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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1969, p. 7

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church te hear our ministerT Rev. Hopkins, aiso with their chlden te xporrssagýDelegates to 4-H Conference ver iely n e Expthersupang- Couia! & tPersoia!,iso of their leader Mrs. J. Wood1ey and organist Mrs.f P hon 6233303John Vaneyk. On Dec. l4thi Phone 6 3-3303there will be a 40 voice chair, _____________________________ from Hampt.on who will takelc charge of the musical part of' -Mr. and Mrs. Chat. Hoar, home, Mrs. Caroline Scatter- the White Gift service Wlllowdale. were Friday guests good who celebrated ber glst Cogautin N cy of his mother, Mrs. E. V Hoar. birthday on November Pth and Cogautin t Nny King St. East. Mrs. Florence Horisman who Hi h eevd2dpie Mr. nd rs.W. . MMe.wasgo ear ol onOctberat the Durham County Junior Mr nd rs.W. . MMe-was90 ear ol onOctberAward Night at Orono Town! chan and son have moved t0 26th. Hall for the Secretary of the Barrie' where Mr. McMechan The followlng children were Year Award. viii be engaged in real estate. administered the Sacrament of Mr. and Mrs. John Small- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Auich. Baptism at the morning serv- man entertained at their1 Cheryl and Roy. Belle River, ice in Trinlty United Church home Nov. 22nd to about 40,. spent a wpek with Mrs. Auch*s on Sunday. November 3th.: friends of the Durham Col-1' parents, Councillor and Mrs. Dwayne Douglas, son of Mr. lege. Oshawa. Les, Co5mbes. and Mrs. Wayne Barrett; Glen Mr. and Mrs. John Small a Mrs. Lydia Fraser of Gan- Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs. anoque returned home on Barry Cowling; Lance Chris- man and baby visited Mr. andi Tuesday after spendIng a few topher. son of Mr. and Mrs.Mr.D McnadStCthI days with Mrs. James Bell Walter McRobhie; Michael armnes. an aiy, Concession Street. Allun, son of M.adMs Mr. andMs.H Wonot Norman James; Kari Lyn. and son Ross, Miss Vera Carr,. and MhaeNorLandame, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Ted Scott, Toronto, Mr.~ ROniewe aMihel. Lodon Wayne Townsend, and Sally and Mrs. Ralph Shaw and On. wr weed ~slosAnn. daughter of Mr. and Cals Oshawa,Mr an with hrprns r and Mrs. Mrs. Murray Locke. Mrs. Norm Allun, Mrs. EarliV W. M. Allun. and his parents. Masters, Bowmanville, Mr. t Mr. and Mrs. Stuart R. James. Mr. William Allan Skrihe, and Mrs. S. Parker, Newcastle, Mrs Bernice Cole has ' ust R.R. .1. Bowmanville. was one were Sunday dinner guests of returned from a delightful, of the 706 new members reg- Mr' Sn r.E A it thre-moth hlIdy and visit stered recently bv the Counicil M.adMs AeyMl& with ber daughter and son-mn- ot the Association of Proles- M.adMs vryMle law, Lieut, and Mrs. Peter sional Engineers of Ontarin., and Timmy visited ber par- Delegates to the 38th National 4-H.Conference were freated to educationalc Leentjes, of Hemer, West Ger- The new members are now ac-ý ents Mr. and Mrs. G. Izatt,ý tours, banquets, discussion groups, speakers, and a visit to the MeLaughline mnany. corded the right ta use the'Ajax. Planetarium, Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto. Here, four of the 16 Ontarioa We re nteestd, or seinitiais. "P.Eng." alter theirI Welcome to Mr. and Mcs. We aclr nteInreefrueinnmsiayegneing wheork Ed. Ryzek and family whoý delegates discuss the programn held Nov ember 13-15 in Ottawa and November this coumn, b revin g the i thev undertake. The 2-8,00- have movedj into their new; 15-19 in Toronto. They are from lef t ta right, Neil Allun, R.R. 1, Orono, GwenI names PEOqof out-tenhme-tot o nh vuest. Sllian your homes. and also informa-mme P.sresa h oeesto h ilg Strachan, R.R. -1. Udney, Gloria Eaglmson, R.R. 4, Cobourg, and Kcvin Su' vn tion concecning yrouc visits and iicensing body for the engin- Mc. and Mrs. Clem Rahm R.R. 8, Peterborough. (Ontario Departnient of Agric~ulture and Food) holidav trips. Just dia, eecing profession in Ontario, and chiidcen, Ajax, visîted 623-33 .03. and also seeks to inform the his parents Mr. and Mrs. W of.~ the meeting wlth prayer. gencai public cegarding the Rahmn. Sunday evening. ail[is Mrs. John Coombes, Mrs.'cale played by the profession- visited Mr. and Mrs. A! .eleuraies FuîtB riiiuay MrsSamls Introduced guest.s Jlm Coombes and Michael, ai engineer in Çanada's devel- Downes, Orono R.R r. and Mrs. Gordon Martin. Mrs. Bruce Coombes and Geo-'apment. AeteEuhe ttyF1-ng p0fBwmile, wf hoe Itr- rge, Mcs. Les. Coombes. Bnw- A h uhr at ri- ofeBting picte oe i nptar manvlle Mr. Bo Combe. The Saccament of Baptlsm day niglif. prizes were awacd-Aasaweenoe y il Oshawa, Mrs. Peter Auch and waS observedi in St. Paui's ed as follows. Mr. Earl Pres- as wvell as a glimpse of some Cheryi, Belle River, were cec- United Chucch at the morning cott. Mc. Otto Madsen, Mr. o f their own incArnate familyl ent visitors with Mrs. Rowlandseicon una. ovnecRhrd Mn. Mrs. Neiiie ,' gatherings at the last. Coombes. Bowmanville. 10th. The following children Clark, Mrs. Fred Partnerî[ Mc. Bh Depw of ue'swece baptized: Laurel*Lyn Mlrs. Icene Hough]and. 50-.90aApecaontteMrin Univcslv, ington an McElizabeth, daughtec of Mr. and dcaw was won by Mc. Otto ~Ms et fe hc Bud Depew, of theMcs. Donald Adams; Catherine wa sevd Ms.L of Guelph, Guep.Uiest .aet.d1hero c n Peck receiving the prize foc wee eked an findMr. enehElsan; Peteri weeweedvisitors with _ I enet the lucky cup, and that foc their mother, Mrs. Tom Dep- .DL.Lf1BET ANY l ,. teE nactbihayaMs ew. Liberty Place, and attend- Danny Ferguson; Quincy Lou-, li tt- etH B.H.S. Commencement Ex- ise, daughtec of Mr. and Mîrs. errises on Fciday evening. Gacth Glipin; David James. Fo th paiwe mst W enIntttwilet d M loydhomes in Bethany have hadattehm ofMsC.Fr- son of Mc. and cs. Lsondan Weednoesday, DC. e. 10 Dr. and Mcs. H. W. Rundle. ailo; Chitie Mrie, the luxury of two teiephones ononWdns'y Dc.1 Pittsburcgh, Pa., were weekenid'duhe Ms The nem, Bell telephones are t230pm visitors, aivec the Americani Larrv Luxton; and Sct hooked up, but until Decem- Thanksgiving holiday, with1 Davis, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. ber 7th we have the use of,~*:~ U IL Al their parents. Mr. and Mrs. D.1 Hacvey Webster. the Manvers Municipal tele- O nnTTTnY Rackham, F]ett St., and Dr.! _________ phones. In aur bouse we hiad . and Mrs. H. B. Rundie. Queen~ the expecience of talking on"~.MW ER St. Drs. Lee and Aileen Rack-i DfPt the one telephone and at the,~ ham of Belleville were Friday I1l.UJ.lL samne time receiving a cail on . ...... T1he death of Marwond evening dinner guests of Dr.ý the other one; Wezt1ake Heard, aged 68' LRackham's parents. Mcs. R. Lambert and Mrs. Christine. . .J..h. ston. . infant. . . .... -x years, occurred at bs cesi- J. Siechuls, focmerly of A. Knowlton and 18 4-H daughtr of Mc. and Mcs. AI- c i y.. ence in Enaniskillen on Tues- Memorial Hospital, Bawýman-ýf mmesatne civ-InJhsoi patient in .,-',Iday. November 1l, 1969. ville, is the Assistant Adminis-i ment Day at Sauina, Saturday, Civice Hospital, Peterborough. ~ "~' m' Son of the late T. Richard trator of the new Dr. Josp N.9h. Mc. and Mcs. Sandy Muo ýHeard and Eliza Westlake. heý 0. Ruddy Hospital In Whlthy, Neigbbors and relatives of have sold their home hereuand' as born in Thorah Township. which wlll open its doors an, Mcs. Roy Maynard and Mrs. are maving ta Whitby. He received his education inl December 4. The public may: J. Piggott entectained themadMs lenSib, Cannington Public and High tour the bospital on December'at a dinner at The Dutch Mi. t.. 'chos and ToronGlenBusiness Gaît, visited his mother, Mvrs.: k ý coLadTrnoBsns 5. 7 p.m. - 10 p.m.; December: Oven an Wednesday evening. BleSihd,.~~~~clee a13,o ac 1 F~. 10 arn. - 6 p.m.; and Decem- I Nov. 27th. Twelve ladies sat dulgtewe-<,'.~.h ace h omrLn býi.c 7, 2 p.m. - 6 p.m. The first down ta a lovely chicken en..Hsknwosuvvs patient will be admittcd, if al dinner. Wes. MeMahoni has returned ,.«.1 AM oknwh uvvs homefro Peerbroupi as-"~' ~ ~The deceased had resided at' goes weil, an December lth. John Hoar left Wednesday, ptl honiskillen Pere33oyeagh, mov- Best wishes ta Mrs. R. R., Nov. l9th for Regina. M.adMs hmsII-~~~~i hr rm Wovhe ~teveni whn celebrated hec Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Hoarjj Ont. He retired three yeacs' t itdyo eeme s ootspent the weekendl Cullough and Williamte Mc-1 hsemlomnti )»- bito rsdEy SDcott whs ose othisothr 1csCullough have moved from Judith Lyn LeBlanc, the dar1mncs littie girl inteaofo hiepay nta their farmMrhomemtaytSeotvil-sabaite hihabrsttheMrofand.Mand MrseAllan Parts & Service at Genecalý photc. daughtertheboMotors, Canada. Mr. Heard' date. Bîtdare asatn ts isam A T. or. lago ndMrifre pucang the buse iILeBlan-c, 164 Liberty St. North, wll celebrate her f irst! i s a member of Enniskilien Mriae Bt reptinsat MssTry aNoun .frmeiny owredebyBM-s. i brthday on December 4th. She is the granddaughter I United Church. ManwodNrsngHme B-Greg MacNeil, Toronto, wereP liam Cavano.1i lat-d wishes also ta two otheriSatucday supper guests ofIo r n r.Sde od !ggSreadM. uvvnbsdsbswf' patients at Macnwood NucsingrMcs. P. McCoy. Mr. and lVIs. R. M. Bucci o and Mrs. Sidu L ne oduogfStreetwaand r Sucvivinsidd bs wie, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jobos-!of Hamilton moved ta theiran Ms.AtrLBlcof shw. b Juti Elgin of Orono, Mcs. John!ý ton and baby moved ~ a~ e oebr on Satuca,1__ ___Pnt ___Lyte (Elenor) of Oshawa and RE O O Hurday to Port Perry. We are formerDayidwned by c. d Dean of Orillia. REHO OTHsorcy to lose this young cou-Mr.Dvd eguo.b E A T'Ei i E Also sucviving are a bro-1. Cliisia Reored pie from our village, also Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Creighton f IW VVUV IL L E ther, Russell o! Waodville,i Chi hiauRfrmi Roy Maynacd who moved on Cacr and their children David! and three granddaugbtecs, ChurchSatucday to an apartment in and Lynda of Picton spent Mc. and Mrs. George Staple- were pleasantly surprised oni Debbie and Wendy Heard and Bowmanville. Sunday with his parents, Mc. I ton visited in Kingston a week Sunday evening when the v ILr Lyte. Seugog Street Sunday morning brougta niMs Rs.Cr. g, wtc ndMs ar arrived at the home of Mc. and number of new faces to ouc Mc. and Mrs. Lloyd Cap-iStewart and Tracy. Mrs. Ed. Rowe and Tiffanv Th fuea srvc ws Miister: stick, Uxbcidge, spent theï Mrs. M. Jones', U.C.W. unit for dinner and found al lhedfcmth MrisFnea Rev. A. 'VandenBerg, weekend with ber brother,1 sponsorcd a card pacty at the, ber~s of tîeir farniî theîýed C h a P e 1, Bowmanville. on B.A., B.D., M.Th. S t. Paul S j Charles Weatberilt. ýhome of Mr. and Mcs. .jîm thene ta celebrate their 40thý Thursday, November 13, aînd A soialevenng rranedýdams, last Monday evenîng.1wedding anniversary. Otherýsi was con ducted by Rev. R. C. Phone 623-7407 A oileeigaîagd~hc eefv alsbpa, rsn Hopkins. Interment was in WrhpUnited Church by1 eBebnMAheidAs- with high prizes going ta Mrs. Fred Rowe and family, Port Bethesda Cemetery. WrhpServices sociation ta honor their Mid-Oca Gardiner and Mrs. F. Hope; Mr. anîd Mis-. Daug' Numerous beautiful floral 10:00 am Minister: get Softball Team was beld Henderson and consolations ta! Rowe and famnily, Newcastle,: trihutes and rnany donations Rev.Iff A.Turer, in St. Paul's Parisb hall on! Mrs. C. Farrow and F. GIl-, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil O'Con-. for the Retarded Children, 7:0 p.i. ev H.A. urnr, Saturday night. The Midgets mr, eIl and farnily, Cobourg. iOnîtario Hospital, Orillia were, BA., B.D. were the champions in their'CviSaltnljrdbr hr ilb hita vdneo h sem~ Back to God Huntr Organist: division» of the North Dr Cm akl whîletpang In th le r ily nightin e auCrilocal eidihene teses eld i I One o l herpaob r.Gimr eîlepws euse ngt Monday, Dec. 22nd, th. Junior, Intermediate and Senior Depts. scorekee or al t 1r in yMc.Gle hojtîng ready for the comigO na vningIlD e2, M a 1:0 am.gams n oLoadFw also was the accompanlst toc, banquet. Saturday eOnng. 10evnng Dr 2, who bad coliected the gate tcZlertCohteseoeso hns ce ra Sunday Scbool wili pre-! tnîs.McanMs.DnSalon from thase remembered bv< sent their Chriîstmas concert. ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ _ Com e nceam n thox se ate dlg:the Sunshine Committee anýd Mr. and M s. Ross Bush,' CBommcmen Exe rcies at Mrs. C.Brown expressed bers Stirling, werc weekend guestsi ~*** 1111 Bomanvlle rîda eveîng n persan. It was nice ta bave!ý with their nephew and niece, > u -Muid Uoudas utb Ir nt ay ous ece theic son Neil recelved her 1orne down from New-'Mr~. and r.Evrt Hanna.ý The Ganacaska Rling Club Tolaiswenae .ofM .ndMsTdHnn Choire cf 10 In 19-Day Tourg. DeparlIng Dec. 211, beld theIr annual bnquet bI 'Tandde er 1aedt fMrandy CortiTe. rnn th udySholhlSaur- purchase a new caver for tbean miyCorce ruay 7 21 Maeh , , 1, 2 an Apil 1. day nîght, cateclng being done1 kitchen table, and the "shut-! Mrs. Roy Van Camp, Base[ F L O R I D A Priced frm $130 PrPers:n b teU.1 ocal Gcoup'lins" are ta, be remembere nLn, iie her sister and an epr.iteusual mnanner. i busband, Mc. and Mcs. N. T. 22-Dy Turs epatingFebuary28 banuetfor the Kendal. Christmas meeting will be ' Metcaîf, Oshawa, also attend-' Midget Basebaîl teamn was beld, beld on Dec. 17 and each c d the open bouse beld by hem C A LIF O R N I A ~~~~~and Aprl4. $2 e esn we oa epeatnlgî e caetfcteCrs-Ms ly eclObw. at Ocono. Satucday evenîng,, member Is asked ta bcbng one nephew and wife, Mc. and: cluded Mc. and Mcs. Rossi mas tcee and place It theceon 1 Lloyd and Mary and tamily Tour pi-ice includes transportation by alc-conditioned, washroom-equipped private Brown Mc. and Mrs. Arnold! as an answer to the Rall Cail.! lhave just moved into theirý motor coach. Luxurious accommodation, sigbtseeing, baggage bandling taxes, Wade. Miss Jackie Qastler and i Thece wIll' be an exchange of1 new home. ndmission charges to attractions as outlîned in the itineraries. Expecîenced driver- Grant Wade. the latter being gitts, not to exceed 75c. iMr. and Mrs. S. S. Morton escoct will accompany cach tour. February 7 tour includes the Mardi-Gras in New M.C. for the occasion. A donation was voted the' were Sunday supper guests, Orleans and the March 7 tour bas an optional boat cruise to Nassau. No nigbt travel Dinner guests, Sunday, witb Sunday School ta belp pre - witb ber sister and husbani,i on any tours except Marcb 6 And 20 tours. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancaster lpare for the Christmas Con- Mr. and Mcs. Clare Allin,, were Mr. Arthur Jones, Ridge.!r cect on Dec. 23. Bowmanville. Space is Iiniited, so book early by contacting way: Miss Betty Welsh, R.N., Roll Cal"The first churcb TRRv - C,bX. mn--- Mr. and Mcs. Charles Welsh,,I attended", was answered bv Mrs. Charles Greenbam and, Bowmanvllle; Mc. and Mrs. the 22lmebers and thrce hec daughter Mrs. Robert Jack Chard and Johnna-Lynn visitors present. Wacdell, Wbitby, wece last OfNewcastle. Convenor Mrs. R. Best con-îTbursday visitors witb theic1 supperguutSunday. wîtb asslsted by Mrs. M. Samfiq and We»stoa. BOWMAN VILLE 19 KING ST. E. PHONE 623-3182 fM. wanvs.H ie Joy Be. S.Lasncastergandh ev. mn Misr Dianie Hoar, Univer-! tamiy, owmnvile. JOYBels" as sng nd ev.sity of Toconto, visited with ________________________________________________________I M. and Mms.SLan Rowe T. Snelgrove closied Lhlaparti her grandprents, Mr. and - Mrs. testie Collacutt, 1ast!The CanadIean Statesrnan, Bouwmanv-ille. Dec. 3, 1969 Thursday. Don't forget the card pactv Saturday evening in the C. E.E N I L Hall ai 8 p.m. NI L Mr. and Mrs. Roy Toppiîsg Mr. and Mrs. Grant Smith, Hamilton, vislted at Mc. Gnd' and sons. Peterborougb.' ac- New~ark. Del., visited at Mc. frey Bowmnan's. companied by bis mother Mrs. Lloyd Smltb's. Mc. Tom Beckin brought Dan Toppîng, Hamilton, wecc Mr. and Mrs. Lloyi Smith home a dccc fcom a cecent Saturday atternoon callers on and famhly att.ended a famlv hunting trip ho Muskoka. Mrs. Roy Topping's parents gatîiering'at the home of Mr. Our gr-atidparents' tales ni Mr. and Mcs. Fred R. Stevens. and Mrs. G. H. Walkec, Brook- wol\vcs bowling acound the Mr. Stevens returned home lin. last Friday t ram Oshawa homises 100 vears ago used to General Hospital. Mr. and Mr,. Godfcel', Bow- be fascinatinc ta aur genera- Mcs. Lillie Wemyss.ýz Toc- manri e Friday supper guests lion \wýhen no one beard of ont, wo as pet smewith McI. and Mcs. Morley woives hn this district 50 years tme wh vihasMc ts oy VanGihmoy. Brookhho. Rago. 1ILas'ta bit tascinat- Camp, ase t ne, s R eym'Van Mc. and Mcs. Don Lee and. . inc wxhn a pak went howl- ed home ta Toronto. famhil wcre Smînday supperruIng past thr bcdroom wîndow Mc. and Mcs. Wayne Wright, gucsts at Mr. Howard Bels, at mîidnight, a wcek ago. Mr. and Mrs. ken Wright OsTw.'lOre us ;; hehephoanne inI and son Kenny, Oshawa, were Sunday visitos with Mrszz. t10k mommunit.vthat Is almost Saturday supper gucstIs with Richard Gniffin v.ere Mr and Impossible ta get, Monday their parents Mr. and Mcs. Mrs. Stan Wotten and boys, forenoions. To thc folk on thîs Fred Wright. Base Linc. Af- Seagrave; Mm. and Mrs. Rac uine 1 rniust. sa ' that you are ter supper they ail journeved to\&,înig. Whithv; Mr. and I\cs. nat hving ignored. just Inac- ta Enisilln. lsoFred Samis and Mm. Stuart cessible. toEnsiln loaccom- Sarnis Tt would ueei rnanv read- panied by Misses Bacban d Miss Myrtle Tambhyn-t and'crs ta hear a bit, aboi't bird Bey Wright and Mr. LeslIie Mis7 Glad.\s Henwoad, Toron- life diuring [he \%-inter months Wright and spent thce ening taW.vislted, at Mr. Wilfrid Bow- w %hmu sa manv people have witb Mr. Fred Wright's fa- maan 's. fecders. Why not give the cor,~ ther, Mr. Norman Wri2Ot. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Griffin, cespndetst a rail when you sisters Mrs. J. Bradford, and MVr. Allan Gciffiîi and Ivan, have an minusiual visîtor. One Miss Margaret Wright of had Siindav dinner with Mr.: lady Ohcre had a nedi-hneasted Stoney Cceek. and ?Mrs. Don Griffin. Whit-, nutuhatcb whi ch isn't, common Mr. and Mrs. Mel ShiPîs bv.' in Ihese parts. Of course we and chiîdren Timmy ani *Mr. and Mu.Wallare Pascne ail ha~vethe chicadees. wood- Gayle, Oshawa, wecc Sundav and Mr. and Mrs. Godfmeyv peckers. Anche sparcow and evening callers of hec sister'Bowman wece Saturda v smip- mayaos. which would hacdly b. and husband, Mr. and Mmrs.1 per guests witb r Ceilcace . sa nd Mms.r nevs. Birds are more Inter- Fred Wright and family, Base I ei ace saa. 1 ,esthuîg ihan people and should Une. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rea.: lighten up the celumns a little. Prices effective until Saturday, Dec. 6 A FEW GIFT IDEAS FOR CHRISTMAS 1 REMINGTON ""Duchess"" PAPER MATE Mark IV Ladies' Electric l PEN & PENCIL SET f l Sbaver. In Gift Case 179 Sugg. list 5.95 4*99 OLD SPICE GIFT SET SCHICK Retractable After Shave, Cologne, ELECTRIC SHAVER BaSug. Iise600 or79 AO Bagith 6.,Dedoan 4e98 Sugg. ist2.95-----a49 CREST TOOTHP)ASTE SUPER SIZE 1.59 VALUE FOR 1.43 ...................9 9 C DESERT FLOWER HA[ KARATE GIFI SET Spray Cologne 9ff After Shave Lotion, 2 oz., Sugg. list 3.00 2*6 Soap. Sugg. Est 3.75 -_ 319 BELL & HOWELL '1SUPREME"1 "Csetef 10 - Roll Tape Recorder Gift Wrap Ineludes Mike, Earphones, Cassette, etc. gfle 6 Roils - (if t Wrap Sugg. Eist 69.95 -- 2 Rolis - Tissue Paper 5 8 1 2 Rolis - Fou I09 EVERYDAY NEEDS ai LOW PRICES SCOPE ARRID Mouthwash Spray Deodorant 17 oz. 5 oz. Sugg. Iist 1.79 1.44 -Sugg. list 1.39 88 ADORN FACT Hair Spray Toothpaste 15 oz. Super Size 9 j Sugg. list 2.98 13 Sugg. Iist 1.497 EXCEDRI.N NESTLE Tablets Streaks n' Tips Sugg. list 1.75 13 Sugg. list 1.50 99 PRESCRIPTIONS I.D.A. REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. PHONE 623-5792 _ _____________ -. ---- ------------..--.----- .- ~- -'s PHONE 623-5792

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