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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 11

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Y~h. 94pwi 4..te ~Choose Forester of the Year L Mms Bruce Tilison, Edftor Phone 981421 3 l "moit; Zari Poster, . a 1 t N rg 5 hsS anta Coming Garage, Terry Walton. 2 goals, n ewcasBiiaRon woe, 1 goal. 1i aist;To Newcastle Tlewcastle aRo we . :1 goa,1iselât; n S t r a Q . 7l Wright. sit nStra SJocial and û-e(.,orsonai i ohston-Pte esmn row. 1 goal. 1 assist; Ron ?Newcastle -Attention, ?eweste-Chrlstrmas carne Meeting nt the arena at seven Farrow, 1 goal, 1 assist. Rick BOyo ad Girls: We have a bit early, aithough flot t.on p.m. on the day after Chriet- Doumnouchel, I oa; ick t ta bved ar tyat r l ffOn for Mr. and Mii. Vern mas. they wlll receive an1 Ricerd, 1 goal. olng f. ha a r th andau- Rowe, Andrew Street, when hour's tee Urne. hot dog and Stndng a, e linebr2th. jthey received good news from cold drink for 25c.j Team W L T Pt. are il l b ldfo 2t old no w bt terelab- Pranks and jokes are siiCombines .4 -2 0 8 Ifwlbehdfrm2t Sigherckhld o bretHos- being played by the "not ç;oi Partners 4 2 0 8 5 p.m. nt the town hall, bost- edfo tk Cl 8Hs- funny" people who mav not! Newcastle1 ed by thec Newcastle Lions SItai where she has been since always have the last laugh Garage 3 -2 1 71 Club who promise you a cDith ln Ortober. Giving mcm for think it so funny when1 Johnston's 0 5 i mfight3' fine tîne. There7 i nd dad a few anricus Tmo- re hs , ~ Tewlll b. films, munie and tim*cathesup t thm. he]treats for &IL, and best of ail, rnnsaddays seeming like flagi missing from the pole thier very spei guent wl inotiths as they waited for her at the Cenotaph: fti sb-1 I I I to be released, the baby, a Ing put to betterus tanA*DOJJNJLb. SANTA CLAUS. reai fighter, has gained weight where it was, then perhaps it' Plan ta attend and take and strength and Iafo W oulweude od btdut Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Duc!- brother and sister wlth yen. where she should be, home, îng thîs motive, It would b ey Burllngton, qpent te weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. Miss yetHordanM. and where she plans to stay. nîce to have fI put back where Arthur Rend. John Lynete on, oan d Mr Sn- Christmas is fast coming t belongs. M.BBurton Trnt;da v n i us of wr.Sun- upon us, and a drive through- Dntfre kd.ti s te .Bberd teAshtRn, ot;da vnng etao rand! out the rieighboring streets,i Saturday when Santa Claus 1obead vnRed Io-Mrs. John Morrisette an taking ln the lovely view and'py his visit to the Lionsrnianville, were Sunday visi- family, Oshawa. paysihte edfaiy i9cenes made by outdoor Club Christmas Party ln thé . îhteRa aiy Miss Lynette Holroyd enter- l1ghts and decorations, 1-q a Communîty Hall. Every cliild T r and Mrs. Gordon Werry,j tained a few school friends in! real thrill. Let- us, hcwever, is welcome, plan to attend. trnoeer us a tl0 er home Friday evening for ail remenmber that a happy tirne Fred an nehbr ngstofM.nd r.Lly Christmas party. Is complete only with safety. Memorîal Hospital aeAMs htonTheHanpofamoirly. It- Check youq- lights fo r auî ae:Mis ris. Alex Wiqemnan, Sandv Th amtnChi1reet wirng kep ourtre wÎîDeborah Adair, Lloyd Ail-anCao.B mnvle visit- ed a medley of folk music and1 watered and neyer leave tree dra.Ms uteoahn d ber grandmother, Mrs.,sangs on Sunday morning' Iigts urnng henthee 1Mrs. Peggy Boyd, Mrs. Mar- T liane Cunningbam, Mrs. Mar-i Thmpson, on Tuesday. when they were guestsa ai noe one home. oeCunnhmMr. a- Mr. Douglas Blackburn, I Tyrone United Church. This is Cubs wIll hold their Christ-grtFro, WyeHz Kemptville. is home for the:the third time Hampton has rnas party ai their regular elden, Miss Ann Jaynes Gar -i Christmas holidays. !presented this type of folk ser- trne and meeting place next do Laking. Delbert Moore. Mr. and Mrs. E. Thampson. vice. Once in aur own church, Milton Dakin, right, was chosen "Fo rester of the Year" and presented with Monday night. In place of dues, Joseph O'Neill, Mrs. Eva f Bowmanville, visited his moth- ' once at Grace Carmen Church,1 thebos reto ri ga anSmith and Walter Smith. e.Ms .Thnpo nToot - owS yae a set ofi nitialed cuff links on Mondav night, durinci a special dinner meeting of! of pop, no bottles please.1 Mr. Douglas Wade bas re-1 Thursday. ýThe comments heard are ,Itt, Court Bowmanville 964. The presentation wsmaeby CifRne a They will join Scouts, Brownies turncd from Flin Flan, Mani-ý Club '21 ladies served for different", "very gaod", and. Westlake who congratulated Mr. Dakin for his outstanding w ork in the lodg'e anid Guides for w skating toba, where he was employedithe Woodsman Chrisimas f "We like il" etc. The thanks, over the past year. Visitors were presen t from Toronto and Oshawaonts poty-at the local arena. apo ong oM.BueHrt by the Hudson Bay Mining &'Panty at the Hapo ong aM.BueH rstonMn. ____ ________- Smelting Ca. Home now for Hall on Saturday cventng. tDouglas Dewpll for ail thein' special occasion. COMMUnitth, Christmas Holiday he will, Mrs. A. Thompson visiied i!efforts ln fonming this folk VUU.UIU UîerîyofGclh n.B.Mflnl.AIUINUhen return in Januiary ta ber brother and sister- in-lawmscfrtecar M nvrs iofeph. nsoe a lle. I arents please note! This. Mrs.Mare I.Garshor ha Bowanvlle.wasthe last week for the Inter- Bowlingreturncd home fnom a Carib- The school children will bel denaminatianal Bible club until, B w ngbéan holiday cruise ta Puerto' geting out of school on Fni-iate the holtdays. I ilrs' MODA LDIS Rico and St. Thomas, one off day for the Chritimas bali. -urne an January Sth. the irgn Isand dtsaveed dys.Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard' 175 and Over and named by Christopher; Club 21 are having a Pot were Saturday evening visitons' Ruth Couch 380 (850) triple, Columbus in 1493. A statue, luck supper and social evening!with Mr. and Mrs. Harny Ap-, Helen Counoux 2-56, Colleen lenecied in memory of Colum-1 ln the community which wil pleton, Whitby. and attended' Pickering 250, Diane Lang- bus now stands on St. Thomi- Ibe fheld ln the school on Sat,- ' aiv ahr n t the 1 " staff 234, Ina Brown 2.11, as Island. Puerto Rico Island urday evenin g. Supper ai 6, wedding recepiion of a cousin,' Thenesa Langstaff 220, Betty te 100 miles long and 35 miles o'clock. M n n.Fe pltn Mjr217, Joanne Hutton 24 ieadbsapplto f Haydon Correspondent wish- rsFe Apto0 Aita Langstaff 213, Joyce 2,500.000. The temperature ig 1 es the Ediior and Staiff of the! i o nsale hrsw Stephenson 212, Lillian Far- ln tbe mid-seventies and the iCanadian Statesman a Merrv,[Did lyou no censimaia row 212. Grace Couch 211, rainfal h sufficient ta pro-1 Christmas and a Happy er ealybne nc pna Nancy Williams 209, Doreen duce lusb vegetation, buge 'Year, and aiso to al itheimYsinteNwWrd Néel 208, Juanhia Martin 207. n, mjsi aoav aesa hsclîn the Colonial Court of Massa-i Bey Lake 207, Fran Lunn 202, and teak trecs. The National _______ chusetts in the year 1659 mae MayHenderson 195, Marilyn Flower Tree, the Flamboyant, tacinlofnetaee Major 192, Dorothy Turanskv ta a beautiful red, and the Hi- IbaeCrsmsndlvdà 188, Dorothy Mercer 187, Jean biscus Poinsettias, Flowering HAMPTON four shilling fine for &iiy via- Allin 181, Vicky Bltght 181, Cacti and many ther flower-: Jalons but the Law was r- Mary Gar'rod 180, June Posit,-ng plants, ail calons, adors M.adMs oknSuhpealed in 1681, And also ln the 178. the rasdsad gres wene supper guesis lasi week l 7th century in England when MEN 20 an Ovr Oangs, anaasciton cl-with Mr. and Mns. Wallace:Oliver Cromwell and bis puni- Gond Cowling 287, Jlm ons. spices, coconuts, 'dates. ýPascoe, Enfield. Sunday morn-itan followers overthnew thel . Bruton 280, Bill Farrow 2781ilemnons and other tropical ing callens ai the HoskenlCrawn. festivities honortng1 George Kimbal 269, Gond fruits and vegetabies are Smitbs home wene Mr. and Chnistmas were abolishcd by'VORC IE mýrpson 261, John Knclangcn, grown there. Mrs. Ray Smith and f amily, 1 an Act of Parliameni. But upon O C IE ic Pance 231, Ron Sut-_____________ Miltan. Sunday supper guesîs! the resioration of the Crown, Wilas20wo od t nilere M n Russel Vernaîagain allowed a festive" ce stý;READY To SERVE! H R U O Willlamsng226, MHon l Goodand Fnthuh history H R I H ry 215, Ted Walton 212, Mrs. Roy Meicaîf atiendediit gaca.j Wayne Flinioff 211, Clarence ýteBs ieGo egbriT ahadeeynn CROSS RIB ROi Ri-ver 211-, Er alo 1.ey Ne s Club for a deliciaus turkey wisb for a Merry Christmas: COOKED HM D on oo 206, Grey Fonget 1 0e s_ýinen ai the home of Missiand a Happy New Year. Bye1 201. ~~~~~~~~~Anne Holp lasi week. now!_______ i B T O TO H N O TO NEWTONVILLE LADIES Thursday, Dec. Il - Juvenlle. Sorry ta repart Mn. Herman B T O T H N R » 175 and Over Newcastle 5 - Pickering 5. Vanderbet is stil a patient ini Wyllenc am 5,Agl Newcastle goals went te Bnian Oshawa General Hospital. Ali. E NSKL E Tiollen 253, Mr MacDonald A1 ua d Bia our fiends wish yau a speedy 242, Josie Welter 206, Wtlda Anderson from Jtm ToyanIecovery. Simpson 197, Maria Tuk10 Glen Murphy, Bill McCullough fMr. and Mns. Hanold Balson! Sec Coming Events for the l Carol Wcathcrup 175. 'frfom Glen Murph3T, Steve i and Grcg spent Sunday with1 concert sponsored by the i THURSDAY MIXED Black from Tlm Walton and! the A. W. Baisons ai Kinîgsîan. C.G.I.T. wltb local and ln- ua m m u apeeaBrn.Pe 200 an OverBill McCullough wlth bis sec-ý Satunday evening vs ton music by guesti y EJIA it 1annab Farrow 245, Marilyn oni from Bruce Aldred and with Mn n rs inl'antists. T ick etis available! E LE H M 14-16 LBS ;b79 maPOR AUA E Couch 215, Wesley Fonget 215, Tîm Walton. Penalties went!Hickey and family were Mn.ifram C.G.1.T. members. * ' I.9 MieLaBrn EenrPerin 211, Gneg For- ta Bill McCullough 2, Steveand Mrs. Stuart Lamb and: Regular C.G.1.T. meeting. CENR E L.III OR STEAKS ibAp.LfBrn Eea 10 nan dZlf29 Black 2, BrIan Anderson,i family, Enniskillen. Saturday, December 201h ai AN E AMîz Paul Barchard 207. Mary Mac- .lnMupy Tim Wallon and! Callers during the week ati 1:30 the church. Gregor 202, Bob Glanville 200. Jerry Murphy each with onec. the A. W. Prescoits were Miss Mrs. Eanl Trewin acca-i- FRIDAV MIXED Friday, Dec. 12 - Atom f!Marion Prescait, Brooklin, and pantcd Miss Aidta Stecle,» 200 and Over Newcastle 6 - Bowmanville Mn. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson, Oshawa, ta their cousin's W@ reserve 13i1 Alin 30 1. Hon Good i 2. Kevîn Hawes gaI two Ajax. Mrs. A. W. Prescot ad funenal. the laie Mn. Ed Cox,' M anp Tlj me e iis , mL. limit quart 299, Esthen Allin 286.,McIV[r lgoals, bath unassisted. Bnianla nice surprise on Sunday' IIslington. on Friday. , NO DEEift0Durittàyi JUIU U5Jyw 55erg mal fami Henry 286, Trace Emnbley 255,lAllin got anc from Danny1fwhen a former pupi of bers, 'Mr. and Mns. Clare Periga. fment&. VAEdc Nesbit 250. ickBd lQinney and MIke a llon M. a-inDcvii Fn-anan fail,-rs;AmaÈen- .&P_ S-RighM- .and_20 L S & OVE A Merry Christmas sud a' Tnwn Leagne wrsa hehm fthein ag tedac f18o SCombines 1n - Partnen's 5. e1desi son Mn. and Mns. Lav- t Sunday marnnng. the langesi! Happy Ne- Year toeour oig Cmhe.FrdA-en lmns hs tedn f the yean. CongratulatIons,' FJLE b .r Neighbors snd Frienda. f dred 5 goals 1 assist: Pet. Mc- iwere Mn. and Mrs. Naran'kecp up the good wonk. i8-INCH P T T H Florence, Bruce Culiough 3i geais. 3 assist.!~Clemens and Kehth. Toronto. M and Mnald ereSanî Tewîn 24-OZ P T T H 1 Bb Darach, 1 goal. 2 assistat:'Mr. and Mns. Ronald Clemens, Norman, Mark, Glen Rowe. 1 goal; Roger Mc- IBnent and Brod, who arc the c ning visiiors of Mn. and Mns. PIE Duff. 2 assista; Lavenn Bnown,Igreat grandsons ofMnad Mrs.o Cemn Donald and Stewýart assist. Mrs. AIbin Clemens and Mn.. and eys, M nCem Pantner's-Bill McCulIough, and Mrs. Barry Clemens andanbosMr and Mrs. Mur-, Tilison ! 3 goals; Hugh Little. 1 goal, Mns. Arthur Banchard. nay Axford and Melanie,' Hampton; Mr. and Mrs. Jimn AIORISELESNVL 5l-lf.2 assista; Bob Tugwood,1 goal,, Mn. and Mrs. Melbourne.M Ilen and Dannyl, Oshawa, -Prime and Susan were Satun-, were Sunday evcning dinnen'CRSMSFVUIE 1' E' for a ~~~~I day evening visitons wiih Mn. auesLs cf Mr. and Mns. EdgarnAIOA O RDFEH RE Wîth Evr Good Wish fora and Mrs. Canal Bucklen and i AIZNA O.1 ghEî.EGRE family, Oshawa.MradMs r ule Mr. nd Ms. en Keinand Dannyl have moved this -LREfR HASOAG / err nuzrsta Neinhuis and Bnian, Masteriweckend in their new home Norman 'Hunt wene Sunday 'on th new Scugog Road. m mid a visitons in Toronto la su isKlh hr wsFl *WntrWonderland"' ai lb. day nlght guest of Misa Sha- ana' us ~Uutomotive Building, aithieonWry app~ #oseto CNE grounds. Mn. and Mrs. Howard Brad-'é. rM. and Mrs. Fred Hniro)yd, Iay. Maple Grove, were visitons; flew r attended the Memonial Hospi-1 wlîh thein maither, Mn., E.; 'k te te citi ens heital's annual Dietany Christmas, page. -i to he itiensof he supper and dance on Satundavý Pleased ta .sy Mrs. R Virtue' o! Newcstle. revening ai SI.Joseph's Chunch. was home fnom hospital forI Village ofNwate Bowmanville. the weekend. Sunday supper guests with The Enniskillen Correspond- D. J. CUNNINGHAM, Mn, and Mrs. Fred Hoiroyd and ent would like in wish ai family were Mrsrs Hol- readers of this paper.M ' R«e ve I oyd and Mn. John Burton,IJameiç and bis staff, a veil Mion.1 Menry Christtmas and Happyl Mr. and Mrs. Fred }oroyd, and Proaperous New Ysmr. i 'f The Canadien Statesman, Eowmanville, De. 17, iff PONTYPOOL Our comxnunlty was shock-, yeans worked et the butcher cd and saddcned by the sud- trade wlth the. late Jesse Pin. den passing ai Mr. Roas nin. He had lived ini Oshawa Hamilon frm a h aiatack. Ifor rnany yeara. To am io fr nd het d- Last week we ennounced To he idw ad fvechid-that Donnle Brown had ré. nen we extend oun inmpathy. eived an award tin )empt. Mrs. Clifi (Yvonne) Pallia ville College.We ote i was the winnen of the snew- ibis month's Wc otcetln mobile ln the dnaw ai the *'Lgic', OafMi thSea dance sponsored by the tine- Masters of Pontypool had won men on Friday evenin R. A a buray ($200) award for good crawd was present and sudents attending toachens' cnjoyed the music cf Faye college. These awards were Adams and bis orchestra. made possible by donations The draw sponsoned by the from the Ontario Command L.OL. and L.O.B.A. Icok place and Ladies' Auxiliarles toi iWednesday evenlng. The wtn- Royal Canadian Leglon. Susan 1 ner cf the 25-1b. turkey was ta the daughter ai Mr. and IMrs. Walter Fallis, the amaîl- Mns. Dave Masters. er anc wvas won hy Mrs. We wene glad ta be able te Curtis McKay and the $5 bill drop ln and say "Hello" ta Mn. by Mrs. HethenIngton of jack Armstrong who tg ne- Toronto. cuperatlng after a recent viSit Christmas troisg were well in Ross Memonial Hospital. covened wtb snow and tee Lindsay, ' for the weckend. Most grow-i White Gift Sunday waa oh.. fens report excellent demnan d servcd Sunday mnorning heris. andi mosi mcce lots were dlean- The Officiai Board meeting cd up on Sunday. scheduled fer Sunday eve:ùng Tickets for ail New Year's ' was postponed due te . the Eve da nces are going fast n i sudden death ci Rose Remit- gone. Last repart Millbrookiton. was sold Out and Pontypoal I had vcny fcw lefi.1 Our hockey icani iooakn- BROWN'S otber game on Sunday by a 2-1 score. iBonsBs esim We understand that L rwnaBsyBi iQW paper will h' printed on ibers gathered on Saturday Tuesday of Christmas week. cvcning, Decemben l3th, and Jusi ln case we misa the mail pnocceded ta the two Rest 1 wvould hîke 10 wisb evcryonecHmsi ecs c enn a veny happy Christmas andHoeinNwat, arg the v~ery besi ln 1970. Tbanks guifs Of nicely annangcd fruit ta ahl who helpcd me secure baskets for the patients Ihere. newvs and gave me thein sub- During their visit they sang scniptions on renewals. Heop- Christmas carets for the en- ing I cao he of service te you joyyment of the folk who are ln the future and my sîncere unable te get oui at this joy- ihanks ta the Editen for bis oua Vume of the yean. gift2. From ihene thcy proceedcd We notice tbe passlng af Mr. te the home of Mn. and Mrs. Cecii Caulten of Oshawa. De- Robt. S.impson where gamet ceased was bon here about 80 were p1aye1 and a social ev. years ago and for several ening enjoyed. IED BRAND"' aBlade B*ns Removed ýAST AST EXCELLENT FOR BRAI8ING BLADR STEAK FR1814 NINCEO GaROND CHUi LT bS 9c Pirst 4 Ribu Oly - 7-ln.h Cet -ibtnl'89 PRIME RIS OS the rigkt te tities te for- y rOeIvire- L Reynolds I4eavy Dut>' 1s" Wide (44 Off Df FOILRa.-.P'io. e73 - SA VE 46 25-ft 'onl IC 1.00. 69ý 89, KE GTU r~r 'I

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