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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1969, p. 12

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,kcentiy Married in Tyrone United Church ~The Orono New thj tham* vlsited Mr. aind Mn s.visM!ted her motew er Gordon Jones at Markham on, Porter on Wed Sunday. !Thursday of laitrw Mrn. Harvey Branton andý A number ore Mr Mns. G. Fitzgerald of Windlsorfriends from Oroo tfhe were Wednesday overnight' ict paid their ylesp . guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry tended the fueral Mercer. ;Mr. Norman S. d at Mrs. Ida Plumb of Willow- Coiborne lait wee entre,.; dale returned home on Satur-! day after spending a few dayswh with her sister, Mrs. Geo. Sîil e coat' Morton. SM lth goid Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ruther- wa ford and Douglas, were recent roses. She, vigitors of Mr. and Mrs. John c the groom'sý Rilleen. Rosemary and John vr pastel;' David, Bowmanville. WhaL s s h darker .. Mrs. Ceci Robinson return- c ~.He corsage ~~ ed homne on Wednesday of last What 7 eet roses.. week firn visiting relatives:wedding trip Vo adf-iends In Toronto and What ePrvnes and' Agincourt. ïEngland States the'n Mr. and Mrs. Orville Chat- Whaie an off white bro- k terton, Mrs. 0. Chapman and ' at and dress ensemble; Mr. Jack Chapman attended , brown accessories, com-! the 801h birthday party forXented with a corsage of Mrs. Howard McComb (netgerine sweetheart roses . Edwards> on Saturday aftlr. and Mrs. King wili be ne-' noon at the home of 'iding at 286 Saguenay Ave.,' -_.. ý daughter, ? r ' je~1 Oshawa. liams Ro~d see r s. The bride attended Tyrone, "~ Oshaa, .ngthveilwa~Public Sojhool and Courtice ~ 'Y~ Mr., a cnown of seed eodr cel n '.'" - NAIV.ýe carried a basket ' j; Sleond ai- Shoades em-n... sweetheart roses and poe sahidesni Oshawa. The groom attend \ecarnations. d' Wick Public School and Brock -mati-on of honor. Mrs. District High School, Canning- L 'ing, ,;fter of the bride, ton, Ontario. He is employed. St- bridesrnaids Miss Syl- as a Tabulating Machine op-: h af ,sister et the groom,.eratar in Data Processing -- . v JarLîce Taylor, sisten General Motors of Canada thzý1,;ide wore floor length IÀmited N '* pitnf red French velvet Guets attended from Dun-ý Ré with white lace and daik, Stîtton, Keswîck, Brou-I . l-Iarutton sleeves; match- gham, Bobcaygeon, Peterbor- - i'e velvet baws were ough, Lindsay, Brechin, Mark-' Chutheir hair. The flower ham, Blackwater. Oshawa, IntPi King, niece of the, Orono and Bowmanville. FrIi groom, wone iden-1 Prior ta the marriage the Frrarel. Ail carried bas-i bride was guest of honor aI .t"" 19white 'mums andredila miscelianeous shower at the ('OU1 home of Mrs. Ray Davey and Fn, given by Mrs. John Hancock l' a ~~JJjJ~ and Miss Lynda Davey. M ,r's 1Carl Henry hosted a miscel-! '"~ O~f 0 EHic5 aneou sbower and familv:_y' ,À &qi/c svt /vt members attended. The bride's ZMZ'~~.5 ' sister, Mrs. Don Real, was, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Lloyd King, shown in the above photo, chose Saturdav U~ff~ ~i '- hostess for a personal shower.L aflernoon, October 11, 1969, at 3:00 o'clock for their marriage in-Tyrone United 'r The grocm was guest of! S'W jhonor at a stag presented by, Church. The bride is the former Miss Roslyn Adele Taylor, daughter of Mrs. ~ iEGVE his fellow workers, w.hen he., Wesley Taylor o! Tyrone and the laIe Mr. Wesley Taylor, and the groom is the S\ received an electric knife and' son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd King o! Port Perry. Photo by Astor Studio I a sum of money. He aise re-_ -reived an electric steam iron. * from the Fr-uit and Flower __ Dreurn ofLifetirne(res HIW»Triue for 0 i GRANT APPROVED FOR GANARASKA REGION Alx aruterM.P.P.:'J.,1iornheck, Tyrone Mii Owner 'Dtphar, anoueedtodav that1 the Honourable George A Kern, Miffister of Enei-gy and; By Kevin Bolan "IL wasnt rallroadlng any.. what's the sense of going on?, SHARVEY ; eore aaeet a more. "I was too old te get used te gvnapproval for a new pro-ecki Omml-tteck orayn- oi etth, diene a il -igh ~~PAR NER esouces Mnageent, bas TYR oE Jack thorayn- "eugtthe feel of a steam tedee nwy PA T E Ivincial grant of $750 ta e the shr1crui1n ord i ne under yau and lt's like 1IOhre tid l i iGanaraska Region Conserva- tgîhrtd y cruton a . rld ng athrugbxe hn e e trips. ORNO98-20 t' ien Authority. ,Yeu knaw how Vo ande 1 "That was enough. To me I W.FAT SURV The grant is for maintenance H utcntsee paylngl and itîIl give you everyt.hlng' that's the secret in lite - te I *j rk on tle Garden Hil Dam. g00d roney for eiecticity..Yeu ask of ber. know when enough cames.> epcal hnteingredients, Semegus eeawy Ail this he meant. was seed forIL lowpas hi fed aè1ý "tea enine wee awayofan ambition planted near- lumber miii bei-e. o f life wvith me and when they ly 50 yeai-s aga. "When I wasi fils mles took that away what was the a boy thene were only two 771 H TO I is stuate 12 umlesh sense f gaing Into, a cab and things 1 wauted. To drive ai as thofOslwatcuied - othe pushing a butVon. I iust steam englue and awn My own apran f the pleasant îit,îe cou dut belen u fiish bL ie m adiiio h w ys -I ~<iiaya cupe o naedIng in a lhing, he reasoned, spades.-Oshawa Times. blke that feeds ithes power n hnyufns eîv emd tbt as- aid structure, the Milil fune-' lions thraugh a water wheel 4 AII.L LJIY4JI~~~i~~~S hldden under pine planking. a WI~U o n i by K R. ithedenbasis as a windmiil," sald the' by K. R. \V"Buttherden fýAt the Novemben 4th sieet- Genenal Accounîs Bis e you teeph ne .. wlnd provlding the power to ing of Cartwright Council laiso presented at this meeting wae~ a chies axlg lrevised draft plan fon the sub-lCouncil authorized the pay-ý Light Buibs ýdivision of Blackstock East. Iment ot $4.616.94 and agree manager Those iigbt bulbs are get- 1 The draft included some 75ý on g iviug a'cheque for $20,000I tiug te hlm, too. "I've got ta lots wlth minimum aneas of'ýte the Counties Board ot Edu- hook Up my owu generator," appnoximateiy 10,000 sq. ft. in1cation when the funds are l Lookjng for Christmas gift ideasý May 1 suggest be said one day this week. ' irnegular shape and served byiavailable.i a few telephone items that could salve the puzzle of "Soon as 1 do that here'Ill a turving noadway, suppliedlI Thene were several rcquestsj what te get for whom and make your Christmnas be no mone hydre buis". His! with municipal water andpwithf fon pnoperty severauces: thej shoppng tat muh eaier.features bighteued consider-ione access ta County Road No. iBruce Farm represented by A.ý shopping that much easier. ably Iv- xiL l be1bis lasI 57.iAHStkewsgaedpr j - IThe gern foi,'4"mv ow motion of t'rew and Gettins, ioeated rlght in the home of the Operator. When you plc" a pa0e\u l aIn ci 1tar dpymn u Mrs. L. Todd Is speudiug a: plce ws late I'hn i Cuclatoizdpyetifew days with ber daugbiter, rang up "Central" to place a Christmîas eall in ihose a clîild, grew durlng the de- iIliearnount ut $6,698.56. MiS. Don Stapletan, Newton- \days, chances were the Operator would leave the pression vears and flowered' ville. tmrkey, connect your call and be back working on when a plauucî"s stroke brush-, Friday eveuing Mn. and Mrs. thedrssig efre oucotilsa "Mrr Criqma" cd hlm off hîs Scarborough NEEDALIFT? John Murphy eniertalupd a th desin bfoe aucoldsa "ery lilsma". property in anurunan deveinp- m few frlends Iucludlng Mi-. and Of Pourse. switchiboards today are far removed frain ment~ scheme ln the mid- Mrs. Russell Sa'ei-y o wlshý the dome,îtie scene. But even tbouKh you won't hear 195S. theru well for their holiday, travy slzzlinig In the backgrouînd, you'Ii find there's "I think it was il years ago N%., ~whlch Lhey wcre startlng the, Lbey tld me I'd have to seli Il followiug day.1 a full staff of Operators on deck en Christmas and t make way for a sub-di- Mr. and Mrs. Ilcrb. Reid and: New Year's to make sure your Long Distance çalis vision. Mr. and Mms. Sid Haiiowcl iret through. And don't forget, you can avoid the "I don't tbink l'Il ever gel attended a weddiug anni- Christmas and New Year's callilng rush by piacing aven that. My father owned RENT vraypryfrM.adMs yorclsI h ekbtenteetobgdy. that place al bis lite and bis Wllfred Waod, Newcastle, Sat- yor ais n h wekbewen hsetw bg ay. fallier betore thaL." A urday evenlng. I.wLong Distance rate* are in effect weekdays after The decd for It, InciudiugMran sauieHl' 6p.m. and ail day Sunday. And if 7011 are callng thie sale price ln British steri- N EW owl Mi-. l and s t, Me a- trom an area with Direct Distance Dialinjt you can lng, was written lu 1804 and CAR î'lsb, were dinuer guests wlth came Int his father's bands'Mr'. and Mrs. Jlm Stark, Sun- gave Yourself ime by piacing your own calis. lu 1852. RMdy 'Al Ibose years," he la-' O .dMrs. Leunox, Gar-den Hill,, meuted, "and tben bang - get E R t was a weekend guest wlth'ý * S O * * out. mister." ma u l Ih er daughter, Mrs. Lawi-encel Il was then lie decided hled M c A D Farîrow. find his own place and nobody Special music Is belng pi-e- And Ln ail aur etistomers, best wlshps for the weîîld thî-aw hlm off It "Thisfl pared by the Chlldren's Choir' hnia esn a 90b ero apnnfr Is where 1 stay," he says. l This for Chistmas under the di- holda seso. My 970bea yarof apinea or is mine and 1 wou't go,." a i§s nt. W., Oshawa rection of Mrs. Lawrence Far-' you &IL As far as he knows there il 56180 rw.î no tbreat but, then. thpre was ý610 Service at Shiloh was nlcelv no thi-cat when he lied "bis Muatemesu Galaxies,faisans. atne ihRv uirv own place" ln Scarborough Woanebie-Rate$.lI charge, and flowers were elther. In*"l memnory of Mi-. John Stark.: Expropriation wasn't a Il, Mzs. Brenlon Farrow was In that prompled hlm bt coilect R charge of the Sunday Schoai ,ihis stake lu hîfe and lead for RENTÀ-A class. ~~ j~~Trone. "1hey hrought lu the________ The Christmas Cajîcert aC h. ay o~hl ri--1 the church la the 19th, Frida3rj Md lob. lot luezt weok.i o OS Holiday Dresses by Majdelle KNIIB TUi M[LIANY BANIA'B H[AFII1 *..A dazzling collection of "just-right-for-Christmas" crimp knits in fabulous FortreIA' Polyester, the fabric that's perfect for Moins 'cause it goes into the machine anîd pops out ready-to-wear agairi, without any ironirîg 1 Choose f rom a great selection of fun styles in year 'round 8hades of YeIlow, Navy, Coral, Green and Turquoise. Sizes 4 to 6x, each 8.0 0 Szs7 to 12, each 110 0 5 King St. E Bowmanville oe * 'r s. e s. e t w t" O O ( t 'z 'r z s. s. e e e. A h

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