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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Oct 1969, p. 5

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iI1' S t S . * '. ~ S ~.------ 1MLLER - MeDAVTD On Saturday, September13. 1969. at 2 p.m. in Holy Trinity Anglican Churcli. Ajax, Ont.. Joan Gertrude McDavid be- carne the bride of John Ed- ward Mller. Thle bride ii the daughtem o! Mr. and Ms. Price MeDavid of Matapedia, Qîîebec. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Miller, Bownianville, Ont. Rev. Herbert and Rev. EJ{en s .flen's tfea r tOWMANVILLE Sa7IU tees cf J/i e Czen 0/ t,4e and a gît t Certificat@ for l $10.00 this nionth goes t. Mr. Bud Perfect Ini recognition of the tinie ,<Pd effort spent over the1 past years In eoachlnt and managing young boys in minor morte; mso his en- operation wlth Bowmanville Recreation Department. This is à series o! monthly awards to citîzens whorn we belleve have contributed to the betterment oif the coni- munity; normally their ef- forts, tono ften go unrecog- nized, so as a public service we offer this senies ho be known as "Citizen of the Month." Kens Men's Wear will send each citizen oif the month a gift certificate for $10.00 as tangible recog- nition oif their efforts. At the end of each yeam a comittee will choose a "Citizen of the Year" !rom those previously selected as "Citizen oif the Month", and lie or she will be duly rec- ognIzed, and a glfh certifi- cale for $25900 will ha pre- senteci to this winner. Duringz this series difler- ent local groups will lie asked to 'pnd in their choic for " Citizen of the Month"-' Canon Heathcote officiated at, the double ring emremnony.' Baskets of white and yellow ' munisq formed a beautiful set- ting for the cereniony. and white satin bows with lily-ot-' the-valley marked the guest pew.'PThe wedding music was played by Mrs. Ruth Walkem,' Ajax, Ont. The bride %vas given in mamniage by her father and chose a full length gown of white Chantilly lace over taf- feta fashioned. with a scallop- ed neckine. empire waist and long sîceves eodjing in points over the wnists. Her dress featured a cathedral train, and her shoulder lengtli veil o! tulle was cauglit ho a head- piece o! white roses and crys-: tais. Thle bride wore a goldý lockeht of the groom's grand- mother and she camnied a cas-: cade bouquet of red and white, roee. Mrs. Max McDavid o! AjaxI was matron o! honon and thei bridesmaidsç were Miss Penny! Lee Weshlake. cousin of the' groom. Bowmanville. a n d: Miss Karen McDavid, Ajax, cousin of the bride. Miss Michelle Weshlake, Bowman-' ville, cousin of thle groom, was flowpr girl. 'Phey were ahtired, in similar. long A-line gowns oif Persian bloc crepe witli empire waistline, and match-; ing bow headdresses. TheY: carriptd cascade bouquets of' white and1 yellow roes. 'Pli lithle flower girl <'arried a; basket. o! med and white roses.! Thle best man was Mn. Len J4igh, Whitby, and the usghers: werp Mn. Max McDavid, Ajax,i brother oif the bride, and Mr.' Ray Westlake. Bowmapnville-, CouIo! the groom. Tlip reception was lield ai: the Ajiax Legion Hall, whemel ulie bride's mother received] the guests. For the occasion she worp a moss green lace dress and matcliing coat, beige accessonies and a corsage o! white carnations. 'Ple grooms mother assîsted in receiving, the gueshs, and wore a winter wiheat A-lina silk corded dress, wihh gold accessoric's and gold' tone orchid corsage. For their trip ho Campbel-: toNew Brunswick. and Ma-' tapedia, Qtiebfc, the bride: wore an apple green fortre! dress with mahching coat and hat trimnied with whitei French lace, and black acces-1 sories. A corsage of white;, roses eomplemenhed lien en-1 semble. On their rehurn tliey will take up residenee at Pli-' Kingscoumt Apt., Ajax, Ont. nPle bride ie a gradujahe ofi Maapeilia Int e rmaed iatIl School, Quebec. and is eni- ployed at A!filiated Mpdical., Ajax. On11 and is an ardent sports fan. 'hpl groom attend- ed BownianvîUle public -,choolF and served in tlie Canadiani Armed Forces and was sha-ý tionpd at Winnipag aRnd Gem-i niany. Ha is eniployed at Du-1 pont, Ajax, Ont.. and is a!. rneniber «f AJax Legion, Dui- Pont hockey and bowling teanis and eninys pîaying golf. Many parties honnred theý bride prior ho hem mamniage.j Mrs. Max McDavid held a kit- chen sliowar in Ajax. Missi Penny Lee a'nd Michielle West-I lake held a kitchen showan in Bowmanville. Relatives and neighbors athended a shower at thle borne o! Mms.. Bill Bun- gess, Bowmanville, where the bride wai presented witbý hable lamps. 'Ple Affiliatedi Madical, Ajax, presanhed the' bride wihh cotfee table andl niatching end hables. 'Ple em-I ployees o! Dupont h eld a pre-' sentation ini their honor. Guests athended the ,dI ding fýroni Osliawa, Whitbyi A.jax, Toronto. London. Mon-' treal, Quebec, New Bruns-' wick, Cobourg, Pontypool and B owma nville. Telegrans weme rereived trm CalgarY, Neie Bruns- wick, Quebec and Chic ago, Exchange Vows in Trinity United Churcb Mur. and Mus. Dennis Alfred McDonald, shown in the above photo, chose Saturday afternoon, October 4, 1969, ah 4:00 o'clock for their marriage in Trinity Unite'd Chuuch. Bowrnanvilie. The bride is the former Mis Louise Ann Whitney, daughler of Mr. and Mrs. D. Keith Whitney tof Maple Gunve, and the bridegr ,oom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Cuthbert A. McDonald oif Bowmanville. Photo by Ashor Studio Married in HoIy Trinity Church, Aj*ax Mr. and Mus. John Edward Miller, who are shown in the aboN-e photo. weue marrîcd on Saturdav afternoon, September 1:3, 1969 ah, two o'clock in1-Iolv Triîîitv Anglican Church, Ajax, Ont. Forrnerly Miss Joan Gertrude McDa\,id, the bride is the daucohter of Mi. ai-d1Mus. Price McDax'id of Matapedia. Que., and the groom is the son oif Mu. and Mus. T. W. Milieu of Bowmanx'ille. McDONALD- WHITNEY MarjneTahn niece o! the green peau de Poiret with em- bride, Oshawa, and Miss Lisalpire ivaistîjue, short sleeves,i Standards of %vhite, yellow ,'McDonald, cousin of the and ru ffles adorning the neck-: iand b 1ronze 'munis enhaneed groom, Belleville, were the Uine and hemnline. The flower Trinity lUnited Church. Bow- flo%'er girls. Ail the senior girls' dresses %veie similar. imanvi lie, for the niarriage 0" lattendants were attired Inl Crownless picture hats of the Satuda fternoon. October 4,; full-length gon favcd ame material as their gowns 1969. ai 4 o'clock of Mis.3 Louie An Whtne, dagh-were womn hy' the senior at- terei:1 endants and the flower girls, f r o Mr rdMple ;r). andwore halos tf bronze 'mums. SMtr * nnof Mal red McDnld, EU A IC The attendants carricd Cas- Mr so nn i m Alfd M. Ciitbeo A * ,' cade bouquets of yellow shasta son f M. ad 'rs.CuthertPA I ? I 1 unis and bronze 'munis and A. cDoaldti Bo1mnnvil: Rumacaps capsules the white baskets carried by The offiiating clergymanl the flower girls were filled was Rex'. George K. Wardi give proven relief!1 with the sanie flowems. andi Mm. \M. Findlav pla%ýed1 the weddii-ig musie. TFhe solo- Rumacaps or@ specially formu- Mr. Larrý, Ta * lor ot Bow- latd o iv yu fstreie--he manville was the hest man ItI wa.s'Mu. Roland Coombes. ltdT ievufatrle-teIandi ushering weue Mr. Gerry (3iven in mauuiagç by ber very first dey-from oagging McDonald, cousin o! the father. the bride wvore a form- rheumalic pains and aches. Also groom; Mr. Jack Bryson, both ai self-styled go\,n tof Rachael proven effective for relieving lum- ýof Bownianville. and Mn.' 1 Jaclyr' re-embroidered eni- bago, sciatica, headache and ' Douglas Pingle. Maple Grove. i bossed Frenchi lace. The eni- oeuritic pains. Ask for new1 Master John Mutton, nephew pire-stylecl gown iwas fashion- Rmcp- itntv leioftebi, wmivlewa jed with long sleeves and the Rmcp- itntv le o h rdBwavle a neckline and liemllne were and white capsule of soothing ring bearer. adorned with lace ruffles. AI comf ort- at your local druggist's. The reception was held at cathedral length train high- Rumacepu are capsules Nightingale Cenhennial Hall, llghted the gown. A headpiece' of soothing comfortl Bowmanville, where the bride's of Chiantilly lace and crystal mother received wearing a petals caught hem cathedral saddle-brown crimplene dress' length tulle veil, and lier cas- wlth matching cape, brown: cade bouquet waso!wt. accessories and corsg f carnations and Wobunn Abe. yellow sweetheart roses andl sweethea t roses, bronze 'munis. Sho was as-: Mrs. Terry Devitt o! Osha- sisted In receiving by the1 wa was matron of honor and , groomn', mother who wore an the bridesmaids were Mrs.1 otange-ice crepe dress with Ronald Muthon, sister o! the matching jacket, brown ac- bride, Miss Sylvia McDonald, m esories and corsage oif Wo- aiter of tlýe grnftm, both o!f burn Abbey sweetheart roses Bowmanville, and Miss Elean- 1UI and white 'nourms. or Wali of Male Groe. MiuThe bride amd groom oy P"Ie n thepvanaet Cave KED RON The Canadin Statwsran, Eownil!e, Oct. 22, 1989 5 Haven Honeymoon Resort.1 For travelling the bride wore ; The speclal speaker nt Ked- Marie . boarded a train wvhich, cup of tea. Donthy Hindrnan a~~~~~~ beg ol rp rsswtu n United Church on Lav_- took thern to th~e Agawa Can- sang two solog accompanied matching coat, and brown and e's Sunday was Mr.Jmyo.Teri nfllw te by Doug Dewell, and Ihen orneaccessories. A corsage Hamilton, Past Chairman ot sýhore line of Lake Superior Diane Hindman played a piano oraWunge by wete the Keswick Men's Conter-, and Mrs. Chant reported the, solo. The ladies ail enjoyed 0fWour Abe seehertence. The service was con- scenery to be marvelous, the the two girls' contribution t» rsesmbleM ntd Mr.eM- ducted by John Glover, Roy leaves to be very highly col- our program. After lunch Mns. Donald are residing ln Oshawa. Atkinson'and Richard Deakin., ored and the wiid lite they' Chant closed tihe meeting by The singing was led by a' viewed consisted of one lone- laigteIsiuei e A sengrphr a Gnealyouth folk choir, with special ly chipmunk. peating the Mizpah Benedie. Motors, Oshawa, the bride at- music by The Wayward Wynd While the ladies enjoyed a Lion in unison. tended Maple Grove Public'Folk Group composed of Don- -- School, Bowmanville High 1 naD utchuk, Charles Watson.; School and Durham College., Don Wasiuk and Gary Wraith. The groomn attended CentralA and Vincent Massey Public new group for young and Bowmanville High Schools mrîdculswsfre and is a graduate of Bondie's recen tly at Kedron. For their P o l o L n e *Bar ber College, Toronto. He' first meeting they went toeo l n on e 1is employed by Dominion. ea r oetMCueFear Psychiatrists Stores, Bow m anville. peak at O rono. in t e p s s c i tl e p w q c n i e e The presentation of a large, HAFO ..V only as a Iast resort. People avoided going to bex'elled mirron was made to APO .1 or taklng relatives to a psychiatrist, even when the, bride by relatives and, The regular meeting of the jt was evident that treatment was needed. neighbors of the groom at a! Hampton Women's lnstitute They would even disregard the suggestions party hosted by Mrs. Ron was held on Tuesday, Oct. 7, oft tleir family physirians. There wms a feed- Hawthorne. A miscellaneous. in the parlours ot the Chris- Ing of shame. shower, held at Maple Grove:1 han Education -Centre. The _ This has ail changed. Today, with publie UJnited Church, was given by meeting opened by singing W awareness of the problems of mental health Miss Eleanor Walls, Mrs. Ed.' the Institute Ode and repeat-A and wlth the spectacular development of new i Lýéslie and Mrs. Bob Barra-! ing in unison the Mary Stew- medicines to treat mental disorders, people art bail. Co-workers of the bride ý art Collect and the Lord's no longer afraid ta consult a physîcian. They 'held a personal showen at thePrayer. The roll caîl was realize that there lis hope. We stock these new home of Miss Pat Wells, Osha- ýanswered by giving hint on medicines as soon as they are available for iwa. Mrs. Terry Devitt of "How to be a good Mothen- _ prescription use. Oshawa, assisted by Mrs. Ra ' in-law'. The minutes of theý YOU OR VOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE U'S Fice, held a pantry and linen last meeting were read and when you need a delivery. We wlll deliver shower. approved. It xv4as moved by promptly without extra charge. A great many *Mrs. D. K. Whitney wa-':Mrs. Balson and sec'onded by people rely on us for their health neede%. We hostess for a trousseau tea inb Mrs. Gilbert that we rafiM' welcome requests for delivery service and honor of her daughter. Fol-, the tea towel sent froni Eng- Chargex accounts. 1-m,ing the wedding rehiearsal land by Mrs. Hunt for 25e a OPEN THIS WEEK 'TIL 9 P.1%. the bidegroom's parents, Mr. ticket. and Mrs. C. McDonald, en-, The meeting was bhen hum m tertained the bridal party at e vr1 h ot nu their home, Liberty Street wt r.Byninhehair. ] R DIC ' North. wt r.Byn ntec _______The motto "The man wbo ne- PR SRPINP A M C lie% on ancestors is like a po-, LITTLE N.H.L. WINNF.R tato - the best part is under- Little N.H.L. 200 Club grou-nd", was token by Mrs, W 67 KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE draw wlnners on Aprî lSth Bryant. Mrs. Chant had the HN 6324 were: Mike Puk No. 116 andi Topic and gave us an ioterest- -POE6324 Mr. Wiersma No. 94). Both imng arrount of ber trip ho thfe won $25. Tickets were Algoma aren to see the leaves. drawn by Don. Martin. They dr4we ho Sault Ste.l ale! G"irI's ChiII-mChasing Fashion!.. WINTERWEAR Zip and tffl*e-fron style on aslorted colour wool melt, wiU detachab4e pile rined iiood1 patch pocicets. And W-cam'ym-m hWgÊ kit WtWi 5 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE e1

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