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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 1

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Ieuelect Mayor Ivan Hobbs With LandslideVitr Bigq Change 'In Council _ Newco mers Take Over Mý 'Defeat 3 Incumbents jIn the Municipal Election on Monday His Worship, Mayor Ivan M. & Hobbs was given an outstanding vote j>of confidence at the polis when he 4 . i was re-elected for a three year term 4~, in a lanclslide victory. His total vote 4: was 1939. This gave him a majority of ~ i 1584 over his opponents, Reeve Annie Oke, who polled 35S votes and Herbert ~. ~ ~ ~ ~jW. Knapp who received 255 votes. C 'k Councillor Robert Dykstra, ers elected wvere David Higgon scored a victory in the race with 1597 votes, William Mor- MayorH-obbs Receives Congratulations fromn his wif e Vera, right. and daughter Shelly1 for the office of Reeve with rîson 1264, Mr. Morrison is a 1492 votes, a majority of 4691member of the 1968-69 PUC. over the other conterider for' Mr. Higgon who previously for Re-leT.Wakue. LtyReeeS thîs position, Ken Nicks. Mr. several years served the tw Thif Lfts$25 ýNcks' total vote was 1023. as Reeve, had a majority of n i George Stephen was elected 333. The 1968-69 PUC Chair- In y ieut-ev for 1970-71-72. man Ken Hooper was a \vin- !e received 1342 votes, a mai- ning candidate for one of the Clarke Elect ors A pprove Ja money ority of 193 over Councillor six positions of Councillor. The Mebr f the Senior Leslie Coombes, the other can- two unsuccessful candidates for B HS Redînen's football didate. the PUC on Monday were team, this, year's COSSA ln the keenly contested elec- Glenn Fry 1049, and Jan M o sp rt iq u r L cen e lschampions~, w ere ail set to tion for the six positions of Oegema 305 votes. M ospor L quo L cen esbu g their :w-n :ew jack:t: C:uncillor the poil was Johne Electors ln Clarke Townsbrpi The total vote on the ques-, at a rost of S37 apiece. One by James A. Bell with 1980 approved the granting of tion of a Lounge Licence With-1 ROTARY TREES ON SALE moe ro h others nfivnior e eeE.D o n Alea nderuaiib Lounge Licences Wthout Meals out Meals was "Yes"' 642 and, oe rmteohr ndCuclr eeD by faoralevot of6185'o" 96 Ontheseondque-' Starting this Saturday and on Thursday had it rarefully Hubbard 1651, Don Allun 1355, - per cent, and also agreed to tion, Loungt- Licences Withý Sunday, Bowmanville Rotary tce wyi ekto Mrs. William (Olive) Cobband u s a Lounge Licences Wlth Meals!Meals. the "Yes" vote was 6951 Club invites everyone to bicote n h Ikr 1234, Councillor. Maurice ProutB re u s a by voe o 6606percen inandth "N" vte as 57corne to their Christmas tree room. When he came bark 1195 and Ken Hooper 1169. the plebiscite held under the' There were 2874 eligible vol-, plantation north of Tyrone frm oeousd atit, Total votes received by the Mn oglersdnswl Lquor Control Act there oners in this plebescite and 1038.1 n1u hi w re om idy su,~hs terfv addtswove recall the J. W. Alexander Mon~~~~ dS ay. a erentage of 36aof those r Sgns will point the wy dniys a ean for the positions of Councillor family who lîved ln the large wen tothClubs members will be on secret,$a250. nve the lwere as follows: Councillor bouse at the corner of Centre TOYS FOR RETARDED qalfdwntehePi5 duty io welcome you and eniiS5.Keith Shackelton 1112, Coun. St. and Loyers Lane. Mr. Alex- For the past several years,ý Reeve' John Stone was re- point out the best areas to Bowmanvillip police are !Murray McKnight 972, Coun- ander was the owner of the a. large number of companles, :turned to office by acclamationý eut. Take the whole farnily Investigating and it is hoped ceillor Colin Cooke 712. Reg. Dominion Organ & Piano Com- organizations and individuals lat the Municipal Nomination and enjoy the fresh air in for the thief'sgood that they jWillatts 512. and Dlrk Brink- pany in the atrno oc ln the area have donated IMeeting. H. Earl1 Walkey was the country. Proceeds go to find out who be 15 before iman 481. pe y fcqyfO c toys or funds to purchase ire-elected Deputy Reeve withý Crippled Children's work. the members of the teamn do. 1 Public Utilities Commission- Prcu S pLmeîonlty Pper thern for the mentally retard- 1598 votes, a majority of ____ _ ance St. The advent of radios il children at hospitals linIlover the other candidate for wl nth enuywrce niiths Falls and Orillia. thîs office, Edward Copping, rel ithIbue marki h etury ws redcd r~Is year it la expected that Iwho received 381 votes. 'E x e l io r C h i r.Jf t i , and eventually the firm faded oviér $6,000O worth wiII ha The three Couricillors elect-I into eblivion, although there shipped to the two Institu- jed were W. Rod Carveth wih are stîli a few former employ- tions. An advertisement ln 649 votes, Robert Chater 572,1 A t D L N. éN es living, some here, who wil tbis edition by Cable TV re- 'and Frank Gray 567. A fourthE I Tr 1 I f ', iIV 1 remember when this establish- toeest cthzenin gis a thecandidate for one of the three EM T T el e Nh o n in o bu r ment was the larges% employer t ev hr it tteseats as a councillor was John 1 ln town. They even had their lic, Kngn t.lesbet. Vof elds. worcie 9 The Excelsior Choir pre-i bers did their small part to the Retarded Children 0,f that own brass ban*. fie. KngSt*es. vte._________________ sented 30 minutes of special; bring the Cbristmas message area.* On Tuesday, a son of the late music at Cobourg Collegiate to, the T.V. vîewers and to Tbe choir is preparing a Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Alexander IIInstitute auditorium, Fridayl those who listened on radio. similar programn for Christ- was buried here ln the family I~ ~I~ os l ien D e s evening, November 28th. j The pmeedswent towards mas. plot. 6Heawas John W. Alexan- fo-teCobourg residents I materials for Canadian General wben performers gave their1 ,eM Electric Ce. lu Toronto, who or time and talents to the Tele-, ~dled suddenly on Saturday, of el ethon Campaigu under the, B TSMD IE cerebral hemorrhage, following ciethe roTts. Co COMFORT - For the fnrst trne in history, Bowm a.. company 25 years ago. lu the The choir was quite sur-1 ville citizens, interested in the election resuits were chases totalled many millions O upiseswen heydicovre comfortable on Monday evening. Instead of standing c olr nuly that they were performingl around the corridor at the old Town Hall, the He is survlved by his brother A special meeting of the Ladies' Auxillary to Branch under tîhe watchful eye of thel resuits were phoned river te the new court-fire- Josepb who ls in the insurance Bowm;anville a nd District 178 Royal Canadian Legion. T.V- cameramen, and it w as oic ulin'n prued vrte Assem uies nat t abarda serie Branch, Canadian Red Cross She was appointed Women's, broadcast on CHUC Radio, plceb Ilgadanone vr h Ass e bsnsslu tt a, and asere Society lu the Great Hall of Work Chairman lu 1960 and It was a rewarding eveningl at the saine time as they were being recorded Onl A few former frîends from St. John's Anglican Church served ln this capacîty untîlifor the choir, for the mem - two large blackboards. The system worked well and jBowmanville were present at wa hedNo-be 6t1e bs e.. c-odnai. h 1IDUNira ,y1.,.. . - - must have heen aonreciated bv those who made !the graveside service. bonor three branch members1 efforts;cf 'thé- lo-ca-l--vluntee'rs1PA who have been active ln Red lu completing thousands ofr A Cross wotk since the branch'knitted and sewu garments Seh reorganized here lu 1959. for disaster relief. hav Mrs. E. Rundie, former Wo- i Mrs. W. M. Rudeli served as sati, men's Work Chairman, was i representative for the village nuu presented with a Badge of lof Newcastle lu the reorganiz- piet Service by Mrs. P. Goddard, r d Branch; was Branch Presi-' ent, Director of Women's Work, dent during 1962 aud 1963 and stui Ontario Division. Mrs. Rundle is clinlc superviser for the sehi joined the local Branc li Volunteer Blood Douer Cllnlcs heti 1959 as represeutative of the' TURN To PAGE TWO) and fLNTS NiIHT AT BIS At Bowmanville Higl% hool, the Parents' Nighfs ve heen proceeding quite isfactorily with a large uber attending. To com- te the program, the par- ts cf Grade 12 and 1.3 rients are învited tn the lol ou Mlonday, Dec. gth tween the heurs cf 7:00 d. 9:0.0 p.m. Elect Public Utîlii'ies Commissioners Wzn. Morrison, left, and D'avid Higgon were elected to the Bowmanville Publie Utilities Commission on Monday. Mr. Mormison is presently a member c the commission and Mr. Higgon, who was formerly Reeve of the town, will re- p lace Kenneth Hooper who sought and won election to council instead cf the SUC Mmh third member is ILia WorshJp Mayor lîob thernseives at home on the chairs. Appreciation is hereby expressed to the municipal staff members who did the job with efficiency and despatch. WINTER - Frosty blasts hit this area on the weekend as the temperature dropped to 10) above zero and nearly a foot cf snow covered roads and sidewalks. Snowmobile owners had their Iirst real outing cf the season and made the rnost of it. No casualties were reported. OLD-TIIMERS This Sunday afternoon, hockey fans will have a glorious opportunity to see some of hockey's one-tîme greats in action at the Arena when the NHL Old-Timers take on a picked teamn from this area. Manv familiar names will be on the visiting Ji neup and spectators will ho arnazed at just how good they stili are. Proceeds will be used for lVidget-Juvenile hockey' in t his area, so let's pack the ice palace. Game time is 1:30 p.m. and the price is only $1.50 for aduits and $1,00 for students. ACTIVITIES - Saturdav vas one of the busiest night s around Durham County for a long tinie and The Statesman photographer packed in a full schedule, starting at Newtonville early in the evening. If must have been a great night for the turkey growers toc because there were at least three banquets where the roasted birds were being consumed in great quantities. At Newtonville, the Ganaraska Riders held their banquet, the Kendal hall champs were being bonored af Orono, the Girl Guides and Rangers at Hampton were entertaining United States visitors, the two soccer cbampionship teanis were being fed welI and presented with trophies at Solina and at Bethany, their Midget bail teamn reeeived new jackets. Only item missed was the Firemen's Bal at Janetville. That wiIl have te wait until next year. Who says there is nothing te do arouind here ? CHANGES - Times certainly have changed. Net long ago if somecone had tried to lega]ize the sale cf liquor with or without meals in Clarke Township, there would have been a hue and cry fromn the op- position that could have been heard many miles away. This time, the vote was held and approval grated without any organized opposition. Frankly, we were surprised that, with such a small vote out, the proposais were approvad by over 60%,". Clarke Township will neyer be quite the same again. Who wiflbene ton the ia4 Darinetn? BREATHE DEEPLY, DRIVERS On Mouday, the Federal law making breathalyzer tests mandatory rame into effect. The details are a bit complicated but what it ameunts te is that if a.nd when oeeof the men in blue suggests you should take a breathalyzer test te determ- lue how much beeze you've got in your system, you'd hetter agree to take it, or yen ecau be eharged wlth refusing. At the moment, Bowman- ville Police de net have one of these mnac4ines, uer any- eue trained te do the test- ing, but there is eue avail- able at the OPP station ln Neiwcastle, se eue way or anether you'll be taken care of.___ 151 Per Copy NUMBER 49 New fleputy-Reeve Bowmanville's new Reeve Bob Dykstra George Stephen receives big kiss from his wife Jean Several Absentees Council Approves By-Iaw For Church St. Construction' His Worship Mayor Ivan Hobbs presided at the meeting ,of Town Council held in the: Council Chamber on Tuesday. evening. Reeve Annie Oke was not pre$ent because of lier iii- ness, and Councillor Keithi Shackclton and Conncillor 'Murray McKnight were aise' absent. The by-law for the construc- tion work on Church Street which has reeeived approval cf« the Municipal Board was given third and final reading, and passed unanimously. Council authorized the Wel- fare Administrator, R. J. Welsh te attend a Training Seminar te be held in Toronto on Dec- ember 8th and- 9th. This sem- inar is for welfare officials throughout the province. Councîllor Leslie Coombes, seconded by Deputy-Reeve E. J. Rundie, moved that council net concur te the request of the Bowmanville Rotary Club for special consideration cf a bill for grass cutting in Rot-1 ary's Soper Park. On a re- corded vote ahi members cf council votcd iu favor of this motion with the exception cf Ceuncillor Robert Dykstra. A hetter cf, thanks from Honeywell Controls, Limited,f for council's assistance with1 its technlcal training program1 iby, allowing use of its library facilities, was received and filed on a motion by Councillor rMaurice Prout, seconded by iCouncillor Colin Cooke. .A committee. composed of iCouncfllor Dykstra, Councillor Coombes, and Deputy-Reeve Rundie was appointed by Mayor Hobbs to confer with Clerk - Administrator J. M. MeIlroy and Counties Engineer Robert A. Edmunds regarding [ 1 -T- PGE-WO Millbrook Vo fers Turn, Outf.En Masse To Elecf' New Reeve Seventy per cent cf the drew 283 votes. ehigible voters ln Millbrook The four counelllors elected turned out at the polls yester- were Roy Colwifl, incumbent, day, the highest percentage =h topped the poUl with 236; vote lni the area. Kenneth Hoy, a newcomer, Incumbent reeve La-verne came second with 217 voteag Gibson was defeated by in- Mrs. G. Norton polled 197 cumbent councillor Cifford votes and Robert Ridge, in- Northey by a majority cf 182 cumbent, 173 votes. votes. The defeated candidates were Mr. Gibson, who was reeve Percy Hamilton, incumbent, for 10 years, polled, a total cf with 163 votes, Kenneth Blair 101 votes. Mr. Northey, a mem- wlth 155 votes and'LamneFar. RIGHT ON THE JOB Bowmanville's Warka Dept~' la taklng no chances this year on a build up of snoW on the m'uicipallty's streetu. such as happened last year.. Since the fluffy white stuc dropped in abundance yester- day, they have been slugglng aiway ,with every bit et equlpment avallable to get 1rld offIt before the next lot ber cf coundil for six years, row wlth 149 votes. Olive Cobban Recelves Maurice Prout Ee-elected Newc.rer Jim Bell Tops P411 1234 Votes te Corne Fourth - to 5th council Position wlth 1980 Votes a happy . -", v VOLUME 115' 20 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO,* WEDNESDAY, DECEMER 3, 1969 Former Bank Manager Heads Poils CouncÎllors Ken Hooper, Don Allun and Dr. Dmry Hubbard are in niOd JA botofet, iocÜm8co o-boMNd.- 1 1 -

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