j; The Canadian Statesman,leowmanvjfla Ct. l, 1969 ntal O fi e s of B e iv .ek h L g o 1 5IiC rç Show HeId in OrQno rcrorIeIve Ld Log No12ClkeC nulPs s New PanigB-lwF Rabbi! Loyers G a!he r for! The Townshilp fCak loIcuetalgttj !Council has giventreea-ratnr ilclpnine Ings to By-Law 61wlhiloa mucia rprena Si#x!h Annual Con ference aBomle aTfb-ai on~eo diuijut points in Ontrio, Que-I1 wcluding the >est displ. io Lloyd Knoorck of Bridgeport. copies wjll 4bortl'ei nt bei #M New York &~aie con- trophy. bfr. ShibD»z wOaIli thet Winner of the Golden Pale- bands of theecoulatocaoni. verged on the village of Orono, tropby gwards on onlY 14 rab- ý mineJr.Bukdiiio asCake rwsideto h td hc acs Frlday night arnd aturday1 bits ente-red In three differentiMyrna Eddy of Goulais Bayv readings were giie oteb-$8l~o s~b opee Oct. 17 and 18 for the staginjlbreed classes the New Zealand ýwhiIe Hedley Burden of Sault, laW at a special etn npirt h opeina h of the sixth annual conferenceI white, California and Dut.ch.i Ste. Marie won the Sr. Buck Friday evening,OcorlthOsa adDsit!egnI show of the seven affiliated' Mr. Shantz, who stepped f division. The lynx Palomino At. S.uthei-jue i 07. lu rebbit clubs of Ontario. down from this post Sat&rdayl4 ward went te P*n Eeyiey o! Ametin e rega roth prof o h competn at Ju4gea for thg rabbit show fliht was q.iccee«dj by Bing-lNorth Bay. The single Fryerý Ing was givente aaTalrB' htbahsuicnb en whkb Ldrw 278 entjies were haim Harris 01 St- Jscob's. Ont-! clama was won by W. A. Gard-La l Sam Gerardi of Warren, Penn- erre, located near Kitchener. leue i sLa wiih prolisfrhrprd atth ie O-u sylvania and Sam Rizzo o! Winntrs ~ houe hle the Meat Pen ciass;" îcn o riesI Cak iis 'yvnaadSmRzoo'Wneswent to Edward Smith o! RR! ;Township for habia.Elt Henoeye, New York. It was, Winners of show were: New 4, Orillia. Ing trailers will.ude h the first trne the provincial Zealand whites (Sr. Buck),! The largest class judged was; i new by-law, 13e hre a show had been staged in iLloyd Shantz, RR 2, Waterlo;e;1j Intermediate Doe section M..s. Tonthly fee by ih owsi Orn.(Int. Buck) William Gardhouse of the New Zepland white class .i of $20.00. This comae i. Mr. Gerardi told Che Ontario Ilewmarket; (Jr. Buck), John wliere 24 rabbit entries were a former monthlycag !Isrn su Rabbit Bretclers at tht banqueti1 McCallum, London, Ont.; (Sr.1 recrded. Arrangements for SiL0 Cotanino!nv- held in the 100F hall fol1owing~ Doe> Charlief Huber, Hamilton the Oron ofrnc ee~provision of thene b-lmi aII4 the judging that the quality of (Jr. Doe) John McCallum, New odntdb lmradBa is lhabetoafn frm$O. a Im * @MJ~ the rabbits exhibited here was Zealand Reds (Sr. Buck) Bram ýHuggins of REZL 1, Hampton... ..f0.. e$50-00 a day. very good. The New Zealand Van Velden, Stoney Crpek; 1The banquet was followed No action wasten b white class was an exceptional- tInt. Buck) J. L. Mijrphy, Dun-b )C adareatth aen. on a requs b r ly fine display of rabbits, helville; (Jr. Buck) W. A. Gard-EamnrCuclrehsa - said. You have got as good a house; New Zealand Blacks. VExainegLin Srteevesppc rbishwaIhaeeean-,Ken Periere, Port Arthur; Cal-,Rcnlofcr f ebv eea o wre, t hew san. r1 Grr honave-(S.Buk Lod 2eRcntynffciso Benv ebk1ogeN.U G., Martha Goiudey, Right supp. of J.G.; ba.gk row,: 25, Concession 4, frambl wo~ h at , he ad MrdGerab- Shonans; (r. uck) eotdLarge were installed at an impressive cereMony heldà lef t to right, Daisy Paeden, Rec. Sec., Carol Rober ts,' trailer park. notd tathe adjudedrabjSant; (nt Buk)Ber, argi at the Nightingale Centennial Hai, Queen St. The Color Bearer, Pauline Alldread, Warden, Mazo Archer,; Coulicil, by' resouin a bit shows ail over the contin- 'Brampton; (Jr. Buck) Ken K ND Lotficers for this year are: front row, left to rgt Jean Inside Guardian, Mabel Wade, Outside 0f Nan Rby Ige cotof acc tinn an ent.&IlI the way irom Caliifor- I Langton, Hiamilton; (Sr. Doe) (Intended for- last week) Youngmnan, I,.N.G., Leona Farrow, Left supp. of N.G.' ucisn rasrr laBan Financial Secre- ofpte v asat o mat sg nia, Texas, to FI.orida. In these- Lloyd Shantz: (lot. Dot) hsbe os n li icad.RgtGup fNG. em aN H uetrv, nsn rer , usica, Karn, southern states, he noted. the Dundee Rabbitry. Stoney This bsf naîl withn such aichards RG Mi uhelsonN.Chap-lmnaGay Noble arce Aore aoodailroad JoKarecMichelonurance hasn comca b r u in. ab in th p (r. ola r thLarbtg te. amounl wt o!frst. nia ery Grand, Ruth Mitchell, District Deputy Pres., Eileen lain, Vera Burgess, Conductor. crossing in the easn patfheoeaomlxpdigl Ju.gig 0 e~s ]asLlydShnt wn r.seldom that our maple trees Smales, Vice Grand, Grace Murdoch, Lef t supp. of the township. tcnclsbei tshre "I think you will be right up'ý Buck division while John Ser- are still se lovely colored in By resolution uniath tanerfoyutako with them in there soon", he vice of Bridgeport. Ont. woniy~ellow and red at this 1late r i i~with him. orized payrnentatareo!jyuhvenuhisuns said. The judge noted that the the Jr. Buck section. Blaclws:' aec br 0 h ihFinally, the speakersan$f.)îerayfwok b weather conditions and coopiniziVernon Shantz oi Elmira (Sr. winds ni Saturday brought IJ E1NEda n e C o u ns<eLIle Ic r that if the student bas faith Fence Viewers. poeto o orIml- for Mie show in the arena had Doe) and Lloyd Shantz o! Wa- soine of the leaves down. The in hmslfteo home-caraor business. Fora been good. The Pennsylvania terloa (Jr. Doe). The award rfoliages, marigolds etc. in ouri succ te e ead iortsA y-law igs ien ce expert sald he himself had tht Death Blue Dutch cass ýflowen beds are stili blooming e and determination, he would of F80.000 is tade b enie eemn fyuhv nuh been raisiog rabbits for 38 went ta Hank Marcotte o! Fort' Saturday a large crowd a1-S t e s s T a pr a h achieve ail that he wanted. for the CouttyBoadoid-cvrg-n h ih id years andhad stp p ro achen hlDr.lAi. ySylvesters moved aenration Efor c'snstrecadiDn.o!I Sylv-sheymnotdconation us ctodty? bee nly15dg arsh d. Ht hasîthe only four entries in this things went well. There were v ote o!tlihanks te Mr. Ken- general purpose roi a h hr 5n biain be ugn osacross the class ýMany antique articles. The El- it d eetnM anrd Pres. Tom Cowan Orono Public Scol Th cotnntfr- yas Vro hat f lialit aml ae cu e htprpsented the speaker with a deheriture is to hepadofb Mr. Gerandi aiso invited theitook the Chocolate Dutch Sr- farrn for the last 130 years. As h os n u dt Cu r e:gift as a memento. May 1. 1973 and wl epr Canadian Rabbit Breedens to'Ruck division as well as thetesaetredt10a.th-' chased from the naiaEu attend the Amenican Rabbit1Jn. Doe section. The Sr. Dne'UCW served lunch te the Chuck Kennedy, Guidance tary Luncheon on Thursday,. laiionship between te parent c .ation Capital Aid oaea Breeders Association nationalaward went te Lloyd Shantz.lhuflgry. The family were home ('ouinselior at Jowmnarville Oct. 23nd ai the Flying Duteh-, and sliîdeni. In some cases, convention in October 1970 atlNorman Carrington of RR Iýfon the occasion. They haveHg eol pk nten-mn students have reported that (lni'ended for last, week) I Council recelved Pors 800 clubs thnoughout the taIns. while Dundee Rabbitry rec-eiv-1dal this summen and xve willý esta.blished hetwe.en the par-I evted te the Rotanians as par- and communication between'Tandt Mrs. Le S hatktonand i ng espCnslthahi td he aid Pd the hon rs n t e S lve !be gla te welome tTwist,1 nd Mrs. es l h ace n Plnn ingsp Conult ntsa td S U R h. o said. ed Matien rs i tt then1e vilda oethernt . thestudients and teents and he emphasized thetIhem witîh Parent,, all Ina the Regional meeting of Osha- the lJniter Countiesasa Two big iwinnens in the Sai- Other Classes Mn. and Mrs. 'F. Bylsma ,nd'1eachcr.s, incliuding the guid-1 importance o! rnaking wise freqîîentiy placinig Major em-.wa Presbytery U.C.W. at for Beeional (oenet. urday show were Vernon H. M. Marcotte oittRgn 'ea adM.adMs rs ance cojn-selIor in oar modern, decisions concerning t h e i r phasis on thrir family fiîian-! Himpton on Monday. Tht sttudy is to nl ex MES Shantz oi Elmîna who won an Rabbitry captuned black, blue ton and famjly are looking for ejcaina--tm a-h---Icilrn' du--o.Th g- Ci!yr'em. Mr ne~ Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig are amination o! the hudne enscribed pen set as the sweep- Iand white i-ex classes as well new living quartens as hihand e t.e en ts9-21 are ]niusngfsuggedsed mha ethepa 'ent v it fr.veal days.ths and fnctovn ! e inaI GNEA SU N gtake trophv for tht four class'ias the white satin class. Ed- uransky family will bernov-1 OBJTUARY asan th stud n t e -I hc shotid s n moeirtcieand'eî ihM.ad r.Bhlvlo gvrmn n l breed for total accurnulatediwardGnexten o? Sault Ste.!ing hack to hi sitne they co eftaon-meero[! o iei1c idrn Davies and family, Hagersville. an examination o! h ei-3 igS.E omntl points duning the 1968-1969 Marie won the ned satin class!quanters. able thern to make the ightý Aduit, eounselling, Mn. Ken-', Mrs. F. Blackburn is visit- able fuiture bouindaesoth'OieRsdnc rabbit exhibitions. A Williarns-ý(5i-. Buck section) whIle W. L!1 Mrs. Ralph Greenlwood eoi MRS. FRED C'. HONEY ýdecisions, hle said. nedy said, has begun at B.H.S. ing this week with Mn. and lowrr-tier muinicipaiisad63-616381 ville, New York man. CharlesiRodgers also of Sault Ste.!ened Oshawa Mernonial HoV: Tht deatih of Mrs. -Fred C., A Master of Education from and he urgcd ail those inîter-: Mrs. Glen Blackburn, Kempt- their resansibilities'oe Hluber, won the sweepstake;Manie tock the Jr. Buck sec- ta] an Thursday and hart an Honey occurred ai Memnial, tJniversity o! Waterloo, tht ested ta plcase gel In toucli ville. 'regional plan. Thtitd il trophy for the six class breed!tian. 'operation on her -knee on Fnl-'ý Hospîtal, Bowrnanville, n speaker explained the prab- Hie was presented with an en-i Bert Reurs o! Staney Creekiday ai lest week. Friday. October 10, 1969. 1enb icsin iemjr ocribed reading iamp. won the checkers giants class Mns. Francis Hall a! Agio- Datighte.r of the late Mr.: points whioh he felt wene im-1 Another outotanding winnerias well as the French lapns and court passed away on Fridav and Mrs iIliam uchisen'pnat and campetitor was autgoingiNetherlands dwanf division.1'Octoberlt. e ueral W2. ome ea uthnson'Frs o!teepoiwa prmsident of the rabbit council, Robert Harris nf St. Jacabs'from the Orono Ujnited Church was.haro at Bowmanville and. ihe eduontional system itseif. Lloyd S. Shaniz of RR 2, Wat- won the Florida whites. Regina ýat three p.m. Monday. Inter-, receivedf her education in Ht asked Rotanians ta re- ;Rabhitry also captured Cham- ment, Oronn cemeîerv. Bowm.anville S ch o olIs. On'memben their high school paigne D'argent classification in1 Three churches were inter-.,ac 1,11 s mriedidy hnttsse a To e bebath Jr. and Sr. Buck division. ested In the Birnacombe Sale. Mr. Frederic'k Charles Honey; arranged ta meet the variety 'Mark Stewartson of London Mn. Sid Scott of Bowmanville WhIo predeceased her. o!frtteds. Certain subjects such: taqk the senior dot results inIturned aven his. gift o! a wal-' Mîrs. Honcy had resided in'as Engiish wn adtr T th Champagne D'Argente. The, nul bedrom suite te Kirhv Bovmanville and district the' fr Grade 13 diplomas. This' TIR SA e ur Chunch where h ittndd ,a.',wh,,Ie o! her lire, living inI is nt the case today. be said,. boy. The net pror eeds were Hampton frorn 1945-196-1. AI there are big change& takingý JbeEN-FIELD $69. Five people danated theirý home-maker. ber inter-tsa place. Ne langer muat a t1 ,furrîiture ta the Kendal'centred a rouind her home anlen ake these mandatory (Intended for last week) :Church. Il brought a net, o! familY. She was a enr6ious. Even tht universi- Mrs. E.S. Taylor of Oshawa 1$238.' Orono United Church thteIUnited Chtirch. and was allies are changing their ne-ý was a guet ofa the UCW lest was te receive the balance o! Lire Memher and former Pre- quirernents. Tht nole ai the' week and taId the members the furniture. which included sideni o! the Womepi1 ati-1 co)unsellor, Mn. Kennedy sug- of her two yeans ai work with! tht dinfing roomn table. r u te etd a t eptako 111 the Indians and Eskimos at1boards, chairs, etc. Net pro-: A r1aighter. Mrs. Paul KeU1y' Ihese changes and mnake the IMoose Factory. where Mn. Tay-1 ceeds $134. ' (Marian) of Oshawa and a ý students aware e! them. There FO RCSAD8NSTP TM lor was Supervising Principal.1 The Anniversary service o!: granddaughter, Nancy, su1r- is also a new freedon mailow- N EFFECTIVE OCT. 29,30,31 NOV. 1 NT WNWIEO ON *W ** Mrs. R B. Simnpson and Mrs ýKendal United churrh was vive. ed ta the modern student. He, Herb Owen conducted aiheld Sunday afternoan at 2:30 Tht funeral service war, may drap a course if be wish-' * Thanksgiving devational. iwith Rev. G. E. T. ('nazier, held en Monday, October 13th~ es wilh proper permnissin» Ti Miss Marion Stinsan, Ton- IB.A., o! Camborne, pneaching from tht Marris Funeral Cha. This presents a serious prab- ig e1 1 onto; Mr. George Simms, Uti- ' fine sermon. Bey. T. SneI-' peI. Bowmanville, and was lem. Tht parent and student' B ea; Mr. Frankç Kiley, Mesrit- grave assisted wlth tht ser-1cafl4ltcted hy 11ev. A. E, Cress- shÜo4ld consider haw Ibis de-7 ton; Messrs Éill Nicholson, AI- vice. Tht Welcorne chair with 1 well. Inierment was in the ciEÎion wiUl affect bis educa- Ôood ~vin '.ulley and Les Norman, Mrs. Reeves at the 1gn an. amily plot at Bowmnanville lion ini the future. Therefare, O9MUI5jshawa, visited Mr, Norman two fine anthems and Mrs. Cemnetery. if the parent dots,, give per- Hems a wwderful new waker Stinson. Ken Dinner and ber daughtcer Palibearers were Messrs. mission to drop suais e course, dr~êiekA deli 1 bi«W nd B. Supdple and Teresa, Barbara sang a very pleasing'"Gardon and Tom Barrie, RasIi al parent mnust then 13e 01 le fui .= Nu- Trno visite at Mr. Wilfrid dluel 'Whispering Hope,,. We and Jarne' Lane, Clarence,ý prepared te be responsible for GL AC tritiaus boeuse it contains Bowman's. 'wish Kendal had sucis a good! and Larry Sims. stht ianse upeo e arha s t , ?î adlg Vtemin C. More *Co>. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Smith chair. Tht visitons were given - - ---- , tdn ne opto yasI1- om 1e,t= ,TrI t . And yooe and Shean, Oshrawa-, Mr. and some lunch. Business Directary asmev need t t sewich he « faiIy wiII eco=e regijIar Mrs. Neil Smith and family Mrs. Roy Foster pauned tea -__________ atdcpe oglit h ~V!k'l, N o -p I M C l b s '_ n_ M s.RG1fi i a t tie-a a r n-T t a b l d a U i.r it-e h o s IJvan Cochrane's, Nesttton I ihsspital in Peterbrugh. Closed Satus-day and Sunday'ý Tht next Po.inlt made by the DR. C. F. CATTRAN, DM.'i guidance. M. Kennedy ex-Oi N Vegeab1ecm B3owmanîville Professional B]dg. pressed thse importance of!the Th obug praad222m Gul King St. E. - Suite 204'i expos-tence ps-ognam aI B.H.S. D E EJ~ Office Hours in h se students wene BIIana n4a& presnts9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiîy allowed ta gel samne first hand Closed Satunday and Sunday! knowledge and experience 13v UNEPhone 623-5459 ' being allowed ta wark in such DR. STANLEY GERTZ oal places like tise hospital. LS "The O dd C ou p e'?67 King St. E., Bowmanville Mn. Kennedy asked fon assisl- Office Hours :anoce tranm the Rotarians in2 5 9 a.rn. ta 6 p.m. taking sone o! thse students 1 A COMDY B Nm IMONMonday Ihnough Thursday 'mbo thejr businesses and let 9 R.Tn ta 4 .m. F Idy ting tisenn set if Ushey weveAaHSSTR OL DIRECTED BY WLIJAM GLASSCOClosed Saîurday and Sunday indeed interested in il. IA HSSOEOL DIECE B ILIM LSSOPhon 623-7662 Tise counsellor must 3e, aware of! tht industrial chassg- ai the es taki place so tha eisa I..A. e FRESHA PEPE YMRC Insurance esteSHtuAPPLE PIESthi ODONAu . o o u gL Dte A. X eG GOR fied. Any ntormation fur- T OicOrc24Or H U» COKin g su ne grding more specific needs 3 fr$ 0 253 K0ing -SOV. W-1969 W &~vîilbî nlong acertain field would be Limited Quantity 8:15 Pmn. IOptfo m eifry the tuent intomraking a de- ALSEATS RESERVED $2.00 -$1.50 -$1.OO KE&UM &DL&jTT. 0.». star-ci.ad e B Op~gtoist Tht parent ha& flot neces-F o I n r B O FFCE BOURS: Il AAL - 1:39 I'M. - 300IFJM.- 5:30 .P.M. 1U3King 8 . BoupMnys» saffly conspleted bis assist. 3T2004Nur: y ppontmm neS ceta> hischildern by pt- BW Il nII Phoue Coourg 37-W22 '444 --%ýTeleow»633-3252 tlng thern into collegebu oan el 9F %Lý lice.- u- Thurs. - Fl'rkomul.dcontinue to help until lia W e rs ivs .ns Bo 41, C hin g ~d. nd Sat. - 9 - U8 Kennedy aaid.M. 9 WQd. ti Rte aeetaîsed 0WMAN VILLE -1ibuWdu .vufa jus UXt P" is the goe - f ý-, ' * 1 * -