christia!n Education to ac- and intresing deronsra-by the President, Mrs. E. cept Christ as their Saviour. tion. Mrs. Arthur Hyland gave 1?iorris. Mrs. P. Lucas, a co-' On campus thev have 57 a reading, "How to Cook a, president o! the Joanne Group foreign stcdentsý at the mo- Ms. R. . Jc!o gopw as in charge o! an excellen .t ment. They also have a print- se R.edWa.decos uncondprorm. ing ahop. wodworking shop, s . rv ed a D eles lu c an The wor.-hip period was and a book-biîiding shop. T'h e theapreiaion eprssd1taken fromn a Mission Study atudents work thpir way theappecatin.The October Guide and was read ky Mrs. 'through the school. and iearn meeting will be et the homne' P. Lucas. A skit followed,la trade as well. The girls, are of Mrs. Lawrence Malcolm. Ii ttî "A Vestrv H-appening." taught to mun the bakery and A number from Nestieton i7hose taking part were Mrs., aundry. Women's Institute were guests'I. Steele, Mrs. F. Biggs, Mrs..; In concluding, Dr. PNul ex. o! Hampton W. I.n the Muni-l cipal Hall, Tuesday afternoon, Archer, Mrs. J. Stephens, Mrs., plained that the High School Sepembr 9 Ms. redChat'E. Marchant and Mrs. P., Grades 9-12 are credited to- th pesdetexenedtheLucs wamd a college education that welcme t thevisîors he The special guest speakerlta pupil mlight wish t attend. mail call, "A Famous Can- for the evening was Dr. Perey" Students at Kingsway Coile adian" was quite eduoational Paul, who is the President o!1 jege mutst abide hy the ruls, and was thoroughly enjoyed. Kingsway College in Oshawa., and when asked if they had Mrs. Balson. speaking to the! He was accompanied by one' any problemas with riots or motta "Chlldren Need Models 1 of his teachers, Mr. Hill. 1 discontent among the stii- More Than Critics", stressed Dr. Paul's theme was that dents, Dr. Paul'% answer was %omne pertinent facts from members of the church need none whatsoevem. lier own experlence. Mrs.ito each out to other peopleý Mrs. 1. Steele moved a vote Grant Thompson, Nestleton,' les5, fortunate than we are. of thank,5 to the speaker on gave a splendid prayer on He spoke about the size of the behalf of ail those present. "Retirýement". "For retîrement college, which la in an area of The Rector, Rev. T. Gracie years, make a plan; have a 28<) acres. Theme are 360 StLI-' losed the meeting with spe- hobby, keep It simple; be ad-Ïdents on their program, and cial praYers, and a delicloug venturesome, make the rnostithey gather fmomn as far aa lunch wvas served bY the Mir- o!f what you have: wherever;as Newfoundland ad Briîsh iam ianid Raeciel Groupa.. you go, go with your wholei---- heart; keep your eye on wliat's' CL-Pand SAVE coming up, not on what's slipplng by - do flot let the miutsrutaway". fo PHARMACY OPEN to 9 St.he programme, expressed ap-ý MON DAY TO FRIDAY preciation to Mrs. Thompson.' Several piano selections bv CLOSED SATURDAYS 6 P.M. Mrs. Billett delighted thie ladies,. A deliclous lunch, served by O TO BER 96 the Hampton ladies, Inclde a very pleasant and educa- MNA tional a xen hded ars!' 6ONDA E cRG R R G9 IVI.diu vib Jtf11 XUY-usilel, n ni the above photo, were uniteci in Walter Welts, __ st VicePr .esl-Ï3 JR O ELLD ;calied the Masonic service at the marriage on Saturday afternoon, August 16, 1969, at 3:30 o'clock in Blackstock dent, o! Nestieton. 13 - JURYDERIC 'S PHARMAC us5e iArmstrong Funeral Homne, . Mis Jaice-ilen s thebrie isthedaugterof oisOshawa, Wednesday evenîng.i United Church. Formerly Ms aic ienBves 4lebiei h agtro ohfor the late Mm, Penfound. Mr. and Mrs. Murray £yers of Blackstock and the b~rdegroom is the sonl 0f Mr. LN 27 - ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS on Visitors the past week with! and Mrs. George Bushfield of Lyn, Ont.Pot y sorSudoNG HAMAIT 5ALAS O CL" O ,eMr. and Mrs. George Stapiele------- Raymond Cameron, Kempt- AFTER-BOURS AND SUNDAY EMERGENCY GaryonInluedMr. and Mrs.iDwyer of ElgIn, Is staying M A ville, &,pent the weekend at PRESCRIPTION SERVICE ted',ar Smith and Kirsten, Mrs. with the Harris family a few hm il i aet n stdHarry Stewart and Tracy, al 1 eceniiv arre..on.1hhs aet niCipadke ua ad eidr vith. of Kingston. 'dayýç, to be near ber daughter. sister Ruthann. Clpadke1ua ad eidr and MrandMrs Mcuee an Mr R.Brue wth isMr. J. Johnston's eye laý Sponsored by' your local particlpating pharmacie@. ~nd Mr and Mrs Mc uee a d M . R Br ce ith his sm ew hat i miproved, I w a l NOVEM BER DECEM BER gth .famîîy are living ln the Stone daughiter Mrs. H. Gibson, went~ happy ta hear.t lgth' bouse ot !tevillage. to Bancroft Monday night ta' Mm. and Mms. RYe Gtibsoný Monday lna Ilam across the road fmom Mm. and atediefnrlo i 'ste ihbsnohr m.Mna vit Mr. Rss row. ated te fnerl o hii vsied ithhisnioher Mr.l 3 Jury & Loveil ld. 1 Frederick's Pharmaey tt3, Local ladies Included with' brother-in-law, Eaml McLeod' .D Bentley, Pr Perry, n 10 Frederlck'g Pharmaey 815 Jury & Loeil Ltd l1the Shiloli bus load on Tliurý;- Snnoah. asovsîeý 5Juy thl L the!Ohao Tusa ate-.. withthe J. Pamkins.ons, Cour-' 17 Alex McGretor Druze 22 Frederick*.s Pharmac.y wlday weme Mms. W. Bouglien, *~,tco audy 4Jr oelLd 29 Alex McGregor Drutu SMrs. H. Trim, Mrs. R. Farrow,i Newtonville U.C.W. held the tco audy r oelLd oft Mms. J. Kimbali. MTs. D.t first faîl meeting in theý E a- sy onsý Stapleton and Mms. H. Elîîott.l Sundav School hall, Wednes- Ç A~U Tt LPadSV Telephone directoma, lawyem1 day evening, Sept. 24, opening STARKVJILLE M3 47 ROGER$ BROS. ded'nd ffiiai hed acomanywith the liymn "Jesus Shal IueI fareclosing dinner meeting, Relgn" foll ____te___ rs LweneSi L qF-T Prayr Pesidnt ra. . Savery, Oshawa, and Mr. and let- Thursday, et the home o! Mr. PwaelÎ weomd eve ryonJ. ans- '"' Mrs. Ewart Robinson were the1 andshortC. M.Jones. lliott recent Sundày evening dinner erel Mm ad Mrs. JaJ.r.a..a hort.poem"What .aguestF with Mm. and Mm,. Rus- nd-1 wtth Mr. and Mrs. Jlm I- i Lîfe" Sremtares. f" the"" ANel av ht,ý lach returned home Wednes-t Matilra mntsa!tenc thi tptote atlast meeting and financalaire- .' .~~ -' ~ Mm. d Mrs. Robert ken-E potwas given by raue nedy, Pasadena, Califomnia, PTE Re. . T.Selmoe 1petMrs. D. Vinkle, with that of,""'.and M~~'»/~w r.evndng gusta at Mm.i Re.T .SegoeSetthe special account by Mrs. we01 Lle nIow ells à couple Of days last week at'F. Gilmer. Apprecîstion was LlwHa.oels Blcktck uet !Re.and, expressed for Mr. S. Lancast- .Mm,. McKniglit, M,'ntbMrk Mrs. Vctor arson, wMm r. Moore, PandrroubSound A F PRICE SALE Mm,.Victr Prson,, wo ae cm, tie sd trubleinsaîl-~ .,,' . was a guest last week wlth I A lad frIends o! bis. ,ngteew norinteher sistem. Mrs. L. Todd. Mr.q. C. Walkey wllh hem organ, and a note ta that Mr. ooeandySon sisenMn, Vea Hldaayeffet illbe enthlm Thnd Mr.QInn, Dunchurch, !sstr Ms.Vralilawylefetwil esetQu. h 42 PIECE SERVICE for8 * and ber brothers,.Mm. E. taddIion of the new campet spent a few days lest week Holdeway o! Califomnia end and dishes also brouglit favor- f with Mrs. A. Dobson. 8Fr Mr. Hamry Holdaway of Portiable comment. Regional meet- i MemJornlataHosptal patient ~' Hope. weme supper guestq with lngs are ta be heid at Hamp- ýi n eo t o iaBow. mauvIlle, aIso Mm. Llew Hal.8 el ci 'Newcastle ou Thursday. ,the month. Caterlng fr a *and r. HarveyvFar-8 aiT-s-m Mr. Jack Elliott waS mvl-i o baqe s d isc u s s- f ed ln an unfortunate accident I d, and Hallowe'en randy wîîîll Toronto. .ii. Thusdy venngwhn hs e oldtnasMiss orhyDonna Bernes. l-amp- . Thusdv venugwlen isbesoi t asia awothy~ ~ton, was e weekeud visitor î car rolled over several tîmes cause. Date for the "«Suaw ihMsVctrFro amy. The Car WSS badly ~scliool chiîdmen are ta be ask-il. . .wlhMs. Vca arw nar.The carl i amk-eRud il aar"wsst n-h IMarmns, Belleville, and6 7 smashed up but JRmk luckjlly d, agaîn, to make posters. '4,. rs. BIlalnn Garden Hill. ' escapp.d wtth bruises and j Groups are to be the same Mr'~ ~ ~ , .~.~. Russell Savemy's aud Mrs. severe shaking up. i as Iast yeam, wliere possible. ...... . . . . .J. Bothiwell, Bownmanville, was ~ Mm.,. Bea Joue, wt.h Mr. Materiasis are ta he purchased'. . . .. . . . .. .a weekend guest there. and Mm,. S. Lancaster attend-ý for arts and cmsfts articles. Ai.......................................I ed the Durham, Rural Safetv 1 qulit top has been donated and and Mr.%. .1. Reid, Orono. weme Nlght ln Oronn Town Hall. 1 arrangements are ta be mode .....ih r. ecyFr Friday, when prizes% were r for setting It up iud finishing. . . . . .row. eu.ioying the trip ta awamded for the wiuners a!; More Information la to he ab--tJae ionshw ile Guelph with hem. the vamioue. rompetltion,. tained me penc; for sale. A Mr. and Mrs. (;ath JmsLno, hw ni Mm. and Mn,. Bill Dean and Mm and Mrs. Glen Farrow donation was vot.ed the fali an- above photo chose .aturday afterrioon, Augusit 23, daughter. Gerden HIll. w m have retumned frnm their rivrrsamv sud another one to- 1,969, at ':30 o'clock for thvir wedding In Port Pprry supper gueste with Mmi. L. honeynioon trio te Lake ward purchase of Sunday UntdCuch3h rdei h ore isBnie Todd, Sundey. RWER CH ES T r Placid, etc., and are stayîng; Schooi requirmnentq whicl'Uie hrh.Tebiei tpfre isMr. Min Wpstheîiser ha, Ac- PC LP95 with bis parents. Mr. and Mm,, Mrs. W. Staccy agreed to Sharon Harris, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cepted a position wlth the C. R. Farrow fon a few days.' look alter. "Thank you" notes Harris of R.R. 2, Port Perry, and the bidegroom is the Hastingt C ounty Srhool Board !'Ma.idM, L aeyo wemc ead and the rail cai son of Mr. anîd Mrs. Gordon Linton of Bowmanville. and tg teaching et Bayside Oshawa were visitons with'Mm. 1answemed by' same 21 mnem- Phioto uy Robert ixusworthi nvcl e SlohIn Trnon Mwy and Mm. C. M. Joues, Stur bers. rIServA1~L ic e tShidlluTn,u. day evenlng.i Devotional was taken hy afternoou, wes uicely attend- Mm. end Mm,. Hugh Stapie- Unit Leader Mrs. T. Heuder- - Snelg m esa eMm.andMn. ton with Mm. and Mms. Traccy sOn. assisteci by Mm,. S. Bmown, t I Frk estanuser. d Embly o! Newcastle., Spent1sud Mrs. V. Bourgerie, thi- epthefmiraushe Lse rcne the weekeud lu Detroit. guests theme being 'Pmsise Ye 'Thie ~mi hidagerLs Marie for o! Mm. and Mm,. Murray port . t!Lord'. The hymu "Trust sud i baptism. Mr. Douglas Perrin was ln charge o! the music. cm. tj Obey" was Sung. followed by A l *Mm. eud Mns. Orme Falls *Messrs. Sici Brown. Don acul !paoslsb n 4+ i~ and Harvey were Sund.ey Vik-ean rumn ede-CrmaiHeuderson. W o m en s I stitutes iVinle ad TremanHendr-,guests with Mm. and Mrs.î son were out uorth duck, Brenda Caswell described ýStan Fals, Toronto. hunting, over the weekend. :hem enjoyable stay at Quin- NSLTNW . tsdDvsn edalte Sunday guests at tbc West- M.and Mrs. Ns C. H. Lane Mo-Lac Camp the past sum- 1 f îstmeig fNs rom Mrs. Akroyd me the 67tbheue oewr m n Mm. er adAres Convention, NovemberiMmsMrhî els ilro, atencda irbdvpartY for mr u thanked the grouP tietan Womeu's Institute, fol-i 5, 6, 7. in the Royal York' nd.d m, obr nnBarrv ait the home of Mr fr lielping make It possible. !. r.Rbt Mrs. harls Gmyle, was joined by Carol Hend-, lowing the summerrcc, Hotel, Toronto. Westlieusem who ail attended Saturday evenlug. ail nmcm- cison, who expressed lier a as Theeoll alptember 1 (dli intSiIoh b e r s ! t h f a m l y . a w e î î a s p e c i a t o n f r t h e s a mh e N e s t l e t o n P r e s b y t e r ia n P i a l e u , " u u e - s r v c t S u o i beusof he iffamieuciAS el ri on forlie two girls sang Murch Haitlwil.h Mrs. Harry' pected company dessprt" was, Aîthough Thurqd'ay last. ýR urrberof ýipds ein'llgeandthetwngirs &ngýwell answemed hy many îast-! week was a cloudy day, thene present. seea ftesnstiy liacliMrha uglilin as hosteas. 'minute innovations. 'was lots o! sunashine lu hep- Miss Dornthy Elliott ,,,,,earnedi at camp. They were lh-psint Mrs.Cci Mm. H'army McLaughlin,l pine&,; as oui- bus lnaelo! 44- hom fiarnWatnlo ovr te'thankcd by Mm,. Heu derson. Wilsn, chaired the meeting convenior o! Home Eoauomnics ladies %et out on the annuel wekeduAd <lic meeting closed with iand Axtended the welcome to and Health, spoke ta thei tour. This year we weut toI weekend.prayer, followung wbich thejall with a special welcame tO motta, "Take time ta be IMr. and Mm,. Ken Brignalligmouip ,erved lunch. Mrs. R.. the nîîmerous visiters. The fui, better late for dinner in' The first viSit WaR, e bl Newcastle. wecme Satundav i Best holding the lucky cup. secetary-treasurer, Mms Rich- ti ol hneryfrHmigCme iie hc evenng allrx ith ri.R tis orl tha ealy orýardngCapetimledwlch5 PIECE Iarw avn n d elrwt Mnda al, .Kbekfs1nbcnet"Lffwas founded In 1927 by Victor -1I ekasti h nx. iePLACE SET M FarowandSuuay allrsis like a merry-go-round - no1 Harding and has expanded i jwere Mr. sud Mrs Jim Fer- tiet ectesnet h1!om a single plant to, a multi- I i mw acifsmly Bomauile. )Istars and unoontit fields -no, olant operation witb 1,000 cm-. Mn. andi Mrs. S. J. Lancaster .:I - i time ta appe-eciete the blese- ployees. were among those atteuding .i#î zt teo e ings o! health - aur lives Alter dinnen at tbheJFischer! 7 8 the Masoule service ln New- s e h r must have a meaning or a Hotel we visted the University R EG4.YLR $1575 castle United Churcli, Sundeyj goal - a mother witli hem o! Guelph and were given a [momuIug. Aller wbicb tbev childi-en - a father with -i welcome by Mr. Donald Jase, diniier anJohnna-Lyu. FA LL CO lAI DEDAICboys or leader o! Cubs. lIotheDc rtet ! HA F JakCadadJhnarn. A L S ECIAL PERISmJnecessamy ta Take Time for'Thformatîon a nf Pbity H LRICE ON ÂLL OPIEN STOCK Latr n te ftenon l al tins ad imetobe l wlo told o! the wonk and ex- E.G. COLD MAEAT FORK RÈ UI.-mAtwE $5.00 --_$2.50 compeuy with Mr. sud Mn.. Careful. pension ther,. Incudentally, Harvey Bouglien a! Dale. they Regular $2000 Permn ~~agN~~ Mr.Jase 1, !norn aur owu Dur- GRAVY LADLE ac't-C» RVA-We $5.0..-..2S were suppen guests with Mmi.; SALE ------chosen words, introduced webrs.Ms.HCr ou e, sn o!Mn.audESETSP Aileeu Bairstow. Orono, eud 'Watter Wrighit, Blackstoel M.Her Jse1ewatle.DSETPOt4 so<eva $25.--$i3 er.: Reulr$1.0 PrmAsigned te three guides we TBLE SPO1"1 $4.M _$-...2.25 ailattndei te eeuîg snv- Reglar$~ P~~ CU~~'~ wic ogave an excellent de-I were showu bbc grounds, i PARFAIT SPOON RIGtP.AR VeM-Uf $3.00 ._-$.1.50 i ce thene ta heur the Modem- SALE ------------ moua-tration on "Pro!essîc>ual geuouead!ial hug j atr a!theUnitd Curch Reular$12110 er'Cake lcing." One cake was Macdonald Institut., Dr. ~ ~ ~ SL R.F.MCum.r$ 0 ced ta reresent a basket of The day's outing waxs con- r,4. ~/I IMiss Heather Dwyer, speud- SL - -- - - -- - - -flowers. TÉhe sides weme donc cluded with a shopping trip!r' a Ing the weekend with Mm. and' t a lattice effeet, bbc top' nt Yorkdale Plaza. ý 7 ooper' f w le s£d Mrs. Boyd Harri, and femlly, CALl63-45 cvc'red with multi-coiored jt cen be said that ai norne, waq rushed to Memorlal Hos- A L6345roetsadgen tiebu'apyndà roitteal. geen leawr. hme irer bt aPHONE 623-5747 nowu~îîc.Sundav, ASK FOR BEV or WENDY When a white hanrdlp sud hearty "thank you-' tA Mr2sIGST..B WM NIL __________foran___________________________ iedit. orrow Andi Mm,. 1frt Trtm 2 IGS.B O M NIL -om __ rmother, Mr& A. Il ;___a ve- y --e, aragigtu d .......... Rljqhfit-Iti -,Iltlx,,

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