10 The Canadian Statesmnan, Bownanville, Dec. 17,.1989 OFA Presîdent Attacks Government's Inaction on Agricultural Prob Iems Ini a stinging editorial pub- 'ties elsewhere. culture during the squeeze. lished Dec. Il th. Gordon L. "The Irresponsible way lný He goes on te comment that Hili. President of The Federa ýwhîch -.;ore experts. sorne large unions and corporations* tion of Agriculture, attacks are able to force their demands governiment Ignorance and Ini- politicians and everi some farm opn societv. whether there Is action concerning adjustrnent leaders treat this subiect cari- inflation or flot. lni agriculture.flOtargtese. eday oge, Mr. Hill concludes that the: He says that tee maiy' relative position of the weakerý People regard the word "ad- In the fight against infla- sectors of society becomes that 3ust" as a stock answer te ah tion, the OFA leader states rnuch worse because they have! problems.1 that littie attempt is made te te pay the resulting added "But there are teemai act selectively or te help agri- costs. questions ignored or un- enswered," he asserts. Mr Hill objects te the fact rru t in . I n a that ne one wonders whatý g iu t r lC l n a could happen iflag 1nm bers of farmers are rnoved Out, Thursday, Dec. l8th. 1:30 Directors' Meeting. East Cent-i of farrnrg. He stresses thatip.mn.-Durharn Beef Improve- rai Soul and Crop Improve- the net effect would be more ment Association Executive ment Association, Lindsay. total production ln an alreadyiand Directers' Meeting - On-,; Jariuarv l9th-21st - Il lth surplus situation. . tarie Department of Agricul- Anr.ual Convention - Ontario The OFA President under-iture and Food, Bowmariville. !Fruit and Vegetable Growers' UIne-, his fears by pointirig Out Tuesday, Dec. 3th -Durhamn Association. King Edward Ho- that there could be fewer' 4-H Agricultural Club Junior tel, Toronto. farmers, and the land or pro- Leaders' Clinir - Ontario De-' Tuesday, Jan. 2flth, 12 noon ductive buildings and equip- ýpartrnent of Agriculture and'-Courity Soul and CropIm ment released by those leàving Food, Bowmanvilie. provement Association Co.rn the industrx' could be takeiî1 over by others with better Monday, January 5th. 10 arn. Club members' Annual Ban- production skills. to 3:30 p.n., 100.OF. Hall.: quet. Harve 'v Wright will be" Mr. Hill emphasizes that Orono. The Durham Count'vi the guest speaker. Non-Cornî farmers wiil adjust eut of agri- 'Soil and Crop Improvement: Club members are wvelcorne.1 culture only If there are more, Association Annual Mee ting.; The charge is $300o per per-, attractive tincorne opportuni-1 Guest speaker, George Morris,' son. Place te be anneounced.! Mer-lin, noted beef producerDeadîtie for ticket sales, Jan.ý i Western Ontario. Every-' 6h Memoria1 Hospital onme welcome. Free lunch pro- Fridai',, Jan, 2:3rd, 11aI.. vided. 14 Frank Street, Agriculttîral' Vveekl y Report MJa nua ri'ov 6 h thAnnualficeBowanvile. Drhrn Week of Dec. 8-14 inclusive ýing Briard, Royal York Hotel. Meeting.a Admkisio9 Toronto. Januarx' 28th-31st, Coliseum, ]Births-3 maie, 3 fernale 6 January 8th - 9th-10 ar.- Exhibition Grounds, Toronto. Discharges 4 p.m. Training School. Dur- The Annual Ontario Soil andl Major operations 14 ýhani 4-H Homnemaking Clb îo mrvretAscýa -1 Miner eperatioris - 361 Leaders, 100OF. Hall. Orono.! tion An1lCneto n Emerenc tretmets .135Project - "Separates for Sum- 0.R.F.E.D.A. Machinery Show.ý 'Visiting heurs 3-8 p.rn. daily me"1odv e.2d .i - ~Saturdav, Jan. loth-Pro-IDurbham Ceunty Milk Cern- vincial Junior Farmer Annual rnmittee Annual Meeting, 1.0.! Meeting. King Edward Hetel,!0,F. Hall, Orono. TuesayJan 13h, 0 a Each Tuesdav - Feb. 3-10 Tueday Jai. 3th 10ar.-l 17-24 and March 3-- Countv UDMAt PYOT t? 3:30 p.rn., Ontario Goverrinent Livestock Feeds and Feeding' MI/TBFA ITc '~ Building, 322 Kent Street Cinc :0pr.t :0pr. West, Lindsay. Protein Day - 10,0F. Hall, Orono. Contact, AV B T/f FA/LT This prograrnbas been planried the Ontario Department of te give detailed information on Agriculture and Food, Bovi- ArF7'#4AT7» 0I' ail types of protein supple-' manville, at 62.3-3348 re apphi-! ments for livestock. cations. ,SWITcH Thursday, Jan. 15th, 10 ar.1, Wednesday, Feb. 4th. 10' te 3:30 pin. Central Goverri- a.rn.-Annual District Swine ment Building, 322 Kent Street Dy okae oe.Ptr --West, Lindsay. This dav will bîoîh feature Challenges in 'Agricul- lbruh tutre. It is resigned te discuss:l Wednesdav, Feb. 11lth-Food Land and Machinery RentaI Forum "~Calories Countdown" '- and Agreemenits - Contract An evening prograrnre deal- Rearing of Dairv Heifet-s - The' ing with foods for weight-, preserit situation and future watcheî's - spensered by the: ïï trends in efficienît use of labor1 Home Econornics Bî'anch of anid capital. John R. Stewart, Ontario Departrnt of Agri- Strathroy, wiil discuss what ulur ad o d îrne an e belleves te be the philoso-[ pa e d b th Onrio De-, 0of the future. !partrnent of Agriculture and. FriayJan l6h, 0 a.m.- ood, 14 Frank Street. Bow-' ROO 93-508PoIlluion DaJ a fds mariville, Ont. 623-3348. Dec.! cussion on the probIem -Club' 8 1969. OESSO HOME REAT SERVICE1 Cariara, Belleville. I ______________ Monday, Jan. 9th, 12 noonil, * -~ 1 P in th1e Lditor's Mail Bowmanville, Dec. i1, 1969 iDear Mr. James: The citizeris of Bowi-nan- ville and surrounding area very generously suppeî'ted the recent Sale of Hand- work of the blind. We feel your support pîayed a very significarit part and wisb te, thank yeu rnost kindiy. May we also 1extemd our appreciation te i those who calied in at Ab- erriethy's Paint and Wali- paper Store where the sale was held. It is very gratifviiîg te work bard on a projecet when the local newspaper and citizens help make It 50 successtul. On bebaîf cf the Advisoi'y Cornrittee cf Bowrnanvllle and West Durhamn te the Canadian National Institute for the Blind rnay 1 ex- press our gratitude t ou anid Our customners. o Sincerely yeurs, Kay Vice, (Mrs. George Vice) le Kitchen Capers by Nancy Krain The corning holiday season is 'aIse a party srasen, thç tirne of year when many of us are planning festive dînnerý arid buffets. Here are a few reaily dclcctable Suggestions for your company' buffet. They serve' 1". but just double twe recipes tri serve up te 24 people. If you mwou]d like tn serve a delicious Christmas punch iristecd nf a hot drink, like Mulled Wine. make one using cranbcrry juice. Take onc quart cranberry juice andd mix in one quart satitcrnc, pirit brandy. anid ene thin slice of lemon. Covcr and let starid for a few bours. Then taste and swectcn xvith sîlgar if rieeded. Add rime quart carbonatcd water just, hefrr serving. If you iikc, try freezing cranbcrry juice in a fanc, moid to use instead of plain ice foi' cbilling. .MVLLEIi %VINE 1 quart burgundy or claret y ellow peel of 1 orange or 1 Icixînui 2 - 3 iches stick cinnamon 1 whole nutrneg, crusbcd 6 whole drives 1 tablespoon sugar Mix ail the ingredients In a saucrpan anrci sîmî-ner gentlfive te 10 minutes. Strain te rernove the spîces and serve hot. Serves 12. LONDO)N (HI'KI:N 24 pleces chicken (breasts, legs anid tlhiglh3) butter for browning 12,-peunds tresb rnushrooiiis, sliced Salt and pcpper 2 cans crcamn of clîickcn soîîp, undiluted 1 can mushroorn soîîp, undiltutcd 1't cup sherry or white xvîne Earlv in the day: Brown the chickcn in butter uiitii goldei n; Ill side-. 'lrans- fer te large, attr'active casserole. Browî nîîh iion isanie large skiîlet. Mix the souîps and peur orivr ('b-hk(m ipirces. Sprimkle with sait and peppcr. Place rnushrorirns on top and refrigerate. When ready tri bake Add wirie, cover the casserole, paur! hake ,ini;1a:',,'1' piclîeated even for 11i2 heurs, Serve with rice or noodîrs. Scrvcs 12. VEAL 'ý('ALIIOPINI FOR A ('ROWI) 4 poîinds vral scallops (about i ;" slues) 8 tablespoons flour 12 teasporin pepper teaspoon Sait 8 tablespoons butter 6 tablespoons oil 3 pounds fresh iîntishi'orns thily sliced 9 lernons - juice only 1 cup Marsala wneor ser 1,2 cup 35-r creamn Cnt the x'eal scallops ie osrall serving pec;plaýie rh',t%\ern two sheets wvax paper and pouid unttil fiat anîd almost papr thin. Season meat w'itb sait and pepper. Fleur ligbîil '. Saute mneat in hot cil and butter river moderate lirat. Add ilish- roorns and cook 6 - 7 inîutes. Add lemon <lice aiid Marsala or sherry and cook five minutes lnger(,t. PRenînve froni heat and add cream, rnixing well. Serve xvutlî rice or noodies. Serves 12. ORIENTAL SHRImP 4 tablespoons salad cil 4 pounids raw shrimp. she!lecd and d rlxcuiic 2 scallions or smaîllrimions, chopped 1 cup hot chicken broth i cup water cbestcîuts, thinlY :liccd 2 boxes frozen peas 2 teaspoon pow,\derced giîîgcr 11-1teaspeonis Sait 4 tablespoons soY sauce 4 tablespoons sherry' 4 teaspoons cern starch 2 tabiespoons watcr In a large skiîleî, beat the nil, add shriînn pand m ien aiid ccok. stirring until shî'imp turu pink anîd orionies tender but flot brown. about 1 - 2 minutes. Add the broth, \xater chestnuts, peas, ginger and saIt. Cover and cook ik îtil peas and shrirnp are tender, about 4 miniutes. Remove the cover and stir in the sey sauce, sherry'\ and cornî starch dissrilvcd tIn water. Cook until sauce is cicar and slightly thickcned. Serve with rice. Serves 12. 2 envelopes grlatine T.2 cUP ccld water 1"2 cup hoilimg water 6 eggs, -separatcd 7- 8 tablespoons whiskey 1 cup sugar I tea-spoon lemon ,iiic'e 1 pint whipping cream .1 packages lady fingers, spîît Soak gelatine ini cold water. The i add hrilling xvater r;nd dissolve. Beat egg yolks until thick, Add wbiske 'vve 'v slewly. Beat ti sugar. Add lemnou juhce. Stir in gelatînei( and chill one heur. Whip creain and fold it into the gelatine mixtur'e. Beat egg wbites until just sîif and gent] ' foid iii. Lirie bottor n d sides rit a spriîîg forîn pan (about 12 inchcsî with split lady fingers. Pour the mixturi'n 'si wv. When about haIt fuIl, put lu another la *ver or adx' fiîgei-S. Fi -it r-ai-.F h, 'Lulit a .( ,ralgea ayq.of..Y in e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ISa e on r o r I n to p in a d esig n , C h ili o v rn g h ain a r f c ragr Serves 12. QUÀUY APLES Honemakers HoId FOR CHRISIMAES Achievement Day g n Di r h a m C o u n tyth e a1 3 9 b c î" p îe a r e d th e f o o d . FsRbCtRIeTM A SuPl ges rt12 At .Xclievenîeiuî Da fli San d 26'have conipletedlthie 4-il aftei-ioo-I pi'ogranîcussc i foneînakîîîg Club Unit -'1le, exhibits, dernonstî'atiouis anud T lh ird Meal". Thei' Achieve-l skits for- vhtclî about 5t) ii- >ment Day 'vas beld Saturida-,' terested m-others xvcme pies- November 29th, 1969, at Soliîîa ent. In the Commi-uit, Hall. ' Aw'ards vei'e theji givei for Twenty-twe voluntai'y lead- the girls aîîd the District W.. THI CO PO W O THers capably taught the gilus Presidents, Mrs. Gordon Ruth f about eiglht meetings. The ' witb the presenation oft club memrbeis. learied basic Conne. Honcur pins and ccc- c~ cooking techniques and menu titicates. 5 cplanning bx' preparing various Provincial Honur -c(-n- ONPUCH SE0FON BSHL asserole dishes and egg dish- peion of 12 4-Hi Homnernak-iîg ha rbeque anîd buffet suppers. Carol Watson, Soliria: Lynni 0F. The girls aIse had sorne prac- i Skin-ner, Tyrone; Karen Shec, tical experience when they Elizabetlîviile. finished the unit by iîi'àitimg CoLIitv Hn10110u1-5;- CriMPle- "Cee ~ M tL A Cfl Sîîmothers and friends to buffet tion of 'six 4-11H loîrenaking 'Ce. rade M lts pples suppers- for wbich- the -nic-m- Clubs, wcere preseîîted te BRING YOUR OWN OFFER EXPIRES maKTO nm Anme Illlls, Marilyn CONTAINERDEC. 24thKnox, Nancy Knox, Kath\- CONTINERDEC.24thVice and Breuida Yello',vlee,ý rof Mrs. H. Grace, M's. T. Selinia: Mar-ge Murphy. Tv- ïFttzgerald and Mrs. R. Davey1Irone; Býarbama Wilson. Y'eive(r- Othr aritis ad rads vaiabe ere tea guests of r . T. ton: Nanîcy Walker, Garden IMr. and Mrs. J. Srnittb are ville: Kav Porrill, Blackstock AT OUR "PACKING HOUSE" ON No. 2 HIGHWAY 'spending some tirne with their Il: Mamnie LaChapelle. Bcth- JUST EST 0 BOWM NVILL BY TE OVEHEAD RIDGE son Orvis anidfarnjly. Oshawa. amy. Cut oi ___W S O O M N ILEB H, VR EDBRDEM.anir.Dvi ac- Assisting Cut loi ell. Oshawa, spent Sunday, Ecoriomit Kairen Murdoch El R mu u I u~ l i R T ~with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. ývere Mî's. Margaret Wof. W n " K ~ L~' I ~ I J V NStephensonan family and. Brighton, anid Mis, Janiet Jet- ,,. H A R O LD W mO enjoyed a hot turkey supper. frey, Pictrin. R.R.6, OWMA vILE IMr. Stanley Taylor attend-' The Spring Preject, for ~LO$lDON SN6, 6235893 N RESER E d theJDrham County Short- 1which the leaders training' 6US93 O RSERE hrn lubannalmeeting at, schriol ili! he Janu.arv Rth hme of the secretarv at anid Pib tn Orono, Is '"Separ- lNewcastle, Wednesday after-iateý for Stîirnnerý" iuoo. 'The volunteer 1eadei3 te-i Ati 1 ponIible for the stueces of 1 Ithe project were: IClub --- Leader -- Assistant IBethany, Mrs. W. Fallis, Mrs.1 IGlerin Prestor; Blackstock ,, JMrs, R. Larmer, Mrs. H. Mc-: Laughlin: Blackstock Il. Mrs.ý H. Wetten. Mrs. M. Byers;: 'Elizabethvilie, Mrs. R. Beatty, O.FA, Acce pis Pro posal.ý To Broaden Membership Su n day gîiests with Mr. for[eyn! THE CANADIAN STATESMAN IS AN EXCELLENT YEAR-ROUND CHRISTMAS GIFT. ORDER A GIFI SUBSCRIPTION TO-DAY! SUBS(RIPTION RATES 12 MANTH 62 MONTHS U.S.A. P-0. BOX 190- BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO ---$6.00 --- 53.50 '4" s Mrs. A. Werry. Mrs . JMe- The members meeting of thrir farnes ln the lndividuial ership crpin drce ,0 Laughlin: Gararaska, Mrs. c. Tie Ontarioi Federation of Ser'vice Merberhip program frorn the OFA provincial Held. Mrs. R. Miller; Garden Agriculture overwheminglY by% Marrb of 1970. The pri- -office. ,e ,HlMs .Nsrm r.W acp executive proposai,; ary proposai is tO have at, 'e Aikeri: Morrish, Mrs. D. Bec. for a schedule of action airned: least .5 in rnembership bv ic Miss P. Austin; Solina, Mrs. B. t broadening rerbershil0 and Januiarx-NE DALFT 2 Hooe . Mrs. C. Bray; Tyroreie.invlveeri t at the provincial, In addition te tlis. coîty N E A I Mrs. A. Knowlton, Mr,. R. COrnrOditv, counitv and indi- groups w'il hbe expected triol 'Lambert; Yelverton, Mrs.M' vidual levels. maintain th ei i Fedie'ation tr ' Malcoirn. Mrs. C. Page. 1 The proposais xere made groulîp menbersi0 tfees. -e -Karen Murdoch, ntebsi htprple. dras, Onil\ farmers who have pur- , Home Ecorist. ýard monev are the tbee main chaseci an OFA. ndivlidal i Northumberland & ingrediens of the Federation Service Mernership will re- Ç Durhamn Counties. as an organization. ceive pcrsonai service after \Th eectie f he OFA the first of next year. RENT has called on counitv organiza- Satignet Mna ,the A S OLINA tin te enrol at et I10, r ndividiual Service inbr A Eldad Suindav Scol Christ . and Mrs. 'rom Baker w r Mr.' shoIpl, e b ised $5 e0) er- NE W j hs '-:anid Mrs. Maurice Baker. Ux- fo' 2.0wt 500 ht C lma Cncrtwil e hamSotunt. beig imade availabl CAR I mas oncrt ill e St,-bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Larcy vri utrda y - evening at 8 p.r. iri W elsî. B i r î 'le i l co utY Or local group orfi the Solina Cornrunity Hall. Helen Baker, Toironto.me er as ditea fn- FO Every rie weicrime! ances. Tihis nioney would be le onTWedesday esen1tg in tmet: guet wfh M.fland Ms.tjn r n ccptbl, ctve M acOONALDt Cormunitv Hall with our, Lleoyd Broore %ere Mr. an)d pro,«arn and a budget. Pesident,-Mrs. W. Ashton, in Mrýs. Wallace Mundv and Jan-. Thle Federation eeuie charge. Mrs. Ashtoin read a Ilie, Oshawa, and Mi'. and Mrs.: proposai stiringlv suggests that FORDu letter frein Mrs. R. Fraser, Larrv Broome, Guelph. the coity or local orgMaiza- 815 Kinq st.W., Oshawa Our secretary-treasurer, who Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broorne tion hecorne "an information5610 s ini Winnipeg visiting her. and farily were Siînday sîîIp- and listening centre for farn-5610 diaughter. The secretarial du-' per guests with Mr. and Mrs. ers". Mustangs, Galaxies, Falcons. Lies were very ably taken over' Larrv Dexell. B riwýmanv-ille. n inid-Febi-uiarv, a re\,vDlyekl omh by Mrs. H. 'Milsn. Several1 Mrs. Harold Pascre was a f Service Mernheshin sales~ Reeoonbe Rotes. thanlk vou notes were read. jtiweekend guest xith Mrs..i a( liù'ements wiI b1 e inade.> was dccided tri send our us'uai Florence Pearce, Willowdaie. Coiintes or ai-cas selected at Christmnas i'emernbrances te M r. and Mrs. Bob Black- that tirne c' ont having prn- RET-- -A the shut-ins. Donations were urn have novrd into thrir ' du<'ed atisfactorv' resuis wffl ~_________ m ade te the church and ne w b ouse. just îorth o f the e t11w targr t ara mas of a rnm i- i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ lih1 i'rV borads. Mrs. Dors village. P Hilîs crim men ted on the îîiote Frid a v even in g di nner guLes s We xere vol- ' pleased towith Mr. and M s. Russell 'à h a v e M r s H a iî a h s h o u s V ic e - we r e M r s . F lo r e n c e Ye l- ~ somne of er' collection of druls lowlees, Taunton: Mr. and Mrs. ie and told Lis se much oft the Vern Powell and Donald, Cr- listo r y rit te m . T h e 4 -H l m u : M r. a n d M s.. G rr girs had heen invited te thi~ spel ant i.Roy 'meeting and there were quite Powell. Taunton. a iîumhcr present M. and M r.. Charles L n - < Ev,ýer\,one joied tin the silng- mad, Saly and Fa\- vsited i ig o t C h 'istm a s C a e s it M rs. K a ti e L a iî mina h Mrs. C. Langmnaid accemipaniv- Springdale Nursing Home. ý,à ing n th pia o. T e r11 R.R. 5, Peterborough. al \as a it for the G lden To the Editr and Staff or ; Pliuîgh 1odge at Coibour'g, A thp Statesman and ail 0111r 10vev Cliritmas lunch was 1readiers. 1 would like to wisb - 4 ei ed b y the ladies of "B k- y u il h Blessings et this , er s gi-ouJp", and ail enleed al Christmas Season!I h air ho ux' visiting w ith Our t nriph horsý. Mr, and Mrs, Harold yeî- (hET CASH TODAY J a Ka Boiavie re lOR L APPLT,1NCES ýV Serving The Area for Three Generations ' ind v supper guests w ith T H O G HP O N 23 3 6 Mr. atndc Mrs. Weslev Yellew- iHOG H NE6336 1lees.I ST AT E SMA N Mi. ndMîs.RaphDaisY~ 162 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE wcre Fi'idav evening visitors Phone 623-3303_ t wit h Mr'. anmd Mrs. Na tha n l Grills. Ca nni n gton. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz, Shellex and Kevin were vleek- end guests xitb Mm. and Mms.: Ralph Davis and attended D ra a m r' o n yC uo it Mr. and Mrs. Rod Simnpsoin, a a m r 'C u t o o Enfield. te honor their mother PHONE 983-5102 ORONO, ONT. onier hirthdaà' rJ<)ail otir Membiers and ('ti'tomners Nirc.Paid M's. Frank West- lâke. Gordon. Shirley anid Keviii were Sundav supper gtîests w<ith Mr. and* Mrs. Rom C4 Biorire anîd Kelly, Bowînaam- ville. On1 Sunldav\, relatives gath- ~ ci'rd at the home of Mi'. and(f a p Mi (P seru Mic ,. Don Taylor fra~îi wvith NMm. Don Samis, Port Alherni, B.C,. who xvas here Y for onlv a short stav. The fo ~ ~ ?e Fred Samis, Ent'ield; Mr. and'teDreo~adSaf guest wem Mm. nd M's. e wilI be closed Dec. 25 and 26 and Jlan. 1 Mrs. A. F. Abernethiv and Mi-1 and Mrs. Sandv Abernethy anid for Christrnas Holidays. family. Manilla. ie NOW OS THE TIME! To Order Your WINTER Money on DX Premium Quality Fuel Oil CALI, COLLECT DX FUEL OIL CAIL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE 1 I I 4 laie., - 1 ý 1