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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1969, p. 2

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i -. a, 't 4- Th e Canadian Statéomm. eowranvile. Dec 10, 1968 ;Russ Honey Tells Kinsmen Indians Have. Opport unity 0Of Be -coming Self-Reiliant W hleRefaining Culture' Prior to the drafting a!ttu eing second dais citi- i dian parentage", Mr. Honey: eiew Indian Policy Statentizens," Russell C. Honey, Par-'said. -delivered tarlier this yesr. 'I iamentary Secretary ta Mr. 1 'The tatement, in qut, de- ýnde=amara Canada wereChretien told the Kinsmnenlitiite that no deoisione w1i COnsulted in a total of 171 Club of Port Hope on Moeidayi be made without the consent meetings. mout of which werelnight. of the Indian peoplea. The Zeiganted and.-conducted byý h orhmerad- U, tatement makes It clear Uth d.Indians themeelves. The ham M.P. said that the new the is ha orne tô change ,propposition put to these meet- oiyeovdfo ersn a systemn which han been dis- insby Indian Affeirs and P<>iY evmade Idian1rersen- crlrninatory and patrnaistke eorhen Dveopien M!W*those meetings. When ýth toward Indian people", Mr. ter Jean Chretien'and bis Jen- policy 1,was announced it was HonO3r stated, li pointlng out -lor officiais ws, "Tell uS oe that a vigorous debate that as a resuit ai the pro- ivwhat youwtnt". The ensweri might start. The debate dld >sis the problema ofthte *invarfably was. "We are fed apenbdmic a nfppe are now in the appea, butmuch of I wuilght f tinal .ubiii+ not over the proposais in thej 9la o........ uitrt policy st.atement. The debetel "Tht Indiens nov have à P 'aili became cloudcd because ai' opportuliity to dovelop leadei nusunderstandings. misinter- bpeogtmcvs.Tj -' pretation, and a lack af kuiow- can now loak et then,»elvi M~MM ledge an tht part aiftCaa-Iand their prabloma 1ke the dian public as to tee ICnie have nover had an opportun <(FROM PAGE ONE) iutinadte tndan ity ta look et theem betar, 2nd referred ta the' outstand- stainadtecnet f For thee iilst time they bav In success the club had hpliytae nt the chance, if they vish,, ac~Leved last sumnien when a "Tht debate lu now beconi- become soUf-reliant, Indepe] aumber ai yaung people from mng clearer as ime passes end dent muid et Lb. same tinie N Allontovn. Pennsylvanie, had with furteer discusion thc tain their culture, lenguagg spent tva woeks In Bowman- proposais are dally gainang end pride cf nat.ionllty", th ville, muid a group af local more accoptaince among Cana- Northumberland-Durham M.] young people had enjoyed a dians of Indien and non-In- said. lortnlgbt's vW in uAllentown._________________________ Governor Jones approved tht Bowmanville Lions Club's plans for continued participa- tian In thls prograni duringý1 C r w i h o n i 1970 and subsequent years. ,Fred Morrison movea a vote On November 25th, a spocial ed, and suggested that oni: .of thanks ta the upecIal speak- meeting of Council was called the municipalities test du .-r and President Jack Dunn i the Township ai Cartwright nothing vauld end up wber -also expmessed bis persanal ta meçt Mr. Don Patterson, a Regional 'Planning Groul -epprociation ta the District head ai the Oshawa Regional would place thoni. With reg :clovernor for'is Interesting Study Group, and ta dîscuss ardu ta ropresentation, tht. ,address. 'with him any effects that this1could not deny that tht futur The birtbday of Rance Dill-~ study mîght have with re-'of democracy vould depent ;Ing was celebrated by his fol- gards ta the Township ai: upon a fainer distribution c iow Lions. Plans were dis- Cartwright. representation by population. cussd fr te anuelChrst- With al af council prosent. They gave their study scbed mas dinner meeting of tht 'Mn. Patterson oulined the pur- uit as follows: Jan. 1970 - t( club ta be held on Monday poses of this stucly which is report alternatives and lan( Thve innDcer aiteHockeyproceedIng steadily and Ii use, March 1970 - a discussior _Drhewinwer s fllos. H.L. great detail. Mr. Patterson. and paper and a third paper in Jul; grimes: Dec.s2otho. S. Davis an associate Mr. Sinis, explain- 1970 mter which publie hean. and Orville Hooper;, Dec. 24th. edta h td a rgin- ings. municipal bniefs, arn -Frank Brown and M. Preston. ated In the urban centres of similar topies will be discussec -flec. 27th, Harry Kilpatrický Oshawa and Whitby as a trans- in August. A final repart !S t( -.,and Doýn R.owe; Dec. 3lst, I portation study but had'ovon- be presented a month later a, ,1{arold McLaughlin and Ross tually become involved with which tume they will repart ar 'týStrike. Junior "A" games: connected subjects including the pragross ta tht Ministernio 'December 13te, Bert Snowden, planning, economics, and reg- Municipal Affairs. Dec.2ls, Eni ookandDec' lonal administration. *ýe2st, EGra lloka ec Tht original areas ai study, When questloned. Council A most successfui turkey 'they advîsed, wene tht muni- membe nsiowed pnreern .Xoll was beld by tee Bowman- cipalities ta the south af the fo union wlitisth nothastei ville Lions Club on Friday ridge. However. others had mh uiaiirthe than vitls - evening. Ùordon Schis.sler was suggested that tht rural muni-thsoheu rbnaas tht Tunkey Draw Chairman, cipalities ta the narth might Mr, 'Patterson leit tht meet- aend Ed.. Leslie. a past presi- elso fit into the study. en syigth atabir rs in- -dent, was li charge of the When asked by council [f tention ta aul neesn -jurkeys. Carl Bickel was tht tht future regional govern- municipalities' ntquests and tc ,,winner af tht speciai draw, ment would be another dictat- work tavard anen hr and there were 80 wInners ai orship in bath formation and fainness and justice cauld be 1ino turkeys. lI future legisîrition. These given toalal municipalities. -Carson Elliott, with ticket gentlemen replied that this vas Also at tht meeting was -io. 564, *as tht lucky xinner not tht intention oi tht study. Everett Winnacott who receiv- 'ef tht Lions Car Draw for a Messrs. Patterson and Sims td permission ta sl bis west -1970 Oldý,rnobile. two doorV stated that municipalities couîd 50 acres ai NH Lot 24 Con. 7, .iedan. C. A. Mcflonald wasguide thein destiny if they act-lby Resolution No. 56. - tht Car Draw Chairman. 1 Now Availabe~ HAMPTON 1Sundey supper guests vith et Cobourg lest Wednesd'ay for Mn. and Mns. Harold Patter evoning lni honor of Mn. Roy forand family vont Mr. and Mns. Fauter. Roger Roberts and Mn. Michael Mn. and Mrs. Hosktn Smith Festive Season Pldgeon. Toronto; Mr. and ettended the Sth Woddlug Mns. Fred Elllott, Oshawa; Mr. Auiniversary on Saturday ai- At Yaur Dean and Mrs. Alex Patter, Sauina; ternoon of Mn. and Mrs. Rus- Ati-s Kathy Wilson. Black- sell Gilbert, Bowmsenvhlle. or- tock andMr.Lawrence Moi- Sundey supper guests with Mn. AtYour Store fat, Hampton. auid Mrs. Hosken Smith vere Sunday supper guests with Mn..muid Mrs. Glenn Smith Mr..muid Mns. Eanle Luke and and femily and Mr. Edgar femlly vert Mr. muid Mrs. Pescott muid Miss Merlan Ross Page. Saline and Miss Pnescatt aund fIrend, Bnookln. Bonnie Bishop, Caurtîce. Sundey supper guests vlth Sunday afternoon visitons Mn. and Mns. Fred Holroyd with Mn. and Mrs, Ben Klein and Lynotte vas Mn. John Neihus muid family vert Mn. Burton, ZMon. and Mns. Henry Klein Neihuls, Mran s.FeHooy Oshawan ndMs re ary Suuidey visitons vith Mn.. J. vert Fridey afternoon visitons D. Hoarth vert Mn, and Mrs. vith Mn. and Mrs. Amas Bruce Hogarth, Joanne and Bnookbemn, Oshawa. Ketby. Pickering, and Mn. and Sunday mtemnoon visitons Mrs. Bloyd Wiicox auid Don- vith Mrs. Doris Holnoyd vero O ald, Cobourg. Mn. and Mrs. William Hol- Thursdmy spper guests vith royd. Joanne muid Judy, Boy- Mrn. ud 'Mrs. James Smales manvilie. A doudcous Xýwtre Mn. and Mrs. Kunt The Hampton Doubles Club No-lcoleDik ILosch, Toronto. held their annuel Christmas NonAlchole Dink ~ Mn. mnd Mrs. T. M. Chant: Party on Saturday ln tht C.E. w ert dinner guests last Wed- Wing, vbere tht cilidren and nesday 'vitb Mn. and Mrs. Jack their parents onjoyed a do-c G len Rae~ ta help celebrate thein grand- put on a Vaiety Show for tht daughter Christlne's 6tb birth-! parents vh!ch vas veny much day. enjoyed. A film was misa D a ry 1day~M. eMvelendstigusToroh n tepnttarvia MnDoneiHsiug. oon shown before tht arrivai of Phone 623-5444 r. Mn. d Mrs. Gilbert Adcock JSenta' the chlldren rollicked 98 King St. W. 1 amud Harry. L.Banced t d romped vlth hlm before ho fei Mrs A. L.Bacada-distributed presents ta each --------------**M tededthe Warden's Banquetan a bag ai candy and wish- ~ ed everyane present e Merny Christmaesmand a Happy New Y tan. This correspondent received the iolloving letter this voek I from a former Hampton son: "We vould like ta express aur apprecietion ta the people of Hampton for thoir thought- fui git. Tht fruit bowl lu a useful and attractive centre- piece. Thank you ail very much. Bout vishes fonthee season. Reuidaîl and Leanne Prime". Sevoral badges wene hendod out et this veek's Guido meeting. Congratulatios te ail who recelved thcm. Tht Chunch a! St. Nicholas ln the Little Austrian village Gifts selected from the wîde array at ofOendr a wt tan orgn fr Is Mdniht asoon Rickaby's are always appreciated -.. Chistms Eve. Tht timoe, December 24, 1818-. Father * and corne in our own distinctive gift wrap Joseph Mobr, Pujest and Schocimaster, and Frmnz Gru- at no extra charge. 1w h d oUn ogt ra e to <f virftttn. "Sent lqrJ V' Grberplayrod the aud took th. ban s i a or Mohr Mag the tenon. Tha ckcl Prie~d adw LtçI.boum.SthWe mteu.lcl ii an ir- ey ,es ey n- e. vc ta sn- t- ýsu P. ly id ýy id ci en ci id ru ANNE WRIGI-IT BEAUTY NOOK B LACK vampish eyes are now as ot o date smouldering and vide, vide open. So put aside your heavy liquld eyeliners and yiu wbilte white and start experimentlng wlth subt.le IOR color shading - the secret to today's freali eyu1aok. Before applying your actual sys rnakeup, take Car# ta conceul ailu de- *ye ahadows by*carsfuiy bleuding, a ipecial *sraaing stick with your foundation. Nov caver. the entirs lys area from lash base ta sye- .VDU bravi vith a light film of moisturizer. This Is vsry important for ît seals thit skia, protecting It from lmi'l punities and dryness.* Neit brush an aver the entire area a beige-taned shadow. A light film ai foundation wiii do equailyL well, but utay away frorn shadow creami aince they tend ta crack. Aise dan't use a straight white shadow - lt'u a color totally unnatural ta any ukin tons and looks harsh., And nov the shading cornes into play. Over the beige counter-shading caver the entire oye area with a sot vater color shadov. (We'l corne ta what colar Is just right for you ln nextt week's column.) Pouash the shadow dovu till it's jugt a hint ai colar. Ithe color stands out toc rnuch,- you've gat too much an. Nov uslng the sarne vater color apply a mare Intense sha dowing along the lash base, along the eye crease and just a hint below your bottorn lashes. Nert apply your mascara - brown please, neyer harsh black unleas you have decidediy black Oriental hair. Cake mascara, I find, goes on weil and is excellent for girls involved in sports since It von't smudge or streak. If your eyebrows need darkening use a brown brush-on shadow. Eyebrows today, however, are never heavily defined. Brush them soitly upward. This will give you more eye space malking your eyes look bigger . Unruly brows cen be trained ta go where you want them ta by brushing them unightly vith vaseline and a good toothbrush. Next week: The calor af eye shadaw you shauld vear plus eye makeup trieki for different face shapes. ToronteTeIê,ram SerVlct Accident Round-up Frozen Noth (lFt0M PAOK ON£) relay towers vwert bult. He travelled between bases b> helicopter. Ho iived nt the e etral Delta town et Inuvik. a anal] modern town built only ten years ago by ou- goverfment et e cost ai $30,000.000.00. Inuvlk hauses are sot up or piles, teA void meltini the permaIfrost. Pipîngs toir water supply, hoatlng and sewage disposai are ai' above ground, called tht "utilidor" system. He etayed at a modern 22 room motel, opened last Juiy, cailed "Mekimo Inn." It vas supplled wlth bath automtatlc washors and dryera. Souvenirs vers bard te corne by. John couid ibd no Eskimo carvings at ail-thore ls na tone of any type in thes Delta! He did bnnghomes sonae beaded neckiaces, made bY Louchoux Indiens. INe also brought four ail paintinga donc by a young Eskimo dea£- mute af Inuvik, Mena Tbnash- or. Inuvik heu just one #n oral store owned by the HIud. son Bey Company. Everythlng bas ta be purcbased from the one single store. Inuvik Hud- son Bey Store apples ucld at 85 cents a pound. John bas great admiJration for the Eakima because o! their prideofo race and be- cause of their desperate effort to survive? He naw wonders why vo dcm't have more Canadien relief for Eskimos and Indians. Ho na"y the Es- kirno iind it difficuit to ad- Just to white mnan's ways, and ta afford aur prices. yet they think there lu magic in aur prepared foods. Yeu cannot make themn understand thst a dii of packeged cornflaes ha8 leue food value than a similar bulk ai ment. John belped an Eskimno put on bis atôrm windows. Thoen ho vent Inside, whore ho met his wife muid bis under-nour- ished six month son, T'he baby vas crying irani hunger. The mother filled a bottît vith warm water, poured in a teaspoon of powdered milk, shook it up, and gave the baby the bottît. The milk was sa weak it didn't even colour the vater! John realiz- ed tihe baby w'as starving and ho knew how to Kpare a! baby formula. Sa he prepar- od a battît of the praper strength and the baby drank it eagerly. Directions were on the box of powdered milk but they couldn't rend them. John says it le 40* below nov and dark, except when the gun shines just over thp edge o! the rim, in a huge arc. much larger than we everl *materiaIu. Foloewing the var. ashed'rTuadyevening. a building boom teck place 5Mms.Jones opened thet meet- and it becarne neeusary for programne was in the provincial goverrnment to 'l . Trmb iroduce a Planning Art In Mmoe't eharg s.A.Pkà 19486il a effort te protoct P and devational wes takry buyer and guarantee the pur-I Mrs. J. Pattis. chaser that ho was getting a (<FtOM PAGE ONE) Several ladies sang a couple el property suitable for' wbat ho weekend at Mekspart wiii pro- of numbers. Mrs. Backburn. y hied planned. The act consist- vide iota af fun for overy- Mrs. Loveridgo, Mrs. T. Pott'%. ced ai land use regulatlons and one with nlot only racing but Mrs. Payne, Mrs. Morrish. The I rulos for subdivision with thie speclal entertalnment and the ladies were asked ta tell af Ihope that it would eliminate opportun.ity for a vinter out- some lnteresting experlence in nthe 'Crooked Dealer'. This Act liig. People wlth their awn t.heir lives. to keep tht development o! suiowmabiles viii especially A Christmas tree vas niceiy Canada arderly and allow for enjay romping around Mes- decorated and gifts vert botter planning, vas net, bow- port's 500 acres". brought ta be sent te the ever, enforced acrass the prov- i Naturally the cold woather Golden Plaugh Lodge, Ca. rInce at thet&orne time untIl a aprtaCnd'.cmtebug Mrs. Joncs closed the esubdivision by-law was pesscd but ta make it a Ilttie casier meeting and lunch w«s served. ln thet twnshipt not aiready ta withstend we're happy ta included ln the act. be supplYing free bot ciioco-1 a Mr. Crapper outlined uome, late for everyone"'. Zo Hp o nh of the procedures he miust'Oe 5 nwobi eosia carry out in proparing is dev-j are expected for the event MrDai eo wsbrn which vill ses fnot only theM.DvdGrwvshm elopentsTht first coflcern of Mosport 2.459 mile '-Grandover the weekend from Tor. à evelaper lu locating a suit- prix," course ln use for the anta, where he is omplayed ait > bis pleceofa land which ho îarïe-engined snowmobiits but the Robert Simpsan Co. feels will b. saleable and lu aiso a special one mile track Mrs. Ralph Gerowv returned ready for deveiopment, ht ex- for the smaller machines, home Saturday from the Part piained. When the praperty is __________ Hope and District Hospital bought, the developer must I vhore she lied been for smre- thon consuit a uurveyor toi U Vl1 tirne under observation. draw up a plan for tht pro-! LAYDOJNJLI. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Rabv pooed subdivision accarding to! spent Sunday with relatives in the desired specifications. If' Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Black. Fenwick. the township planning boardiburn, Orono, vert Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meneilley approves, ho continued. it ls vistors at Mr. and Mrs. W. visittd with relatives in Orillia then handcd ta tht local an Blackburn's. lest wveek, ning board. If this bordp- M r. and Mrs. John Patts, Mrs. Viola Gerrnond. Zoa proves of tht said develop-; accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Latondres.e nd Mrs. Freda ment, a uurveyor drews up14 Rois Clark, Bawmanville. te Jackson, Oshawa, were recent te 20 copies ai tht propose ýtheir cottage et Bill Bell Leke visitars af Mr. and Mrs. Chas. subdivision plan and these ar In tht Lindsay district on Meneiley'. sent ta the Dopartment of . Saturday. Mr. and Mns. Mr. Lea Titterington wbn Planning in Toronto for ap- Clark spent Saturdey even- was rtcently discharged from pravai according to the Plan- ing with tht Patte iamily. the Part Hope and District ning Act controls and regule- Mr. and Mrs. RasAshton Hospital vas admitted ta the tions. Once provincial appra- and Grant calied on Mr. and St. Joseph's Hospital, Peter- val ln received, It is tht draft IoMr s, renMcLuln, Fen- borough. Monday, for further approvai, subject te te w- ion.Fan SndayW.Bac-tests and treatment. or haviuig bis engineer drew br ie Mr. and .Blc- Mr. ad Mru. Donald Gtron, pasfor the necessary servi- burnraysited Mr. wan Mr Trntwere guests ai Mrs. cos. Followiuig an agreement on Sturdy eenîn. Goron and Mrs. Norman wlth the local township con n Mrs.A Thmpni viito Goron on Saturday. cil lnciudlng the developer's bersoRy hmonaMe financiel responsibilties, the snRyTomsne e mariai Hospital, Bowmanvillt, surveor then stakos out the on Sundav.HA P O lots and final plans are sent to Mrs. D. j. Cameron Is a thn Plnin 1 p.aiO tnopatient ln Memorlal Haspital, Sunday supper guiests wlth nQueen's Park for fineal aP- Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hurst and provel which usually takes Mr. and Mrs. Chale Garrod family were Mr. and Mrs. two ta four weeks, ho saîd. If and Mnr. and Mrs. Alfred Gar- Steve Artym and Mr. and Mrs. the plan is accepted It 13 reg- rod attonded the 50th Wed- Laverne Ciemens. istered and irom then on, 1,qai Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gil- Mr. and Mrs, Perey Dewell, referred ta as 'Registered Plan bort, Bawmanvllle, whleh wes Douglas, David and Caralyn Number such and such' and heid at Trinity United Church attended the Tink family the lots may be sold according Sunday School Auditorium an Christmas party held Sunday ta the intention of the develop- Saturday. in the C.E. Wlng af Ebenezer ment.----------- Club 21 manthly meeting United Church. Mvr. 'rapper explin ed nowî ht entered the business byl remlizing there was an open-ý Ing for a developer who was willing ta subdivide tht smali-: en parcelu af land which had been bypassed by tht larger developens and corporations. For the remainder of his ad-; dress, ho talked on sanie ai bis developments and ai bis most recent purchase ta which bis entlne famiiy has become very attached. Bud Aluin moved e votp af: hanks to Mr. Crapper tram, tho Rotenians auid President' Tom Cowan presented a smali gift ta him as a memento. 1 h r e r ti 0 A bit and run accident hep- phone pole. There vas about s be sn w er.I ' epened on the Taunton Road atl$100 damage ta the pale mand sunrunded by orange and 9 e 9:33 p.m. on Saturday An un- approximately $200 damage ta YtllOw suni-dogs, The air is known car struck a can ownod tht car. Constable John Chai- humid muid this mist freezes by James Scotharn, R.R. 2, mers, OPP, lnvestigated. in crystals, go thet the vhole Oshawa, vhich vas parked There vas another ane car air twinkles anid spankîts. in near the Acres Restaurant, accident et 6:25 a.m o Mon- order ta, se. tht Northern Minor damage wes sustained day vhen a car dniven by ligbts, you muet tbrow backS by Mm. Scothem's car. Con- Norman Richard Anderson, your head and look directlyt stable G. Brunton, OPP, is in- RHR. 5, Bowmauiville. vent out ebove, where they change r vestigatiuig. ai contrai on the Taunton Road shape constantly, lu a Icind oi b Constable G. Kozak, 0F?, Is et County Road 57 and sus- dance, lnvestIgatlng an accident that tained about $250 damage. Norman de Poe and otherc occurred late on Saturday Constable Kazak Investigated. Toronto writers misa ataycd et c elternoon in Newcastle. At Thene vas a tva car collis- Eskimo Inn whiîe they vert I 5:15, a black 1966 Chtv.seaio t84 o'clock on etsdy l Inuvik reportiuig upan thee vas found abandoned initn40Tuacayprogress ai "Tht Manhattan". ineevening on tht 6th Concession John hed dinner a couple o! field on tht vest side af Northi Road, Dalilngton Township, times viENra ePo Street. Tht vehicle had crash- east 'of County Romd 57. Tht A sigeroma ed thraugh a fonce. Damage drivers involvod vert Emnil igl ooiaEkimo InnM ta the fence amounted ta about Granis, age 21, Hampton, and vas $12 a day but food was $30 and thons was minor dam- Madelint Goiff age 33, R.. 1 more expensive. A bamburg* mgo ta tht car. Bowmanville, Damage ta, the on abun ost $2.00. A car driven by Norman Goff car emounted ta approxi- Anderson, age 23, R.R. 5, Bow- metely $300 and there vas S- menville, vent Out 01 control about $100 damage ta tht et tht intersection ai the Grams car. Constable J. A. W. T e IlS vW Taunton Road and County Schultz, OPP, was tht Investi- iv Road 57 et 6:25 Mow- gmting officen. R@oy f day. Tht vebicle left tht trav- Tva cars collided et 11:55 Eo c oUled portion ai tht road and re , hrda nKn sustained approximetely $250 Street East at Simpson Ave. damage. Constable Kazak un- Tht drivers involved vee n as wvol as mmking them vestigated this accident. Nîckoîas Sherba, 13 Faurtb St. bulld their homes near militany Emnil Grams, mgo 21, HamP- and Brenton Roy Rickand, Mini forts for protection. si ton, lost contraI ai bis car et Street South, Newcastle, Dam- Affor tht Canadien Govern- bi 8:45 ar. a n Monday on County age ta tht twa cars emounted ment took aven tht Indien Yw Roed 4, sauth ai Tyrone. Thetot appnoximatey $800. Con- lands by 1840, the eariy sett- car bit e hydro polo. Damage stable William H. Wekely lu- lors received their land parcels ta tht car amounted ta about etged in dîfferent forms. For exani- $185 and there vas $100 dam- vsiee.pIe the United Empire Loyal- age ta tht pale. Constable D. On Sunday evening et 7:35 ists and plantons vho came ta Crave, OPP, vas tht investi- o'clack there vas e two car Canada befone 1826 recelved gatlng officer. collision et Waverly Road and free grants ai land with whichi On Mondey mternoon et 3:18 the Base Line. Tht drivers in- tlaey could do as they pleased.ý o'ciock, Edvand Melville Reeds, volved vert Graham S. Heran, Tht govomnment began the age 21, Harmany Road, Osh- 227 Deerborn Avenue, Oshava, sale ai these landesi tht 1830's' ave, vas driving on the 6th and Robent S. Thompson, 51 et îow prices and allowed cnt- Concession Road, Darlington King Street West. Damage ta dit purcheses, ho saîd, Early Tovnship. oast of tht County thetwtv vehicles emounted ta advtrtlsements in old nevu- Line, when bis car vent out appnoximately $100. Corporelpapers show that the estimat- ai contrai and struck e tele-1John Bird investigattd.____ ed price per acre oi these lands vas betwoen ans and three dollars, tht speaker add- Morn . ~u~evsed and the gavornment by al- lotting 160 acres ta emch vork- (FROM PAGE ONE) ing aduit of a iemlly by grants through bell", according te ber busband. She dashed or by sales, set up the seheme sleeing arah wrapedfor tht gravth and develap- up the sttems te rescue thetleigSrh rpe ment af tht country. her.up and placed ber outside on the snow, sent Todd Speakiuig as a developer, Mr. te get help from the ncighbors, ran down ta the Crapper seid that the main celler and tried te hock up the hase and get wmter, feetures Involved for spaceofa land in thte enly days vent without success, sturnbling and falling several trnes tht pnoximity ai churches. on tht wey. schools, town halls, and the Meenwhile, ber husband returned from the village batel. "A developer ta- day ha. to have mucb mare te dump where he bail been disposing cf some garbage, offer and mare attractions and te find irneke pouring fromn the bouse. conveniences vath is land Firemen were on the scene quickly but ex- than erlier developers bad in contrllin tht1874", he added. perienced coniderable difficulty cnrligte At'tht turn of the century, amoke and flames ibat bad swcpt inte the attic. A the sale and doveiopment of strong est wind was blewing, fanning and spreading land began a graduel swing bleze.and tho history of land devel- the lae.opment ironi tht depressiora Fine Chief James Heyman and 16 firernen, some days ai tht thirties an, bas using air packs, working from tihe two pumpers, formed tht faundetion of ta- peutd ate onthtbuidin frm eeryconeivbitday's deveoapment achemos tealong vith tht ovolution af the angle. Clifford Pethick brought bis watsr tanks t occupational ternm 'land dev- tht scene te provide additional wter that was put eloper.' te good use, but it was alrnost four heurs hefore they During the depression days had the fire under contrai and werc able te return oethte thirtits, ho se!d, much to diir sttion.lanid vas sold for taxes and te teirstaton.there accurrod a turnover o! Damage te the bouse aud contents was exten- choap but oid Invesmenta fan sive, estimated at approximately $12,000. Insurence those tlnanciaiiy voîl-aif. Mn. Caprexpleined thet tumes *djuts moved ini very quickly on Mondey, but IL got beter niWolWaI, J. xpeed repeirs will take several weeks te vhen the people camo te ciLles .~uam1et&as van Industries grew anid 1Ibe five children at home are being cared for by vater ctygado! rtht voerk 'Bekh ' Ïhe Red Cross Discuter service headed bY qi t led tyaepty ves Ms.sege Jersey Jr., bas been dolng everything wcmc bought or ented and lots ouIhte tkS care of the famlly's immediate needs wer purchased for construe- ethes hve oferd hep b wayof empoarytien ai ver ime housiug. Hov. 4»4 thfl " e ofé»dhel byway f tMPOaryeven, ho added, thons vas littIt M omi eumm.building du. t. theaub.snce 4d SALEM You are lnvited ta attend a special White Gift Service et the church next Sunday rnorning et il arn, There will be no evening service. Salem U.C.W. will hold their Christmias meeting at the church this Thursday evening, Dec. 11. Mr. and Mrs. Farewell Blackburn, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blackburn, Solina; Miss Elaine Cingharn, ZMon, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. ilen Blackburn, Kemptvlie, and attended the christenIng of their son, Gordon David, at Kemptville United Church on ;unday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Buttery were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Buttery and fmily, Peterborough. Best wlshes. for a speedy ecovery ta Mr. Archie rhompson wha Is a patient ln Nemorial Hospital. Mr. Douglas Reynolds ts ;pending this week in Sud- Dury In connection with his Nork. GET CASH TODAT FOR OLD APPLIANCES THROUGH STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS DELOITTE, PLENDER, HASKINS & SELLS Chartered Accountants OFFICES IN MAJOR CANADIAN CITIES OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA PARTNERS: GORDON W. RIEHL, C.A., RIA. BURT R. WATERS, C.A. PHONE 728-7527 r' Perfume Honors by PRINCE MATCHABELLI Four crown bofttes' of luxurlous perfume distinctively framed ln a ribboned show- case - Wlnd Song, Golden Autumn, Proph- ~ ecy, and Stradivari.$35 ~ J,.y& oVeIl £d Your Rexall Store Il 2Kin St E.Bowmanvillei - I '--'t by FRIGIDAIRE Wide Selection of Smali Home Appliances . . . Make Idemi Gifts. by PHILCO & BLAUPUNKT PORTABLE RECORD PLAYERS AND RADIOS COLLISS ELECTRIC 44 KING ST. W. ROWMANVILLE 9 1 728-7527 PHONE

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