------c-- Now on.slI C~camaifreeI Sugar-freel FRESCA..' 20 Theemdia sate an % mad%. iNv. le, leu Recreation Reviews Ifluet EekevWind two goals and twt> two goals and two assista. Ithe.&-st i ae UicGen- assists. Gary Milison and Rob Bflly Evers twa goals. Tomi ahedged t.he Canulcks by a Simpson One goal eaeh and Conneil two goals and onc doms 4 te 3 score. Thie Gen- Randy Baker two goals while assist, Scott Jackson two Suls were led by Randy Allen Steve Hobbs had two asslts goals, Chris Marchant ane WMU three goals and ane assst and Bryan Heflam one. goal and ane assi. Larry WhDe Glenn Bics picked up The third game the Braves Woodard one assist and Bria es OMIa and three mslsts and! edged the Cubs by a close 6 Denne ibree. Wa7Ms Seymow ansl asslst. 1to 5 score. The Braves goals There bas been a ehange in 1 Th. Canueks were led bylwere scored by Jos Humen- the Bantam League schedule RIck Shackleton wtli îwo ick with two goals and ane for ihls Saturday and It la ~ ad oe asis.. ikeassist. CUift Davisan cone. AndY as follows: 6 a.m.. Cuba (1) aeu namgoa whi Moris VanGracile ane goal and one vs. Bruins (3). 6:40 a.rn.. Pan- Obaone gal tw ass risanI assist. Roc! Sellers ane goal and thers (2) vs. Huskies (4): 7:35 Mondm ha twoassithen an assist and Rusa McQuaid a.m.,, Pirates (1) vs. Braves Ibn lperonsasis<ne goal. The Cubs were led (3); 8:15 a.m., AUl Star (2) Ile second encounter teby Doug Bragg with twoI vs. Flyers (4). WE. Poyala 1de sted the Com- goalg. Tom Woolner anc end e.by a 5 te 1 count.TeRck Nemlsz and Kerry Noble ML. Raka wers led by Steve oane goal each while Steve' JrSc ed l frrker w111itwo goals whîle Land had twa assist.s and i ~ ch d I Pms Hbmwu. Fred BraybroklLa rry Cryderman ane. 1 "d MIke Bh*ett had ane tcSre oebr an heBruce Osborne and losSresNvnbr 3iÎ e=*#had anc assisi! These gaines were only exhi- 21 Friday, 8:30 p.mn.-Bow-i Und Deug Crough two assista. biion games and did lot, manville at Oakville loue ma.kercountin r the standings. 23 Sunday, 1:30 p.m.-Oak- l'h. Crnet.In the ftrstgame the Rayais vle at Bowmanville wu ucoRedmlhy Steve Watisan'deteated the Flyers by a three 30 Sunday. 1:30 p.m.-Port auiusd by Don Smith. to one score. The Royal-, goals Hope et Bowmanville DatnHoky were scored by Steve Gre emb - The tiitgmie the Plrerý, grass, Mike Sadler and Mike 3D eneer- :0 .m dshated the Pnthers by a!Reynolds while Terry Sargin- ~Wdedy :0pm The lyes wee1 ~ haj ~, ~ 1~ 3f. Bowrnanvllle ai Pt. Hope 3 to 3 àS -TeFyr ýer o a n sssêTeFy Sunday, 8:30 p.m.-Bow- led by Larry Brunt vwtih hree ers goal was scored by Dave! manvîlle ai Thornhilil wbli. Km TFerris and DennifHils asslsted by Larry Hearl.1 usa, :5 pm Iamber had ana goal and one Tihe econd gar-ne the Barons 9Thornilai 8:15 'ville ganlt. Cameron Crelghtan defeaied the Raiders by a 7 to 12 Frlday. 8:30 p.m.-Bow- v1eked tw one assIsi. Te 'ut h aoswr, manville ai Lindsay pmnthers goals were scored by led bv Rck Bain wlth four 1 udy :0pm-ld Ean Leffly. Ken Livtngstone goals while Ertc Burns had say ai Bowmanville a.nd Dale Cawle, while Rich'itwo and Kevin Purdy oneC, 2 udy :0 pm Hfall and Steve Rowe each ýScoti Uinion had iwo asssitý2 udy :0 pm had oe asslst. and John Smith and Paul 23Streetavîll8:aiBow'vill The Pirates swamped the'lHodgson one.[23Tedy 8:0 pm - Brum b a t 0 oun n In he hid gm heBsons Bow'ville ai Sireeisvllle Brunabya t 0cont o In the orea ne th e f~ 26 Friday. 8:00 p.m.-Bow- goas by Don Bradley wfth 1obe h soe o h manvile ai Newmarket thme and two assista. Martn Klngs as they oui-scored thein 30 Tuesday. 8:15 p.m. - 4 to 2. The Bisons goals were Newmarkei ai Bow'ville scored by Joey Nowlan wlth À ý two, Donnie Prout cone goal Jafluary- S and one assisi. Jim Maguire 4 Sunday, 1:30 p.m.-Ajax Dial« »Flo er î onegoal and iwo assisis. Kev- ai Bowmanville ln Gray had one assisi and 6 Tuesduëy, 8:00 p.m.-. ~~~ ~ Gary Dusseldorp two. The Bo anieaiAx 623-5757 Kings goals were scored by 16 Frlday. 8:30 p.m.-Bow- ( 6Tom Eyman wiih iwo while manville ai Lindsay for ýJerry Reid and Russ Green-1 18 Sunday, 1:30 p.m.-Pori hain had one assisi each. Hope ai Bowmanville The fourth Atoin garne the 25 Sunday. 2:00 p.m.-Bow- Hospital Flowers 'Cippers shut oui the Glants i menville ai Newmarkei by a 2 taoo score. The Clip-1 27 Tuesday. 8:15 pin. - Free Daily Delivery pers goals were scored by Newmarkei ai Bow'vllle Daywmaaville - Oshawa Allan Bruni and Leanord February- White while James Pocock had 1 Sunday,, 8:15 p.m.- one assisi. Bowmanville at Ajax SIn the final Aicm gaine the 3 Tuesday, 8:15 p.m.-Ajax R.ams swamped the Penguins ai Bowmanville 1E1Ua 12Huorii0 score. Th:Rarns 10 Tusday, 8:15 p.in.-Lind.- UEYEIgoals were scored by Doug say ai Bowmanville _____________________ hree assists, Henry Vyschaft Bowmanvllle ai Pi. Houe A few of the Courtice Secondary School Students who donated blood at the recent Red Cross Clinie. r I D. Bagnell 30350 41 - G. Wllcox____ 30298 38ý IL. Piper-____ 30212 37! 'V. Prout ___ 30720 36 M ixe Le g ue B o w i 9 Moe Richards-- 30391 36 Noemer7t 21,Matt Harrison 270, G. M. Etcher ___ 29743 35, Ladis' ighSinle-ele Wicox270-266, D. Bradley B. Richards -___ 30026 32 Pipr 80 Ldis'Hih rile26-26,J. Smih 269, B. R h- O Etcher -___ 29780 29 -HlnPiper 673. Ladies# ards 265, B. Martyn 26)5-257. E. Brock . 29010 24, Doohu 64 .Prout G. Piper - 28965 23' 229. 252,, M. A.. Richards 252,ý Averages Men's High Sngle-Hap Marilyn Richards 251. V.Poi. 3 5 Palmer 300. Men's Hlgh 650 Triples and aver 1 L. Piper -------30 244 Trlple-Hap Palmer 770. Men's H. Palmer 770, Moe Rich- D. Reynolds )21 239i High Average-Vince Prout ards 762, L. Welsh 723, G. M. Etcher ---- 2 7 2381 250. Wllcox 718. B. Martyn 713, O. Etcher â 3 229! M. Richards Bagneli, Prout, Mati Harrison 709, D. Brad- G. Wllcox 30 228 Wilcox, Martyn and G. Piper ley 686, T. Milîson 683, L. B. Richards 30 2251 each iook iwo games fromn L. Piper 674. H. Piper 673, B. Moe Richards- 30 224 Piper, B. Richards,, O. Eich- Richards 671, O. Etcher 6?0. ýL. Welsh . 30 222 er, Reynolds, Brock and M. J. Smith 670, Arn Sleep 669,1 H. Palmer-----30 222 Etéher. D. Reynolds 665, W. Therteil B. Martyn - 30 2211 Hap Palmer had the only 657, E. Brock 654, Mary Har- E. Brock -__ 27 221 300 game with an even 300, rison 651. Don Bagneli - 30 2.90 250 Garnes and Over Team Pins Pts. H. Reynolds - 30 2161 E. Brock 295, L. Welsh 286, D. Reynolds - 30903 47 L. Sinale ---- 30 215 H. Piper 280, Moe Richards B. Martyn .-_ý-------- 31117 42 D. Bradley- 30 2141 To the Electors of Bowmanville: -~-~-~ 1 have allowed rny -'naine to stand for Deputy-Reeve in the . forthcoming election. Haviîng served as a Councîflor for the past two years as a ~ ~::. -Member of the ~ ~ .vr~~'Executive for Oshawa ... ---- Planning and .~ Development Study, .dealing with the A proposed Regional Government. Because .of this experience -1 feel confident t attend County Council and protect Bownianville's interest at this level. FOR THE MAN WITH THE AVAILABLE TIME AND ENERGY . . . WITH YOUR INTERESTS AT HEART VOTE AND ELECT LESLIE COOMBES FOR DEPUTY m REEVE MONDAY, DEC lst, 1969 It's fth only good-tastig suga soft drnkyou oen buy! you waistlîne down. Fresca is if 1W cycIamnte-tree~, fc O<i15. Bt Fue wâIRsUIb.agu-4eu as itStlO «dy 2 caWm e r 8 oz.serving.Weddntadd sugar. W.e found a wayto keopthe taste bnandth.açarcuL iimau..kto4 ALL CHEVS. MUST 1 GOOD CHOICE 0F MODI NOW IN STOCK IMMEDIATE DELIVERY LIMITED DO WMAN VI LLE eS -LTD. 613-1556 Two Locatio Oshrw., Ontario----- BE CLEARED!l ELS -COLOURS GOOD TRADE-IN ALLOWAN(E CON VENIENT GMAC FINANCING MOTO RS COURTICI ns 718-6l 'e ýI l- bybb gllm goals by Omrt '~r1ee by Db Reiais Hamdlton and,, Bob goil Brooks' Supertest wallop with, two w.. oarm Brysons 5-0; Mutton & Gould Randy Do=taghue aredi whip Walter Frank 7-."< : the tirst ta make $1 « .Lar Lest Sunday, Nov. 1 Oth,1S impson and Bob HéeD i wlt Grant Wright turned in alhis third goal. mêiI flawles game for BrOOks'iearly ti the second @a& Supertest as he posted thils. Donaghue w lUi bis eç con1 year's f irst shut-out. It was! goal narrowed It ta 5 2. I'* a 5-0 victory over last year's ey saored near theen«i the champs. Bryson's Smoke Shop. period to make It 6-2 at the Tlhe understaffed Bryson'sg eri of two periods. Dave couldn't really get in theiGr.,fl nmade It 6.4 with twio gaine as Brooks' pin-point. goals 38 seconds apart early pasffing and excellent play- "ln 'the third period. Bill Suri. making kept lte Bryson's mersford tipped in a shot late crew constantly mIxed us). in the t*ird perlod ta roud Fred Alldred with tw o als out the scoring. Final score and Steve Burns, George. i î GUi, Lloyd Ramil- Sainsbury and Larry Peril and Bill SuMneriford with singles oompleted thealso had a pair oif assiste scoring. "Fuzzy" Marjerrisontiapiece. had a pair of assiste for Next Sunday. Nov. 23rd, at Brooks. There were four,93 ..Byo' mk h r pnlilee gonnghtoShiop play Mutton & Gould game, tregon oBrywoe's. n atrFakRa in the second game oi th '*teaheli, aon ate Fral n ea no'rning. Grant Wright, play- fesate trks, oupethst ide ing goal in place offdlel 0:5am in the Mutton & Gould 10:4, arn posted his second wIn in a! League Standings row. It waq a 7-4 win over' Walter Frank Real Estate».ý W L T GF GA PIS. Mutton & Gould jumped outI Brooks' Supertest in front quickly firing t.hreel 4 0 1 28 le S I. îMutton & Gould Shel T. Bagnell 30 211, 3 1 1 29 21 1 H. Brock 30 211 1 Walter Frank Rmas! ftate Matt Harrison 30 211 1 4 0 18 25 2 F. Bradley 30 2101 Bryson' Sinoke Shop A. Wray 30 2101 1 4 0 16 25 2 T. Milison 30 2 1 0 Arn Sleep 30 207 J. Brunt 30 204, Always react 10 a turning G. Piper 27 904 signal on the car ahead, bUt E. Dickens 27 202 neyer rely on it. the Ontario M. Wilcox 30 201 Safety Leagiàe advises.