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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 13

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Pentecostal Churcb Celebrates 3Oth Anniversary An - "" Mr. and Mrs. P"reyVan Camp mpent thé weekend ai Mru.. C. Hill *ccompmlrdd and attended annlv'ersey ser- vice Êt Ptice Albert where Clarence was the gueat apéak-.O er, and wertà supper guees01o Mr. and Mrs. Les. lieacockc. STARKVILLE Mr. and Mrs. 31. Bothwell, li Bowrnanvllle, spent Thanks. givng ithherparents, Mr. and rs. Russell Savery. li Mns. L. Todd was a gvest wIth ber daughter Mrs. Don Stapleton, Newtonvllle. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Todd and Ann with Mr. and Mrs. Clin- ton Farrow, Newtonville and Mr. Bowen attended the Plow- Ing Match at Paris lest week. Mr. Murray Curtis, Don Milis; Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Trlm, Bowmanville, wer e __ Thanksglving dinner guests with Mr. and Mrs. Orme l'ails. p Mrs. A. Dobson was a Sun-AT day guest with Miss C. W. 4, 4, Stewart, Sixth Line. <Y Mis$ Nancy Hallowell, Wat- .ý oî elo. spent the holiday week- hmiC Another comrnunity milestorie was passed last right, the ReverendÈ K. Béesley, Oshawa, R. W. Taitini end with han parents, Mn. end . Golden D weekend when the Bowmanville Pentecostal Church ger and George Leno of Toronto, S. Grant of Stouff- Mrs Sid Hallowell and aiso and eve celebrated its 3th anniversary. Ministers taking part ville and W. Hl. Dawàon of Bowmanville. Mr. Andy Gray and Michael ST.l In the afternoon service on Sunday were, from lef t to vlltdtheMr. adMs aodOo Thë Tbirtieth Anniversaryt several Gospel HymnR urss Marilyn Dawson, also sang à ministered at 2:45 p.m. on the[ Souch for Thanksglving din- Ambiiçss ner were Mr. and Mrs. A. 'Van Saturday, activities of the Bowmanvi1e as much enjoyed. In the ev- beautiful n u m ber ent'tleditheme, "The Glorious Church 1Due sawadM n P'enteegte Church Are nowi "Reach Out To Jesus".DrnnOhaa dMrnd history. ening service tihe choir of the. In the 7:00<) . . service, Rev. of Christ," and at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. JImn Souch, Bowmanville' A vry~îe ea ws er-'Pe'ntecostal Oburch pleasedi George Ward of Trnty Unit- on the theme, "The Protest Of and Mr. Alvin Souch. ed by thé ladies of the church the audience with two sangq: cd Church, President of the Ei" and arvey re l'al et tihe Founders' Banquet ini "Sweet Jesus" and "'Me Lord local Minîstenial Association, As gnowth continues in this evening dinner guests with P.e Lions Centre on Fridayl Is My Sbapherd" The Girls brought salutations to the vibrant congregation, it will Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Tambiyn, Oct. l7th. The speaker, Rav! Teen Trio, Miss Susan Ricard, congregation on behaîf of that flot be long before presentý Orono. Charles Harris, the founding: Miss Marilyn Maeks, Miss onganzation. Rev. Taitingeri facilities will be inadequate. Mr. and Mrs. George Carson, piinitater, chose as bis theme,: O0rono, were guestg wlth Mrs. «'Mnaeon, the old disciple - Warren Carson and Wilson for Orimotbhy, the youn g disciple." Thanksgivlng dinner. ]He indicated that od has a M wu- U D Sunday afternoôn ati work for everyone to do ne- 1 T hii oN es2:0Rev. R. C. White, Osha- gardless of age. Durlng bis1 wa, wil be guest speaker at DELSEY greeting, Mayor Ivan M. Hobbs Sbiloh Annlversary w it h presented a copy of the book- r M. and Mr8. Alex. Watson' Mrs. Evan Quantrll i s in October was beld at the New- special music by Onono Choir let, "Bowmanvillg - A Retro-'spent Thursday of laet weekIToronto sungery on'castie Public School on Mon- Linden the direction of Mrs. spact," to Rev. W. Has-oldi with ber cousin Mns. Jeanber knee. day afternoon. Morton. eeig l t D m r é ' Dawson, the present pastor. Br et Kingston. Congratulations to M r s. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mercer,i Wednesday evnn 1astwah o mU Saturday evening, Rev. W.' Mn. and Mrs. G. L. McGee,1 Monay of Mas.sey, mother of 1 Mn. and Mns. Oscar Adams, week the ladies of Shiloh U.C. C. Lynn, Executîve Director wbo recently sold their borne, Mre. C. S. McLaren, on ber'1 Mrs. J. C. Gamley, Mr. and W. met at the home of Miss of Foreign Missions for theihave taken up residence in, 97th birthday.1 Mrs. Albert Mitchell attendedi One1 Gardiner with the Presi- Pentecostal ABsemblies Oft the Hendry Apartments, King i Mrs. Ida Plumn of Toronto 1 the 50Vh Wedding Anniven-! dent, r.CITod n Canada, and a former pastùr. Street East Bowmanvii]e. Mn.' spent several deys lest waek sary of Mn. and Mrs. Wm. charge. Rev. H. R. Hayne, showed the most interestingý1and Mrs. Frank Warden ofý with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Jodapeakeaxren formel ate a the niguesd and challenging filmn, "Opere- ýWeston moved into the Mc-'Mo, o f Orono on Sunday. Congrat- sekrfrth vnn n Ton Lib a y vcs". e a oue st ee.M . and M rs. Neil W otiodar n gnot !anl pleasant evening with . Mr. and rs. Kenney Grayo 1Miss KrnFgno andisGrie' ide h hewSu tndervwies were and n sidaKened thay Peterborougih visited bi.s mo- Eaton Collage, Trntt Unîver-1 Novemben meeting wili be at vercy wlattendne wPithnarand on D1g atchd n attended ie.ther Mrs. Chaarles Wood last si4ty, Peterborough, Mn. M- hb fM H ed n the 11:00 amn. and 7:00 P logii atho aura ndy.celFgaMrh M, i-pthe home of ns.Herb ed sevcs w omr ptorsand ware evening dner Miss Norma Mallowell, cf BONELESS ROUND sevies Tofome pstr,'guests of her cousins. Mn. andý Mrs. Alfred M. Johnston bas' the Tbank.sgiving waakend Toronto, spent the holiday et Rev, Geo. Leno and Rev. S.I Mrs. Michael Einoff, Cindy' been a patient in the Memon-! with Mr. and Mrs. F. O. ber home here. Grant, minlstened In the' n ihe r,0 rso. l -lospital, Bownianville, Cooper.___ rnrhn.The Rev. R. W. Mn. and Mrs. Jack Marks' Mn. and Mrs. Kennedy Gray Drn. and Mns. Keith Taylor, Taltinigen, General Supenin- !and s'on Stewart, Mn. and Mns. attended the Anniversary Ser- Nancy and Bannie of Bramp-1 tendent of the Pentecostal As- John Haines, Caroline, Cathy vice et Cadmus church on ton, Mrs. Orvilie Chatterton,! OBJTUARY STEA K or smblies of Canada. was tUic and Mark, Miss Hazel Robent- Sunday and %pent the day Canolland David were dinner speaker in the 2:45 and 7:00' son, ail of Cooksville, Misg with Mis. Milton Gray, Mn. guests of Mrs. Manshall Chat-I WILLIAM MANNAR C ?'.n. servicem. Mangery' Tyrreil, Burlington, and Mrs. Jim Gray and fam- terton on Saturday evaning. MnWlia Hnnh g8RID The ExceLçpion Choir pre-' were Thanksglving guests ofr iy The Anglican Church Wo- Mr. i llCîicm Hospial, Peter- WUA S sefited several numbers Sun- Mrs. Charles B. Tyrraîl and Mrs. John Eddyvean spent men of St. Savioun's Chuncb bdInCveHoptlPtr day afternoon end cancluded Miss Davldson on Saturday, Satunday with Mr. and Mis. beld a very successful bazaar borough, on Seturday, October EAYT CRV the service wlth the "1Halle- c0ct. îth. Henry Eddyvaan, Mr. Murray end gtternoon tee lest Satun-, 4th, following a lingering Ill- AYT CRV JuChorus. and e t Preston and r. ey.ness. LAmsclfa frorn Eas-lattded the 25th Wedding and Mrs. Robt. O'Knafka and Mis. Percy Mongan bhas e a bonI Mnvr h Pentecoutai Bible Col- Anniversary of Mr. a.nd Mi-s. son Bobbie et Hespalen. be atett teM on hipsonn the late Wil-P S u n d a y a n d t h e i r r e nadp a ti ntnio ft h e M ar mei i i a i e n a lege were also present on Ross Page nt Solina on Sun-1 The Teachens meeting for ial ospital, Bormanville. Mry MaudeSiso and h fe STP Mn. ad Mr. Chnlea Mon- I A f~ V C T ~ VBethany, until ecently when MI ton, Kathleen and Betty Ann 13LA C K S T O C Khaè went to stay with bis oft Betbany were Sunday din- daugbter In Cavan township. OS NE D LF? Robert Morton and fanily. enoaland profitable fore- all hur was spent over den ofSt Mary's Anglican IL N-WNG TB nen guesta o in. Of ii ourntth de s spenof ta Boy wnc evle HospiMar. A s c- Me A iemren Wen- i S RL N WNG-T Agincourt, formerly of the MLuhi hn h O land and Mrs. Bailey. oneas ewsacat t. ~Kenda isi-Cc ifeobnsof MrKyeaglwelo hleerthe riu lae it r.yoe a M e w s aluecpayr Francis Hall and sister of Mr. sng unit held theïr October Blackstock Cookies. We have Athletic Association and serv-W Sititwf Or4} Cu sclee ime fteBtayTE.A K or Wr Robinson of Orono and meeting. Leader Mr&. Harold 22 memnbers and Mns. R. Lan- ed as President for sevena] Orono, paesed eway on Friday had enjoyed coffeeaend a soc- H. McLaugblin as assistant. in the Betbany Football teani D fl C RENT evenkng, Octoben l7th, alter a ial visit, and called on Mrs. At Our firat meeting we chose and the Bethany besebali tlA U A lengtby IlIness. Rested at Gordoii Strong for the devo- ct-S the Barlow Funcral Home, tionel who rend from Luke 17: a prasidaînt, Susan McColl, tearn. On retiremnent from ac NEW ron. Re. MltonSaner. 1-1, an a imel an inour secretary will be a nov- Iva playing ha becameè the offl- N W roo.Re.Mltnaner a8ixnl-nd1in one, and treasurer is Les-iciel scorekeeper for ail sports. FRESH GROUND CAR sn of M rot, aai couev silofcf mdThafino"he D lad ILe Wright. Three very inter- Ha was a member of Betbeny Wlis. all auite Re. Bsilof hanfuless an le Inesing meeting s on the 3nd Bnass Band, a trustee of Gallo- FROM E. Long et the funeral service prayer. The leader gave the meel bave taken Place so far'wey's Scbool and activa In al iRM*n the Orono United Church offeratory reyer and con- at the Recreation Centre, community aflairs. Ma O A D on Monday aftennoon. Inter- ducted the business. There 'S Blackstock. ound Stevd b hs nl cent Onono Cemetery. Vo be a bake sale et the Gen- Reoundnivd bSbs nl MacD NALD Mrs. John Leishman of Osh- erai meeting Oct. 28th, also a . Roy and Harold McLaugh- daughten Mrs. Gordon Staples awa and Mrs. Milton J. Tamb- small bezan table, with e lin, representi'ng iu r h a m(uil o ..ICva n l Vita i .1- .-ý -..+ _i_%k-_gcs seaerIr . le'County, won3rd nize in the three Lgrandchildren T-His wuife À ! - selection of Chas. Smih; -high gant,' Gor.- There asn0 service-in -tha ng. The collection was re- donStrng;seond Wil Fr.Unied hurhbene Sunday ceivcd and the report s SEMI-PRECIOUS AND dan-: ck daw Dlton Eng- due te Cedmnus Ann4versary given by Lorraine Shea.D lis[i. Next panty te be Oct. 29. which soeafi-cm banc attend-1 Denlene Malcolm damon- R IBluA PRECIOUS STONES Sicr yptyI x esi d. Rev. R. C. White f Al-Istrated how te measure in-1 preenedbyc rs Parcy ISwaunend- etStreet Chîîrch, Oshawa,I gredients and meke chocolate membe b dMs.PrySwi n er daiivered a fine sermon on chip cookies.BAD BNER OV J John Ingraham m~therfand yonthe e es dde "Our boyaltica, Few but De- Mrs. Myre Page talked on LD BO E EM M tefml ontesde]mandine' the topic: "What Happened t of Bowmanville denth of ber father, Mr. Bob! Soe from here attendedSupr" icete tne o D Stinson cf Lotus. t1 Snvesry Sevie et' Uic mo e te Sont See how stones are eut, îteAnvraySriea h oentdy styld ad plised.The A.C.W. met In the Par- Tnunity Cburdh, Bownienvilie,I We then sampicd the cookies ' M LA D E styedan plihe. sh Hall the aternoon of oct. Sunday morning, wrbien Dr. R. Iwith a refrcshing dnInk. Ail OCT. 4 frm 6- p.mj l6th. A hymn was suing and McClure was gucat speaker. eight membens were present OCT 24fro 69 pm.thce pening service wes led 'Me Sacrament of Baptism and would like te extend! D l < ALL DAY SAT. OCT. 25 byMrs. H. McLaughlin wbo was administered to Kaen' thanks to our leaders. rcad a Marvest poem by Pat- Leigh, infant daughten cf Mn' The second meeting of the OS ience Stnang. Mrs. C. Smith1 and Mrs. B. Tetchelin ~St', 4-H Momemeking Club wasM redth cipuelesnfr on's hrh uby on eld et the home of Mis. (JE(IIDI0 e Epti. 6: 12-14 and u-d armc ing. Rev. Rose dclivered e fit- Myra Page on Octoben 4th et thce 1M versa, «"And liaving ting sermon. ':0 1:0 donc ail te stand," fer mcdi- Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Mai- The meeting began with. the tatin. fte reort wee ýcolmlef lat wek or lor4-M Pledgc. The rolcail was ,.ÇeWeiiers eLd taion. t afe re orts wce'cIni aftls ckfrFo taken. Candy Malcolm read giva Lt as dcidd tehave1dmthe minutes of the first meet- BOW ANVILEa sale table et the chunoh sup- Mrs. Harny Van Camp, Mr. jîng. The collection was then BOWMA VILLEpan Oct. 25th. A latter fromn and Mns. Wallace Marlow taken. We decided the name the Supply Dept. listed necds; visitcd at the Comstock F'un- of our club would be the Yci- for the Fll bale. It wes de-ij anal Parieurs, Peterborough, vro u us cided te do a quiit for theý on Sunday wbere a cousi' Discussion was baed on bale at thc Nov. Zth meeting Mr. Archie Matchett, elso Mrs. "Thrce Meals a Day". and te have ail other dona- Gst, fornerly of Nestieton, Mns. Page then demonstrat- tiens in at that tme for pack-: were resting. 1cd how to make Crearm ef ing, Cards werc signed for 1 Sunday dinnea- guests of Mr. Tomate Soup. Ann Wilson Canon and Mrs. Ashmore who j end Mrs. W. Mehaffv and demnonstrated Western Sand- are l-,?th in Sf, loseph'- "ns- boys wcrr 'I M. Mciaugh- wiches and everyonç' sampied pitl, Peterboroýigh, anc for, lin, Caesarea Mn. and Mns., the sou p and sandwiches. Ail x Mna. lm Arrdu who is ani'»%red GrWiâ and Ivan, Mr,. c1ght members werm presient. Th~e Canadian stafesman, lowTn aTvI, Oet. 2t, MOU là afew àbiat of G&o fldenDM[ xsoiNL rine.s runnîng out for you te Golden <'Cah" Dividends. Tliose >iv'idend oins you get freesch Y time you Visit Your Dominion heyoeuld titn S, 50,$SM0 d ive elegant, ufr-onditlened adors. But et store-closinig lime November I St, Golden Dividend shoppers who have become regular eus'- S0yearsîhat onunt. Jubilation! I e Deys is ome. Ali fifled-in oeins nm b. depoited by then to determine whkh five DOMinio shoppcn wil bsoennowiui of new Ambassdor. You oeud beoncm Mommnws hm awonh oo stôme during this celebration thon ut anytime in our entire history. New 50tonthet tumubdiatin! iS-OZ. BOTTLE CANADA No. 1 GRADE Bag 971b PIOi. E 79c FRESH FROM CAROLINA ONE SWEET AND JUICY size 88,0 c OUTSPAN 9 97 b ORANGES 79dz ONTARIO GROWN ak97cCarrots buch iBeets ~uc~ 97 ~ONTARIO C GRADE2 cSNOW qat îT971b APPLES..4 6as9C OMO - 40e OFF IhgSx va im W 0 IDeeraen CARNATION 16". Bottle c OFFEE 7 c 169?MATE RICHMELLO 2.z 6 9 RAISIN or 78 1 69 PEACH PIES39 OPEN THURS. adFRI. NIGHTS #TML 9 lJi FIEE PARKING Prices Effective Until Closlng, Saturdar, Oct. , 'OS8 411 Mercha dise la Guaranteed To Give 100% S atufaetio lu flownaaviII. We lascive the RItht t. Limi Quantitie, OMINON STORES L1MITED KIG ET. and SIMON AVE. (Hw7. N.2Eu » G M I 1101 .à ut çe ecnm ysie suer eatmaket* CATSUP 2 ROLL PKG. AYLMER CTOMATO

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