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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 12

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12 %écandian stategm, s&wmanville, Der- 17, 1969 tained focr Uieïr 23th Weddlng 12 ~Anniversary at the home ofj Tet i U their daughter, Mrs. tLarry Hign Scîiool Students rresent 'The Romancers' Ten' lSinclair, Newton'ville. Also g e A R V L Eattending were their daughter pa STA K V LLEAnn and Mr. and Mrs. Bruce "Wdraaday Cvening las t Mrs. Cari Todd ini charge and padad r L od 'week the Shiloh U.C.W meet-!a group o Christmas carols Mr. and Mrs, E. Shier, . ini WCat Mrs. Bert Trim' S'ung Mr Llew Hallowell'Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. M 8*trting at 8-.30 with a- de- leadig Rev. Snelgrove read1 Lloyd HallowellVs. tho -I1douS turkey dInner in the! the scrlpture passage and gave; Mr. Murray Curtis, Toron- tf reerseatio o-nwt 3 etheU message on "Peace". to. was a dinner guest with me ed at the long festive table- Ms os Todd read the Mr, and Mrs. Orme Falls, Sat- . ca Mnr. Trim had a fine Christ- secretairy's report on theiurday, mnu toie throughout wth a1 previous meeting and a few Miss Beulah Haiiowell. Mr. IMI1Y decorated tree and ac- idetails for the concert'at the Gerald Hallowell and Miss g ceuted by the warmth of her church Friday evenlng (to-INorma Hallowell and Uitti-e &ieplacé and her kindness. morrow) were gonile over vwith Michael Gray were weekendha Ater grace by Rev. SncF the mention that a fine pro-: guests at Mr. Sld Hallowell's. grOve ail reaily enjoyed lots of gramIn laarranged.Sri CtShlhws tcl delielcus thlngs and each placei Ice cream was served and attended'and Mrs, Lawrence M was mnarked with a favor of also candy and the exchange Farwaab;cag ~ L Chribtmaz bells. ' gift were distributed frontm music with -pcii practice sec - This was followed by the the tree by Mrs. Lawrence after for the childiren. A meein wih hePreidntFarrow. Mr. and Mrs. C. Hoît. Toron- ( *Everyone thorougliy enjoy- CO. visited her mother, Mrs. a JOHN the pleasanit evening with F. gratitude ta Mrs. Trim and Mrs. L. Todd bas returned e nom ~rs. Todd expressed to her a ta her home.Fi hearty thank you for the de--- DELIITHg was closed with ie In the Editor's Mail D E U IT H ~~~Mitzpah Benediction. Ii:ifl e During the weekend there Enniskillen. R.R. 1,ha was pienty of activity with Dec. 15. 1969 M Genel Insurance snowmobiles about. FARMERS, ATTENTION!M ALL CLASSES 0F Mr. and Mrs. Harold Littie Dear John: PEISONAL and and Laurie, Campbeliford. Enoedpasfidaew COMERCINAL Lan were Sunday guests with Mr. release from the Ontario Fed- ...e. Contc:MCILLiAN n Mrs.dLlew Hallowe) s. ation of Agriculture dateri ec11/69. (The release p JOHN McILA on attended the Burley Bus pears eîsewîere. 623-3111 or 62.1-39.50 banquet at the Idalia, Port This release outlines the In- 14 FRANK STREET, Hope. Saturday. t.ended direction of the OFA. BOWMANVILLE Saturday evening Mr. anidin, a move to develop and Sin the farming country. 1 feel it is imperative that1 farm people support this Sendcavour by the new OFA. fexecutive to build a strong,' Aactive Gene:-aI Farmi Organ- Iization during the comingý vear". The OFA. la the oniy PraizonilGn eProvinceof On Thursday, Friday and Saturday of last week, cast from left ta rg, Ian Peter, Randy Gau oug ~ 2,Ontario a this me With the Bowmanville High School presented two plays in the Luxton, Mary Lou Swinghammer, Jerome Billett, Chris Stremendous pressures beingý Town Hall. Abave is a scene from one of th-e plays Terhune, Mike, Gilhoaly and Hugh Snider provided e~ â put an the agricuitural com- entitled "The Ronmanciers" written by Edmond Rostand. the audience with an evening of enjoymnent.y muiytoday by othe r seg- nethledrhpo ieo MsPaRu lte 1 ments of society, and. by gov- Udrte]aesi fDrco r.PtRnite_______ e rn men t Proposais (lýe.) - - - heavier estate taxes, promis- Vrnedigte vrne *es af higher costs to farmers Tumbling and exercises wereW and lower returns for their N E S T L EIO N given with Roy Suggitt, as - labori, made at the recent out-Do look con ference in Ottawa)i Mr. and Mrs. Herb Eagelson Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Thompsontheicexpianation [rom "ThielHusnadBbS i s * munly memer- ,~Mrs. ruce Bokeeairers.ndDGlnn, Osawa. ruce1 where are the farm people go- and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brue Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. George Evr I"adpae.i in oo r îing ta turn for assistance? ? ort Perry. visited with Mr.iJdhns, Nestieton, Mr. Wilbur iseRutDay" andprar. e heard i in oo r Last week farmers ln A-r;.i, uh rut ed h'Glenn Larnier led in a sing- Y .erta ointedthe wa.o!.th and Mrs. Gordon Gilison, Fri- Reynolds, Janetville, Mr. and minutes of the November; ogo hismsnrbr ww-, "utue y frmig auntedda rnon.Mrs. Geraid Stinson, rc eeting and gave the finan-' futue byformng aîînicd dy afternoI with Mrs. Larmer at the piano. i strong individual tebr;Ms rc rknhradGen saa cial report. Some unfinisbed 'This was followed by the play ship organization. The Farm-,Fenclon Falls, spent a few Your correspondent extends' business, regarding a future,'*Night in the Stable", enart- ers' Union of Alberta, 30,OOuda.ys aSt week wîth ber dau- compliments o! the season to'quilting, wa lne.Crs-'-e yPtrDietvBrvi strong and the Alberta Fed-ighter and son-in-iaw, Mr. anci the editor and staff of The1 mas carda were signed byi Van Camp and Bob Swa irl.e e ration o! Agriculture votediMrs. John Roffel and fam'iy Canadian Statesman and ta members, and gifts for shut-ý r fCb.le yMs overwheImingly to amalgam-ý Tuesday afternoon callers al i'ts readers. A very sincere ins to be sent by Christmas. Walter Welts, sang a number V thak yu i exendd t thse urterdiscussion was heldi o! Christmas carols. Threeî Aate. with Mrs. R. W. Jackson and 14kyu~exedd otoe ute ~iWith this goal In mmnd ta Mr. Alan Jackson were Mr.i wh submitted news and toi regarding the Sunday Sohoo boys, Peter Duivesteyii, Barry _X ~~o*~ - ~ strive for 1 appeal ta farm and Ms.I-owrtJckon s paper for their co-opea- Concert on Frid'ay. Dec. 19th. VnCm adRbrtPrc ~* (gtio<no in editing it. rReading by Mrs. Howard ' peope l Duham nd ntaio ountHorb. atuday ver 1 undy Sevicq 11 .participated in "0 Corne Lit-ý .' popltes tn Durham and Ontalo.Mni t vHiors eb. atr and!e-Suda ericLee, 'A Christmas Prayer,*"1 tIc Children". A 'Merry Couniesta gt ita nd blp iglt viitos wre M. ad In the Presbyterian Church, was followed by an artcle on'!hisms" sy i Lander H ardw are iiatonth OPAexecrtive Sutndayovernight guesta were Sunday morning Mr. Morley "Giving and Receivîng" by, rhvmes "spcn down"was glv-' iadmembers are proposing r.adMr.Arh o 1at Mitchell spoke of the birVh Of' Mrs. H. Visser. Mrs. Gordon e yagopo os hs Electrie S~~uccess will corne only If w eln.Sna lrwere John the Baptist, fore-runner Gilison closed the mneeting dbyr rdBak dadW- ok ogether ta heip our- the Geriald Jacksons, Port o! Jesus. In those timi ene-raigapae o Christ-, gerde, Doug Larmer, Roy, King St. E. Bownianville !selves. Yours triuly.Prran lc irlyJakrpIe were living in darkncss, mas and the New Vear, wrlt- Perl i caoî ---------------------------- (Executive Member O.F.A.1 Jackson, Beaver-ton, ise . receive factg froi various Truc Devidson, recent rnayor-. Danny Felstead. Glenn Gai-Ji fllY- tracts but they are not recieiv leet in Scarborougb. ing a couple of weeke' vaca- th rt.Tecorfv Luhwasredb Ms, tion with lier mother and ing tetuh h hi a- Lnhwssre yMs brothr orcd with an anthem with Grant Thompson and Mrs. i Loca fok wo ar hopi-Mrs. R. Davison at the organ. Richard Dai and the Rp-, Loca fol whi, ar hoi In the United Church, Rcv- preciation was extcndcd byi *talized are Mrs, David John Prend Victor Parsons chose "A. Mrs. H-. Lee. *,T in Port Perry, Mrs. Wilfred ighlt in tlec Darkniess" as the United Church Wamen M Vine, Mr. Kitchener Burton therne for his message for Nestîcton U.C.W. held their YÏand Mr. Orr Vennin*g In Bow-I this Advent Seson. Barry Christmas meeting at the: ~Imanville.1 Malcolm favored with tw<> home of Mrs. Bowers on * Mr. and Mrs. Wilton Creed. saxaphatie soli with lis i- Tuesday afternoon, Der., th.ý ~YBarrie, visited at the wec'k- ther accompanying en the1 President Mrs. Arnold Wil-' * . &I end witib Mr. and Mrs. Mal-~ organ. liams extended a welcomp. ta Vaicolm Emerson and attendedi Preshrvterian Ladieq' Aid ail and opened with a reading' Sthe United Church Sunday 'The Christmas Message was "Lov Camne Down at Christ- mornng.the themne of the meeting mas and ail rcpeated the Mrs. Ivan Proutt sppnt the;ý when the Ladies' Aid of Nes- Lord's prayer. weekend with lier daughteri leton Presbyterian Churchi 'nle busine;-r pcriod follow-: à and son-in-law, Mr. and MVrs.' met on Wednesday, Decemberied witb minutes read by the. John Buchan and family, t, in teSunday Scihool! ertrMs .Eesn &T',Lindsay. room. with an excellent at- and the treasurcr's report' VA Mr. and Mrs. VictorMa- tendance. Following a Christ- given by Mrs. B. Heaslip. Al colci visited Friday eveningl mas carol, the devotional waa "tba.nk you" waa receivcd for, t.wîth Mr. and Mrs. Bert Gib..- taken by Mrs. Cecil Wilson, a card sent to a sick member' son. Blackstock. rcading 'from St. Luke, with and tlirce carda were signed Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Cool-! -- 'for members in hospital. AI Ù-iedge sold their residence thisi card was also signed for Mr' R past week bhut they maintaîn1 Steel, formnerly of NestIeton., posession until Fpbruary 28. but now residing in Australia. SMr. and Mrs. Arthur Hyland Donations werc received for, VA îsited Mrs. Fred Toms, En-* the cheer boxes whchaet nîskîllcn, on Wednesday even- ï be packed in the near future.' ine wcrc Friday evening ary. * I j] i~~~~l"'pent ,heweekend wilb tîeirgoeniimooizd sno in hem prayerfully as they g gandarnts M. ad rs'.vehic]es. tell the wonderfui atory of ergBowr vey motorized snow;hic- Christmas. " iteTown of1 It's our favorite time of year - when we have EarlBow rq larknce . ]'îne rontui re a ae ps_ýedî B thlhem" and the mzah A practical gift th liams vîsitPd Wcdnesday atýtration plate for the eurrentýifg. PoIIy" HOLD-UPS the potny of wishing the home o!f Mrs, Lvall Carr'yvear. whether or not it la oper- A deliclious lunch was serv-' 2.50, in Smiaf , ME opportunîty ~~~f Port Hope, and wp.rc cveningiae n ihay ont re and everyone enjoyed a ueo hrsz alour good friends a very merry Christmnasl *y ;dinnpr 9gusts o! Mr. and Mn. 'townsbp rnad. If operated on': oial time. The appreciatin srof epr ea ail Dorîz Fraser. Part Hope :.a public road, insurance is was exbended by Mrs. Jackson. Nly LNpcai caliercs et the home of Mr. cmusras h rvr Cuba Christmas Concert ad Mrs, Clarke Williams, .1muat be at leat 18 years ai: The First Cartwright Cub HOSE, each 2 driirng the wepk, foliowingage . A and B Pack Christmas Con- pi .8 thei 5Oh Wddîg Anivr-1Over the previous winterlcert waR hcid Saturday, Dec.' sarv party were Mr. Marvin acason, a high recordafso- 3hat:0pm.nUiCo- 1 M* ad rs.MilonSte-phen-lon public roads. Many o! the Grand Howl. Cubmaster Wal-, T-nPM r and Mrs.M- hours of darknesm, and lack of. master ni -A pack, Mr. Ivan G and~f Mrs., The motorized snow vehicle ers. Reverend Victor Parsons, r A en, = îeMr urs Bruce 'should be u-ed only on a snow Chapiain et the Cartwright' enimlip. . covered surface. Anyone oper- Cuba and Scout Movement,' wr. n .*. McCabe ating & snowmobile on har-d- led in prayer. i'ebVd trGle Wed- packcd or lcy surfaces oi a! For the program, Terry Mc-, UAiVà1Ot* quiêti in a weil-travelled publie thor- Clurg rccited a poemn "Chris-, NNS nYft- oughfare la asking for trouble nuas Dreani". Another pocrn! *èdi"#fDEeen-Iand will inevitably get it. "Christmnas Lights" was given! Dm ~ ~ t>'~on: .cime r that the ruies for by thrce boys. Blair Graham, IS. E pubic moor ehile n aDean Stanley and Bily P'ra.n- Kin pul thoroughfarc, are the cià. A little "nild time", band,, 5 Kn St E sae ulsgoverning snoiv- eonsistlng of svnby 4"" fflmbile. (Country Style) led by Perry ah, Norman BErd, Len Eart, dma auWhoamnted vere isn Carl Viieger and Dale? and Thompscm. ifiams. AU boys and the Nentletoii Turkey gho#r rents sang "Silent Nigfht-. In spitk- et severi other Cubmaster Walter Welts similar events. the Nestieton resided for the investiture of -*Turkey Shoot". Saturday af- lark Robinson. Lawrence ternoon. Dec. l3th. sponsored ooledge and Dwayne. and hv Lawrences Country Store, iev werpe nrofled as Cub was a real auccess. Sports imbere. Tlipir fathers pre- fans froin Vancouver. Osh. rited them - with thp Cuh awa. BowrnanviUe. Oropo, ýp. Stoutfville and surroundin.f Santa Claiuý arrivedi and area participated in the rom. ave ail] th4ý rhîidren a trfat, petition. A unhqup Chrîs1ma,% parcpl The weather wasý ideal, d fivp wrapp.,ngs, (11 Mrý clear and cool. Constable Ken ost. Group Chairman. with Hud.son and David Malcolmn hrirtmag (ard pnclosed. (2) assisted Mr. Lawrence and r. Wherier. pasi chairman. everything went smoothly and ;oc a <'ard. (1, Mr. Porrili. according t<, sehedule. rretar\ a card. (4) Mr. The ten Grade A Canada ;l.tntreasurcr, a card, Packer., turkeys were won by 5on tho, inside, Mrg. Ad- C. Smith, Fred Thomas. Don m. a card and a box of Lee, Don Prosser aind Mrs. locolates ln thank her for Aima Emerton. r two years a" pre-sident of To satisfy the pangs of the irst Cartwright Ladies' Aux- Inner man Mri. Lawrence, as- iarv. sisted by her daughter Miss The Cuhsý are to be corn- Martha Lawrence, served hot ïnded as thev rmade ail the coffee and doughnut. Pcorations. for the tree and Everyone la looking forward 1]. Leader- Mr.s. Wilkinson, to another Turkey Shoot in l'orrl.-a nd- Mrs. .FEHis the near future. THAT i FINE - TUNES ITSELF ! AUTOMATIC FINE TUNING (AFT) kvailable ln 19", 22" and 25" CONSOLE A ow As 25" sereens. Justone f69h r9.00n Juat ancof thpre r$699,0 RCA Victor Color TV. wltli Trade MYLES Radio Sales MYL& Service .3 silver st. Phone 623-3482 T Poily® fore veiy woman bar's sure ta please 1 Choose 1Prtty S, «pair 1.75 or PANTY HOSE, each ldium or Large. ,.OR If you're flot -give her one-size stretch "Pretty ns". They're available in MESH 59c, HOLD-UPS, pýair 1-59, PANTY 2.00 or SHEER SUPPORT HOSE,

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