"a owmanvtlie. tev. 5. iHI Births Cards of Thanka In Memonam In Memoriam ComingEvents Articlesfor Sale Articles for Sale &re ipp taannoncethethose who sent cards, enquired JOf a dear wife and mother a! a dear husband and father, day, Nov. 7, home baking. 623-547 51 ui rle rse,$4 Brnlal o!f a daughter Wanda, about me while a patient Inf Emma Winona Luxton who1 Dennis John Tlerney who aftérnoon tea. 44.2* iLIVE and drèssedphcasants- value. free with every new 9 %b.9 oza., Monday. Oc Memortl Hospital.' Slncerelv.1passed away Novemnber 2,.passed away November 4th, The Aë,ýcres Restaurant IslIPhone 263-2327. 5- Ski-Doo or Sno-Jet or Arctic thba 27, 1969. at Memonial Dlann Vîvian.45* 1968. 1964. leaturing hcean CiptUd198S-Ds$3, RpItal. A sister for 4Mark God watched you as you: Wawili ulways remember the 99hfcken ur and ChpsWÀrir Ctsed22 968Ski-os $ 99,n &Zld Bary. May thans te sffford Saturdai',e, Novemb45r1Cl Cliff Pethick, 623-2313. tarin Sports, Highway 115,1 Du. Ewert and Anfosai, aiso Sincere thanks ta friends, H eeoud yu hae h way h poke anhd5- 38-tf Crono. Open evenings. Tele-1 t0 staff on Maternity Floor. neighbors, r e I a t 1 v e s and Sa he gentiy closedi your eyes srniled, ChrÏe ust at RASPBERRY canas for sale, phone 983-5444. 4- especlalli' Rcv. G. A. Ramjiit, And took you In his care. Teltl hnah adan ln aae audy oopposite Bowmanville Zoo MUNRO-To Mr. and Mrs. for cards, letters. gifts andj Without farewell she fell; did, t. Telephone Port Hopeli__ 451 PURE WOOL REAVY 1 James B. Munro (nee Linda visite during mi' stay In thel asleepi Are wlth us ail the whlle. 885-2527. 44350-____ - 600- or ___ ThomPson), Whitby, Ontario, hospital In Toronto.i Leaving merires for us te For down the lane o! memories ý-i-sFîà -,- 350 ê'-êr7th ff honA,6310 or 6. PLUSH CARPET On October 25, 1969. a daught- Edna Thickson. 45-i11 keep. The l1gb t Is neyer dlm. ail the Flsh and Chips youl 51 uawd coc fcluu er, Nancy Elizabeth. 45-1- I Within aur hearts she'll always Until the stars forget ta shine caui eat for 99c. Tho Acres - - - Imoredfrm urp Sîncere thanks te the Unit- I sta3' We will rernember hlm. Restaurant. _ -- 45.1 '67 ESA LIGHTNING for sale. lnre rmErp - PASSAPIUME - Tom and ed Church Women o! Park, And be remembered even' Aîways remnembered by ------r,00 mils,5 Nov.e. Phonoe 19 d Z)Oha-Mrle ne@Flett> are Street United Church. Orono.1 day. iwile Elenor. daughter Llnda DacStry 1No.97475451$ .5yd haPPY te annaunce the birth for the farewell tea and glft! -Sadly mlssed by husband! and son Danois. 45-1* Lgion Hall, 9-12. Royal Arn- Cm.$7 of -thir dauhterTania-yn, ofhythnry on bassadorsHoaranan. Bar.enPRczesd. STUDEBAKEBnd. Ba.rvries. nTwEBCamp.ervie,.ne cf ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 30 thà auhe, ac-Lno!hyuapleW.nsa. oadan hldeRihr.45-2* anid used parts. Graham's LUXITRIOUS On Octaber 25, 1969, ut Bran- last, alsa Unit 7 for the beau- Joanne. D2ehbe, Kim and Lori Gara300 a1couple.233._43 -»nO Hospital. A sister for tiful cup and saucer ___ 411 A Lasting Tribute Old Tîm DaGarae, 416-23-223. -4-tf KODEL CARPETS Ptla. 45-1* Lillian Tamblyn. 45-11 For Permanence sud DIgnlty Hall, November 8. Music bi' VIKING electnic stova, xce1- MNC iBOELI oig e-we suggest Bob Burton and the Band. lae n t condition; reasonabie. MNC TINDALERalph and Jean Sincere thanks te thoe whoi morv nf a dear daughter. Em- vyoewlrn. 51Phe62-284-1NTO PIT (ne. Stacey) are happy' tOlprovided transportation for ma Winona Luxton. who pass- Mount Lawn Dance In.Solina Comunit-v OLD hai', 20ce also hai' 25e LaRONDE nnune hebitho! theirmeadm'iewiîera daa~No..168 Memorial Parfk Hall, Saturdai', November 8 and up; 50 red hans. Cal$ 12 diaughter Leanne Elizabeth, on in hospîtal, aiso the U..%ý.W must nat weep that she: -~ with Eari Brown's Orchestra. A'ustln Wood, 623-2212. 45-1* Comp. S12.95 Octaber 21, 1969, at Peel Ma. and Odd Fellows for cardý;. i,; deri 1 Brnze emorialS eryone welcome. 45-1 BUYING or selling fumniture marial Hospital, Bramptan. Ifruit and candy, and Ilie, Beca i se upon bher face Bronze EvROO a ster for Paul. 45-l" nurses on 3A and the doctors.! We saw a smile of gîory' For courteouq advice. please Rummage Sale, November or applances, cail Elmer, MITR RO VA DK-oh ndEsela alae ouhe.spread. visit the Park Office 7th !romn 7:30 ta 9:30 p.m. at Hampton: business 263-2294. ID O - OUT Walce 5-hen 1 Atuha evnygae 2-63the Knox Christian School, -_______29-tf arm roud ta announce the ar- And tho' Our forms she could -____ cggSre ot._ 51QATT !sakn his nIvl iu :rIwJf hei choen auhtr, etse Chartered Buses te a l clearing from stock. Nesting $5.25 >Linda Jane. 45-if ewul ik 'OepreF \'e fancy that she kneW C mn vns Wlnter Faim, Sundai', Navem- Fumniture Ltd., Orono 983-5192. Camp. $7.95 ____________________ incere thanks ta frlcnds andi That we were there and spoke Anynne wlshlng î- 45-1 e 6tWdedy lt.Frte oetPie Marriages nelghbors for klndnesses t'd ti s Toronto ta the Engelbert Tickets available. Telephone 5,0SRCtrees pruned B% ulte n __________________ ,_expressions a! si'mpathy in the The way she used tri do. Hurnperdenck Show, Maple 885-527, Rowe Tours, Port and fertilized; 5 ta 10 ft. Emn- Fastet Deliverles caii ROWE - MOFFATT-The mar- loss o! a dear liusband and We fancied that we heard ber Leaf Gardens, Friday. No- Hope. 44-3 est Cavano, telephone Bethani' riage Is announced o! Lucilile father, Paul Buracas. ay . vember 28, Phone 885-2527. Cartwilght Hl Scoo 68 R 21. 44-3 668-8895 Mftat Arthur Rowe, al Ms araBraa.Who batt.led on with pain; NT of Bawmanvllle, on Fridai' Mr. and Mrs. Z. Pniaiiskas.J A miracle occurrcd todlay-ComnentxrcssFi-OU a'odr"Wtnsc u October 24, 1969, by Rev. H. Aj4. And 1 arn weIl again. Bowmanville High School dea ov. 14 tf8:30 plackn-Prdams, 67hi' conct enn.i'AD O Turner. 45-U For 1 arn wcll arnd I arn strong will hold its annual Corn- cato CetBac-Aas67Tm rneSt45t BR A L Mf WVe wtsh to express aur sitn- Ad ld a jd mencement Exercises in the 'sok. Presentation of diplo- 623-2039. - 1 4 RC T .0 0 cane appreciation and thanks Thp. burden 1 have borne so High School gyrnnasîumn on mas.Pricei'pzea-TW snow tires, 6.70 x 15, Deaths ta aur famili', friends and rela- long j Fridai'. November 28,begIn- ldre tGîhe Club slections Ad- gonoditin i hap. ncsle THRSW- R1t .M COWL-At 5iLamb's Lane, tives for the loveli' gifts and1 Bas now heen put away. jning at 8 p.m. 44-a5i rophia Cus, Vledctori and sllcndtinris Ncasude; \Vh FR. tby Eaowmanville, on Saturdai', cards en our 25th Weddingi And standing in that hallowed i- 987 la'.4 - 4744. 45-1 45-4 November lst. 1969, Clara Annîversari' and making it a place. Purdy, aged 56 years, babyv- hpi caint eebe h ml !ln g MONSTER BINGO Effective Nov. 1, '69:FRESH eggs dalli' excapt Sun- ed wife af Howard Cawle, Clarence and Fern Thcrte.il. IWhich God had le!t tupon ber THURSDAY NIGHT, 8 o'ciock AlBourtre a h as10 aen onFyr RfMI LE62-05,2mie ..of IN VENT R -duar mother a! Betty (rs. 45-1' face Sponuored by the Junior TraininLEg23-259,2 les .4E3-in i -Dezaic Severn), daughter off -- Toid us it vas better se. Uhîmber o! Commerce PUBLIC LIBRARYTrnlSco.__ CLEARANCE È Mr. and Mns. Frank Purdy. t onsJanswauid -Lovingly remcmhcred every JUBILER PAVILION Aduit Section BABY crib and plastic coaate MSdCEA UTB sister o! Amy (Mrs. Everett Sie t.Jhankthe oal mrch day by mather and fat ber. O SH A WA 8-tfi wlIi be subject ta à sprlng mattress; aiso size 161 MST CLEAROUT BYh .Winacott). Helen (Mns. Alex atsfo ter upor,45- ï- ---it--bys--cotFitnep-n iloSTf NV.ct Canieron), George, Laura aners an rinsupor t ,mm Breakfast wIlli be senved by1 in Cilnlng. Phone 623-3725. 45-1 ODD LOTS 0F LUMBER <Mrs. Fred Smth), Eileen bran einso!S onçf- (Ms.Bo San),Roen adfor their ganerous assistance,, BBOOME- -lu rnemory af Eva, the Odd Fellows from 9 ayn. I er day per book aller duo date NEW 411ftL heavy duti'TVUp ta $11,.00Valua .,hem li tearncoe rt En- and aIl those who. liv their I uth. Novemher 8, 1959. and'.until 1 every Sundai'. starting 45-1 tower and antenna lnstalied, $5.00 thelae lornc (.rs En-patronage, helped toeniake the h er daughtcr Susan Elaine, 1 November 9th, at Centennial ------'~ j$48.95. Antenna onli', Install- est Liddle). Service was held Tuei te o ated e s*$17.00. Phone 623-2006. SMALL LOTS 0F In he orrs Fnenl Cape, Evening In Paris" buffet such Navember 12, 1959. Hall. Queen St. $1.00 per'c,2-fDMGDCIIGTL Inw nvth e . orrs n ai' hat asuces45-1 *'- -Affcctianately remembered servlng. Pancakes and sausage; "HA'WAIIAN 2-fDMGDCIIGTL - -nile nMndya sces by the Johns famnlly (mother I bacon andeggs. ___ 45-t! ___ 2 o'ciock. Interment ao-n ~ d father a nd siste:rs). 45-l' Annewsîgt go * PREVIEW" DRlED sheied corn, also 5c each mavlecmtr' 5I We wish to express sncere sîewshn e ot lage. Plions te arraîI4< while they last! ______i tank tareltivs. rieds45-1---Yorkdale or downtown Toron- \W ed.,November 12 pickup or deliveri', Browview McEE Eit Ele-A arinighbo rathve sine I FNGLISHl lalving remem-to, Tuesday, November ilth, Farms, Newcastle, 987-4474. 1O1DSHEETS 0F CluEit lenA or egbfors nthe m n cs !ine1bhnofo!Clifford Engiih aura', No8:1 2n.5 VP.M1 1.tfPANELLING Perry on Frlday1, actaberNovebest2nd - aLION - y Ocobe 31t, Clb fr teirmay ats r, hopassed away Navember 7 Mondai'. Novemnben 24tb. Sat- LIONSclln qait ppe Edith E. Gibsan o! Nestleton.. kindnass and expressions of 1967. urdai', December 6th, Plione; COMMUNITY CENTRE $2ORexelen0uait' ppe Ontario, beloved wlfe of the Flng auhnte undssteraMrs. iand pears, shap. at Fred's Fruit$25 ea 'i'oahv n he os afa oy When tics are broken and 885-2527. Rowe Tours. 44-.31 Pick up your FREE Ticket etMne. 'r~tioneft Weýre Cleanlng oui Our T late James R. McKee, dearýn agheadsstrMs. loved anes have ta part:'- -- ake.Ietyorft rnother o!'Larne and the latet Clara Cowie. 1 It lcaves a waund that neyer E nia oy Snowmobilng at J RY& resh, sweet cider. Hwi'. 115 Surplus Stock o! Win-ed ana dgar ee. Mn. and Mi's. Frank Purdy nealsIgn Paradise. 200 acres IJURY & LV LL S. Orono. 45-2 CERAMIC TILE loving ister of Edgar (Ted)ý andFarnly. 45-1 And aise a broken heart. o! gond trails, ups andi downs.f W ht ato nf±,sMosale - rag. 79e- Now 41e Giben, Port Penny, and Eth-I But loaking back on Chultiren willI have their own TRAVEL size 16; ona white torylene Regulîr. reg. 69e- Now 35e 1 el (Mns. Gea. Thompson), We wlsh ta express aur, memories. lopes. 11/2 miles west o! smock, sîze 16, new, ans mlnk, ol You Believa lit! 1 Bownmnviile, also survived byl sincere appreclatio ta ur pntepth etrd Bethani' an 7A Highway; 31/2 AGENC cîrd oar aktmdum SILTN fric griRndchildren and tan famili', relatives and friends ý bes the y'cars I shareimle as !35Hgha.P.hone 623-3568. 4- LAWN SPRINKLERS great-gnandehildren. In her and neighbors for the beauti-, wlth hlm ----i5- 9_igtE,___nvle e. 49 92nd year. Funeral service fui gifts. flowers and cards re- And I leave the est ta God. - - 19KingSt.E., owmîvilo inUij'oN eth-1 týOn, uta$1.99 was heid at tha Chapel o! Me-1 ceived en aur 4C)th Wcddîng -Awy eebrd b Woadview CommunIty Centre Lunch wlli ha served od with Rock Woal. Work- Ot u i9 Deihmott - Panabaker, Part AnniTversary. Thanks se much1 wlfe and familv. 45-1 MONSTER BINGO ~mnhpguaranteedi,, fraceHAND MIMASTE P ery n Monday, November tealal. estimates. Hammi' L. Wade, Reg-15-89$fi9 8n t2 p.rn. ;nterment St. Russell and Annette Savery. 'RUNDLE-Ir Inîvîng mamnret o day Cars for Sale Newcastle_987-45.11. 41-tf Rg 1.8.- $.9 ~.hi'uCeetri, acstck 4-1 a dd Gorewh pssd7:.45 P.M. '68 BEL AIR Chev.. 11,00 AUTHORIZED Snow Cruiser BRKN ATSO aurav November 2, 1951. mls hn 8-52 51Slsad Srie ar 1NAL, William H.-At Osha- 1 wîsh te express .my sin- We 'Olten tbink of days gona RED BARN miesuPon 76-50. 5- Sales an Service,ar BOKN ATTS 0F ~wnrlHospital on Satur- cere thanks te friends and f by, O S H A W A '5- ----V. -sper- Perup mentSeraniervieNNS.A2 ,day. Novemben Ist, 1969, nelghbors fan their kindness I When we were ail together; ----_________ __ 5 HVV. -pera-Pne amSrie o 1/3 Off WIfl~~ HNemi, husband o!in urrcn beevmn.jA han oeruilvsbs Tickets are now avaluabie onable affen. Phone 623-7177. Higbway, Newcastle. 45-! ODD SHEETS0 ~ W tM ary Dean, deanr fath- Special thanks ta the AMi- 1 cast. or Long Sault Club 50 Turkey - USED washer parts, matons,STE ROFN ~er of Kenneth o!fCrono, lance Attendants and staff in1 Our laved ones go n aSupper. Tynone Communiti' '67 MUSTANG, loadeti with Simpliciti', Hoover anti Moffat Lavern cf Oshawa, Velma Emangenci' ut Memnonlal Hos-1 forever.Hl.Stra'Nomer8opin, irk b,$35. appliances, national' ativer- 1/2 Price (Mm. Wmn. Armstrong), Orona, pItal. --Sadiy missed bhi Jack antiSitings 5 - 6*30. Aduits $2.00, Phone 623-2332. 45-1 tiset i lne o! fumniture Puddi"s DAMAGED SHEETROCK 'and Marionie (Mrs. Jack Mrs. Kcnneth Roblîn. Mcl. 45-i, chiltiren undar 12, $1. Cali -Market,, Hampton, 263-2241. 'sedwcut f t auntue.4.5l' i -263-2959 or uni' member. Not '63 CORVAIR 6 cyl., automat- 43-tf 1/2 Prîce ,P Re-t-dRUNthe BaGeorgene-ain me- ibuffet. 44-2 le: '66 Ford, 6 cyl., automnatie. RECND-T-NEDTV -wer-OD-SIZ Chrel u sd y ono. S erce wa We w ud lke te thank al 1 m ry a! a dean dad anti grand- 1 h n !e , 2322. 4- and rotos (trade-ins), 40, 50 ALUMINUM WINDOWS >,,el 2 ueudai Nvermer4tir fr !iends who were se klnd father. who passeti away SUNNYSIDE PARK '64 PONTIAC sedan, autamnat- and 60 foot structures; allIn~ 1/2 Price Ceunter'. 4-1.OnA us on the occasion of aur iNovember 2. 1951. MO S EtIG e, 6- mechanical certîficate, excellent condition. Oshawa 4 weiing parti' anti presenta-1 Silently the angels took dad, $650.' Cali after 5 p.m.ý TV Supply Limited, 723-8131. Mîke Uîs An Offor! -NICHOLSON, Dianne - At t ion on Satunday nlght. Octo-1 Juta the mansion abova. Thursdav Niaht 983-5236. 451-1 __ 50-t! ODD NIJTS AND BOLTS ,ýT*=o enrl osialoniber 4th. A spacial thank yo Thene shal he rest from ____ ___________ Tunara nem er Hosit196o, ta the committee ln char2e. earth's toil 7:45 1960 CHEV. sedan, suitabla OZITE and nylon carpeting, eudy avme ntl6'Laverne Brown, Gary Van Safe in the armq o! God's 'T PfTT for parts, wlth new set a! seat Seau' mattrasses, swivel and - Diann Nicholson, mga 17 years, Dam anti Rannie 'Richardison. love. RED B LARN iA~ cavens for ahove, $85. Phone radlIner chairs, at discount BEAVER h-beloved dughter o! M. anti John anti Eaine Van Wieringen 1-- Ever remnembered bhi daugh- O S HA WA 263-2296. 45-i pices. Murphy Furnitun, Mrs. Foyd Nicholson of ------ King West, Bwmanvile, L M E eOrono, sisten o! Fuaye (Mrs. 1 45-1 te aa Faia ndgad arents anti al cancemni[Ïf'67 PARISIENNE 2-tir. hard-I 623-3781. 45-1_ Godn Burnhmm), Ornna, ra45-1 ate hcao pensons are Invitedtietahear top, power steing anti - -. 4 in-- E 2338 >Gardon Or fEr t TeRehn Fine Brigade! 5-1CntbeTmHms Oshu- brakes, under warranty, manv jxcln 4 ig t .-s33g ConstableTom Homes Chih1sn rono, and Mn. ant i wsh ta express sincere thanks, wa Police Department, speuk1 extraq. Stn Crtin, 4 E ecuin LOîi. Hoardi Masters. Bow- tealal those who have helped ;RtSSEILL -Ini loving meman' on "Drugs - Their Use anti Brown. 45-1î Office Furniture Co. OMNIL 45-1 muanville. Restati ut the Bar- I ni' way witb the canstrur-! Of my hushanti Haroldi Davis. Abuse", KIrnb y Cantennial - -a Leasa - Purchas. ,Iew Funenal Home.,Crono. tien a! the new Fine Hall' ýwho passeti away November Home and Sehool Association Livestock For Sale Renti Plans Pt *.§er-ice was held Wednesdav aise te the Canvassers for6th. 1964. meeting. Tuestiai, Nov. l8th, 1 Pets___ -1goyembar 5 fnom Crono Unit- funtis. and to ail those whoTam alndetcnnt8pm Refreshments wil h YA-OD Deub as.±îeîone 987-4715 nEITRDBre ale "ý« Cboeeh et 2 pmn Inter-cnnbuei50gnnusly. sever, srei 45-2 623-2797. __45-1' NEWCASTLE - ONTARIO for sale, 6 manths aid, starteti men Croo emaen. heFondlng Comrptte Love and remembrance last -10YA-L as 12-tf wonking, $125 each. T. A. ______ o!Betuni Fne rigde.farver ITI~T'D 75 eah. aî 62-707451 - -- - Grettan, Phone 983-5423. 3 ~ROBLIN-t Memomal Has-45-1 -,-A1 a~nmmeei h bs COLMER TOURS 75e eac______ ___Ca18HP.-623-7037y. 4545- ~day, ctaba 3OthA1969.Ken- Aspecii tbuks ta he9 H.P.- -mber nti Daember App 'nth iNles Raln .R ,a adsaf !Fnt loSEENI ]vn amri XJTTPP HIH Rnbmv.Poo98-18 -T17AfDT ..fllackstock, aged 84 years, be- loved husband af ClaraO- borne, duar father of Tiem (Mrs. John Sinclair), grand- father of Kenneth and William. Service was held ln the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, ,on Saturday at 2 oc'lock. In- termnent Humpton Cemnetery. Reception elatlesand friendsf *IUr. and Mrs. Elgie Harnden Z. re cordlly Invited ta Useir 5Both Anniversary ReceptIon on - Sunday atternoon. Novenibar ' 16, 2 -4, Legion Hall. 45-2, , Mg. and Mr. Henry 'Mahatty will be pleased ta re- :ci~ friends. relatives and o ndegbmrs t the home o! their rer Mrs. George Fowler, R..1, Bowmunville. on Sun- :-day. November i6th, 1969, -*or, 2 umtil 5 p.m. on the occasion of their Oth Wedding ATadversary. 45-1 r Flowers *FOWERSY VAN BELLE ;X H- wy. - neowManviloe 623-5757 ~1"T Memria HopialandDr.0fa dear fat her and grand - y yL Ewert for the very kind care1 f3thri, Robert, Gordon, whoNo.2 il recelved whlle a patient. in pasred awaY November 4th. o .2 Memorlal Hospital. Thanks t,) 1966. Excellent Seats relatives, n e i g h h o r s and:i In the book of life there are Eveninir Performance frlends, Tyrone Club 49, Ty- Memnories For Reservations Phone rone U.C.W., Rebekah Lodge, 0 f the happy days we knew, Long Sault Club .90, for cards!1And recorded in love are the~ 623-3265 or 623-3093 and flowers. blessings Milton Virtue. 4.51 0f a wnnderful Dad likeii C L E We wish to epess Ouir sin-;~ vi' rmmee yT A E E VC cr hn t u eave,'lthie famnily. 4.5 -l__43-3 caendthans ta au r reafor ,-Pontypoal United Church is mrind s ofnd nessbo I;_TIERNFY ln lovîng mernorv holding a hot Kentucky-fnled sages et sympathy, floral trib- of Our hthpr-ln-law and chicken supper on Friday, utes during passing of Our tincie. Dennis, who passed November 14th from 5 p.m. on. father and grandfather. Sperial lawaN' November 4, 1964. Admniss1on: Adults $2.00, Pub- thanks ta Rev. T. Grarip, rDr Wonderful memnories, woven In. lic School Chtldren 75c. The H. B. Rundie. nurses and staff! gold. supper i.sto be held this year of Memorial Hospital. î.effon! Th 1 q1is a picture we tenderly luh the Chamnber of Commerce Ladies for servlng lunch, al sn 1 hold. 'Hall wlth a card parti' foilow- Morris Minerat Chaipol for! Dpep in Our hearte à memory Ii G(i Sunday, November kind serviceF;.i s kept, l 6th a t 1l a.m., a special The Famnilv of Che late To love, t0 rherish, ian e'verl'Thanlkoffering Service will be Mr. A. C. Kllpatrick. 4.11 fnrget.1 held In Pontypool United -Alway.s remnembered, John. Chiîîrch with Rev. Emerson We wish ina xprssOur Gwe-n and famtly. 45-141 Dorsh of Sprngvlle as sincere thanks i h officalus iitr pclal usc and members of St. Pati.sf T1ERN PY In Ioving me- _ 45-2 United Church for the heart- r ofn rny son Dennis Tier- - warming reception and presen- .nei' who passed away Naven-1 ROWE TOURS tation Of two launging chair-, ber 4. 1964.1 FLORIDA CHRISTMAS an November '2nd. markingiSOftly the leaves of memory1 AAINTU the 20th Annlversary of aur fal VADC. AT -IN. TURd 5D ministry In the congregation. Gentl.v we gather, treasureiDr E20 ucon rd-15Dy We wili neyer forget. the IhPm ail. wre warmth of the good wlshes ex. Samne may forget now that FLORIDA and NASSAU pressed hi' so rany. Our vou-re gone Ja.12-e LORIdA- TOURa thanks cAso for the cards and I 1l rernemler n mter AlFeh. 6- 23 TOUaR gfta sent ta the Manse. Wp how long. I e.6-2 xDy greatfly appreclate the efficient --Aw\ remnemrbered, Mom CALIFORNIA TOUR AND SOf the commIttee înIKIiu. 45.1*iFa.HAWAII CRUISE chare. vz.- rs.J. Wlsh eb.26 - MaLr. 29 - 32 Day» Mr Glenn Prout and Mr. VIRTU-lii. loving memory Wsavel ao Metoea George Graham. and the - of a dear sister, Myrtie Iran. For Inomateon wit opération of ait others h Virtue. who passed uway Frio rmatoU RSt made th, Dlei' naisant: Novemhber 5th. 1968. O E O R occasion -Sadly mi&sed hy sister Mur-PORTHOP AM#s and Harold Turner jearet .&nd brother Leon and 35A Elomareve Ave. 451 mfnilles. 43-i1.4"- 140 HEREFORD stock caîves__ $595.MO wlt] Rn ci 1 ½/ -year-old s taockear 2 H.and6.0 stears ant i bers. Pnivate muHP 76.0 ro sala aven' Saturday. George RANDM aa A. McGowan 778-2213 Hava- R N Y S nu iock. We deliver. 45 ~-4* hn 2384 100 WESTERN anti Ontario'-__ 44-4 stockans, soîti pnivuteli' every i --__ Thunsiai', (unytime hi' p-WADDINGTON'S pointment). Ivan Johinson, BA G N South Managlian. Baliebono .JLL'IN SHO 9319-68.55, 1.5 miles% nontho Pont Hope oh Highway 28, 2 2 n-Kl es east of C milese ast. - I-tf ENGLISH idlng instruction, ewasl dressage anti jumping hi' Els-i ON HIG.HWAY z2 mW bath Geiger. who truinati untien OIL FURNACES, Used M George Wahl anti Erie KastnerA-codtn a! the Spanish riding semaI nb:1codiio Vienna. She brings with heri Blawers, Burners and Contrais T 25 yeams' expenience ln teacli- 011 Tanks. Used Pipas Cici ing, training anti show ritiing Lots ln stock Special lassons fanrmtiults dur- GO SDCOHN Ing the week ln aur indoon ODUE LTIG T amena Phone Liberty' Stablesý for the entiro famlly la 263-2303 for uppointmant. PROPANE STOVE Ni 45-2' Bot Water Tank and Heater I ha - 9 of Wanted to Buy ANTI QUE CHINA CABINET that _____ ___45-2 offi EÈLECTRTC train set. Phono .day 623-5872. __ 45-1' MOTO-SKI a! a ln t SHEEP. Suffolk awcs wanted. ia Bethani' 45 R 14. 45-1 Snowmobile ipu HIGHEST prices paid for Red Sales & Service tion. Claver Seeti. Pleasa submit a AI %am'ple. Also buving Timothy 1970 MODELS ON DISPLAY votta anti Al!aifa Seeti. Carnation TRY US FORL A GOOD DRAL sion Flowen and Seeti, 33 Division.1, Street. 623-5577. 45-2 ai Pine Ridge Antique Autos coi'd RADIOS dating batween 1920 Hlghway 35 - Pontypeel V andi 1930 - bttery operateti with aarphones or externi JCivem I...Lapman Oct< speaker. Phono 723-3415 anti sk for Peter or write "Old So Radios", a/c CKLE, 360 King BethanY 14 r 21 M. W.. Osaws. "-à 1-43 rolunteers neetiet ta assist th muaklng disaster clothIng d supplies. Redi Cross Wark- m, Tam penance St., Bow- invllle. Open: Friiai' a!ter- ons 1:30 p.m. ta 3:30 p.m. 1mateniais supplied. 45-4 FLYING DUTCHMAN GUJLF .'AR WASH $1,00 rash & Polish $6.95 N. - THURS. 9 arn.-S p.m. 44-tf rowNsHip 0F CLARKE ,rk's Notice of First Postlng of Votera' List VOTERS' LIST, 1969 rowNsHIP 0F CLARKE nthe County of Durhamn eotice is hereby given that lave complied wlth Section Ifthe Voters' List Act, and It have posted up ut my ce at Orono on the 3Oth ?of October, 1969, the lut ali persons entitled ta vote the municlpality nt muni- al elections and that uuch remainu thora for Inspec- ýnd I hereby cauh upon &Il ers ta take limmediate pro- dings ta have any omis- is or errors corrected ac- ding to luw, the last day for )al baing the i3th day cf vember, 1969. sted this 3Oth dey of »ber, 1969. H. DeWith. Clerk of the Township of Clark. 45-il Auction Sciles Robent Stinson Estate. Lot 3, Con. 5. Manvers Township ut Lotus. or 21/2 miles west of Ballyduf!. Wednesday, Novem- ber 12. farti' Hereford cattle, cows anti culves, Fergusan tiller, 3 pt. hitch, neunli' new; Ferguson plow, 3 furow, 3- pt. hitch; Mc-D. seetiddml11, grain auger (new), othen im-1 pisments: 5,000 bales bai', 300, bales straw, 500 bus. oats, 15! bags potataes, 1 square piano, 3 antique betis. 3 antiquel wasb stands, many other use- fui articles. Terms cash. Sala at 1 o'clock. Hunveyj Malcolm, Glan Wannamuaker. Clerks: Ted Jackson, Ted Spenceley, Auctioneers. 45-i1 Help Wanted NIGHT watchman. Appli' Custle Hotel. 45-1' LADIES who driva cmn make $80 weekly with Fuller. Bow- manvilis & countri'. 623-5454. PART-TIME help requireti. Appli'ln persan ta Flying Dutchman Gui! Service Centre. EXPERIENCED meut wmap- per. full time. Appui' Man- ager Dominion Stores. Bow- marville. 45-1 FOR faîl digging a! nursery stock anti ather womk. Henk Kohes Nursery,. corner Scugog anti Taunton Rd., Hampton. 263-8814. 45-If REAL Estute Sulasman, ex- pemienceti or will train, Baw- manvilla district for Toronto finm. Reply Presi- dent, 918 Pape Ave., Toronto. 45-if SCHOOL bus drivers, men anti wamen; Oshawa, W-hithy, Bowmanvîile location; part- tirna apportuni'ta tesuppla- ment income at highest rates. Contact M. Hoîmes, 723-7171 or 623-7682. _____45-1 REAL ESTATE CARRER Wanteti - A full time reai estata agent for Bowmanvile1 area. Expenienceti manager ta heip Yeu plus extra ativertis- Ing ta expanti commissions. Memben a! most RaiEstate Boards. Contact, Lloyd G. Lac, F.R.I., Vice-Presitient, H. Keith Ltd. Realtar, 181 Eg- linton Ave., Tarante 12. Tale- phono 487-3333. 40-5 LADIES Holiday season l n approach- lnir. If yont need money ta boy glfts, etc. . . . for Christ- mas, seli our Beautiful Line of Cosmetica and other Pro- duets. Large profit. Write RAWLEIGH Depi. K - 140 - 1 4005 Richelieu St. Montreal 207, Que. 45-2 REAL ESTATE CAREER We have openints for salesuien and sales ladies ln our ultra- modern Oshawa office WE OFFER * qur own office *Generous fringe benefits *Gallery of Nomes *Inter-office reforrids *Liberai advertuunt *Draws loin & hlghly respected and expandlnir eempany. New 21 offices ln Ontario. For confidential, Interview pleasa eall Gordon Trick 576-2421 BOWES & COCKS LTD. REALTOR 44-4 APARTMENT for rent. Cent- ral. 623-3749. 45-1* TWO bedroom apartment, up- stalis, centrally located, $85 manthly, Cail 623-5012. 45-i FURN ISHED or unfumnished 3-room apartment, heated; adults, $90. December lst. 623..7264. 45-1 Wanted to Rent BED-sittlng room with caok- Ing facilities for two yaung mnen ln Chrono viciniti'. Phono 263-8862. 45-2 CLEAN, 2 - bedroom spart- ment, grounti floor, lu Bow- munville, esonable rent. Phone ater 5, 623-2301. 45-1 YOUNG couple with ane chilti desines ta ent mpmtment or house In Hampton mmcm, pre- ferabli'. Write Ativentiser 87, c/o The Cunadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 45-1 CENTRAL 2 or 3 large unfumo- lsheti roms, apt. or fiat with prîvats bath, Tht an 2nd floor, with naturel fineplace. Must ha dlean anti warm. Quiet business lady with car. Jan. lst. Write Ativentisen 65, c/oý The Canatilan Statesman, 13.0h Box 190, BowmanvIlla. 45-i J1ost BOY'S bicycle. 26" wheel, Zelco, blue and white; roward. Phone 623-5080. 45-i GRANNY bracelet, 10 pictures on ft, sentimental value, A & P lot. Phone 623-5873. 45-1 Wanted Dead or Crippled Fcarm Stock PICKED UP PROMPTLY I Telaphono Calicot 263-2121 Margwill Fur Frm fà Nie. o 20-C-flM Auction Sales LIVESTQCK SALES at Durham Conty Sules Arons,, Orone - Every Thurs, 7:30 p.m. Selint Herse,Cattie. Swine, Calvas, Sheep, etc. Charlie laid, Auctionear and Pro- paloter. 23-tf Auction sale, modern and iantique furniture and valuable dishes, to be held at Stirte- vant's Auction Hall, 33 Hall St., Oshawa, audyNo.. 12no:Electric stoves, radio, antique rockers, oak record cabinet, love seat and chair, 1children's toys. umbrelia stand, INipon china, cut gass, linen, etc. Terms cash. Myles King. Auctioneer, 723-0501. 46-1 Auction sale, Saturday, Nov. 8, 1:30 p.m., at Early Bird Live Bait Shop and Antique Store, 1 mile south of Bewd- iey on Highway 28. consisting of the following consignment articles: Furniture. dishes, picture frames, books, crocks. antiques, ail lamps, toilet sets and numerous other articles stilU being brought ln. Sale held Indloors. Roger Bannister, auctioneer. 45-1 Auction sale of furniture and antique dishes for Mr. T. R. Baliantine. 108 Centre St., Whitby, on Saturday, Nov. 8, 1 p.m. 3 small wash stands, old; 2 aid wrltlng desks, cracks, jugs, storage chest with drawer ln bottom. tables, toilet set, odd pieces of toilet sets, dishes of aillkinds, many other articles, everything be- Ing sold ls antique. Lovely articles for antique collectors. Terms cash. No reserve. Cliff Pethick, Auctianeer. 44-2 Saturday, November 8th. Auction sale of 7 Verularn Twp. Rural Schools. The prop- erty of the Victoria Caunt)r Board of Education. These schools are ail brick, ln good repair, sltuýated ln the "Heart of the Kawarthas" surround- lng Sturgeon Lake. Ahl prap- erties are 1 tae,3 miles froym the lake. School equlpment te be sold at each school. Sale at 10 &.m. Terms on small Items, cash; terms on proper. tics 25% down on day o! sale. remainder ln 30 days. For further Information,.rnaps. brochures and Inspection ap- pointments; contact Carl Hlck- son. Auctioneer Reaboro, COnt., Lindsay 705-324-9959. 44-3 Saturdai', Nov. i5th,* 12:30 p.m. Propenti' a! Frank Hale, Con. 3, Lomt 35. Hope Township. miles east of-pewtanvllle ois..ýNI IIwy. 2 anti % male 1pjIth f heuti o! cattie Inc uding mllk *cows, 18 mas. Charolais bull, 60 plgs, 3,000 bus. barley, 350 bus. outs, 2,000 bales liai', 1,500 bales stmaw, 150 ton% silage, 150 tons huyluge, M-F No. 135 diesel tructar, 1,200 hns.-, International 350 diesel tractan, 2,800 hrs.; M-F No. 10 haler, M-P 3-pt. mower. International No. 130 spread-. an (new), backend loader. M-19 scraper, 3 unit Surge milkem, Farina sellsaut 2:00 p.m. Fot full list a! articles sec sait bis). Auctioneers, W. P. ýWulken. Box 159, Unlonville, Phone 297-1558. anti Steve Lbp- tai', Bowmunvilie, telephone 263-2157. 45-2 AUCTION SALE Farm - 92 Acres - New Barn Saturdîy, Nov. 15, 2 p.m. Properti' of FRANK D. fHALE 2 Mes Rasi of Newtonvllle on Iiwy. 2 and 3j Mile North Barn. naw ln 1965, 140' x 40'. twa silos 18' 45', with silo unloader anti autamnatie feedier anti augen ln feetilat. Patz stable cieuner ln feediot anti milking parlaur. Steel drivlng shedi 2n' x 50'. 2 storey ulumninum siding homne: up- stairs - 3 bedraams, down- stuirs- tien or 4th bedroomn, kitchen, living room and util- Iti' room, ail fumnace In ceilar. This là a higli pnoducing furm anti greut opportuniti'. ni- nasa forces sale. Temmus and Brochure. W. F. Walker & Associates, Real Estate Auc- tioneers, Box 159, Unlonville, Phone 297-1558. 45-2 SALE Tupper Johnston Estate Take notice that the farm machlnèry and farm land and, buildings fermariy owned by Tuppar Johnuton,' deceased, Lot 5, Con. 1 A14D ABUTTING LAND§ Clarke Township wiII hi sou ,by Publie Auctiois on Saturday, Nov. 15thW 1969. eommenclng at 1:30 p.m., On the site (Southeaut of 401 HwY., Newtenville Cloverleaf) Land te bha nid hn umallesi Parcela uerpltted under Clarke Twp, Ey-Laws TERMIS: 1"% on cla.lng when agycament muut be slgned. Balance e on dai wlthln 34 day. CLIFFORD PETI1CK Auctianer 1mathar Information on raques* E. R. (DICK) LOVEKIN Exactor et £#tata 11028osNOwOoaUeOntario DEADLINE J FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:30 p.me SI ~ '4 i i il if .1 I i i. J. "m1rvws~ To fA - DOWMANVILLE I * NEWCASTLS 32-V -1 - 1 -1 1 j For Rent