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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Nov 1969, p. 5

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The Mrs. Robert V. Sheffield ol Oshawa who was the guest Speaker at the special service on Sunday morning for the Orona United Church Women was a luncheon guest of her aurit, Mrs. George Morton. In the afterrioon Mrs. Ida Plun of Willowdale. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barrowclough of Wes- Icyville. called to visit wit 1frs. Sheffield. Miss Ruth Fatheringham of Toron to was a lunchpon guest Of Miss Marion MrKelvey of Kxrby on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor et Calgary who ;qre enroute tc Plorda were weekend__guests Do-it- yourselt 1Il: wsy with Sunworthy roady-pasted wallcoverings SUN WRH PM FXMM R 1*Sft Start today . .. for your supplies see ABERNETHY'S! PAINT & WALLPAPER Phone 621-.5431 55 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE * Pick any picture you'd like ta, It could be one of your home, yc iyour church. Al would make adsicieSMLIEar.DGreetings. Just bring us the slide that wili be saved long after other 67 KING ST. EA ST PHONE ' ORDER N( LI 5 piece S( TspcDessrt or Oai SaladZ4r, *'Fork. *HoIlawM *Dlnner or Deaert Siz». Add ta or 511 ln your present se durlnt this %~ PRICE OPPORTI , 29KIM J-(o opei 'G ST. E. Orono News1i1 if ai Mr. and Mrs. Roy Winter'er. Mn,. Oscar Luxtan and ;t nd Rabbin other relatives. CMr. and Mrs. Charles Gray, Mr. Harold Thorne of South, le Shelley and Julie. were week- Monaghan was a Sunday sup- n end guests ai Mr. and Mns, per guest ai Mn. and Mn,. Wm. ýr Alex Fulton et Belleville. Robinson. * Mr. and Mrs. Bob Knox and Mr. and Mns. Robent Reidý * son arko Nipawin. as. and son Randy spent Sunday S.nMr es. witb Mr. and Mn,. Onvilie arriv'ed lest week for the win- 'Chatterton. Carol and David at! ter month..q and are witb bis.'Canal Lake. parents, Mn, and Mrs. Charles M.edMs .M hm- Kuo. ' son af Omemee vsited Mn,. C.:, SMr. and Mrs. Gea. White ai Seal on Thunsday ai lest, tBowmanville; Mr, and Mrs. A. week. SJ. Hoar of Tyrone and Mn,. Mrs. R. Gilbart ha, been a tPercy Werry. af Orano attend-, patient in the Memanial Hospi- ed a family gatheriniz et the tel, Bowmanville. r home ai Rev. and Mrs. T. W.' Mn. Laverne Harnes,, age 0F. G. Andrews af Toronto 1îl 70. the husband ai the, shanor ai Mr. and Mrs. Harldiafe Marey Davidson Hanness.. Awde ai Toronto who wereipessed eway et the Mémorial recently married. Congratula-' Hospital, Bawmanville, an tians.Sunday, Navember 9tb, 1969. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacks of Funeral was on Tuesdey ,Markham; Mr. end Mrs, Geo.:aiternoon fnom the Barlow Jacks Jr. and Sharon ai Scar-'Funerel Home. Interment, boraugb, visited Mrs. Cather- Orono Cemetery. ine Sec> on Sundey. Mr. and Mrs. John Forrester Mr. and Mrs. CarIas Tam- end sans David and Ronnie, et- blyn visited Mn. and Mrs. H. tended the Stapleton - John! Cobbledick et Leamington and wedding i.n Port Hope on, .Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tamblyn Saturday. Octaber 25th. eat Guelph aven the xeekend. The Orano United Cburçb; i Mrs. H. Cain ai Toranto Women held a very successful; spent the holida îy an Tuesday bake sale and aiternoan tee' November 1l]th, with ber motb-1Illast Saturday. Orono UCW Hon ors Mrs. Milton Tamblyn Local Twirlers Win A-war-ds in Oshawa Competilion t>. ti hi a] el 1 ivi.LÂUI. iLi V. Egon£ Kltrni~Iuller who comp-eteci inthe On the afternoon of October devoted in ber church work. i 29h, approximately 65 ladiesiMrs. B. Long then presentedjCC l . D II , aif Orono UCW gathered in:Mrs. Tamblyn with an engrav-i Courtice Secondary Stuuents '.ive Bloou at C~.lic the upper C.E. auditorium of!'ed Hymnary - inscription! Orono United Church ta honar'being written by Mrs. Norman' in farewell, Mrs. Milton Tam- Allun. On behaif af the mem- blyn. who bas recently left ta bers af Unit 7, Mrs. Wm. Rob-i reside In Oshawa. inson gave a Iovely cup and Mrs. N. Porter and Mrs. Wm. saucer. lrwin welcomed the ladies at, Mrs. Tamblyn thanked the the door where the guest baok ladies for the gifts. and stated was signed. ta Oshawa is not so far Mrs. Tamblyn, accompanied away, and that she would be by her twa sîsters, Mrs. W.Icomlng back for occasional Cawker afi Bnwmanville and!visits. iMrs. J1. Leish'man af Oshawa,I A deliciaus lunch of sand- 2 was escorted ta the front af wicbes, relishes and cookies the room. was served, and a social timne Wit.h Mrs. A. Drummond enioyed. Pouring ten were piaying the piano everyonel Mrs. O. Challice, Mrs. B. Long, *oîned in a sing-song. In r,ad-i Mrs Wm. Armstrong Sr. and, !ing the address, Mrs. M. Stap- Mrs. V. Robinson.I *. les mentioned the keen inter-, , est Mrs. Tamblyn had alwavsj i" l shown in the variaus orgarii-I KENDAL izatians af the community and Mýýý that she had contributed beri The First Scout Traop ofT ¾ 1~ services in many ways ta these'Kna a ena the go ~" ~.~ organizations, being especiaily'for the month of October. They raised $50 on Apple Day.1 Otber 2ththey hel- a i perdrive in he1 X Xl.*::.....:::.::..:::::::i.surrounding community. " ~k" lfl A gaod group af ladies et- tended the PTA meeting Iast' week at the scbool. The ch*ef item afiinterest was the mak- ngof plans for their Pr 'Sale Dec. 6th. Plans were elso: ......made for their Christmas partiy Nominatians were heid for the 190officers. We wish them: «' the best of success. Lawl vMrs. Helen Henderson, Mrs. Mary Low, Miss C. W. Ste---w--- - '**~**'* and Mrs. Eleanor Fosterl went ta Toronto lest Wednes-_ Over 50 students f rom Courtice Secondary Schol of them si.teched out on cots, with nurses arranging day ta attend the Wl Conven- ,were among the 294 blood donors at the Red Cross for the il transfer. Other photos of the clinie have tien In the Rayai York. lClinic here last Wednesday. This picture shows a few been held loveri. ILO MAKE A TRULY PERSONAL Mr. end Mns. W. Turanskyj ' 1 ____ have sold their general store '~T'7nTTTILL and Grant Wade af Toronto; toM.adMs ie uec E T N r. and Mrs. Arnold Wade, of RR 1. Hampton. The new i 1h .. .. : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Chard, ownes an on of hei son ~ * ~ . ~LNI~UIBelated congratulatin tiJohnna-Lynn and friend Na- visîted the store on.Tuesday Miss Dorothy Elliott who re-j dine Kaytor of Newcastle, Mr,. and had quite a look around.y The council af Clarke Town-j CemeLery. Sunu'.dcee ias ceived hier Bachelor af Arts and Mrs. Alf Perrin we ev- Mn. and Mrs. Preston, whoý shlp at e recent meeting g ave asked for revision 1s in the degree in English and Psy-1 ening xisitors with the Lan- shr wt aml adfied. had been living In the eastl three readings ta a new agreement which will be con- cholagy at the Fail Convoca- casters. shae wth amiy ad fiens. side ai the store Turanskys~ amending Planning By-LawI sidered by Council on Nov. 12. tion of Waterloo Lutheran Mr and IVîIrs. Lloyd Bennett, rur family, your pet, or evOIl had before, have moved ta thei No. 1653 wblcb naw amends j It was poiuted out by the University, recently. Her par-, Daniel and Dav'id ai Clarkson, warm and friendIy Photo- Pontypool district. By-Laws 1592, 1613 and 1651.1 letter jthat upon early agreec ents, Mr. and Mrs.' Jack spent Sunday with their COUS-, >or negative. We'II turn it ilt Friends and neighbors of' The new By-Law was neces- j ment on the revisian, xvorIllttateddheentes Ms.Gogj lt solon for a personal greeting rhrTomsnhv rallied; sar as one uine hed been cauldi stert in the sub-djvjsiou ' weekend.jStpeui r odiarycadsaregoe. ta help him aiter bis disastrousj omitted In the typing of BY - early lu 1970. 'Mi,.and Mrs. Henry Reich- j Supper guests, Sundav, witb br rdiarycars ae grile. ire of a few weeks ega when jLaw 1651 by the planning con-' A report ta cauuicil frorn, rath af Montreal were house Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bough- he lost ail tbe contents - ex-i sultants. By-Law 1653 Is flow the, Ontario Water ReSçuirces guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jlm en \vere Mr. and Mrs. Jim cept the church papiers. Cen- ta be processed for publica- Commission upheld a ,am- Adams lest week. Gordon and Russelllof SSauna.: vasr haebe uyi h in tmends the entire By- plaint by two township prolp-' A bus load ai local people With Mr. and Mrs. Phil' K ' Kendal area and outlying arieas Law 1651. erty viiwers that work iu the'attcuded the Ice Capades atý ir and rs JmGilm er Kar.n i ~£and have received very gener-' A road closing By-Law ws township gravel pit hiad a f- j Maple Leaf Gardens, Wedues- RMACYotîs donations amounting ta gîven three readings whi'ch fected their wells. Thle con-.1 day evening, and another bus' and Jeff of' Port Hope. $1155 ta date wlth more ex-' affects five sections ai reads rerned parties are ta receive load weut ta the same place.-__ BOWMANVILLE pectied. Our sincere thanks go I located Iant.he vlcinity ai Lots' remuneration whlch1 is ex- au Saturday eveni'ng. 2324 ta thase who made this Chris-' 6 and 7, Broken Front; Lots pected ta be covered by town-' Mr. and Mrs. Lenuox Vasey 62124 tien effart possible. We trust 10 and 1l, Broken Front; Lots sbip insuicuce.. rcturned home ta Port MC- 32 and 33. first Concession, and police village liave Ing a week or se bere wîth lier and Lots 34 and 3,5. second aMOLIuted ta $340,361.64 dur-; parents, Mr. and Mrs. -W. Concession. ing the flrst nine maonths af! Stapleton. Authority was given by 1969. Mrs. Clarence Gîlmer af counicil for the auditor ta pre-, Some discussion ciîtred LiiîcsaY and Mrs. Earl Mc- pare a financial staternent teaeround obtainiuig a dog catchi- Eweil of Peterborough attend- be available et the nomina- er for Clar'ke Township but ed the Ire Capades lu Toronto tion meeting. was referî'ed ta January 'Saturday night wltb Mrs. Don' Accouints were passed Iu the' mneeting afi cunucil. Vinkle, and stayed overnight taber; $24336.07 for Novembeî' the Clarke Puiblic ira', Messrs. Sid Brown, Dan for the general account. Wel- met brieflv with caknucil ta di's- Viîîkle and Trueman HIender- fere payments for the month cuss samne alteratious Iin the sou are amang the hunters InFa totalled $927.61, roads $32.353--!uorth-west curner ai' the the îîurth country at the pres- ' __ 27 and the Orono Police Trus- Township Hall which would leut timie. u mtees $2592,50. provide additional space ln the IMr. and Mrs. Leurie Staple- AM LLD A ltte wa reeivd fomhall for the librarv. The mat-' ton, Beverly and Ricky ailA M LLD Sunnydene Estates regerding ter was referied ta the town- Ajax, were suppen guests, Set-1 FOR the subdivision agreement for' ship piapel Lv cammittee with urday, with Mr. end Mrs. property north of the Orono jcaunicil laokîng fax arably on George Stepleton. the suggestion, provIding costs Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Lancaster in same way help ta brighten i were reasoneble. -- O r o n o0 attended the 45th Wedding, bis future. iTimes_._ Anniverserv celebration, Seit- We were pleesed ta welcame urday, for Mr. and Mrs. Lyman aireo the Ellzabetbville folkRH EU V AT Gifford, narth of Columbus, o tateaur church Sunday R EM.I n spentth eveaing with, Vamorning. They were Mn,. Ednai D N R~Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jones. i Thickson, Mrs. Leta McCallis-j PA IN ? A group from Oshawa held y a dance In Communlty Hall on av* bteOed Stvermlts rne eer and lRumacaps capsules Saturdey evening. againneols. Corne ivetpro in relief!1 Mr. and Mn,. L. Peck's store EMrs. Jufia Jackon ba beenwindow, with Its Remembrance - Mrs.homeatrJavksn a opera-Rumaécapu are speci&lly formu- Day theme ai decoration, bas- ~W OR JAN AR DEIVRYtien on ber tecs. She was beck lated Io give yau fast relief-the been the subject af mail ad-; OW OR ANU RY ELIERYto work In the Memonial Hos- very first day-fromn nagging miring comments, lately. IMITED TIME OFFER 1 pital for a iew daYs lest week. rheumatic pains and aches. Also w1ella fewlfoc adisas;e We are glad she is sa well proven effectivefor relieving lum. taak adventage of the Invita-i gagain. bago, sciatica, headache and tion te go tbrough some ai Church was heid as usuel ai neuritic pains. Ask for new the homnes being built in thei I la c 11ere ga torcesomeandt>,1 Rumacaps-a distinctive blue new sub-division, aven the' were lad e se som of andi white capsule of saaîhing w eekend. Elizabethville folks with us ntSna onn evc o RvT.Snelgnove spoke>u3ancomfort-at your local druggists. Rev. T. J. Snelgrove's taplc, ~ttin g Dev.T.sadasoaotte ua sar1asls e eCosa epcalylu aal W hite W o-ade 1- Cross e , t p"- loa hi g--- a tia pproria te o rne î s eice m m These three young ladies were amaug those from ruis area who brought home 18 trophies and three ties from the Motor City Baton Twirling Competition eld as Eastdale Collegiate on Saturday. They are, ,rm left to right, Caria Phillips, 9, daughter of Mr. ind Mrs. Louis Phillips, who pleced first in the Juv- nile Novice class; Irene Rietmuller, 13, dlaughter of 1~3 ta 20 class and won the "Miss Oshawa Teen Twirler" title, the trophy and bouquet of flowers; and Janetý Lovekin, 10, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E; R. Lovekin of Newcastle, who competed in the 12 and under class and won the "Miss Oshawa Sweetheert" titie and tro- phy. Names of the other winners, most of them Patsy Blake's pupils, will be published next week. TThe Canadian statfanlin, flowmanvfle, Nov. 12, 199 Per guest. Surnday. wlth ber: Melntyre, in Bramiptona lad eranddaughter. Miss J o a n week. WaIkey In Oshawa. Welm'me to Mr. and Mro With 'Mr. and Mr. C. M. Theo De Haas and childrej Jones were Mr. and Mrs. from Orono, wha bought tht Harve Britton ot Newcastle,, Stender home. Sunday supper guests. 1 Mrq. Jack Oliver, Feneli The Official Boards ai New- Fa Ils. and her daughter M&rs castle and Newtonville Unit- John Norris and chidrern ed Churches held a joint meet- Midland, were Iast Fridaj Ing, Sunday evening. nt the!visitors of Mrq. P. McCoy, iatter's Sunday School hall.i Weekend gucsts were Mr. an W* understand there was I Mrs. Roy Atcheson, Toronto. good atnacwt no Mr. and Mri. Ralph Shaq major c'hanges in program ta Iand Charles, Mr. and Mrg. il be reported. Byrant, Mr. Gerald Hardyl, Mr. and Mrs. Sld Burley, O-qhawa. Mr. and Mr, N. Ai Toronto, were callers on Sun- in. Mrs. W. Crossey, Bowi i day wlth relatives In the vil- mTanville, Mr. and Mrs. AlviW lage. Johnston and Jeff were visi-. i tors of Mr. and Mrs. E. A Wamnen's Institute will meet Vîrtue. Wednesday. Nov. 19 nt 2:301 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Engo p.m. at the home of Mrs. S. lish and Paul, Weston. Mrg J. Lancaster. Maud Miller, Peterborough4 were Sunday guestg ofai, ad Mrs. D. Miller and family, TYRONE M.F. L. ym Friday evening, Nov. 7th,I dinner guests of Mrs R. Hodgd there were 18 tables of eu-j son, Toronto. chre in proglress. Prizes were, 4-H supper was postponed as follows, Mrs. R. Morden,1 until Nov. l8th which t% ta bd Mr. Lloyd Crago, Mrs.' F.'ý held at the home of Mrs. A Pascoe, Mrs. Anne Dninkle,!Knowlton. Mr. Gordon Richards, Mr. E.: Glad ta report Mrs. Gordyni Watson. 50-50 draw won byi Brent is doing vcrv weil aftei Mr. Carl Gimblett. Lunch was'ber recent operation in Bno served. manville Memorial Hospital. Visitors with Mrs. Annie Mr. and Mrs. Murray Hodg- Hatherly were Mr. and Mrs.i kmnson. Aurora, were Sunda3l Jack Hatherly, Newtonlville,l visitors of Mr. and Mrs. JI Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hatherlv, Woodley.____ Mr. Clarence Ratherly, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hatherly.: Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. B illii i Teed, Mr. and Mrs. Don Mc- Fee, Oshawa. Club 49 met at the home oraiU Mrs. Edith Murphy for the October meeting, with eightý members present. $15.00 taoi be given to the Santa Claus, parade fund. Next meeting, ta be held at the home ai Mrs. PA Earl Prescott, Nov. 26th.PA K Sympathy from the com- munity is extended to Mrs. Roy Maynard on the passing' of a devated husband. Sym-ý pathy also to Mrs. Horace Hall on the passing of herý brother, and toalal other bro-ýR l thers and sisters and relatives. - Funeral service was held! Monday from the Northcutt Elliott Funeral Chapel andt conducted by Rev. R. C. Hop- kins, assisted by Rev. A. E. Phone Cresswell, a former minister who spoke very highly of thel CemOrany. 623-3303 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook at- tended the funera] of their brother-in-law, Mr. Craigl MONDAY, DEC. lst WE ASK YOUR SUPPORT'TO VOTE AND ELECT Bob Dykstra FOR REEVE A PRESENT COUNCILLOR . . . WHO WORKS IN THE INTEREST 0F ALL TAXPAYERS. Sponsored hy L VOTE DYKSTRA FOR REEVE COMMITTEE" ~ad~ Last for Years DOENLER', R NITUR E 1 EPOSIT WILL HOLD ANY CHAIR CHRISTMAS DELIVERY RECLINERS ROCKER RECLINERS PLATFORM ROCKERS ROCKERS hile the Selection is Big! KRAMP FURNITURE LTD. ORS 0F FINE FURNITURE" BOWIffAWVI=L ------------ ý-7 .- w11--p-MI-M- " NI --* -*-ý i Ir - qý - 4r-f 1 )ORS or FINE FURNITUREII

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