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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1969, p. 10

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'~. ..4, I atisual and sucoessful adven- I7k 9q~ ,, s l one of the* most "TeChief" Visits Pine Ridge School tre-photographers on the iM ~~cturcplatform today. There Uitile wonder that his prog- _______rama have been chosen by the Adventurers Club for higli ruce ilisn, Ettorawards," Mir. Van Belle nid. A music and slnging abllity Iln il languages creates a feeling of ai Hitch in Sewer Program in varioushpaogepllnten 'i ariuscountries he lbas visit- coi d. He has toured Inda, cross- ( SI d e Sahara by mtrsot lA1. 1 rsiled down Africa's wlld tit u n c Ili Niger River, and visited many R 1M~ ~ , j5 , ~ad Ris desire la te spread better vit O n 'fl L.etters t(-d atle of different cutis"M.Cu çan Belle sald. a Newcastle - Council was tive. T4rdoUgh Of Viewlng "Adventure ln Mcx-T held in Couneil Chambers follows. ' adaption ico" the audience enjoyed a thc Mondav evening. With a «Dear foul make a varied and thrill packed jour- pluç j vacancy left bv the resigna- Eni ,nn I ney. They saw fascinatlng Maz- mai tion of one Couneillor, and a frommrin atian and its colorful Inhabi- . For second 'vacancv because of an- andý 'the layers of tants ut work and at play. They o other on holiday, ther ere th-~ used on short saw beautIful Guadalahara re- OF only Reeve Douglas Cunnlng- nowned for Ita music and rom- ae ha n onelosAf rydmsvle tth i-t and Frank Hoar attendlng. #a. use trils u turesque fiesta and spectacular OU -Minutes of the ]ast reguar ýi Enchiladas. EasilyI dances of Santa Ana de Petil- By-1 meeting were read by the>Act- Lrful dinner, and la la. j ng Clerk, Mrs. Jean MeCul. iough. Malne. entertalning friends. One of thc highlights of the Mrs. aln Rogerised salad, refried beans, film was a trip through the spekin onbehîf ! a~.i i yor lte iîîlov r higli Sierra Madre Mountains cpaigo afofa"à u n yur g ienmfue l oei.for a visit with the primitive formed cmitEub ie nftr colunins. Huceholi Indians, one of the g Hockey Mothers AsEA asked cir. Ns helo,LLAS lpast studied tribes on the ato;'ed au qe fse flour North American continent. The and ,Crnmeal Scri Indians of Sharkfish Is-. thte land were ulso feutured. This tr oo: i once warlike tnibe were seen t t<> fishing, weaving, wood cary- .~~~~' . ~½cups cold water ing and fol1owing its tradition ---------- -o ireJngredlents llstcd above ln a bowl. Beat with a of Intricateiy designed face;.; ro baýrni moh etafwdoscoig01painting. - -----X - .n rotrybei~ (uti aooh.Hea afe dapscokig fi There were scenes shawing Recently, the guest speaker for the Awards Night banquet and presentation %vint lni 6 - 7 inch skillet (prefenably teflon). Pour in about the unspoiled natural beautv ceremony at Pine Ridge School was former Toronto Maple Leaf hockey team to 8a - cup of the butter, swlrling pan continuously so that of great rivers, jungles and CpanGog rsrn woto icotfo iscmbc riigt en It resuits in a very thin 6 - 7 Inch pancake. Turn tortilla wild life including extraordin- CpanGog rsrn h oktreotfo î oeaktann oMon, wherî cdges look dry, flot brown, about i minute. Cook ary birds and animnals. A jour- speak to .the boys. Hie is shown at left, being welcomed by School Supt. G. D. of iv ney across a hot desert with Stewart, M.C. In other aide another 3o0- 6o seconds. Continue until aIl batter giant cactus and superb suni-dn lias been made Into tortillas. They can be kept ln warm . sets fascinated the spectators, S ek t Caain Cu prest oven until reudy to be filled, or frozen for future use. Makes who also throughly cnjîoyed _________________________Club__ ng. 10 tortilas. the contrasting sights of the n ENCHILADAS SAUCE en folk and carcfree vacation-I f joyec 2 tablespoon: shortening or vegetable oil er ali wlrnming, and!N WL b n t op r s ton 1 % tablespoons flour Much applause from the P raluI hn I are an(2 z. tmaocaudience rewarded Mr. Thurau t I~ I l Chr 1lrean(8o. oaos rie for his splendid presentation. ..wLeJ~ aL I re reserving juice Mr. Van Belle on behaif of the P r bIIIFcï g n . L g ltaede 1 clove garllc, Ilnely chopped Bowmanville Rotary Club or 3 teaspoona chi]! powder tlianked Mr. Thurau for his lf L lDet tL sece 1 teaspoon sait vividly intencsting commentary sp7£ ~ UtAIm F tIru etî Vteuspoon Tabusco sauce a'fnefl.Inf'49&'69 to Show GratGrwvtiregai elt shortcnlng or oùilnh a fairly large skillet over mediumu On Friday, Nov. 21st, in the ie a big factor in the modern MPP. Mis difficult job is not two ieut. Brown diced onlon and then stûr in flour. Add remain- KENDAL Sunday School Auditorium o! government, he said, and as an very rewarding with an annual Cliii Ing ingredients plus about 1/z cup tomato juice (drained Trinity United Church, Col., example he remarked that the salary of $6 - 7000. comparcd fragi ncon). Cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes so the Our UCW meeting was post- the Hon. A. B. R. Lawrence, Prime Minister was more ta a professional man's salar y the( M.C. Q.C., M.L.A., spoke ta popular than the Liberal party. of $35,000.a made ce la thick and evenly seasoned. Keep warmn until poned fnom last Wednesday ut the members of the Canadian Col. Lawrence cmphasized (Since his address a move has yella, cd. the home of Mu-s. K. Wood Club o! West Durham an the that it was necessary ta take1 been Instituted ta Increase thcegId ASEBL N BKN ~ECILDS until this Wednesday, Dec. 10 sbeto "New Trends in, steps ta nuise the stature of aniMPP's indemnity to $18,000.) Uic 10 tortllug Foster ini the afiernoon inisr Mrs.AudCylFrth Lemb r!ten sthoeaneest, redi .4cupq chili con carne .r wn, pre!enably) Kendal. Cmrol. L henence ris ChbneetJ s .owei enchMladai sauce Mn. and MSo udareyvFsithgand member o! the Legislatune t Lafa l r r S Sveule CuP &Yatd chedda cheeseo! Parry Sudaevstn from Carleton East as well as' a d n o e t n cheese with their son and daughter- a former Chairman of the Nat- A I~Ita ex ut %a to %a cup of the chili con carne on cd tortilla In-law, Mn. nd Mrs. J. Forth ional Executive o! the Asso- v e u< vIAt up. Arrange them in a long baking dish, seamn side in Kendal. ciaiono! anaiReClus.t aur enchiladas sauce îver top and spinkle gener- The past week lias been neal Introduced by President Wni. Pterborough County S. 1. M. axe that completcly sever the after th 1 cup gruted checddar cheese. Bake, uncavered, wllter here wîth six to eighltAllun, Col. Lawrence began his by Frank R. Williams, Pnivate bark and outer layero!sp eaed35 oenfo 3 mnues o uti ht n~inches o! snow and the tem-'-talk by saying that tie public LadofetyTehiiasodatu lligth nc by t]. nd te c0eese or as m ntes, Serves 4-ho5 andperature down. On some tien- tirougi the press secs tliThe Ladcpanetmcn of an d Thi s ird ling p testle nd thechees bas eltedý Serve 4-5.mometers it got down ta four politician entirely involved in TeDprmn fLnsTi idig peet h IEFRIED BREANS (Fijoles Mexicanca) below ane morning. The snow perpetual warfare prognams. and Forests is presentîy passage o! nutnients from thce . 's kidney hLaspo ia enaondsvnlHweeteeIsbgnigt carrying out Stand Improve- moots ta the crown which caus- N b nstcr orbmargarinertunnes. e a nkHo e d thr sbnig awyfo ment (S.I.M.) prajects on six es thc tre ta die slowly. Tic N r*esoçn buteror argrin be makedswig aay romprivately owned properties in tree tends to came down in J taspoon saîlr Mn. George Hamilton o! Yar- these trends mare recently. Peterborough County. These pieces. tlieneby daing less dam- Foi (teaspoon tabasco sauce mouth, Nova Scotia, son-in-law Panliament now, lie exclaimedpoetshaebnpu dragt heamin re. o! Mn. and Mrs. T. Stevens is is becoming an institute - o p aaeert hav enthi nde age A ttal the450aanncrees. o o 2 tSbvcon matgasIe he ahool routinew soe- reeari s nequreanecause ~ment for a peniod o! 15 ycars hardwoad will be treated in humi ato pase The w h l r u t e las e ee achang e taing plea e on or more under authoity oa! ts mannen over a perod o! childi Drain the kldney beans thanoughly. Ml the butter or marg.. wliet ic rinpt a Mn. er-te hngs1a lcei the Woadlands Improvement approximately 2%Va xonths em- NC w e th P r n i a , M . F r o i t .A ct. ploy lng 10 m eni.TU N iC rine in a hcavy killet. Aed beans, cook aven medum lieut, gusan, fronu Cambnay, came He compared the problens Teesad ipoemen Snowmoblle Clubs tudec strrng constantly, for aboiqt 3 minutes. Remove from hleut down with the measles. Many !acing the legiatune in 1949 projects consîst o! thinnings Snowmobile ownes are en- cludir anid mash beuns with a poIta mashi? ~r'educed to a o h uishv eno and 1969 during which time in young, Immature hardwoad couraged ta join ance !teasn amoolli pulp. Rcturn ta lieut, udâ rým'fIng ingredients, and ývili hsme maladycicen. hle said a vast building pnog- stands ta stimulate growth. !ollowing clubs, depending. on the r aimmerover v ry louhesome-2tamnuteo! chickenasoPOX.leram lias taken place. and to Imprve the quality and your c sn eroeveyowlet1-0mntsAdsteanig On Sunday afternoon there I 99teOtroi i-cmoiinoftesad h .Ontario nowmoie c- ta tu tste. Serves 4-6. wene mare snow mobiles trav- In 199teOtnaLgs opsto !tcsad h o S i ain elling around Kendal than lutune met for 42 days com- b«xttcr quailty stems wiich Ing Federation, P.O. Box 144, A l l .thene wcre cura. Some seenu ta pared i wti 172 days in 1969. will remain ln tic stand ta Etobicoke, Ontario. President, tliemii -,iave tur in iv~ "' trvelmor alerman !aksCivil Servants numbereci 13,- produce vuluable sawlog andi Mn. Ken Hawkins, 118 Mount made .A d en ure in M ex co have gone ta bcd on week days. 000. Tiere are 56,000 naw. veneen logs ln tic future, are Olive Drive, Rex 'dale 610, Ont. aie Tey make considerable noise. Population was 4.4 millian andi neleaseci from competition with Membership o! 300+ wîtî Thei t This Sunday wus Universal ie 7.4 million taday. trees o! pon form andi quallty. specialized I ntenests. am *Pro es ne o th B e Snegnoe soke irs on'Who~ 1500: unan. of"girlin"unante Snwrnbile C l b , 15 ndiypo Bible Sunday and tic Rev. T. Elementary Scliool Enral- or species o! low value by .2. Ontario Federation o!fnd~ 000. pkefrto Wo etws5000,nw1,0Thsgrln anb 'onrDrive, -Toronto, On- The had been written in Greek and ment was 127,000 now 5;0 _accamplisheci by encincling tuila. (Phone 416-759-4160). buy d in R otar ' S eries thelu ,otiree tr~ un o ! heun- 1President, Mn. Wm. Spence- and r a r y sh a s b e n t r n sl a t d i n t 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 . n i v e r i t y S u d e n t t o t a i - w a tu n tlc y , P e te r bofr o ugelP e t e r o r o u gw-r t iart n c c d .d v e n u r e S e r e s a n î n u c i n t s c t i n p c k c m t i o p i - jl n wa s o n g ise e f ol r e i c- cd 2 t a 0 1 4 , t o d a y 7 7T h e . TEd a t o 'bb'r'ulvL'r' llul".time, on money, and !amily N O 1Ç H E TI- Rowe, Mn. Earl Walkey, Dep- life, lic ucdeci. He no longer O slip anci Mrs. Wulkey; Mi nw horweehstRevofCak Twn. ple are. Nowadays, loat'i Raîpli Locke, Reeve o! tie fluctuale very reudly and anc town o! Campbcllford and Mrs. neyer knows wierc lie stands. At" ~~Locke; Wurdcn und Mrs. Qylen h rbeso oa r To Order Your and Ms. Hutcinson frm Vie- becomning mre lcomheiat,ed foronu OntyandConyMrd Toen h rbeao o n ueprescnting P c t e r b o r augli continucci. Me claborateci by Counly.saying we now have problems ~1JIIIT IR ~Scout haveo! povcrty, druga, pollution, doealtfor the month of mental hl aitndi other sud e hac ou anualmaltera which can ne langer meetings. on November 251hý be put under the nug. Govern- we took our modela o! lie ment la forceci to deal with r------------------ _____________________________________ viageta le isric Metin emplicuted malIens such as VANG»UARD'PMARktACY LIMITEO hiBavillag te Dsrc etn housing, transportation, and 944A ST. CLAIR AVE. W., TORONTO 10. ONT Mony o DXPreium Monday was a cald starmy reglonul govennment. There la Nome __________0(_ -i dlemoud MW Moe o X rmim day witli fewer turning out la a growth i burcaucu-acies andi 0" of pruscmptl. I vote. There was not as muci 1h gavenmen musodcieWi_____________du.__ Quality Fuel Oil intenest taken lnitilas sa nja o ul personal 1 toÀh.pPruscriptionu Weha ~ee aredthtcontralislarequireci. 1 CRY_______ wM b. reoursdwR.q»e. ~~~'P h o n CALL COLLECT there was snow andi nain With thc usage of computera ilRECTA.G Lhckhr arc0uoe <fU co m in g . Mo w ev r i l d id n o l i au r ag e, C o l. L a w ren ce s aid 1 C atio u . lnstl.dof a sOe ltc qu ct iom ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~~a u ~get hene until on iniUic aflen- that tic govcrnment officiaiLa aa tdqsUs0 o Pamc nOl Ph n 6 » 3 1 noon. The snow. nain and sîcet must leau-n the new language IIOIh t I@Sioi UnityPead C.O ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ madc for v ry hazardous driv- of thc computers. An MLA i. iuw. ~~~~~Involvcd with laws andi mou-- ____________ The scliool auditorium waah., since tley are tic ones 1 DX FUEL OU L well fillied Saturday n1glil fan who decd whetier ameasure _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CALL US TO-DAY were nuany fine articles. The Membenu are aIso requiredit FOR ROM T, OURTOUSSERICE beautiful ouilt was won bv become morea profesonul as FRp MPCUT USSRIE Mrs. Ard o! Klrby and tiecrcib ~tlere lsaulso agnowtli taktng ~- '----------- 1qm ult tte MI&,MaîcDcald. la 1hin hi a"Peraalty OIlMacDuff Ottawa Report Aqriculture's A aonies w - - - Hope for a new deal in giculture lies largely with- ifarmers tienulvets aya Bui) Oison. H.A Tie tool lie offers s hnu- lal marketing scliemes. ient undenstandings be- etwecn Federal andi Pro- inial authonities m a k ub. Membershlp 3000+, rlly-oriented. 'le annual cost of joinlng 5O.F.S.C. la $10-00 per club is $1.00 per member toaa icimuni c! $60.00 per year. rthose groupa planning tic nation c! a local club, Uic P.S.C. will !ou-ward several 1ful bookletAs entilleci "How Organize a Snowmobile ib" anci "Constitution andi Laws". A. E. Walnoth, District Fou-ester. 7hristmas nspite af lie anrivul o! ber, 12 ladies venlu-reci out attendi the December Pion- Button Club meeting an nday, Dec. I at lie home .(rs. Munie I. Gantshore. ntic absence o! the Presi- tMrs. G. Leslie, Vice- sident, conducteci tic mccl- A veny interesling nead- "Tic Christmas Stany" reaci. -Thc ladies tien en- Bd thc Christmas Gi!t But- Exchange. Euch member brouglit buttons ta tic je o! 50e mounted on îstmas carda. Tic carda 'numbered and members w camrespanding numbers eceive their gifîs. Carda for 'mben wcrc ta be extra lImade o! most Inter- ng anci attractive buttons ndiess o! colon, shape. on maternl. Tiýe werc Christmas designis, anc a alunas Ince o! the dainty, ,le blown glass buttons, allier a Christmas wreath le witi briglit reci, green, ow, blue, orange, pink andi 1buttons. At the top o! wneath was a large brass buttan andi a green anci ribbon bow tnimmeci the Br part. Other ca-rda re- edi many bcauliful buttons il wus Imdccc a pleasure xamine tliem. Lite close o! the meeting ,Osborne accepeci lic ras the 1970 president. rwhici lunch was serveci rue hostess. escri Uns Today's high drug costs can cause real hardships ...particularly among chronieally Wl patients. If you require expensive medication over an extended period, consider Vanguard. Vanguard is a "'discount chain1 and proud of, it. Efficiency, volume buying, and low mark-up reduce the cost fpecitions by about 20% a agad(ae on recommended I ist prices). For generico "non-brand" drugs these savings can be as great as 50%. Most chronically ili people know vieil in advance which drugs they require. Realizing this, Vanguard has established a central mail order outlet. If your area is flot presently serviced by a Vanguard store you can still save from 20% to 50% on your prescriptions and with no inconvenience. To find out how much you save on any prescrip- tion simply f111 out and mail the form below. Vanguard wiIl rush back a price on the required drugs. We suggest that you seek your doctor's help in fiîling out this form for full and accurate particulars. To place an actual order, please enclose the orig- Inal prescription signed by your cloctor. Ail orders are promptly filled. To save COD charges, please prepay by cheque or snoney order. Vangutatcipkarmacy 944A St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto 10 atenio doctomrs Viuad Phffacy wfff aecopt Wg distance cails froe,, dSos anywhere lI ntaro. Plan in caI oTmoeotpharmacy, 534-8411, bet wmn the hauTs of 9 a.m. and 5:30 p.. weekdays-9 am. and 12:30 p.m. Saturdays. them Possible, but 11111e can bu donc until the farmeni theniselves are ready. Teu hue been lUttle Indication that they are. FarM People are prouci of their nugged indlviduaisu and hidependence and have dlciaieci these qualtles . i tic face Of Onganlzed effort hi ncarly every cther bus- hIess endeavon. The only group ta match 11cm i jack a! organizution lias been lie consumer. Boti have ouf- ferec inh the market place. lIp tic paanc o!fIlie major obstacles ta national comnmodltY ma rke ti1n g schemes ha$ been constitu- tional neaponsibilitics a! Gov. enmen.t. Marketing lsaa Provincial rather titan a Fedemal rcsponslbillty. This difficulty. sasMn. Oison, la; now largely cleared uwuy and Iif egg, milk, meut or producens o! any aller farin comxnodity want ta get ta- gether lni a national market- ing plan, thc wuY la open. Sud aschemes mugît be hclpful. Opposition lias nisen largely on tic fact Uiut tiey Inevitubly place some re- strictions upon thc mcm. bers. These many farmens are not ncady to accept. Illustration o! a success!ul marketing plan la tie On- tanlO Flue Cureci Tabacco Marketing Association. Il limnita production ta the uaunt of tabacca leaf il bu- lieves tic market wîil bsonb froun year ta yeur by licens- Ing grawers andi setling acreages for ecdio! thern. Subaequently it grades and selathecdrap by auclion. Organization cf the tabac- ca lndustry was compara- tively easy. Tic area o! production anci tic number o! buyers las limiteci. Tiere are no regionul pu-obleuns sucli us would be experienc- cd witl othen crops. But lie fact remains thaI string. cnt contrais bath ln produc- tion anci selllng liave been neccssany. What would hap- p en If quality tobacco on a lge scale developec Inl Qucbec or the Maritimes la not known. If tabacca marketing nemaineci on a purely provincial buais it would likely break down. Thene was a lengtly de- bute an agriculture whcn lie Liberal Party helci a lhink-in at Harrison Mot Springs. It was productive o! many questions but few answens. Mucli o! tic lime wus spent on tic pligit o! grain grawers on lie Prair- les. Immenaity a! that problem made Il pa-ramaunt. One lhIng came Ilinaugli louci andci ean. The fariner Is unwilling to llsten ta Gov- ernment acivice -on lie amaunt o! wlieal le shaulci grow. For yeurs le was bld ta gnow whcat anci tic governmcnt would mcl itI. Il worked until tle world market collapseci. Upward o! a billion buahels o! grain, malnly wlieat, are now lu tie unsalci Canadian ne- serves. Mu-. Olson resents any stug- gestion tic Goveruiment lias not been helpful ln lie face f Ilis situation. Up ta last weekend Il lad adivancedi $228,000,000 for grain stli on tlie funnu and expecta tle OullaY will risc mucli faster whien Parliament approves icivances for grain stllIn u thie fieldi and untiresieci due ta lad iarvesting. con- ditions. The Wheat Board liai 450,000,000 busiels o! grain in tic elevutors for whicl It las made an initial pay- ment a! $ 1.50 a lusiel. & D. Collect ýr UNICEF Sthumberlanci andi Dur- 'Counly elcmcntury school ýre collecteci $2,282 fou- EF this ycar. raise tie moncy, a mulîl- o! metiocis wasuseci, i- ng "wallçatlions", sclool, nbIles, compelitions, anci now-familian orange andi icollection boxes. moat caes the students selves pianneci tic projcl, Sposters, publicizeci, ou-g- Id andi collecteci. ir efforts have been, ly pruiseci by teachers! parents, and the gencu-os- Ethe public appreciateci.1 emoney wlll le useci to! dcsperately needeci mll nedicine for cidren I to, guarantcc rcpayment AW o niny bonroweci !rom the bakito puy for IL Tic Federal Government has a considerable Invest- ment in dairy praducts. Latest DES figures show it lias 15000,000o pouncis of akimnmeci milk In starage. purciasei ut the support pnice o! 20 cents. Il wouîd take a sharp saiesman to get more than 8 cents for it on today's world market. It aIso hua 85,000,000 paunds o! butter on hanci anci 2,000,. 000 pauncis o! cheese. Il wauld uppear tiene is atlil an overpraduction lu the manu!acturing milk in- dustry. Some cut-back can be expecteci in lie next cluiry year whcn the moncy availuble for subsidy will bo cul by $10,000,000. Likely result làs mare sunaller pro- ducers wiil be eliminateci. Tuis la illustrative o! wliat can happen when marketing sciemes take aven ration- alizution o! production. The Dairy Commission lsaa variation o! a marketing board, with the Fedenal Government holding th e money bags. Restriction la inevitable wIth marketing scliemes. Whut tle farmer must con- aider la liere any allier way out? Position a! tle Federal Department o! Agriculture is that suci sclicmes are available whene needeci and on demunci. It will go no furtier. FELL TREES AT 1Y21 EVERY SECOND Alo seffciv.orc AloQ fetiv e ,forct posts and pruning. Free demonstrations at: DAVIS MARINE & RENTAL KING ST. EAST OSHAWA 'I a -j Ei /4' 31. k g. mmmmmý U 1 i 0 ý Agrl*culture"s Aconies

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