- -.. --- -y .,..~ - Sbop Now With A Beaver Budget Account e Men' Majr LegueCommercial Hockey 14rryTih wsjutone ter" Lat n755 (307, Lou Bryscrs Tl f1> Firsf W in~ pinaway. from entering the McFeeters 750 (315), Big Luke Shrmed 900 circle when he Annaert 748 (316), Walt Ewle 899. The old Curve "Chlck" Hately 745 (269-294),DT k n ¶e lo s o - Ball Artist had games of 226- Bob Smith 744 (277), Hap Tighe's 858 was also hlgh Oke 747 (295), Doug Carter cigefor the week. 743 (258), George "Side-wind Blg191 Don Oke had a nice 847 er" Stephen 740 (305),Ed LjowelI MaDougal was the Piper 726 (277), Jack Lander third, man to. better the 800 719 (261). John Gould 707 by Bob Hellam five minor penalties called, Second period ended 5-4 for mark. The Meter Reeder had (287). In Sunday's first encounter, aillin the third period. Brooks. Steve Burns with hisi gýsof 334-239-252 for 825. Traîner Jack Bond had a 298 Bryson's Smoke Shop notchedj In the finale, Mutton & second goal of the game mov- maDugal dlaims we neyer single game, Ron Carter 271, their first win of the seaso~n Gould Sheil battled back i ed the score to 6-4 early in give hlm credit for some of Bob Willilams 268, Doug Me- Iu was a convincing 6-2 rompi fr0nm a 5-1 deficit to tie:the third but Ted Fairey the good g amnen e bowls - Knight 263, Steve Oke 266. over Walter Frank Real Es-l Brooks' Supertest 6-6. Goals notohed býis second and third no this week we wlll give hlm Mutton & Gould won all top tate. Tini Prout, playing bis by "Fuzzy" Mairjerrison, Steve: ol ftegaet i h three tips of the old straw bat. honors for teams with high1goloftean otith Sixteen bowlers made the single 1277 and hlgh triple first game of the year, made Burns and Larry Chant forý game 6-6. The last goal .20 hudî. Jm MKngbt366. is presence feit as he tallied Brooks and Irv Gui for Mut-'came with just two minutes 787 (325), Dale Terry, plnch- President Bruce Milne was three times and assisted on ton & Gvould made it 3-1 remaining. Larry Perris withi hlttlng for the aililng Bob a standout this week, wjnnlnd nte.DnMMrepa- o rosa h n fte three assists was a big gun Glavilehad77 (20-02) lw snge 15 nd owtrî~i.ng his best game of the year1 first period. Larry Chant for Brooks as he made several: DJale wlll be one of the future 403. 1 guess the President bas tallied once a.nd assisted on with his second and "Fuzzy". spectacular end to end rushes. greats ln the Men's Major. He been making too many speech- four others. Joe Balson also' Mari errison with his secondiThere were only four minorý ,in only 16 years of age. Brian es. had three assists with Butch'made it 51eryi h e-pnlisi h ae "'Snap" Martyn 757 (261-291),l Ken's Men's Wear now are, Cole and Bob Leveille scoring ond period. But Mutton & Next week, Nov. 16, Brooks', Bob "my bail Is working bet- Ion top with a 4-point advant- th te rsn' ol. ol refused to give up and: Supertest inm e e t Bryson's Gary Wilson notched botb of'came right back to narrow, Smoke Sbop at 9:30 a.m., and' Frank's goals with Fred the count to 5-4 on goals by at 10:45 a.m. Mutton & Gould, DEC. St rown gaining an assist on Ted Fairey, Lloyd Hamilton, lmneet Walter Frank Real Es-' oN IV .)IN )I\Ithe second goal. There were, and newcomer Charlie Green. tate. Town League Basketball VOTEHoopers Sf111 Undefeafed AND ELECT Af fer Downing Fuels 31-121 Coronafion Defeafs Kens H erb W . t oerT:e Jewellery remain: h: p:ured in 16 points to lead throughout the ngtïpt ed as the only undefeated Ooronation. Haif of bis totalmaettw srigtwn Ilketball League, dowrnàng Ste- four more in the second. Don nîne points, while Bob Souch ~ l l l phen Fuels 31-12, while Ken's McDonald added il for theland Bill Loribe each notched! *K l I p Men's Wear are still looking Cafe crew, who grabbed an hali a dozen. David Chat- ........... for their initial victory, after early 14-8 first period lead,!field netted six points in the bowing o Coronat.ion Cafel and were neyer headed I losing cause. doub7,ln ehea r a c 1 alsest, couintmg 13 points ît Team Standing FOR 3527 lha elr a c hedunls esRic nskg13i wsnts gs iW.L. Pts.! Tucsday nlght, at the High Lyn Lowry collecting eight. Hooper's Jewellery 2 0 4 School gymnasiurn. Hoopcr's jumped into a 12-2!Stephen Fuels 1 1 2' In the opener, Wayne Bur- first quarter' bulge and kcpt Crnto ae 1 1 2 MA O gess displaycd a hot band a up tlheir Comination of playlKcn's Men's Wear__ __ __ __ __ __ A OEFOR KNAPP IS A Lockes Move info Top Spot ne i¶ "Progressive Legisiati"on" Tie W'ifh Counfy Chrysler Annyounqcing Cha.nge of Address Donald A. MacGregor INSURANCE EFFECTIVE NOVEMBER 1Oth, 1969 WILL BE LOCATED AT 16 DIVISION STREET BOWMANVI LLE PHONE 623 -5962 - KIN-SMEN 50c Admission to the next ALL NEW KINSMEN SUPER CAR -BU NGO- in the PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE FRIDAY, NOV. 14 $8,800 IN PRIZES z Including Hi-Lo Game $1,000.00 ý SNOWBALL A Specil 20 BIG Game REGULAR GAME for a Snow Cruiser $1,400.00O1Complete wlth FOR J Triller If won ln 56 ns or $700.00 $50.00 ea. 3 special gamnes at $150.00 each BRAND NEW 1970 HOLIDAY MUSTANG (Fastback) or $2,000.00 Cash Early Bird Games start at 7:30 FREE - Car Wash at Wacky Wally's Sheli Station for aIl Early Bird Wlnuers Many FR£E and Valuable Deo. Prise Buses at tbe Door LMINN 1 ëi 'Ys Cuff Kramps 8m4 -by 3hn Clarke hunting for their firsi win' of iy& Two strcaks wcre halted la1thc scason, Balson and Ander- ponts11 son were the pick, along wiih jMen's Town Lc>ie Hockey Faircy and Thompsoa. over- action lasi Thursday night, In the laie encouater, the rence while another was extcnded. County Chryslcr squad tasted ed ai Locke TV, couriesy of a re-ý defeai for the fis-st ime, as sounding 8-5 vlciory, movcdi bbey wcre snowed under 8-5 A-ve. into a firsi place tic with by the hustling Locke TV 259 previously unbeatca Countylîeam. Irv Gili, W ar resn 239 (3rysler. Both clubs 10wj Townsley, Luke Prout and 239 sport identical three wias and Gill again, couaied ia the 238 a losi the carly scasoniopening 20 minutes, as tbc 238 going. McNulty Sports post-t winacrs jumped ahead 4-1. 237 ed their second win cf the Howic Poilard, with bis first 235 year, cuffing winless Kramp's goal of the year, put Chrysler 235 Furniture 8-4 in the epening on the scoresheet at 19:34. 234 game. The Sports shop crew's, Two cf Locke's first period 233 triumph was their second goals came with a mian ad- 231 over the cellar inhabitants vantage. In the middle per- 230 and followed two recent iod, the Chrysier club struck 230 sbellacki.ngs. for goals by Gord Wilson and 229 The opener saw McNulty's Dave Green, to narrow the 228 outsoore the Kramp pack 5- gap te 4-3. Locke's boostcd 228 in thc final 20 minutes, withlthe edge Vo 5-3 after just 20 227 Larry Perris sparking a greati seconds of the third, when 226 teamn effort with five goals'Lee Somerscales conaccted. 224 and an assist. "Woody" Lee,UOly 29 seconds later, how- 224 con'inuing his excellent aIl-1 ever, Green teamcd with 224 eut play. bagged a Pair, -vbile Doug James and Grant Flin- 222 Danny Girardi nailed down toff. beating Locke's George 221 the other tally. Gary Akey VanDam and ihey trailcd 5-4. 2201 and 'Bob Denard cbiniped in Thle County Chryslers kept 219fo th inr ihtre 219 fojh ineswt the heat on and got the 29assists, whilc McDonald and equalizer at 2:38 with honest 219 Bob Stiles added two helpers.j worker Bob Fairey counting, 218 For tbe losers. Sam Thomp- witb Don McMurter and Gord 218 'son, Ted Fairey, "Bucky" Wilson belping eut. 217 Hughes and Keitih Anderson It was the last scoring 215 connected, noise from the losers, as 214 Girardi's drive from the Locke', recovered command 213 left point. at 10:14 cf the cf the gaine, scering three 91, opening period, aîlowed Mc-,unanswered goals by Somer- 2131Nulty's to move into a 1-0 scales, Burns and Gary Wil- 213 edge. Lee and Perris beatison. Burns, With a goal and 212 Kramp'sq netminder, D a v efour assists again ignited the 212 Zmnk. before Fairey elickedITV team's offensive fires. 212 with the Furniture club's firstGay i,1n oeslsad 211 goal at 17:01 of the middleî Gl ay Widon, o ntrscalesn 209 period. 'for the winners. 208 Anderson sliced thie lead te' For County Chrysler, Mc- 208 3-2 as Kramn's scored at 4:04 Murter with four assists siood 208 cf the third pcrio>d. Perris eut. along withi Green and 208 boosted bis club's margin te Gord Wilson. 204 5-2, scorîng at 5:37 and again This Thursday night, bbe 204 at 10:59. 'Me battling Furni- 7 p.m. contest bas Lecke's 204 turc outfit's determination t aking on McNulty's. while 203 paid off again, when ThOmP- Kramp's and County Chrysler 203 son scorcd at the 12:10 mark mcci at 8. 2n3 cf the pcriod. Les, on a dazz -_________ 201 ling display of stickbandling., 201 scored the pretticst goal of - 200 the game at 12:26 on a neatfo n r o ln 200 setup by Perris, as McNulty's 1O fur o ln went in front 6-3. Nvme t Pt.. The gamc's outstanding cf- Nvme t fensive player. Perris, 0cm- Screwballs-___ 18 24752 20 îeedthewines' coin, Headpins 13 25462 20 letd he iners sorigAlîcycats _____13 24076 16 clicking at 14:08 and again Sorcheads--------- 10 21656 just 27 seconds later. Hughes. Triples 15 teaming with Thempson and;Men: Gene Balson, wrappcd Up thej N. Cowîe '_____703 15 game's scoring at the 18:45 F. Drinkle -______68'7 mark of tic period. ' B. Smith _____ _640ý 15 While Perris and Lee were Wmn 15 outstanding up front for the B. Partner ______623; 15 McNulty mob. the whole club S~ Gordon ______571' came up with big efforts, G. Smith ---------- es. 14% witb goalie Ken Veîtcb guar- snl - anteeing their win with some F. Drinkle . 300-208 1414 incredible stops and some er- N. Cowle ____ 271-222-212 ratic sbooting from the ene- M. Adams -_______243' 14 my. Girardi waç a power- J. McKnight ______2321 bouse on Uic blueline for Mc- B. Partner_____ 222-205ý 14 Nultv's, erasing manv of theiS. Gordon 220 F'urniture club's best tbreats.i S. McKnight 218 12 lEor the lomes, who are atil'G. Smlith _____211 Want Good Prefinished Plywood Panels Brighter, gayer colours ln natiiral grainlng to go with modern decor. Three coat polymer finish, 4' x 8' plywood 81 Panels, only.- .1 ARMSTRONG FLOOR TILE 12" x 12" KING SIZE Armnstrong vinyl asbestos tile for rec room ln brlght Bavana Whilte or Aztee White,2 1 C per tMe 2 12 Domtar VELVETEX CEILING TILE 12"1 x 12" two-ocat flnlshed, velvet white, tongue and grooved, per îile only Micro Perforated Stardust 12" x 12" -16c Tile 17%Ac Ca. RECESSEC REC ROOM 7.95 SV2" x 8%»" chrome trim, crystal glass, takes one 100 watt bulb. TRADE - IN YOUR OLD PLATE TYPE HUMIDIFIER ON A POWER HUMIDIFIER Why Suifer Another Dry Wlnter! FuIly automatie. lifetime stainless steel, finger-tip control, wlll humldify the average 7 - 8 room home. Complete only wlth trade-In 3 yen save 10.00 74 95_ To. Canadian Statesman, BowmanvD Start Somethi Roc room, bathroom, remodelling or room ad ready to start something but flot too sur. how.1 the time to se., Beaver. We are always glad tc PREFINISHED PANELS INNKEEPER'y OAK Deep, mlch tones of anclent oak with beanti- fui natumal gainlag, 3 ceai finish that resista stalas, scratches and weam. OJN LY.. "1SCANDIA" OAK Oak with a piler blonde colouring cf natural grain- hlghlght wîth durable 3 coat proteetive finish. ONLY. . PREFINISHED ABITIBI AMR GARD "Sorrento" Oak Good, deep Oak grainlng wlth famous MAR-GARD Abitibi finish for a distinctive uv panelling of quality, of lastlng beauty. O../PLI PREFINISHED PANELS OFj "Valdez" Mahogany* Wonderful toasted mahogany colourlng of natural South Pacifie mahogany, random PkI . grooved, wlth satin smooth protective finish. '0I'LI FAMILY FUN POOL TABLE Rec Rooni Size 60" x 30" Ready To Play! Great Indoor Famlly Fun For Wiater Days And Nlghts. AT BEA VER ONLY »Gen Felt Bel - Live Action Cushion - Steel Legs And Frime. Pro model with heavy 3/8" particle board bed covered la green feit, built-In bcd levellers, automatie bail returas. Scoring couater ai cach end. Completese.t 1%' aumbered halls wlth tri- angle aad bridge, 2 - 42" cnes, chalk and holder. OnIy 23fl49 p 5*49 A Oil Clean- tioe optbni matie the ft humez arises. LOC1 123 t4 Fully LGB:b Me, Nov. 12, 1969 ddition, if yeu are to-doit ... now is e heIp. IE OWNER HELP e Job ls done ..f' Ling thcy admire - for etion and how-to-do- see Beaver. ~Of Oak 41 IL 8, Panels ]Randoni Grooved Oak Plywood 41 x8'Paaes V-Grooved 3"Hardboard '979. 4' x il Panels Mahojgany Plywood Beady te Apply tu heat. An auto- systens re-iates ime or shuts the er off Uf aay problens ?99,095 140 o 140,000 ETU 399.95 Automatie N<o. 100. 80OM00 TU 199.95 Furl Automatie LOB No. 120. 96,000 SMU 229.95 246 KING ST. E. PHONE l4S If L. CASCADE 40D Water Heater % W7 HRUO Everybody loves the Cascade 10% EC LO - Glass Llned - 10 Year * Carpatwm Warranty - 40 Gallon E Capaclty - 2 Elemenis - Fat "Raton" indoorl Recovery - 48" Ht. 22" Diani. outdoor earpeting - Approved by Ontario yen ca InstIl Hydre. AT BEAVER yoiziself - Ideal for ONLY -_ _ ree roont 'McNuli age over 2nd place Jur Lovell. Ken's have 20p and the drug addlcts 16. Larry Piper bas 259t aig for first place. Cl.i Oke and Don 0ke are tic 239 eacb. Name Games Larry Piper - 30 Clarence Oke- 30 Don Oke--------- 30 Mike Murphy- 30 AI Osborne -- 30 'Ed Leslie .- -___30 Brian Martyn - 30 Ernie Perfect 30 Jack Bond .30 Russ Hailman 30 Howard Bromell- 30 SWalt Hately 30 iRuss Oke-------- 30 Russ Hately 30 Doug Carter 30 Doug McKnight 30 Ab Saman --- - 30 Hap Palmer .. 30 Ron Etcher- 30 Dr. H. E. Rundle- 30 Murray Tlghe .. 30 Bill Westlake --30 !Maurice Annaert 30 Don Bagacîl 30 Bob Lawton 30 SI Trewln 30 Maurice Richards . 30 Bob Smith- 30 Randy Beauprie 30 Dlck Perfect ___30 John Gould . .30 Dave Reynolds --21 George Piper 30 Elton Brock------ 27 Jlm McKnlght -- -27 John Carter ------ -27 Luke Annaert 30 Ted Bagnel ------30 Lowell MacDougal- 30 ýHarold Michelson - 30 Art Rowe -- 30 Bob Williams. 30 Lou McFeeters 24 Frank Mohun .. 27 Bud Henning 30 Karl Piper 30 Bob Kent ---- 30 George Stephen- 30 John Van Dyk 30 Roly Coombes- 30 .lIm Bruton 30 Frank Samis 30 Bob Konopaki- 30 Kari Biekell 27 Jack Lander ____30 Doug Taylor ---30 Team Standing Teams W L SKen's Men's Wear-- 20 10 Jury & Loveil 16 14 Frank's Varlety - 15 15 W. Frank ;Real Estate. 15 15 SBeaver 1Lumber .-- 15 15 Pepsi Cola - 15 15 T. G. A.---- 15 15 Selbv Grant iHeating 14% 151/ Nels Osborrne Insurance -- 14% 15% Mution & Gould -- 14 18 Tykstra's Food~ 14 16 Lander 'Hardware - 12 18 >01 - qw w EAVIER