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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Nov 1969, p. 2

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2_ Dutch Citizens Plant 150 Bulbs at Cenotaph Io Commemorate Lib eration Last week, a most thought- Lu -and generous gift was Prffted to the Neivetle CenoaphCommttee by the Dutch citizensof Newcastle. Ons hundred and fifty tulips bunbe were planted around this MrWea for a profusion of blooms lni the spring of next The. pre3entation rends as toflows*, "To commemor'ate the Liberation of Rolland ln 1945, we, the Dutch citizens of New- eeue, wish to present. as t.ok- Parade <PROWADAGE ONE) Mm»ereane 15 floats already d.fIoIely entered but more e required. Get lin contact wlth Uvfn. Helen Rudeil 987- 4281 or Mrs. Ede Cale 623- 2405. befoe Nov.l5th , the deed2lle for float entries. The milk botties are in the stores and your financial sup- port 3e urgently needed to Zinance thIs year's parade. Y=urcommnittes bas been bard at work and another good plarade is in thie making fibr aturday. Nov. 22nd. en appreciation and deep frattu e for our freedom. teetulips thut are planted at the Cenotaph here. They are cafled "Libemation Tulips" and are oran ge with ucarlet streaks, symbolizing the fallen blood. They Are Not Forgotten We neyer shail forget your dear gocd boy We know too weilhow much for us you gave. Your aime, your strength. your love, youm whole young life Lisa burled with you there lni a beflowered grave. But, for the noble vallant part yau took In our amail country's priceles Uiberation May we at leat reward hs heritage you left With ail ws can express In loyal dedication. May what you did for us corne back now ta your land Which has deserved sa high aur people's pride and falth And may our love for It once prove us wonth The great unitlng sacrifice you made. le2 & 3YEAR G. I.C.'s Tc the. followlng Dutch citizens cf Newcastle. Uic Cenotaph Comrnlttee, on b.- hait of ail ex-servlcemen and citizens of the village extend a meut sincere "thank you" er tis wonderful gesture: Mr. and Mnq. J. Bandstra, Mr. and Mms. O. Bandutra. Mr. and Mrs. D. Bienateker, Mr. and Mrs. S. Blersteker, Mr. and Mrn. M. Brink, Mr. and Mrs. B. DeBruin, Mr. and Mrs. J. DeGooyer, 14r. and Mmm. J. DeJong, Mr. P. DeJong, Mr. S. DeJong, Mr. and Mms D. De- Mooy, Mr. and Mrs. L. De- Mooy. Mm. and Mru. C. DeMooy, Mr. and Mrs. B. De- Vries, Mr. Jacob Dout. Mr. Jerry Dost. Mr. and Mrs. Ph. Dost, Mr. and Mrs. A. Flonk, Mr. and Mns. G. Hoogkamp, Mr. and Mmi. J. Kloosterman, Mr. G. Kupery. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mostent, Mr. and Mns. D. Mostert, Mr. and Mrs. E. Mostent. Mr. and Mrs. H. Van- denstarre, Mr. and Mns L. Vandyk, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ver- beek, Mr. and Mrs. G. Ver- burgh, Mr. and Mns. E. Vier- haut. Mr. and Mns. J. Visser, Mn. and Mrs. B. Wind, Mr. Fred Wind, Mr. George Wind, Mn. and Mns. F. Zegers, Mr. and Mrs. G. Zwier. Candidate 4, 5.YEARS .*.*. . % s Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corp. Opep Mondar to Thnraday from 9 to 5:30 ana open Frlday evenlng until 7 z3 it Street West Bowmanvllle Cr miroe TeIephone 623-2527 TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLEC NOTICE GARBAGE ORDINARILY PI(KED UP ON TUESDAY, November Ilth (ARMISTICE DAY) WILL BE PICKED Up Monday, November lOth SPECIAL GARBAGE PICKUP NORTH 0F KING STREET Wednesday, Nov. 12th. SOUTH 0F- KING STREET T'uirsday, Nov. l3th TOM STEWART, Supi. Robent Dykstra May I say thank you for the opportunity you tue taxpayens se richly bestowed upon me at the last election, when I was elected to serve you in the past two years as Councillor. I have endeavored Vo the utinost o! my abillty to face up to its challenges and act upon them to the best o! my knowledge, for the bettes-ment o! you the taxpayer and the conimunity. 1 woulcl like you to know that 1 have again declded te stand for re-election in the forthcoming election Dec. 1, 1969, and would greatly appre- diate the opportunity ta serve you An hs nexti term o! office in the capaclty o! Reeve. Many challenges face this position. Stnong representation is neceuaany te deal adequately with sucb items as Regianal Governrnent, County School Board, equal distribution o! payments o! Education costs, road Improvement, etc. I feel confident in being able Vo hold this important office for you. Any approach will b. open rninded and outspaken (as in the past), always decid- ing and acting with you and our community in mmnd. Yours truly, Robent Dykstna. Deviltt Scoires <FROM PAGE ONE) wide. Later ln the first quar- ter, Larry Devitt, tue star of thc day, scored tie firot of bis three teucbdowns on an end run and this proved to be the winning touchdown. T h i1s A CIVIC SERVICE 0F REMEMBRANCE will b. held ai Bowman ville Cenotaph Saturday, November Sth 10:45 a.m. Ail veterans, service clubs and orqanizations, and the. qeneral public are lnvlted ta attend. W. respectfully request that ail merchants will co-operate la closlng their place of business durinq this speclal Rememibrance Service. la the eveut of rein thus Remenibrance Service wili ,bý held in the Té»n Mailauditorium. IV=n M Hobbs, Mayor, Town et Bowmanvlfl& Ready to Celebrate lOth Anniversary Three of the Dykstra Food Market staff donned Dutch costumes this week to- publicize the lOth anniversary of the store's founding that wilI be celebrated next week. They are, from lef t ta right, Wilma Vandemeent, Darlene Babich and Nancy Shortt. Bob and Claude Dykstra, the owners, advise that they will be offering many tremendous bargains during their anniversary sale. It should be a great time to stock up for Christmas. McGregor Midgets Salvage Two Ties Last week's action by Hanvey Webster After a 5-2 loss to Cobourg on Tuesday night the local midgcts irnproved their te4am play te corneberne from Port Hope with a 4-4 ie. Despite the fact Bowmanvile controll- cd the play, Port Hope came on strong te even the score with a mere 16 seconds ne- rnaining on the dlock. Saturday evenîng saw the McGregor boys treat the fans ta a hustl.tng well-played game. Once again the nesuits were a draw. Now that tue club bas proven they are as good as anyone, they now must aim te b. betten. Peterborough were a hustling team, exceil- cnt in puck controL The coaching and nianaging staff wcre net overly irnpressed with the officiating which saw many sentences handed eut for no apparent reason. Don Smith and Gary Murphy notched the counters for the locals. Coaches Comments: We have a smaîl team but what they lack in size make Up for in ruggedness and en- thusiasm. More finish must be worked on around the net as we wene outshot Saturday nlght by a large margin. We have been quite successful ln clearing the puck but mnust capitalize on rushes with more finess. Our three lines are working very effectively with Max Johnson ccntering Launie Gay and Gary Murphy, Gary Ormiston pivoting for Deug Crough and Rick Shackelton1 while Ken Rice, Don Smith and Bob Spicker face-off together.1 Saturday night saw Paul Martin In Bob Spicker's place as Bob picked up stitches in time the extra point attempt was success!ul. Belleville seemed powerless ta do anylihing in their cause, while the Redmen continued unmercifuliy te 'lay it on themn'. Converted tcuchdowns by Devitt in thle 2nd quarter and by Joe Caruana in the 3rd quarter put the game out o! reach. Nicholson College !inally goV on the score board when Hubert Hicks an the bail in for them. In an attempt te geV as rnany points as possible, the Belleville tcam Vied for a two point conversion and were succeaaful on a pass play. Devitt added the final taily for thc local squad when he again scomed a TD in hs final quarter. The convert at-ý tempt was no good and the garne ended with thc score 33-8 for Bowmanville. If Coach Wm. Brunt's enin continues Vo play ths type of bail ttey have been display- ing they saould provide Vthe Peterborough troop with a very interetng match neit week n the finals. 'Plie Bowmanvillie H i g h School Juniors have quite a bal eani as well. Under hs leadership o! Coach AI Wood- Iock, thie juniors are in the COSSA enii-finals wlilh wlU be played Thunsaday, Nov. Oth et 2 Bowmanville againat Nidiolson Cellege Jun- lèns. We wieh the i U e god ifortune in their efforts to bring two COSSA tities Vo Bowmanvilk last week's action. What we want is a good team effort and we will have iV by mid-wln- ter. "Let's go midgets and prove your coaches right!" The 1locals visit Peterborough Fri- day night and are at home Saturday nlght to Ajax. The boys nced sorne cheers. This wlll give hem the extra surge te win instead o! tic. Choos. Cast (PROM PAGE ONE) Ayre, Frank Barnford, Gwen Black, 'Penny Black, Mcmrill Browni, Jirn Coombes. Leanne Drl, Shirley Fnank, John Gebes, Michael Gilhooly, Albert Hague, Iris Hallam, Ken Hellet, Lloyd Johnston, Kani Kappes, Domeen Kitney, Lonie Lambert, Karen Lowry, Lyn Lowry, Don McKenzie, Ted Mann, Sylvia Miederna, Bannie Momison, Debbie No- ian, Pat Rundie, Nancy Raw- den, Hugh Sniden, John Sheni- dan, Don Staples. Jane Sta- pies, Pauline Stenks, Rex Syme, Murray Twist, Beth Weldon, Caral Wight. South Pacifie will b. pro- duced the first week in Feb- ruary by Vhe Bowrnanville Drania Workabop, thc Rotary Club and the Recreatian De- partment. This production will require a great deal o! help backstage. If you are interested in helping out ln any way, please plhone the producer, Elsie Wilson, 623- 5891. Durham Club Changes Date Nov. Meeting LThe Durham County Club of Toronto will hold a dinner (6:15 p.m.) followed by the Lmeeting (8 p.m.) ln honor of Lthe Faut Presidents on Friday, iNov. 21st. the third FrIday, ,et the Education Centre (6tli ifloor), 155 Collega Street at 1McCaul St., Toronto. Change of date as announc- ed *as neceusary to obtain the outstandlng speaker Dr. Stewart A. MacGregor, who for 20 years was bead of the Dept. Pedodonticu, Faculty af Dentists, U.T. and for'il years chief of Dental Serv- ices Hospital for SickChildren; a Paut President Academny of Dentlstry; 16 years chairman o! Central Cern. for Ontario Canadian Red Cross. An hon- orary lite memnber Ontario Dental Association and o! the Ontario Society for Dentlstry fer ChIldren, Honorary Dent- al Consultant Hospital for Slck Children and Ontario Crippled Children'u Centre; Special Lec- turer Dept. Health and Wel- fare, Ottawa, on dentlstry for children across Canada. Mi subet "Permissivenes on the, Rampage". Tickets now avail- able $5.00 per porzon from Vhes GTOUP Capt"li or Executive. Dr. MacGregor lasthe Chair., am Dental Conunttes on-*,@ tarie Centre Science and Tech- nology, Don Milîs and in the past>year has raised $80,000.00 for the dental exhibit In tue Hall of Life wbich opens on Nov. 28th, (hence aur change o! date). The. Canadimn Statesman, nowmnvlUe. Nqov. 9, 1M8 4 ROLe G SUI M 7Nw»vt«AmiamSP SALLI AUFI aONK Dam DWJLyâWA JURY & LOVELL I. e * Il B - a <I 623-33ý REXALL DRUC It lnKE O Cobourg of te Nor- the present by-law ns M.r. Lloyd Slingerland, o! County Board of Education for the winter when bu ess Niagara Falls, Ont., spent the regarding the education levy. slackens off at thi e5-e wekendà with Mr. -Chester Mayor 'Hobbs, already coin: auggested that one reYfenn>e Hosklns and Mr. and Mrs. J. m-itted ta, another function on and one commercial pickises Sinclair and family. that day, appointed Reeve; b. moade at the zoo. KeitlÇ Much synipathy ia extended Oke to go a long with t.hej Conneil, the owner of the zôoî ta Mrn. Ken Roblin and fam- Clerk - Administrator McIlroyi bas agreed to have the gare~ Ily in the sudden passin g of ato this meeting ta represent bagé ln plastic bags not ex loving husband and father. Bowmanville. ceeding 75 lbs. each. Couîi., Mr. Ken Roblin. The Town of Mississauga, Dykstra's motion was carrie&. Mrs. H. Osbourne, Niagara' announced to council that lui The Welfare Report for tht Yals tario, Î't sendinw w& very concerned about the! montAi of October and the, noe.m Robi an Mr. an Mrs. opération of Cable A ntenna Stetement cf Accounts for th«, J. Sinclair and famiiy. Television Companies in the month of October in tef Mr. nd n. . J TrckTown cf Mississauga withouti amount Of $233,949.97 wer. Lindsay, spent the weekend municipal regulation. 'Pheirbohapve frpinng with Mr. Tom Trick and Mrs. council deems it necessr The council minutes fÔ Grant Carnochan and family. and proper that ail commuaû. Oct. 2Oth and tihe Committe. Mr. and Mns. E. Fitzgerald ty antenne television corn- o! the Whole minutes (excep- spent the weekend visltIng panies should be licenised and. tien of CW196) for Oct. 27ts, with frienda ln Kitchener. regulated by the municipality were both approved. Miss Edith Holroyd. Toron- and they requested that Bow-, to, with ber parents. Mn. and manville endorse an enclosed' Mrs. Frank Holroyd and fam- resolution. Coun. Coombes R ily. moved for concurrence withl eceives BAý,, the request and the motion O~was carried. 0 olowing the report from D ra.n ag ueF Clerk-Administrator con- (FROMPAGEONE) the license fées for t PRO PAGEON!>ransient pedlars in neighbor- ujnits, ail weeping tiles were ing towns, Coun. McKnigbt Vo drain into the sanitaryj moved for an increase in our sewers rather than the stoi'tni ee te $100 which is the same sewers wh:ch are too shallow. as thet of Whitby. The mo- The motion was seconded by tion was carried and the old Coun. Colin Cooke and car, fée of $50 per annum was ried. aboiished. Three new by-laws were in-i Deputy Reeve Rundle mcv- troduced and carrieci by coun- ed fer an additional fée o! cil. The firast of these was $300 be awarded ta Treasurer the passing cf a by-law tO Anthony Greboers for his cf- authonize the construction Of!i forts duning the absence of a read construction on Church! clerk. The motion was car- Street, Division Street, Base' ricd by council. Line, and Simpson Avenue. Councillor Dykstra addres- A by-iaw to appoint places sed council on the results o! for holding the next munici-1 his attendance at the Chamber pal élection and for other of Commerce meeting iast purposes was the next by-law week.' He said that the cham- canried. The final by-law ber was willing to work with carried was for the banning council in an effort to control cf overnight parking on the litter problem. Their gen- streets havîng parking imeters, eral feeling was for more gar- DntyJa llt irom the heurs of 12 rnidnight, bage containers on the streets DrtyJa lit to 9 a.m. and stricter by-law enfonce- i daughter o! Mr. and Mrs. J. Councillor McKnight moved' ment, Dykstra added.I A. Elliott of Newtonville, rcç- that a oornmittee be appointed' At tihis time, Coun. Dykstra eived her Bachelor o! Arts to investigate the requests Of aLso spoke on behalf of the dge nEgihadPy Mns. Lorraine Dewell and Dr. committee appointed to 1in-dehree in Engihe allCnvoca- and rs.Angs Bair M*. vestigate the garbage prob- tion of Waterloo Lutheran Dewell had suggested in writ- lem at the Bowmanville Zoo. University on November 2nd. ing te counceil that preper During tihe bus-y season the Dorothy accepted the position lighting facilities be installed zbo has about 200 barrels of of circulation assistant at Wat, on Nelson Street. The Blairs garbage to dispose o! each erloo Lutheran University Lib- hoped that council would look, week.__Count. Dykstra felt that I¶ary in September. Into thie needs o! Frank Street _ since on the street where the watermain was put across for the new apartmcnt building, P IT jm kr r the ground had sunk and mayi DELO lulE, rLEI'4L EIS cause accidents. They alsoý feel that a sign for Frank CV R CV'r i Street was needed off Prince' HASKIN & SE L Street because it is dark at, that corner and onc can't tel] Chartered Accountants where the street i when dniv'- ing along Prince Street. Final- OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES ly, t'hey feit a light was need- 1 ed at the corner te preventi OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA children from being hit by! PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., R.L.A. cars. The mation by Coun. BR .WTRCA McKnight was carried and a, committee was appointed. i A letter was received anj PHONE 728 - 7527 nounicing a meeting on Nov __________________________ -2 KING STREET EAST Corner )f TEMPERANCE STREET BOWMANVILLE CORICIDIN-D T'ABLETS 24', . 103 HAI KARATE AFTER SHAVE tOTION N 1 A L i 1$.ý F. ý 1*4 9 19331 1 a 3/4 cyo

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