TeCanadi n Stteiman, nowmanvmle, Ot. 1M, 1lm By Frank Mohuim-23 NISHOF VOTED INTO HALL 0F FAME A few weeks aga. we wrate ln thus clumnn, a àtory about (Une Dopp. At thut turne, h. told us that ho haped to have a big surprise ta uprig at the forthcoming testimonial dlnner m-ad dancesln hanar of Jim Blshap. His remarku werm .trlctly off the record - and he wouldn't even teil un what h. had ln raid. - Tiie dinner was last Wednesday evening, and near the uand af the proceedings Mr. Dapp aimaist left Mr. Bishop spe.hiess (whch I l itntImpossible) when It wau announc- ed that Jirn Biîhop had been elected ta the East.ern Lacrosse Xa.11oa Faine as a bulider of the. spart. The. great hanor was proclairned, juat as Bishop had stngled aut Gene Dapp - Mr. Lacrosse ta give special credit, Clarke High School Soccer Tearn Captures First Team Trophy as the nan wno started .il EIUIXtheIIacning %rIau ai; r years of age. Gene tld this reporter, "In my 62 yearî of lacrosse, I have nover known anyone, living or dead, wiio has donc soa mnuch to build lacrosse."l It waî a ftne evenlng, organized by the Green Gaels ezecutive to honor Jin, whoha s lait the Oshawa lacrosse scene, ta take su executivo position with Detroit Bcd Wings of the N.H.L. Bruce Mickey, mayor desgnate af the City of Oshawa, "pOkaofa he and '<Euh" living on the saine streel, but ail ho ever 51a ohlhm was a flash of calor asu s car sped by. Mayor Mickey sald, "<Out west they talk about boating Bishop - but they never did. Hls name la renowned in lacrosse across the nation." Enrico Caruso, president af the Ontario Lacrosse Asso- * lation: "The upsurge ai lacrosse ln Ontario aver the paît 10 years is lîrgely duc ta Jin, and ai course everyone knowa about the Green Giels. I hope that he will keep his hand in lacroase, because the sport needa a lot of mon of hi. calibre." From Judge "Mike" Starr came these words: "Someone In he future will look back an what he learned froin Bishop and say he waî quite a min." Dr. John Phillps, pat president ai the Giels, pointed out that while "Rish" might have the teamn ready to leave for su awîy gaine at six o'clock, he would neyer arrive until *seven. Ho stited, "It has been a persanal lirili ta b. associated -wlth lhe Gaeîs and Jin Bishop, who in my opinion is the boit coach of any sport in Canada. -- Former manager, Frank Wilbur quipped, "If you think lie was tough on the players, you should have seen how Jinm dlsciplined the manager." Harold Hudson, the prement Gaels' manager, spoke on *behalf of himselifand another former manager, Rosi Drew. During the evening, Bishep had to take a lot af ribbing (par- At Newmarket on Saturday, October l8th, Clarke High School's against Pickeri ticularly from M.C. Terry Kelly) about the firîng of Bill soccer team won the first team trophy ever won by the school, when both games by -Gadsby. they brought home the Ali-Ontario Invitational tille. There were scored the wiz However, Hudson, while wishIng Jin tue boit ai success 44 îeams competing for the trophy donated by the Lyons Company. scored the lone ln Detroit, pôinlod out that, "I'm net going ta give hlm i During the, Ail Ontario Series F Championship, Clarke played hard lime - I still work for Jim - and I sure don't want ta Fred Whalley, the original Gals' manager, and flso lieLA IS M AJOR -logest tern iIn years af service, made a presen ltiôno alre pcue a eig G es h m inhp t m vr le~I C om m ercial H ock ey L ea gue i past seven ycars, on behalf af lhe other managers. Other presentatiens were made by Bill Beamîsh, repre- aerting tie players' fathers - a pen and cock dask set; Larry Lloyd and Charlle Marlowe, on behaif af the players - a Jazy-boy chair; and Bob Taylor, Gal president - a beauti- fui plaque, cantalning ahi the players' naines from lie savon Minto -Ciifi *toau, from thé Gicla, fans and friendi at the -banquet.* It Is penhaps ignificant thut although the players were - ubjected ta many tough practice sessions, and had ta follow the rules, as decreed by the coach and general manager, Larry Lloyd had titis te say. "We appreclate Jin, net only for developing us as, players - but we hope, as men loo."1 Gord Garrison, prasident af C.K.L.B. and aise tie Oshawa Cb-nber of Commerce, spe on behali ai bath enterprises. lie rccalled that Bisiap arrived several times witi cnly sec- onds remaining before hlm spertscast wag due ta atart. "Jim k as been runnlng ever sînce, until ho earned hi@ wlngs," suda quipped Gord, - "Red Wings." "This lu a sporbing teain that in unparalleled ta Canada. It really put Oshawa on the map, and ai course the Gaehs 7have never been suything else but champions," continuad Mr. Garrison, before glvlng Bishop a suitably inscrlbed piper- *wmlght, frain the Chamber af Commerce. Terry Kelly, master of ceremonies for the evening, re- called uIs initial meeting witi J.B. aI a Whitby Dunlopa - Hull-Ottawa Canadiens exhibition hockey gaine ta 1959. «'Through the years he bas donc a great job of promoting Kelly, an avid reader of nowspapers from ail ovcr tie globe, came up with noveraI Items eut ci uis vast files, which Very u0uitabhy likened Binhap la several illustrIous sports figure.s-over the years. In fact, bhey sounded se familiar - you would have aimant thought tlut Jin rend thein aver beicre starting his coachlng carter. Of course te anyone knowing hlm, the testimonial wrouldn't ha complote wlthoul a iew thousand well-choson words by Jin Bishop himsei. lio recauntcd a couple ai starles bath concerning Oshawa mayors. In what w. Imagine was the Gicla firit Minla Cup, *Jin. lite as usual arrived et the railwîy station ta welcome tue Victoria B.C. 1cam. Quickly rushing up ta the firat dis- tinguisied looking gentleman he could see, Jim grabbad his hand, sîying iow happy ho wis ta have hlm ta the mater clty. Turned euit te h the mayar of Oshawa. * The next lime, the Minto Cup wîn haing played out west, -and alter a mad dash fer lie train, Biîiiop stuck is hand Imta hlm pocket, anly ta discover that ho had is car koyes. Thére was is wi.fe - and car back at th. station - and would you believe that lhoy had the mayor of Osiawa's car blocked In? About Gadsby - "He was fired by a unaninous vote oi thle executive. Before I teck lhe position ta Detroit - I made It choir that nt no lIme weuld 1 ever accept the caaciing or goneral manager's job wilh the Rcd Wings."1 Other Bishop quotes, "«Moviig Itt pro spart la an excit- lng challenge. Already 1 have learned a lot." "I halleve in layalîles. Mon may have differences and mîil »emaiin friends. Nover burn a bridge - lt's okîy to figit on il, but don't buru Il."1 * Thsdinner is lhe warmest tuing thai ha. ever happenedt -ta me ln sport. I doubi if tue Gacis record Wlll ever ha malched." CANOE SALE Fectory Direct - Winter Prices 16 ft. FIBREGLAS abr ballast at aChi .Md,,0A alu-mlnum'tuina, paddatsj ameorel «lors, 40N &-' Mapl e Grove Spot PleamuiMapm Gruw. Groretumi m- -w W Octeber 27th Standings Marg King -------16 Onie BIcher -14 Olive Patfield - - 13 Dayle Wolnik ______12 Helen Renolds -____ il Barb Buttonshaw 10 Ena Etcher __--- 10 Thelma Forrester 9 Shirley Davis -----9 Helen Depew ______ 9 Mabel Lewis ______ 6 Linda Crossey -----_ High single Lynn Piper .- - ----- 310 High Triple Lynn Piper --------- - 7181 Over 220 Gimmes Mabel Lewis 247, Joanne Bromeîl 250, 220, Banb Os. borne 220, Dayle Wolnik 276, 235, Betty Rogers 236, Barb Buttonshaw 227, Nancy Evans 224, Marg King 2.98, 287, Mari- lyn Cola 239, Helen Reynolds 239, 228, Barb Wallace 244, Shirley Davis 308, Elleen Moore 236, 221, Eve White- head 271, 259, Helen Rogers 226, Lynn Piper 310, Onie Et- cher 233, 257, 220, Dot Brooks 233, Olive Patfield 245, Linda Cale 233, Toots Wlsemnan 241, 225. Averagos Onie Etcher 227, Dayle Wol- nik 221, Olive Patfield 217, MerridY Hately 213, Shirley Divis 211, Dot Brooks 211, Helen Reynolds 210, Barb Buttonshaw 206, Marilyn Cola 203, Carolyn Bruce 203, Marg King 202, Ena Etcher 199, L-inda Crossey 198, Joanne Bromell 198, Marlon Mc- Kni.git 197, Lynn Piper 197, Linda Coe 196, Barb Osborne 192, Helen Depew l91. Young Adult Bowling se AI So B. F. J. M. N. A. B. H. B. F. M. J. N. J. A. A. B. H. G. B. S. by Bob Hoflan victory over Bryson's Sinokel On Sunday, Oct. 26ti, the Shop who are silil looklng fori second gaines oi thc Commer- their fîrat win. The big gun cial Hockey League season in this gaine was newconior ook place. In the first gaine Bob Levoilo for Bryson's as Mutton & Gould Sheîl took a ho centributed three goals 5-3 win aver Walter Frank and two asss in a losing Real Balate, cause. The teîrns traded first Irv GIIl put the SheIl teai periad goals as Sainsbury ahoand 2-0 an two goals late scored fer Brooks and Butcn in the first period. For the Colo scored for Bryson's. In second period. only ane goal the second period Bryson's was scored and that was by outscored Brooks' 3 goals to Bill Crossey, ta narrow the 2 on goals by Jin Coyle and mîrgIn 2-1. For the third, two by Loveille. Brooks' Randy Donaghue lied il up countered with goals by re- early. But Lloyd Hamilîton liable Steve Burns and Lîrry came right back to put the Chant. Bryson's led 4-3 go. ShelI eain ahead 3-2. Mid- mng imb the third period, but way in the period Dave Green Brooks lowered the boom, tied il up again and it appear- scoring four goals ta one by cd as If il would end that way Bryson's. Marjerrison scored but Bihl Summerserd tipped ta tie il Up 4-4, but Leveille a shot in wti a minute re- scored is third of lie gaine rnaining and Ray Rendeil te put Brysofl's ahead 5-4. t>cored into an empîy net ta Steve Burns, hus second, Per- clndh lie victory. ris and Pattersan banged in Tiere were anîy îwa penal. goals te give Brooks' their 7-5 ties In thii fast skating, wlde victory. Terry Carleton alse opein hockey gaine. had tirea assista for Bryson's. In lie second gaine, Brooks' Tiare were also only two Supertaît remained the only mînor penalties in this gaine undefeated team as they scor- whIci was excitlng rigit lai ed a corme frein behInd 7-5 tie end.1 1 Mixed League Bowling Ilj, Onle Etcher bock ail honars for lhc ladies on Friday nigit witii lie igisingleofai274 ,and hlgih triple ai 765. Sia also holdaigi avenage ai 221. Ab Donogiue had a big 391 single and Bon Etcher lie higi triple ai 805. Vlnce Prout holdi higi average af 252. Martyn and Reynolds wal- loped Geo. Piper and M. Et- cher threa gainas oaci, and Prout, Brock, M. Richards and L. Piper oaci look twa gainas frein Bagnaîl, B. Richards, Wllcox and O. BIcher. 300 Ganses andE Over Ab Donogihue 391, V. Prot October 6th306, t>. iBradlîey i308, R. rtcher Ote S tanins316. TeamStanings250 Games and Over eune- Pts. Pins J. Murphy 279, B. Richards Behpe _ _ 12 8077 272, Mort Richards 267, R. Cain 7 7674 BIcher 257, Moe Richards 259- Etch7 5 23 289, Lou Welsi 263-276, G. Lewis______ 3 7514 Wiloox 254, L. Piper 277-278, Carter -------- 2 7656 W. Thertoîl 256-293, M. Elcier High Triples fer Week 268, L. Smala 270, D. R.eynolds R. Sallcck 739, S. Cain 714, 268, A. Wray 269, MattMarri- W. Lewis 691, J. Tucker G77, son 265-275, O. Etcher 250- J. Patfield 674, R. Etcher 669, 274, D. Bradley 265, V. Prout Grog (Cannonbahi) Palmer 257. 623. R. Beaupnie 609, P. Lug- 650 Triples and Oecr tenburg 609, S. Carter 609. R. BIcher 805, V. Prout 801, High Gaines L. Piper 800, D. Bradley 794, R. Selleck 310-249, S. Cain A. Donoghue 771, O. Etcher 253-259, S. Carter 211-252, J. 765, Mac Richards 763, Matt Tucker 215-212-250, S. Prout Harrison 741, A. Wray 740, L. 216. P. Lugtcnburg 214-243, N. Welsh 719, W. Therteil 716, Neads 203. C. Palmer 234-211, B. Richards 712, D. Reynolds R. Beauprie 230, W. Lewis 695, G. Wilcox 689, L. Sinale 263-231, L. Pattersan 231, J. 676, F. Bradley 656. Patiield 281-231, T. Walten Tam Standings 207-201, B. Etcher 237-236, J. Te sPins Pt. Lugtenburg 204, E. Patterson D. Reynolds 24676 38 206. wbAeu B. Marini___ 24793 33 D.gh Avtage D.24276 33 R.Selleck 224, R. EtchierG.Wlo 24215 33 222. R1. Beaupriç 220, W. Lew McRcada-244 3 la 217, S. Cata 213, S. Carter V. Pihrdus____24565 32 208,. J. 1'ucker 202, J. Patileld V ru 46 1 195, P. Lugtenburg 191, 3. M. Etdier - 24005 29 Luiginburg 189. A. Chuttiuk L. Piper - 23992 29 [140, H. Macro 184, S. Prout O. Etcher * 23587 24 197-& Nads 180, p. Bay.. B. Richards 23835 23 =ft tM>ý.. Watorj 177, G I. Brock __ 23153 20, Pabner 174.." atters6à 170: G. Piper 22778 i M.* Rose 161. IV. 160, AveracvKWi E. Pttmuun13,8. W. V. Prout___ 24 252 150, B1. Mitchell 155, 8. -L ie 24 249 si 153 .Mexullen5, L Ul1 2451 Kiwi 150. C. Baead150 P. - RoynOl - 15 235 Yb, 148, P is 3. M .s L. WeMt-.,... 24 225 f Xt *,P. Ad 15"W I.'I __ _21 M .fism35M GW=34 24 iMae Richards-- 24 222 O. BIcher - -___ 24 221 B. Richards ~ 24 220 D. Bagnoîl 24 220 H. Reynolds 24 219 H. Palmer 24 218 B. Marbyn -__ 24 217 L. Smala ___ 24 215 F. Bradley 24 215 H. Brock ___ 24 215 A. Wray 24 214 D. Bradley 24 212 T. Bapneli 24 210 T. Milîson 24 209 Matt Harrison - 24 2071 D. Brunt ____ 24 207j G. Piper ____ 21 2051 Arn Sleap 24 204, J. BrunI ,--- 24 2041 A. Donoghue 24 202 W. Thorbl 24 200ý New'ville- Starkville JOWing League Tiursday, Oct. 23 Averages Gail Mihîson -_______192 Marleno Stacoy 191 Doris TompkIns 189 Bernice Hendersan - 184 Darothy Stark 179 Joyce Stacey -_____174 tGraco Farrow -____1651 Olive Henderson ____164 Maria Trim -1601 jEhaine Marchant ____ 60 Marie Gable -_____159 Rorie Woods -_____157 Lynda Wilhsher ____155 Penny Boisvert _____154 Shirley Marteill_____151 Bernice Stark ____151 Jean Pollard ______146 Dale e rn ____ 145 Pal Milîsen -______137 Delores Wilkey _____134 Kay Tiiorndyke 1021 200 Ganses D. Tampkins 268-233' 1S. Martlou -- - ____255-206 pB. Henderson____ 239-216 D. Foran _______233 M. Stacey 224 G. Farrow ______218, M. Trlm 213; Gansos Won Brazils -_____1 Pecans _______ Wainuta _______ ng Collegiate and Belleville and were victorious in scores of 1-0. In the garne with Pickering Steve West innirig goal and against Belleville, Larry Johnston ýe goal during overtime. .oundry Bowling Redmen Top October 21, 1969 \ / t~ 1 - ladpIns 10 19515 leycats 10 184261 Bowmanville High School,6 orehesds , ---- 7 16528 Redmen defeated Henry1 e Men's Igh Triples Street High 18-6, Thursday1 Smith --- 756 afternoon, In Whitby in the~ Drinkie ------ ___6460 first game.of a two gaine totalI McKighï62 point senior football playoif 1. Adams 624 res Cowie . . ........ 60, Second gaine will be played Wamen's High Triple« nt the Bowmanville campus9 Adams ------ ..----.----655 on Thursday (Oct. 3Oth) at1 Partner - ----- ------624 two o'clock, with the winner 1Sheeban ---------------562, representing the Lake Ontariol Men'a Singles i District in the C.O.S.S.A. Smith -- -.300-258; playOffs. Drinkie 250-220j It was a tough, penalty- 1. Adams ____ 245 filled game, with. two Bow- Luffman-- ----- 243 manville touchdowns being Cowle ---------- 230-231 called back because of pen- McKnight 222-206-201 alties. Cole - ---- _ 205-202 An errant Vhird down snap Wanien'a Singles put Henry Street in scoring Adams----------298 Wposition early in the game, Partner 232-225 and they quickly capitalized, Sheehan 228. wvhen John Reed gathered In Smiith ____ 213 a pass for the opening T.D. Gllkes 206 The Redmen came back to, McKnight 201, take a 12-6 lead on .second rrz andLarry Devitt. s. se hsMie . Following a scoregsu third period. Harvey Willamsu owingn.gu tereptd apag ad r«n it o lngLa back for Bowmnavill.'. hhrd October 26Mh tauchdown, as thé fourth Tom VUli. Pins quarter score gave B.H.S. a 6.-Preuident.lal - 35 20859' twelve Point lead to takm mbtas 33 21379. the second gaine. Last year 1-Hard Luekerm 30 20141 Henry Street defeatt!d B'ow- 5.-AUley Cati - 28 20948 manvilie in a slmiler situation 2-'rry Hards - 25 20603 and went an ta capturO the 4-Mad latter, 19 20603 C.O.S.S.A. tftle. Men's Hlgh Single--Jim Pair 311. me. M.n's Hlgh Trlple-" i FIait UIhavma K II*e 752. ul i u7 WUVJ Ladies' l!igh Singîe-]Kathy Skrube 241. Tueuday, Oot. 351h Ladies' Miii TrilI-Kathy Higb Single Skribe 83 1. H. Reynols ..... 25 200 and Over Rligh Double H. Reynolds------447 Gantes 200 andE Over H. Reynolds 275, W. Coombes 262, M. McIJon.ald 228, M. Cal- 'Ville 223, O. Patfield 214, M. Klrkton 210, C. Roberts 205, J. Chapple 204, J. Alexan.der 203, J. Spears 203. Teins Standings Pins Pts. Gibson ~13020 12 Reynolds ___- 13001 10 Locke .____ 12954 10 Combes 12931 in Calville ~ 12753 9 Shackeltoný 12387 9 Leaman - 12909 8 ]Bate _____-- 12215 6 Blunt ------11686 3 Patfleld --------- -11592 3 Averages L. Cale ---------------210 O. Patfield 209 H. Reynolds - ------208 C. Roberts ~.200 J. Alexander 198 W. Combes 192 M. Gibson 186 M. Leamnan . 188 S. Young -- - 179 M. Colville 177 M. Horstman 174 M. Kirkton 173 M. McDonald- --------- 172 Jin Pair ________- 244-311 Kathy Skribe -_____241 BUi Skribe ._____239 1Gary Conway 236 Lionel Hickey 227 Jin Joifrtys -_____214 Dive Orme --___ 203-213 Clarence Rivers - 208-209 Banner Passant - -207 Arnold Brinklow ___20,5 Stew. Chlsholm 204 Jin Fair 214, Mike Kennedy 208, Gary Conway 205, Jack Brown 204, Bill Wilks 190, Allen Maclean 189, Arnold Brinklow 187, Dave Orme 18%, Gerry Dwyer 185, Bileen I-ickey 183, Lionel Hickey 180. Clarence Rivera 180, Kathy Skribe 180, Banner Passant 177, Bill Skribe 173, Paul La- prade 172, Jin Jeffreys 172, Stew Chisholm 170, Betty Charland 168, Teresa Rivers 161, Melly Horstman 161, Gary Lane 158, Dot Passant 156. Mary Chisholm 156, Mary Lane 154, Ed. Dwyer 154, Tony Horstman 153, Pat Walker 150. Rose Marie Conway 143, Carol Orme 140, Agnes Machean 139, Mary Brinklow 138, Doris Hoi- rayâ 136. Dot Fair 133, Doris Jeffreys 128, Isabel Laprade 50c Admission f0 the Biggest avtur to be hold 1 KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BINGO- ln the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE SATURDAY, NOV. 1 $12,000 IN PRIZES Ineludlng 15 Big ftsgular Games 3 Special Games $150-00 each $1,300 A[ ig ame $1,200 la the for a1970 ln the BIG SNOW CRUISER SMALL STJOWBALLI complet. with SNOWBALL $1,000.00 9fi-LO GAME NOT 1, BUT 2 CARS! 1970 HOLIDAY MUJSTANG Fasthack or $2,000.0 - plus - A Brand New 1970 MAVERICK or 11,500.00 la cauh FREE - Car Wash at Wacky Wally'a Sheji StatileS ta aIl Early' Bird and Regular saute winners ?lus 4 Bit Early Bird (Sbire thé W.altb gamme) at 7:30 Eisny Fre u andValuble Dose riWMu Buses at lhe Dôo I _________________________________ __________________________________ Io -m3k I CLEARING AT DRASTICALLY REDU(ED PRICES 1969 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN $2865 Clearing Price. Automîtic transmission, custom radio, white wîl tires and wheel discs. Brand New - Was $3662,00 YOU SAVE $797-00 1969 PONTIAC FIREBIRD $3401 Clearing Frice __ Here's a sportsman's dreain il groalsavings! Shîde- lite windshield, Irin package, power steering, power brîkes, 3-speed autematic, deluxe steering wheal, special paint, white walhs, wheh discs. dual iarns, customa radio, chromo wheel opanIngs. Brand New - Was $4167.00 *YOU SAVE $766.00 1969 BUICK SKYLARK 2-DR. HARDTOP$37 Clearing Prie- 4 3 7 V-8. 3-spood automatic, 2-barel aperîlos on regular fuel, bell reveil mouldings, power steering, power brakes, white wal tires, custom radia witi rear seat speaker, front and rear floor mats, triler tewing package. Brand New - Was $4267,00 YOU SAVE $790.00 1969 VIVA VAUXHALL DELUXE 2-DR.$19 Clearing Price ____19 4-speed transmission, license, gas, nervlced and roady ta go. Brand New - Was $2098.00 YOU SAVE $300.00 1969 ACADIAN 2-DR. ___20 Clearing Price $2 0 Autamatic wlti 155 h.p. "Bit 611 engin. and flear console, buckel seaIs, cutai radia, fibre-glas belted tires, wiieel discs. Brand New - Was $3569.00 YOU SAVE $663.00 1969 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 2-DR. HARDTOP Clearing Price $3406_ V-8, 3-speOd autematie transmissIon, power steering, power brîkes, custoin radio, fibre-glas bclled white wail tires. Brand New,,- Was $423800 YOU SAVE $832.00 No Down Payment IF YOU QUALIFY convenlent GMAC Flnancing _______________________________________a VISIT OUR LOT FOR GOODWILL USUD CAR BUYS 166 KING ST. E. L'C WwN Ik PONT~~IC-E IKL M BW. N £ I S Oq SAko PHONE -w -- -~ 1 i 1hTom Cowan, Pres. Slowruslton, Sales mgr. RqrSwan Ray Lathngu. edn rw ý t i: i Il l