. ' ...,. Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain Many nf you expressed apeclal intereat in my Auguat 20th coiumn - Pork Around the World. It'a fun to Intro- duce our familles te food* from differen. countrie., andIit Thue new Wornan te Wonian and Branch throlighout the te hear about the new edu2ca- Hèertanrer: dlius a ianternntinorece esrng aLS Week. an adventurous Mass province. tion project as tIey listenedHr r e eîîu nentoa eio etrn educatien programý by thC On- Pregident of thc Cancer te Mm. G. G. Lippert cf Kit- warld-wide favorite - chicken. tanrie vSoct eCnda Society'5 Ontario Division i chener. District Educationl Any dinner you prepare using thema chicken dishes wil Catine oetry dte fcua a0dth 1n .M!Chfidsrb~Carn* o Hrna xIb. auccessful, but t.ry turning yout .vening Into acmething caeronon théarect an cfed h program as one cf the panUccnatpocs h really tpecial by planning the entire meal te coordinate caner < U~ beas an ce'-Most important campaigni te told thern tJut t involves keyi rmcnie edur it h andn.I o r Vix, is ready to swing into be waged against cancer at women wrking with teamsýfonaptzrt esr wt h anda.I o r al'n in almost every Unit tils mire. etf 10 neighbors, who in turni preparing Chop Suey, for instance, tart the mccl with egg Jlusiess irecî ---- "This was the job given to. il1 go on to tell their neigh- drop loup or egg ralso. The dessert could continue thé hr.t iaifesaingchn Chinene thème by conslsting of pineapple aherbet. and for- Business ireclory hdC Soid. "he it waseforn-reactohcsi.tune cokie«. Thc use f wines and cheees fream the rs Accountancy the Cancer Society la te edu-' "The point lx." summed up! tv onre loehne h lvro oeg el A c c on n t an c y ate people about cancer, tI Mrq. Siirrif. "that earlY de-I pectv onne ieehne h ivrc oeg el THOMASJ. McGoWAN -1 nform themn about sa eura eto fcncer in these sitesl Be sure and check the gourmet and frezen food section% cf ThrOM eA ccutn and encourage them to e Se can save thou.scnda etf lives." your supermarketo for Ide&*. toc. There lo an abundant ChareredAcconta t ttmcr docters te get earîv ITo mark the event ere variety of spectalty fooda maklng the meai preparationasa 35 Temperance StreetDrR.FBektpoini Telephone 623-243 reatme'nt. We knew frein theDr .F.Bietpoinet uh casier. -2.4.1 _,lmedical profession that up tn, gynaecalogiqt, will addreoA5 ai WM. J. H. COGINS - 80 percent et ail types can be, meeting i-n Trinity ctiurch n r Charteed Accuntan prevented." He added *'t'sI Oct. 6th nt 8 p.m. on "Diqeasei ?IL.TMRNG 1.FA 115 Liberty St. S. Bowmanvllle our job ar, volunteers to edu- Pertaining te Women." 1 large frying chicken, cut into aerving piaces Phone 623-3612 crate the public about preven- -----Salt and pepper WILLIAM C. HALL tien and earl 'y detection. I, 2 tablespons cil B.Comm. think thic program is justi uiiITUARY i tai,îexpoon butter (.hartered Accountant marvellous." 1 1 16musiiroom caps 361,/ King St. E., Oshawa Mrs. Murray Shirriff. On- MR9. IHAROLD L. GIFFORDl Lemon juice Telephone 725-6539 tarie Chairman for the Wo- Following a short sicknesaiclv gnic ine man- te Woman Proeram Coyi- the death occurred. Sunda' ihain esoo lu C h ir o pra cti c rnittee, suggests that Units Sept. 21, 1969, at the Oshawa1 ____________________unable te stage their pro-IGeneral Hospital, cf Mrs, Han-I 2 large ripe tomnatoes, pceled, seeded, and chopped G. EDWVIN MANN, DC. gram& on the scteduied date'oîd L. Gifford cf Taunton. She %~ cup dry white wine Chiropractor of Octeber 5th te 1ilth due toiwasln her 77th year. 1/2 cup mushroomn liquar Office: otiier ccmmunity functionsi The former Clara B. Beckeil.itblponoaopst 15 Elgin St., cor, cf Horsey St 'shouid move their dates ahead !the deceased was a daughter1 alsontmepse Phone 623-5509 oýr back te whatever wiil suiiti ofthe1 late Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Sprlnkie chicken pièces with sait and pepper and saute Office Heurs: By appalntmentitheir coormunity. iiamn Beckeli. Born In Darling- ln butter and ail in a large ikillet until thcy are brown on 1"We must make sure thatiton Township, March 9. 1893,1 ail sides and almeat cooked through. Remove the chicken D e nfta i every volunteer understandslshe was married June 9, 1920,1 and keep It warm. In a smail saucepan simmer thé mush- Uith purpose cf this pregram-,"at Bethany.1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. ah e said. "if we are te have I A membIer et Zion Unitedi roam caps in 3/ cup sated water and add a squeeze or two 75 Klng St. E. BowmanvIlle* their entlhusiasrn. The purpose Church and the United Church et fresh lemon juice. Simmer 5 minutes, drain, reserve Office Heurs : lx te distribute heipful inter- Women, she was a resident cf the resulting liquid. 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. dally mation te the women ef On- Darlington and East Whitby. To the juices left ln the skillet add the galilc and Closed Saturday and Sunday;tarie, whicti will assist them!ITownships ail her lite. Office Phone - 623-.5790 ! te protect them.selves against! Besides her 14usband , Mr. flur. Biend well, Add tomnatoes and sîmmer 3 - 4 minutes. DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S.icancer." Gifford lx survived by a daugh- Then add the wlne and mushroomn liquor and immer &gain, Bowmanvllle Professienal Bldg. She feels that the most imo- ] ter, Joyce cf Taunton; two sons uncovered for 15 minutes. Add the tomate paste, sait and 222 King St. E. - Suite 204! portant requirement is thelRav and Neil of Taunton. pepper te teste, and mushroomns. Return the chicken te Office Heurs: i support et the coommunity. Aise surviving are two ais-1 h kle n imratgte o 0mnts 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. dally i which can only be obtained ters, Mrs. Eva Wilson ot Osh-1 hcsiitadsme atgte o 0mnts Closed Saturday and Suniday through word cf mouth pro-iawa and Miss Blanche Beckellý Serves 4. Phone 623-5459 motion. and erganization 0rÇ'Of Port Hope, e brother. Gar-I DR. STANLEY GERTZ 1 volunteerq te visit the homes net Beckel etf Darlingtoni CHICKEN DOPIAZA . INDIA 67 King St. E.. Bowmanvllle 'in each anea. iTownship and six grandchlld-, 3 smaîl onions, sliced Office Heurs : Supporting th is door-to-, ren. 6 tablespoons butter 9 a.m. te 6 p.m. door prcgramn wili be the pro-! The memnorlal service was! 1 tablespoon curry powder Monday through Thursday [vision ot speakers to ail types9 heid at the Armstrong Funeral ;f) a.m. te 4 p.mn. Friday I et womnen's groupa th rough-ý1Jme, Oshawa, at 2:00 p.m., 1 medlum-sized frying chicken, cut Into 16 pieces Closed Saturday end Sunday out the province, the appear- sept. 2.3. Interment was in 1 eup hot water Phone 623-7662 ance ot ieading vounteers on'Zion Cemnetery. Rev. A. E. t'ry the sliced enions in the hot butter to a golden radio and television and in Cresswell. pastor ot Zion Unit-,bon eoefo h aadstaîe d h ur In sunr ain c e e press. lprints are avail-,sed Cchcnuce.h powder and stir thoroughlv. Then add chlcken pieces and MlNALD A. MacGREGOR1 able of the two films, "Breast fry te a rich brown. Chop the fried onion, edd te the chicken, Life, Auto, Rome 'Seit-Examination" and "Time àand add the cup et hot water. Simmer about 1 - 1i ½ heurs, Insurance and Twe Wounen'" for corn- SULIJNA until the chicken is tender andthe sauce in greetly reduced. 52,Ring st. W., Bowmanvilie!Imunity showing. Speciai kits1 Serve with rire. Serves 6. Phone 623-5962 containing pamphlets a n dl Misa Helen Baker. Toronto. publicity materiai for Woman spnt several days vlsitlng Mr. CHICKEN CHICHEN ITZA . . . MEXICO 0 p f o m e t r y tepWoman Week have beenli an Mrs. Tom Baker and 1 frying chicken (or 2 brSIers, helved) ___________ _i________ and wiil be sent t0 tarnîîy. V u lu -eITH A. BILLETT, O.D. rail Units and Branches. Miss Catherine Baker wa, /2cp lu Optometrist i A pilot project. te iron eutý recentîv an overnîght guest' 1 teaspeoni sait 143 King St. E. - Bowmanvllle any mistakes before the pro- with Mr. and Mns. Larrv I lV4 teaspoon freshly ground pepper Office Heurs: By appointmentî ject starts provincially, was1 Weîsh, Bowmanvilie. alaposbte Telephone 623-3252 h eld In Kitchener late MAYv. Recent guesta wlth Mr. and!r Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fri. q pSmred by the North1 Mr.q. Wesîey Nulls and tamîîvy Sauce: 9 a.m. te 5 p.m. Waterl-oo Untc he Cancer! were Mr. 'and Mrs. T. West- Itbepo utraditbepo okn i Wed. and Sat. - 9 - 12 Society. lakp and famrItI, Peterborough. 3 large ripe tomatoex, chopped Thursday evenings Over 500 wo«nen turned outi Mn. and Mrs. John Knox vIsIted Mr. and Mrs. Robent iaaeoin hpe Kerr and son Jeffeny, Acton. i13 cloves ganiic, chopped recNitIy. i 1 tablespoon oregano Mr. and Mrs. Montv Emn- 1 tabiespoon cumin menson. Belleville. were Sun- 1ýcpbtemle day visitons wlth her mother, 1/4 up bueer meltedl lre qars Y n e îs>Mný. W. Werry and brethers. Bnn evso imnmfi ag qae YOU neMd.tand MMrsnd FrakWest -sitCut the frying chicken Intù,qu er. obieleur, When deep-fat frying k a srcn iiosM.ml ndppe napprbgadsaetéchIcken pieces chiidren. Oshawa. in it untîl weli coated. Heat .1 tablespoons butter in a skilct Mr. and Mre. Bruce Tlnk and saute chicken pieces until golden brown an both aides French-fried potatOees chicken, and Mn. and Mrs. Lorne Tlnk Cever and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Set amide te and many other foods are delcious attended the 25th Anniversary cool. when prepared in your deep-fati celebration for Mr. and Mrs. aetesu.Inakil ht1tbepo utrad fryer. But for safety s sake, keep Bruce Ormiston ln RaglanMkehesu. nckieteaItbeponutred Hall on Satunday evening. 1 tablespoon cooking cil. In the hot fat saute the tematees, the fryirîg temperature at the FRYj Sunday supper guests with onion, and garlic until enion in transparent. Sprinkle with pioper level by, usmnq and watching Mi," Pearl Leach were Mn. rgn n ui.Cvradsme 0mnts noe acookirg thetmoeter. and Mrs. Loran Pacoe and orgnedcui.Cvrndsm r10iut.Unor Dale,, Oshawa: n Mr s and simmer on very iow heat for 10 minutes longer. Enpty 1'he flash point, or temperature at Larry Weish. omnvlc sauce Into container et electrie biender and blend on high which the vapours from the boiling Mn. and Mre. William Ashton. sped for 15 seconds or puree in e food miii. This makes fat an e initd bya mtchf lme Ashtan and Mn. Murray Flett. 2 cupx sauce or enough for 8 senvîngs. Cool, and freeze eny ir spark,, is less than 100Odegrees 0f Solina. extra sauce te be used et e future time. above the maximum frying iMns. Orvilie Lunn, Peter- Preheat even te 350'. Put each piecaet chicken In centre temperature of 400 degrees. And boreugh. enjoyed a day's visit of aîuminumn foi]. (Mexicein women use banana leaves). the gritiontemeratreat wichwith her niethen Mna. Katie the gniton empeatur, a whih ýLangmnald. On Sunday, M.". Beat 1/4 cup melted butter into 1 cup sauce. Ceven each the hot fat itself can burst into Lawrence Squain, Salem., visit- portion with 1/4 ot the sauce, bold Up bell and seàl tîghtiy flame, is oniy about 200 dlegrees ed with Mns. Langmaid. on al ides. Placéein haking pan And baké nt 35n' for 20-30 hihrthan the flash point. Randy and Dale Freita.qg. minutes. Placé chicken packages on individual, heated scrv- higherOshawa. enjoved an over- Therfor, i isv" mpotan tonlght, stav with theIn grand- ing plates and let Pach penson open his own. Serve with Theefreitis er imoranttaparents. Mn. and Mrs. Everett: boiled rire. Serves 4. keep the frying temperature ta a 2!l Crydermnan. contrelled, saf e levet. Mn. and Mrs. flou«las let CHICKEN CHOP SUET . CHINA aundaMiss inda Flper utre 4 tablespoons peanut cil (or vegetable mil) Neyer leave your fryer unattended 1 PSunda' :v-nin-g..upper-gue.tI coupon and send it with Vour j~-j-wère guests. were undamgu reste nladruneRd e lnd C u cheque or money order for $ 1 I lMn. nd Mnr. terine RideiBied Clt ( includes 5 % sales tax) to CIAG wMre . dae Keett. shwar.ta , INSRACU hein celebrate Wsnda',ç th 1, Mn. and Mrs. Alin Clemens,- ue@t speaker. Mn. Bews is birthday. i Mr*. Wand and daughter Mr. Ontarie Representative te the ----- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - - - - - Mn, and Mrs. Rlussell Vice iJ. Roach. Mns. Olive Norrlsh. Canaldien Ceuncil cf the Blind. -r TCIAG INSURANCE 1I;and Mn. and Mrx. ClarencelMr. R. Franklin ail of Bow. Me said legislation te give' Prioty Square, Guelph 1 Vice were Sunday dinner manville, and Mms. P. F. Le- assitance te ail blInd persons o uect with Mrs. Hilton Tink, Gnesiey. Newcasqtle, attended over 18 yas without a meansi ........... Ebenezer. the Feul meeting ln Brighton test lut being considered. He I . . . - ........ M"a. Walter Perninder &t- cof Pine Ridge Club cof the alan reported from the recent g tended the weddlng of hér Blind. Mrs. P. Greenfield and conférence held in Kingston Address .............................................. np»hew. Mr. Chris. Cook te Mrs. R. Hawthorne acted "0 thet reduced tee,, for Lake Pleae srid e afat- ryng termmete. 'Miss Donna Mcflenald InEgides while Lions Howard Joseph suirmr camp are te b. Tonntoneentn.Jeffreys and Gordon Sehisaler expected. Mrs. John Clarke, Enclosed is my o choque or o mioney-order for $1 ji On Thunsday Mn. and Mr_. weredrivers for the rup. Brighton, attended that con- r eiy iwestx.ad s. akeir The Lions Club of Bn #h ton erence es delegate. Marks. Scarborough, and on sponsored the deliclous dinner Mr. Bews was prevalled upon CIAG N-SU ANCESur'dav their visitera were Mr, whlch was served by the te, render tome very excellent and Mrs. 'Clae Alibi.Mn. Lionettes te more than 50 "t' selections on his accordion Alfred Allin and Ken cf Bow-tending frem Port Hope, Cob- then led ln a memory-iene nienville. Ins. urg, Campbellfcrd, Crafton. sing-.,ng whlch in always pop- Mr. end r. Richard How- Bewmanvllc and Brighton. ular but more sn than usual crofite lndon. 'vere Stînday Mn. Jack Barclay chaired as Mr. Bews fineviP n visitôrt with hér parents, Mn. ith meeting and called On Mr. wittY commuents -were heartlly; iand Mrs. Emêett Spirée. iJack Bews et Kingston, the apprecated He and hig wiïoll The Canadian Stateann Bowmenville, Oct. 1, 1989 Woman to Woman Education Drive Starts Sunday, October Sth The Funerai service w as. heid tram the Morris Funerai Chape],, Bewmanvilie, on Wed- nesday. September 24th and was canducted by Rex'. T. Gracie et St. John's Ainglican Church. Intenment was in Bewmanville Cemetery. Among the many Io veiy floral tnibutes. evidence of the esteem ln which the deceased was held, were those fcomn the Beys ln Depts. 65 and 66, Gen-j eral Motors; Branch 178 Roy- ai Canadien Legion. Memonlal Park Association, R. M. Hel-- iingshead ef Canada Ltd., In-: ternational Chemical Workerq,, i Local 380; United. Automobile Workers, Local 222. Pralibearers xvere Messrs. Don Brooks, Bawmanvilie; Kenr Hazelton, Oshawa; Hugh Rod-I gens, Anchie Mc'Neil, Orono;r Russ Hayes and Phil Latimer, lBowmanvllle. A Legon service waa held 1et 7:30 on Tuesday evening. AIL LENSES PRECISION GROUND TO YOUR EXACT NEEDS . .. NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR TINTED LENSES OR PRESCRIPTION SUNGLÂSSES _______________________ wthFramesI aend Lenses OPTICIANS-OYER 3,000,000 SATISPIEO CUSTOMERS Bifocas If Requlred - RKryptek, Ultex or Flattops * Laboratory To You 17 BOND STREET, Monday, 9 a.m. - 9 p.m. * No Middlemnan's Profit EAST Tuesdey, Thuns., Friday, * We Ru iail PSI, Oculista ani 9 a.m p.m. OPtometri<ts prescriptions st 2nd Floor9a..-5p. the same low prices. Sat.. 9 a.m.- Noon * Broken Framies Repafred or Phn:728-1261 Wednesday -Closed Replaced White Yau Wat 'hne y ro'u CtsO uae n ..Fud Lenses Duplieated IruceslaMny PiniplCii. . andaan US-FU"'. 9"' SEE KING and SAVE MI«ASTEkPIE CEs F RE E Mit Il* emo.i&W lW&M w $5.w1w mm aSd Chm i*.4 -N 2nd WEEI( VALIO ONLY - or M.. ~ ~ ~ SEPT. 29 THRU OCT 4th. Mes 500,0 Sumo LII OWE C6JPO lt SOFMM.Y sFRAUl iIIF u4ndcdbI i w6r<d ofîFîwzno4 French miFMY à f FrenchSHOESTRINO Fries 2 LI. .1 Bowmanvillle 4t&Y 10 WMAN VILLE Foodliner . 1Janet presented a Guest bock DE k. Cole read the acriptur. and thé Reelnul Meeting kM geturte C. ama huhfl~ IU K UUl Mrs. 1. Mund.ay led in prayer. Hampton On October 2fth, b. gestre.Mis.s Margaret Allun sang the ginning at 1:30) p.m. Mr. Clair Hilhorn, the mov beautiful sol0 "Stranger of Mr.Cm el exrad ing mentor f this club, Soto e n s s a sou u Galilee" M s. K. Bilet iCt a m pbc e l e dies te be congratuated by the m e m- u aupianist. B"Mi w s h e r an d Mof rte l S ers- t bers ea hyMeetingleok for- At .4niyU, C tW Mrs. Whitsun. the church'ford pregented her wlt.h a gU't. war teeah metig ithar~U UiU~7 - ~VUsecretary, intixoduced Miffl The pleasant and Instructive great deal cf pleasure Margaret Near of the Presby- Meeting wa.q closed by re- nhe September meeting ofý terian Church in Chinatown,: peating the Benediction. Trinity U.C.W., opening up:Toronto. Among many thlngsi our FaU activities, was in the mhe told of her workInti OBITUARYform of a Pot Luck dinner' country and in Hong Kong; <>1 VISITING NOURS AT W. . (EANý LRGE wi-th Chinese highlights. Units Chineqe traditional ways, In-1NUCLEAR POWER SiTATION 1 .G BAO AG 9 and 10 had decora-ted the; cluding the consternation Of 0a Effective October 1, 1969, 9 Following an BIness 01room min red and whiîte. Fav- family is a son and daughter- ,there will be a change In t.he pabout two years, the dea h !fouirs at each place included in-law go out on<> ei rown,.vxiting houri et t.he Pickering Waltr Gen (ean) Lagechopsticks from Mr. John'as they try te have tour g4'n-,Nuclear Power Station and !aler 54e ycarncurre, t Seto, fortune cookies from, eration.q in the hcnne; of the the popular bus tours cf the aged54 ears ocurre atLotus Garden@, and augarilaws governing Chineqe lm-' cons.truction lite wIîî be dis- Memnorial Hospital, Bowmnan-iflowerI' made by M.rs. E. migrants, whiehi thp Cardan!contintied until next ummer. ville, on Sunâay, Septembelri ockaday. ;governmc'nt has changeýd *n<'.1. A. Fulton, Publie Rela- 21. 1969. , Between courses Mrs. Sum- many timeq sin0e about 189() tiens Officer for the Nuclear Son ettelteM.adersford led in the U.C.W. songiwhcn the firne men camp te Power Station, snncunced the M fn. h Ed ardLa r. h adj"Since We Got thie Urge toithis coujntrv: of their ohiirch changescd si h e bor i Bomavile nd e-Grow" to the tune of "Old;for which they art finantial- heurs of operation for the cernInedhiseduatnvil oc a l Gx iay Mare." ly indepeArxJ*,'t. Sihm then Vigito,'u Centre will be 9:00 L cceds edwasa ei de n t Th e worwhip service was1 showed two film %trip% which'ar. to 4410 p.m. seven dayf a scof i tHe w fo r set i presented by Units 9 and l0ishe hâd lakcn in llonLt Keng, week. Scheol tours and org- life. wîth "Faith" as thc theune.1after which she angwç'rp'd a Fanl;at.ionq ore invIted. and Mrs. R. Campbell opened with few quextionx micv moke arrangements for An employee of General a hymn a.nd read a very ap-' Mrx. Sumf-rford cendurted totirs by t.lephonIng In ad- Mot. ofe Canada, Oshawa, he propriate poem. Mrs. E.* Cox'a verv shortbi~s perind. v»ricp to Tonto 282-5781 or retired about two years ago. read the meditation. Mrs. A.' One announemènt wax for Dtunbcrt>n 839-1151. He was a member of the Unit- - Pd Church and waq also à member of Branch 178 of the f1 f lià Royal Canadian Legion. I __ Mr. Large lm survived by EU Elleen, Bowmanviile; Stuart, ~ ~ T E ,S A E (Elsie), Mrs. Cecil Allowa*v 6 T LS H P SAN O R OC O EF O (Ferni), Mrs. Gordon Major__________ (Joyce), al of Bowmanville; L-I1 Mrs. Joe Charlebois (Lois), ICEVSO Belleville; John, Bownian- ville; Mrs. William Moore (Helen), Oshawa, and Mrs. pe m, I ý eA1$ J9I Ivan Caserent (Shirley), ef