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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 10

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- -......... -. ~ Y The T.Canadien Statauman, ]Iowmnanville. Oct. 22, 1069MNansyEnoa Vivian T yroe ____0 _______Miss________________ erl ù.re eked g est o wer weken gustsofRailways Testing Rubber Crossing Pads Nacssister, Mr. and Mrs. Miss Kathryn Knox was a V. c M o v r o n i eekend guest with Miss Julie Vter th Thornton, Tyrone.. ZinUC Manvers Township Cotincil the amount of $3,854.75; for Mr n Ms.rak et-mtnti trAt on Tuesday, Oct. 7th with, garbage dump control to Leon-1 aevstdM.adMs e September Reeve Wilson Heasllp presid-i ard Trlck $68. for Bethany, Hunt]ey, Newmarket, o Sa- than usual Ingan ail members present' Clifford Fallis $20.25 for Ponty- urday. tedie - deputy-reeve Harvey Mal- ýpool, Jack Kerr $24.00 forý colm and coundîllors R. J. Janetville. For the Bethanx< Mr. and Mrs. Walter Short, 11vstrs Payne, Wilfred Richardson andi Fine Arien, to Cliff ord FallisCutcwr eetspe .-ioee h Alvin Mitchell. .9390, Lloyd Davidson $332117 gusts w Mr.and fMrsy. pe n Communications r e celived Ryley & Son $141.26, Victoria'e y Yellowesan faiy ,p e ent and denît with were from the Ready Mix Concrete $54050; iwsa Rhond Pascoe, Court- He County Assessor re 1969 voters for Janetville Fine Area to ,waaweengeswths. cre o lists; Peterborough Ski Club ne! tlarold Corley $73.96; for Pon- Mrs. Rae Pascoe and family. perlod wof 1 969 taxes; Dept. of Highways' typool Fire Area George Van ýThanksgiving dinnen guesti fro Gala Road Auditor; Burrows, Selby1 Dam $5. Dennîs Willis $5 wth rs Pascoe wvere Mr. and idrem aing &Co. ne school levies; United 1Richardson Garage ~93M'.Lyni Pascoe and Rhonda, Counties Regional Governmentl Bernard Neals for fuel for1 and Mrs. Harold Pascoe. 34 survey interim report; County1township office $34.15; James Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden Bsns Asesa e ikngo jrrPublishiflg Co., pinting 1968 had as guests on Sundai his thasromeeti for 1970; Trent University reýfinancial statement $091 arnsM. Ms Fsercrepond flistorical documents; Bethany ýReceiver General of Canada Snowden,, Brooklin. Worespwer Women'x Institute concernigi $157.17: Ted Graham and Mar- Miss Sally Langrnaid hiad as We n oreC a fre azrd n ethnyvilagshall Reynolds $5. each forilher weekend guest, Miss Loui dcddt and a number of accounts. witness fees; Welfare for month Ann Reynolds, Courtice. dce t A mtin'ws arredto he1 f Septemben $800. Mrs. Katie Langmnaid's re- evlps eflect that the Freeze Next meeting of Council cent vîsitors have been Miss 1ui lig Trailers coming into Manvers wil be held November 4th. Kate Foster and Miss Vivian lQitn Township continue in effect! Philp, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs.i three quilt, until February 1, 1970. Russell Gilbert and Mr. and and twa n The nit d C untes ffi er flT ~ I~M rs. H arvey H ardy, Bow m an-1 The Unitd Countis Officei SOLINAville, and M.Lwec oeCrs In charge of junk removal, oldi Squaîr, Salem, was a SundayA mo cars etc., Is ta be cantacted re Sauina Women's înstît'jte are, supper guîest. was discus the remnoval of nid cars on the 1 chartening a bus to go to the And c5 aj o! Mr east appraach ta the village of W.I. Convention at the Royal' Deeld. Pan tpoal.I Yok Hotl onan d Mrs. Lloyd Broome gath- ' Pontypoo YorkNoebe onTh Wednesday,1 ered nt their home on SundayBake1a Council declaned its Inten- vebr5 Th bus will to honor Broome relativesj tion to take ail necessary steps leave Solina Community Hall viiting here from Portadown. r.Ha tn close and stop up that par- et 8:30 arn. and the 're,.urn Northern Irelnd.incldin tion of the road allawance bus wIll leave the Royal York Mrs. Hessie McAdam, sister ! citips their between the second and third Hotel at 9:30 p.m. A num- of the late Mrs. David Broome. I concessions of the township of ber of seatis are still a vailabie.'Gucsts %vere present f rom F ortance. Manvers, opposite lot 13. The Anyone welcome. Contact, London. Guelph, Hamilton, pLtl ninth of December at the hou Ada Yelîowîees a t 263-2564 Or Barrie, Concord, Toronto, Ty-enrtne o! two p.m. was fixed for theiPearl Leach 263-2504. rone and Bowmanvllle. piano solos time for hearing any objection'i Next Sunday, October 26. Ms Pearl Leach and Mrs ee. h ta siach closing, at the Council ( we wili be back on Standard L. Keliett enjoyed a bus trip cac t Chambers ln the Township!I Time and aur church serv'cesi to Chicago on Thanksgiving ~~' Y rlcm hall at Bethany. wIll be on the new winter . ....viand.ur num ber of la-id severa - sc e ul. Sunday School wi1ll MorAalîto k . ces were granted: to Lawrence b e at 10 a.m. and Church '1 W. Aerebea White to sel off a lot in lot Service at 11:10) ar. Standard iiin is visiting for a few days e ba onecocs so 13 to Lloyd Time. wth Mn. and Mroyrues.n Rubber railway crossing pads berng installed are Tononto and Hamilton. According to Goodyear engin-, you, Doris! SolnaScholClu wllbe, and oy s. Lin el the first in Canada to be used on a highway level cross- eers the rubber crossings provide smoother travel than! On OctoI lot 12, concession five; ta Dun-' meeting on Wednesday, Oct. ia s upr guests on Sun- ing. Supplied by Goodyear, the crossing pads are being the conventional wooden plank type and require less ý, ; -- m canFoie t silaI lnd i 2 a 8p.n.Mrs. Hoar, Prim- day Mr. and Mrs. Dave Kellett, tested by Canadian National on a highway which maintenance. aurS. iend the west bal! o! lot 13 and the ary Consultant for West Dur- Wan-da and Kevin, Oshawa; crseihnouty' uis tec o aluebten east haîf of lot 12 in the sixth haro, will be the speaker and i Mc.oDnald Kehett, Bowan- I __________________of__rail______________________ ______ concession, except a 10 acre will answer any questions 1IMville ad Mis Mrett îett ____-Iwene aof block; ta Albert Bowin ta seil, thet you may have. This 'vil] t Solina fnmT1.Ti a very lots twn and four on surveylbe the only meeting for the: Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fergu- E W TN V II.I..E d'eabTh rnade af part of lot 12 in thelfaîl season, sa, please plan ta son, Newcastle, were Sunday MR. RNS LD Eattnddi third concession o! Manvenslattend. lsupper guests wîth Mr. and ETN V1 L L EM$ER ST ID E ated. township. 'd ancenîy Evesît Hocka-Mrs. Bruce Tink and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowertheir wlnter home ln Florida. Convenor Mrs. R. Farrow1 olwn egtyiîes 1Opening Applicaion wil be mid ' Mrownd Mrs Ernest_____________ Apliatonwil e ad tta eenl ist Mn. Ivan- and family of Port'Hope werel We undenstand a dozen on took the chair for the after- Mrs. Ernest Liddle, 74 Simcoe Most Dear' the Dept. of Highways for the Ellicott ln Peterborough Has- visitars here. Monday, with sa ladies have registened at noon's pnognam, callng on St. N., OsihawadiidFia tte se lnei na usiy itl lTUTA1RV is parents, Mn. and Mns. S. the local school for the negular Mrs. F. Gilmer to give the Ohw eea optl h Five hundred "No Tnespass- Many friends and relatives LLJL~. A. Rowe. Monday evening Physical Fit- topic, 'Citizenship". She stress- Ohw eea optl h lng" signis are ta be ondered. called on Mn. and Mrs. RossIiadMsLn3xVsy ns lsl hrea n. dteiprac !ec n was 55 A by-law was lntroduced ta Page on Sunday afternoon, ta MRS. NORMAN DOWN oMPrt ndMNcs ent aswek J. eldhuias. Tnhaeno Tu ed tndigmporneh a h e e Born Florence Purdy, sheý repaceth prset dg antolextndthen estwihesan The death occurred Satur-1 with lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. nights the following attend Ileves to be right even If Iwathedagtero nadA by-law. their 25th Wedding Anni-lIday, October il, 1969, at theý Wm. Stapleton, recently, and the Sewing Class et Clank means standing alone, and ville. She was bora August,: Among the accounits orderedlversary. I Oshawa Generai Hospital, fol-' last Wednesday evening ah iHigh School: Mesdames T. elosing wlth the thought "May 1914 in Bobcaygeon andwa paid was the rnad accaunt in' Misses Carol, Marilyn and lowing a véry short sickness, were dinner guests ia Port Henderson, S. Brown, R. Trirn, we daily stnive to , extend a mridinOhw, Apnl1 of Mrs. Norman Down, R.R. 4, Hope with Mn. and Mrs. Bruce J. Martel], K. Myles, S. Stacey helpIng hand with malice .-mriedi193aa,3.il1 Oshawa. She was in ber 78th' Don nelly and famlly. and P. Willems. wand none, and cliarity ta- ya.Mn. Jim Nesbitt and Dixie Mr. Wallace Boughen was wards ail". Thi2s may well bei Mrs. Li'ddle was a resident *Theforer Ena llia th left here on Tuesdaylast for admitted ta Oshawa Genenal the basis of gond citizenship. ~ saafr3 en n Th___erEn lln h Hospital last Thursday whene Mrs. T. Henderson gave ai also h ved in Bowmraville. decea.sed was a daugibter of it Is expected he will undengo neading entitled "What Is It? - h i_% survived by her buF- th lt M. n Ms.Toms OBITUARY surgey, some time this week. and the motta "Let me give bnd Ernest, one daughter,' Allia. Bora in Whitby Towa- Mn. A. A. Martin o! Port so much time to Improving Joan PeYton, Oshiawa, and her: ship. Aug. 15, 1892, she had1 sie athHsaaditit TOWARD C. GAUD Credit was a visitor with Mn. myself that I shall not have parents.w live in he Ohawadistictand Mns. F. Gilmer, Thursday time to citicize others'", was Also surviviag are five sis- ail her life. She %vas a mem- Followiag a lengthy iliness, afternoa. given by Mrs. M. Sarnis. The ters: Mirs. Everett Winacott w £ber of Ebenezer U n i t e d the death of Howard Clemens Mrs. S. J. Lancaster was neading "What is a Smilp?" (Amy). Nestieton; Mrs. Alex Township of Darlington h . Chunch and was active in the Gaud, aged 82 years, occunred among thase attending the tea was supplied by Mns. W Cameron (Helen), Timmins;, Unite'd Churdh Womnen O! the at Memorial Hospital, on Sun- and bazaar on Saturday if- Boughen. Mms. Howard Gowle (Clae), Pr, c'hurch. She was marriedi day October 5, 1.96.9. ternoo at the Golden Plough Roil Caîl "One neason why Bowmanville; Mrs. Roy Starn, * A Second Instalirnent of ABesdes ber husband, Ms. and Eleana. Mary Clemeas, The qult, donated by the aaswered by the 24 members FredSmt LuaOhw. Down is survived by live he was born at R.R. I., Bow- U.C.W., which will be fan sale and three visitons present, and She is survi by two bro- *MO daughtens, Mrs. Harry Wor- manville, on the farm where at the comning bazaan la NO- this part o! the meeting closed1 thers, George Purdy, Bow-i*M0 den (Marjorie) o! Ebenezer, he lived the whole o! bis lite. vember. was put ln the frames with the Mizpah Benediction.1 manville, and Robent Purdy,ý Farm A A Mrs. Bruce Gormley (Efla) O! He attended Salem Public at the' Suaday School Hall and Luinch was, served by the Collingwood, an-d five grand-' T AE S Manotick, Ont., Mrs. Alvin School. In April, 1935 ha mnri wonked by several Industriaus hostess and gnoup, Mrs. Bour- children. IMetcaîf (Muriel) and Mrs. ied the former Evaline M. ladies during last week. gente havIng the lucky cup and Mrs. Liddle rested at Arm- Mura Osborne (Jean) O! Simpson who survives. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Brown Mrs. Gartshane the lucky strong Funeral Homne Ltd.' C . Fbe,,,, andMrs StIy 11,d,,,sdwesa fmr ,v, 1,lher ewhom " chir A'precIatian te Mrs. COJhawa. Service was conduet*- d Loveli (Wilma) O! Oshawa, the fanm property being known Newcastle op Saturday. We Adains for her hospitality was ed in the chape] Mnnday at T and six sons. Allan o! Sun- locally as Gaud's Corners, just uadenstand Mn. Mason of!bl expressed and aIl were 2 p.rn. by Rev, George Mea- !adBruce of Ebenezer and was a member o! St. Andnew's their old home the beglnning! former nesident andi member, Ifnterrnent waR in Oshawi Ele fOshawa. Preshytenlan Church and was o! Novemnber. Mnu .Rdnpo saw.UinCmiey SAlso surviving ar-e a sister, a trustet o! the chunch. The Lakeshone Umpines As- -..Rdnpo saa no eeey 1969 Mrs. Sidney Venton (Etta) of Besides bis wife, Evaline, sociation held their season-end- Bowmanville: a broth er, the deceased is survived by a iag dinner Saturday night Idi î Howard Ailin of Newcastle; step-saa, Ralph Simpson. , the Sunday Scbool hall, enter- Penalty of 1%/ per mnonth charged on ail unipaid l381 grandchiidren and seven' The funeral service was hield' Ing being taken cane o! by greal-grandchildren. ýon Tuesday, October 7th., tram Mns. A. Wade's Unit. first instainient taxes, and second instalment i h uea evc a h atct lît Funeral 1Mr-. Bob Stapleton was guest heid nt 2 p.m., Monday, Oct. HomeB'mav lofn ws !hanor at a stag party Sat- taxes after Nov, lut, 1969.1 13th, ia Ehenezer United conducted by iRev. J. S. Gil- Jurday night ln vîew of bi% op- Church nematws incrs. Interment was in Bw-pnoaching weddiag. Ehenezer Cemetery. Rev. Da- manville Cemetery. Judy Brown ententaîned seGt o u s1enal o! han girl fnlends eta V 'LLOYD PETERSON, vid Hari, minister o! Ebene- Pallbearers were Messrl.lni ma panrty ln hp h :j. afternoon, October 15, opening with the Ode, Mary Stewart Colect. andi Lord'x Prayer. a fter a few word.s of welcomne frarn President Mrq. A. Wade. Minutes o! prevInus rneeting rhis ts IMeXcO Ghooseefromseverat wpre reati anti approveti,, fol- lowed by the finanetal report Forced Warm Air Fur- models. by Secretary-Trea.-urer Mr,%. nace. Ail are fulfy guaran- T. Coresndencewnaa It Is designed to en- teod, and available on1 weîî as sevenal notes of thanks tram vaniaus membenu for fav- sure the complete com- long, easy term pay- ors received. bustion of overy drop of ment plans. Thin ig ra oveto Canadak'Is a grei o d o11. So you CMt maximum If yfou need onle, loes Mrs. A. Hughes agreed to be heat at minimum cost. talk about R. r aur 'teegate If nole th- Caed Esp ell im oHcSotsWe'Il Se tat you aiways present, that day. It was de- desire.e erethativoey shoable a b.a P"ec ofit yV lS B m odm01w fueln hit"eflrst ham the home comfSot yS d re sent with Mns. Hughes. ln lieu Day aWdNgMt a! the articles requested for the sale. Mns. C. Brown mentloned Ou toeWk mA41.h.. havIng the Record Books, and -~ ~ '~as aselu movIng, would 1Bk* someane else to take cane of WILSON & VOWLES them, which Mrs. W. Milli- 17 Lbery St N. Bowianill, On. Pono 23-591gan offereti to do, for the 17 Uert St N.,BowanvlleOnt Phne 6.3-591present., at least. A. L. WEARN An expression of appreci- -<> A Eniailen ntrj Poo M3221ation Is to ho sent the Christie NA XM M M Q Ennidlin, Otaro Pone 63-291Company for their kindness WM.SKEDIN the day of the bus trip, and! WM. KELONG L#%ýanother one to Mis" MarIlyn: Newtonvîlle, Ontario Phone 786-Z502 1401E CO FOR' Nichols for providing musical1 _____________________________________________________________________numbers for the program ati Itaple Grove. ZION C.W. Meeting silence, In nmemory of t nf. wh sumrner's recesF,. bers, wha had gone aheati. fol- '..Afternoon Ui lowed by a short prayer. he S.S. naoms an' The devotianal pernot was rlOth, a week latel. preparei andi given by Mrs. il, but with a gaadly eo! 16 members and Ray Camenon. Openeti with hyma "Rise Up. O Men o! Goti" followed by everyone ýaden Mrs. McMaster: nepeating Psaim 118. A paper .i meeting with R on 'Fniendship and Thanks- tIet -Too Busy"', giviing" was reati. Offering by prayer. was tàken i-d dedicated. erman Haas took Hymn "Blest Be The Tic That )f the devotional Bintis" was Sung ln closing th scnipture reading, this part o! the meeting. Mions. andi a splend- : Business penioti wRs brief. ciosing with hymo Announcementq were matis andi plans for our joint mneet- qpeniati apeneti with Ing October l4th wene deciti. cal, minutes o! the. cd upan. Ig (May) neadi and ience taken cane af. Our speaker. Mrs. Chantes nemndei t bnngNayhor. a former member of '. labines. rn was:ur church. also organist andi -P. abes. t, as:a participant la 50 many other Save stamps off ai helpful ways - brought us a 1andi fanwand the: splendid anal vlew on "What !er colonies. î s a Waman". This paper, i s ta resumne. with prepaned by Mrs. Naylor, gave ts neady to, work an,i us a great Insight into the more ta be dont be- pnobiems o! lite today - anti ;tmas. anyone who Is fortunate te .ey-making pr-o*ject, hear this, will fint I t mast la- ssed. Funther pan- tenesting. This was followpd ter. hy a sing-sang af hyrnas, andi to have a Gypsy sangs that usedti t be so popu-ý aur Octoher meet- 1 an, the piano accompaniment bY Mrs. Naylon. Mns. August ass ndei tt met-Gelsherger playeti sevenal cl& thts fnal tude esangs.with variations, on the haes ofina ts main jpiano. which everyone etjoy. ir situations and lm- eiimney Durng lunch, a gah-fest was 4iss Margaret Haassi d us with sevenal s. nealiy weli rend-, n we wene given a take a trip to Alaska,, es and a running~ ientary by Mrs. Ross se pic tunes. ln colon,ý itiful and everya ne im 50 much. Thank )br lst we helti aur' eeting, igain la thpi i.This was nameti Iship Meeting - wben 1 oun past membens to jota us. mak,1n,- happy occasion, la- e weather was love- nout 40 ladies ln ail with greetiagq ta.i -eading "The Tbings ", Mns. McMaster Id for a moment oi!i stanted. andi contiaued for a whlle after. We were sa glad ta see aur visitons, bave a visit toa. and feel sa happy so many couid be together. JOHN F. DEL ITH GeneraI Insurance ALL CLASSES OP PERSONAL and COMMERCIAL LUNES Contact: JOHN McMILLAN 69-3-3111 or 623-3950 14 FRANK STREET, BOWMAN VILLE TIENTION FARMERS HY PAY MORE? SAVE ON remium Quality SOLINE MEL TOR OIL itanks and pumps available. LL COLLECT 668-3341 II~ -~ 9 DX Oit FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 8%O os Bonds rK OF COMMERCE 0 r ý, 1 ýy-ý

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