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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 11

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wteks tht death occurred onhsnsene h tuy(i6 Tuesday, October 28, 1969. athsrpoe.Tetuy(f6 the Tarante Genenal Hospital tanins) shows that as the aven- ai George Knight of 22 Ritson age cultivat.ed acreage ofi a Rd. N., Oshawa. He was 10 farm increased tram 462 acres hiq 62nd yoar. ta 2,365 acres, production casi. Born et Tichborne. Ont., declined tram $46 pen cultivai- July l, 1908, tht dcceesed cd acre ta $21. wes e son of the late Mn. and "Tht Investinent necessany Mm.. Fnedenick Knight. He ta achieve such econoies a1 recelved bis educetion aet West- scele is surpnising, especielly Pont, Ont., and had rcslded ln considering the type ai busi- Oshawa fan 33 years. , ne.. organizetion shîlI predan- Mn. Knlght had been tIhe trent in farming - tIsait s, mn-I assistant trafflc manager of dividuel proprictorship," the McCallum Transport Limitcd Bank's Commercial Letter fon 20 years. Pneviousiy he savs. employcd by Collecutt "The graup af fermer. ech- Bus bines. He wes a memberI ieving the low production of St. George'. Memorial Ang- costr . .. had an average capi- licen Churcis. i tl investinent in land butld- Ht is survived by hi. wlte, ings, machinery and livestock the tormer Giedys Joncs,.- who he marrled in Trnity Church, Bowmanville, April OBITUARY 21. 1941; a son, Peter Nichal- son et Downsvlew and two, KR.NOL K grandchildren. .K0LO Tht funerel service wa.iseld, Tht death ai Edwin Ras. et' the Mclntosh - Anderson KnowIton, aged 61. occurred Funeral Home et 3:15 pi..suddenly at his restdence In, Thunsday, Octoben 30. Inter- Enniqkiiien an Sast u d ay, ment was In Mount bawn October 25, 1969. Cemetemy. Rcv. R. G. Brooks Son et tht laie Mn. and Ms.. af St. George's Church con. Alfred Knowlton, ho wssg born ducted the service. ------ in Meîancthon Township, Duf- fenin Caunty, and ettended schoaî et Hamnings Mîlis. On N EE ALIT? January 7, 1926, be m-ried oncdeceased hlm. A fariner, tht deceased bed resided tr thse Enlskillen ares ton 24 y eans, moving tisers trans Oshawa. Mn. Knowlten 1. uurvived by tour suons. Alfred W. RENT lKnowlton. Edwin R. Knowi- ton Jr., Sidney E. Knawlton A and LeslIe J. KnowIton, and one dauhter MararetE. NEW KnowIton. A brother, Allen CAR J~ A. Know1toh, and two sistens, Mm.. Alice S. Armstrog and FROM Mr. Lillian LaCappelle, aima The tunenal service wes heid M ~UUNRLU frein the Marris Funerel Chap- lWaCDO ALD ce, Bawrnanviile, en. Monday, Octeber 27th, and was con- FORD ducted by Rev. R. Hopkins. In- FO D ernrt was tn Hapo M1 King st. W., Obewo eeey I 76180PaIlbearens -wcno Messrq. 576-800Reg. Jones, Don Knawlton j mustangs, Gexi.., FO£**&, Harold Knowlton, Gene La - DaiIy - Wookly - Monthlmy. Cappelle, Lawrence nwtôn! ReusellbI. .1*1*. and Stan Knav4Iton. 1 Numenaus beautiful floral RENT.mOAR tokens, as well -as donations ta tise Ontario Hoart Fund, ___________ ttested to tise esteem ln ___________ ________whlch 'the deceaied was held. PHoNz 123-sm71 Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain A% homemakers we have innunierable uses for a reaily delicious coffee cake. Its perfect for serving with coftee or tes for the bridge club, a baby shawer, or our familles' Sunday brunch. Homemade coffee cake that is wrapped in foil and tied with a big red ribbon is aise a lovely way to greet a ne* neighbor or to say "Merry Christmas" te your friends. Since these recipes are made witho ut yeast, they are reaily simple to prepare. Make the quick caftes cake when you are particularly rushed for trne. The Marbie Cake and Grandmother's cake each serve 16 te 20 people delicîously. QUICK COFFEE CAKE 1 cup augar 11/i cups four 2 teaspoons bakîng powcter 1 egg milk 1 2 tablespoons butter Streusel Topping: ½h cup brown sugar 2 teaspoons cinnaman 2 tablespon lour 2 tabiespoons meited butter %, cup chopped walnut« (optional) Siut together the fleur, augar and baking powder. Pr.- heat oven te 350. Break ane egg Inte a one-cup measure. Then 011 with milk te make one-cup liquid. Add ta dry ingredients. Add two tablespoons butter and beat with electrice mixer until well blended. Pour Itet a greased nine inch aquare cake pan. 11Make tapplng by melting butter and blending in the remainiing streusel Ingredients. SprInkle topping on. top ot cake énd bake about 25 mnutes at 350'. SWEDINU COFFEE CAKE 1k up shortening Icup augar 2 eggs plus 1 egg yolk 114 cupes sfted four 1 teaspoan baking pawder 1/2 teaspoan sait Topping: 1 cup chopped walnuts 2 egg white@ 1 cup brown sugar Preheat oven te 35V. Creain together the first three ingredients. Sift foeur, baking powder and sait together and add te cresmed mixture. Beat until welI blended and pour into nine inch square pan. Top with mixture ai walnuts, egg whites and brown sugar. Bake at 3ýOb for 25-30 min- utes. Serve warm. MARBLE COFFEE CAKE 1 cup shortening 2 cupi ugar 4 eggs 31/2 cups flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 1 Leaspoon vanilla fiavor 1 teaspoon orange f avor 4 tablespoons hot coffe. 6 tablespoons cocos 2 tablespoons butter 1/ teaspoon baking goda Creain shortening, add sugar and blend well. Add eggs one at a time. Siut foeur and baking powder. Gradualiy add these dry Ingredients Itt the creamed mixture, alternating with the milk and flavarings. Biend &Il ingredients well. Set oside % of this batter, and into It stir in the hot coffee, cocos, butter and baklng soda. Prepare a well-gressed tube pan ino which you spoon the b'atter, alternating the light and dark mixtures. Swirl a knie through the batter ilightly to blend. Bake in a pre-heated 350, aven for ane hour. Test with toothpick. This delicious coffe. cake serves 20. GRANDMOTRERS COFFEE CAKE %Pound butter 1cup ugar 1 cup powdered suger 4 egg yolka. unbeaten 1 teaspoon lemnôn j uice 1 tablespoon vanlla extract 3 cups cake foeur 2 teaspoons baking powder Y4 teespoon sai 1 cup milk % cup raisins 1 tablespoon foeur 4 egg whieu pawdered sugar Prebeat oven ta 350. Creain butter with 1 cup granu- lated sugar and 1 cup powdered sugar untll flufty. Add egg yolku, ont ai a time, btating weillster each addition. Add lemon Juice and vanilla and beat until smooth. Suft foeur, thon resuft with bakîng powder and sait. Add the foeur mixture, alternately with 1 cup nsiik, te the egg mixture. Beat until amooth suter each addition. Ceai the raisins with 1 tablespoon foeur and then add the raisins to tht butter, mixing weIll Beat the egg whltes until just sMM (net dry) and fold gently loto the botiain. Butter an attractive cakemold very genereusly. Pour ln tht butter and bake at 350* for 1 heur and 5-10 minutes. Remove from even, let cool ons cake rack for 15 minutes. Invert and let finish coollng on cake rack. Sift mie powdered sugar ce top and serv with prids. 16-20 mevminî& Eank'à Commercial Lettes' Commercial Letter Says *k. i ansseadre l'Don - _________ $9 * Canadians sp n * Farming and directly re-A lated enterprises generate aàv larm Workers More Tha nt e,42 prcentof the Grou Ntoal ccouctvalue equivt- Twie a Prducive as* Ca aa ne:of the maJor Tw'ice s Prod ctive s foolexporting countries with TeGn agricultural experts valued et ThGa. $14bilio i 198,represent- of Donald The W reTw ntyYr. go in: about 10 per cent of the t ar, foi Th y er T e t rs A o value of ail Canadien comniocitt ain y Ityexports. However, ubstan- crage of $92 The Canadian tarm workertivity of the fsrm worker teofe $263,000 per tarin." tial quantities af agriculture, reahîzed $84, ls mare than twuce as pradutc-jthe substitution of capital fart h omrca et r orducts are alsa imiported. The top; tive today compared with 20labor and aIma ta the advance points out that offly 7.2 per 0 aaa' oa an adb Years aga. Thirty-nine persosin agricultural technology cent af Canad'. commercial area (2.3 billion acres), only Oak Ridgea, are supplied with food by anc which has given the fariner tarins bave grosaies of $25,- 174 million acres or 7.6 pet "Excellent" farm worker compared withlaccess La such benefits as high- 000 a year or mare and have cent is occupied tarrn land. Belle that m only 15 persans ln 1946. . e îligco aitei-a vrg aia netnn While prodOctive land is being ion et Peteri During those 20 ycars thet proved methods af weed and per tarinot about $15,00 O n t ta urban development ln in August. Canadien tarin labor force basilpest contrai and a wide range but the value ai producta sold the caît, "for Canaa as a daughtr br fallen by 50 per cent whilc the! of sophistîcated equIpinent. I by thein represented close ta whole the ares of improved the bîd .otfA volume ot ail comniodities pro-i As a consequence, tarm op- ont-quarter ai the total value tarin land bas grown steadily Mechanicabu duced on the tarin has advsnc- erating expenses have advanc. ai sales ai aIl commercial un recent years." nal sister,j ed by more than 50 per. cent. cd steadily. "0f particular sig- tarin.. *Among primary produc- soid te Geoi This drmtieinrae nfcnesth fctttth ThCo erilLte ton industries, ferm!ng ranks derland, Onl dramaic inrea ri iace aintarm inputshaveothrejndhtaCommeralattr gandilIrat just ahead af mining and productivity In described in wrc ffr nushvo h re efwr agrad eîî in sdvance ai such cate- Ailan R. the latest issue ai the Coin- average, advanced much more more specialized farin a luex.gre w oety fueis Star Farina, merciai Lettos', a monthly pub-. rapidly than the prices th!t pected te continue. trlappin andetryI powr.e tht second lication ai Canadian lmperial, farier. have received for theirl "As a renuit, the use at mare * Tht farin sector has con. $3,000-00 tai Bank of Commerce, which cx- products," says th, Commercial. capital and legs labor will, ln tributed tram 10 ta 12 per cent heiter. amines the raIe ai agriculture' Letter. Iail likelihood, persist. The oi the total "value added" te A total of ln the Canadien ecanonny. Many farmers respanded ta owner-operated larm wil prob- the economy ln recent years sold ta USA The Commercial Letter at-,tht. "cost-price" squeeze by ably remain the dominant type by al commodtty producers, New York, tributes tht increased produc-noct only Increesîog the size af ai farin but partnerships and ("Value added" I. tht diffe. Prominent ai farming operations. but aima by family tarin corporations are ence between tht value of OBITUARY g i on or two expected ta gain in Import- mauatue onsadthe GEORGEKN1H The Commercial Letter cites Io itx generel review of the considered the best measure aios RGE KNIGHT ýarecent Saskatchewan studylimportance ai agriculture in an indutry's contribution teo t Follnwinz a ikness of i,!to illustrate the econonie oai the Canadien ecanamy, the the econamy.) lntroducing Tota 1Home omfort brxaco Style - s r -, - -v Thes alsoaftuemaunted moduL EMbu omwm ehbu ow hepW bonis fhu orsoldngp. In CNeyS<rfmiysbml MMoP& Oe la [Ne In. toc. TM~ ou sumr. Duen on a 'jlUr andm Yomng dsoomf ita wbdu %*%AToMesPoemble Odhmidiblr. hemi. F#sM omto efcent (renm sup to 31a gelloios0 waisrfm lbairaday). 1 lmio~ o Our teamwrkkepsthe. heat on, Wm. SKELDING FUELS TXC NEWTONVILLE, ONT. PHONE 786-2502 .5 r ~1, t-f O *~. - .4<,- ..' a., r i I iAMMOMAi canton o drp fLAdmoeuï;àml Wanstone Fleur & F.ed Mill 10 WMAN VUiLE B R Ip * aî. * ane Dorrell; Treasurer. Grant: The Canadi an ,Statesnian, Bowmanvf le, Nov. 5, 9891 IIrII c Hricfc inc McLaughim; Social commit-ý ~ EE~E~E~EREiJDorreil, Floyd Asseistine and1Ir Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wrightl 4 H C nee c rage Over $ 2 n Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lee.' Re,* V. M. Parsons ,lcomed aIl]and expresscd gaool wishes The creain ai Cenada's 4-H; Among the highlights this for uccesfu andpleaantClub membershtp will Invade' year wiIl be a speclal show* I'p rsa S l times.- He wîll speak briflOttaw5aon Noveniber 13 teaia- lng ai the McLaughlin PIapçIt. t mat i ie meetings tend the 38th National 4-H artuin, Royal Ontario Muqeu% - traska Holstein herd ers werc Stanley and Lloyd ~amenstweeopfyet an iClub Conterence. 148 award-Iwherc the group will vlew a Bdd Pcoer t HapebDurautNorhRe .. aeswr ly uc, icu-winning delegates, including16n minuteprenain nt. Edd Pcor2% t Hope, D uh, forh Ras, iN.Y.,sereeight froin the United States,iled "The Worid ai the X>p", rthe excellent av- lng t od$ilk 0.00, and ant Mrs.KVelv Bal attndd llparticipate ln sessions Certificates ai Canadian,ç#1tiÀ 022.00. Tht 70 heed $2,600.00 ad$,5.0 n nMs ev alyatne designed ta broaden the dele- zenship will be presentedt o- .600.00: open heiter at $900. the Training Schoel under thegae nwdeofC aaisahdlgt nOtw.Dr auspices of Women's Institutes gate noetade 4Candaiiieacj.M.deegte f innipttawa.Dr price was $8,300.00 Twenty-eight milking ttmin Orono, Tuesday and VWed-gvrnt. adte4Hmv-a.M Nsita inpgw )ak Rldges Farinal aes averaged $1,131.00 each; nesday. This course was ' k _ _ be the conierence discussion 17 bed eitrs $92.0; 5 oen Min ishMake th Mel".leader. Subjects which the a, n nar skor tea r i s $9.00; 1ne oper anDs aesteMa" Andrews, Prince Albert, were 4-H members will be consider. vam ran Chmp-calves* $458.00; m ancnebull rz inr teeerl Sunday guestIs ai Mr. and Mrs. ing in their discussion groupe rborough Exhibition $5G0-pat()(esa)ngt-Hgh r ays will Include citizenshlp, per4 lier bred heiter Other high prices Included: lady, Mrs. Osmond Wright;' Miss Eleanor Wri.ght spent sonal developinent unity .4nd - rought $2,000.00 on $2,050. paid by Wmn.YF Moare second, Mrs. Frank Stanuland;j Saturday in Toronto. On Sun- aspects ai aur governmnentoa Allen Dalry Farna, Cobourg, for a bred belier, anâ high gent, Mi'.. Velva Bailey-iday Miss Carai Georgiet systein. arg, P*. A mater- $1,800. for a milking femele; second, Mr. Bill Chapmnan;ý brouetitlher home and Spent The Conference, organiÏes! an open yearling, $1,300. paid by Neil T. Mal- lucky draw, Mr. Bruce Bright the day with Mr. and Mrs. and financed annually by tIse. erge Irwin ai Sun- colin, Burketon Station, for a Nexct party November 12th. Walter Wright and girls. Mr. Canadien Counicil an 4-H Club&e tarlo, for $2,300.00, bred beiter; $1.050. paid by Decided te commence et 8~ and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Port will be airlifted ta Taranto on Tamiane Tarin, Orono, for ea 'cJ.ock instead ot 8;30. 1 P ry and Miss Hazel Wright. Saturday, November 15, where Stewart, of North heifer calt; $1,150. paid by AI- As a Hallowe'en treat the Oshawa, were aiso Sundey the delegates will contlnuo*. Lyn, Ontario, pald merson Tarins, Campbelliard, students of bath Hiei and diniier guests. their discussion sessions anlg price ai for a mllking female; $1.000. Public Schaol mnarched te the' Sorry ta hear Mrs. Ira Ar- be hosted at several banqueta- Dr a four-year-old by Morley Philp, Cobaurg, for Township Hall, two or three gue is back in Bow-nanville and educetional tours. 1anmIwrea milking icinale; $1.025. by grades at a time, and saw thEhospital.te ae The Canterence Closes.L )f 2 aima# wreRobert Birkett, Freokiord, for filin "The Prince and thej Mr. and Mn. Peter Vander- Toronto an Wednesday eves. A buyers, gaing ta a heiter cali; and $1,000. by Pauper". huel, Julie and Boyd moved ing, Navember Igth, wlth, th. Pa., and Indiana. Bruce D. Eagleson, Cobourg, Haliowe'en passed fairlv tram Port Perry, Friday, ino annuel banquet ai the C 14 amongat these buy-lfor a bredb.eitqr.______ quietly in this village, witËl thein new haine jusi east oi dian Council on 4-H Cl hundreds cf spooks and gob- 1the 'village. The 4-R1 Club members *i11 j * lins calling for treats. tecr'Mn. and Mi.. Werner Brown, be responsible for han4llÇn% ithe night a tire cf rubbishi Oshawa, were Sunday guests many ai the prograin lui C, oy l im /~ U fl athened and tnuckcd in and ai the Cecil Gibsons. tiens, under the leadership of. R o y i Jrim À eq&7 #7 urned an the main cerner Mr. and Mr. R'alph Lermer, National 4-H Council Presidént speiled the night's rest for Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Darreil, C. L. Usher, Alberta DeRuty ai", time again. stock show. MI segments of those living nearhy. Mr. and Mi'.. Richard Van Minister of Youth; E. B. Cater al preparations are bndustry and commerce as Sunday morning thie United Camp, Mr. and Mi'.. Glenn Toronte, Conference Conlnt. tor this year's weli as agriculture play an Im- Ohurch Anniversany was weUl Larmer, Mr. and Mi'.. Gerald tee Chairman; and James D'. what the world portant part. attendcd and a very fine ser- Kelly attendcd a reunion ai Moore, Ottawa, Managèr ~ rin agriculture, vice held. The guest speaker, Oshawa Pnesbytery Y.P.U. the Cauncil. *d. sport and the Rev. W. C. Sellars, B.A., B.D., executive in Saline Hall Set- the RylHanse B À K T C S.T.M.,aof Emmanuel Chunch, urday night. r.Ae Fet A BLACKSTOC Torontoheld the rapt atten- Mr. and Ms lxFet iception the Royal nTsdyOcbrZth tien of the cangregetian with Fenclan Falls, and Mr. and S A K IS -1 On uniday q us raIe in his sermon on "Wards that Mrs. Ed. Harris were Suýnday agricultural and tht U.C.W: eltwse fo n s Keep Men on their Feet." The supper guests ai Mr. and Mrs. eof Canada. Tt ai a dtieety pooe aTamula choir redidened two fine enth- Menvyn Graham. RETIAUK ANt da meeting place W ar nd hey sponre a Tala s, "Great 15 the Lord" and Mr. and Mrs. HaroldMc le people of tht earad aelnedmn "0 Getl Saviaun." Service Leughlin and family enter- erlcan continent stration. Pi-cuident Mrm. Roy next Sunday at the regrulan taincd Mr. and Mms. Courtncy Highway 115 and 351 can mleet on con-MeLaughlin opened the meet- heur 10 when a Baptis- Gralham and Mr'. and Mr. and discusa sub- ing with e potin "Happy nmai service will be held. Wilbur Toms te dinner Sun- mile South of Orono- îal înterest. Day", :fter which she wel1 Stud having been Ail day in honour af the two Lndiog succeas fcmdeeroaadike l ans ,i t Jolhn's couples' 4Ist wedding anni- ~ l"Aî7hT very rnuccessfui taniaurtahppRda. R. C. Rase spoke vcrsary. On Monday the hon- L1Ii2IÂ.N N Lpoeda halene. Mr. arod yt gve the ean "h en and Inter- oured couples were guests of thet tht Royal devational, reading citr pretation af that Day"'. Mn.P. Toms, Enniskillen.a n ppy ta accept wtth Passage tram Mark 12,. a Glad te report Mas-ter Fred Mr. anod Mrm. Merwood Me- rPi zz aan bat tht presenta- thoughi provaking meditation Marlow and Mrs. Gardon Kee and Mrs. Ed. Lawson of Li' will meet new entîtled "Myself", and led in Paisley able ta be home frein Yelverton ettended the fun-. rovlding tint das prayer. heapital. enal f thein cu.sin, Mn. Gar- iip ag he~tt 'i.. t. Mmi. Walter Wright iro- Mn. and Mrs. Eanl Dorreil den Welken, Tbornhill, Wed- ir the Rayal hes duced thc guest af the dà.y, flew ta Fiarida FrideaY. oesday. ncreased Interesi Mi'.. Islay Burke oi Toronto, Sympathy is extended Mn. ________ ,ation on the part wha demanstnaîed the use ni and Mi-. berne McKee of! tom the United meny Tala wane utensils as Nestieton in tht dcath nf bisý à Amenica and she deoorated a Christmnas mothor, Mrs. Jas. McKee, o n O T E OM ils year there IR cake in the aiternoon and alFriday.. W ES T E T M enthuslass o n t layer cake in the evening. AIMm.. J. Hettron, ont, 'estock breedens sale of home baking and saine and Mr. Tom Walby, Oakville, T dY u IJapan, the Unit- bazaar items was quite suc- wene Sunday guests of Mr., id Great Britain ceaeful. Mn. Richard Van and Mi'.. Richard Wall and, . " hand In unPrece- Camp expressed the thanks of Mns. F. Hamilton. -. - bers. thé groupa ha Mn.. Burke, Mn. and Mn.. Rupt. Bycrs,55 !fl 7. f rFntdey, Novein- Approximately 50 ladies et- Bowmanville, callcd on fri.i W D N W aough ta Novein- tended each session, coda in the village Wednes-' U IN TU1h1 ere wilI b. sme- 4-N Club Report day bry member ai the The l'Cartwmight Cookiegs" Mrs. P. v. Woodward, Pointe !anth fnîttîthave new campleted five of au Baril, and Miss Jean Wood-ý fo te iâttietei egh eeins A met ar, ornowee ust o Hanse Show wtl ingfur "Caht eoetis. t eet-wr.and Tenan tn guesnIl f E Dmannces on Sun- g aun "Csseroled Cookacas . and Mn.. taniered Van o and evenîng on s was msdande aetuas-tCamp aveorn tht eel , 6. litre visitons seatosraefru e Mn.Gro yeGep, ar event will 'have semple. The "Carried Lunch" spent the weekend with hen oe nD rmu Ity te set tht fln- was thetotpic «Of the iifth parents, Mr. ând Mrs. Haraldi oe nD rmu Rn events, l the meeting. At this meeting we Kyte. Gardon and Floyd Kytei Quality Fuel Oil ma froin Mexico, sanipled sandwiches, raw eau- ai Warkworth went huniing itates, tht Argen: liflower with onien dip and and wcre back he Kytes for CL OLC id ilopeeraw carrai and turnip sticks. Surrday suppen. pLes u- LLEC te wrs.TeePlans are being made for Mr. and Mn.e. Bush- ciplined jumpens, Achievemnent Day and our field, Londan, spent the week- Phone 66 3341 qshow horsts and eighth meeting which i. te belnd with the Munray Byens. 1 ________________________ her events ta hald a suppen meeting. Mn. and Mrs. Bnian Duns- of the viewen. The Hi-C hield thein firsi meen and babe, Toranto, visit- be soinething ai meeting of this season on cd the Ken Dunsmoons, Sun- X F EO I veryons with par- Sunday night in tise C. E.j day. ion being paid te roan. Election ot otticers re- Mn. end Mrs. Reg. Suttan, CALL US TO.DAY troît te womnen. sulted as tollows: President Oreno, Mn. and Mns. Juim be misled. Thse Guy Bonnetta; Vice Pres.idenÏ,I Dayes, Stuart and Christine, FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE tpîurely a ive-,Blair Martyn; Secrctery, Le-1 Brookio, Mn. and Mn.. Chas.1

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