~.Almnost every seat was filled in Newcastle's Com unity Hall on Tuesday morning for the annual ern'embrance Day service. This picture shows those Çkinig part, including f rom left to right, seated, Rev. Plhono 9874213 F. K. Malane, Rev, T, H. Smith, Rev. Robert Hayne and Reeve Douglas Cunningham. Sam Brereton is in front of the mike and the two flag bearers are Ed Majer and Steven Moore. Newcastle-With the weath- vincial Wreath, Bud Wager ed by O Canada and God Save the Royal Canadian Legiona qr not quite as nice as it might j laying the wreath on behaif The Queen. wishes ta thank ail the citizenst 1ýave been, and so many 111 of the Newcastle Business- A most impressive poem was Wikth colds and flu, it was men, Ron Munro laying the read byr Mr. Brereton, left for their purchase of poppies, decideci to hold the Remem- wreath on behaîf of the Pub- with hlm on behaif of the sprays and wreaths. The fol-r k rance Day Service indoors on lie Sehool, with David Hughes Dutch famlles in Newcastle lowing heiped purchase the .uesday morning. laying the wreath on behaif who recently planted tulips wreath of the business people: Itwsamltipessive of Clarke High School, Reeve ln memory of the fallen, Glanville's Variety Store, Ross krvIte,'withmthe nmainr audi- Douglas Cunningham laying around the cenotaph. Their. Manufacturing, P a ulin e's eritim well attended by resi- the wreath on behalf of the gift, a prectous one, and one Specialty Shoppe, N ew ell dents from pre-school age, village, and Douglas Wright which will long last, was ap- Lumber, Honey Hollow Res- éhildren to senoir citizens. ]aying t~he wreath on behalf preciatively received, a nd taurant, Newcastle B lao c k. Apeaking on behaîf of the lof the Newcastle Lions Club. thanks were olfered ta them. James Anderson Smith Co. t emory of the fallen, and of Two minutes silence was Following the ceremony, the Limited, Fred H. Graham, hose who fought and return- observed, followed by the Last' wreaths were removed from Sash and Door, R. B. Rickard dSam Brereton, member of; Post, at which time, Bowman- the hall. and placed In front Plumbing, Queens Hotel, Keith e Bowmanville Branch of i ville Legion members, Edmund of the Cenotaph, ahead of the Aiken Electric, Johnson's Drug leRoyal Canadian Legion, Majer, Newcastle, lowered the poppies which were placed Store, QuInney's Barber Shop, jhanked all present for attend- Canadian Flag while Steven earlier by familles and the Newcastle Garage, Fred's Gulf Moore, Bowmanville, lowered Ceriotaph Committee ln me- Station, Bernard's Garage, Rev. Robt. Hayne of St. the Union Jack. During Re- mory of the Newcastle fallen.,Elmhurst Hotel, Toms andý beorge's Anglican Church !eleth lg wr gi High above the Cenotaph. thelSon's I.G.A., E. R. Lovekin led in singing the hymn, "o 'raised. f Remembrance -flag waved in Law Office, Goode's Hardware, flod. Our Help ln Ages Past". A prayer was affered by the breeze. "L E S T W E1 Lodgc Nursing Home, Garrod's Following this, Rev. F.K. Rev. T. H. Smith of New-1 FORGET". 1 offee Shop, News Lunch and I4alne f St Joeph' Caho-castle United Church, follow- 1 Bowmanville Branch 178 of!_lNewcastle Reporter.____ ljc Church read the Scripture. She falien were named by eeve Douglas Cunningham. hey were, 1914-18: A. E..Cusn.Coun cil Has Busy Meeing 'omnie. G.. Howard, W. W. j'ose W. E. Lockhart, D. M. >cDonald, G. N. Noden, D. lldread. Glen Brooks, Mur- S w rA e aP o lm y Butler. Donald Powell- o-rea, J. E. Belsey.B o r , Cs w a k The wreaths were laid inH l B ar, Csw lk itront of the large white cross, with J. R. Williams, acting thaplain o! Branch 178, Royal Newcastle - The r e g u 1 a r you have a copy". He alsa their public property and It ~anadian Legion, laying the cauncil meeting was held Mon- had a complete set of blue- was decided that they would Legion Wreath, Mrs. G*41 day evenIng in Council Cham- prInts outlining the engineer's sign. libson laying the wreath of bers, with Reeve Douglas Cun- drawings for drainage disposai. A letter from Stan Crook- lhe Ladies' Auxiliary, Mrs. ningham, Councillors J oa n He asked Council that If his aIl was read. In part, he w'rote ~ladys Belsey laying the Pro- Frith, Alfred Gray and Frank company should decide to pick that he and hîs family have Hoar attending. Acting Clerk up 10 permits prior to com- been residents at Newcastle Mrs. Jean McCullough read pletion. would this be possible Beach for ane year now, and 2 .the minutes of the last regular if they (the company) left a would not have moved here Imeeting. 'Under business arts- large deposit ta the Council, had they been informed o! the Ing fromn these minutes, Couri- covering the cost of the roads. lagoan system the town wers 1,F WHEN YOil CALIL cillor Gray asked what had A resolution was drawn up praposing. He was quite con- ~ ,.~been done about the by-law' on the understanding that Mr. cerned about water pollution YOUÇ'VO/.cis.#PJ amendment for the parking ln Balahood's company would which would sit right autside EKOW EA' RINO front o! the post office. This pay the entire cost. bis home on the lakefront. He e JFI& w is now béing deaît with. The A request tas made from the mentioned both the odors and >~I EE LS AD Reeve, having investigated the DepL. of Public Works for disease that tbis wauld brlng. need for a light near the Jacob renting Council Chambers "I stand ta lose $15,000 and De Jong residence, recom- again this year for court. This am quite concerned" he wrote. . mended that another light be request was granted. A second letter, also con- placed on the pole nearest the The 761h convention of the cerning the lagoon, was wnit- c, home, suggesting that at least Ontario Good Roads Associa- ten by Mrs. Joan Johnston. one and perhaps two ather tion la ta be held ln February. Il read as follows: houses would be servlced by This was filed for the new Sunset Boulevard, the same light. council ta consider. Newcastle, Ontario, Mr. Balabood was present. A letter requested the New- November 10, 1969 S He attended a previous meel- castle Council to cobsider Village af Newcastle ing of council when he was signing the petition drawn up Councillors: asked to bring back the blue- by the town of Mississauga, There are two points I would H ARVEY prints for an easement for the protecting public properly ln like ta have clarified i-e the norlh and wesl of the Com- view of Cable TV coming in. planned sewers for the vil- c ~PARTNER munity Baîl Park. "I have It was fel by the majority on lage. ORNO98-506broughl these In tanlght, and council that there was a need 1. 1 understand that home ORON 9835206having given tbem ta you, I ta control this and protect - TURN TO PAGE FIFTEEN) ESBO HOME HEAT SERVICE wili now write to the Dept. of _______________________ Highways to ln!orm themn that III MUNICIPAL NOMINATION & ELECTION Public Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Municipal Electors of the VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE will be held ln the COMMUNITY HALL, NEWCASTLE on THURS., rNOVe. 20 1969 at the houn cf 8 o'clock p.m. for nomination of candidates for the office of Reeve, four Councillora and two mcm- bers of tht Publie Utilîties Commission for two years, for the Corporation of the Village of Newcastle, la con- torrnlty with provisions of tht Municipal Lmwu cf the Province of Ontario. If more than tht necessary number of Candidates are nomtnated (and a polilaI requis-ed) the proceedinga will bc adjous-ned until MONDAY, DEC. 1 1969 when a poil i ll be opened at 10 o'clock ln the morning and continue until 7 o'clock ln the alternoon o! tht same day and no longer, ln each PolUagt Sub-Division of the Village of Newcastle. And tbat at sald NuiminatIo Meeting Jean McCullough, Actint Clerk, safflbe tthe O3eurninS Offier. Offwhch ail persona arc requls-ed to take notice and go eru thmnselves accordlngly. JEAN MoCULLOUGH Aetftg Oies-k cf the Ci.rp.rat.n of Ncwcatle 0 leu 1 Newcastle Hockey News by David Shearer ; Tht game was then called Thursday, Nov. 6th 1 with ihree seconds remaining1 Port Perry 7 - Newcastle 4 1ta end in a 7-4 victory fori It was a ves-y fast start' Part Perry. which saw Port PerrN' iump Town League - Sunday Nov. 9 to at commanding 3-0 lead inýIstGre-Nwcsl l the first period Penalties in lst Carne- Newstle Gar- the first period to Newcastle atoe 6 -Jont3' Du were: Tini Walton one for tripping and one for cross Scoring: Newcastle Garage - checking, with Bill McCul- Brian Rowe, 2 goals, 2 assists; lough collecting two for in- Terry Walton 2 goals; Don terference. Rickard 1 goal; Wayne Pearce In thie second period Port 1 goal; Tim Walton 1 assist; Perry added two more goals R. Thompson 2 assists; Bill to make it 5-0. Penalties, Wright 2 assists. Penalties: went ta Tim Walton, orne for D. Rickard 1, B. Rowe 1, Ter- changing and ont for slashing. s-y Walton 1, W. Pearce 1. In tht third pernod New- Johnston's Scorîng - W. castle camne out flying with Mires 1 goal; Keni Gray, i goal.s by Steve Black assisted goal, 1 assist; R. Farrow 1 by Rick Stephenson. ont byl goal; Howard Quinney 2 as- Bnian Anderson froni Grove sists; Alfie Aldred 1 assist. Bennett, and one by Bruce Penalties: H. Quinney 2, K. A.Idred unassisted, b e f o r e Gray 2, Bob Stephenson 10 Pont Perry couid add anotiier. minute misconduct. Newcastle came fighting back 2nd G;aie - Harvey Part- on another goal by Bruce AI- ner's 7 - Combines 4. dred from, Stephenson and, ate-sSonn i c Bennett to make it 6-4 before PCuîlough 2 rgoals, illssMes Port Penny popped in their James ickan 2 goals, 21 as-s seventh goal ta end tht scor- sJat;eB Mces- I2 goals, 2 as- ing. 'sitB.Mre1gol2as This was not the end of the sst John Cunningham 1 game although as Glen Mur- goal, 1 assist; B. Tagwood 1 phy as nvovedin a !ight goal; Eanl Faste- 1 assist; Ron for hichhe rceivd fie Beti aaist; B. Stilcs 1 assiut. minte anhich he ecied five Penalties: E. Faste- 1, J. Cun- the game fon fighting In thel nnhm1 .Mre ,N third period. and Bull McCul-f Pethericks 1. lough plcked up a gaine mis-i Combines Scaning - Fred conduct fon being the third IAIds-cd 2 goals; Chas-lie Grecen nan In a fight. Leuo than a 1 goal; Gary Woodbeck 1 goal; ninute lates Gi-ove Bennett Pete MoCullough 4 assista; was given five fon fighting Gien Rowe 1 assist; G. Van and put aut of the garne along Dam 1 assirit; Bob Dans-ach 2 witg, Mike White who receiv- assists.' Penalttes: Glen Rowe ed a gaine miscanduct. Tht, 4 and a 10 min. misconduct, rily other penalty ta New- I Fred Aldred 2 Chas-lie Green atIe in the pcriod was toi1.1, G. Woodbieck 1. Laverne Murpby £or tripiig, &W1î JItQ9eLL/m£ Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Check The Savings PORK is Budget Priced at A&P SAVINGS SAVINGS NO FINER MEATS SOLD ANYWHERE! P .ER Why Puy More! P Fiesh, Shankless PORK ROASI SHOULDER Ls49ý- Qumter Loin, 9-11 Pork Chops in aà akg PORK LOIN (HOPS LB 79ý Fresh, Whole or Haif ROASTING HAM LB 799ý SeleorButt s9 urts Sweet Pickid, Vfaouum ec COTTAE ROLLS - 7 Bon. Cut l - thm PORK LOIN REODO s69,f 3 b 31/2-lb Average PORK LOIN î..s"oPro.m 79,f PO UN D 20< 20< 20< 20< W0 20< 20< POUJND Chops and 2 Roasts PORK LOIN CmimtoPk 79i 2O0' Bonoless, Solid Meat PORK Bull ROAST uw89,t iw Centre Cut PORK LOIN CHOPS L99Jt 30' Boneless, By the. Piece FRESH SIDE PORK z69,t1ioý PORK HOCKS &Et" o39< 6< Frozen Po* SIDEorSPARE RIBS *79A iow Super-Right Brand, Smok.d, Slîo.d, Riftdieu SIDE BACON. 8~9< 'I t, IES TO NORMAL FAMiLY REQUIRUMENTS FLOIDA. MA*SH SUUDLES, SMZI U GRAPEFRUV 10465 AW p,'ieee thown ln Ibis m a ad Ucg aediIvum , U ~I. Large Crowd Attends Remembrance Day Service te Yorkdale. A dellghtful iaf- The Canadian Statmanan, BowrnanvMfl, Nov. 12, 1089 3 ternoon was enjoyed by aU! those attending, and Tnùnl D Ecereony carne ta, a closu , Christmas shopping wus con- 5 I 1 iid < M*D ADAS with Valerle Rudnian readirtg I~ ~ ~ 'w pltdC V UIUUJ IIUIIWrU "One In A Thousand". I er or trpr thatl cigCp.Cadpe t We'reisyar eroa n Newcastle:- On Tuesday, Mrs. Wm. McCracken who Atn at hadp-oat !ngaionthisdyti, ptenson un j c4tinth omd a gift to Arlene May '61% n knwnandwitoul easn, oveber thin he om-had been badge secretary for behalIf o! the lut Co. leadêts, have badly niarked up the munity Hall, a very interest- many years, and Mrs. Wm. and Laurel Jeu reseitýàd a Cenotaph. using lipstick or ing ceremony tocik Place, C-aîl for the many years o!fh g font U e oxpaxw. onail polish ta write their mes- when Arlene May Munro, service she had Iieitel ieut Chrd ncthedag Dosages. Considerable work in daugtiter o! Mr. and MrUs. Ron Bonc.gvnteLet hr rsne c- micleanlng this up and putting1 Munro, and Joan Caîl, daugh-j BNow bgic tes. lý t f oan efs and Sh2idrCey lthlngs back into shape is t'eter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ca",l'tNow eignthe hGhiighto! pamtny Ledehad Srley ai task by persons nat responsi- Ireceived their Gold Cords, th the enng, Cata Gol Cod Haion odthe ps-Coet ' hie, but persons who are proudi highest award in guiding. Ceeoy apanBeen inf-rntt2dCmuiay o! teircentap andwho Gil GidesandGuiersasked the girls who weref Cornnissiainer Pauline àtonc rnftercntp an h GrGudsadGies taking part to please step for-I congratulated the girls âiid le wouîd appreciate others taking foMrmed a horseshoe at the, ward and take ;their designat-~ presented a gift to each, iot ,t the same pride in it. The auth- back o! the hall ta the left,! ed places. Then she called on them. Mrs. Ruth Tufford. ,fi orities have been notified, andi with the Brownies in theirl Arlene May and Joan to come President o! the Ladies Aux- d.ý this and other sites are beinc fairy ring ta tht right and, forward, explaining the steps iliary rendtobauiu n achd the newly formed Rangers, led'they had taken from their cakes, tastefully deeomltd id Mr. Milton Payne visitedi by Mrs. Kaye Qulnney, in the: Brownie days to Guides, and with the trifoil in Blue and ,l with bis sisten, Mrs. RusseilUcentre. ;how t hev had worked with Gold, with bts- congratula- id Mnly, nBlcstc n The colors were marched in, diligence and penseverance to tions. d*eniy .by Julie Hawes and Sandra'reach their coveted goal. The girls thajiked thêir le Rev. and Mrs. Bob Hayne Kelsey. Escorts were Meianîei The 'two girls- moved in leaders and parents for, 9il )n and boys, spent a few days ini Jessup* and Kimi Perrin, June front of Jennifer Munro. whof the help they had s-eceived, 'dOttawa last week. Powell and Dorothy Visser. ýread an excerpt froni Badenland the ceremony ended with elFniends and neigbbons ln'! Acting Captain D or eil a.Powell*s last speech, thenithe singing o! "0 Canada"." l'Memorial Hospital, art: Mrs.' Chard, lat Newcastle Co.,;procceded down thee une Of i A social hour was enjoy4d lY Lillian Aiken, Mns. Ves-na welcomed the parents and ten girls. stopping in front Of by evenyone in the Centeji- YBerry. Mrs. Greta Biensteker, g ts outlined briefly theieach as they repeated theý nia] Roan. A sincene tihanku it fMiss Pamela Blight, Tom Bol- work being dont. and thei GuideLas The girls takigt ss.AiaJapm u derstone, Mrs. Hilda Brown. hope that more girls would. part were: Ruth Paterson, Jean Wagar for the deliciotis hMiss Jean Diehl, Arthur Fan- become interested in Guidling.i Debbie Kidd. Cindy Gai-i-d, lunch served. Alsa V.ank.ta of row, Mrs. Margaret FarrowI Captain Margaret Brereton,., Airnee Brereton, Jackie Ad- Mr-. Samn Breneton for eon n-Mns. Kathleen Gilbert, Ms-s. 2nd Co.. made announecements anis. Siîsan Malkiewicz. Jean- stcigthAc. 's 1 Li uber, Ms. Jean Jaynes, concerning the float for the' ette Wazar, Apnil Couch, tutn h rh rdýAthu Pristl. Ms. Tm'SntaClau paadeand thc Sandra Kean and Chris T.roy. to Spencer. Mrs. Shirley Staple-' cook books which will be. Then they stopned in front* or, ton and Ms-s. Patricia Towner. available the first week ini of Lieut. Reta Chard who ne- r- Mr. Bruce Allun will be tht December. Shie aiso explain- pcated the Guide Promise. Da,% Fo e tf'guest speaker at tht 11:00 a.m. ed the Arch, tihrnugh which, The Captains spoke briefly te. service at the Newcastle Unit- the Gold Cord Guides were, ta the girls who passed on Ys ed Chus-ch, when he wîll talkita pass, and invited everyonc through 'the aroh where tiheir 6 35 5 Ry ion Cross Roads Afnica. Mn ta inspect. it at the end of the rothers were waiting ta pin of Allin has recently retunne& eesny tcrne elicasý the Gald Cords ini place. The ay fromn Afnica and offers much af the badges and services theI, .C RA E n ln an interesting talk. Ht will girls had earned ta fulfili the CashGE r- speak again aI 7:30 p.m. at the requirements of their Gold' Cet! as Today BOUTONNIERES. 1- Hi-C meeting, at which timne Cord. r. sc ai lue- toil is hoped a large attendance Acting Captain D o r e 1 Ila 1ree malîc eivr by.of youth wiii be present. Chard then prcsented the fol-Fo O UIUApvaaaces Bwan - Oshawa 1,The Newcastle Scout battît loýwing badges: Friend ta Ani-: ch drive was a >arge success, with mais, Cindy Gars-ad: Home- ýthrough ethanks expnessed to ail those maker and Little House, Ruth 8 T A T E 8 M A N W ,who conlnibuted with their Paterson; AIl Round Cord L SSFI D Psbotties. Approximately $70 ham Anlene May Munro. C AS81F19D9 FOIT U£tjj 1- been s-aised which the Scouts Commissioner P a ui i n e Phone 623-3303 FOIT USRMJ îp can put ta great use. Storks miadepresentatians tol W! REEWETII! RtOMT TO LM~IT QUANTITI New Double Blah with Jav.noi plus oronmin. Bt.ech - pgweo out Stat AJAX CLEANSER iWC38< Instant (24 Off Deal) SAVE AN EXTRA 10e AT A&PI NESCAFE COFFIE x ozW1.58 Long Spaghetti or Roady Cut Macaroni Rail. Perioe *a CREAMETTES 26 i*t43c Aylmer Pecis end Carrots Boston Brown Belons 4 "-u--w89C with Pork and Tomate Sauce