ENNISKILLEN Next Suriday, Dec. 4th wIlilpractice for Vesper Serviceat the Masonic Temple, Port be. observed as Whte Gift which will be Dec. 28th. ýPerry; also attended the 5t 13gnday at the church servicet See Coming Events next1 Anniversary ci Mr. and r and Sunday Schaol session. week for details of the "Even-t Russell Gilbert, Bowmanville. Sipecial envelopes will be ava il- î ng of Music" concert sponsor- Congratulations te the Gilbert* able for the congregation foried by the CGIT group. and Williams. the mcaey gîfts. The project. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Henry,i Mr. Harold Spry, Rochester. tis year for the White Gits CuIt, were Saturday night vis-4N.Y., was a recent visiter at wM tl o help feed the hungry itors at Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Mr. and Mrs. E. Wrlgbt's. i Biafra and other needylSharp's. Miss Linda Avery was an place and a special offering. Mr. and Mrs. George Irwiniovernight guest of Miss Den- WUIi be accepted from the were Fridav visitors of Mr.,!ise Lyczba, Courtice. Swidy chool pupils instead'Ennest Irwin. Mrs. Mabeli Miss Jackie Veale, Nurses' of the 118118. white gift parcels. Bowen and Mrs. Miton Ingram.!College, Toronto, was a week- Titis offering froni aur SundaylBobeaygeoni.l end visitor of Mr. and Mrs. T. arJiool wiUl be dedlcated and Mn. and Mrs. Jim McLaugh- Werry. forwarded ta the hungry parts lin, Union. cruised down tol Miss Elsie Oke, Bowmanville,1 oe our world. -Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry's in Mn. and Mrs. Stan Turner, Regular CGIT meeting was their snowmobile Sunday, spent! Oshawa, wene Sunday visitora held on Sat.. Dec. 6th at Mrs.ithe evening with a good cup of Mr. and Mrs. F. Dorland's. 0. C. Ashton's. Election of of-'of hot coffee. Many friends and relatives 11cers for next term bhas Presi-1 Misses Laverne and Elval fromn Enniskillen vîslted with dent, %mndra Werry; SecretarY, Orchard, Bowmanvilie. vlsited iMn. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert Beth Ashton; Treasurer, Lynda with Mr. and Mrs. M. Stainton on their 5th wedding celebra- Avery. A film on Growing Up, on Saturday and aIl attendedtin In CGIT was shown. Next!the 5th Wedding reception for: Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery and meeting Sut., Dec. l3th wilI be 'Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams John, visited on Friday with ______ --------______- i Mr. and Mrs. Angus King, Lit- tlc Bitain. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coombs, ___________________ andi girsToronto; Mr. and 3ough; Mr. and Mrs. Norman 3Welsh, Oshawa, were with JO J <RN Mrs. E. Page. Mrs. Ada Kingsbury, Van- couver; Mns. Mabel Rowan, f/f/LiA,, * verton, spent a few days NT/WW~ TtU1C&34 Mr. and Mrs. R. Rowan. The Messengers Christmas party will be helti in the churchc ILI basement at 2:00 p.m. Saturday afternoon. by Mr. and Mrs. Bon Stephen- son and family were visitons 4on Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. Don Lee, Enfild. Jacekm anLittle Lesley Lamb is to ne- turn home from the hospital Serving The Aiea for Thrce Generations oaMny tsa frgd we oe PHONE 623-3365 Mrs. F. Toms was a Satun- 162 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE day supper guest of Mrs. W. 1Ferguson, Bowmanville, and ~~ attended Mn. andi Mrs. Russell __________________ ..Gilbert's wedding reception. GwOO PEPLETO DAL ITHThen Mrs. Ferguson and Mri. Toms accompanieti Mrs. Otto IBragg to Mn. and Mrs. Clarke Williams wedding reception ut S I!Port Perry. Mn. and Mrs. Vernon Henry, Pat andi Bill, Toronto, were ISunday visitars ut Mr. and IMrs. I. Sharp's. Mr. andi Mrs. Davidi Stain- 2 Miles East of Bc -manville on Hwy. zo2 ton and faniily, Cobourg; Mn. 728-4638Tom Hockin. Port Perry: Misa 623-7231 7843 Linda Addie, Sarnia; Miss Cati Stainton, Toronto, were wekend visitons ut Mr.an 2 ONY '6 FU Y 111 ONLY Mrs. L. tions Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kins- V-8, automnatic, 4-Dr. Hardtop. Power steering, man, Lori Aene andi Stan, @il tinted glass, radio, deluxe wheel covers, Mns. S. Kinsman, Courtice; Mn. whitewall tires, dlock, vinyl rof, vinyl intenior, andi Mrs. Ron Clemens, Brent anti Brad, Hampton, were Sun- front seat centre armn rest. day- suppen guests of Mn. and BIG BG $A ING$Mrs. Jim Kinsnian. Mr.Gad IUs $AVING$y Mtin. andrs. Ted Wery USED C R $PEIAL$PattiDonevn ngetiat h e CAR $PEIAL$ SturWdyeing Aguiesart th '68 FURY Il '67 DODGE Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Williams at Port Penny Masonie Temple. V-8, aiitomatlc, power CORONET ________ steerlng, 2-tone, radio. V-8, auto., 2-Dr. Hardtop, powe brkes Lie L578. power steering. radio, pewerbraks. Lc. L178. vinyl roof. white wall Ho key e s $1 995.00 tires, wheel dises, o k y N w vinyi interior. by David Shearer '68 FORD Lic. L97-378 Thursday, Dec. 4, juvenile * GALAXIE 500 $1 695.00 West Rouge 4 Newcastle 2. V-9 auto., 4-Dr. Hardtop, power steering, power brakes, white wail tires, wheel dises. Lic. 56-77J $2095.00 '68 RENAULT R 10 4-speed, Deluxe Interlor, 4-Dr. Sedan, one owner. Lie. K81640 $1 195.00 '65 FORD CUSTOM 6 cyl., automatie, 4-Dr. Sedan, radio, wheci dises, white wali tires. Lie. 497-68Z $895.00 '65 BUICK WILDCAT V-8, auto.,2-Dr. Hardtop, console, buckct scats, radio, wheeî dises, white waii tires. Lic. 102-946 $1 195.00 Drop la and see the ail new 1970 340 - 4 SPEED DUSTER The Hottest Car This Ycar Maclntosh Chrysier Plymouth 2 Loctions Oshawa - Bowmanville 2 Locations Bnian Anderson assisteti by Clen Murphy and the otken by Bill McCullough from Brian Anderson. It was a game of many penalUJes. For New- castle Tcry Stark hati 3. Bill McCullough and Steve Black 2 andi Dan Norton, Gerry Murphy andi Bilan Anderson each with 1. Friday, Dec. 5, Tyke Bowmanvllle 1. Newcastle 0. Stewart Tilison put New- castle on the score sheet with a penalty for cross-checking. Pee Wee Markham 12, Newcastle 1. Newcastle's goal was sconed by John Robinson, assisteti by Bnian Mikios. Penalties went to Arnold Nicholson, Gary Cox, Don Martin anti Gordon Blaken, ail wlth ane. Bantam Bay Ritiges 5. Ncwcastle 1. Lloyd Ellis Shoes BOWMANVILLE - FOR - @UW wwu3LIïiEPÇ51110 CHILDREN'S FLEECE-LINED SNOW BOOTS $6.95 to $9.95 GREB KODIAK INSULATED BOOTS S"BOOT $79 WT- ALSO - $34-951 Marie Claire WINTER SNOW BOOTS Sizes 5 - Il $9.95 to $16.95 SNO - BELLS by KAUFMAN Womnen's Sizes 6 - 11 $9.95 to $12-9. FULL LINE 0F OTHERM Wintere $25-951IFootweur, SKATES by DOUST MISSES WHITE FIGURE SKATES -........ $11.95 t. $1395 WOMEN'S WHITE FIGURE SKATES ......... $11.95 t. $19.95 BOYS" HOCKEY SKATES..................... $11.95 to $1795 MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES -...--... ....... $19.95 t. $29.95 Trade-ins Accepted on NewSkates MI 1s,4:SNOWMOBILE BOOTS .4............ $ 9.45 BOYS' 2 - 5....$ 11.95 WOMEN'S ......... $16.95 MEN'S 6 - 12, $14.9.5 & $17.95 COMPLETE LINE 0F MEN'S - WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS FOR CHRISTMAS GIFTS Recipients of Red Cro'ssý Service Badges On November 26th, in the Anglican Church Great Division Red Cross and Mr. Bob McAdam, Assistant Hall, the Bowmanville and District Red Cross Brarich Comrnissionier of the Ontario Division Red Cross. held thein annual Awards Night. Shown in the picture Those receiving Badges of Service from the. two guests on the far Jet t and right respectively are Mrs. P. God- are fram left ta night, Mrs. Helen Rudeli, Mrs. Ede' dard, Director of Women's Work from the Ontario Rundie and Mr. W. W. Bagnell. On Saturtiay, Dec. 6, Mn. and Port Penry and Deep River fully decorateti in yellow Mrs. RusselliGClbent, Bowman- signed the gucat book which which bientiet well with the ville, celebrated their Golden was ably looketi ater by Kathy lovely yellow roses andi gold Wedding Anniversary with a Johnston, their granddaughten munis at cithen aide of the reception in the Sunday School andi her cousin Janie Slemon, cake. Hall ai Trinity Unitedi Church. both of Toronto. Mn. andi Mns. Gilbert receiv- Fifty years ago, they were The hall was tastefully dec- e aylvl it n ad marnieti ut the bride's home, orateti with many floral a.c an oey ît nt ad Haydon, by the gnoom's uncle, rangements and Christmas with good wishes. the late Rev. Robert McCul- trees with thein lovely golden Unit III of the UCW senveti loch, balls. The large table ut the tieliciaus reireshments anti Over 380 guests from Ton- top of the hall was centreti were assisteti by many younger on ta, Oshawa, Blackstock,lIwith the wedding cake beauti-ifnientis ai the bride anti groom. Many Exhibits on Display New Scout Councîl Off icers Elected a! Annual Meeting On Tuesday. November 25 the West Durham Districi Scout Council held their an. nual general meeting Ir. the Lions Centre. Matters oi Interest to the Cubs, Scout. and Venturers were discussed F'ollowing the adoption oi several reports, Chairn-an C P. Blaker weicomed thosi present and suggested that they inspect the exhibit Newcastle's goal went ta Ken Boyd, assisted by Tom Mat. [in and Garth Moore. Penal- ties went ta Garth Moore 3, Rick Landry. Bill Wa4er and Robin Rickard each with one. Mtdget Brooklin 4 - Newcastle 1. Doug Rickard scored froir Jerry Thompson and Ricl4 Stephenson. Penalties wenl ta Jerry Tbampson 2, Nor. man THIsoin, Glen Murphy and Rlek Stephenson each with one. Sunday, Dec. 7 - Town League Combines 6 - Newcastle Garage 1. Scoring, Combines: Pete McCuilough 2 goals, Gary Van Dam 2 goals, 2 assista, Gary Woodbeck 1 goal, 1 assist Charie Green 1 goal, Bob Darach 1 asstst, Len Brown 1 assist. Partner's 6- Johnston's 1. Scoring, Partners: James Rlckard 2 goals. Buz Mercer 1 goal, 1 asslst: Bill MeCul- lough, 1 goal. 1 asslut; John Cunningham i goal, 1 aait; Bob Stle 1goal, Bob Tug- wood 1 aasit,, Martin Coola-I han 1 -m'estN Ian Poster 1 Johnston's.-Howard Qui ney 1 pal1, Rick Riekard and DOUE Fa I 1as*it each. . which were In the hall, dis- total ever collected of $988.80. .t playing many of the activities With a great deal of effort, i- which the Cubs and Scouts Brown's Group entered a float ni carried on during the year. in the Santa Claus Parade. ýf Mention was m.ade of the During the year, numerous ýs Pinewood Derby Races that ppradbtl rvswr 1had been a great success agaînpaprerd ottie rivs ere d an thnks eregive totheIn the district and provided 1 INewcastle Lions Club and the the money needed to finance ýe Bowmanville Branch of the their activities. Mr. Blaker ýt Canadian Legion for donat- d pca eto fAf ;s Ing permanent trophies to be mal seianetona u - ued orthi copeitin.Brown of Bowmanville who nuhs e f Gordt ompaeiton. has co-ordinated the paper -Newcastle won the Canadian drv f N t ewcandtle th Legontrohyfor speed and HendryofNwate th 1David Chatham of Bowman- Cara fteApeDy J ville won the Newcastle Lions Ail the money derived from fordesgn.the paper drives la kept by Trohythe groupa and 40% of the The annual Cubs' Athletic Apple Day receipts are given Day held at Maple Grove onl o the participating groups. *May 24th was a success with 144 Cubs t.aking part ln the In closing, Mr. Blaker an- events. Hfllcrest Helghts Pack nounced the resignations of twon the shield for the day's Secretary Harry Cooke, Trea- actîvities. surer Tom Gatcheil and Badge Onehunredandfify CbaSeoretary Murray Tighe, and took part ln the Cuboree held thanked themn for jobs well at Camp Samac In Oshawa on done. June 20 to 22 and as a result John Pettifer, Provincial af the good participation, the Field Secretary from Port event wili be scheduled again Hope after pasaing on beat for next year. wishes from Scout Headquart- Many camping trips also er, Uicedth resuits of were most successful. Thne he NemInatg Cormlttee. Newcastle and KendalScuTh results by acclamation Trops ombnedfora nne-were as foflaws: Chairman C. Trooa cabine fora fie-. Baer, Vice-Chairman D. day summer camp at Antoine Innes, Secrets"y Wm. Sutton. Lake near Ompah. This campTeaurAtHalanBdg gave training ln the bush ta raue r aitn ag the30 oyswh atendd. heSecretary Mms. June Mutton, te3 boywmanviie ScoutThoe Apple Day Chairman Alex held a canoe npSfo roothe Hnd.ry, Paper Drive Co-ord- s enior oetrp fo teInator Ait Brawn, Camping bOY I th toap TeyCo-orcllnâtor Bruce McDonald had a greet Urne paddlIng up publilc Relations Kem Broks, the Trent for 10 days. Organization and Expan Through the co-operation of John Meachin. Ditict Com- the Cuba, Scouts, Leaders and missoner Don Héard and Dis- Group CommIttees, the Boy trict CUbmù%ter Claie Mutton Scouts Apple Day of October were again appolnted te these 17-18 brought lai the highest samm position. -- 1The Canadian Staleum, Eowanvifle, ne e1, 1060 17 APPLIANCES IHARDWARE UNIVAL BAK&DCE Over the Counter GuaranteeJ B ACK .......DECKER..$1.9 KETTLE ................. $12.77 14JILL .AWS ............ $12.95 MIXER .................$13.77 :v' DRILL .............$17.95 FRY PAN................ $19.77 % RL.....$79 TOASTER ............ $15.77 71/V'1 SAW ...............$37.77 IRON .................$13177 SANDER ..............$17.95 BLENDERS..... $34.95 up Baseboard HEATERS $29.95 up EIec. HAIR CURLERS $7.88 up I-AND TOOLS SG.E. POLISHERS... $26.30 - and - SG.E. VACUUM .... $49.88 up TOOL KITS SGIFTWARE -________ 4-Pce. TV TRAY SET.............$ 57u COOKWARE SETS ~l Aluminum .. ................. $24.95 up SStainless Steel ...-............- $32.95 up FTRANSISTOR RADIOS ........ $12.97 up FCASSETTE RECORDERS ....... $39.95 up F CHRISTMAS TREES F7 ft. -$16.77 6 ft. -$15.97 21/a ft. -$3.97 CHRISTMAS LITES INDOOR and OUTDOOR SETS REPLACEMENT BULBS (ail sizes> FOR MOTHER fA NEW -STOVE -REFRIGERATOR -FREEZER r DRYER or WASHER LANDER HARDWARE F 51 AND ELECTRIC 5l KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE P~flTfl 4 -I 49 KING ST. W. STUBL TOS UNINSULATED 1