Jh~e 8c/àor you, as farnily men and women, In al good conscience, face yaur family and honestly say yeu are genuinely inter- ested in their welfare? In my opinion, there is only ONE question of importance - Are we going te sit idly by and wait untîl someone becomes seriously ill because o! this problern and only then 'lock the barn door a! ter the herse has been stelen' as is done se aften, or are we geing te prove aurselves ta be first, responsible parents, second, forward-thinking citi- zens, and go ahead with the installation o! sewers? The monetary question should be secondary. Wauid you refuse te take vour seriouslv ilI loved one ta the dcc- ton because his prices are ton high? It amounts te the sarne thing yau know! Yours in U-Tood Health, Margaret Breret on (Mrs. Samuel J.) Have Lost Track of Real Truth Octaber 16, 1969 Dear Sir: I must confess that 1 was amazeè te read Mr. Pidgeon's recent letter re. garding the Great Fine Ridge Festival 1 had always assurned that Mr. Pidgeon was a progressive-minded mnan. HoIwever, he seerns to echo a fairiy general misunderstandintg regardinQ the Festival. Perhaps the Festival itseil ix to blarne; it has heen so widely adver- tised as a festival FOR YOUTH that people hav'e Iost track of the real truti - the Festival is flot for youth neari' so much as it is FOR NEWCASTLE. Theatres don't exist tn serve actors; thbey exist to serve thpir audiences. 1rhe city of Stratfnrd has gained far more from the Stratford Shakespearear Festival than any particular actor, dir- ector or hacksta.ge technician has ever gained! This large-scale, far-reaching kind of benelit is what was hoped for Newcastle and the surrounding area. But a few more comments like Mr. Pidlgenn's would make one wonder whether Newcastle deserves the Festi- val! Surely if a hundred young people choose te corne bere and work their Great Pine Ric Newcastle, Ont. Je)rEditor, -1 Your recent issue contained some comments on the Pine Ridge Festival at Newcastle by my good friend F. B. Pidgeon. While 1 arn not ernpowered te answer these comments officially;, as a member of the Lions Club for sorne ten years, and as a Director of the Festival since its inception, I have sorne knowl- edge of the facts, and the following éomments, in point form, will I hope, help ta) clarify some of the issues. 1. - The Issue - Multiple Use We ail agree that as Newcastle's nnly service club the Lions have ac- complîshed many things. In this partic- ular case it was the Board's suggestion that a professional opinion be sought on the type of installation being made in the H-all for the purpase of preserv- ing sight lines to the stage. As Mr. Pidg- @on indicates the Hall is a multiple use building, and the Festival sought only to keep that multiple use. The same will .iow have ta be accarnplished by other rneans, which nieans are being investi- gated by persons concerned. There wvas and is no conflict with the Lions Club as a Club, only a difference of opinion because of a different intended use of the building. 2. - THE MASSEY VIEWPOINT In regard ta the use of the Cern- munity Hall generally, the following is a quotation fromn the original Massey grant in regard ta sorne of the uses of the building : "such as wiIl cultivate and prornote arnong the cîtizens of the Village of Newcastle an interest in educa- lion and good citîzenship . .. music and drama, patriotism, public wel- fare and religion." These among other aims indicate that the Masseys intended : (a) the Hall as a rnultiple use building, (b> the Hall was intended te prommte dramna. 3. - TIME 0F USE The Festival do use the Hall al summer, but to the knnwledge of the Directors the only other arganization which had booked was the Newcastle H-orticultural Society, and the Board cancelled one performance in order that this show could be put on. 4. - INCOME The rentai was $500-00 a season, VILLjAGE 0F NEW(AI WILL REVERT TO hearts out ta entertain us thev r1eser'e 1IGreg Forget - Lloyd Taylor Gord Cowling Gord Watson Bill Williams i NewtouvIlle Ladlea 175 and Over 'Liz WiIJerns -- Marg McDonald____ Wyllene Rahme Doreen Cameron Wilda Simipson --- - Thursday Mlxed 200 and Over Marilyn Couch ...... Mary MacGregor Jeanne Myles George McNair ___ Hanneh Farrow __ Frlday Mlxed 200 and Over Bill Alln George Kupery- Tracey Embley Patricia Kidd ___ Albert Pearce George Zwler _ Kay Powell Ed Neshitt .Jack Ifoines-- Dennis lalsey ------------ Newcastle, Ont. Oct. 19, 1969. Dear Editor, I meant ta stay completely out of this sewer confrontation, mainly because I amn in favor of having them installed, but what I have heard and read on the subjeet up to naw, positively disgusts me. guch canduct from supposedly res- ponsible adults! This rnast important matter has become nothîng more than a muck-rak- ing, narne-calling, personaity-involved political football and such action is in- excusable! Surely our concern for a happy, HEALTHY community rises above such conduct! The main purpose o! this proposai seemns ta have been Iast in the fray. May I nernind ane and all the health of aur farnîlies in particular, and of the comrnunitY as a whale, should be the prime concern. After ail these harsh and nasty word.s have been written and said, can tnot anly aur thanks but every assistance Newcastle-.Mr. and Mrs. we can render them. To oc n etfrey. MIn- ,d den. wene weekend visitars The ironic thing is that nearly allwith Mr. and Mrs. Gardoný the people unsympathetie ta live theatre Dancey and sons. i ri spend their leisune giued ta thein TV Attending the Cobourg O.P. set! Weredo heythik te T aconsP. dance from, the Newcastle set! Weredo heythik te T acorsDetachment on Fniday even-t y camne from? - off the proverbial trees? îng, wene CpI. and Mrs. Len 9 Do they acf realize that the profession James, P.C. and Mns. Tom cf acting calis for as rigorous a training Yardy, P.C. and Mrs. Tom as hockey? What we see on t he Town Hofidwav. P.C. and Mns. Ken Laton, P.C. and Mn.. Ken [tHl stage is not just a splendid eveni- RtP.C. and Mrs. John1 h ngs entertainment; we are sen h hles ..Jh ei n actars cf tomorrow wha five years from Miss Terri Crowley, P.C.and neSrtorytg Mrs. Bruce Tilison, P. and nw may be stniding the Mrt. Jerry Ktaak.P.C.'a or IookiniV out at us f rom the TV sereen. Mrs. Murray Joynt and P.C. Wili we have earned the pride we will and Mrs. Bill Heinier. Aise r hen feel! Five yenrs from naw wiIl we attendlag were P.C. and Mrs. Jim Cee now of the Millbrook rate as ane cf the mast remarkabhe Detachnent and Mn. and Mrs. villages in Canada, or will ignorance Clark Stevens now retired *and lack o! understanding have elaine fromn the force, living and anot er vcor? Le New astesiz.e working In Cobourg. Cengrat.- anoter vctov? Lt Necasle size ulations te P.C. Tom Hoida- its chance te escape obscunity hy giving wyat i oeyw h the Festival every possible encourage- were ceiebrating their wed- ment. ding anniversary. arns rYours truly, There will be parents' night, Joan Bennett next Monday evening at 6:301 P.S.- 1hav iton ond uthrit th 10'clnck. Came aiong with PS - hae i ongoo auhorty he your Cub an this evening. rent was paid. especaliy parents of aur new beys wh willl ha Invested nt lge Arts Festival by iter. rn thr chîd- ren at home along wlth yau,' and ll rntas hae ben pld n ful ithey are welcame ton. and il entis ave eenpaî inful What with sorting out tn date. This is the second largest rentai costumes for the little Oanc. In received by the Hall Board, the largest youn bouse for the big nigbt being the Public Utilities Commission. coming up this Saturday. It's 5. -FORM I, AREEMNTboped vou have found sanie- 5. -FORMI. GREEENTthing fan yourself and are To aur knowledge neither the planning ta attend the Lions Lion Clb nr te Fetivl Bardhad Club fHallowe'en Dance in Lion Clb nn te Fetivl Bardhad costume. This Is one ntgh ta any written agreement with the Hall dress as you'd realhy like ta Board, but the matters were dealt with ha dressed, Ini a cam!ortabie in the minutes of the Hall Board. smoking jacket and baggy trousers with your best worn 6.- DAMAGE TO HALL shî1ppers. or ev en an oîd pair The Board have neyer refused teo!o jeans, a great comfort ta repair any damage alhegedly incurred you while everyone believes by mmbes o theFesiva. Noper You te b. dresseti the part of cf theFestial. Na fanmer. The ladies. ton. rani mission was ever given by the Board naw make use of at lea$ïtcane for any person te sleep in the basernent oid dness hanging In the choset. of he uiling Nofornalcomplaint not really aid from use but cf th buiding Na orma outofstyle because e! ta, aur knowledge was ever receîved in the nise and fali o! hems. Or this regard. If yau reaihy haven't anythtng 7. - FUND-RAISING DANCE In the line of a costume, thls The Lions Club executive o! last ,on't stop yau at the dean; camne along anyway and Join year was asked ta stage a dance ta raise In the fun. Saturday nigbt at funds for the Festival. Last year's ex- the Community Hall. ecutive thought that the request carne Our frientis and neighbona' lateandwoud inerfre ith the ntaMemorial Hospital are: tote adwuditreewt te George Farncomb, Mn,. Mar- regular dances, and the matter was set garet Farrow, Mns. Diana over for this year's executive ta give Rowe, Mri. Dora Smiith and it full consideration. The suggestion was Walter Smiith. See the atvertisenient else- made because the Board thought that where an this page fon regis- there might be a wider gnoup cf people tratian of figure skating, spon. patronize such a dance, aad this would sored again this year by the be of assistance te the Lions who are Newcastle Recreatton Coni- 1mrittee. If you have a child ruaning a senies o! dances. The sugges- interested la taking these les- tion was not passed by this year's sons, this is the time ta do executive, aad the matter was therefore sonietbing about IL. Don't dropped.miss the date and disappoint 1 8.ppd -OTIEDNTOSyour cild. 8. -OUTSDE ONATONSIL bas been brougbt ta the The largest individual donation 'attention et bath Cub and that I know o! was given by a single jS'out Leaders as ta the nurn-1 indiidua in owmnvile in theber of pensons selling Christ- indiidua in owmavill in h nias cards and antificial flow- amnount of $500.00, and the largest corp- ens while Ia cither a Cub or erate or group donation came frora the Scout uniforni. These per- City o! Oshawa, aiso in the amount So 0"wocnadtevl lage iast week did so under $.500.00. It is a clear indication, 1 think, 1false pnetenses, NO CUB and that the Directors have looked beyend NO SCOUT under the Scout Newcastle for financial support. iMavement ber. In the village 9.~~~~~~~~ waxACALRSOSBIIY~~ seiling cither o! these 9. -FINACIALRESONSIILIT itms for their Pack or Troop, In regard ta, finances, the total they were being sald for their shortaeee w peaigsaos wn profit. Ttfi laàaseniaus apoximately l,30.00.Thne roney i offence far a Cuh or Scout appr xim tel $1 300.0. h e on taLnb e w earing hia uniform andi necessary te pay this shortage has been canvassing es such, donr ta guaranteed by the Directars.personally, 'door. Steps have been taken and ah] accounts have been paid. ýta locate the persolis respans-1 Il is, I believe, adviseable that the. Ible, andi baving located sanie publc hae flI kowlege ! th F. of ithoseboys, steps have been puble hve ull nowedg of he es-Itaen in locate the parents tîval's activities, and I hope that this! and stress the reason why thli information clarifies the issues raised1 should not have been andi shouiti not again occur. If a quite preperly by Mr. Pidgeon in his 1 boy knocks on your door. in letter o! enquirv. 'unifonni of a Cub or Scout, E. R. (Dîick) Lovekin, remember ..he In aellinir in Newcastle, Ontaioe uniforns fer his. own personal gain. . . No Cub Is now, or will be selling any o! the men- tioned Items. Scouter Hop- Com fty klns bas reported howeven SILE tCommunîty o C sm lâwliimutardshScs who iandi a me Mn 20 md veg hem out o! uaning . If ui I 'I a NO FINER BEEF SOLD ANYWHERE! meM4MM REDBRAND Sausage NO FAT ADDED TO BEEF Ma Porterhouse or Wing STEAK or ROAST RUMP or POINT Bonoi.ss Bottom cui ROUND STEAK ROASI ROUND STEAK cwmné SIRLOIN STEAK CUBE STEAKS Cut Fron, Eys of Si,'oinPoit lb$1.217 WY P11IA Y'iMOREi FonPn,.nDy tt0i P..,An W.hCt AI Beef6 Wieners Aj.,an, P~,a esoe & Orange Pekoe Reil. P e i - SAVE 46 SPECIAL BLEND TEA 1-eSAG 85< Dry Cet Foodi Re>. Pri Me - SAVE se PUSSI'N BOOTS Maxwell Hou". Brand COFFEEMCc 22-OZ PKG 49< SAVE AN ADDITIONAL 4e AT A&PI JAVEX UumsiD BLEA(H W 8& Jane Parkcer, Sliîod, nFaity [>nt" Rom. Pri.. Uo.f 27c - SAVE De BREAD (RACKED WHfEAT I LOAVEs 45< Green Giant Brantd, Fancy Ref. Prie 2 tim Me6 - SAVE 1Ue PEAS or cREAM STYLEcmRN4,4n99< SPAGHETTI Ad CtLe"g 3 iêoz p&g69< ALL PROGc&smUm m lm AD UmPSwV TIniOMM qSAmm».o c me 281, 7lm MNs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phon.fi 87-4213 oCetters :0 Newcastle Personals I F s z lyn and daughter LillIan of!f Cambray, Mr. and Mrs. EB s e end f r A li The Canadian Statesman, Rownanvmle. oct. 22, 196l 'Solski and daughter Lisa.W e ce d o s, Leadersdyoung children. To ailwho farmer un the Lotus area pais- Bruce. C ubs, -couts.. L cd r ounw xedour sm daway hast weekend ln the Mr n r.J rg eepathy. Persan of Mr. Robert Stinson. Saturday vigitors of Mr. andj Newcastle - The enttreiln the village. Aise represent- Thoue who have been trav- We regret the passlng and ex. Mrs. Luland Crago, Peter-! weekend acems to have rev- ung t1he Luons Club were Mr.' ellng on1 the Dayllnera <C.P. tend aur sympathy te the IR.) will b. sorry to learn thatlwidaw and famuiy. borough. lolved around Scoutz and Cuba, and Mrs. Charles Megit, with there wiil be drastie changes; About 90% et aur local 7 Best wishes te Mrs. Flor-î eiinFrdyvnngwt Mr. and Mn.. Don Inne. rep- ln the passenger service. For basehaîl fans were. rooting for her birthday thla week. ending Sunday evening with resenting Dustrict Council Mnîseel yervice haverenjye ThsMets an tealWorldSertes. Apple Day. Saturday afternoon and Mrs. Alex Hendry,' Mr.th bs evc vr heeTi a elCneel 2 there was a bake sale and baz- Hefldry aise wàtb D.C. and trains travelled est and West tea m and played wondertul ý4p Io le f r hx y the Scout Matherai head mnan with the Apple Day, Idall. The only train left :i llln the Sertes. Locally, aur lApolgies or Auiliar andlater that even- Scauters with wivea or hus.-ltr the end of the mTonth seir hockey' teani sLrta the ing, a dinner waa given for' bands were Mr. and Mrs. Mal- wull ho the one for Toronto season on Sunday. Miq o ngthe Scouters by the WestDu-1cm idMr and Mrs. Tony t 7:bam4about 7:0an othei g~vet r' rom ail reporta, it waa an' Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tillsan' !teSndysrue Figure Skating Regisractio Newcastle - Duning lastexcellent Apple Day for 811 Nnrman 'llhon and George, The usual contingent of at the Conimunity Hall, Coun. week'a council meeting, a state- West Durham, the largest ever.1 Gray. iChrIstmaa tree wri--rz arriv- cil Chambers, Saturday. Octo. ment was made to the effectlIAnd bere in Newcastle, topp-! cd this weekend. About 80 ber 25th, 1969 from, 1 te 3 p.m. that you can't always believe[u ng theniselves again this year, were tram. Newfoundland. Regustration lee, $8 per child. what you read ln the news-j1the boys raised $258.22. The P N ~ ll A lite-long__reaident and 43-1 7PaPer, and during this veryileaders and the boys express! meeting, this reporter badiy t heir thanks for aillWho con- misquoted one ef the speak- trjbuted in any way towardý Sorry our lafit week's news' ers, oausing him sanie emn-,mkn hs h 1sata tm were net published.! barrassment. The speaker,jrt was. Thanksgiving weekend wth Mr. Lloyd Stephenson, praised1 curtailed postal1 mailingwlno the work being dane by mem- 1 I the alternoon, Mns. Tom doubt affected sane. bers of the ceuncil, telling how IMsegr himno h About 100 pet ownera viait- we had always been fortunate h ake sale and bazaar, assisted ed the Rabues ChInlc here, onI and never had ta question the' by Mrs. Gardon Dancey, wel-i Thusa ong.Titgl Integrity of this or any ether comed those Who came out te'srsiceay mo srnigvTe s maei cauncil. He did not believe support the Ladies Auxiliary spot esnly hn that ayone should abuse in their project of raistngiat least anc evenîng service cauncil when they were doing moràey for Cubs and Scouts.11 shouîd be set up In the town-:! 'ajb ta the best of their Acting chaIrman of the Moth- ship on thee occasions. Mn. I ability. The mIsquate read: ers Auxiliary, Mrs. Ken ht-' Grace FaIllas recorded thase! 1if yau change your mind tin ney, was on hand ta express attending. midtroarn, were sunk. What her thanks also. A total f. A meeting f the local Chami- he really said was "if Yo'à $1i4.65 was raised. with dona- ber of Commerce was heldý ever stop changing your tions sLiii to corne ln. The com-, Thusa hncsdebl nînds. we're surk. thats why mitte. jhtphn i tis rdywe cnieal they put rubbens on pencils lo'who baked and supported this busins a ,a.atd people can change their r project. We read of 50 - 4n - 25-year M V H A II mI nds". wedding annivensanues. but welM V HE D W T It was ton late once the! Approxirnately 40 couples' had aur Ne. i this weekend.l papers were printed to do j met, at St. George's Anglican1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie McMillan,'1---0ý anything but, apolegize this' Church Parish Hall later inMr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor,1TH week for the inexcusable ernor. Ilhe eventng, at which time a' Scarbenough and Mr. and Mrs. but It wlll heip sharpen up lnvely dinner was prepared and Norman Taylor were among ST R I G T U S the reporter who hopes neyer served by the W.A. Attend ingý t he visitons. ta caujse anyone else this em- from. Newcastle were Mrand ed ntharotepsq barrassment. Mrs. Pat Blaker, Mr. Blaker' Ing of Mns. Bruce Stephern Big Chief Editonls Note __ is Chairman of the West Dur- lin time for at week's Issue. Don't bet an It. The aniy tume haro District Ceuncl and a' Wife and nother of 12 chuld- we don't make mîstakes Iimember of the Newcastleiren, four m.arnled and onel 8« bey tTomekl, 364-4U Abe Bmrde ed OrlIlia when we're not dolng any- ILions Club Executive whîch only five years oid, deceased thing . .. or are dead. 'sponsors the Scout mvementleaves a husband and fivel ForVoriety and Volue-,Sýýoi-) cit A-,p. i-offl- -M C !2 1 BONFLESS 1 8hom b 4$"800-- 1