4ý,CLASSIFIED ÀDS1 !Iaj tsîate tor Sailei Estate for SaleiReal Estate for Salel BOUSE for sale, 2 miles north « Newtonvillîe. 6 rooms and'PRACTICALLY new ranch bath# newly renovated Insidebungalow, Newcastle, on Sun- and Out, ai heat, on 1 acre lot, set Blvd.. large 60' x 177' lot Immediate possession. Akn1 with nice gardenara tc- $14,00. May be seen by ap-ied garage, beautiful kitcheil Polntment. Cal 87 .4272. 1 with cupboards fin"aed ln 45-tf maple, L-shapeddining room, broadloomed living room, 3 ~ bedrooma, 4-piece ceramie tii- ed bath. Extra room and JUIlF. f IANrecreation room ln basement. IU~w liii A good buy at $23,900 with 13i 8 ,500 down. Call Harvey -W T U IHora~n P ,#nings 65-36631 or re 623-2503 576-8090 Photos of Rememb rance Day Service 'i ealyt Central Ontaio rs, Nrhfomni 1Real Estate Brokers. 19 Simca.l 75 acres witih 4 bedroom! 14 uak S. BwmavileSt. N., Oshawa, 723-5221. 1brick home. Lovely creek! 14 on e 63 -3111 vile46-h1 runnlng tbrough property Bowmanville EAST 0F NEWCASTLE: 35 3 bedroom split level wlth «cre parcel îitb good stream. W. attacbed. garage. 614% tnit. Mostly wooded. Only $5.000 FRA M X Asking $27.500. Terms. 4own. lfl CRE ot wth ~B4ewmanvîîle 10 ARE lt wih steam.2 bedroom home suitable for, Mostiy wooded. Asking $7,500 MÂUI eieet Asking $18,000. Wit.h $2,500 down. Terms. NORTH 0F NEWCASTLE: Leskàrd Road 2 acre building lot. OnIy e 2 storey home with 4 bd NEWCSTL: Uder~ .rooms. 100' x 436' lot. Ask- atruction. 3 bedroom brick Ruralin 300wthers bungalow. 011 heated, 4-piece oeytw bdrm me Newcastle bath. Attacbed garage. Ask- with large garage and work- 3 bedroomn home with ,eljec- lng $23,900. shop between Oshawa -and tric heating. 60' x 178'lt NEWCASTLE: New chalet Bowmanville. Only $22,500.00,6' mortgage. Cal] for in- style, 4 bedroom ricnoe-Trs formation. with living and dining room.1 Bowmanvîîle Newcastle Twobatb rooms. Nieatio.li Three bedroom centraîîy 10 Ranch style home with two- Worsho. Grag. Baut-,cated home on corner lot.cr garage. 120' x 150' lot. fully landscaped. iFenced iawns and gardens. Asking $10.000 down with N O R T H 0F BOWMAN-'Only $17.600. Terms. vendor holding mortgage for VILLE: il acres with 7 room-, balance. ed borne. 011 heated, 3-pce.! BOronooc bath. Barn. Garage. 0Eight rocm home ln centre Iel Baktc 8f town. House ls quite mod- da for lnvestment or EAST OP COBOURG: 8,ern and very dlean, on large building. 25 acres of product- ~ roomned 2 storey home. Oi lot Onîy $21,500. Terms. Ive land. 500 fi. frontage on heated, 4-pce. bath. Garage.~ rn good road. Asking $11,400. On 4, acre lot. Asking $23,000. Orn Termns. Ternis. Main Street, near Cenotaph.,ITrn ra' 1 NEWCSTLE Buiding Large nine room home. Make; NECATL: uidiglot,.xeln noehm.N~ Large building lot 150' x Askng 5.50.vacant. Only $14,000 - Terms. 250'. Priced ta sell, $5.500 ' MAPLE GROVE: 1 acre1 witb terms. building lot. Asking $4,500. Service Station and Garagej Ternis. ~Oniy garage ln area. MustBuligLt be sold to settle estate. No. 2- We have several. Caîl for 4-TEN ACRE LOTS: Suit-,, Highway, Newtonvilhe. Only Information. able for 1,200 sq. ft. homes.i asking $15.000.WIfHwe-Ono9-57 Prlced from $4,500 and up. Wl ak rn 8-24 ES OFBOWMANVILLE:' Bowmanville Helen McDonald - 623-3911 2,20 0 Ft.bidigwt Owner said take offers. Wayne Marchant- 623-2945 bedroomn living quarters. Al' Large beick home ln central Lloyd Atchison . 786-2959 canveniences. Remainder work- part of town. Lot h fti x 160.MeMcold -6391 sbop. On 1/ acre lot. Ask- Try your offer and tmom» now. Maj eoad 6331 Ing $26,000. Homie and 15 Acres Edwn an als - 6263-729 BOWMANVILLE: Lovelv Beauýeul twa bedroom cet- Ewn as - 6375 sompletely renovated3be- tage with 15 acres. Large Joan Grills- - 723-5817 room home. New wiing andi1 cedar and hardwood bush. AI Rout- 725-0353 plumbing, etc. Ahi modern Quite scenic wlth fast flowing Garnet Ricard - 623-7397 conveniences. Fireplace. Cent-! creek plus smaller strearn. Only rai location. $34,900. Terms. PORT BRITAIN: Hobby re-1 Kendal Hili.SO IN treat. or retirement homne. 3 i 180 acres of recreation land.> acres with good brick home. Vers' high scenîc r e 111 n gjEidad U.C.W. met on Mon-. Barn, ben bouse. Pnice $20,300, countys«' wt sra .go day evening, November 3rd! NEWONILE: bdromroads. $85.000. Terms. at the home of Mrs. Lloyd NEWTNVILE: bedoomBroome. 11,à-storey home wlth 3-pce.. TyroneThPrsdnMsMuay bath50.Lo tae. Akn 198 acres of day oam north Vice. conducted the opening *1,0.of Bowmanville. Natural and business. Articles of OSHAWA: 4 bedroom 2 pond and bush. Newly reno- cltbing and food suitable for 2 etorey brick home with living vated home. Only $68,000 the men's bostel ln Oshawa il êdinfing room. 011 heated, with terms. will be received by Mrs. 4-pce. bath. Finlshed rec. 1ofCus Harvey Yellowlees and Mrs. rom.Gaag.Paved drive-: Svnya ldcus ot Bruce Taylor, up ta November .'> y.Anxiýousta oei. Svnya llcus ot 7th. N ORTH 0F ORONO: 10 acre o ngtno N.3 1g- Wership period, conducted . " ()suitable for 1.200 sq. ft. way. Nine hale regulitionl by Mrs. Wesley Yellowlees, ~ v- <a.size plus nine hale par 3 stressed the Importance of F home. Price $10.000. course. Excellent water sup- mother ln family living. NEWCAS1LE: 2 acres with ply te ail greens and tees. l h td eidcnut 4 roomed 2 storey modernlzed Asking $ 125,000. Easy terms.leIn he Ms. Do endTayor. te hm.Barn. Garage. Love-,1 Highway on1ayorth homtre. gwy 1ladies were divided into four' 80 acres wlth approxîmate- groups and given several Ater Beurs Please Cal: ly 2,000 ft. frantage on high- -articles of current cancern to Phyflhs McRobbie- 623-7159 waY and service road. Best digest and comment on. Gen- ~ S14 Oinga - 623-2401 buy ln the area. $25,000 eral discussion falhewed.î Gary Hancock @S98-5155 Terms. Mrs. Frank Gilbert Is now BryCoutts 725-2649 Atr9i..eu home ugain after a seven- GeogV any 2: Aty ..cl week stay ln Memnorial Hos- Jan Oudshoorn - 623-2984 Pat Veo - * 623-3077,i pifai, Bawmanville. Barry Veerman 987-4287 Jans Oenima - 623-23181 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryd- Itou Davidson - Bethany 30RZ erman, Mn. and Mrs. Harold Wesley Anderson - 349-2669 Dane Found - 623-3965 Pascoe accompanîed by Mr, bill Rue- Little Britain 201B4 Joe Barnoski 723-5797 and Mrs. Charles Smith, Osha- 46-1 Frank Simpson 725-9638 wa. were Monday dinner Norm Wetherup 1 23 4809 guests with Mrs. Florence mon- Pearce, Willowdahe. Paul Peterson . 723-8322 MnEga Tonon Mi- Il rw - 6335 brook and Mn. Elgin Taylor «r Roy Foster- Orono 983-5801 were Sunday dinner guests pEATOM Andy Sutch Orono 983-9119 witb Mr. and Mrs. Bruce T'ay- 46-1 ion and lamily. OFRCE Mn. Elgin Taylor is visit-, OSIIWA ORCEson-în-law, Rev. and Mrs. gsl ~4I~- ~ RESULTS COUNTI Robert Sberwin and famihy, Ilrt Trono Lno 22.970 Consuili a Member of 1the IMr. and Mrs. Everett Cryri- Listing. needed by a Ffrm guests witb Mn. and Mrs. C&Ul for courteons service. V. Oshawa. 14"a Representatives: _i____Mn. Bruce Taylor is attend-' ' * Lea Hall, Bowmanvile 623-5211 ig the annual meeting of the. ' i f leaucaze. Bowmanville MULTIPLE LISTING SERIEOtnoFdnto fArcl 623-3711ture at the Skyline Hotel ln 623-3711Tonante. Okawa Ares Offie: Oshawa & ]District Mrs. W. A. Ormisten, Brook- Nesth 401 Park Rd. Cloverleafi1 lin, la enjoying a vîsit with i Manager Frank Smith. Real Estate Board Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and Oshawa 576-0330. famlly. ii ______________________ _______Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Aber- Iliary held their November ering having candy stnipers imeeting in the Board Room on and asked the auxiliary ta help Ed S rnmes iday' aiternoon. Mrs. Earl with this project. The girls Ed Sum ers Tompson called the meeting will be given a special training .1Iteo o-der by ai joining in the course. M emorial Auxiliary prayer. Mrs. H-1 he emban erptakn o The Durham County annualth beceo r.W. Wil- and a full explanation given presentatien of 4-H- and Jun- son. The District Spring Con,ý by Mr. Osborne. ior Fariner Awards wili be, ference will be heid in Bow- The ladies then adjourned te heid on Saturday, November manville with Mrs. S. James St Anrws Peyeia 22nd, at the Township Hall, ýand Mrs. W. Rudeil as conven - . forte' ron tea Orono, at 8 p.. ors. The corresponding secre- cburcb o feronta Ove the eas. chlarhis1tarY reported one bud vase haver be e rsented by heandrose had been sent te a ~ A hae ee reene b tememnber in hospital. A letter yi .&rn E. A. Sumniers Memoial 0ýthnk9i4t gAtttencrst Comnitee a tn 4H'es fomCleaners for use of their floor; Durhamn County. This year space for a successful bake.S ce su will mark the final presenta- sale. S c e s Committee muggested that it Mrs. S. James and Mrs., E. might be nice ta have al Thompson 1£hanked the auxil- Bo d C ii those who have xvon the1iary for sending them as dele- Award preserit for the final'gates te the provincial hospital A total of 294 volunteer auxiliary meeting in Taronto' blond donors attended the Red presetatin. 1Cross Clinic held Nov. Stb ut This year the winner !S th Lin CerBo a- Miss Elizabeth Kellogg who: St. Paul's CGIT offered te' ville. Two hundred and fifty- lias compieted ber first semes-1 make tray' favors for the bas- siX utnits of blond were collect- ter at the University of1iaiptinsatCnit'.s d for the Blond Transfusion Guelph. Ed Kowah. who was Mrs. W. Rudell offered te'Service. the tirst winner, lias been donvene the decorating of the A large number of new don- eaked to b. fthe guest speaker. 1 hospital lobby Christmas tree. 1 ors, among whom werso 7 &tu. den ts and teachers from Courtîce .Secondary School, joined the regular donors ta inake this a most successful clinic. Twentieth donation pins were awarded to Mr. Franki i 133 KING ST. E. SAVE -lu 1%e Canadàa S8ttman, BewmaiivMfe, Noev. 12. 1IM 1 Friendshîp Club Holds Fait Meeting, Thirty-nine members of the warded to The Lepro&y I,&is. Trmity United Cliurch Friend- sion ini Toronto, who a4v1se ahlp Club attended the open- that until June 26th, this year ing flU meeting held i the 21ii tons of used stamps were Sunday Sdiool rooms of the.received and sold for almost church on October 24th. $2,600. Ail proceeds obtained Mrn. Albert Cale welcomed ýfrom sale of used stamps Wim the group and conducted eur.Ihelp to purchase and instuit a rent business, lncluding re- water system. an autoclave portirig on number of mem- (sterilizer) and an operating bers unable to attend through table for a new hospital buildI- illness. It was decided that ing in Muzaffarpur, India. the next meeting would takeI Total cost &I these items will the tari of a pot luck supper 1 be $6,000. This is a wortiNr on Deceniber l2tb. cause and donations of psedi Mns. Eva Bragg repcorted on stamps would be apprecilted iused stamps collected and for- from any source. The worship period -wa9 HooerMr.M. urpyýMn 'conducted by Mr. and Mns.- -E. HooMuper, Mr. M. Murhy, W. Bradley and included the J.nt MurnatM.oE.pinerfesinging of a hymn. scriptui-e Tent doatin pns erereading and prayer, with- a gven Mrs. Dorothy Gillespie. Thanksgiving theme. and titie Mr. Maurice Wicks, Mr. Willis c drs a rttd n Barraaîl, ron,.stead of Grumbling, whirh Those receling 5th donation* showed that those who had pins were: Mrs. Betty West- the least to be thankful for fake. Miss W. Turansky, Mrs. eeotntems hnfl Syke Reitsma. Mrs. June Postwr ftnte otthnfl Messrs. Glen Virtue, John Mrs. A. W. Harding intro- Cunningham, B. J. V.rtue, j. duced Mrs. Hilda Colwell w.ho E. Gould, Rev. J. Nutma, R. showved pictures of a recent Wilson. R. Welsb. P. Bylsmna, vIsit tO ber son Ted who ig a G. Rundie, E. Swatin. Missionary in Brazil. These Mrs. Forbes and her mobile were most interesting and en- elinic team from Toronto joyed by ahl. especially as the were assisted at the rest beds members knew Mr. Ted Col- by local volunteers, Mrs. A. well and appreciated bis work His,, Mrs. T. Rehder, Mrs E. on the Mission Field. Werry, Mrs. J. H. Davey. Mrs.! Rev. A. W. Harding thànk- L. Buttery, Mrs. D. Halloweli ed Mrs. Colwell, and Rev. G. and Mrs. L. Cox. !K. Ward closed the meeting The ladies of Rehoboth with nrayer. Christian Reformned Cburcb Unit 6 of the U.C.W. who were In charge of refreshments provided a dainty lunch were witb Mrs. G. Dykstra, Mrs. JT. appropriately tbanked.- Aalbers. Mrs. A. Vandergaast, Mrs. J. Strikwerda In the, afternoon and Mrs. T. Dykstra, t IEQULT Mrs. A. Hiemstra, Mrs. ,T. MONUMENTS AND Vienstra and Mrs. G. Evers MARKERS serving In the evening. The Brancb Executive wish auoILt**Y toepeqa special word of I k7fUES .i.io tak oCarscadden BsUn TAFFORD and Burley Bus LUne for their1 rr' BROS. LTD, co-operation, and also to the I / following drivers who pro- o vided transportation for the LL iJ .d,10rjrd students: Miss M. Jewel. Dealir Messrs. Don McGregor, Geo. à White, Si Trewin. Gordon, Martin, Don Morris, Glenn! St afford B rothers' Marty'n, Ed Leslie. - -- --Monuments GET CASH TODAY LIMITED FOR OL» APPLIANCES.,Hox 133 THROUGU 318 Dundas St. E. - WhItb7P ST A TE S$M A N PooWlb 6-53 CLASSIFIEDSPhn ht 68352 AGRICULTURAL CUSTOM WORK- " PLOUGHING * DISCING * SPRAYING- * CULTIVATING * GRAIN SOWING- * CORN PLANTING * BALING * MOWING *RAKING *COMBINING *GRAIN and CORN DRYING *CORN PICKING and SHELLING Robt. Bryant 1 & Son ë 3 BUS. 263-2301 RES. 263-8438 CHUM TOP 30 ALL REG. $5.29 Johnny Cash Records Now $388 BOWMANVI LLE--. 2O0 C/o Now 77c.- ALL REG. $5.29 Tom Jones Records Now $3.88 REG. $7.29 REG. $1.98 Beatles Abbey Rd. 24 Power Hits Now s3588 Now s1.77 WILKINSON SWORD AT WESBAY WE NOWHAVE Razor Diades 80 WMAN VI LLE**S LARGEST- REG. 5/75e POCKET BOOK SÉLECTION Now 39 pkg.OVER 300 TITLES Now 39 pkg.TO CHOOSE FROM A uxiliary Inspect Ambulances A .il- rl-, ,. .. , _ - A WESBAY DISCOUNT on ail your CHRISTMAS CARDS GIFT WRAPPING SUPPLIES EVERYDAY GREETUNG CARDS & WRAP TIMEX WATCHES-SAVE 20/o TODAY ON ALL STYLES 0F TIMEX WATCHES . . .USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN Record Dept. Specials J)If --- --- --- .1 .., -ljk»ýft