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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 13

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rsM. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-4213 Award Two GoId Cords to Newcastle Guides A special ceremony was held Tuesday evening in [at left, Mrs. Hilda Caîl, at right, Mrs. Hazel May Munro. Newcastle when two Girl Guides were awarded Guid- Ranger Capt. and former Capt. of the lst Guide Cern- ing's highest achievement honor, the Gold Cord. Recip- pany Mrs. Kaye Quinney is in the centre. Unfortunate-ý ients were Joan Calcf 2nd Guides and Arlene Munro ly, Mrs. Marg Brereton, Capt. of 2nd Guide Companyi of lst Guides. They are shown here, xvith their mothers, was called away just befere thîs pîcture was taken. One Acidentln the Editor's Mail M'a s Ha ÎlwcatieDear Editor: M ar H ppDy iIe/ U 5 1 As the Executive cfth Newcastle Hockey Mothérs, Hallo e enwe wculd like te notifY ALL Haloween cScia an1 [~>esoth e oîohorhagare Newcastle-We are pleasedl ciand sonaa rnzto wkngt to report that here ln New- support ALL the boys reg- castle, Hallowe'en night wasiistered under Miner Hockey clcbratcd in the roanner ln Newcastle - Congratulations! The Scout Bottls Drive was ln Newcastle. We ai-e look- which It was intendcd, a night te Mr. Charlie Woo, who celle- cancelled on Saturday due toel ng forward te your help ln of fun for the endlcss Uine cf;brated his birthday last week, the bad weather. It is hoped mnaking this a succcssful ghests, goblins, monsters andienjeying his cake which was their project wiil get under-1year. other costumcd seuls wl'olbrightly lightcd with ail 80 way this week. ALL SCOUTS Regular monthly meetings rap ed on doors asking for' caridles. are urged te corne out and are held ln the Lions Room tC or treat.1 There were a few who car- 1 Tucsday, October 28th, Open make th!s a successful drive. of the Community Hall at ricd a small bar ef soap, but House was held at the New- Scout Mothers Auxillary will elgtpm the montMon- even this was quite mild and;castle Public School, with be held at the home of Mrs. hope you will accept this as several pumpkins disappcarcd !Principal and teachers on hand Derothy Whitney on Tucsday,iyuiniaontated from porches and werc hiddcn to wclcome the parents. It was November lîth. yrtIneiHationCtarattn. among bushes, aIll n fun type'quite rcwarding te the teach- StGMg'yngia ..DrteHaWhitns, SCarear. pranks. r ers te sec the appreciation S.Gog' nlcnWA poh hteSceay Both O.P.P. efficers andIshown on Open House by sa held a card party in the Parish, Mary Foster, Treasurer. fIremen patrolled the village1 large an attendance. During Hall on Wednesday, October' Ing a good Hallowe'en. students. graduates of this pub- enjoyed by these attcnding, In one neighborhood how- lic school, aise réturned ta re- wtth lucky winners beirig Mrs.Bo ln @ver, during the verv carlylacquain~t themselves with tea- Marge Frcethy who won a part of thc cveîning, crichers and showed quite anibushel ef apples, and Mr. Gea., Ladies - 17S and Ovor youngster ended this magie interest ln the diaplays set up IBucklcy who won a double, Vicky Blight 280, Ruth ixght of fun and goodies, In ialong the halls and ini each cdeck of cards. 1 Couch 267, N.ancy Williams the hospital. Richard Dillon,, the rooms. Performances irii Friends and neighbors in1248, Helen Couroux 246, Dor- tour-ycar-old son of Mr. andigymnastlcs, were displayed1 hospital are: Mrs. Lillian Aik- J cen Neal 241, Mary Henderson -?,rs, William Dillon, Sun set'twice during the evening and en, Jacob Dost, Arthur Farrow 240, Alta Langstaff 228, Penny Blve., calling on the homes in1 each time the large auditorium Mrs. Margaret Farrow, Master Breen 217, Mai-g. Wade 211, his neighborhood. excitedly was filled with applause for Jan Golder, Miss Alberta Guay, Betty Majo.r 209, Joanne Hut- ran from bis father and intolboth the teachers and students James Murray, Miss Ranna ton 208, Isabelle Patton 205, a passing car, driven by Johnin appreciation cf the time Simon and Mrs. Elicla Spen- Mabcel Goodine 2T1,loro1thy Westover, Bowmanvillc. Rich- andii- talent shown in these dis- cer. Mre 0,Mni alr19 ard was taken by ambulance Pa. Jean Allun 198, Dorothy Tti-- whei-e he Is a patien~tinOh ay ~ ~ ~ Sometime during the coming ansky 192, Ina Brown 191, Boa wa General Hospital wlth a Th Necate United wcekend, you will be ap- Recd 191, Fran Lunn 187, Joan broken bone in bis h lp. l Church W.A, servcd their an- proached by a member cf the Biight 183, Theresa Langstaff Constable William Helmer in-Inual turkey supper at three Royal Canadian Legion whoý 182, Angela Chard 181 ,Mary vestigated. - sîttings on Saturday. nigbt, will ask yeu te buy a peppy. 1Lou 180, Bey Lake 179. - - ____ ~with no ernpty seats, and as When You- purchase yours, 1 e 00adOe Comng Events 1always-, everycrie raving about wcar it proudly and rernember C ra l mathe woriderful meal they had with respect that these wercl Ross Nicholson 263,. Ron St. George'sCh-rïstmas1 enjoyed. [the men who fought and i-e- Good 260,, Gord Watson 254, Bazaar and Bake Sale, Satur- trewieohr og Jre Wiht20 Mrl day, November lSth. beginning A great time was en.ioyed'tunedsawhe thers tgh Jamier 27 e oWrig 50,Merl at 2:00 p.m. in the Parish Hall. by the youth who attended tin dnd senthatths tgcnea- 4, H enr 3.George K1, imb al 44-2 le nce nd arne atStton 230, Earl Taylor 224, Jim Gerge's Parish Hall Saturday h will i e i a feri-ce cteuy Bruton 219, Bill Farrow 18, Notice evening. The attendance wasn't Teewl easriee h Bill Williams 217, Lloyd Tay- Notice _ large, but those who may have Newcastle Ccnotaph on Tues- 1r25 onKeagn25 Ne catl rbeen disappointed were the day morning and ail residents Gord Cowling 211, Bob Lewis Newcastleores who weren't there, whcn are invited to attend. Cuba, 207, Wayne Flinteff 203. thev hear tram these who were Scouts, Brownies, Guides and Bemembrance Daylo h good time thcy had had R angers arc asked te attend Newtonville Ladies S rieYou'Il want ta go next tîne. in uniform and meet at 10:30 175 and over SevieKeep listening for the date and 81,LzWlim 7,An wilI he held at the Cenotap>1: be sure te attend, This is. net The Newcastle Hockey Moth- Vogels 25 1. Gwen Hughes 228, cfrmmbr f the Agiair e terrglrmn yMai-g McDonald 223, Wyllene Tuesday, Nov. 1il, Cur0h mby.i-s e Anglicsane1 eedtheiron reguar moenthlyRahmc 222, Angela Mallen 217, Servce t bein e teonly Ther dors re[neetng o Moday ven nAn Sutten 201, Marie Smith Servie tobegi at lopen taal cf the youth in the.with 12 of the approximatelyl 178. vilage. 100 or more mothers in attend-1 1045a..Cubs wclcomed a new hcl.I.ance, A welcome was given byl Thursdai' Mlxed If weather net favorable, 'ýer at their meeting on Mon-!rChairman Myrtie Marris. who, ZOO and Over service will be held ln the 'day cvening. Mrs. Don Innesilcalled on the secretary, Dor-1 Eleaner PerrIn 311, Greg Community Hal . bas volunteered ber help with,ý othy Whitney, te read the min- Forget 284, Mary MacGrego r this grcup. Two Cuba, Calvin utes cf the last meeting. 260, Wesley, Forget 254, Klausý ». . CNNNGHMReeeAllin and Donald Rowlcy re-i Business arising fi-cm the min- Zulauf 246. George McINair 234, Village of Newcartle cived their coilectors badges. ýutes deait with the sweaters Paul Barchard 228, Bob Glan- S- which were te be mnended ville 220, Mabel Lewis 201. Thesc have been donc, alsej FrIday Mixed - 200 and Over wýashed, presscd and rcady feri Beni Hoogkamp 299 Tracey use, One first aid kit bas been j Embley 296. Albert Pearce 255, lost and It was dccided that' Rosa Nicholson 247, Judy If t could net be located, an-! Powell 242, Stan Allun 230, other should be purchascd as 1MerrIl Henry 227, Ed Nesbitt lit was tbe large kit that reni- 219, Dick Budel 211, Ben Ma-1 ains in the Newcastle Memorial. dill 204, George Kupery 203. Arena, and it should net 1w -________ cd, the date wlll be November ilo ed ibe 2th, with *1l Hockey Mothers 1 em tn tete be contacted and asked tori Alter placing Black bound a donation cf cither bakedr Bibles in batels for about 601 goods or onie dollar. It is toit years, and for a basser number, nul um um itu nti umthat ALL the mothers should cf years in motels. Canadiani be contact.ed as ALL of the Gideons making Bib-ý boys are being looked alter by les available ln two additionall this organization, and that celai-s, Light Blue and Walnut.I1 Hockey Mothers are NOT For psycholcgical i-casons it is working for Al-Stars only. Itexpected that the intraduction! was decided that a letter of a celer range would bnci-casel would be sent ta the Newcastle rcadershlp, as bas proven ta' Recreatian Comnittee concern- bo the case in other countries. Ing the proposal that the Hoc- In the United States Black key Mothers change their narne covcred Bibles have been drap- Our' professional counsel can quiokhy put vour te the Mothers' Auxiliary of petd carpletely In laverofo!a affirsin oodordrthe Newcastle Recreation Cern- modern range otf Mur colora,1 affars i god orer.mittee. They would then be including Bittersweet, Beige -j There is ne obligation te investigate this prompt, available te woî-k for aIl types a floral tapestry, Olive Gi-cen 1 conidetia sevic wih u.of recreatien and not hockey and Brown. confdenial ervce wth s. nly. WhIie thèy were against Answering those who claimi changing their rame, they that few people read the Biblel were in lavor et heiping the anymore, the Gideons point ta Recreation Cammlittee at ariy a steady flow et unsolicitod time they were called upon. lotters trom persons who have Tbey were aiso te notify the been spiritually holped through, Recreation Committee as welitheir work. that their Organization did in- 382.000 Bibles were placed in clude ALL et the boys play- North Arnerican hotels and' IUzz 7 ing hockey, whatever miner i môtels last year, an Increase et o., tearn they were with. A mot-fi 100,000 copies over the preced- ion was made te have a dona- 1Ing ycar. World-wide annual; tien made te the Recreation ! distribution ot Seriptures ex- TORONTO - 372 Bay Street ICommittee ta help with equip-!ceeds six million copies. 1 Jetters NOT AGAINST THE ARTS ... BUT! To the Editor In the issue cf your paper cf October 22nd last are two letters in the Newcastle section which are in reply te mine cf the previaus week. .L ant to thank Mr. E. R. Lovekin for the information given by him and ta refer to No. 6 in his letter which I arn dividing into two sections. (a) The Festival Board has neyer refused te repair gny damagè allegedly incurred by members of the Festival. What action is the Community Hall Board taking in this connectien? (b) -No permission was ever given by the Board (Festival) for any person te sleep in the basement of the build- ing. Who did? I presume that if the Festival Board cannet repair the damages it will be necessary for the Council te do se, therefore an addition te the expendi- tures by the Village which will be pass- cd on te the Taxpayer. I still mfaintain that the Hall Board fell down badly. The Council was aise remiss. Tt wouid be interesting to see a detailed financial statement cf the Fes- tival for each et the two Years, that is, 1968 and 1969. Miss Bennett has missed the points raised by me and apparently does net think I am progressive-minded. Aise that a few more commente like mine would make one wonder whether New-, castle deserves the Festival. Business is business whether a Fes- tival or a glue factory. She mentions Stratford and that we- are seeing the actors cf tcmorrow who five years from now will be striding the Stratford stage or looking at us from the TV screen. If at that time cime &/îtor they are ne better than most of those now on TV it will be a waste cf time looking at them. What I like best about TV and radio is that both can be turned off. The mention cf what Stratferd has gained and what it was hoped the Fes- tival wouid do fer Newcastle is like comparing an elephant with a pup. I will repeat that 1 amrnot against the Arts which means more than the live theatre which has its place but net te the exclusion cf everything else. For Miss Bennett's information I was f irst in amateur productions in 1913-14 about the time she was wearing three cornered pants. Hewever, over the years, ether sections cf-the arts ap- pealed te me, music, painting, etc., and it has been my good fortune te have enjoyed the company of the profession- ais in these spheres and I stili do. I have neyer mrade a practice cf knecking on peop1e's doors and telling them what I de; that is my affair, there- fore this may be a surprise ! Her comment, "ignorance and lack cf understanding is a bit dîfficult te understand." If she means that every one cf the generalF public is ignorant and lacks uriderstanding she is away off base. Any reference te the live theatre or other comment dees flot include strictly local amateur groups. I have ne objection te the young people of Newcastle and the immediate surrounding area being supported but net under existing conditions. To sum it ail up, individuals like Miss Bennett, so-called prof essional producers or directors, their ilk (and other persens but net ail]) who are al- ways right (se they think) do net, des- erve any support or respect. F. B. Pidgeon. The Canadien Statesmnan, Rowmanvllle, N~ov. 3, 19690 _1 Mis EvlynMcKinnon of, the dhurrh in rn1ssionà, 'uý Montreal, Que., spent the past catiorn, medical aid, rehabili- weekend with Mr. and Mrs.' tation centres, evangeIisxMi and Bruce Ryley. :social service, all sh Miss Carol Rose is homne forms of christian ues from Toronto hospital., Continu ing, Mr. North éeydix- Bruce Ryley and Harry Ry-! cussed the new image «. thý ley have gone for a week'sI Missions & Service prograip deer hunting in the Port which was formerly kn*wna Loring area. the Missinary & Mainteq' Mr. George Waddell haq re- Dept. lie talked of the wQr turned home from Port Perrv being done al. The Scott -Tir Hospital. sion in Toronto, and the need Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr and for help from the chu rch wîith iMr. and Mrs. Thomas Jen- those in mental hospitals..:H nins senttheweeendin'further discussed the Mnes nîna pen te weknd ter 1s role in visiting the aiel Pic tori visiting with Mr. and s 1k IMrs. Creighton Carr. in marriage and family cou*, 1 Mrs. Addison Scott and Mrs.t:SeIli ng, etc. Hector Mor-ton attended the The roll cali m'as repliediï training sehool for leaders! with "Points te remethber held in Orono last week, for. when visiting the sick", a Women's Institute short, Mrs. Clarence Rowan led course on Cooking and Mealj the worship service with the Planning. theme 'Thcr Christian ChÙech The Bethany Athletic Asso- is One, withi many memher-," ciation held a successfu] Hal- giving a brief review cri thi lowe'en Dance in St. Paul's' Year's study of China and t4e Hall on Saturday night. Prizes problenis of Chinese chrtg;- for costumes went to Mr. and tians. Mrs. Walter Neals reàd Mrs. Joe Spencer of Cavan, the scripture lesson. IBob Edmunds, Oshawa, and Mrs. Thomnas Jennings read Max Holmquist. In the c'hildi- the minutes of previous meete ren's group, awards went toý ing and the correspondence. April McQuaid, Stephen Mc-,ý Mrs. Ross Davidson gave.'the GilI, Beverlee White and Glen financia1 report. Weatherilt. The Association Mî-s. Vincent. Jackson report- are planning another dance'ed that, a bale cf good cloth- on November 29th when newý ing liad been packed the pre- jackets and crests will be pre- vious weck and shipped to sented te the Bethany Inter- Torornto headquarters for 111W mediate Team m e mi b e r sI sion work. champions of the local league' AU standing comnmittee -l tefr 1969. A draw will aso be: venors were asked te brfng in made for a $50.00 bond, reports to the December The members of Bethariv meeting and members Wate United Church Women held: reminded te bring in their their November meeting oln stewardshiip aprons. IV ' a Monday night in the Sunday1 agreed that beginning in!,De- Schocl 'HalI with Mrs. Herb 1cember, following througbtin Coppins presiding and giving. Mai-oh, that meetings wil b. "A Thought for Remembrance held in the afternoon at 1U&0 Day. During the social heur luii* Rev. David Northey showed wras serveci by Mrs. Allan a film strip "The Church atý Beer and Mrs. Vincent ,Jac Werk" depicting the rcle cf. son. - --w w w - w ~WSuper-Right Quhlty, Siked P..m.akd, 2 to 3 M». (C*ntve Cuft) lb. $1,0Q0àPR I E s3 9 BACK BACON END CUTS 199 n, S!9ePoK LVR.9 1ii anSAUSAGE'"' B59 Jane Porker, Brown & Serve, Plain, Poppy Se.d of Sesomne S«>d - Buy 3 pkgs, SAVE 20e FRENCH-ROLLS 3 PKGS OF 1 RLS79< AUP Bkrd - Wts ail Pure Coffee INSTANT COFFEE Doo wfl w" " Pork On ,Tonito Sacxe) UIBBY'S BEANS Cltoice SIiced LIBBY'S BEETS A LPHA-G Eh I Cae "4Xe#, 15 Yoi"$. DUNCAN HINES miz SPAGHETTI Pvemwu, 6 Vaneie CLARKS SOUPS Prepriced - SAVE 10c »-zJAR 1,019 4 14-FL-OZ TINS 8e 9 ý MiN' 5 TINS - SAVE 14c ,5 WR-Z néi99 BUT 4 TINSl - SAVE 13c 4 19-Ft-OZ T>6S 9 9 ý W-z XGSAE IMON o« PEACH zPIE 4 19-F-ZTN9 3~ nR-z m49i FU 8-IN 24-01 maS AU.. PRICES S4WN IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUCH SAT1JRDAV, NOVEMBER Oth. 1969 r la L V I 9

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