- ~ b ~wmanville, flee. 10, 1089 s1s Wayne Harnte& with oieT PR TP C ______goal while Bob Spicher had one assist. The Stars' lone Sp kr V ol a cne b al btkKnsRolArrNchi 1-4p seY assisted by Dave Tabb. Uuly h p e W UMMEUUMWU**W* i M L Inthe second game. the IDE1 . sal.teprtedorasomnvaratns 9 5 Cornets defeated the 'Canucks jjr I I K ( l, 5 3 o n active or spectator-wieta w aecniull nteg mafilAngoals were scored by Gan, over the weekend. s0aatfo(tee~iîtn n eeas BOwrnanvillI a a Ï n e Ï 1 Carter. Steve Watson one goal -E gaines, we really had a aeo ee soîipriual and one assist. Dean Knox _ y hCommencemntan Trry Baer, hie o aud DOIS l i teLeonard Huissman and Ste-vel y Tying Leion ire am5 i Couldn't help beNg eiddb h prieet.o inasîum on d iatEàw as B efl m Davey each had one assist.a couple of expeditlosi adtkn Nov. 28th. ScondI The Canucks' goal% were scor-i by AI Col@e at the 18:50 mark threw ajOyler hit for his second ofý For Instance, thatcahi aevleAkna.I hc Honor Graduation 4 and two assists. Prout with two îater Rogerson had his fourth ed by Dave Eynian and Mor- littIe more on the fire as lie th e nlght. At the end of twOTxsnpe Araas5-4tote<orIlntt)th were receîvd v ris Meadom-s with one goal In Junior Town League ruddotte'oe ihLgo e - mer. nd ~ goals and one assist. along with of the night and Green round- and one assist each, while hockey on Sunday night Ken 'Nco' oig dwnt I h hr iltesogU.S. college champ'os. .NwFaevlei ahlyct me n 6yung jy Cameron with one goal and twOed out the scoring at 17.15 Ra'k Nickhtl'shd oneas- etende thea Inbeahnesteak bskpt.altheore o 11-1 came with on103four mnutes which just seem toneppear from nowhee. right in the middl thr eei assists. Kens picked up five mark. bBig guncreofs11. ;cforih nlNichoiut,,'lhi usisemtt Secondary Sch Bisgmo ealisan ein eeR gs lh forNgcoals it as they rolled over Nichols Ken's picked up thfree m1in- remaining in the period. Bill's of the O'arks. X'ou dietruhtetesadsdel Dipetma, Le gting receîved eight minors and one and one assist, Green with one In the third game. the Gen - -Motors to the tune ofe 90,1 il-I. inaetvlle shecoecond gamedBct. gougltaorstandeonesisconduct.nwhilelsmvedftotwltthe one golitherehisseaondvile.eAnd lhen youhconsdernthone one of th ýNichol's had five minors. Big again as Taylor notched one, natinn*s tpfobl nvriisi oae ee tjs em shed thesfo e' eeWloU nyt e einmvquk In~ t.he ýecond game Nicholswith Cobbledick with threeSchool by a 9 to 2 score. The ar1the pce Uptheirfrtint sgn opfobl j6-0. Bills had littie trouble handing Bis assists. Nichols received f our' Generals were led by Dave of the y cear by ting ir ont with four goals. Taylor with ly back in as Prout. bit for his out of place. :;. .gm hstersvnhdfa sFrnmnrpnlisadBlswt ritn with threegoals:fte a y yn einthree goals and two assists second of the night. Then Then it was ontoLsVg, hrthrwreme *'AtFran htte ou6-.1 ios and four assists, Glen Rice 5 and McNair with six assists. ýwith only two minutes re-ý celebrities In the audceta oîcudfn nweeee &.en's as he su hmof601 ios three goals, Bernie Johnson' I the first, game. Nichols: I the second gamne Bill's1 maining BIl's put on a great.Tarendduo!hetm Jne usliwo ssiîn Bill . ithe irst oBkey s shwe Foot Notes: 'One goal and one assist, AI were no match for the pow- put on an ali-out effort as thev rushing play as they* scored1 htrmneusi riod of theI0ut Nichols but couldn't score Corne on hockey fans. Drop Junkin one goal and one as- erful Ken's Club who opened1 fought, hard and came back two quick goals withIn a, onlY a couple of table wy a nrdcdfo h ui oee thonr.Inthescn eidi nSudyngt ewei sst, Randy Allen one goal u in 'the first period with fo en ontogals'minute and 17 seconds. Hel- ence by Louîe Prima ,-2:50 mark on alBlls tried bard for a counteri7:00 and 10 p.m. and cheer' and two assists, Wayne Sev- four big goals as they shut as they ptcked up their filst lam brought BillVs to ihnBtddyuseta no-ot htLoi atnhn Iir but the Legion but et the 11:24 mark Roger-!these young fellows on. See if mour and Eddy Wood oneout Nichols. Taylor scored atj point of the year by tying one goal at 18:01 and Mc-1 bac ad a te ach Te Pn ideýte :22mak nd es thn ýLgio 55.IntYre scored the tyingz goal" on the formerly ruggdSny itn j bck ndat heson put Nichols on the score-! Kens will continue on their assist eahbTePi mdete :2 ak n es Lgon5 t, 19:18 to pick Up Bills first: Howard Cossell e igieset5 ubtm unn Je mark had the sheet and from then on Nicholswin streak and if Bills wilI Scbool goals were scored by'mnte later Walroff notchedý In the first Legion took a' wo minutes later OylerIed another one two minutes a lot of exciting hockey along sisted by Cuthbertson and!mark Walroff counted h1sinotcbed the first et the 18:3() Le-ion received five minors cheering loudly when t nhithdckItwsO tarmn turn to aPPly the pressure and 18:29 Rogerson had his thirdIgive the fans some fun. Theseý Girls Gym Class d srone otteprodOyrpu Lgonaad20rs ndamcnut.Bi z at 11:29 they tied it up on Mc-e h îh n ihl eepaescnpu nsm X il y ls scnutat 1:8to put Ken's ahead at~ the end of one. guns for Legion were' Oyler throughout every roud Nair's second goal of the per- ahead 3-0. cellent games to please any, ed ib the Girls Gym of the'4- aserd cone p eriod. In t; Inthe sond Bs iknlî -sipuedanth rougols ndthree als1ofrs- W e w e wCels(itntat s yn ec 16d, OnIY to watch Prout put; In the third Mathers in- ahockey fan. So. corne on, drap Bowmanville High Schýoolseofn 'ind.Nîho s am bac, wihi neasD cs -ssand Prou wistb wor 1311s. t frsm ie o uthdt aea.ikfeigta minute for bis second ni the iseconds gneby. Four mnts fr Re9:0 tr 1:aon 52.00 goals as they added one, break-Poutpu Leio tw u ahwa Hela wib neaoa iad. It looked as though gone mrnuegistrdaion Fee i200ng Nemisz's bld for a shut 4:39. But Buils battled hack' nnd one assist. Leaver witbî are rough. hut boxîn steol pr hr h rm were going~~~~~i to band n on nd $3.00 outside of out. Nichols counted et 1:31! fighting bard as tbey nntcbed'two assists and Mclntyrr concern is knockingvorppntucocis.prcuay ~ns hei firt lse utilthetown. Regýister witb Miss Janc on a goal by Cobbledick. Wal re t 431 on a goal b\ scaîin the tving goal, alOng by shots f0 th rbd ~h nefor hepon, omorning of this class: Age tbat goal to again put Ken S. termined to win as tbey again ton wbo played bis bes;t cme endth oe frt e poiInteu on v ws catecry 7 to 13 years of age. ,abead by four goals. Taylo)rj took a two-goal lead when of the year in goal for Buis. *Jor Namnath and bi hitesoswr ndsly ,nthe fisted3-3L1egioneatcamev eBoys Gym Class with bis second of the nigbt "- out skating as the puck wes Tyke Hockey: Fee Wee Hockey: Ibere are still openings in afetwo3.41 rod s U - dropped. Cameron raced in In the first game played iný In the fn-st game played on tbe Boys Gym Class et Ontario fe wopros and at the 16 second mark had Nov. 25th, the Cardinals de-, Monday, !,y. 24th. the Hawks, Street School on Tuesdays and In the third Nemisz shut- Legion ahead 4-3. Legion hold- feated the Indians by the: defeated the Fiyers by a 6 to: the Lord Elgin Scbool on Wed-, out Nichols as bis tecm-rnater ing onto the one goal lead, tried score of 2 to 1. The Cardinals'ý 2 counit. The Hawks' goals nesdays. Class time for botb added fîve more goals wi bard to build it up only to see goals were scored by Bull, vere scored by Glen James placcs are 4:00 to 53 i tid pro.Thev W ak 's Fr ..t e Taylor tie it Up at 6:43. WithI Wright and Murray Ruddy 1 with t'"wo, Darrel Knox one The registration fee is $2.00 I on gou arlyaylo.he is: only one minute remainîng; while Terry Miller picked up goal and one assisi. Glen Mar-: Town and $3,00 outside of markonagl yTlrhsi third. A minute later Wal- Wilson finally put Kens in the'one assist. The Indiens' goalI tn, John Wood one goal, and town. Rpgiýter witb tbe Sup- roff notcbed bis fourtb. The'- hom e for C rs[ a lead 5-4. was scored by Dennis Sobil. Joey Guest and Jim Beers and erviscr Mr. Rick Mîarrison oes- f nî b :6mr In the third Kens let out ail In the second contest, the'Rc Scott one assisi. eacc.thabe- ntoddysAg wber. Wilkins pushed one bN $tops as they have in their Hornets defeated the oas The Flyeèrs' goal, eescrdcaeail a1 er ganteymvdrigbt1 ;ter wins. Walroff bit for one 1by e 6 to 0 count. The top 1b y Grad y Bruce, assisted by. Boys Pee Wee Basketbbail,; n fo h ac-f n ~t 1:5,BtLgonwr ltscorer for the Hornets wes! Wayne \Vtllis. cge categary 8 ta 13 years a!bdtescrful u o1- Waye Pestn wth hre Th Atm Aistrs hututage a' the Lard Elgin School going to give Up easilyPetn andhe heA mAlsas htu on Fridays from 4:00 ta 5:30,on a goal by Wilson. O'Bricn' Oyler put themn within one goal5; and one assist, Ron the Kings by c 1 tao0 scorep.m. Register witb the Super- 1 .I ga.At the 12:00 mil ute mark Brownl two goals adona-itescnd game.Th lonelvisar r Chris SteeanrkdylIN wvville um. goal. . qtosnka Wl ss, tn renanone asoanlth secod Th Mr teel n FrdayI4NAILilleE R s tbe hîpbega tosin* aswal-sis, Stn Geenhm oe g al of the game was scored et the abiove-mentioned time. ~' rofmvdKn wýu.Wt ntefirst game played on by Eddy Gruyters. Bo ln v-y two minutes left KensNov. 27th, the Amnericans de- Boys Midget Basketball ,o ln League edn thoequick ais, n epottl feated the Blades by a 5 ta 3 In the first game played on'Th MietBsealTbsdyDce er4S Wloff, is thir ,on te byi counit. The Americans' goalsI Friday, Nov. 28h. the Cana- iscnuce nth osGymi: TusaDcme Warff sti iof1eper-, were scored by Roy Cowle! dicos dfae h Baesi onfthed i e Hoys lo, ndth ohe- y'Hoen !wih hrean DleBrom'b a5 n curt.Th a fna-'wmn le HibAverages luk. After tbe gamýcKns knew~ and Scott Sellers one. The dicos' goals were scored b rm9:0c. ohp..R GiDorisons.- -- - ----9--5 tbey had been in % gregt battle 1 Blades' goals were scored by DanLemnwb two andse wt r.CrIDtel upMrlen tce 7 King St. E.----B-----n-ile as Legion fou ght 1 îw Keih Sheehan with two. Glen two asss ihr nrw ervisor. oni the above-mentian Hneso 9 down to the lest , 10 minutes! Austin one. one goal and one assist, Matt ed time et the Bys Gym.-Ag--Bern8c of the gamne. This ws Kens'In the second gamne, the Dillon and Norbert Visse r one ca tieory tsh13Boys8Gyem.s of Grace Farrow - . -- -----169, hardest fougbt wi*i soý fer as~ Bombers defeated the Steelers goal each, wbile Paul SobjI i Rgsrainfe o o Marie Trim --------------- 168! they cortinued theFr, '1ubeaten by a 2 tao0 score. The Bomb- and Richard James ecch badlBsktbl Leagues is $2.00 OiveHneron6 streak. Big guns, ï r Kens ers' goals were scored by oneasist along witb Mkeî00 ad$00olie o Elaine Marchant --- «were Welroff with thi,'ee goals SteveFrn edPt Rey- Nolan, The Beavers' goal was tawn. Rorie Woods--------------16U and tbree essists, Tavýlor withInolds. soe yBryGapI. CutyadWsenJmoe Marie Gable - 158' Conryad etrnJmbreJean Pollard 157;- one goal and threeî assists, A tom Hockey: In the second contest, the TenxCotradWs-ShlvMrel--------- along witb Wilson mwith one, In the first gaine pleyed on Blades defected the Rangers Tenetonryad es-ShlyMrel 15 goal and two assists. For Leg- Set., Nov, 29th, the Clippers by an 8 ta I courif. The ern Jamboree sponsored by the IDae Foran --------------1,51 ton it wes Oyler wth tw$gol'dedteenun2ta1oBadsgas resoedb Depertment of Recreation will Penny Boisvert--. 51 be held in tbe Bowmenville Lynda Willsher . 148 i ~~ ~goals by Todd Meboney and Barry Bruni xith one goal TanHl nSna vn'Dorilda McCarron 147ý James Pocock, while Gary and one asist, Jim Stackaruken Nowr Availabl Pascoe picked up one essist., wth two goals and one as- îg ecme 41,e 80 ýDIoreWaky1 411"ta" The Penguins' goal a scor- s9ist, Jim Sagno c m ethe Farrow . or f ed by Howard Stackaruk as-'goals and one assist, Dan Tra-i Ellen Farrow 139! ~ sisted by Dan Pescoe and vîss with one goal and oneýi*I Peggy Milîson ------120------- 12 John Luxton. assist, Thomas Renton count- II Kay Thorodyke --- --114ý mvJý,,,ason) The-.. Bisons defeated the ed one goaliand Jim Lewisý Flyers by a 3 to 1 score in the one, wbile joey Wbite bcd 20Gae At Your Door second game. The Bisons' one asis cd o Jme to.iI DGrMyîo - or - goals were scored by Donnie The Rangers' lone goal w-es J. Pollard -- 253-2041i " ~ ." Prout wbile Joe Nowlan and scored bv Randy Hayes assisi- .'ir DMToimpk - ----------- - 24312 At Vour Store Si lit ehpce up ed hy John Lane and Deve'B Wndrinn er. 27 -one essîst. The Flyers' goal Down. MB. tevro - -------27 was scored by Andy Jarvis The Wings defeated the lsitdby Larry Hearl. Leefs by a 3 tao0 count bi theG.Fro 20 sInste id ani.Games Won i In ~the third gaie tetir ae. The Wings' goals Barons defeated the Rcms by were scared by Ralph Mc-Bais-------- 9 e sirilar score of 3 o 1I. The Quaid, Steve Jackson and ~ Pecais --------- -----24! Barons' goals were scored bY Tim Joskoski with one goacl 'Hezel ---- 17 Rick Bain, while the Rams' each and Ron Davison one Welnuts 1.3 goal was scored by Brian assist. Dennis essisted by Bill Evers.: In the final Pee Wee game, In the fourth encouniter. the the Bruins defeated the North s Royals defeated the Raiders Sashy a2 tel 1score, Thel m M IXED LEAGUE bya6t cr.TeRyl'Bun'goals were srd byl ce_ gold re scnred by Brad Dave Brnwn and Gîradi oebr2 eywith four goals and Bruni while GeorgeNms ee eRod oldfi one assist. Steve Greengrass had Roe csist. The Northl hih singl f"1adhg one goal and one assist, Ron Stars' goal wa scared by Paul1 triple of 741 ta lead the ladies ýBurgess one goal, while Mike Passant. Frlday nigbt. A delicieusReynolds and Mike Sadler On thrIaswt Non-Alcoholle Drink 'eehbd n sss.Bantam Hockey: Oi thrlaswt Tehh Gionts defted te, b istgm lyd~226 average. Dave Reynolds "b IIliIn 'i" Wall Lovering scolslà l oug Bragg vit1,j humdistat that can be placed anywhere Brunt 252-256, V. Prout 255,, txvoan Steve Land ocr, in the home. Lets you contrai the proper Moe Richards 270. wbîle Tom Waolner bcd anc indoor humidity with a touch ot your 650 Triples and Over "Stain Resstant and Scrubbable Easy to apply assîst. fmngei. B. Glenville 799. D. Reyn- Exciting New Designs Dry Strippabie e FlLers diefcated the Eîî~t î îte i eyu ome.'ods 793, G. Piper 792. E. Brook the third game. The Flyers 1 Etcher 739. L. Piper 732. Mac goals wvere scored by Ken . Richards 713, J. Brunt 711, V. 'W al Te W ashn W ar Frri wit tw andMarelýProut 694, B. Martyn 671, F. 'V /ail- Tex Wash'n Weare Bob Luxto'" - " Bradley 669, Matt Harrison hadtw asits ndLary667. H. Moore 661. Marilyn Special W all Coverinq Brunt one. The Huskies' goalsRihrs60 were scored by Bill Reîl,l Teao randng Conie In and borrow our «'WaI-Tex Mini-Decorator ihGryRdpiknu Ta Pins Pis. P r h' e whIch wll» aist you with profesalonal color schernes Intefut *tmgm. Moe Richards--. 39586 53 for bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. the foure A th asdtam am, D. Bagnel------ 39526 53 ed the Pirates by R 4 10 2 D' . Mernln --- - _40ýq1544 2 score. The Stars' goals were B atn-------- 04 1Acluflgf oi ega ofn rdrhste hit W A L LP AP ER sore byGar Neisz BI~. L Piper .39405 50 LAL A ERsoeme'.GBry i er ld«V . Prout 39648 48 fantastic savings! Long sleeved, no-iron A"Permanent Press"sptshrscneia SEE OUR SELECTION 0F Ralpb Cryderman. while Kirk Ma kes Indoor Air G. Wilcox -1.9279 41 BOOM LOTS - UP TO 30 7o FF Kemp, Ian Wil.ox. Brad AI- O . Etcher .19135 43 rainbow of plains and patterns, and in a choice of Regular or Eutndw olrsye rnond and Sandy Kemp pick-, Outdoor Fresh M. Etcher - -38248 .17 We carry in stock 160 different patterns edi up one essist eacb. The G. Brock- -, 38132 36 for your convenience- no waiting! Pirates' goals were scored hy G A U~ . PBpe 38171 34 . . . providing outstanding value for your gift dollar-terrific sot ok o as son wbile Don Bradley hed Top 10 AveragesBohesUnesAaibeinSzsmalMdumndLr. PAINTSone assist. , LON . Piper -_ --39 246 BohrUce!Aalbei ie mlMdu n ag MlgtHce:I -D. Reynolds---------310 242 A bernethy's WALLPAPERS Inthe frt gae Mnt.i 15M.Kin St.-E------BE6:23 Roylsdeeaedth Bntm .5 KngSt Est . BEtcher---------__36 2239 r q SrigThis Area for Past 50 Years Ahl Stars by a 4 to 1 score. Bomni1-.Wicx3 2 our Own. Santa'& Helper - À 4 Walker's Chag Phn 243 ~The Mt. Royals' goals were- .Ece 39 226 St. WBwanvil s ore neDogCouhwt PHONE 623-5651 Moe Richards 39 224 tA and c a ssisi. Steve B. Martin ... -.- 39 223 ~~ 'Parker ont goal and one as-,____________ _L . Welsh . 3 2234 t' 1'" t. I.. * 1~ t..